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UNIT 1 i

WOU’s website and basic search

Unit 1

WUC 131/03
Learning Skills for
University Studies

WOU’s Website
and Basic Search
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Course Team Coordinator: Ms. Jasmine Selvarani Emmanuel
Content Writers: Dr. Tan Soon Yin, Mr. Fan Kok Keong and Ms. Jasmine Selvarani Emmanuel
Instructional Designer: Dr. Ng Wai Kong
Academic Member: Professor Cheah Kooi Guan

Ms. Jasmine Selvarani Emmanuel


Associate Professor Dr. K. Ramanathan, Centre for Distance Education, University Sains Malaysia

Editor: Mr. William Desmond De Zeeuw
In-house Editors: Mr. Khoo Chiew Keen, Ms. Koh Kah Ling, Ms. Michelle Loh Woon Har and
Ms. Ch’ng Lay Kee
Graphic Designers: Ms. Audrey Yeong and Ms. Leong Yin Ling

Wawasan Open University is Malaysia’s first private not-for-profit tertiary institution dedicated to
adult learners. It is funded by the Wawasan Education Foundation, a tax-exempt entity established
by the Malaysian People’s Movement Party (Gerakan) and supported by the Yeap Chor Ee Charitable
and Endowment Trusts, other charities, corporations, members of the public and occasional grants
from the Government of Malaysia.

The course material development of the university is funded by Yeap Chor Ee Charitable and
Endowment Trusts.

© 2007 Wawasan Open University

First revision 2010

Second revision 2014
Third revision 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without prior written permission from WOU.

Wawasan Open University

Wholly owned by Wawasan Open University Sdn. Bhd. (700364-W)
54, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050 Penang.
Tel: (604) 2180333 Fax: (604) 2279214
UNIT 1 iii
WOU’s website and basic search

Unit 1 WOU’s Website and Basic Search
Course overview 1

Unit overview 3

Unit objectives 3

1.1 The WOU’s website 5

Objectives 5

Introduction 5

How to access the WOU website 6

Main features of WOU’s website 9

Suggested answers to activity 11

1.2 Learning management system 13

Objectives 13

Introduction 13

Open distance learning and the LMS 13

The functions of the WOU LMS  WawasanLearn 14

Forum guide 16
Assignments and quizzes 17
Resources 17

Suggested answers to activities 19

1.3 Online assignment system 21

Objectives 21

Introduction 21

Advantages of using the OAS 21

Assignment submission deadlines 22

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

1.4 The WOU digital library 31

Objectives 31

Introduction 31

The role of digital libraries in open distance learning 32

Strategies for using the WOU digital library  33


Suggested answers to activity 37

1.5 Search strategies for information retrieval 39

Objectives 39

Introduction 39

What is a search strategy? 39

Library catalogue search strategies 40

Using MyCatalogue to locate library materials 40
MyCatalogue search strategies 42
Using Boolean Logic or Connectors 47
Using Truncation and Wildcards 52

Locating library materials 53

What is a call number? 54
How to read call numbers? 54
Locating a library material on the shelf 55
Library of congress classification 55

Digital library search strategies 56

Internet search strategies 57

Internet search engines 59

Suggested answers to activities 64

Summary of Unit 1 67

Suggested answers to self-tests 69

Appendix 71
UNIT 1 1
WOU’s website and basic search

Course Overview

T he main aim of this course is to develop and enhance a set of attitudes that
will lead to successful and independent lifelong learning in an open learning
environment. The course contents include how to learn effectively, manage stress
and time, prepare for tutorial sessions, write assignments, make short oral
presentations, prepare for various types of assessments, manage WawasanLearn in
WOU, use the electronic library, search for information via various sources, resources
and use evaluation criteria to select the most accurate, relevant and credible data.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

1. Develop strategies for utilising WOU’s website, learning management system

and the digital library.

2. Explain the various modes of open distance learning.

3. Apply effective learning and stress management styles to manage their studies
and personal lives.

4. Demonstrate skills and strategies they can use to handle various types of
exam questions and test anxiety.

5. Use appropriate academic writing and oral presentation techniques.

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 3
WOU’s website and basic search

Unit Overview

W elcome to Unit 1 of WUC 131/03 WOU’s Website and Basic Search. When you
needed additional information or reference material during your schooldays,
the place to go was either your school library or the public library. Here at WOU,
you can still continue doing that. But we also have an additional place for you to
go to now  the WOU website. This is a resource centre that is open 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week and it never closes. This unit will introduce you to the WOU
website and show you new ways of searching for resources here.

You will realise as you journey along with us that you will have to make changes
to certain aspects of your life. You may notice changes in your routine or schedule,
your mind set, your attitudes and more importantly, your way of learning. In this
unit we would like to introduce you to the various ‘in-house’ learning resources
that can help you handle some of these changes and make better progress in your
learning. We are going to begin with the WOU website  a site that will provide you
access to various resources that you can use to help you become a more competent
and capable learner.

Unit Objectives
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

1. Describe the main features of WOU’s website and list the resources available.

2. Describe the concepts and functions of the WOU Learning Management

System (LMS).

3. Explain the concept of digital libraries and elaborate on their advantages.

4. Describe the WOU digital library and the strategies for using the library.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 5
WOU’s website and basic search

1.1 The WOU’s Website

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Describe how to access the WOU website.

2. Identify the main features available on the WOU website.

You can access the WOU website through the Internet. The Internet is a network
of networks, linking computers to computers. The Internet is, in other words,
the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on another
computer. Among the services used by the computers on the Internet is the
World Wide Web (WWW) or Web for short. The Web was created in 1989 by the
European Particle Physics Laboratory based in Geneva, Switzerland. It is basically
an information delivery system. One can use the Web to seek many different kinds
of information as well as access many different types of services posted in the web.
To access a website, you need to use a client program, which is also known as a
Browser. Some of the commonly used browsers are Mozilla, Internet Explorer and
Netscape, among others. The main purpose of the Web is to organise and make
available widely scattered resources within easy reach of the computer user.

Information on the Web is organised into web pages. Web pages may contain
different kinds of information. Some of the web pages may contain only text
(characters), while others may contain graphics (text and pictures or illustrations).
The more sophisticated web pages may be multimedia based and have animation,
sounds and video images. The website, on the other hand, is a collection of related
web pages, just like a book that has many pages. Many organisations and individuals
have their own websites. For example, the Wawasan Open University has its own
website as do all the universities in Malaysia. The various government ministries
and departments also have their own websites.

The most outstanding element of the Web is that they have links to other resources.
When you access the pages of a website you may find links to other websites and
these links are called hyperlinks. These hyperlinks are usually highlighted or marked
differently in a document. Thus when a reader of a webpage clicks a hyperlinked
word or phrase, the browser will almost instantaneously jump from one web page
to another web page or document in a completely different website. In short, you
can think of the Web as a library and the millions of websites are like the books in a
library. Sometimes, a site may contain only a page while others may have hundreds
of pages, and they may be linked to other websites. However, you can only visit
one website at a time.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Today, websites disseminate information on just about anything depending on the

purpose of their creation. They are used for various different purposes and have
in effect started a revolution in making information freely available to anyone
and everyone. They can contain information on education, art, music, history or
culture. For example, a governmental website may contain information on policies,
laws, etc. while a website on a popular singer or actor may give you information on
his background, his songs or movies, etc. Believe it or not, there are even websites
like or that tell jokes just to give you
something to laugh about. In short, a website is anything its designers and writers
want it to be. Now that you know more about the Internet and Web, let’s take a
look at the WOU website.

How to access the WOU website

There are two ways how you can access the WOU website. The first is through
Mozilla Firefox. Look for the Mozilla Firefox icon on your computer and click on
it. This icon is located on the desktop or the taskbar of your computer.

Mozilla Firefox icon

UNIT 1 7
WOU’s website and basic search

If it is not there, click on the start icon.


Then locate the All Programs. Search for the Mozilla Firefox icon. Click on the
icon. A webpage will appear like the one shown below. On the address bar, type This will take you to the WOU Web Portal.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Mozilla Firefox

All Programs

address bar
UNIT 1 9
WOU’s website and basic search

Another way to access the WOU Web Portal is by using the Internet Explorer icon
in your computer. This icon is also located on the desktop or the taskbar of your
computer. If it is not there, click on the start icon. Then locate the All Programs.
Search for the Internet Explorer icon. Click on the icon. In the web page address
bar, type

Main features of WOU’s website

Look at the main page of the WOU’s website (shown below). This is the page you
will see every time you log into Look at all the icons,
links and the texts displayed here. If you have activated your student online
account with a self-defined password, you are ready to access the Portal. Click on
the My WOU Portal. This is the WOU Student Portal which was created for you
 the WOU learner.

What is a portal? The Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 3rd Edition (2001)
defines a portal as “a tall and impressive gate or entrance to a building.” This portal
is more than just an ordinary entrance. It opens the door to a website that will
provide you with a variety of services in the form of an online library, web search
facilities, email, chat rooms, news updates, and links to other websites. It is actually
the door to a new world of lifelong learning.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Activity 1.1

1. On the right, there is a short description of WOU. What can

you gather about the role of WOU from this description?


2. Which of the features in the WOU website tells you about:

a. the benefits of being an open distance learner:


b. the grading system used by WOU for your tests and



c. semester structure used by WOU:


d. what the WOU logo means:


e. accreditation of the WOU courses:


Web Reference

To read more about the topic, go to:
InvisibleWeb.html (Accessed 5 April 2016)
UNIT 1 11
WOU’s website and basic search


In this section, you learnt how to access the WOU website. Websites
provide access to various services and resources and they are
available round-the-clock. Similarly, the WOU website, as described
in this section, is equipped with various resources and services to
enable you to become a more efficient and successful learner.

Suggested answers to activity


Activity 1.1

1. It says that WOU offers working people a chance to study

further. WOU is not a profit making organisation. It emphasises
quality education and is also actively involved in open distance
education at the international level.

2. a. ODL  What’s That?

b. FAQ  Examination

c. Study With Us  All you need to know

d. News Room  Logo rationale

e. FAQ  Degree programmes

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 13
WOU’s website and basic search

1.2 Learning Management System

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Identify the role of the Learning Management System (LMS) in ODL.

2. Use the main functions in the WOU LMS.

This section will introduce you to WOU’s online learning environment. We assume
that you own a personal computer and know the basics of using it as well as the
strategies for surfing the Internet. If you don’t, ask your friends to teach you or
sign up for a course. It is important that you take the initiative because as an open
distance learner, you need the support of various resources to help you progress in
your learning. One such resource is the Learning Management System or LMS.

Open distance learning and the LMS

Open distance learning (ODL) is defined as a learning process or system in which
the teacher is separated geographically or in time from his or her students. Learning
is achieved through the implementation of computer and electronics technology to
connect teacher and learner, as and when required, in either real (synchronous) or
delayed time (asynchronous). ODL also accommodates different and/or multiple
learning styles. But how can all these be accomplished? This is where the Learning
Management System or LMS comes in.

The LMS is a software package that allows the management and delivery of
content and resources to students. The LMS technology has now become an
integral part of teaching and learning in ODL because it is extremely flexible in
its customisation and its ability to support multiple learning environments. Most
LMS systems are web-based and enable learners to access the learning content
and administration “anytime” and “anywhere”. They also allow learners self-
service such as facilitating registration for courses and providing access to course
materials. In most LMSs, you may even find virtual live classes and resources such
as books and instructors. Thus, through the LMS, learners are able to read course
materials, complete assessments, quizzes and tests from the convenience of their
personal computers, while contributing to live discussion forums and chat sessions.
In ODL, the LMS provides a place:

• For learner’s expression.

• To connect with other learners.

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

• To dialogue with the tutor and Course Coordinator.

• To seek mentoring and live help.

• For content interaction among learners and/or tutor and Course Coordinator.

The functions of the WOU LMS  WawasanLearn

The LMS in WOU is known as WawasanLearn. It stores your course website where
all the information concerning your course is located. It guides your learning and
complements your tutorial sessions by making available varied and additional
learning opportunities. WawasanLearn also provides you with a platform to
connect to the teaching (tutors and course coordinators) and learning community
(learners from all over the country) at WOU. Shown below is the WawasanLearn
main page.

Now let us look at the features in WawasanLearn that will help enrich and
accelerate your learning experience at WOU. We mentioned above that as an open
distance learner you need to constantly interact with tutors, Course Coordinators
and course mates. To enable you to do this efficiently and effectively, the
WawasanLearn has made available the forum. This is one of the most important and
useful learning tools for an open distance learner. This is where you get to ‘meet’ your
tutors, Course Coordinators and your course mates (not only from your centre but
from other centres as well). This is where you will have the opportunity to discuss,
collaborate and brainstorm with all of them. In addition, it also provides you with
information and resources to help you complete and/or submit assignments and
quizzes. Shown below is the website for Learning Skills for University Studies. Go
through each part of it so that you will have an idea of how it works.
UNIT 1 15
WOU’s website and basic search

There is also a section where you can go and get information about your tutor and
his/her telephone tutoring hours.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Forum guide

Now that you are familiar with the course website and your tutor details, we shall
look at how the forum can help you in your learning process. Basically, there are two
main types of forum that you can participate in through the WOU portal: Learning
Forum and General Forum.

1. Announcement from Course Coordinator  This forum on the latest course

announcements, course materials and course related information and it
will be updated by the Course Coordinator. Check this forum regularly as
the updates posted by your CC will be very essential to your learning.

2. Announcement from Tutor  This forum on the latest tutorial

announcements will be updated by the tutor. Course related information
for the tutorial class will also be announced here.

3. Tutor Contact Details  This forum will be updated by each tutor assigned
to the course. Each tutor must post his/her contact number and available
time for tutoring here.

4. Public Forum  This forum can be posted by anyone enrolled in the course
for discussion on general issues. Please do not use this forum to ask specific
details about your TMA or course content. That needs to be posted on
your class tutorial forum.

5. Tutorial Forum  This is a dedicated forum that students and tutor(s) can
use to post/communicate with each other to discuss tutorial specific issues
within the same tutorial class such as queries on TMA. It also provides an
avenue for seeking answers or clarification to issues, doubts or any questions
that you might have related to the course content as well.

Activity 1.2

As a new learner, you may have questions or doubts that you

would like to share with your tutorial mates. Write down questions
or doubts on the areas which you would like feedback on in the
learning forum.

UNIT 1 17
WOU’s website and basic search

Activity 1.3

There may be questions or issues that you may want to get more
information on or discuss with your course mates from the other
Regional Office. Write down one question or topic that you would
like feedback on.


Assignments and quizzes

WawasanLearn also hosts the course websites. This is where you will find all the
information and announcements related to the various courses you take. As you
would probably know, you are required to complete two tutor-marked assignments
(TMAs). WawasanLearn is one avenue for you to submit these assignments. You must
submit the assignments online. Feedback on your performance (grades or comments)
will be given at a later date. If you have any questions or comments on the TMAs,
you can always post them on the class tutorial forum. There is always the inevitable
deadline for submitting your TMAs. This will be stated in the course website.

Apart from that, you may also have quizzes to answer. They may be multiple-choice,
short-answer, filling-in-the-blanks or true-false type of questions. Although these
quizzes do not contribute any marks towards your assessments, they have been
included to help you assess your own progress, just like the self-tests in your course
materials. You can answer the online quizzes directly on the course website. You
can attempt the quizzes either once or more than once. If you are allowed to take
a quiz more than once, the number of attempts will be shown on the top left-hand
corner. So one of your main responsibilities is to read all the instructions carefully
before you begin an online quiz.


WawasanLearn also provides you support in terms of the resources you need to easily
view the course materials. For example, you may need Acrobat Reader to read a
handout given by your Course Coordinator in PDF format. Another resource that
WawasanLearn has made available for you are the links to external web references.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies


In this section, you learnt about the functions of the Learning

Management System or LMS. At WOU, the LMS which is known
as WawasanLearn, makes available various resources that allow you
to further supplement and improve your ODL experience. It also
hosts your course websites through which you can get information
on everything related to your courses.

Self-test 1.1

1. In your own words, explain what a learning management system

or LMS is.


2. Describe three ways the LMS can help you as an open distance


3. Name one difference between the discussion board and the

public forum.


4. You have a doubt concerning one of the Self-test questions in

a Learning Skills unit. Describe how you can use the LMS to
help you to clear this doubt?

UNIT 1 19
WOU’s website and basic search

Suggested answers to activities


Activity 1.2

Sample question: Some of you may even work on Saturdays and

Sundays, so how are you going to find time to study?

Activity 1.3

Sample question: Do you think 21 weeks is enough to cover all

the materials?
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 21
WOU’s website and basic search

1.3 Online Assignment System

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Explain the role and functions of the OAS.

2. Demonstrate how to use the OAS effectively.

Online assignment submission (OAS) is a system that caters for all the University’s
needs in terms of receiving assignments from students, making them available to
tutors to mark, returning grades, comments and marked work to students and
keeping the Registry and course administrators informed at all stages of the process.
It enables you to deposit your assignments with immediate acknowledgment, and this
is available for all courses via Through this system,
you need only to log in and click on the relevant course to submit an assignment.

Advantages of using the OAS

The main advantage of the OAS system is the convenience it offers  you need not
travel to your Regional Centre to deliver your assignments, nor do you need to go
to the nearest post office to mail you assignments. This also eliminates the need
to allow time for posting and ensures that all students have the same deadlines. It
removes the hassle of travel by both tutors and students whilst eliminating the need
for printing. You will also be able to receive your evaluated TMAs with comments
and view your TMA grades online

The system also allows administrators to have a centralised and accurate record of
submissions. As the assignments are automatically deposited into the system, they
are instantly recorded. An electronic system reduces the amount of paper handling
required. The Registry staff do not need to photocopy assignments nor spend time
and money putting them into envelopes and posting them out to tutors. Archiving
electronic versions of documents reduces the physical storage space required for
paper versions. Tutors too, can retrieve the students’ assignments from any place
with Internet access, and proceed to provide the necessary attention and feedback.

Our OAS includes email notifications to relevant personnel of key events: submissions,
extension requests, uploading of grades and marked work. Everyone involved in the
process can access the system at any time to check whether assignments have been
received or marked and the status of extension requests. Communication between
all those involved is easy, lessening delays in the whole process. The logging of every
action is integrated into the system so it is easy to track who submitted what and
when, and all documents uploaded to the system are stored for easy reference and
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Assignment submission deadlines

Each assignment has a “deadline” which is the final date of receipt by the University
for marking. For a TMA, the “deadline” is the last date for the assignment to be
submitted online. Submission of assignments by fax and email will not be accepted,
unless otherwise instructed. Please refer to the Online Assignment Submission
deadlines published in the Academic Calendar on the Student Portal and on the
WawasanLearn for this semester.

You must submit assignments for a course in accordance with the dates set by the
University. However, a TMA may be submitted after the final submission date for the
assignment and be accepted for marking if there are good reasons and provided that
permission has been obtained in advance for the extension of the final submission
date, as given below.

The approving authorities for assignment submission extension are as follows:

1. if the assignment is to be submitted up to seven (7) days after the final

submission date for that assignment: the tutor who is responsible for marking
that assignment shall have the discretion as to whether or not to accept it;

2. if the assignment is to be submitted later than seven (7) days, but within
14 days after the final submission date for that assignment: approval from
the course coordinator of the course is required;

3. under exceptional circumstances, if the assignment is to be submitted later

than 14 days but not more than 21 days after the final submission date for
that assignment: approval must be obtained from the Dean and provided
also that a member of staff is available to mark the assignment.

In all cases of late submission of TMAs without prior approvals, there is a 30% penalty
imposed in the marks awarded for the said TMAs (new students are given a one
semester grace period and shall be exempted from the 30% penalty ruling). However,
the Course Coordinator will still have the right to reject the assignment, in which
case a zero score shall be given for that assignment. You are therefore reminded to
seek prior approvals should you need an extension of the TMA submission deadline.

Online application for extension of TMA submission must be submitted through

the Online Assignment Submission (OAS) System using the Application for TMA
Submission  Extension Request form (T-EX).

Note: No extension will be granted for the submission of the last TMA due to the
insufficient amount of time between feedback from tutors and commencement of the
examination period.

Now we will show you the procedure to submit your TMAs online. There are nine
steps that you need to follow to perform various actions on the OAS.
UNIT 1 23
WOU’s website and basic search

Step 1: Accessing the website

• Key in this URL: on your browser

• Key in your username and password

Step 2: Selecting the course and class

• Select the course and class for which you wish to submit your assignment
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Step 3: Selecting the appropriate TMA

• Select the appropriate TMA that you wish to submit

Step 4: Uploading and submitting the TMA file

• Locate and select the file that you wish to submit on your computer and click
the “Open” button

• Confirm the file that you are about to submit and click the “Submit” button
UNIT 1 25
WOU’s website and basic search

Step 5: Confirming the submission of the TMA file

• Read the message box to confirm the file that you are about to submit is
correct and click the “OK” button

• A date and time indicating that your submission is successful will appear
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Step 6: Viewing the TMA result

• Click on the “Assignment Status” tab

• Click on the “Grade details” to view your grade

UNIT 1 27
WOU’s website and basic search

Step 7: Downloading the marked TMA

Step 8: Extension Request

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Feedback details in the Extension Request form

Step 9: Re-submission Request

UNIT 1 29
WOU’s website and basic search

Feedback details in the Re-submission Request form


In this section, you were introduced to the online submission system

used by WOU. You were also taken on a journey through the OAS,
introduced to the various features and shown how to use it to submit
your assignments and request for extensions and resubmissions.
Finally you learnt how to retrieve your grades.
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UNIT 1 31
WOU’s website and basic search

1.4 The WOU Digital Library

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Discuss the importance of digital libraries in open distance learning.

2. Apply various strategies for using the WOU Digital Library.

Traditional libraries comprise buildings constructed to house collections of
books, journals and other printed resource materials. You need to physically move
from shelf to shelf in search of the books you need. The pictures below show what
a traditional library normally looks like from the outside and inside.

But the libraries you will be spending most of your time with in future can be
accessed from your computer. Thus, the ODL learning approach requires that you
learn to apply new skills to search for resources you need by using not only the
traditional libraries but also the libraries ‘in’ the computer. They are called digital

A digital library is defined as a collection of texts, images, etc. encoded to enable

it to be stored, retrieved and read by you through your computer. Within WOU’s
portal, you will gain access to several digital libraries that are open round-the-clock.
Although the libraries are not visible, they stock an enormous collection of digital
reading materials, such as books, journals and articles. Once you learn how to use
it, you can access a variety of information that will come in useful when completing
your TMAs or doing revision for your tests and examinations.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

The role of digital libraries in open distance learning

Just like the LMS, digital libraries also play an important role in open distance
learning. Most of you are working people who may not have time to visit traditional
libraries. But you may need to use the library to do reference for your assignments.
This is where digital libraries come in.

• You can access it wherever you are: You need not go to the library
physically. You can visit the library at home, at the Regional Office or at
work, as long as you have an Internet connection.

• Everyone has access to the digital libraries: The digital books are
available to everyone. However, most libraries require paid subscriptions.
But if you are a registered student in an institution of higher learning
(college or university), you will have automatic access to the libraries that
the institution subscribes to.

• The resources are available at all times: The digital books are always
available every single minute and second of the day. You can access them
anytime you wish.

• Resources are available synchronously or asynchronously: The

information is always available to you and your course mates all over the
country synchronously or asynchronously. This means that all of you can
view the book at the same time, or view it at different times. So you can
view and discuss a particular chapter of a digital book with another course
mate in a different state!

• It provides a structured approach to locating information: You can gain

quicker access to much richer content in a more structured manner. If you
have located the book you want from the catalogue, you can move instantly
to the book. From there, you can go straight to the chapter or subheading.

• It enables easy retrieval of information: What do you do if you need

specific information on a certain topic and do not know which books to
look for? Type a word, phrase or a sentence and a list of results from the
entire collection of the library will be displayed for you to choose from.
Digital libraries can provide very user-friendly interfaces, giving you instant
access to its resources at a click of your mouse.

• The books are always well-preserved: Regardless of how many times you
or other users view the book; they will always be in good condition  not
torn, dirty or missing. Digital books cannot be defaced or damaged.

• You can create your own virtual bookshelf: You can create a virtual
bookshelf for yourself. Then you can put a book you want to refer to in
future on the bookshelf, or stack it up with hundreds of books. You can
create your very own digital library and you need not buy shelves or put
up with restricted storage space. When your room or house has no space for
extension, you can solve it by digitisation.
UNIT 1 33
WOU’s website and basic search

• You can network. What do you do if you cannot find a particular book
from one library? Digital libraries can provide a link to the resources of
other digital libraries very easily.

Now that you have seen what digital libraries can do for you, let us introduce you
to the WOU Digital Library and the strategies for using it.

Strategies for using the WOU digital library  MyDigitalLibrary

The following is the WOU library web page. Look at the column on finding
information. Do you see the MyDigitalLibrary listed there? Click on it to check
the resources available.

The WOU digital library, commonly referred to as MyDigitalLibrary, complements

the traditional collection (course materials) and services of the University. It contains
various electronic resources such as electronic databases, electronic journals and
electronic books subscribed by the library as well as electronic resources available in
the Internet. Most importantly, as a learner you can make use of all this information
to make significant progress in your studies here with us. MyDigitalLibrary provides
links to:
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

1. Electronic resources subscribed by the Library. These include electronic

journals, electronic books, electronic theses and dissertations and other
reference materials. Only registered students and staff of WOU can access
these resources.

2. Virtual reference resources that help you access freely available Internet
information sources.

3. Digital content created by WOU staff such as seminar and conference

papers, course materials, course reserves, handbooks, prospectus, etc.

4. Library research guides on how to find library materials, search the

collections, cite sources, and more.

5. Subject guides on various topics such as Academic Writing, Accounting,

Business & Administration, Computer Science and Engineering,
Construction Management, English Language Learning, Human Resources,
Learning Skills, Legal Resources, Malaysian Statistical sources, Malaysian
Studies, Mathematics, Psychology, World Religions etc.

6. Plagiarism and using, an Internet-based plagiarism checker.

7. Citation guides to using a number of citation styles when referencing

resources or citing in your assignments such as Chicago Manual of Style,
American Psychological Association (APA) Citation Style and Modern
Languages Association (MLA) Citation Style.

8. Patron record section of the Library catalogue that will enable registered
WOU students and staff to check their borrowing and fines records.

What do we mean by electronic resources? Electronic resources or e-resources are

Internet-based or online versions of print journals, newspapers, books and other
materials. In fact, more and more well known journals are now being published in
electronic format. As mentioned above, these resources have a lot of advantages: they
can be read anywhere and there won’t be any missing or torn pages. But are there any
disadvantages? Yes! One major drawback of electronic resources is comprehensiveness
 electronic resources do not generally date as far back as the printed materials.
However, this scenario is now changing as more and more materials are being
converted to digital format. Another drawback is that the digital format can be
difficult to read on computer screens, especially if there are multiple pages involved.

In order to make the e-resources work for you, you need to know the best way to
use them. But of course, don’t just rely solely on electronic resources if you want to
produce a really good piece of work. You should explore other Internet resources
and the traditional collections at the WOU Library to supplement your search.

Access to MyDigitalLibrary can generally be made from any computer with

Internet access either on or off campus. It is accessible to WOU registered students
and staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week regardless of your location.
UNIT 1 35
WOU’s website and basic search

Among the resources currently subscribed and made accessible in MyDigitalLibrary


E-book database
Databases Subject coverage
1. Books24X7 Business, finance, technology
2. eBrary Wide range of academic disciplines (business,
technology, social sciences, language, history,
education, law)
3. Cambridge Book Online Wide range of academic disciplines (business,
technology, social sciences, language, history,
4. Ebscohost eBook Collection Wide range of academic disciplines (business,
technology, social sciences, language, history,
education, law)
5. Oxford Reference Online Language and subject reference works

E-journal database
Databases Subject coverage
1. EBSCOhost Business Source Business journals
2. EBSCOhost Regional Business Regional business publications covering all
News metropolitan and rural areas within the United
3. Emerald Management Business, finance, knowledge management,
accounting, legal and library science
4. Computers & Applied Computing and applied sciences disciplines.
Sciences Complete
5. JSTOR Art & Sciences Arts and sciences

Other E-resources
Databases Subject coverage
1. ProQuest Theses & Theses and dissertations on humanities and
Dissertations social science subjects
2. CCH Malaysia Master Tax Malaysian and Singapore tax and legislation

For more resources, go to:

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

MyDigitalLibrary also makes available e-journals. Journals are periodicals

presenting articles on a particular subject such as Mathematics, business studies or
information technology. You need to go to the EBSCOhost Search Journals (Full Text)
to find out the list of journals subscribed by the Library. To gain access to these
journals, however, you will need WOU authentication. You need to key-in your
username and password. But do take note that some resources can only be accessed
from the Regional Offices due to software restrictions. So, if you cannot access them
from your home or workplace, do consult the library staff at the Regional Office.

Some articles may also be available in ‘Portable Document Format’ or PDF format.
To read articles in this format, you need the Acrobat Reader software which is
available free of charge. But we do need to remind you that the use of all online
library resources is subject to copyright restrictions which apply to both printing and
downloading. If you fail to observe the rules, you may be held liable. For example,
if publishers find out that you have printed or downloaded their materials without
permission, they have the right to take you to court.

Activity 1.4

Now that you are an open distance learner, describe how you plan
to use the digital library for:

1. doing your TMAs


2. preparing for your tutorials


3. doing your revision

UNIT 1 37
WOU’s website and basic search


This section discussed the role of digital libraries in open distance

learning. As a learner pursuing a university degree via ODL, you
need various resources and these are made available via the digital
library. To help you further, this section also explained the strategies
for using the WOU Digital Library.

Suggested answers to activity


Activity 1.4

1. Getting additional information from reference materials.

Checking information that I already have.

2. Reading up on the topic or getting additional reading materials

on the topic.

3. Trying exercises or self-tests that may be found in the reference

books in the library.
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UNIT 1 39
WOU’s website and basic search

1.5 Search Strategies for Information

By the end of this section, you should be able to:

1. Define what a search strategy is.

2. Describe the three main search strategies.

If you want the current best-selling novel, you will know where to buy it. Or if
you want to watch the latest blockbuster movie, you will know where to go. In case
you can’t find the book you are looking for or where the movie is being shown,
you may ask family members, friends or colleagues. When you ask others for
information to find what you need, you are actually employing a very simple form
of search strategy. However, you would need to equip yourself with more
comprehensive, effective and relevant search strategies to help you gather information
as a university student.

What is a search strategy?

Searching for information and books has changed significantly since the days
you used your school library. Although searching for books in the traditional
libraries have not changed much, you need to learn new strategies for searching
books online.

A strategy is a plan of action to be used to achieve a certain goal. An important

goal for you as a learner is to search for information. How do you search for
information in the quickest possible time? You make use of search strategies, which
are techniques or methods for getting the information you want as fast as possible
and with minimum hassle.

There are basically three main sources of information available online:

1. Library catalogue (OPAC)

2. Digital library

3. Internet
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Searching for information from these three different sources therefore requires
three different search strategies:

1. Library catalogue (OPAC) search strategies.

2. Digital library search strategies.

3. Internet search strategies.

Library catalogue search strategies

First of all, what is a library catalogue? It is a search and discovery tool that helps
you locate the Library’s online and print collections in a single search. It includes
titles of printed books, audio-visual materials, periodicals, and other materials owned
by Wawasan Open University and Disted College libraries. It also provides links
to the full-text of books and other e-resources purchased by the Library. The users
can usually access information about its collection at several computer terminals
within the library, or from elsewhere via the Internet. The catalogue can also be
used to check your borrowing record or to reserve books which are out on loan.
WOU Library catalogue is known as MyCatalogue. Where is MyCatalogue located?
It is slightly below MyDigitalLibrary search box.

Using MyCatalogue to locate library materials

To know the exact location of library materials, you will need to know the following:

• how to use MyCatalogue effectively.

UNIT 1 41
WOU’s website and basic search

• how to manipulate the results.

• how to interpret the records.

Remember that finding the right materials will be easy once you know how.
Now, let us see how we can use the MyCatalogue to locate library materials. Below
is a sample of a WOU library book record after a search:

You searched Library Catalogue — Anywhere: writing skills and readings

Call Number PE1408 L243 2011
Author Langan, John
Title College writing skills with readings / John Langan
Publication New York : McGraw-Hill, 2011
Edition 8th ed.
Material Information xxi, 782 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm
Subject English language — Rhetoric
Subject English language — Grammar

Go through all the information on the sample library record. Note that all the
basic information is put into separate fields, i.e., the names of the author, title,
subject, call number, ISBN number, etc. are recorded separately.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

MyCatalogue search strategies

The following are three examples of a search from MyCatalogue.

This search strategy by default is a keyword search where you search library resource
records for terms that might appear in the author, title and subject. It is also be used
in searching other academic library catalogues.

Step 1: Accessing the website

• Key in this URL: on your browser

• Or access through WOU main page by selecting “TUN DR LIM CHONG

EU LIBRARY” under the “Facilities & Rental” tab

WOU Library main page

UNIT 1 43
WOU’s website and basic search

Search for e-resources

Step 2: Using the Search MyDigitalLibrary Service

• Begin by entering your search term

• Click the “Search” button

Step 3: Refine your search result

If there are too many records to review or if you use a specific set of terms, the search
may not reflect results to meet your need. In this case, you can refine your search
result using the Limiters.

• Limiters let you narrow the focus of your search so that the information
retrieved from the databases is limited according to the values you have
selected. You can use more than one limiter if more than one limiter is available.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Step 4: To print/Save/E-mail the document

• Click on the article title. The link takes you to the citation information and/
or the full text.
UNIT 1 45
WOU’s website and basic search

Search for printed books, project reports, staff papers, news clips and magazines

Step 1: Using Search MyCatalogue

• Begin by entering your search term

• Click the “Search” button

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Step 2: Knowing information about the book

• The ‘Search Results’ screen will appear as shown below. Details on the
bibliographic records such as the author, title, publication will looks as below.
UNIT 1 47
WOU’s website and basic search

Activity 1.5

Using the basic search method, locate titles for:

1. Study skills


2. Word Processing


Using Boolean Logic or Connectors

Here you will learn how to conduct Keyword search using Boolean logic or connectors.
The connectors are commands that are used to combine keywords to broaden or
narrow the results of a search. Combining terms using operators is sometimes called
Boolean searching. A Boolean logic broadens a search by incorporating synonyms
or alternate terms. For example, doctors or hospitals would retrieve everything that
mentions doctors in addition to everything that mentions hospitals. They either let
you broaden (increase) or narrow (decrease) your searches.

Boolean logic are the words AND, OR, NOT, which are used to connect search terms.

AND: narrows a search by requiring that both terms be present.

OR: broadens a search by incorporating synonyms or alternate terms.

NOT: narrows a search by excluding terms.

The table below shows samples of Boolean searching with the three search terms.

A search for marketing and promotion will retrieve

records in which BOTH of the search terms are
marketing promotion present.

The shaded area represents all the records that

AND contain both the word marketing and promotion.
A search for online learning or distance learning
will retrieve records in which at least one of the
online distance
learning learning search terms is present.

The shaded circle with the word online learning

represents all the records that contain the word
online learning.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

The shaded circle with the word distance learning

represents all the records that contain the word
distance learning.

The shaded overlap area represents all the records

that contain both online learning and distance
A search for consumers, not retailers, will retrieve
records in which only one of the words is present.
consumers retailers
The shaded area with the word consumers
represents all the records that contain the word

No records are retrieved in which the word

retailers is present, even if the word consumers
appears there too.

Now, let us see an example of keyword search using the operator ‘AND’. The topic
you wish to look up is ‘distance education AND quality’.

Step 1: Using the operator ‘AND’

• Type in “distance education” in the first search box.

• Type in “quality” in the second search box.

• Select Title from Search type:

• Select “AND” as the logical connector in the left column.

• Then click Search.

UNIT 1 49
WOU’s website and basic search

The next Keyword search using Boolean logic ‘OR’

Step 2: Using Boolean logic ‘OR’

• Type in “distance education” in the first search box.

• Type in “online learning” in the second search box.

• Select Title from Search type: for both search terms.

• Select “OR” as the logical connector in the left column.

• Then click Search.

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

The following are some of the results that you may find for “distance education
OR online learning”. There are 96 titles found in the library collection.

The following is one sample of the titles you may find.

The next Keyword search using Boolean logic ‘NOT’

Step 3: Using Boolean logic ‘Not’

• Type in “distance education” in the first search box.

• Type in “Educational technology” in the second search box.

• Select Title from Search type: for both search terms.

• Select “NOT” as the logical connector in the left column.

• Then click Search.

UNIT 1 51
WOU’s website and basic search

The following are some of the results that you may obtain for ‘distance education
NOT educational technology’.

There are 77 titles found in the library collection.

The following is one sample of the titles you may find. To read the content, click
on View full-text here.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Using Truncation and Wildcards

Here are some additional tips to help you with your advanced keyword search. Use
the wildcard and truncation symbols to create searches where there are unknown
characters, multiple spellings or various endings. You can use the first part of a word
to find any word in a database that starts with those letters.


The wildcard is represented by a question mark(?)

Use a question mark (?) to designate a single character. Use two question marks to
designate two characters, and so forth:

• Ho? will retrieve hop, hog, hot, etc.

• P?st will retrieve past, pest, post, etc.

• W??en will retrieve women, woven, widen, etc.


Truncation is represented by an asterisk (*). To use truncation, type the root of a

search term and replace the ending with an *.

For example: comput? This will give you computer, computing, computational,
computers, etc.

This is a fast way to search for plurals or related words. The following are some
examples of how you can use question marks and asterisks to help you in your search.
Asterisks: Use an asterisk (*) to designate one or more characters.

• If you type Mar with an asterisk like this Mar* you will retrieve market,
marketing, marketplace, margin, marathon, etc.

• if you type St*s will retrieve statistics, states, statements, etc.

Activity 1.6

1. Do a Boolean search on the following topics and write down

the results of your search in the space provided.

a. writing and skills

UNIT 1 53
WOU’s website and basic search

b. study skills or learning skills


c. research methods not statistics


2. Now, try doing a search for the following:

a. Co?t


b. Psy*


c. G?ion


Locating library materials

Apart from the digital library we discussed earlier, there are also two traditional
libraries that you can use as a learner at WOU. The first is the main library located
at the WOU headquarters and the second can be found in your Regional Centres.
In this section, you will learn how to locate materials in these traditional libraries.

When viewing individual records in the library catalogue you will find a BARCODE/

Location Call number Barcode Status

HQ Library HD30.28 .D245 2003 0000004135 Available
RCIpoh KPG856 L477 2009 0000011464 Due 9/21/2014
RCJB KPG856 A135 2005 0000013656 Available
RCKL HD70 M4 B976 2012 0000021322 Available
RCKC HF5415.12 A8 L38 2007 0000006146 Due 4/28/2014
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

To locate the displayed item in the library:

1. Check whether the item status is available.

2. Copy the Call Number information.

3. Locate the book on the shelf. The call number is generally taped to the
bottom of the spine of each book or in the case of “thin” book, at the
bottom left hand corner of the book.

The Library uses the Library of Congress Classification Scheme to assign call numbers
to all books and other library materials, except for WOU course materials and vertical
file collection. This system divides all knowledge into twenty-one basic classes,
each identified by a single letter of the alphabet. Most of these alphabetical classes
are further divided into more specific subclasses, identified by two-letter, or
occasionally three-letter, combinations. For example, class N, Art, has subclasses
NA, Architecture; NB, Sculpture, ND, Painting; as well as several other subclasses.

What is a call number?

A call number is a sequence of letters and numbers used to identify the subject matter
of a particular item. It is used to determine the location of an item on the shelves.

How to read call numbers?

When reading Call Numbers, take note of the following:

Book Title: Linear algebra: a modern introduction

Author: David Poole
Call Number: QA184.2 .P821 2006

QA The first line consists of letters that represent the general subject
of the item.

The second line is always a whole number from 1– 9,999 and these
numbers represent the specific topic of the item. The numbers
184.2 represent algebra, linear.

The third line represents the cutter number assigned to the
author of the book.

The fourth line may be a year of publication or volume number.
In this case 2006 represent the year the book was published.
UNIT 1 55
WOU’s website and basic search

Locating a library material on the shelf

• Books are shelved alphabetically according to the letter on the first line.

• When books have more than one letter, the single lettered books are first on
the shelf (to the left), followed by those with double letters. Example: in the
H section, the order would be: H, HB, HF, HV, etc.

• If the letters on the first line of the call number are the same, the book with
the smaller number on the second line is shelved to the left of the book with
the larger number. Example:

HB Shelved before HB
30.28 171.5

• The books are then arranged according to the third line. Example:

HB Shelved before HB
238 238
.M321 .M351

• Books with 4 lines call numbers are arranged as follows:

30.28 30.28 238 238
F321 F321 .M321 .M35
Vol. 1 Vol. 2 2004 B67

Library of congress classification

As mentioned above, the Library of Congress (LC) classification system organises

books and other library materials by subject, to make it easier for you to browse
the shelves for materials on a specific topic. You are encouraged to look at the shelf
guide, placed on every row of the shelf when locating a book.

An outline of the LC classification system is given in the Appendix. Use it when

searching for books.

For more information on the Library of Congress classification, go to:

1. (Accessed 6 April 2016)

2. (Accessed 6 April 2016)

WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Digital library search strategies

A digital library houses electronic books, journals, references, reports, newspapers,
etc. which are also known as online databases. As these databases are in a digital
format they are accessible online and you can download and read them on your
computer. You can save some of the pages you need, and in some cases, you can
download the whole contents to be read later.

MyDigitalLibrary contain huge online databases and you can definitely need search
strategies in order to locate them. Once you have located the contents you want,
you can read them immediately.

How to find out which electronic resources contain the information you need?

You must learn the correct way of searching the electronic resources to improve
the efficiency of your searches. This will definitely help you save time and find
what you are looking for more easily.

Now go to WawasanLearn and refer to our course home page. Under resources for
Tutorial 1, you will see a guide on finding electronic resources. You can also find it
at (Accessed 6 April 2016)

Some points to bear in mind

Computer searches work best when you have very specific topics. If you are looking
for a broad topic, you must decide if you want everything in that subject area or
you want articles that give you a general overview. This will determine the question
you ask and the vocabulary you use in your search.

Remember a successful computer search of databases depends on your familiarity

with the:

• search topic.

• contents and format of the database.

• search and display commands.

You also need to know that the computer only searches for words and character
strings, not “meanings”. Therefore you should be able to break your question
into parts that can be easily searched. For example, you need to write a paper on
‘Reading Problems Faced by Part-time Adult Learners’. You can break this topic into
‘Reading Problems’, ‘Part-time Adult Learners’ and/or ‘Adult Learners’.
UNIT 1 57
WOU’s website and basic search

A computer search does not find everything you need from your very first entry
 you will need to build on your searches. The references you need may also not
be available locally, so do the search through Interlibrary Loans. Modify your search
as you go along to retrieve more information or to weed out unwanted citations.

Internet search strategies

The Internet does not resemble the library or a bookshop where the books are
neatly categorised and can be located through catalogues and indexes. There are
billions of files on the Web, and thousands of new ones are being added every
minute. Someone once compared the Internet to a library with all the books
pulled off the shelves and thrown in a heap on the floor! Now try to find that book
without any system!

As you surf the Internet, you would probably realise by now that the information
here is not organised or indexed in any standard manner. This makes searching
for information a very difficult task. Without any search strategies, looking for
information would be like looking for a needle in a haystack! For example, when
you type the word ‘haze’ in the Google search engine, you may come up with more
than 20,00,000 results! It would obviously not be practical for me to go through
every single one of the results just to locate one single file. With the right strategy,
you should be able to find what you want in minutes.

Internet search strategies differ from OPAC search strategies and digital library
search techniques. OPAC and digital library search strategies are more structured
since we are searching for specific titles.
There are two important steps in a successful search strategy:

1. Know your topic: First, you must be clear what your topic is. Identify the
main words to be used in your search. What are the main concepts in your
topic? Next, determine the terms, key words, synonyms, alternate spellings
for the concepts.

2. Know your Internet Search Tools: Second, you need to know which of
the various search tools you intend to use. There are search engines, meta
search engines and subject directories.

Step 1: Know your topic

Here is an activity to help you in your search for information. Begin by writing
your topic in the box:

My Topic:
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

What are the words, phrases, synonyms, names, abbreviations, acronyms that are
uniquely associated with the topic? If you have phrases or even sentences, put them
within quotes so your search will turn up the information exactly in that order.
Write the words in the box.

Words associated with my topic:

What organisations, societies or groups may have the information you are looking
for? Their websites or homepages may carry the information you are searching for
or they may have links to other pages and sites.

Organisations or groups that may have information related to my topic:

You can make use of the Boolean Search Strategy here. Are there any words you do
not want to appear in your search? Are there any other words you want to include
in your search? Make use of the terms and, not and or.

Boolean search with the terms and, not and or.

Step 2: Know your internet search tools

There are numerous search tools on the Internet. Making use of the topics, words
and phrases you have identified with different search tools can provide you with
very different results. You need to know what search tools are available and what
their special functions are. Here is a list of the various tools and what they can do:
UNIT 1 59
WOU’s website and basic search

• URL address

If you know the web address of the information source, you can go directly
there. Just type the URL address, press Enter, and you are directly linked to
the site.

• Surfing and browsing

Browse through the various pages of the website. Select the links, click on
them, and you are taken to other pages and topics. You may click on the links
to other websites.

Internet search engines

Some of the more popular search engines are Google (, Yahoo
(, Exalead (, etc. You can conduct searches
using any of these search engines. Type the keywords, phrases or even sentences
in the search box. Decide which of the results that turn up would contain the
information you need.

Meta search engines

In a meta-search engine, you submit keywords in its search box, and it transmits
your search simultaneously to several individual search engines and their databases
of web pages. Within a few seconds, you get back results from all the search engines
queried. Examples of meta search engines are kartoo ( and Dogpile
( Shown below are the web pages of the two meta search engines.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Subject directories

Subject directories websites are organised into categories with each category
containing links to various other sub-categories.

Digital libraries

You have already learnt about the digital library and how to use it. This is an
invaluable strategy in open distance learning to source for information.


A database is a collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and
retrieval. Some databases require you to subscribe and be a paid member. However,
there are lots of free databases of reference material on specialised topics.


A newsgroup is an area on a computer network, especially the Internet, devoted

to the discussion of a specified topic, for example: read messages posted to
newsgroups that discuss latest mobile phones.
UNIT 1 61
WOU’s website and basic search

Ask a question

Some search engines provide a service called ‘Ask a Question’. Yahoo, for instance,
has the ‘Ask Yahoo’ service. All you need to do is type your question on the form
provided and submit it. The authors of the site will then try to answer your questions.


The Oxford Dictionary of English, 2nd edn., (revised) 2005 defines a blog as a personal
website on which an individual records opinions, links to other sites, etc. Blogs
offer alternative viewpoints on news and other subjects.

Activity 1.7

Now go back to the topic you chose earlier. Choose any three tools
(meta search engines, digital libraries or blogs) discussed above
and locate information on the topic ‘Open Distance Education’.
Write down the tools you used in the left-hand column and the
information in the right-hand column. Once you have completed
your search, compare the results you obtained with your course
mates who used the same tools.

Tools Information
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

Bibliography management tools

Bibliography management tools (also known as citation or reference management

tools) allows you to save, organize, and share your own citation library, and format
citations into a bibliography in the style of your choice. There are many free software
available on the internet for you to choose but we like to recommend the followings:

1. Mendeley

Guidance is available from

HuCYExM (Accessed 6 April 2016)

2. Qiqqa

Guidance is available from (Accessed

6 April 2016)

Web Reference

For further information on the topic you have just read, you may
refer to the following websites:

MetaSearch.html (Accessed 6 April 2016)

SubjDirectories.html (Accessed 6 April 2016)


The three main sources of information online are library catalogue,

digital library and the Internet. Each of these sources requires
different search strategies. This section discussed the search strategies
related to these three online information sources.
UNIT 1 63
WOU’s website and basic search

Self-test 1.2

Conduct the following search for the topic ‘Personal development

for life and work’ and write down the results in the right-hand

Item Results
Call number

Self-test 1.3

1. List the differences between Boolean logic and truncation in

MyCatalogue search strategy:

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________

2. Name three online databases in WOU’s MyDigitalLibrary:

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________

3. Describe two steps in an Internet search strategy.

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

4. Name five Internet search tools.

a. ______________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________

e. ______________________________________________

Suggested answers to activities


Activity 1.5

1. Study Skills Strategies by Uelaine Langefeld

2. Details! Details! Tailoring Mac (and other) Word Processing Output

by Becky Wright

Activity 1.6

1. a. College Writing with Readings by John Langan

b. Study Skills for Open Distance Learning by Open University of

Hong Kong

c. Business Research Methods by Donald R. Cooper and Pamela

S. Schindler

2. a. Cost  Cost Accounting

b. Psychology  Educational Psychology

c. Globalisation  Ethics of Globalisation

UNIT 1 65
WOU’s website and basic search

Activity 1.7

Tools Information
search engine  Hotbot International Council for
Open and Distance Education
Meta-search engine  dogpile UNESCO | Education  Open
Distance Learning
Countries. Open Distance
Learning ... International
Council for Open and Distance
Education (ICDE), the
International Centre for Distance
... South African Institute ...
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 67
WOU’s website and basic search

Summary of Unit 1


In this unit of Learning Skills, you learnt all about the WOU website;
where important resources to assist you in this distance learning
programme are housed. These include WawasanLearn, OAS and
MyDigitalLibrary. Apart from knowing what resources there are,
you also learnt appropriate strategies such as OPAC and internet
search that will enable you to retrieve information or materials
more easily for your learning. As an open distance learner, it is
important that you learn how to carry out the different types of
search discussed in this unit. They will be very useful especially
when you need to read up for tutorials, complete assignments or
do your revision.
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies
UNIT 1 69
WOU’s website and basic search

Suggested Answers to Self-tests


Self-test 1.1

1. It is a software that helps to manage various learning resources

and distribute information to students.

2. a. Communicate with tutorial/course mates, tutors and Course


b. Submit assignments.

c. Get the latest course related information.

3. a. Discussion board  communicate with tutorial mates.

b. Public forum  communicate with course mates from other

Regional Offices.

4. You can post your doubt either in the Discussion Board or

Public Forum. Email the tutor or Course Coordinator to clarify
the question.

Self-test 1.2

Item Results
Author Masters, L. Ann
Call number HF5381 M394 2011
Subject Personal development for life and work

Self-test 1.3

1. a. Basic search

b. Expert search

c. Advanced search
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

2. a. ebrary

b. NSTP  e-media

c. Books24x7

3. a. Know your topic

b. Know your internet search tool

4. a. Blogs

b. Subject directories

c. Databases

d. Newsgroups

e. Search engines
UNIT 1 71
WOU’s website and basic search

A General Works
AC Collected Works
AE Encyclopaedias
AG Dictionaries and other general reference works
AI Indexes
AM Museums
AP Periodicals
AS Academics and Learned Societies
AY Yearbooks, Almanacs, Directories
AZ History of Scholarship and Learning

B Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

B History and Systems of Philosophy
BC Logic
BD Speculative Philosophy
BF Psychology
BH Aesthetics
BJ Ethics
BL Religions, Mythology, Rationalism
BM Judaism
BP Islam, Baha’ism, Theosophy
BQ Buddhism
BR Christianity (General)
BS The Bible
BT Doctrinal Theology
BV Practical Theology
BX Denominations and Sects

C Auxiliary Sciences of History

CB History of Civilization and Culture
CC Archaeology (General)
CD Diplomatics, Archives, Seals
CE Chronology
CJ Numismatics
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

C Auxiliary Sciences of History

CN Epigraphy
CR Heraldry
CS Genealogy
CT Biography (General)

D History (except America)

D History (General)
DA Great Britain
DAW Central Europe
DB Austria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary
DC France
DD Germany
DE Mediterranean, Greco-Roman World
DG Italy
DH  DJ Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg
DJK Eastern Europe
DK Russia and Poland
DL Northern Europe and Scandinavia
DP Spain and Portugal
DR Eastern Europe and Turkey
DS Asia
DT Africa
DU Oceania, Australia, New Zealand

EF History: America and United States

E America (General) and United States
F1  F975 United States (local history)
F1001  F1140 Canada
F1201  F1392 Mexico
F1401  F3799 Central and South American, Caribbean

G Geography, Anthropology
G Geography (General)
GA Mathematical Geography, Cartography
GB Physical Geography
GC Oceanography
UNIT 1 73
WOU’s website and basic search

G Geography, Anthropology
GE Environmental Sciences
GF Human Ecology
GN Anthropology, Ethnology, Ethnography
GR Folklore
GT Manners and Customs
GV Sports and Recreation

H Social Sciences
H Social Sciences (General)
HA Statistics
HB Economic Theory
HC Economic History and Conditions
HD Land, Agriculture, Industry
HE Transportation and Communication
HF Commerce
HG Finance
HJ Public Finance
HM Sociology
HN Social History
HQ Social Groups
HS Societies and Clubs
HT Communities, Classes, Races
HV Social Pathology, Criminology, Welfare
HX Communism, Socialism, Anarchism

J Political Science
J Official Documents
JA Collections and General Works
JC Political Theory
JK Constitutional History and Administration
JS Local Government
JV Colonisation, Emigration and Immigration
JK International Law, International Relations

K Law
K Law (General)
KF United States Law
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

L Education
LC Special Aspects
LD U.S. Educational Institutions
LH College and School Publications
LJ Student Fraternities and Societies
LT Textbooks (General)

M Music
M Music Scores
ML Literature of Music
MT Music Instruction and Study

N Fine Arts
N Visual Arts (General)
NA Architecture
NB Sculpture
NC Graphic Arts (Drawing, Design, Illustration)
ND Painting
NE Print Media
NK Decorative and Applied Arts
NX Arts in general

P Language and Literature

P Linguistics
PA Classical Philology (Greek and Latin)
PB Modern European Languages, Celtic Languages
PC Romance Languages
PD Old Germanic and Scandinavian Languages
PE English Language
PF Dutch, Flemish, and German Languages
PG Slavic Languages and Literature
PH Finno-Ugrian, Basque Languages & Literature
PJ  PL Oriental Languages
PM American Indian and Artificial Languages
PN Literature, Literary History and Collections
PQ Romance Literature
PR English Literature
UNIT 1 75
WOU’s website and basic search

P Language and Literature

PS American Literature
PT German Literature
PZ Children’s Literature

Q Science
Q Science (General)
QA Mathematics
QB Astronomy
QC Physics
QD Chemistry
QE Geology
QH Natural History, Biology
QK Botany
QL Zoology
QM Human Anatomy
QP Physiology
QR Microbiology

R Medicine
R Medicine (General)
RA Public Aspects of Medicine
RB Pathology
RC Internal Medicine
RD Surgery
RE Ophthalmology
RG Gynaecology and Obstetrics
RJ Paediatrics
RK Dentistry
RL Dermatology
RM Therapeutics, Pharmacology
RS Pharmacy and Materia Medica
RT Nursing
RV Botanic, Thomsonian and Eclectic Medicine
RX Homeopathy
RZ Other Systems of Medicine
WUC 131/03 Learning Skills for University Studies

S Agriculture
S Agriculture (General)
SB Plant Culture
SD Forestry
SF Animal Culture
SH Aquaculture, Fisheries, Fishing
SK Hunting

T Technology and Engineering

T Technology (General)
TA — TJ Engineering
TK Electronics and Electrical Engineering
TL Motor Vehicles, Aeronautics, Astronautics
TN Mining and Metallurgy
TP Chemical Technology
TR Photography
TS Manufactures
TT Handicrafts, Arts and Crafts
TX Home Economics and Cooking

U Military Science
V Naval Science
Z History of Books, Library Science, Bibliography

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