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What does it do?
Two Google add-ons work together to make viewing student
work and returning graded rubrics easier for teachers and
(hopefully) students.
If you learn better by watching...
There are many tutorials on how to do this all on YouTube. Feel
free to search there until you find one that works for you or
simply use this one here.
How do I get them?
● In your Google Doc, Sheet, etc. go to the add-ons menu and
select “Get Add-Ons.”
● Search for and install Doctopus and Goobric.
Creating your Goobric
Rubric must be in specific format for Goobric to function
properly. Use Google Sheets to create Goobric before


LEAVE BLANK Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 Score 4

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

Category 4
Doctopus Steps
● Create new Google Sheet.
● Launch Doctopus from Add-On menu.
● Select option to ingest from Google Classroom and select
appropriate class/assignment.
● You may choose to ingest only “turned in” assignments or
all--whichever works best for you!
● Recommended you still personally check the assignment in
Classroom as some students sometimes upload things not in
the way we expect and it may go “uningested” by Doctopus.
○ I typically get this when a student, instead of posting their actual
assignment, posts a link to the assignment as a comment. Not a huge deal
really but Doctopus won’t recognize it and you could miss it.
Attach Goobric
● When prompted, attach previously created Goobric. You
will have rubric options to choose from that allow students
to view rubric, make comments, etc.
Start grading!
● You may choose to create a formula in your Google Sheet
to add rubric scores automatically.
● Be sure to click on “Asses File” to view the assignment in
the Goobric tab.
● You may make specific comments directly on student
work (if a written assignment) or in the comments tab.
● You also have the option to record audio comments (I
have not used this personally just because I think most
students would prefer to read the comments than listen).
● Be sure “email scores to ______” is selected!
● As add-ons, Doctopus and Goobric are not managed
specifically by Google and there are sometimes issues. Feel
free to utilize the support group forums as needed as the
communities are typically fairly responsive.
● Doctopus especially can do A LOT more than just this and
you may find it helpful in other areas as well in terms of
distributing and/or managing student work.
● Especially large classes (30+) or assignments with multiple
or large attachments may take longer to process.

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