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Nama : Ketut Gede Rai Wistika Putra

No : 20
Kelas : XI MIPA 6

How To Make Terang Bulan Chocolate

A. Ingredients
 250 grams of all-purpose flour
 30 grams of granulated sugar
 1 egg
 400 ml of liquid milk
 1/2 teaspoon salt
 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
 Butter / margarine for spread.
 Meses Chocolate
 Sweetened condensed milk

B. Uttensils
 A Spatula
 A bowl
 A cutting Board
 A Knife
 A spoon
 Teflon
 Stove

C. Step
1. First, Enter the flour, sugar, eggs, liquid milk, and salt into a bowl. Then stir until evenly using a spatula, Next leave
the dough for 1 hour at room temperature.
2. Second, Prepare tefflon,after that mix baking soda with a little water, then put it in the mixture and stir until smooth.
Pour about 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture into the pan..
3. Third, Sprinkle a little sugar, then cover the pan and bake with low heat until the terang bulan mixture appears porous
and dry. If the terang bulan is cooked, remove the terang bulan and place it on the cutting board. Then spread the top of
the terang bulan with butter.
4. Fourth,Then add enough sweetened condensed milk. Then sprinkle with chocolate meses.
5. And terang bulan is ready to eat.

D. How To Garnish
 Terang bulan garnish by strawberry

E. How To Serve
 Serve terang bulan with coffee or tea

F. Tips
If you want to make terang bulan chocolate, you must :

 Use a thick, non sticky skillet

 Apply margarine or butter while the terang bulan is hot
1. Make what in the procedure text above?
A. Terang Bulan Chocolate
B. Banana
C. Martabak
D. Sandwich
E. Hamburger
Answer : A
2. How many egg are needed to make the procedure above ?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 11
E. 22
Answer : A
3. How many ml of liquid milk is needed ?
A. 200 ml
B. 400 ml.
C. 1000 ml
D. 300 ml
E. 401 ml
Answer : B
4. How many spoons of salt are needed in the procedure text above ?
A. ½ teaspoon
B. 2 spoon
C. ½ spoon
D. 9 teaspoon
E. ¼ teaspoon
Answer : A
5. Terang bulan garnish with ?
A. Hamburger
B. Noodles
C. Soda
D. pineapple
E. strawberry

Answer : E

6. how to serve terang bulan ??

A. Tea or coffee
B. soda
C. tea
D. tea and soda
E. coffee
Answer : A
7. how tips to make the terang bulan ?
A. Apply margarine or butter while the terang bulan is hot
B. Maybe no
C. nothing
D. Apply margarine or butter while the terang bulan is hot and Use a thick, non sticky skillet
E. Use a thick, non sticky skillet
Answer : D
8. Which includes the above procedure equipment is ?
A. Cutting boards
B. plastic
C. t-shirt
D. milk
E. baking soda
Answer : A
9. what taste terang bulan above ?
A. strawberry
B. cheese
C. chocolate
D. pineapple
E. banana
Answer : C
10. which includes the first step is ?
A. Sprinkle a little sugar, then cover the pan and bake with low heat until the terang bulan mixture appears porous and
dry. If the terang bulan is cooked
B. Nothing
C. Prepare tefflon,after that mix baking soda with a little water, then put it in the mixture and stir until smooth. Pour
about 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture into the pan..
D. Enter the flour, sugar, eggs, liquid milk, and salt into a bowl. Then stir until evenly using a spatula, Next leave
the dough for 1 hour at room temperature.
E. Then add enough sweetened condensed milk. Then sprinkle with chocolate meses.
Answer : D

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