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Online Appointment management System


Visitor Management System is specially designed to keep track of visitor

coming and going out of the premises. With this system you will be able to
expedite the visitor registration process, determine who is still inside of your
premises and notify the system users once the banned visitor intends to sign
in or sign out.

Security provided at various premises from the unauthenticated or unwanted

visitors. Visitor management system is the easiest and safest method of
security. It indulges an easy registration procedure.

Visitor Management System provides innovative solution for Appointment

Management. Visitor can log into the website of the organization by adding
his or her name, address, phone number and Email id of the visitor for
obtaining the appointment. The officials in the organization can schedule the
appointments recognizing the online visitor by the Email or Phone number.
The system in turn recognizes the visitor when reached the organization.

This system utilizes the latest technology which enhances the security in the
facility. Employees and visitors will feel more secure and protected and it
will create a great first impression on the corporate image.

All the details will be updated and identified for the future references. If the
visitor is visiting multiple time he/she can be logged in using phone number
or email. The statistics ensures and records access to hosts only on prior

Once the visitor books his/her appointment, The Message gets forwarded to
host through SMS or by Email id. when the host receives the request from
the visitor, host schedule the date and time of meeting and sends the message
to the visitors Phone number.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System




In existing system there is a huge trend of visitor visiting the company

without knowing the presence/absence of the host. Because of the
inconvenience the visitor may have to wait for whole day. The host may visit
the visitor in the evening or any time of the day depending on their
availability. Some are popular and known to all while some are known by
few people. This situation proves to be a challenge for new practitioners as
they are known to very few people even if they have a good academic
background. On the other side, visitor also face difficulty in finding the host.
Unscheduled appointments, long waiting lines are also the common
problems faced by the people.



The hardware requirement are very minimal and the program can be run on
most of the machines.

Processor : Pentium 4 processor

Processor speed : 2.4 GHz
Ram : 1Gb
Storage space : 40Gb
Resolution : 1024*768 or 1336*768 or 1280*1024


Operating system : windows 10

Software used : Nodejs
Front end software used : React Js
Back end software used: Mongo DB

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System


3.1 System Overview

We are implementing a web-based appointment system for booking an

online appointment and keeping an online visitor history. Visitor can sign up
online, search for the available host and book appointment while sitting at
their homes by using a web browser. Two different types of actors are using
this system: user actor (Visitor), which can be registered to the system,
search for the host and book an appointment. Administrative actor
(Receptionist/Security), They can log in to the system with a username and
password, accept Visitor's appointment request and update visitor’s record
after each visit. The functionality and more features are explained in more
detail in this chapter.

The main characteristics of the system are:

• Every individual either a Host or a visitor will have an independent id,

name and a profile. Host are further categorized by the designation of each
(i.e. ……………………. etc.)

• The user (Visitor) can get, change or cancel appointment time and view
visitor’s record while the host can make changes in his calendar and accept
or reject appointment request by log in to the site and accessing his/her
personal page.

4.2 Use Cases

To explain the better view and functionalities of the system, use case
diagrams are chosen. The use case diagram is important to document the
requirement of the system as well as to specify functionalities of the system.
Use case diagrams better explain the way the user interacts with the system.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Use case Diagram

Figure 1: Use Case Diagram

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

4.1 Visitor’s use case

Figure 4.1.1: use case for visitor

Use-Case 1: Registration

Primary-actor: user/visitor.
Description: To make an appointment, user registration is required.
Precondition: Phone Number and valid email address.
Basic use-case flow: For the registration process, the user/visitor needs to
give some information by filling the form. Some of the required information
includes the following:
Email address
Phone number.
Main scenario: The user/visitor will go onto the visitor sign-up button from
the main page. After clicking the sign-up button, a registration form will

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

appear, where the user must give his personal information i.e. name, gender,
email address etc. After giving the required information user will submit the
form. If all the fields are filled including the valid email address, the user
will be registered onto the system. In case of any missing entry or invalid
format of an email, the error occurs onto the page.
Exception: invalid or email address.

Use-case 2: Login

Primary-actor: Visitor/user.
Description: Before taking any appointment, the user must have to provide
his username and password.
Precondition: the user must have a valid username and password.
Basic use-case flow: a valid username with a password must be entered by
the user.

Main scenario: To be able to get into the system, the user needs to
enter his username and password either from the main page . After
clicking onto the login button, authentication request will be
forwarded to the system.
Exception: wrong/invalid entered username or password.

Use-case 3: search for a Host

Primary-actor: User
Description: In this use-case, any registered user, can look and search for a
Host of any desired designation.
Precondition: this use-case has no exception.
Basic use-case flow: By going into the category of any specific Host, the
user can view the list of all registered host.
Main scenario: The user will go to the drop down menu of the host. A list
of all hosts will appear in a drop-down list. The user will hit on the desired
designation. After that, a page will open with all host of that specific . Now
the user has the choice to choose any host based on the requirement.
Exception: no exception for this use-case.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Use-case 4: Search for available Appointment

Primary-actor: User/visitor
Description: After choosing a Host user will go further to send an
appointment request from the available timings.
Precondition: the user must be login
Basic use-case flow: The visitor/user hits the button for taking an
appointment for the host. The visitor checks for the presence of the host and
request for appointment.
Main scenario: The user will hit the submit button to send the
request for approval.
Exception: this use-case has no exception.

Use-case 5: Books appointment

Primary-actor: User/visitor
Description: the user books the appointment.
Precondition: the user must be signed in.
Basic use-case flow: The user/patient will click on the name of the host and
select the requirement and book the appointment.
Main scenario: The user clicks on the button “submit” to book his/her
Exception: no exception for this use-case.

Use-case 6: Log out

Primary-actor: User/visitor
Description: the user will log out from the system.
Precondition: the user must be logged in
Basic use-case flow: the user can sign out himself from the system.
Main scenario: the user clicks on the log out button. The system will bring
the user to the main page for the generic user.
Exception: no exception for this use-case.

4.2 Host Use Case

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Figure 4.2.1:use case for host

Use-case 1: Registration

Primary-actor: Host
Description: To get online appointment requests, the Host must register
himself as a user on the application/system.
Precondition: Active email address.
Basic use-case flow: To register as a Host, the user must fill the form.
Required fields include the following information:
Full name
Email address
Main scenario: The Host has to go onto the host’s sign-up button
from the main page. After clicking the sign-up button, a registration

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

form will appear, where host has to give his personal as well as
professional information i.e. name, email, designation etc. After
giving the required information host will submit the form. If all the
fields are filled, request for registration will be updated.
Exception: Inactive email.

Use-case 2: log in

Primary-actor: Host
Description: For further functions, the user must have to provide his email
address and password.
Precondition: the user must enter the username and password.
Basic use-case flow: user/doctor should provide his username and password
to log in.
Main scenario: To be able to get into the system, the user needs to enter his
username and password from the main page. After clicking onto the login
Exception: occurs if fails to provide username and password.

use case 3: Accept or reject a request

Primary-actor: Host
Description: Host can accept or reject any visitor's request.
Precondition: Host must be signed in.
Basic use-case flow: Host selects any date and decides to accept or reject
any appointment request.
Main scenario: After logging in, all the visitor's appointment requests will
be sent to host mail id. host will select the date and time of meeting. host can
view all the appointment requests. host can select the option to accept or
reject the appointment request.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Use-case 4: maintain visitor’s details and information

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Primary-actor: Host
Description: Host can view the visitor's detailed information .
Precondition: User/doctor must be signed in
Basic use-case flow: After selecting the date, host selects the
visitor. Host can view the visitor's details.
Main scenario: After selecting the date, list of visitor’s of that particular
date will appear. host will select the visitor. Host can view his all
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Use-case 5: Maintain In/Out time of user

Primary-actor: Host
Description: Host can check for the In/Out of the visitor.
Precondition: Host must be signed in
Basic use-case flow: The Host can check for the visitor’s In/Out
time for future reference.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Use-case 6: Maintain meeting details

Primary-actor: Host
Description: Host decides the date and time of meeting.
Precondition: Host must be signed in
Basic use-case flow: After host receives the request from the
visitor. The host schedule the time of timing .
Main scenario: The appointment request received from the visitor’s will be
send to the host mail id. If the host is free he further sends back the mail to
visitor by scheduling the meeting time.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Use-case 7: log out

Primary-actor: Host
Description: the host will log out from the system.
Precondition: the host must be signed in
Basic use-case flow: the host can sign out himself from the system.
Main scenario: the host clicks on the log out button. The system will bring
the user to the main page.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

4.3 Admin use case

Figure 4.3.1: use case for Admin

Use-case 1: Login

Primary-actor: Admin/administrator
Description: A user, who possesses admin username and password, owns
administrative rights.
Precondition: username and password.
Basic use-case flow: Admin/user needs to provide the username and a
Main scenario: Admin/user enters valid username and password. After
verification, the user will be logged in as an admin and can use all the
administrative rights.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

Online Appointment management System

Exception: occurs if user provides wrong username/password.

Use-case 2: Manage users

Primary-actor: Admin/user
Description: User/admin can use his administrative rights.
Precondition: the user must be logged in as an admin.
Basic use-case flow: Admin/user can view, edit or delete any user
Main scenario: Admin can view, edit or delete any user or any information
related to host or visitor.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Use-case 3: log out

Primary-actor: Admin/user
Description: Admin will log out from the system.
Precondition: Admin must be signed in
Basic use-case flow: User signs out himself “as an admin".
Main scenario: User clicks onto the logout button. The system will remove
information from the local storage and brings the user to the homepage.
Exception: no exception for this use case.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TOCE

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