Data Base Project

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Submitted To:
Professor Zaheer Akhtar
Submitted By:
Ruqia Bano(FA17-BCS-139)
Ujala Nawab(FA17-BCS-101)
Usman khalil(FA17-BCS-091)
Usama Riaz(FA17-BCS-136)
Project(DATA BASE)
IT Training Group
Submission date: 7-october-2019
IT Training Group Database:
It will meet the information needs of its training program .Clearly
indicate the entities ,relationship,and the key constraints.The
description of the environment is as follows :
The company has 10 instructors and can handle up to 100 trainees for
each training session. The company offers 4 advanced technology
courses ,each of which is taught by a team of 4 or more instructors .Each
instructor is assigned to a maximum of two teaching teams or may be
assigned to do research .Each trainee undertakes one advanced
technology course per training session.
Task to be Completed:
Task 1:
Analyse the data and application requirements for the
system.Make any suitable about the system if needed.
Importance of IT:-
Information Technology (IT) is as significant as any other discipline like
marketing, accounting, human resource etc.. Information Technology is
a really essential component of nearly every company in this world.
Having appropriate Information Technology training ensures that you
have the ability to distinguish yourself from the major competitors and
hence achieve a competitive edge over them.

Effective IT training:-
Effective IT training includes giving in-house workshops or training
sessions, many schools and universities also organize such workshops to
teach pupils the best information technology skills. Information
Technology training means helping supervisors and firms adapt to
different business processes and changing conditions. Such training
concentrates on the ways that emerging new technologies influence
how business is conducted on a high level or large scale. IT training
classes help provide knowledge and information concerning the use of
technology in various IT areas, which leads to making rapid informed
decisions, yield gain for your organization, enhanced customer
satisfaction and ensures success of your organization within this
enhanced competitive world. Some of the roles that professional are
interested in the area of IT in acquiring training are mainly

• Management such as MIS (Management Information System), PM

(Project Management) etc..
• System Administration
• Business Intelligence
• Service Operations
• IT Development
• DBA (Database Administration)
• Pictures and Documents
• Word processing

Importance of Information Technology Training

The technology section of any organization ought to know about the

changes which are happening on daily basis in different technological
areas to be able to sustain and survive competitions. IT training in the
areas of computing such as getting training on how best to control the
flow of information by utilizing new technologies and computer systems
may have significant effect on the provider’s and its employee’s
performance. Out-dated and old procedures of computing, handling
data and flow of data can be time-consuming and can create delayed
results and outputs.
IT training in the areas of management like ERP (Enterprise Resource
Planning) or SAP that’s the most recent data integration module may
increase efficiency and effectiveness of their firm. Besides that, the main
relevance of IT training is increased clients satisfaction and customer
loyalty, as clients are always interested in receiving fast, fast services and

Application Requirements for system and assumption:-

IT training in the areas of computing such as getting training on how best
to control the flow of information by utilizing new technologies and
computer system may have significant effect on the provider’s and its
employee’s performance.Our company offer IT training in which
there are several Microsoft training and programming languages classes
available. Various training courses are given in the most popular
programming languages like C, C++, Java classes, PHP, Microsoft visual
studio classes etc.. Additionally; Database management training is a
component of Information Technology which helps build your skills and
comprehension of information management, such as: My SQL, Oracle
etc.. Cisco training courses provide you detailed knowledge on Cisco
Networking Technologies.Company provide 4 advanced technologies
courses which is taught by teaching teams.Company has instructor
which assigned teaching teams.Each instructor can assigned at least two
teams. Every team can have 4 or more instructor for trains the
trainees.Trainees can take training session and in 1 training session
provide 1 course which taught by teaching team. Instructor do research

or trainee can choose training session for training. The objective of IT

training is to prepare a company to effectively manage its data and
resources. Proper Information Technology training can boost efficiency
and productivity of the employees of the firm.Each instructor has his
own ID,name,address,CNIC,contact no. Which store in database and can
be retrieve and update easily as well as course,company,training
session,trainee has his own attributes.Below the section this
requirements show by ER diagram.

Task 2:
Design the ERD for the system.clearly define the entity types, attributes
along with properties, relationship and cardinality constraints.
Identify the main entity types for the company attributes along with
Answer :
There are two type of assumption physical existence and conceptual
Physical existence:
1. Company
 ID
 Name
 Email
 Address
2. Instructor
 ID
 Name
 Address
 Email
 Contact no.
 City
3. Trainee
 ID
 Name
 Email
 Address
 Contact no.
4. Course
 Name
 Start Date
 Finish Date
 Course Code
5. Teaching team
 ID
 Name
 Member no.
6. Research
 ID
 Name
Conceptual existence:
7. Training session
 Start date
 Finish date
 Course code
Relationship and cardinality constraints

1. Has (Company and Trainee)

 Multiplicity of 1..100 for Trainee
 Has (Company and Instructor)
 Multiplicity of 10 for Instructor

2. Offer (Company offers an Advanced Technology courses)

 Multiplicity of 4 for Advanced Technology
3. Teach (teaching team teaches an Advanced Technology courses)
 Multiplicity of 1 for Advanced Technology course
 Multiplicity of 1 for Teaching Team
4. Has (Teaching team has Instructor)
 Multiplicity of 4 .. * for Instructor
5. Assign (Instructors assigned to the Teaching Team)
 Multiplicity of 0 .. 2 for Teaching Team
6. Do Research (Instructor does Research)
 Multiplicities of 0..1 for Research
7. Enroll (Trainee takes Advanced Technology during Training Session)
 Multiplicity of 1 for trainee
 Multiplicity of 1 for Advanced Technology
 Multiplicity of 1 for Training Session

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