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Buzzworthy (adj): Likely to arouse the interest and attention of

the public, either by media coverage or word of mouth.

8. Bling (n): Expensive, ostentatious clothing and jewelry.

10. Chillax (v): Calm down and relax.

11. Crunk (adj): Very excited or full of energy.

12. DIY (adj and n): The activity of decorating, building, and
making repairs at home by oneself rather than employing a

14. Droolworthy (adj): Extremely attractive or desirable.

22. Infomania (n): The compulsive desire to check or accumulate

news and information, typically via mobile phone or computer.

26. Listicle (n): A piece of writing or other content presented

wholly or partly in the form of a list.

39. Screenager (n): A person in their teens or twenties who has an

aptitude for computers and the internet.

43. Truthiness (n): the quality of seeming or being felt to be true,

even if not necessarily true.

48. Vlog (n): A personal website or social media account where a

person regularly posts short videos.

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