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Electrical Technology

2nd Course of Mechanical Engineering

LESSON 1: Magnitudes and Reference Agreements

1.1 If the electric charge of an electron is 1, 6 1019 C, How many electrons must flow
through the cross-section of a conductor during 3 minutes to obtain a 10 A current?

SOLUTION: number of electrons = 1,1251022

1.2 Taking into account that a flow of negative electric charges exists and crosses the below device from right to
left, and considering that q(t) is the mathematical expression for the instantaneous value of the charge that flows
through the element, and V(t) is the instantaneous voltage in the device terminals, calculate the power absorbed
by this component in the time instance t=1.

q(t )  10  sen(250    t ) [mC];

V (t )  4  cos( 250    t ) [V]
SOLUTION: P = 31,4 W

1.3 A 12V Car Battery is being charged with a constant current of 2 A. Calculate:

1. Power absorbed by the Battery

2. Energy acumulated in the Battery after 2 hours of charge.

3. Electric charge stored in the Battery after 2 hours of charge.

SOLUTION: 1. P =24 W 2. W =172,8 kJ 3. q = 14,4 kC

1.4 The electric charge stored in an Electronic Device experiments changes in a linear fashion from 6 mC to 18 mC
during the first 3 seconds of operation. The next 5 seconds, the stored load remains constant and then linearly
decreases again in 3 seconds to 6 mC. Calculate the evolution of current during the time period from 0 to 11
seconds taking into account the references for charge and current marked in the below graph:

4mA 0s  t  3s
 i(t)
SOLUTION: i(t) = 0mA 3s  t  8s
 4mA 8s  t  11s -
 +

Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón - Campus Universitario s/n – 33203 Gijón (Asturias) 1
Electrical Technology
2nd Course of Mechanical Engineering

1.5 Calculate the absorbed power by the four following electric devices, according to the indicated references for
voltage and current:

-5A 5A

-10V 1
10V 2 10V 3 -10V 4

-5A -5A

Solución: P1= 50 W; P2= 50 W; P3 = 50 W; P4 = 50 W.

1.6 Calculate the daily energy that must be provided by a solar panel generator to an isolated rural cottage that
needs to supply the following receptors:

 Receptor 1: 500 W fridge operating 5 h/day.

 Receptor 2: 400 W TV receptor operating 4 h/day.
 Receptor 3: 2200 W washing machine operating que funciona 2 h/day.
 Receptor 4: Several compact fluorescent lamps whose total power is of 360 W operating 3 h/day.

Also calculate the minimum power that the generator must produce to keep all the loads operative without being
damaged is.

SOLUTION: W = 9580 Wh PMIN = 3460 W

1.7 A small electrical plant presents the following consumption of power. Calculate the Average Power between 0
and 70 hours of operation and the total Energy consumed in this interval.

SOLUTION: 1. PAVERAGE = 18,57 kW 2. WTOTAl = 1300 kWh.

Polytechnic School of Engineering of Gijón - Campus Universitario s/n – 33203 Gijón (Asturias) 2

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