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If Moses would have been judged by the Israelites by his leadership results, he would
have come way short.
They all complained: rebellion: I don’t like what you did in authority, I would do it
Joshua was not obedient because of His discernment but because he understood the
principle of submission and obedience.

Proverbs 21:1

Esther speaks in a submissive, respectful way.

We can discuss, that’s fine but once the leader gives a direction, we must follow with
one heart, mind,…
God turned Saul’s heart through David’s submissive attitude.

If we do the most difficult thing for us, it means we will do everything for God.

Do we seek His authority in the delegated authority?

We can submit to the pastor’s authority. What the pastor decides is between Him
and God. The only time we should not submit is when it goes against God’s word.

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