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A good example of this is the use of shortcuts or quick keys. This is a very basic concept that allows
people to be more efficient: Without this, a user would have to highlight the text with their mouse, then
go to the edit menu, pick the cut item in the menu, then go to the place where the text is to be pasted,
go back to the edit menu and click on the paste item in the menu. Using the quick keys, they highlight
the text they want to cut, press CTRL-X, go where they want to paste the text and press CTRL-V.

A message that says “Error 12312 Bad Syntax” provides absolutely no information to the user. An
example of a good error message could be, for example “Sorry, your file was not saved because the hard
drive is full.”

Learnability can be increase by graphical representations of things instead of text representation.
Because graphical representations are better than text. People easily get the pictorial language.


If we are using LINUX operating system, opening up a shell window and doing a lot of things at the
command prompt seems intuitive. For someone who is still new to computers, it is complicated. In
contrast Windows Operating System is very simple and all of its features are easy to memorize.


Photoshop have high utility and MS Paint have low utility. Photoshop gives more options for editing
photo images, while it's not into the case with Paint. Painting is a very simple drawing program while
Photoshop is the most powerful drawing and image editing program.

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