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1999 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - Globecom'99

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Globecom'99 Conference Record

Od e ~ o o e i r a1999

1999: A New Globecom In A New Country

The Globol Telecommunications Conference (Globecom) hod its first issue in 1982 as o successor of the long standing Notional Telecommunications
Conference. The reason for the change wos obvious. The IEEE CommunicationsSociety (ComSoc) wonted to otknowledge thot its conference hod become
an event with large international porticipation and it wonted to progress even further in thot direction. In the years thot followed Globecom along with
I C (Intl. Conference on Communicotions) became premier events in our field drawing o large attendance in each issue. One moior chorocteristic of these
two events wos thot it wos broad in scope, bosicolly including sessions in oll areos of telecomrnunicotions. However, the global trend to privotizotion and
deregulotion has brought several new business players to the communications ond networking game. The intreosing competitiveness hos forced
managers and engineers to select the meetings they con attend. Their preference hos been for meetings solely dedicated to topics closely related to their
work. Acting on this perception, in late 1996, the ComSoc Boord of Governors expressed its desire to see Globecom/lCC transition too new model where
they would be comprised of o collection of symposio each oddressing on specific hot topic or oreo. Globecom'99 will be the first full scole implementation
of this model.
As you will be detailed in the following poges, 8 themotic events will toke ploce at Globecom'99. Each of these events will feoture holf-day tutorials,
business and opplitation sessions (BAS) ond technical sessions. Speciol core was taken in the organizotion of the BAS sessions, making sure thot
applied, practical ond strategic views would be given not only by leading technologists but also by executives of the componies setting directions in the
development of communication services and infrastructure, However, Globecornwill not totolly lose its old character, which still hos o significant number
of followers, a brood scope event, named Generd Conference, will be held addressing complementory topics to the ones covered by the Symposia. In
addition to Tutorials, technical and BAS sessions it will olso feoture 5 holf-day workshops where o group of speokers will provide the attendees with the
state of the art in a given relevant technology.
Going bock now to the global aspect of Globecom, its first venue outside of North-America wos in 1987, where porticiponts gathered in Tokyo. In 1999,
Globecom will hove its fifth issue outside North-Americo ond it will be the first time its held in Lotin Americo ond at an extremely appropriate timing.
Communicationshos become probably the most lucrative business in the world. It is olso true that Lotin Americo, in porticulor Brozil, has become one of
the most sought after markets. Recently Brozil went through what is considered to be the lorgest privotizotion experiment in the world, greatly influenced
by the globolizotion principle which is now dominant in developed notions. Thus, it seems there could not be a better opportunity for engineers from 011
over the world to exchange their ideos with their counterparts in Lotin Americo.
I would like to invite you all to attend Globecom in Rio de Janeiro from December 5 to 9.We ore trying to make it the best ever. Please toke odvontoge
of another feoture of the new model. One registration fee will allow you to room though 011 events (except for Tutorials and Workshops) and attend all
BAS sessions. Speciol core was token toovoid conflicting schedule among octivities in similor topics. Of course, you will hove olso the opportunity to visit
Rio de Janeiro, undoubtedly the most beautiful geographical setting in the world, famous for its beaches where the two conference hotels ore located. A
ploce where noturol beauty blends very well with its attractive and congenial people who love to dance and ploy but olso work very hord.
I hope to see you all in Rio in December and do not forget you are welcomed to stay over for the biggest Millenium celebration in the globe!

Pontificio Univenidode Cotolico do Rio de Janeiro

Comments from the Globeco
- _.2_


This yeor, o new model wos adopted for Globecom reflecting previous recomrnendotionsfrom the Boord of Governors. Globecom’99 wos organized into
8 themotic Symposio: Access Networking, Advonced Signal Processing for Communications, Communication Theory, Enterprise Applications and Ser-
vices, Future Wireless Communicotion Systems, Globol Internet: Applicotion ond Technology, High Speed Networks ond Multimedio Services ond
Technology Issues. Furthermore, in order to smoother the tronsition from the old single conference model to the new multi symposio model, o broad
scope event named Generd Conferencewas orgonized in o way similar to the previous Globecom format.
Each SymposiumJGenerol Conference hos its own Technicol Program Committee ond Choir, organized os full fledged independent events. Some Sympo-
si0 used o large Technicol Committee where each member wos responsible for o relatively smoll set of papers, while others used o smaller number of
members each representing o specific subject oreo. The Globol Internet Symposium successfully introduced o rebuttol process in order to gother further
information to oid in the finol paper selection.
Despite the independence among the Symposio, it was decided to still run Globecom’99 os one conference. We adopted o single review form for 011
events and required thot each poper be reviewed by ot least 2 referees. Overall we tried to maintain o uniform review process for 011 the events.
For the first time, the paper submission, poper distribution and review process wos completely electronic. However, recognizing that some outhors and
reviewers still hod difficulties in communicating vi0 the Internet, we allowed the traditional moil submission ond distribution process. Only 15% of the
authors still preferred the traditional submission process.
Papers were routed to each Globecom’99 event according primorily to the authors’ choice during paper registration, In the absence of outhor’s c h o b
popers were routed by us according to the abstract and the keywords provided. Overoll, the vast majority of the authors (86% of the papers) mode their
own choice.
We received 1,215 popers from 38 different countries, o new submission record! Only 496 papers could be occommodoted in the progrom (opproxi-
motely 40% occeptonce rote). Each event hod complete independence to organize its final program from the open COII. They maintained an overage
40% occeptonce rote with smoll deviations, with exception to the Globol Internet Symposium that further reduced the acceptance rate to approxirnotely
22%. During the final Technicol Program Committee meeting, some popers were ollowed to move from one event to another in order to provide o
uniform poper selection and to better match the paper subject ore0 to the sessions being organized.
Among the 8 Symposio, the 3 that ottrocted the majority of the submissions where High Speed Nehorks, Communicotion Theory, ond Globol Internet
Applicotion ond Technology. As originally estimated, around 38% of the submissions target the General Conference, indicating that o forum for popers
that do not strictly fit in one of the Symposia should be maintained, at host for the near future.
Our sincere appreciation to the Choirs of the General Conference ond Symposio, TPC members and externol reviewersfor their very hard work, in o very
tight schedule. It was a pleasure to work with 011 of them. We ore olso thonkful to 011 the outhors who submitted their work to Globecom’99.
Unfortunotely, many very good papers could not be occommodated in the finol progrom, but a11 authors undoubtedly contributed to the high technical
’ quality of Globecom‘99

On behalf of the Choirs of the different Globecom’99 events we invite you to attend Globecom’99. We look forword to seeing you 011 in Rio de loneiro.

Ruimundo Sompuio-Neb, Technical Program Co-chair fdmundo de Souzu e Silvu, Technicol Progrom Co-choir
Pontificio Universidode Cot6lico do Rio de Janeiro Federol University of Rio de Janeiro
Globecom’99 Executive Committee

General Chair Registration Chair

J. Roberto Boisson de Marca Andre Luis C. de Ulhoa Cintra

Executive Chair Publications Chair

Abraham Alcoim Morto Rettelbusch de Bostos

Vice-Chair Publicity Chair

Helio Morcos Grociosa liliono Nokonechnyi

Technical Program Co-chairs Local Arrangements Co-chairs

Roimundo Sompoio Net0 Marcello Luiz Rodrigues de Compos
Edmundo A. de Souza e Silva Eduordo A. Borros do Silva

Finance ChairDreasurer Secretary

luiz Fernando M. Conrodo Sandra Schwabe

Finance Vice-Chair Advisors

Bruno S. Vionna Paul Hortmonn
Tom Rowbothon R i o d e J a n e i r o 1999

from left to right Roimundo Sampoio Neto, Andrti Luk de C. Ulhoo Cintro, Sondro Schwobe, Bruno S. Vianno, Liliana Nokonechnyj, 1. Roberto Boisson de Morco, 111;s Fernondo M. Conrado,
Marta Rettelbusch de Bostos, Abraham Akaim, Marcello 1. R. de Campos, Helio Marcos Grocioso, Edmundo A. de Souza e Silva (Photo courtesy of tarlos Eduardo Pedreira)

Globecom’99 Conference Record V

Globecom’99 Corporate Patrons
The Globecom‘99 Executive Committee wishes to thank the following companies who have committed their generous sponsor-
ship and patronage to the conferece

Gold Sponsors

Lucent Technologies
Bell Labs Innovations
A Lucent fa+. A cornunicaFZo funciona

Silver Sponsors


Official Carrier

Y A P , ALL A k C E

vi Globecom’99 Conference Record

Globecom’99 TechnicaI Program Committee

General Conference Symposium on Byrov Romomurthy,Universityof Nebrosko-lincoln

SymposiumChoir: Elvino 5. Souso, Universityof Toronto, Conodo Deboshis Saho, lodovpur University
Communication Theory Abhijit Sengupto, Universityof South Corolino
Symposium ViceChoir;Froncisco Morcos de Assis, Universityof SymposiumChoir Ezio Biglieri, Politecnico di Torino, ltoly Ness Shro4 Purdue University
Toronto, Conodo ComSoc iechnicolCommitteeSponsor; Communicotion Theory BurkhordStiller, E
Hi Zuerich
ComSoc CommitteeCO-Sponsors;Signol Processing ond Mollik Totipomulo, Cisco Systems
Communicotion Electronics, SignolProcessing for Storoge, Technical Program Committee h e Touch, Universityof Southern Colifornio
Communicotion Theow Multimedio Communicutions, VoldemorCordosodo Roho, Universidode Federul de Rose I? kong, SondioNotionol loborutories
CommunicotionSystems, lntegrotion ond Modeling, Rodio, Pernombuco, Brozil Enrique 1. Hernandez-Volenciu, lucent Technologies
Tocticol Communicotions,Informotion Infrostructure, CNOM, len Cimini,Afl USA Molothi Veeroroghovon,Polytechnic University
ComputerCommunicotions, Sotellite and Space Communico- MOXCosto, UNtCAMlj Eruzil Jesus Kllodongos, Universidod Publica de Novorra
tions Switching, CommunicotionsSoftwore, Personol Andreo Goldsmith, Coltech, USA Miki Yomomoto, Osoko University
Communicotions, EnterpriseNetworking, ironsmissionAccess UmbertoMengoli, Universiti di Piso, ltoly Oliver Yong, Universityof Ottowo
ond Opticol Systems, CommunicotionsQuolity 8 Reliobility Hikmet Sori, Alcotel, frunce On-Ching Yue, lucent Technologies
Moe Win, Afl USA
Technical Program Committee Symposium on Global Internet:
Ron Smith, TRY USA Application and Technology
SignalProcessing ond CommunicotionElectronics Symposium on
High-speed Networks Symposium Choir: Sugih Jomin, University of Michigan
Eric MocDonold, DotoPoth Systems, USA
SignolProcessing for Storoge Symposium Choir; Mork Kurd, Bell lobs, lucent Technologies ComSoc Technicol CommitteeCo-sponsors:Internet ond
Symposium Kcdhoir: Mortino Zitterbort, TechnicolUniversity ComputerCommunicotions
Keith Chugg, USC, USA
Eduordo Esteves, Qualcomm, USA Brounschweig
Communication Theory C m Soc iechnicolCommitteesCO-Sponsors: Computer Technical Program Committee
Communicotions, CommunicotionsSwitching, Communicotions BengtAhlgren, SICS
Nelson 1. S. Fonseco, Unicomp, Brozil Fred Boker, cisco
Multimedio Communicotions Systems lntegrotion 8 Modeling, ond Informotion Infrostructure
Hori Bolakrishnon, MIT
CommunicotionSystems lntegrotion ond Modeling lee Breslou, Xerox PARC
Mehmet Ulemo, Doewoo Telecom, USA Technical Program Committee Romon Coceres, AT8i lobs
Roh Mohommed Atiquzzomun, Universityof Doyton Poul Fruncis, NI7
Ender Ayonoglu, Cisco Systems Morio Geh, UlM
Mork Flonzboum, Mitre, USA
Sujoto Bonerjee, Universityof Pittsburgh Roch Guerin, Upenn
Tucticol Communicotions
Henry C. B. Chon, Hong Kong Polytechnic University Kevin leffoy, UNC
Cengiz Akgun, ielcordia, USA H. lonothon Choo, Polytechnic University Dilip Kondluc IBM
Informotion Infrostructure Thomos M. Chen, Southern Methodist University Jim Kurose, UMoss
ChristianRod, Telcordio, USA Kongsik Cheon, Koreo ielecom ihomos Norten, /EM
CNOM Fobio M. Chiussi, lucent Technologies €rich Nahum,. /EM
lbrohim Motto, Boston Universitv, USA lohn N. Doigle, Universityof Mississippi Vern Poxson, 1BNl
ComputerCommunicotions 0.1. Ding, Notionol Universityof Singopore Henning Schulzrinne, Columbio University
[holed Food Elsoyed, Coiro University Srini Seshon, IBM
Sotchondi Vermo, Motorolu, USA Cem Ersoy, Eogozici University
Sotellire ond Spoce Communicotions Joe Touch, IS1
Chone 1. Fullmer, Rooftop Communicotions Roj Yovotkor, Intel
Mohammed Atiquzzomon, The University of Doyton, USA Andreo Fumogolli, University of Texosut Dollus lixio Zhong, UCM
Switching Roch Guerin, University of Pennsylvonio
Geng-Sheng Kuo, Notionol Centrol Universitv, Toiwon lbrohim Hobib, City College of New York
tommunicotions Softwore Mounir Humdi, Hong Kong Universityof Science 8 Technology Symposium on
Wen# Kuo, lucent Technologies, USA Sun-Moo Kong, ETRl Enterprise Applications and Services
Personol Communicotions Morwon Krunz, Universityof Arizono SymposiumCdhoirs: lour0 Cerchio, CSEl6 ltoly
Chin Too leo, Hong Kong Universityof Science 8 Technology
Algirdos Pokstos, Universityof Sunderlond, UK Algirdos Pokstos, Universityof Sunderland, OK
YinpDor lin, Notionol Chioo Tung University
EnterpriseNetworking Fronk Mogee, lucent Technologies ComSoc Technical CommitteeCo-sponsors: Enterprise
Mounir Homdi, HKUSl Hong Kong Bill McKinnon, Georgioinstitute of Technology Neworking, Network Operotions ond Monogement, Technicol
ironsmissionAccess ond Opticol Systems Hermonn de Meer, Columbio University Communicotions, CommunicotionSoftwore, ond Computer
Nicolo Blefori-Melozzi,Universito’ di Romu ”Tor Vergatu” Communicotions
Weider D. Vu, lucent
Commun. Quolity 8 Reliobility Amitobh Mishro, lucent Technologies
Eyton Modiuno, MIT Lincoln loborotory Technical Program Committee
Noooki Yomonoko, Nfl lopon lose Augusto Suruogy Monteiro, UniversidodeFederul de S.Aidorous
Rep. for Asio Pocific Pernombuco B. Khosnabish
Glriuciode limo Siqueiro, PUC-Rio,Brozil Fobio Neri, Politecnicodi Torim P. Roy
Marrelo Alencor, UFPB, BrOZi/ Kihong Pork, Purdue University 5. Goyol
Ricurdo M. Compello, UFPe, Bruzil Niovi Povlidou,Aristotle Universityof Thessoloniki C. Godort
1oral Representotives R. RodhokrishnoPilloi, Kent Ridge Digit01lobs 1. lewis
Chunming Qioo, Stote University of New York ot Buffolo 1. Budford

Globecom’99 Conference Record vi i

Globecom’99 Technical Program Cornmittee

M. Eiiri Symposium on Advanced Signal

1! Bhagvath Processing for Communications
S. Chatterje SymposiumChair; Iaafar M.H.Elmirghani, Universityof
leinwand Northumbria, Newcast/e, England
K. Siddiqui ComSoc Technical CommitteeSponsor: Signal Processing
I. U!Hang CommunicationElectranics
E. Bagnosco
D. Zuckerman Technical Program Committee
M. Atiquzzamon Horst Bessai, Universityof Siegen, Germany
D. 1.Vermo ;TrevorClorkson, fings College london, UK
G. S. Kuo loa0 Marcos tavassas Romano, Universityof Campinas, Brazil
S. Moyer TatsuyaFuji, NI7 lobs, Iapan
Stomatias Kartalopoulos, lucent Technology,USA
Symposium on Hussein Mouftoh, QueensUniversity,Conado
Future Wireless Systems Naohisa Ohta, Sony,Japan
Ron Smith, TRY USA
Symposium Chair; Henry Bertoni, folythecnic University lomohiko laniguchi, Fujitsu, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
SymposiumViceChoir:Chi-lin I, A18 T Bin Qiu, Monash University,Victoria, Australia
CamSac Technical CommitteeCa-Sponsors:Personal
Communications; Computer Communications; Communication Symposium on Access Networking
Systems Integration and Modeling; Multimedia Communications Symposium Chair: Stephen Weinstein, NEC USA, Inc.
and Satellite and Space Communications
ComSoc TechnicoICommitteeCo-sponsors: tansmission, Access
and Optical Systems, Cable-based Dehery and Access Systems,
Technical Program Committee Network Operations and Management, and Computer
Wen-YiKuo, AWLabs Communications
/brahim Matta, Boston University
MarieIose Montpetit, leledesic 111
Ron f! Smith, IRW Space 8 Electronics Technical Program Committee
Howard Xia, Airlouch Communications Mounis Haudi
Masoharu Ham, NI7 DoCoMo Mike Kinmid
Horst Clausen, Sah6urg University Bob Touch
Michel D. Yacoub, UNICAMP Jack Terry
WernerMohr, SiemensAG Shri Goyal
lakeshi Hattori, Sophia University Samir Chatterjee

Symposium on Multimedia Services

and Technology Issues
Symposium Chair: Charles N. Iudice, Eastmon Kodok Company
Symposium Vicdhoir: Nelson Fonseca, State Universityof
ComSoc Technical CommitteeCosponsors: Multimedia
Communications, Personal Communications, Communications
Systems Integration and Modeling and Computer Cammunico-
Symposium Vicdhoir: Nelson Fonseca, UNlCAMP

Technical Program Committee

Alex Gelman, Panasonic
Tak Komoe, HP
Sirin lekinay, NIIT
€rich Addeo, DeVry
Ibrahim Matto, Boston University
Mark Kurd, Bell labs
leif Aarthun Ims, lelenor

Vlll Globecorn‘99 Conference Record
Globecom’99 Board of Reviewers

General Brett Vickers Felipe A Cruz-Perez J. Cormelo lnterlondo Kholed Ben Letoief Mouricio Magalhies
Brian Marcus Felix Hortonto I.G. tee Ki J. Bosel Mehrnet Toy
Conference Bruce Kuhnert Fergus Ross J. Moon Kihong Pork Mehmet Ulemo
A. Joekel Bruce Moision Fotios K. Liotopoulos J. Principe Kin Leung Michael Reiack
A. lee Swindlehurst Byung-Gi lee Francisco J. Gonzalez Serrono I.Yoon King-Sun Chon Michael Rice
ATM Rahmon C. Leung Francisco-Jovier Gonzalez- 1.Nilsson Koichiro Ban Michael Wong
Abbos Jomalipour C. P. McCloy Serrono Jongrai Roh Koorosh Akhovan Michail K. Tsotsonis
Abhijit Sengupta C. Zloteo Frank Bailey, Jock Winters Krishnan Bolokrishnan Michel Dooud Yocoub
Adrian Borbulescu Candido Lopez Frank Parng Jock Wolf Krishnappo R Subromanion Mikoel Skoglund
Ahmet A. Akyomoc Cecilio Pimentel Frontisek Jokob James Breen Kudrethoya A. Shridhoro Mike Brown
Albert then Celio Albuquerque Fredrik Brannstrom James Kroll Kumor N. Sivarajon Mike Butler
Albert R. Porodis Cengiz Akgun Fredrik Gunnarsson Janet Douglas Kwong-Cheng then Mike Devetsikiotis
Albert then Cesor Vorgos Fumiyuki Adochi Jari linotti Kyoungwon Suh Ming l u
Alehandor Kavcic thong-Wen then G Nong Jason Yo0 Kyungshik lim Mini Vosudevon
Alex Hoimovich Chongqing Wang G. S. Kuo Jovier 1. Wong Mohammed Atiqunomon
Alex Kot Cheton Gopol Gobi Dreo Rodosek Jay Boo Lojos Honzo Mohammed Nofie
Alex Popovici Chi Wan Sung Gomze Seckin Joyesh Kotecho Larry LoBue Mohsen Kovehrod
Alex Haimovich Chih Peng li Gong li Iayrnes Golvin Larry Meyers Mornodou Sonyang
Alexander Floig Chin-liang Wong Gary Brzozowski Jeff Blanchord Lars K. Rosmussen Monica Gorricho-Moreno
Alexei Gorokhov ChingYoo Huong Ge Nong Jeff Correia Leo K. Scott Monisho Ghosh
Alf Watson Chris Cleelond George R. R. Justo Jeffrey Copone li Fung thong Moshe Zukermon
Algirdos Pokstos Christos Douligeris George Thomas Jeffrey J Buck li-Chun Wang Mounir Homdi
Arnitobh Mishro Christos Tryfonos Gerald Schlueter Jeffrey Wojtiuk liesbet Van der Perre Muriel Medord
Anond Venkotocholam Chunhung Richard lin Gerordo Costanon Jennifer Trelewicz Linda Rising Muthukumor Ratty
Anders Honsson Claude Godart German Feyh Jesus Villadangos Lineu C. Barbosa N. K. Shankar
Andrea Conti Colin Smyihe Gervois Jionn-thing Guey Lisa Fredrickson Nom Phomdo
Andreos Cedergren Corral Briones, Grocielo Gionluigi Ferrori Jianqiu Zhong luis Correio Noofal AI-Dhahir
Andrei Viiyoev Curt Schurgers Gilbert0 Mayor Jim Fitzpotrick luis Soldonha Necdet Uzun
Aniruddho S. Gokhole D. Kozakos Giovonni Pou Joe Coroselli Luiz Fernando Rust do Costa Necip Soyiner
Anthony Clark Doe-lg thong Graerne Woodward Joe Huong Cormo Nelson Fonseco
Anthony Weathers Don Moulin Greg Stymfol Joe Roikowski lundy lewis Nelson Luis
Anurog Kumar Don Romanenko Gregory Bothrick John F. Doheriy M. Moode Nersi Nazori
Apostolis K. Salkintzis Daniel Raponi GuonY L lohn Fan M.Mazen AI-Khatib Nicholas Sidiropoulos
Arne Svensson Daniel Vicente i Tobar Guong-thong Zhu John Gibson M. A. Blonco NickVan Strolen
Arnold lipton Daniel Wong Guido Souza Filho John N. Doigle M. Bassiouni, 5. Chotterjee Nicolos Desoulniers-Soucy
Arnon Friedmann Dove Brody Guisheng lioo John Shea M. Cornes Ning Yong
Arshod Shoikh Dove Snodgross GuoDong Zhong John Wilber M. D. Drake Norman S. Jonoff
Artur Zivioni David Brody Guojun l u John Tindle M. Ferdous Alom Osamu Koboyoshi
Arun K. Somoni David E. Delano Guy Omidyor Jong-Toe Pork M. John Yoder Paul Alexander
Aruno Senevirotne David Everitt H.R. Wu loon Ho tho M.Mozen AI-khotib Paul Bramble
Arunabho Sen David lin Hoirong Sun Jose Feireiro de Rezende Monsour Toloo Paul Coppozo
Atul S Moghe David Munoz Halim Sabit Soy Jose Torres Ma Moode Paul Fine
B. G. Do David P. Strand Honiph lotchmon Joseph Boutros Mahbub Hossan Paul Gray
B. V. K. Vijoya Kumor David W. tin Horsho R. Siriseno Joseph M. Kahn Mokoto Furukawo Paul H. Siege1
B.H. Soong David W. Petr Hector Corroles Jose August0 Suruogy Monteiro Momoru Sowahoshi Peiiun Shan
B.S. Ashok Kumor David Everitt Heecohng Kim Jun Wong Monjunoth A Krishnarn Per Moqvist
B.G Kim Dovif Munoz Helmut Boelcskei June Nomgoong Mansour Toloo Pervez Aziz
Bondyopadhyoy Diomel Sadok Herman D. Hughes Junqiong Shen Marc Engels Peter Kenington
Bone Vosic Doming0 toro-Rodriguez Hiew Pang leang Junsong ti Marc Moonen Peter McEwen
Bonie Amin Don Olson Hiroku Okodo Jyh-Cheng then M o d o Sampoio de Alencar Peter Pacheco
Bossam Hoshem Dongning Guo Hiroki Sugimoto K. Faze1 Marco Chioni Phil Hart
Ben Greeor Drogos Niculescu Hisayoshi lnomori K. S. Hsueh Mario Bonotti Philip Fishmon
Bertrond Muquet Duke Hong Hongyon Kuai K.V.Rovi Mario Hueda Pierongelo Miglioroti
Bhurnip Khosnobish Ed Belkeir Horst Bessai Koinom Thomas Wong Mark Flonzbaum Piero Costoldi
Bill Dovies Edmundo Madeira Hrishi Tolwar Kopil Chowlo Mark Reed Pooi Yuen Kom
Bill McKinnon Eric MocDonold Hui liu Karl Molnor Martin Foodmon Qi Hoo
Bill Opdyke Eric Yong Hung Nguyen Ke Han Moriy Myers Qion Zhong
Bill Rolston Erik Strorn loin Collings Keong-Po Ho Mosoru Honjo Qiong Ren
Bill Ryan F. Porng lbrahim Motto Kees lmmink Mosoto Soito Qing Guo
Bin Qiu F. Piazza, S. Fiori lrodi Ouveysi Kelly Fitzpotrick Mothew Vea R. Venugopol
Bob Swonson Fahrnido Choudhory lrodi Ouveysi Kevin Brown Mots Oberg Ram Botni
Brad Rainbolt Fowzi Dooud lvonil S. Bonatti Kevin Mouck Matt Folkner Ramesh Pyndiah

Globecom’99 Conference Record IX

Globecom’99 Board of Reviewers

Ramon M. Rodriguez-Dognino Sumit Roy Symposium on Korine Cavolec Yuqi Yo0 Guido Albertengo
Romu Romomurthy Sung Hyuk Byun Keith chugg Zoran Kostic Gunnor Karlsson
Randal R. Sylvester Taesong Choi Communication Lojos Hanzo H. Jonathan Chao
Raphael J. Lyman Toi-Ann then Theory Leonard Cimini Symposium on Henry Chan
Roy Sundororoman Takoya Yomozato Alessondro Vonelli Corolli Lifong ti Hermonn de Meet
Richard Behrens Tan Wong M. Van Blodel
High-speed Hongyi Zhong
Ali olmutoiri
Richard Miskowski Tot M. Lok Amer Hossan Mohmoud Ammor Networks Hyoung-Kee Choi
Robert E. Stymo Teck Kiong Lee Andrea goldsmith Marc Moeneclaey A. Joekel lbrohim HAbib
Robert E. Van Dytk Teng Joon Lim Annie Picort Morcelo E. Pellenz Abhijit Sengupto lsobella Cerutfi
Robert K. Morrow, Jr. Theodore Antonakopoulos Antonio D’Amico Mortelo Sompoio de Alencar Alvin Chan Toong Shoon Joe-Oh Lee
Robert 1. fike Thomas 1. Ferguson Arnoud Jullian Morco lops Amitabh Mishro James Coi
Robert Qiu Thorsten Petermonn Arb Srivostova Morco Luise Ana lordies Jason Jue
Robert Swonson Timothy Thomas Ayman elezabi Martin Clark Andrea Bionco Jeong-dong Ryoo
Roberto Gorello Tolga M. Dumon Bohram Honory Max Costa Andrea Corena Jesus Villadongo!8
Roberto Verdone Tom Souvignier Bernhard Dorsch Mehmet Ulema Andrea Francini Jim Kurose
Roger Tomos Tomooki Ohtsuki Bill Turin Michael Peleg Anindo Bonerjeo Jin Pork
Roger Wood Tony Ottosson Brian Martus Michele Morelli Antonio Puliofito Jing Li
Ruifeng Zhang Tor Aulin Brian Hart Mieke Mielonts Arato Koike Jochen Behrens
Ran Fonte ( Tosco Federico Bruce McNoir Moe Win Ashraf A. Awad Joerg Diederich
Ron P. Smith Toshio Asono Byoung-J Kim Mohomed-slim Alouini Atsushi Abe Jogesh K. Muppolo
Ronald Cosentino Trevor Clorkson Carlo Coini Neelesh Mehto Bill McKinnon John N. Daigle
Runsheng He Tsao-Tsen then Carol Martin Pork, Chon Bo ti Jose August0 Suruogy Monteiro
Russel Sun Udor Mittal Cetilio Pimentel Paul Spruyt Bong Young Lee (]
Russell Ranger Upkor Vorshney Celso de Almeida Paul0 Gomide Cohn Brian Barnes for Bill McKinnon Jun S. Hong
Ryoichi Nokomuro Voleri Yo. Kontorovitch Chi Nee Peter Driessen Burkhord Stiller Kai-Yeung Siu, MI1
S. Vermo Veli Sohin Christophe Loot Philippe Antione Byrov Ramarnurthy Kongsik Cheon
Sobit Soy Velio Tralli Christophe Martin Promod Viswonoth Byung-Chun Jeon Kozuto Nishimuro
Sofiulloh Foizulloh Vicent Wong Dalton S. Arontes Ricardo M. Compello de Sousa Cem Ersoy! Burcu Cimendog Keisuke Takemori
Salvatore Bellofiore Vimal K. Khonno David Tse Raiiv Nombior Chone Fullmer Kholed Elsoyed
Somir Chotterjee Vincent Wong Dennis Goeckel Romesh Pyndiah Chikoro Ohto Khurram Kazi
Sammy Chon Vinko Erceg Diomel Sadok Ronjon K. Mallik Chin-Tau Leo Kihong Pork
Somrat Ganguly Vinod Shorma Elie Beiiani Rapeepot Rotasuk Chunming Qiao Krishna M. Sivolingom
Sandip Sarkar Vipada Kasernsri Eric MacDonald Reginald0 Polono Junior Claudio Cosetti Krishnon Bolokrishnon
Sondouk Abbos Vittorio Degli Esposti F a w i Dooud Rictardo Roheli David Schweikert, Burkhord Kumor N. Sivorojan
Sandra Tortorelli W. Coene Filippo Gionnetti Rohit negi Stiller Lompros Kolampoukos
Sangthoon Kim Woi Ho Mow Gent Poporisto Ruggero Reggiannini (] tionfong Zhong
Sotoshi Mokido Warren Wilson Geoffrey li Rupert Herzag Debobrata Sengupto Liubiso Toncevski
Scott Stadler Weider Yu George Chrisikos Sennur Ulukus Debanion Saho Luco Volcarenghi
Sennur Ulukus Wen-Yi Kuo Ghosson Koleh Sergia Benedetto Deboshis Soho Luis Villosenor, 0. Yong
Shoyan Farohvosh Werner Mohr Giorgio M. Vitetto Severine Catreux Denis Khotimsky M. Veeraraghovon
Shiouhe Tsoi Wil Bliss Giovonni E. Corazza Shrogo Bross Donpoul Stevens Moi Jin
Shirish Altekar William Bridge Giuseppe Coire Sigurd Schelstraete Ellen 1. Hohne Marto Ajmone Morson
Shoichiro Yomosoki William Gordner Goldsmith Stephen Weinstein Emilio Leonordi Mario Burzio, CSELT, Turin, Italy
Shree Murthy William T Rolston Gregaty Mitthell Syed iafor Ender Ayonoglu Morco Tocco
Siamok Dostongoo Willie tu H.M. de Oliveiro Thierry Pollet Enrique 1. Herandez-Valencia Mark Johnson
Simon Kerridge Witold A. Krzymien Halim Sobit Say Thomas Mittelholzer (enrique@bell-la] Martino Zitterbort
Simone Fiori Xioo Feng Wong Hanks Zheng Thorsten Petermonn Eyal Felstoine Morwon Krunz
Sivo Perraju Tolety Xiooling Huong Heechong Kim Tom Souvignier Eyton Modiono Mosilomony Roguporan
Song thong Y. 1. Guan Hikmet Sori Tom Willis Fabio Neri Miguel A. Lobrodor
Soung-Yue liew Y.N.Singh lgal Soson Tony l i u Fei Xue Miki Yomamoto
Srinidhi Kodolbol Ye li 1. Carmelo lnterlondo Umberto Mengoli Fernando Boovido Mod Morothe
Stan Vitebskiy Yo Hsuon Jack Winters Urboshi mitro Franco Callegoti Mohomod Abau El-Nasr
Stefan Kaiser You Ze tho Jacques Antoine Voldemor Rocho Frank Mogee Mohammed Atiqunaman
Stella N. Botoloma Younghon Kim Jacques Eudes Vincent Kerbool G. G. Finn Mounir Hamdi
Stephen 1. Morin Yufei Huong Jaime Portugheis Vinod Kumor George Apostolopoulos Notholie Weiler
Steve Vinoski Yung-Fung then Jean-Claude Dony Walter do Cunho Borelli George Fonkhauser Necdet Uzun
Steven Mcloughlin Yuqi Yo0 Jerome Brouet Walter Godoy Junior George Kesidis Nen-Fu Huang
Steven S. Pietrobon Zhensheng Zhong Io60 Marcus T.Romono Weiler Alves Finamore George N. Rouskas Ness B. Shroff
Stuart Goldmon Zhiwen liu Joseph Boutros Werner Mohr Giotomo Morobito Nicola Blefori-Meloni
Subroto Bonerjee Zi-Ning Wu K. Fozel Xiaodong wong Gionluco Reali Niovi Povlidou
Sudeept Bhatnagor Zsolt Horoszti Kapil Chowlo Xiaoxin Qiu Giovanni Schembra 0. Yang
Sudheer Grondhi Xiaoyi tong Gosse Wedzinga Oliver Yang

X Globecom‘99 Conference Record

Globecom‘99 Board of Reviewers

On-thing Yue Dorghom Sisolem Bognasco Enrico Kul Bhosin Luiz Fernando Rust Tuloy Adoli
Peifang Zhou Erich Nahum Bolo Romesh Lojos Hanzo Moiid Rabbani Woi Pang Ng
Peter Reichl, Burkhord Stiller Fred Baker Claude Godart Luis Geroldo Meloni Morcelo Goncalves Rubinstein Werner Mohr
Pierluigi Poggiolini George Apostolopoulos Douglas Zuckerman Moi Jin Marie-Jose Monpetit Y L Guan
0.1. Ding Guongyu Pei G.S. Kuo Morcelo Sampoio de Alencar Matt Folkner Yasuoki Takotori
Radhakrishna Pillai Hori Bolakrishnan Gobi Dreo Rodosek Marie-Jose Montpetit Michael Devetsikiotis Yasuo Suzuki
Roiorshi Roy Henning Schulzrinne Giovonni Pou Mosohoru Hato, HlB Mohammed Atiquuaman Yasushi Takatori
Roberto Goudino Ion Marsh James W. Hong Michel Daoud Yacoub Moshe Zukerman Yushi Shiroto
Roberto Grosso Ion Stoita Kohei lseda on behalf of Minami Ishii, HLB Myung Lee
Roberto Rojas-Cessa James Steponek Mosoyoshi Eiiri Ming l u Nelson Fonseco
Roberto Rojos-Cessa Jeff Kann Laura Cerchio Mini Vosudevan Otto Carlos Muniz Bondeira
Roch Guerin Jennifer Rexford Lundy lewis Motohiro Tomno, HLB Duorte
Rocky K. C. Chang Jim Kurose Mitsuhiro Azumo on behalf of Narumi Umedo, HlB Rajiv Dighe
Rose Tsong Joe Touch Mosoyoshi Eiiri Nilo Cosimiro Ericsson for M J Rosongela Coelho
S. Shah-Heydori, Oliver Yong John Reumann Prodeep Ray Montpetit Sarit Mukheriee
Sanjay Komat Jonathan Lennox Somir Chotterjee Niovi Povlidou T K lee
Santosh Krishnan Jonathan Rosenberg Shinyo Kano Noriteru Shinagawo, HlB William Cheng
Seung-Woo Seo Jun Wei Takofumi Chuio Pascal Lorenz
Shitanshu Shah Lars Eggert Paul Jean Etienne Jeszensky Symposium on
Song thong lee Breslou Symposium on Philippe BERTIN
Advanced Signal
Stefan Fischer lixia Zhong Pravin Bhogwat
Stefan0 Basagni Monthos Kozantzidis
Future Wireless Renato Boldini Mho Processing for
Stephen Suryaputra Vijay Sivaroman Systems Ron Smith Communications
Sujato Bonerjee Mario Gerla Abbas lomalipour Rui Fragossi de Souza
Alan Chon
Sun-Moo Kang Kyle Boe Ailton Akira Shinodo S.-H. Gory Chon Aziz G. Qureshi
1.Shon, Oliver Yang Kwon Taek Jin Ajoy Chandro V. Gurnmollo Sodayuki Abeta, HLB B.Y. Prosetyo
Takayuki Koiso Monthos Kozantzidis Akiro Hiroike, HlB Samson Million Carlos Aurelia Faria do Rotha
Ted Fober Mark Handley Albert chen Shinii Ueboyashi, HlB Dimitris Koulokiotis
Tom (hen Paul Francis Ali Nazif Stan Vitebskiy Dina Shomoon
Tsunemasa Hoyashi Perry Tong b i z Qureshi Sudheer Grandhi Horst Bessai
Turgoy Korkmaz Ping Pan Behcet Sarikayo Sudhir Ramokrishna Jaafar Elmirghani
Vijay Sivoroman Pravin Bhogwot Ce Xu T. Dahlberg Jaime Portugheis
Viktoria Elek Roch Guerin Celso de Almeido Tai-Ann then Jason Yo0
Vinod Peris Ronn Ritke ChingYao Huang Takeshi Hottori l i e Sang
Vittorio Curri Sally Floyd Dalton Soares Arontes Tong Bihoi Io60 Morcos T.Romano
Wei Yue Sonjoy Kamot Daniel lane Tosco Federico Junii Suzuki
Yannis Viniotis Sohendro Yodav David Falconer Toshihiro Nomoto, Keizo Cho
You-Ren Jenq Shitanshu Shah David everitt Vossilios Tsooussidis Kentaro Nishimori
Ying-Dar tin Sonia Tsoi Dongsoo Har Walter do Cunha Borelli Kiyoshi Koboyashi
Youngmi loo Srinivasan Seshon Eric Yang Wen-Tsuen then l u Choo
Zheng Wong Steve Hotz Erich Lutz Wen-Yi Kuo
Mario D. Mironda
Suchitro Roman Etsuhira Nakono, HlB Werner Mohr Masashi Nokatsugawo
Symposium on Sugih larnin Franrois Gouthier Yosuhiko h u e , Maurice Bellonger
Sung-Ju Lee Fumiyuki Adachi, HlB Yoshiyuki Yosuda,
Global Internet: Ted Fober Girish Chiruvolu
Max Gerken
Naohiko lwakiri
Application and Thomas Norten Golden G. Richard Ill Symposium on Naohiso Ohto
Technology Vein Pawon Guoiun l u
Weniie Weng H.R. Wu
Multimedia Neerai K. Sharmo
Amy S. Hughes Oded Gottesman
Ken Tong Hector Corroles Services and Paul0 Diniz
Andreas Terzis
Wenyu Jiong Henry 1. Bertoni Technology Issues Phil Regalia
Anindo Banerjeo
Xin Wong Horst D. Clausen Alex Gelmon Robert Mcguiness
Ashish Mehra
Howard Xi0 Alex Loui S Suthahoron
Bengt Ahlgren
Bernie Keony Symposium on I-Toi tu Daniel Reininger Shankor Regunathan
lbrahim Motto
Biorn Gronvoll Enterprise Appli- Jokab Frantisek
Ehab S.AI-Shaer Shuii Kubata
Bodhi Priyontho Eric Addeo T. Taniguchi
Christian Mociocco
cations and Jean-Marc Cramer Fowzi Dooud Takoyuki Nokochi (via Tatsuya
Services Jionn-thing Guey Flavio Poivo Junqueira Fujii)
Don Mossey
Joao Celio Brand60 Howard Bussey Tokayuki Nokachi (via Totsuya
David Putzolu Algirdos Pakstas
Joe Huong Jeff Derby Fujii)
Debonion Soha Amitabh Mishro
Jose Edson Vargos B. John Lui Totsuya Fujii
Dilip Kondlur Aniruddho S. Gakhale
Jose Roimundo de Oliveira Jonathan K. Riek Trevor Clorkson
Dimitrios Pendarokis Ashley Bush
Kazuo Nakogawa, HlB

Globecom’99 Conference Record xi

Technical Sessions Overview


GC - General Conference CT - Communication Theory

GI - Global Internet: Application and Technology FW - Future Wireless communication Systems
HS - High Speed Networks EN - Enterprise Applications and Services
SP - Advanced Signal Proceding for Communications AN - Access Networking
MM - Multimedia Services and Technology Issues (*) This panel will be held in Room Gavea B, Sheraton

xii Globecom’99 Conference Record

Technical Sessions Overview

Please notice that along the advanced program the sessions are indicated using the following type of code:

MM-CT, standing for Monday Morning, Communication Theory

WA-SP, standing for Wednesday Afternoon, Signal Processing

Globecom'99 Conference Record Xlll
Globecom‘99 Business and Application Sessions

Globecom’99 High Speed Networks Globecom‘99 Enterprise Applications Molineaux, France; Nicola Di Biase, Strategic Planning, Telecom
ltalia Mobile, Roma, Italy; Costanza Graziani, Strategic Analy-
Symposium And Services Symposium
sis, Albacom, Roma, Italy; David M. Kennedy, Eurescom GmbH,
MPLS Current Studies & Future Directions How to Transition From Technical Professional Germany; h i l a Khmer, Tele Danmark Udvikling, Taastrup,
Sheraton Hotel, Monday Afternoon, Room Gavea B Denmark; Attilio Somma, Strategic Planning, Telecom ltalia
to Managerial
Organizer: Geng-Sheng Kuo, National Central University, Taiwan Mobile, Roma, Italy
Sheroton Hotel, WednesdayMorning, Room Gavea A
Participants: RichardVickers, Director, Network Research, Nortel Organizer: Necdet Uzun, New Jersey Institute of Technology Topic - The evolution of the fixed-mobile convergence scenario
Networks Advanced Technology, Canada; Daniel Awduche, Moderator: Mehmet Toy, Fujitsu Network Communications represents today one of the most relevant issues for each player
Manager of Advanced Technologies, UUNET, MCI Worldcom, Participants: (1) From Technical Professional to Manager and of the evolving telecommunications world. While fixed network
USA; Yashihiro Ohba, Communication and Information Sys- Back, 1. I.Gitten, Daewoo Telecom Ltd; (2) To be EE or not to operators must preserve their competitiveness against the
tems laboratories, Toshiba R8D Center, Japan; G. S. Kuo, Na- be, Eleanor Baum, Cooper Union; (3) Starting Your Own Com- spreading of mobile services, the providers of these last ones,
tional Central University, Taiwan pany, Orin E. h e y , Kaiser Electronics; (4) Why not Be Movers even if encouraged by the continuous growth of their market,
Topic - Multi Protocol label Switching and Shakers, Joel Snyder, Snyder Associates cannot avoid to perform a careful monitoring of their activities
fora number of causes: technological innovation continuously
Topic - When and how to make the transition from technical to
IP and ATM Convergence generates alternative services, new operators are licensed and
managerial positions, challenges in managerial positions, and
Sheraton Hatel, Tuesday Afternoon, Room Gavea A competition must be now played at the international level. In
statistics for the transitions.
Organizer: Paula de Sousa, European Comission such a complexand articulated environment, it is inevitable for
Participants: Martin Potts, Association Swiss PTT/Ascom; W. telecommunications operators the recourse to instruments that
Globecom’99 Future Wireless Commu- help the process of strategic planning. They need a global view
Almesberger and S. Giordano, EPFL ICA; J. Hadi, cI1 NORTEL
Networks; Mikhail Smirnov, GMD-Fokus; Mario Gerla, UClA, or nication Systems Symposium while, at the same time, their attention must be focused on the
August0 Casaca, INESC, Portugal; Heinrich Stuettgen, NEC; J. D. most essentiol aspects. This Business Application Session will
Angelopoulos and 1.Orphanoudakis, National Technical Univer-
3 6 Wireless Town Meeting tackle this issues.
sity of Athens; Walid Dabbous, INRIA; Niels E. Andersen, DSC
lntercontinentolHotel, Wednesday Morning, Room Govea A
Organizer 8 Moderator: Umesh Amin, Director, Director, New 4th Generation Systems
Topic - Covers work carried out in the framework of the AClS Technologies 8 Planning, AT8T Wireless Services IntercontinentalHotel, WednesdayAfternoon, Room Gavea A
Programme, and in many programmes elsewhere, pertinent to Participants: Kohei Sotos, Executive Director IMT 2000 Group, Organizer: Jorge Pereira, European Commission
the topic. Technical and business aspects will be addressed, NTT DoCoMo; Tero Ojanpera, Vice-president, Radio Access Sys- Partipants: Fiona Williams, Ericsson Eurolab DeutschlandGmbH,
current business and technical roadblocks will be reviewed, 01- tems, Nokia Telecom; Pietro Porzio-Giusto, Vice-president, Ra- Germany; Heikki Huomo, Nokia, Finland; Robert D. Poor, MIT
ternatives will be explored, and recommendations to overcome dio Engineering, Telecom ltalia Mobile; Jorge Quitegui, Vice- Media Laboratory, USA; Jan Kruys, lucent Tethnologies and
them will be drawn. President, Wireless Strategy, Telefonica of Argentina; Mark Aus- ETSl BRAN Chairman, The Netherlands; Masahiro Umehira, NTT
tin, Director, Advanced Technology Development, Bell South laboratories and MMAC Chair, Japan; D. Raychaudhuri, C8C
Executive panel: IP Over (ATM, SONET, WDM)? Mobility Research laboratories, NEC USA, USA
Sheroton, Room Gavea B
Chair: Chunming Qiao, SUNY at Buffalo, USA Topic - 1999 will be a watershed year of technology develap- Topic - 4th generation as a mere extension of 3rd Generation or
Organizers: Chunming Qiao, SUNY at Buffalo; Ender Ayanoglu, ment for the global wireless industry. The ITU effort for 3G a new paradigm? From heterogeneous, hierarchical broadband
Cisco, USA standardization are in full swing. There are sixteen proposals networks, interoperating with 3rd and even 2nd generation
Speakers: Rick Barry, Sycamore; Joe Berthold, Ciena; Paul with ITU on 36 technologies. Of these proposals, there are atleast networks, to personal area networks. User as the focus of 4th
Bonenfant, Lucent; Richard Cardwell, Telcordia; Jeff Fitchett, three distinct survivors on the terrestrial side. An executive panel Generation systmes, no longer the operators or network provid-
Nortel; Evan Goldstein, ATLT; Larry McAdams, Cisco; Niall will provide global wireless operators and vendor community’s ers. Service Providers and Brokers: their role.
Robinson, Qtera; Charlie Rohrs, Tellabs views, debate, and discussion on this lively topic.

Wireless Communication
Scenarios & Strategical Perspectives
IntercontinentalHatel, WednesdayMorning, Room Gavea A
Organizers: lsabela Maria Palombini and Bartolomeo Sapio,
Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy;
Participants: Jean Yves David, France Telecom, CNET, lssy Les

xiv Globecom’99 Conference Record

Globecom'99 Business and Application Sessions

Executive panel: 3G Wireless Technology, Opportunities and Challenges for Optical cations Commission (CITEL), the Latin American regional sotel-
Business and Policy Issues Networks lite operators and the international satellite carriers will be pre-
Intercontinental, Room Quartz0 A Sheraton Hotel, Mondoy Afternoon, Room Gavea A sented as well as that of Spain's Hispasot.
Organizer: Chih-lin I, ART Organizer: Chungpeng Fan, lucent Technologies
Communications Software Engineering, Tools
Moderator: Jesse Russell, AT81 Participants: Jim Moore on (1) Deployment of Optical Fiber,
Jesse Russell, Chairman, Wireless Communications Division, TIA and Dennis Doherty on (2) Integrated Management of Optical and Methodologies
VP, Advanced Communications, AT8T; William lee, VP 8 Chief Network Elements by Service Providers, lucent Technologies Sheraton Hotel, Wednesday Morning, Room Gavea A
Scientist, Global Technology, Vodafone AirTouch; Bosco Organizer: Algirdas Pakstas, University of Sunderland
Topic - Applications and service drivers for OWDM and ON, the participants: (1) State-Based Modeling for Test, Ara
Fernandes, Chairman, Information Communications Technolo-
dimensions of growth for the industry from a global perspec- Kouchakdjian, Q-Labs, Inc.; (2) Usageof Statistical UsageTest-
gies, UMTS VP 8 Global Key Account, Siemens; Akio Sasaki,
tive, covering both industrialized nations and emerging regions. ing at the FAA, Bob Fietkiewiu, Federal Aviation Administra-
Director, ARlB (Association of Radio lndustriesand Businesses)
The current trends of DWDM expanding from terrestrial long tion
VP, NTT-DoCoMo; Shihe li, Chairman, China Academy of
haul to metro/access and LAN/enterprise application, and in
Telecomm Tech Choirman, Beijing Xinwei Telecom Tech Co.; Topic - Traditionally telecom development has been done in a
the meantime to ultra long-haul undersea optical networking
Mark Epstein, Senior VP, Development, QUALCOMM Choirman, stable environment (no competition) with long lead times. This
will be explained. The impact of optical networking upon the
International Standards Coordinating Subcommittee, TIA; is now changing as the competition is sharpening and opera-
industry competition and telecommunications liberalization in
George Zysman, CTO and VP, Wireless Comm, lucent tors need more features faster Software Engineering methods
various countries will also be discussed.
such as Software Process, Software Engineering Institute's Ca-
Globecom'99 Access Networking Service Evolution towards the Global Informa- pability Maturity Model (CMM[SMJ) and Incremental Develop-
Symposium tion Society ment are among the ways to ochieve this change.
Sheroton Hotel, Tuesday Morning, Room Gavea A
Multimedia Satellite Communications Internet Growth in South America
Organizer: Roberto Saracco, CSELT
Sheroton Hotel, Mondoy Morning, Room Gaveo A Sheraton Hotel, Wednesday Afternoon, Room Govea A
Participants: Roberto Saracco, Cselt; Christian Rad, Telcordia;
Organizer: Harold Skinnemoen, Nera SatCom Organizer: Jose luiz Ribeiro Filho, Director of the Brazilian Re-
Ron Horn, Nortel; Manoel Alberto Rodrigues, Prolan Solucoes
Chair: Gunnar Stette, NTNU search Network
Integradas; Torsten Rolf Bojlesen, CPqD
Participants: Roger Rush, TelAstra (primary speoker); Saastri participants: Florencio Utreras, Chile REUNA, Rede Universitaria
Kota, lockheed Martin (speaker); Roberto Donodio, ESUEstec Topic - We are going to have plenty of services, we are going to Nacional; Jose Soriano, Peru Red Cientifico Peruana; Julion
(speaker); Rich Gobbi, Astrolink (speaker); Gerson Souto, SES- have plenty of opportunities to make money out of those ser- Dunayevitch, Argentina Ministerio do Educocion; Luis Eliecer
ASTRA (speaker) vices but: what services are we talking about? When will they Cadenas, Venezuela REACIUN; Raul Echeberria, Uruguay
come to be? When will I see the money? lnstituto Nacional de investigation Agropecuaria; Jose Luiz
Topic - Insight into the current status and plans for broadband Ribeiro Filho, Brazil RNP, Rede Nacional de Pesquisa;
satellite communicaitons, the technical challenges, their role Satellite Communications in Latin America
and relation to other broadband communication technologies, Intercontinentol Hotel, Tuesday Morning, Room Govea A Topic - State of the art ond trends.
along with some focus on market and regulatory issues. Organizer: Walter Ciesluk, MITRE Corporation, Chair of the
Comsoc Satellite and Space Communications
Globecom'99 General Conference Participants: Lincoln A. A. Oliveira, Head of Operations and
Engineering, Satellite Business Unit, Embrotel; Juan Manuel
Executive panel: Teleducation, a Killer Zomudio, Vice President of Satellite Operation and Engineer-
Appl lication ing, Satmex; Fidel Morales Moreno, Marketing and Sales Man-
Sheroton Hotel, Monday Morning, Room Gavea B ager, NahuelSat; Jose Maria Cosas Cortezon, Business Devel-
Organizer: Tammy Sumner, University of Colorado opment Director, Hispasat S.A.; Ramiro Reinoso, Satellite Ap-
Participants: John Silvester, University of Southern California; plications Engineering, Ponamsat; Ruben levcovitz, Group Di-
Dale Harris, Stanford University; Tammy Sumner, University of rector for Latin America, Intelsat; Peter Maurer, Manager, Sys-
Colorado tem Engineering Support, COMSAT World Systems
Topic - Examine how market, economic, technical, and regula-
tory factors are offecting satellite communications in Latin
America. The perspectives of the Interdmerican Telecommuni-

Globecom'99 Conference Record

GIobecom'9 9 Tuto ria Is

TO1 Workflow and WFMS (Work Flow TO3 TMN Security: WIN services, WIN architecture, basic Call State Model, detec-
Management System) Opportunities, Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Solutions tion points, triggers, arming mechanisms, WIN operations and
Technologies and Implementations Speaker: Moshe Rozenblit, Telcordia Technologies. parameters, and examples will be presented.
Speaker: Pierfranco Peretti, Ekar (Altran Group) lhursdoy Morning, Dec. 9, Sheroton Hotel, Some basic knowledge of wireless communications and Intelli-
Sunday Morning, Der 5, Sheroton Hotel, Room Govea 6
gent network concepts will be assumed.
Rooms lorcovodo t logoo Abstract - The tutorial provides an introduction to security,
Mehmet Ulemo is Director of Daewoo Telecom's New Jersey
Abstract - The tutorial ranges from conceptual definitions to emphasizing encryption algorithms and security protocols used
R8.D Center and is responsible for wireless communications.
pragmatic advice about successful implementation of develap- for TMN security. It provides a detailed analysis of TMN-spe-
ment projects related to workflow. Further more, relationships cific security threats and vulnerabilities and presents the soh- TO5 Third Generation (IMT2000) Wireless
between organizational topics and real software applications tions devised to thwart such threots. It covers security for TMN Systems: Key Innovative Elements for
are examined; business processes reengineering, indeed, is the applications based on CMIP, CORBA, ED1 and SNMP. It illus- Mobile Communications
basis for subsequent automation by means of software WFMS trates some of the challenges of security engineering with spe-
Speaker: Giovanni Colombo, CSELT, Italy
technology. A summary of existing software solutions, for cific examples; it provides guidelines for the selection of opti- Sunday Morning, Dec. 5, lntercontinentol Hotel,
workflow automation and related tools oriented to analysis, is mum mix of security features in support of business objectives; Rooms Quortzo A t 6
presented. and it shows how the multitude of security components can be
Abstract - The tutorial provides an overview of the evolution of
integrated into a coherent TMN security framework. While the
Piedronco Pereffiis Managing Director of EKAR. wireless networks from cellular to Broadband Multimedia. It
tutorial focuses on current standards for TMN security, it also
addresses anticipated developments. describes the generations of technologies and their time lines.
TO2 Service Level Management Standards activities in ETSI, ITU, TR45.7, and T1 will be cov-
Speaker: Lundy lewis, Cabletron Systems Participants need not to have prior expertise in security; how- ered. The objective is to provide participants with the knowl-
Sunday Afternoon, Dec. 5, Sheraton Hotel, ever, basic familiarity with network management and obiect- edge about the technical aspects of UMTSIIMT2000 with em-
Rooms Corcovado t logoo oriented design is expected. phasis on the network side, and the challenges facing the in-
Abstract - A current trend in large global businesses is to es- Moshe Rozenblit is Senior Engineer for network management dustry in the management of such networks. The following is
tablish an information technology (IT) department whose re- and related standards at Telcordia Technologies. the outline of this tutorial:
sponsibility is to support IT servicesfor other departments, e.g.
Introduction - Background, "generations", Standards
marketing, research, sales, and production. This has resulted TO4 Wireless Intelligent Networking (WIN)
in the concept of Service Level Agreements (SlAs) % contracts Speaker: Mehmet Ulema, Daewoo Telecom, Ltd.,
made between the IT department and other departments 3/4 New Jersey IMT-2000 vision - Goals, environments, "Family"
replete with punishment and reward clauses relative to the de- Sunday Afternoon, Dec.5, lntercontinentol Hotel, concept, Evolution
gree to which services are met. This tutorial will review the Rooms QuortzoA t 6
IMT-2000 Radio aspects - Spectrum issues, Transmission
basic elements of the broader topic of Service level Manage- Abstract - The Wireless Intelligent Network (WIN) is o primary technologies
ment (SLM). Topics will include conceptsand definitions in SLM, weapon for wireless service providers to compete successfully
SLM methodology, SLM architecture, hard challenges in SLM, IMT-2000 Network Aspects - Service and network
in a market that faces ever-increasing competition. The pri-
real-time vs. off-line SLM, SLM agents, SlAs, and a review of capabilities, interfaces, network protocols, IN protocols I

mary objective of this tutorial is to provide an overview of the

commercial tools. Case studiesare provided. The tutorial is based WIN concepts, models, and protocols. Also discussed are how Regional Initiatives - Europe (UTRA, GSM), North America
on the speaker's book Service Level Management for Enter- the WIN technology can help wirelessservice providers to achieve (cdma2000, AN-SI-41), and Asia (ARIB, TTA)
prise Networks (Artech House 1999). a competitive edge in winning wireless customers. Attendees
Summary and Conclusions - Challenges facing the
Dr. lundy lewisis Director of Research at Cobletron Systems. should be able to learn WIN Basic Call State Model (BCSM),
key trigger concepts and mechanisms, WIN protocol operations
and parameters. The tutorial also provides a brief discussion on
basic concepts in wireless Communications, IS-41, and IN top-
ics that constitute a background for discussing WIN concepts.

xvi Globecom'99 Conference Record

Globecom'99 Tutorials

TO6 Extranets: Concepts, Standards and TO7 Integrated Circuits Technologies for TO9 Introduction to DWDM Technology in
Cost Issues Wireless Communications Optical Communications
Speaker: Algirdas Pakstos, University of Sunderland, Speaker: Babak Daneshrad, UClA ElectricalEngineer- Speaker: Stamatios V. Kartolopoulos, lucent
England ing Dept., USA Technologies .
Tbunday Afternoon, Dec. 9, Sheraton Hotel, Sunduy Morning, Dec. 5, lntercontinentul Hotel, Sunduy Afternoon, Dec. 5, lntercontinentul,
Roams Vidigal B t C Roam Onix Rooms Jurmolinu t Topuzio

Abstract - This tutorial is devoted to the new emerging area of Abstract - The wireless industry has enjoyed ropid growth over Abstract - Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is an op-
the Internet use, namely, "extranets". This is often referred as the past decade and o half. Advances in integrated circuit tech- tical technology that addresses the increasing bandwidth de-
a "third wave" of the universal Internet. Definitions and ex- nology coupled with novel system level solutions have com- mand in Communications networks is exceeding the capacity of
amplesof extranet are given. Extranets are compared with bet- bined to give rise to small, low cost, low power and portable single wavelength fiberoptic networks. As the first standards
ter known intergroupware and the concepts of Communications, unitsfor a host of wireless communication systems. In fact, it is for WDM are shaping up, the demand for more bandwidth is
Collaboration, and Coordination are illustrated. Notion of the marriage of advanced system design and IC technology exploding at such rate that before its full deployment, more
multi-extranet is introduced os o special case typically found in that has made anytime anywhere Communication a reality. This wavelengths in a single fiber have already been announced,
the Science Pork (SP) environments. Three types of the organi- tutorial provides a brief overview of the present trends in the termed "Dense W D M or DWDM. DWDM systems at 40 GBPS
zations using facilities of the SP and having different relation- development of integrated circuit technologies for applications per wavelength and thusTerabits aggregate bandwidth ore re-
ships with its multi-extranet are distinguished: (a) "normal" in the wireless communications industry. Two brood categories ality and DWDM systems have already mode an impact on
firms which will have their own lntranets and occess to the of circuits are highlighted, RF/analog integrated circuits and Communications Systems. The tutorial examines the optical
Internet either on their own or via SP facilities; (b) "small" digital baseband processing circuits. The tutorial presents the components that make DWDM possible Gratings, optical
firms, which will obtain access to the Internet via SP facilities circuit design challenges and options to the designer, as well switches, speciral filters, laser sources and receivers, optical
and with the only Intronet, which will be actually extranet; (c) as the manner in which the various IC technologies fit into multiplexers/demultiplexers, optical add/drop multiplerxres,
"large" firms which, perhaps, will not bother to connect to the wireless systems (i.e. 2-6 cellular, WLAN, pagers, etc.). Topics fiber types, operoting frequency bands, optical fiber amplifiers,
SP facilities at all. Open application standards ore discussed to be covered include: alternative semiconductor technologies, dispersion and non-lineor phenomena that affect transmission
and example of suite of standards supported by consortium challenges in Silicon based RF ICs, overview of A/D technolo- are explained in simple terms. Examples on their applicability
established by the Netscape Communicotions is briefly pre- gies, FPGAs, DSPsand ASICs, what are they and how do they fit to systems ond networks will olso be included.
sented. Roles of network management and security issues are into wireless Communication systems, digital-IF architectures
Dr. StumutioS I! Kurtolopoulos is with the Advanced Optical
outlined as crucial for the success of the electronic commerce. and flexible ASIC architectures for Communications
Networking Group, at Lucent Technologies.
Existing experience of running lntronets is discussed and ac-
Babak Dunesbrodis assistant professor at the Electrical Engi-
cepted as applicable for extronets and criteria for choosing plan- T10 Dimensioning and Traffic
neering Dept. atthe Universityof California, Los Angeles (UClA).
ning strategy for building of extranets are suggested. Based on Management of Multi Service Networks
the existing experience the "top 5" problems hove been identi- TO8 The Next Generation Optical Internet Speakers: Nelson Fonseca, State Universityof Campinas,
fied such as Internal Information Exchange, Discussions, Speakers: Andrea Fumagolli, University of Texas at and Moshe Zukermon, University of Melbourne
Line-of-business Applications, Collaborations and link to Part- Dallas, ond lavier Aracil, Public University of Novarra. Sunduy Morning, Dec. 5, lntercontinentulHotel,
ners. Typical cost items ore identified and cost models are dis- Jbursduy Morning, Dec. 9, Sheraton Hotel, Rooms Jurmulinu t Jopuzio
cussed for the cases such cost of running Web-sites of various Room Guveu A
Abstract -The purpose of this tutorial is to give a state-of-the-
complexity, access expenses for mobile userYworkers (via mo- Abstract - This Tutorial provides a description of how two dif- art overview of dimensioning and traffic management of mod-
bile telephonesand ISDN connections) as well os losses caused ferent worlds, i.e., the Internet and the emerging opticol net- ern multi service networks. A special focus is on ATM but many
by the downtime. Typical two phases for building of extranet works, that are expected to be two fundamental ingredients in of the issues apply to other multi-service packet switched net-
are suggested: (I) is focusing on the applications and stan- future broodbond networks, will work together. The workshop works such os the Internet. Also included are discussion and
dards which will help to solve mentioned "top 5" problems, is organized to Overview the current Internet, the Optical layer insight into teletraffic issues in wireless multi-service networks.
and (11) is devoted to future development of the extranet and and Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM), then introduce Topics include the need to support diverse Quality of Service
"flourishing" of the links with the customers as well as elec- the Optical Next Generation Internet (NGI). Current solutions requirements, an overview of the current dimensioning and traffic
tronic commerce facilities. and open problems will be discussed. management mechanisms, and a comprehensive and insight-
Algirdos Pakstos is currently with the University of Sunderland ful description of different traffic management mechanisms.
Andreu Fumagulliis Associate Professor of Electrical Engineer-
where he is doing research in software engineering for distrib- Finally, future research trends are discussed.
ing of the University of Texas at Dallas.
uted computer systems, communications engineering and real- Nelson Fonsecu is Assistant Professor at the Institute of tom-
time systems. lovier A r d currently is tenured Associate Professor at Public
puting of The State University of Campinas, Campinas - Brazil.
University of Navarra, Spain, and research director of the Net-
working and Distributed Systems Group since 1996. Mosbe Zukermon is Associate Professor at Melbourne Universitv.

Globecom'99 Conference Record xvii

Globecom'99 Tutorials

T11 Broadband Access: T13 Orthogonal Frequency Division T15 Photonic Switching Technology
Technologies and Opportunities Multiplexing for Wireless Channels Systems and Networks
Speaker: Xiaolin lu, ATgT Labs Speakers: LeonardI. Cimini, Jr. and Ye li, AT81 labs Speakers: Hussein T. Mouftah, Queens University, and
lhursduyMorning, Dec. 9, lntercontinentulHotel, lhursdoy Morning, Dec. 9, IntercontinentalHotel, Joafar M.H. Elmirghani, University of Northumbria
Room Quurtzo A Room Onix lhursduyAfternoon, Dec. 9, Sheruton Hotel,
Room Guveo B
Abstract - Competition and new revenue opportunities are mo- Abstract - Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
tivating the upgrading or even re-building of subscriber access has been shown as an effective technique to combat multipath Abstract - The last two decades have witnesselj an enormous
infrostructure throughout the world for traditional and emerg- foding in wireless communications, This approach has been growth in the doto rate and bandwidth requirements of users.
ing broadband services. Each of the competing occess provid- chosen as the standard for digitol audio broadcasting and ter- Broadband services and multimedia traffic have to be trans-
ers faces an unique set of challenges that must be met with restrial TV in Europe and has been proposed for several outdoor mitted and switched at an ever-increasing rote. To cope with
different systems and technologies. Depending on the state of and indoor high-speed wireless data applications. The tutorial this explosion in data rotes and the demand for information,
the existing infrostructure, type of services that are anticipated, initially presents the basic principles of OFDM. Then discusses communication and entertainment, there has been a steody
and financial constraint of each operator, various architectures the problems and some of the potential solutions to the practi- investment and o steady evolution in photonic technologies
are being deployed or considered, ronging from hybrid fiber/ cal issues in implementing such a system. These include tech- thot have been designed to cope with the incre~isingdemand.
coax (HFC) to fiber-intensive passive optical network (PON), niques for peak-to-overage power ratio reduction, time and Successfuldemonstrations and exploitation have been witnessed
and to the combination of wired and wireless systems. This frequency synchronizotion, and channel estimation. It will con- at the component level (switches, routing device;), system level
tutorial will provide an overview of the technologies, business clude with a discussion of current and proposed systems. (large photonic switch architectures) and the network level
issues, and on-going research that will continue to drive those (wavelength switched networks). The aim of this tutorial is to
vorious system choices. T14 Interference Analysis and Suppression provide an introduction to photonic switching technologies,
Techniques for Wireless Communications photonic switch architectures and photonic components used in
Xiuolin lu is District Manager of AT81 lobs, responsible for Speaker: Peter Stavroulakis, Telecommunication Sys- all-optical networks. The goal is to develop the oworeness of
RgD of advanced HFC network technology and its implemento- tems Institute (TSI), Crete, Greece the participants of many of these emerging technologies and to
tion over ATgT's cable networks. lhursduy Afternoon, Dec. 9, lntercontinenfal Hotel, enable them to carry out a judgement on the status and future
Room Quortzo A of photonics and switching.
T12 Space-Time Coding and Signal
Processing for High Data Rate Wireless Abstract - One con say that the subject of interference is as old Hussein I: Mouftuh is Full Professor and Associaite Head at the
Communications as the subject of communications. Over the last few years, how- Deportment of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen's
Speakers: Aymon F. Naguib and Nambi Seshadri ever, the subject of interference as a self contained discipline University at Kingston, Ontorio, Conoda and project leader for
AT8T lobs - Research has been followed with special attention. The reason for this the Telecommunications Research Institute of Ontorio (TRIO)
Sunduy Afternoon, Dec.5, Intercontinento/ Hotel, may be thot the field of communications has experienced an and the Communications Information Technology Ontario (CITO).
Room Onix unprecedented expansion and development both on the theo-
retical and applied fronts (radio, mobile, fiber, and satellite 1uuforM.H. Flmirghuniis with University of Northumbria, asa
Abstract - The information capacity of wireless communica- Principal lecturer and is olso BT Reader in Telecommunication
communications), and interference presents an unavoidable
tion systems increoses dramatically by employing multiple trans- systems.
limitation to the capacity, efficiency, reliability, and cost of com-
mit and receive antennas. An effective approach to increosing
munication systems. Interference mechanisms, therefore, must
data rate over wireless channelsis to employ coding techniques T16 IP over WDM
be fully understood before any optimal communication sys-
oppropriate to multiple transmit antennas, namely space-time Speakers: Nim Cheung, Telcordia, USA.
tems can be designed. Interference is a ubiquitous property of
coding. Space-time codes introduces temporal and spatial cor- lhursduyAfternoon, Dec. 9, Intercontinento1 Hotel,
the environment in which communication systems exist, being Rooms Turmulino t lopozio
relotion into signals tronsmitted from different ontenno, so as
caused not only by external means (neighboring systems) but
to provide diversity at the receiver, and coding gain over an Abstract - The rapid progress in Wavelength Division Multi-
olso by nonideal mechanisms utilized in the process of com-
uncoded systems. The spatio-temporal structure of these codes plexing (WDM) and Internet technologies stimulated consider-
munications. This tutorial seems to cover 011 modern tools of
can be exploited to further increase the capocity of wireless able octivities in transporting Internet Protocols (IP) directly
interference analysis for wireless communication systems and
systems with o relatively simple receiver structures. This tuto- over the optical layer, without going through ihe traditional
presents the most relevant ways for reduction and / or concel-
rial provides an overview of space-time coding techniques and technology layers such as SDH/SONET, ATM, and Gigabit
lotion of interference. This work will be an essential set of ma-
the associated signal processing framework. Ethernet (GE). IP over WDM has the potential (if significantly
terial for graduate students, reseorchers, practicing engineers
Aymon Naguibis o Principal Member of Technitol Staff at ATgT and instructors in the general field of wireless communication simplifying the architecture of future data networks, and re-
labs, Florhom Park, NI. systems. ducing the costs of their deployment. The tutoriol provides a
review of recent research and development activities in IP over
Numb; Seshudriis Head of the Communications Reseorch De- Peter Stovrou/ukisis founder and head of the Telecommunication WDM, and compares its odvantoges and disadvontages over
portment at AT81 labs-Reseorch, Florham Park, NJ. SystemsInstitute of Crete.

xviii Globecom'99 Conference Record

Globecom'99 Tutorials

traditional IPKVWDM techniques, where XX stands for differ-

ent technology layers. The course starts with an overview of
high speed Internet technologies, terabit routers and switches,
and state-of-the-art WDM systems. This is followed by tech-
niques to implement IP over WDM networks, including the re-
cently proposedvariable bit rate interfaces, and new approaches
to burst mode switching and rapidly re-configurable optical
Nim K. Cheung is Vice President of Applied Research Govern-
ment Program at Telcordia Technologies (formerly Bellcore).

T17 Distributed Object Middleware for

Network Software Architecture
Speaker: Stephen Weinstein, NEC USA C8C Research
lhunduy Afternoon, Dec. 9, Sheruton Hotel,
Room Guveu A
Abstract - This tutorial describes the role of distributed object
technology in making future networks more open, pragram-
mable, and responsive to quickly changing needs. It places
particular emphasis an CORBA (Common Object Request Bro-
ker Architecture) and lava (language, applets, and the lava
Virtual Machine) as founijotion technologies. Beginning from
even more fundamental concepts of socket and remote proce-
dure call, the tutorial explains the elements of the CORBA ORB
and how services interfaces written in CORBA ID1 (Interface
Definition language) are compiled into different native lan-
guages. This is used to realize interoperability among software
modules written in different languages and running on differ-
ent computing platforms. Applications to both control and man-
agement are suggested. A brief comparison is made with the
alternative DCOM. The lava Virtual Machine and protections
built into the lava language are also explained, as is the use of
Java applets to install CORBA objects in client machines, inte-
grating the two key technologies. Major active network archi-
tectures, and haw they usetransportable software, are reviewed.
Programmable architectures and the concept of Virtual Net-
works are introduced, including description of the reference
model and the interfaces being standardized in IEEE P1520,
Programming Interfaces for Networks. Examples are given of
services being built on this technology. The tutorial requires
only a basic understanding of protocols and of communica-
tions and computing concepts.
Stephen B. Weinstein is a Fellow in NEC's Princeton C8C Re-
search Laboratory.

Globecom'99 Conference Record xix

Globecom’99 Workshops

WO1 Information Infrastructure for the ISNOM96 and APNOMS97. He has published more than architecture and standard interfaces. In the last a few
21 It Century: Architecture, 50 iournals in the areas of computer communication net- years, we developed new software technologies such as
Technologies, and Opportunities works, network management, and distributed systems. JAVA, CORBA/IDL, ActiveX, and Internet based tolls/ap-
Organizer: Salah Aidarous, NEC America, USA. His current research interests include telecommunication plications, which compete and/or complement the exist-
Chair: Jong T. Park, Kyungpook National University, network management, IP-based multimedia service pro- ing technologies to implement MSs and NEs. Today, the
Korea visioning technology, Internet and telephony integration, challenge for us is to figure out what technology should
Sundoy Afternoon, Dec.5, Sheraton Hotel, and wireless network management. we use to implement different layers of TMN, NEs, and
Rooms Vidigal B t C standard interfaces between NEs and MSs as well as be-
The evolution towards the 21” information society has
WO2 Workshop on Satellite Based tween TMN layers (BML, SML, NML, EML). This workshop
become an irreversible process all over the world. The
Information Systems (WOSBIS) will focus on discussing different software technologies to
OrganizerKhair: Son Dao, HRL laboratories, and implement and integrate management applications in
framework on information society is being reshaped by
Randy Katz of The University of California at
powerful new technologiessuch as Internet, WDM, SONET/ management systems (managers) and NEs (agent) by
SDH, ATM, and wireless communications. The 21” Cen- using CORBA/IDl, JAVA, OSI/CMIP, SNMP, TL1, ActiveW
WednesdoyAfternoon, Dec.8, Sheraton Hotel,
tury will witness profound alterations not only in the way Room Amazonos DCOM, etc. Workshop will also cover lnterworking among
we live, work, entertain, and inform ourselves, but also those technologies, performance of managers/agents,
WOSBIS is a premier workshop that brings together in- scalability, and reliability.
in the strategies of businesses, the dynamics of the mar-
dustrial and academic researchers in the area of satellite
ketplace, the competition between companies and be- VeliSuhin, Senior Director at MARCONI Communications,
information dissemination. This year WOSBIS will focus
tween countries, and even the roles of governments. The USA, has been working in the area of communications
on the communications aspect of satellite communica-
nations of the world are in the race to build what is called networks for over 20 years. He spent several years in
tions, more specifically in the network layer, data link
“NationaVGlobal Information Infrastructures (NII/GII)”. different areas of communications systems such as trans-
layer, and medium access sub-layer. We are interested in
Although, every country has a slightly different view of mission, switching, packet switching, wireless communi-
work that is relevant to both ongoing systems (i.e. cur-
what it will be and how to build it, the problems, goals, cations, management systems, and strategic planning
rent LEO deployment, high bandwidth GEO systems, etc.)
and ideals are common. working on as a Planner, Strategist, and Developer. His
and future satellite networks.
In this half-day workshop, the current status of the infor-
mation infrastructure, including architecture, technologies,
and implementation will be overviewed. In particular, the
role of Internet will be emphasized. Topics include:
multiple technologiedproducts, and planning and devel-
+ The role of Internet for the Information Infrastructure
Invited “Interference
Environment Associated opment of National/Global information Infrcistructuresfor
Internet Telephony as a driver for the Information with non-GSO Satellite Networks: Characteristics,
+ the 21st century. veli received his Ph.D. in Multi Hop
Regulaton/AsPects”, Prof. JoseMauro
Infrastructure Packet Radio Networks from Polytechnic University, and
Fortes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro.
prior to Communications in April999,
+ Information Infrastructure ImplementationChallenges
Paper Session. he was with Bell Labs/Bellcore, NEC America, and
+ Panel on How Successful are we in Managing the SAMSUNG Telecommunications. He has over 80 internal
Closing Talk: “Broadband Satellite Networks and
Information Infrastructure and external publications and co-author of a book titled
Interoperability”, Dr. Sastri Kota, Lockheed Martin
long T: Pork received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Sci- as ”Network Management into the 21st Century,” IEEE
ence and Engineering from the University of Michigan, in Press, 1994. He is the CNOM Chair. Example of his a few
1987. After graduation, he was at Bell labs, working on WO3 Software Technologies for resent activitiesare: Co-Founder and first chair of the newly
network management and service provisioning. Since Management Networks formed IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Infarma-
1989, he has been teaching at the School of Electronic Organizer: Salah Aidarous, NEC America, USA tion Infrastructure (TCII) for 12/95 - 6/98, General Chair
and Electrical Engineering at Kyungpook Notional Uni- Chair: Veli Sahin, Ph.D. -Marconi Communications, USA for the 1998 Network Operations and Mana!gement Sym-
versity, Korea, where he is now a professor. He is a gen- Sunday Morning, Dec.5, Sheroton Hate/, posium (NOMS’98), member of Journal on Network and
eral chairman of the Committee of Korean Network Op- Rooms Vidigol B t C Systems Management (JNSM) Advisory Board and inter-
erations and Management, and vice chairman of the Manufactures have been developing Network Elements national Journal on Communications Network (JCN) Edi-
Technical Committee of Information Infrastructure of IEEE (NEs) and Management Systems (MSs) based on Tele- torial Board.
Communication Society. He has been a general chair for communications Management Network (TMN) layered

xx Globecom’99 Conference Record

G lobecom'99 Wo rkshops

WO4 European RTD efforts for the "A homogeneous framework for combining + Narrow and wideband Technologies for WL;
Management of Networks and management solutions using CMP
I , SNMP and CORBA + Broadband Technologies for W l ;
Services: The European ACTS projects: technologies", tar Bo Sorensen, UHC, Denmark,
Prospect Project; + Regulatory Environment and Spectrum Issues in
Experiences, Results, and Lessons
South America;
Learned "Building QoS Based Network Management Systems:
Chair: William Donnelly, European ACTS. Experiences from today and Vision for the future", + Marketing and Economics of W l l systems in South
Wednesdoy Morning, Dec.8, Sheroton Hotel, Panos Georgatos, Algo Systems, Greece, Reform America;
Room Amozonas
Project ; + Deploying and operating W l l systems in South
The European funded program Advanced Communications, America.
"Service Assurance for the Open Service Market
Technologies and Services (ACTS) is the largest telecom-
Integrated Multi-domain Problem Management" Mehmet Ulemo is a Director at Daewoo Telecom's New
munications research project in the world covering a11 (Integrating TM Forum Business Processes model and
aspects of telecommunications service and network man- Jersey R8D Center responsible for wireless communica-
TINA service architecture ), M. Tschichholz, GMD- tions. He has 20 years experience in the telecommunica-
agement. While the ACTS program is a European funded
Fokus, FlowThru Proiect; tions field as a director, project manager, systems engi-
program its resultsare relevant to the global telecommu-
nications market. The members of the project consortia "Intelligent Agent-based Service Management neer, network architect, researcher, and software devel-
are key global players consisting of service providers, net- systems", Stefan Covaci, GMD-Fokus, Miami Proiect; oper. Currently, he is involved in various projectson wire-
work operators, equipment vendors. The presentation less communications including IMT-2000, wireless intel-
"Service Management System Design Methodology
proposed for the workshop will reflect the broad scope of ligent networks, network management for wireless net-
for multi-provider telecommunications network
the ACTS program results. However, in addition, the pre- works, wireless Internet access, and wireless local loop.
environments- Supporting workflow Management
sentations will collectively provide the audience with an Previously he was with Bellcore where he was involved in
and component re-usability", D lewis, University
integrated view of what are the issues that need to be various wireless projects including PCS standards. He also
College London, FlowThru Proiect;
addressed in service and network management for the worked at AT8T Bell Labs where he was involved in de-
coming millennium and potentiol solutions to these needs. Round table discussion : What are the key signing and analyzing various aspects (including opera-
The workshop will address the following key areas: management issues for the next millennium; tions) of packet switch based data communications net-
works including X.25, Frame Relay, and B-ISDN. Before
+ Interoperability between different technology and Demonstration of ACTS project prototypes
Bell labs, he worked at Hazeltine Corp. on the packet
administration domains; WO5 Wireless Local Loop Issues in radio and various software development projects. He is
+ Management based on the middleware paradigm; South America a member of the editorial board of the Wireless Network
Organizer/Chair: Mehmet Ulema, Oaewoo Telecom, Journal, the Computer Networks Journal and IEEE Com-
+ Management based on the agents paradigm.
ttd, USA munications Magazine. Currently he is serving as the
The maiority of ACTS project has validated their work Thursdoy Morning, Dec. 9, IntercontinentalHotel, Vice-chairman of the IEEE Communications Society's Ra-
through trial implementation. It is also intended to bring Rooms Topozio t Turmolina dio Communications Committee. He received MS & Ph.D.
a number of these trial demonstrations to the conference. Wireless local Loop ( W l ) is an attractive alternative to in Computer Science at Polytechnic University.
This will provide the audience with an opportunity to see provide telecommunication services to residential and
the implemented solutions and discuss details of these business customers. In many cases, WLL surpasses the
implementations with the system implementers. wireline network in terms of economics and as such pro-
+ Opening address: "European RTD efforts for the vides a direct replacement for wireline local loop. In ad-
Management of Networks and Services - The dition, wireless technology provides a platform for offer-
European ACTS projects: Experiences Results, and ing additional mobility-related services that may bring
Lessons Learned", Kyriakos Baxevanidis: European additional revenue to service providers or network opera-
Commission DGXIII, Belgium. tors. This workshop will address the WLl related techni-
cal, regulatory, and marketing issues specific to South
"Services and Network Management issues and
America. The following is a list of topics to be covered in
solutions address in ACTS - an overview", William the workshop:
Donnelly, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland,
Difference proiect; + WLl Services and customer requirements specific to
South America;

Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

General Conference, Part A (VO1 a)

Satellites and Wireless Access
10:45-1230, Intercontinentol, Room Topuzio
Orgunizers: George Thomus, University of Southwestern Louisiana, USA; Munsour Toloo, Motorolu Cunada, Ltd., Cunudu
Choir: George Thomus, University of Southwestern louisiunu, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Computer Communicotions
1 ABR Traffic Control in Satellite ATM Networks ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
GiucomoMorubito, University of Cutoniu, Ituly; Ion F: Akyildiz, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA; Sergio Puluzzo, University of Catuniu, ltuly
2 A Novel Class of Uplink OFDM/SDMA Algorithms for WLAN ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Putrick Vundenumeele, liesbet Vun der Perre, ond Morc Engels, IMEC Hugo De Mun, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
3 ADAPT: A Dynamically Self-Adiusting Media Access Protocol Control for Ad Hoc Networks ............................................................................................................................. 11
1. Chlumtac, A. Forogb, A. D. Myers, G! R. Syrotiuk, G. Zbrubu, The University of Texus ot Dullos, USA
4 Dynamic Queue Management Mechanism for Service Enhancement in Wireless Intelligent Network Environment ........................................................................................ 16
Hon-Ok Choi, Yeon-loong Kim, und Sunshin An, Korea Universik Chung-Ki Num, Duewoo Telecom, Korea
5 Dynamic Resource Allocation for LEO Satellite Systems with QoS Provision for an IPv6 Network ................................................................................................................... 21
E. Del Re, R. Funtocci, I Pecorellu, L. S. Rongu, und F: Custelloni, Universitd Degli Stud; di Firenze, Italy
ATM Switch
m45-1230, Intercontinentol, Room Turmulina
Orgunizer: Mohummed Atiquzzumon, University of Dayton, USA
Choir: G. S. Kuo, Notionul Centrul University, Tuiwun
Sponsoring Committee: Communicotions Switching
1 Performance Evaluation of Relative Rate Marking Switches for ABR Service in ATM Networks ....................................................................................................................... 26
Dong-Ho Kim ond long-Kyung Kim, Electronics TelecommunicutionsReseurch Institute; You-Ze tho, Kyungpook Notionul Universi& Korea
2 PPBMR method of blocking probability calculation in switching networks with reservation ............................................................................................................................ 32
Muciej Stosiuk, Muriusz Glubowski,ond Poznon University of Technology, Polund
3 Quality of Service Analysis of Shared Buffer Management Policies Combined with Generalized Processor Sharing ...................................................................................... 37
George Lupiotis, Telcordiu Technologies; Shivendro Punwob Polytechnic University,USA
4 Reducing Buffer Requirement for VC-Merge Capable ATM Switches ................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Peifung Zhou und Oliver M! U! Yong, University of Ottuwu, Cunudu
5 Speedup and Buffer Division in Input/Output Queuing ATM Switches ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
liung Xie und Chin-Tau Leu, The Hong Kong University of Science und TechnologK Hong Kong
Multimedia Systems I
10:45-1230,Intercontinentol, Room Agotu
Orgunizer Murio Bonutli, Itultel, ltoly; Moshe Zukermun, University of Melbourne, Austruliu
Choir: Alex Gelmun, Punusonic, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Multimediu Communicotions
1 Multimedia QoS Provisioning in Wireless-ATM Networks ................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
Antonio lero, University of Reggio Culubriu; Antonello Molinuro, University of Messina; Sulvutore Muruno, Universityof Calubriu, ltuly
2 Towards a Differentiated Services Support for Voice Traffic .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Artur Zivioni, Jos6 E de Rezende, and Otto Carlos M. B. Duurte, Federul Universityof Rio de luneiro, Bruzil
3 A QoS Distribution Monitoring Scheme for Performance Management of Multimedia Networks ................................................................................................................... 64
Yuming Jiong, Chen-Khong Thum, und Chi-(hung KO, Notional University of Singapore, Singupore
4 Supporting Multimedia with Soft-QoS Guarantee in Wireless Communication Systems .................................................................................................................................. 69
Antonio /em and Antonino Modofferi, University of Reggio Culubriu; Antonello Molinuro, University of Messinu, ltuly

xxii Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

5 Deadline Credit Scheduling Policy for Prerecorded Sources ............................................................................................................................................................................. 74

Zoe Antoniou, Nokio Research Center, USA; loonnis Stovrokokis, University of Athens, Greece
Quality of Service (QoS) and Performance Analysis
10:45-12:30, Sheroton, Room Vidigol A
Orgonizers: Weider D. Vu, Kelly Kric, Lucent Technologies, USA
Choir: Weider D. Vu, lucent Technologies, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Communicotions Quolity and Reliobility
1 Performance Comparison with Layer 3 Switches in Cases of Flow- and Topology-Driven Connection Setup .................................................................................................... 79
Shogo Nokozowo, Nom Institute of Science ond Technology; Kenji Kowohoro, Kyushu Institute of Technology;
Suguru Yomoguchi, Nom Institute of Science ond Technology; Yuji Oie, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Jopon
2 Procedural Error as Root Cause of Major Telecommunication Service Outages ................................................................................................................................................ 87
1. E. Bennett ond S. f. Mokris, Telcordio Technologies, USA
3 Performance Analysis Of Flow Aggregation Of Constant Bit Rate Type Traffic At Ingress Router ..................................................................................................................... 92
Kokuyoshi lido ond Kenii Kowohoro, Kyushu Institute of Technology; Tekuyo Tokine, Kyoto University; Yuji Oie, Kyushu Institute of Technology,Jopon
4 Assured Service Evaluation ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 100
Jose F. de Rezende, Federol University of Rio de Janeiro, Brozil
14:45-18: IS, Interconfinentol, Room Topozio
Orgonizer: Wen-Yi Kuo, AT8 1lobs-Reseorch, USA
Choir: Wen-Yi Kuo, AT&T lobs-Research, USA
Sponsoring Commiftee: Personal Communications
1 Performonce Bounds for a UMTS RAKE Receiver with Imperfect Timing Synchronization ............................................................................................................................. 105
Jens Boltersee, Gunnor fork, Volker Simon, and Heinrich Meyr, Aochen University of Technology, Germony
2 Reduced Complexity Blind Rate Detection for Second and Third Generation Cellular CDMA Systems ............................................................................................................ 110
Ingolf Held ond Albert Chen, Philips Semiconductors, USA
3 On The Downlink Capacity of TDD CDMA Systems Using a Pre-RAKE ........................................................................................................................................................... 117
Andre No11 Borreto ond Gerhord FI fettweis, Dresden University of Technology, Germony
4 A TDD-CDMA System With Pre-phase Subcarrier Equalizer Using Asymmetric Modulation Scheme in Duplex Channel ............................................................................... 122
lncheol Jeong and Mosoo Nokogowo, Keio University, Jopon
5 The Linear Method to Evaluate the Frequency Reuse Efficiency of Cellular CDMA Systems ............................................................................................................................ 127
Cesor Kyn d'Avilo und Michel Dooud Yocoub, Store University of Campinos, Brozil
6 One-Shot Multi-User Cancellation Receiver for Wireless CDMA Communication Systems .............................................................................................................................. 132
R. Fontocci, S. Morosi, ond F. Ponchetti, University of Florence, ltoly
7 Impact of Imperfect Power Control and Channel Estimation on the Performance of Multiuser Detectors ...................................................................................................... 138
Guo Q. h e , lion k Weng, Tho Le-Ngoc, and Sofiine Tohor, Concordio University, Conodo
8 Mobile Location Tracking in DS CDMA Networks Using Forward Link Time Difference of Arrival and its Application to Zone-Based Billing ................................................ 143
M. Oguz Sunoy ond lbrohim Tekin, Lucent Technologies, USA
Communication Hardware and Implementations
J4:45- 18: 15, Intercontinentol, Room Turmolino
Orgonizers: Bin Qiu, Monosh University,Austrolio; Ron FI Smith, TRW Spore 8 Electronics, USA
Choir: Neeroj K. Shormo, Clorkson University, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Signol Processing ond Communicotions Electronics
1 Implementation Issues For High Rote Turbo Codes on BPSK/QPSK Channels ............................................................................................................................................... 148
Omer E Acikel, New Mexico State Universik USA
2 A Low Power GPS Receiver Architecture ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 153
Horng-wen lee and Teres0 H. Meng, Stanford University, USA

Globecom'99 Conference Record xxii

Table of contents

3 Pipelined VLSl Architecture of The Viterbi Decoder for IMT-2000 .................................................................................................................................................................. 158
Byonghyo Shim, Korean Airforce Academy; lung Chul Soh, SoftDSP Corporation, Korea
4 Multilevel RS/Convolutional Concatenated Coded QAM for Hybrid IBOC-AM Broadcasting ........................................................................................................................... 163
S.-K [hung, Mussochusetts Institute of TechnologK H. Lou, lucent Technologies, USA
5 A VLSl Architecture for a Frequency-Agile Single-Chip IO-MBAUD Digital QAM Modulator ......................................................................................................................... 168
Kyung-Ha tho, Jeffrey Putnom, ond Henry Sumueli, University of Culifornio ut 10s Angeles, USA
6 A CORDIC-Based Multicarrier QAM Modulator .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 173
fouko Vunkko, Murko Kosunen, fun Hubuch, ond Kuri Hulonen, Helsinki Universityof Technology, Finlund
7 Communication Protocols in Integrated Circuits: Experiments and Results .................................................................................................................................................... 178
Ricurdo N. 6. limo, Emenon Curli, Aloysio C. II Pedrozu, loci Pirmez, ond Antonio C. de Mesquito, Federal University of Rio de funeiro, Brazil
Traffic Models and Control for Multimedia
/4:45-18: 15, Intercontinentol, Room Aguto
Orgunizers: feff Cupone, Arizona Stute Universik Brett Vickers, Rutgers University, USA
Chuir: Jeff Cupone, Arizonu Stute University, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Computer Communicutions
1 Dynamic Resource Scheduling Strategies for QoS in W-CDMA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 183
Ozgur Gurbuz and Henry Owen, Georgio lnstitute of Technology, USA
2 Effect of Number of Drop Precedences in Assured Forwarding ...................................................................................................................................................................... 188
Mukul Goyol, Ariun Durresi, Podmini Misru, Chunlei liu, und Roifuin, The Ohio State University,USA
3 ClPP Based Characterization of VBR Traffic and Related Statistical Multiplexer Performance ....................................................................................................................... 194
R. Munivosukon, U. B. Desui, and Abhuy Korundikur,lndiun Institute of Technology, lndiu
4 A Rate Control Strategy for Embedded Wavelet Video Coders in an MPEG-4 Framework ............................................................................................................................. 199
Eduurdo A. 8. du Silva and Rogirio Cuetuna, Federul University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
5 Burst-by-burst Adaptive Wireless Video Telephony Over Dispersive Channels ............................................................................................................................................... 204
1.H. Wong, II f Cherrimon, and I. Honzo, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
6 Limitation of and improvement to Linear Prediction and Smoothing-based Bandwidth Allocation for VBR Video Traffic ............................................................................. 209
Suili Feng, South Chino Universityof Technology, Chino; Ruvi Sunkor, University of South Florido, USA
7 A Synchronization Paradigm with QOS Guarantees for Multimedia Communications ................................................................................................................................... 214
Murio C. Yuung, Bird C. lo, Yu G. then, und Po 1. Tien, Notional Chiao Tung University, Tuiwun
8 A Unifying View to Fractional Modeling ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 221
Reiner Kriesten, Ulrich Kooge, und Friedrich fondrul, Universitait Kurlsruhe, Germuny
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
14:45- 18: 15, Sheruton, Room Vifigul A
Orgunizers: Tokis Muthiopoulos and Apostolis Solkintzis, University of British Columbiu, Cunudu
Chair: fohn Sihester, US( USA
Sponsoring Committee: Commun(cation Theory
1 Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless ATM Considering Priorities of Component Calls ....................................................................................................................................... 227
Shigeki Shiokowa ond Shuii Tusuku, Nogoyo Institute of Technology, fupon
2 A Multicast Routing Protocol for Multihop Wireless Networks ........................................................................................................................................................................ 235
Chunhung Richard lin and Shiung-We; Chuo, Nutionul (hung Cheng Univenity, Taiwon
3 Fair Allocation of Resources in Multirate Multicast Trees ................................................................................................................................................................................ 240
Saswoti Sorkor und leondros Tussiulus, University of Murylund, USA
4 Flow Assignment and Packet Scheduling for Multipath Networks .................................................................................................................................................................. 246
Ku-Cheong leung und Victor 0. K. li, The Univenity of Hong Kong, China
5 A Hierarchical Location Management Architecture for Wireless ATM Networks ............................................................................................................................................. 251
H. C. Kim, Doewoo Telecom; 5. K. Biswus, NEC, USA
6 Evaluation of Optimistic File Replication In Wireless Multihop Networks ...................................................................................................................................................... 259
R. Ah@, R. Bagrodiu, 1. Buiai, und M. Tokoi, Universityof Colifornio of 10s Angeles, USA

xxiv Globecom'99 Confererice Record

Table of contents

7 Multi-Code DSSS MAC Protocol For Integrated Services Wireless Home Networks ........................................................................................................................................ 266
PY Kong, B. Bensoou, and K. C. Chuo, Notionol University of Singopore, Singupore
8 IPv6 Flow Handoff in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks Using Mobility Prediction ................................................................................................................................................... 271
Willium Su and Murio Gerlu, University of Culiforniu ut Los Angeles, USA
Future Satellite Communication Systems
9:30- 12:30, Intercontinentul, Room Topuzio
Orgonizers: Sutchondi Verma, Motorolo Sotellite Communicotions Group, USA; Krishnun Balakrishnon, Georgio State Universily, USA
Choir: Sostri Kota, lockheed Mutin, USA
Sponsoring Committees: Sotellite und Space Communications, Computer Communicotions
A Synchronization-based Scheme for Simultaneous Full- and Half-Duplex Communication in GSM-based ME0 Mobile Satellite Networks ................................................ 276
lordonis Koutsopoulos und 1eondros T o d o s , University of Morylund ut College Pork, USA
Elevation Angle Dependent Markov Model for LEO Satellite Communication Systems .................................................................................................................................. 281
Young Hoon Kwon ond Dun Keun Sung, Koreu Advanced Institute of Science ond Technology,Koreu
Advance Handovers Arrangement and Channel Allocation in LEO Satellite Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 286
Peng-lun Won, VincentNguyen, ond Hong Boi, Illinois Institute of Technology,USA
Genetic Carrier Allocation in Satellite Environment ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 291
G. Baruffu, S. lacopordi, ond G. Reali, University of Perugio, ltoly
Performance Evaluation of Prioritized Handover Management for LEO Mobile Satellite Systems with Dynamic Channel Assignment ......................................................... 296
Vludimir Obrodovic ond Soscho Cigoi, Aochen University of Technology,Germony
Internet Access via LEO Satellite Networks: TCP/IP or ATM? .......................................................................................................................................................................... 301
Ozan K. Tonguz, Sunil Moloo, Ariton Xhafo, and Somi Sheeshio, Stote University of New York ut Buffolo, USA
Design and Implementation of Wireless Components
9:30- 12:30, Intercontinentol, Room Turmolinu
Orgonizers: Mehmet Ulemo, Duewoo Telecorn; Hui liu, University of Wushington, USA
Choir: Chiniiang Wong, Nutionol Tsing Huo Universily, Taiwan
Sponsoring Committee: Rudio Communicotions
1 A Blind Receiver using Optical Hard-Limiters for Optical Code Division Multiple Access ................................................................................................................................ 306
Kotsuhiro Kamokuro und lwuo Sasase, Keio University,lupun
2 Millimeter Wave Devices and Networks Based on Dielectric, Ferrite and Semiconductor Waveguides ........................................................................................................... 311
I! I!Meriokri, B. A. Murmuzhev, and M. f! Parkhomenko, Russion Acodemy of Sciences, Russio; Humberto. C. C. Fernondes, Federol University of Rio Gronde do Norte, Brazil
3 An Asynchronous Spread Spectrum Multi-Carrier Multiple Access System ..................................................................................................................................................... 314
Stefon Koiser, German Aerospoce Center, Germony; Witold A. Krzymien, University of Alberta, Canado
4 Independent Component Analysis with Code Information Utilization in DS-CDMA Signal Separation ......................................................................................................... 320
Topon; Ristoniemi, University of lyviiskylii; lyrki loukensu/o, Tumpere University of Technology,Finland
5 Introduction of Linear Cyclostationary Filters to Model Time-variant Channels ............................................................................................................................................. 325
Alban Duverdier, CNES; Bernurd locuze ond Duniel Rovirus, ENSEEIHT/sIC, Fronce
6 Effect of Non-Reciprocity on Infrared Wireless Local-Area Networks ............................................................................................................................................................. 330
Fruncis M. Chow ond Joseph M. Kohn, University of Colifornio, USA
Multimedia Systems II
9:30-12:30, Intercontinentol, Room Agofo
Orgonizers: Marie-lose Montepetif, Teledesic; leffrey Derby, IBM, USA
Choir: lacob Bud-Schem, TelAviv Universik lsroel
Sponsoring Committees:Multimedia Comrnunicotions, CommunicotionsSystems lntegrotion ond Modeling, Computer Communications
1 On Ability of a Communication Channel to Accommodate Multimedia Traffic ................................................................................................................................................ 339
v1 Morbukh, Notionol Institute of Stondurds ond Technology,USA

Globecom'99 Conference Record xxv

Table of contents

Multivariate Rate-based Overload Control for Multimedia Communications Traffic Over Hybrid Switch Fabrics ............................................................................................ 344
limucin Ozugur, Georgiu lnstifute of Technology; Munu Mulek, Kozem Sohruby, and On-Ching Yue, lucent Technologies, USA
The Look-Ahead-Maximize-Batch Botching Policy ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 354
Nelson l. 5. do fonsecu, Stute University of Cumpinus; Roberto A. Fuphu, Telemur,Bruzil
Scheduling Multiservice Traffic for Wireless ATM Transmission over TDMA/TDD Channels ............................................................................................................................ 359
AZM Ekrom Hossuin und G! K. Bhurguvo, University of Victoriu, Cunudu
Efficient MPEG Video Traffic Shaping for Next Generation Internet ............................................................................................................................................................... 364
Mohommod E Alum ond Mohummed Atiquzzumun, University of Duyton; Mohommod A. Kurim, University of Tennessee, USA
Disaster Scenarios for Hybrid TDMA Wireless MAC Protocols with Contention Based Signaling .................................................................................................................... 369
E Cameron und M. Zukermun, University of Melbourne, Ausfiuliu
Estimating Traffic Intensities at Different Nodes in Networks via a Probing Stream ...................................................................................................................................... 374
Vinod Shurmu, lndion Institute of Science, lndiu
Emerging Agent Software Technology
9:3w 2:30, Sheroton, Room Gave0 B
Orgunizer: Roy Sundororumun, lucent Technologies
Choir: G. 5. Kuo, Notionul Central University, Tuiwun
Sponsoring Committee: CommunicutionsSohure
1 A Management Request Broker Based on Transactional Mobile Agents for IN-TINA Services ........................................................................................................................ 381
Khaled Summoud and Noemie Simoni, Telecom Paris, Frunce
2 Evaluating the Performance of Mobile Agents in Network Management ....................................................................................................................................................... 386
Murcelo Gonphes Rubinstein and Otto Curlos Muniz Bundeiru Duorte, federul University of Rio de hneiro, Bruzil
3 Service Discovery in a Mobile Agent API using SLP ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 391
Michel Burbeuu, University of Sherbrooke, Cunodo
4 A Java-based SNMP Agent for Dynamic MlBs ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 396
Ajitu John, Keith Vunderveen, und Binay Suglu, lucent Technologies, USA
5 Complimentary Polling Modes for Network Performance Management Employing Mobile Agents ............................................................................................................... 401
Dumiunos Guvulus, University of Essex; Dominic Greenwood, Fujitsu Telecommunicutions Europe; Mohammed Ghunbori und Mike O’Mohony, University of Essex, United Kingdom
6 A Model of Adaptive QoS Management Platform Based on Cooperation of Layered Multi-Agents ................................................................................................................ 406
Nuguo Ogino, Musukutsu Kosugu, Tutsuyu Yumuzuki,und Jun Mutsudu, ATR Adoptive CommunicutionsReseurch loborutories, lopun
7 B-ISDN Control Plane Solutions: Comparison of the Deployment Properties of a Message Based Versus an RPC-based Middleware .......................................................... 414
/? Martins und C. Riguulf, €cole Nutionole Superieurede T6licommunicutions; D. Penkler, Hewlett Puckurd, Frunce

Channel Modeling and Analysis
14:30-16:05,Intercontinental, Room Onix
Orgunizer: Yeheskel Bur-less, New Jersey lnsiitute of Technology,USA
Choir: Keith Chugg, University of Southern Culiforniu, USA
Sponsoring Committees: Communicution Theory
1 Statistical Investigation of Sum-of-sinusoids Fading Channel Simulators ..................................................................................................................................................... 419
Murius E fop und Norman C. Beaulieu, Queen’s University, Cunodu
2 Level-Crossing Rates and Average Fade Duration for Wireless Channels with Spatially Complicated Multipath ........................................................................................... 427
Gregory D. Durgin und Theodore 5. Ruppoporf, Virginiu Polytechniclnstitute und Stute University, USA
3 Estimation of the Nonstationary Mean Signal in Wireless Systems Using Wavelets ....................................................................................................................................... 432
Ruvi Nurusimhun und Donald C. Cox, Stonford University, USA
4 Analysis on a Hidden Markov Channel Model ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 437
Jiu-fei Shen ond John T. Gill Stanford University, USA

xxvi Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

Equalization and Adaptive Filters
16125-18:00, lntercontinenta/, Room Onix
Organizers: Kainam Thomas Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; Ron E Smith, TRW Space 8 Electronics, USA
Choir: Nirwon Ansori, New Jeney lnstitute of Technology,USA
Sponsoring Committee: Signal Processing and Communicotions Electronics
1 Non-iterative Joint Channel Equalisation and Channel Decoding ................................................................................................................................................................. 442
A. Knickenberg, B.-L. Yeop, 1. Hdmorskf, M. Breiling, L. Honzo, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
2 Theoretical Performance of Multiple-Branch Equalization in Broadband Wireless Channels ........................................................................................................................ 447
Martin G! Clork and Peter 1. Smith, AT8 T Lobs-Reseorch, USA
3 Fast Cell Search During PN Code Phase Acquisition Using Adaptive Filters in AWGN Environment .............................................................................................................. 452
fook 1. Lo, The University of Hong Kong; Asror U. H. Sheikh, The Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitv, Hong Kong
4 Estimation-Based Synthesis of Hm-Optimal Adoptive Equalizers over Wireless Channels ............................................................................................................................ 457
Ardovon Maleki-Tehran; and Bijan Sayyorrodsori, Stanford University; Bobok Hossibi, Lucent Technologies; Jonathan E How and John M. Cioffi, Stonford Univenitv,. USA
Interference Suppression
I4:30- I8:00, lntercontinentu/, Room Topuzio
Organizers: Jahn E Dohertv, Pennsylvanio Stote University; Tan E Wong, University of Florida, USA
Choir: Babok Doneshrod, University of Culifomio Los Angeles, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Signal Processing ond CommunicationsElectronics
1 Interference Cancellation based Multiuser Receiver with Channel Decoding and Decision Feedback in Asynchronous CDMA Systems .......................... :............................... 462
Wang Hoifeng ond Jormo Lilleberg, Nokia Mobile Phones, finland
2 Multiple Access Interference Suppression with Linear Chip Equalizers in WCDMA Downlink Receivers ......................................................................................................... 467
Kori Hooli, Motti lohmho, ond Morkku Juntti, Universiv of Oulu, finlond
3 Use of Higher-order Moments and a Related Distribution Series Expansions for
Noise Characterisation and Performance Evaluation in Few-user Asynchronous DSlCDMA System .............................................................................................................. 472
Cloudio Socchi, Carlo Regazzoni, fronco Oberti, ond Saverio Giulini, University of Genoo, Italy
4 Adaptive MMSE Detection for Asynchronous Dual-Rate CDMA Systems: Time-Varying Versus Time-Invariant Receivers .............................................................................. 477
Stefan0 Buzz; and Marco Lops, Universita degli Stud; di Nopoli "federico I";Antonio M. Tub, Universitd degli Studi di Napoli/Seconda Universitci degli Stud; di Nopoli, ltaly
5 Per-Survivor Interference Cancellation Structures for Low-Complexity ML Detection of DSKDMA Signals ................................................................................................... 482
Eduardo Esteves, Qualcomm, Inc., USA
6 Adaptive Blind Interference Cancellation in CDMA Systems ........................................................................................................................................................................... 487
Michael 1. kakanis, Stevens lnstitute of Technology; Zhengyuon (Daniel) Xu, University of Californio at Riverside, USA
7 A Single-Packet Method for Adaptive Maximum Likelihood CCI Identification and Mitigation ...................................................................................................................... 492
Gent Poporisto, Viasot, Inc.; Prokopios Panogiotou, Stochotix, Inc.; Keith M. Chugg, University of Southern California, USA
8 Analysis of Infrared Wireless Links Employing Multi-Beam Transmitters and Imaging Diversity Receivers ................................................................................................... 497
Pouyon Djahani and Joseph M. Kohn, University of Californio, USA
TA-GC1 6
Receiver Processing and Decoding
I4:30- 18:00, Intercontinento/, Room Turmolinu
Orgunizer: Lars Rasmussen, Chalmen Universitv, USA
Choir: Yeheskel Bar-Ness, New Jersey lnstitute of Technology,USA
Sponsoring Committee: Communicotion Theory
1 Extrinsic Information in Turbo Decoding: a Unified View .............................................................................................................................................................................. 505
Giulio Colovo$e, Gianluigi fermi, and Riccardo Raheli, University of Porma, ltoly
2 Noncoherent Turbo Decoding ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 510
Giulio Colavolpe, Gianlubj Ferrari, and Rjccordo Raheli, University of Pormo, ltaly
3 Transfer Function Bounds on Performance of Turbo Codes for M-ary Orthogonal Signals ............................................................................................................................. 515
Tomoaki Ohkuki, Science University of Tokyo; loseph M. Kohn, University of California, USA

Globecorn'99 Conference Record xxvii

Table of contents

4 The Union Bound for Turbo Coded Modulation Systems over Fading Channels ............................................................................................................................................. 520
Tolgo M. Duman, Arizona State University; Masoud Solehi, Northeastern University, USA
5 MMSEC-RAKE Receivers with Resolution Reduction of the Diversity Branches: Analysis, Simulation and Applications ...................:.............................................................. 525
M. Hueda, G. C. Briones, C. Rodr;guez, and C. Marquis, Univ. Nac. de Cdrdoba, Argentina; 0. E. Agazzi, Broadcom Corporation, USA
6 Pilot-Signal Aided Multiuser Timing Estimation in DS-CDMA Communications ............................................................................................................................................ 532
Cho‘o-Ming Chang, National king Hua University, Toiwon; Moo Zeng, University of Victoria, Canodo; KwangCheng then, Notionol Taiwon University, Taiwon; Vijoy K. Bhorgova,
University of Victoria, Conoda
7 Exact Error Probability Expression for H-S/MRC in Rayleigh Fading: A Virtual Branch Technique ................................................................................................................ 537
Mae Z. Win andlack H. Winters, AT8T labs-Research, USA
8 A Fast Burst Synchronization for OFDM-based Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode Systems ..................................................................................................................... 543
loekwan Kim, Namshin tho, laehee tho, ond Keukjoon Bang, Yonsei University; Kwongshul Kim ond Hyunchoil Park, Somsung Electronics; Daesik Hong, Yonsei University, Korea

General Conference, Part 6 (VO1 b)

Network Operation and Distributed Management
14:30-I6:05, Intercontinental,Room Agota
Orgonizers: Christian Rod, Telcordia Technologies; Abhiiit Sengupto, Universily of South Corolina, USA
Chair: Christion Rod, Telcordiu Technologies, USA
Sponsoring Committees: Nefwork Operotionsond Monagemenf, Computer Communications
1 Monte Carlo Techniques For Design of Wavelength-Routed All-Optical Network ........................................................................................................................................... 549
E. Bouillet and 72 E. Stern, Columbia University, USA
2 Service Level Routing on the Internet ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 553
Nikolaos Anerousis and Gisli Hjblmtysson, AT8 T labs-Research, USA
3 Defining Provably-Correct Escalation Policies for Multilayer Network Restoration ........................................................................................................................................ 560
Joseph Kroculick and Cynthia Hood, lllinois Instilute of Technology,USA
Medium Access Control
I6:25-I8:OO, Intercontinental,Room Agota
Orgonizers: Mournir Homdi, US[ Hong Kong; Ibrahim Matta, Boston University, USA
Choir: George Thomas
Sponsoring Committees: kansmission, Access and Opticol Systems, Computer Communications
1 An Interference Analysis for Packet Reservation Multiple Access .................................................................................................................................................................... 565
George D. Kondylis and Gregory 1. Pottie, University of Colifomia at Los Angeles, USA
2 Fair Media Access for Wireless LANs ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 570
Timucin Ozugur, Georgia Institute of Technology; Mohmoud Noghshineh and Porviz Kermani, IBM Thomos 1. Watson Reseorch Center;
lahn A. Capeland, Georgia Institute of Technalagy,USA
3 Performance Evaluation of Integrated Video and Data Transmission with the IEEE 802.11 Standard MAC Protocol ..................................................................................... 580
Takahiro Suzuki, Nihon Fukushi University; Shuii Tasaka, Nagoya Institute of Technology,Japan
4 MMAC: An Efficient wmATM MAC for Multicast Communications ................................................................................................................................................................... 587
Won-Toe Kim, Yonglin Pork, ond loe-ll lung, Hanyang University, Korea
ATM Based Information Infrastructure
14:30-I8:00, Sheraton, Room Govea B
Orgonizer:longloe Park, Kyungpook Notional University, Koreo
Chair: Cengiz Akgun, Tekordio Technologies, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Information Infrostructure
1 A Signaling Scheme for Multiple Pre-Established Connections in Mobile ATM Networks ............................................................................................................................... 592
Yoshihito lokahashi, Noriteru Shinogowo, ond Takehiko Kobayashi, YRP Mobile Telecommunicotions Key TechnologyResearch laboratories, lapon

xxvii Globecom’99 Confetence Record

Table of contents

2 Performance of ATM Optical Wireless LANs with Fixed Channel Assignment ................................................................................................................................................. 598
favlos Theodorou, Iaafar Elmirghani, and Robert Cryan, University of Norfhumbria at Newcastle, United Kingdom
3 The Performance of Routing and Control Protocols on Virtual Rings ............................................................................................................................................................. 603
Yueyue Song, Rutgers University; Avishai Wool and Biilent Yener, lucent Technologies, USA
4 Packing Density of Voice Trunking using AAL2 .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 61 1
Chunlei liu, Sohail Munir, and Raj lain, The Ohio State University; Sudhir Dixit, Nokia Research Center, USA
5 Structures of an ATM Switching System with MPLS Functionality .................................................................................................................................................................. 616
Hyeong Ho lee, Bu Ihl Kim, h e Sup lee, and Chu Hwan vim, Electronic and TelecommunicationsResearch htitute, Korea
6 Role of ATM Transport System and Implementation of ATM Cross-Connect System ....................................................................................................................................... 621
Toshinori Tsuboi, Hiroshi Ohta, Ryoichi Iwase, Yoshihiko Uematsu, and Seiichi Takagi, Nl7 Network Service Systems laboratories, Japan
7 IP-on-the-fly Packet Processing Mechanism for an ATM/IP Integrated Switch ............................................................................................................................................... 626
Hideyuki Shimonishi, Tutornu Murase, and Kenji Yamada, NEC Corporation, lapan
8 An Optimal Buffer Management Scheme with Dynamic Thresholds .............................................................................................................................................................. 631
Ruixue fan, Alexander Ishii, Brian Mark, G. Ramamurthy, and Qiang Ren, NK, USA
Packet Radio Resource Management
9:3& 12:30, Intercontinental, Room Onix
Organizer: Yuqi Yao, lucent Technologies, USA
Chair: Kwang-Cheng Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Sponsoring Committee: Personal Communications
1 Efficient Allocation of Radio Resources for CDMA Based Wireless Pocket Data Systems ................................................................................................................................. 638
M. Oguz Sunay, lucent Technologies; Sirin Tekinay and Sebnem Zorlu Ozer, New Jersey lnstitute of Technology,USA
2 Link Scheduling for Enhanced Throughput in a DS-SS Multihop Packet Radio Network ............................................................................................................................... 644
Jeffrey Cupune; Arunabho Sen; A. I: M. Ruhman, Arizana Stufe University, USA
3 Scheduling in Packet Radio Networks - A New Approach ............................................................................................................................................................................... 650
Arunabha Sen and Jeffrey M. Capone, Arizono Stote University, USA
4 Service Fairness in CDMA Cellular Slotted-ALOHA Packet Systems ................................................................................................................................................................ 655
Kazuo Mori and Tokehiko Koboyashi, YRf Key Technology Research laboratories; Takaia Yamazato and Akira Ogawa, Nagoya University,Japan
5 Interactions between TCP and RLP in Wireless Internet ................................................................................................................................................................................. 661
Gang Wu, Communications Research loborotory, The Stote University of New lersey; Yong Bai, Jie lai, and Andy Ogielski, The State University of New Jersey, Japan
6 Collision Resolution in Packet Radio Networks Using Rotational Invariance Techniques ............................................................................................................................... 667
Ruifeng Zhang, Stevens Institute of Technology; Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, University of Virginia; Michael Tsatsanis, Stevens Institute of Technology,USA
7 Self-Configurable Wireless Systems: Spectrum Monitoring in a Layered Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 672
Mathilde Benveniste, AT& T labs, USA
Coding and Modulation Issues in Wireless Systems
9:3& 12:30, Intercontinental, Room Topazio
Organizers: Ning Yang, GTE laboratories, Inc, USA; David Munoz, Centro de Electrbnica y Telecomunicaciones,Mexico
Chair: Apostolis K. Salkinkis, The University of British Columbia, Canada
Sponsoring Committee: Radio Communications
1 Bit Error Rate Evaluation of the Multi-Carrier CDMA Modulation under Frequency Selective Fading ............................................................................................................ 681
Soichi Watanobe, Takuro Soto, and Takeo Abe, Niigata Institute of Technology,fopon .
2 The Performance Analysis of Polarization Shift Keying Optical Communication System with Differential 4-Quadrature Scheme ................................................................. 686
Kuen-Suey Hou and lingshown Wu, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
3 Turbo Coded CDMA Multilayer System Equipped with a Pilot Canceler for Mobile Communications.............................................................................................................. 691
Naohiko lwakiri, YRP Mobile TelecommunicationsKey Technologies Research loborotories, Japan
4 Performance Analysis of Direct-Detection Optical CDMA Systems With Optical Hard-Limiter Using Equal-Weight Orthogonal Signaling .................................................... 696
Tomoaki Ohtsuki, Science University of Tokyo, Japan

Globecorn'99 Conference Record mix

Table of contents

5 Analysis of the Loss of Orthogonality Through Doppler Spread in OFDM Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 701
Patrick Robertson und Stefan Koiser, German Aerospace Center, Germany
6 Butterfly Structure in Trellis-coded Modulation ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 707
Jeffrey C. Dill and Yung-C. lo, Ohio University; Alan R. lindsev, US Air Farce Research laboratorv, USA
7 Analysis of Direct and Indirect Adaptive Linear Equalization for Slowly Varying Channels ........................................................................................................................... 712
Yongbin Wei, Saul 6. Gelfond, and lames 1! Krogmeier, Purdue University, USA
Turbo Codes for Storage
9:30-I2:30, Intercontinental,Room Turmalina
Organizer: Eric MarDonold, Datapath Systems, Inc., USA
Chair: Hemant Thapar, Datapath Systems, Inc.
Sponsoring Committee: Signal Processing for Storage
1 Parity,Check Codes for Partial Response Channels ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 717
Mats Oberg and Paul H. Siegel, University of California, USA
2 Constrained Coding Techniques for Soft lteractive Decoders .......................................................................................................................................................................... 723
John 1. Fan and John M. liofh, Stanford University, USA
3 Soft-Output Detector for Channels with lntersymbol Interference and Markov Noise Memory ...................................................................................................................... 728
Aleksandar Kavcic, Harvard University, USA
4 Turbo Decision Aided Equalization for Magnetic Recording Channels ............................................................................................................................................................ 733
Zi-ling Wu, Marvel1 Semiconductor, Inc.; John M. Ciofh, Stanford University, USA
5 Turbo Decoding for Partial Response Channels with Media Noise ................................................................................................................................................................. 739
Tom Souvignier, Texas Instruments; Joe Caroselli, Quantum Corporation; Angelo Dati, ST Microelectronics/University of California-San Diego;
Jack K. WO/[ University of Colifornia-San Diego, USA
6 Comprehensive Performance Investigation of Turbo Codes over High Density Magnetic Recording Channels ............................................................................................... 744
Tolga Duman, Arizona State University; Frozon Kurtos, Quantum Carparation, USA
7 Iterative Decoding for Concatenated Error Correction Coding in PRML Channel Systems .............................................................................................................................. 749
Hideki Sawaguchi and Seiichi Mifa, Hifachi, Japan; Jack K. Wolf, University of California, USA

Techniques for Providing QoS
9:30-10:40, Sheraton, Room lpanema
Organizers: Sugih Jamin, University of Michigun; Mark Karol, lucent Technologies, USA
Chair: Brett Vickers, Rutgers University, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Computer Communications
1 The Asymmetric Best-Effort Service ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 755
Paul Hurley, Jean-Yves l e Boudec, and Patrick Thiran, €cole PolyfechniqueFederale de lausanne, Switzerland
2 Server Based QoS Routing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 762
George Apasfolapaulas, Universiiy of Murylank R. Gudrin, University of Pennsylvuniu; S. Kamut, lucent Technologies; S. K. Tripathi, University of Califarnio ot Riverside, USA
3 Refined Design of Random Early Detection Gateways ................................................................................................................................................................................... 769
Haining Wang and Kang G. Shin, University of Michigan, USA
TCP Issues
I I:O0-1230,Sheraton, Roam Ipanerna
Organizers: Sugih Jamin, University of Michigan; Mark Karol, lucent Technologies, USA
Chair: Brett Vickers, Rutgers University, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Computer Communications
1 Cycle-based TCP-Friendly algorithm .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 776
Omar Ait-Hellal, lidia Yamamoto, and Guy leduc, University of Mge, Belgium
2 Improving TCP/IP over Geostationary Satellite Links .................................................................................................................................................................................... 781
Chadi Barukot, Nesrine Chaher, Walid Dabbous, and €itan Altman, INRIA, France

xxx Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

3 Improving the Performance of Cooperating TCP Connections ........................................................................................................................................................................ 786

Oorgivul Guedes, federul University of Minos Geruis, Bruzil; lorry Peterson, Princeton Universib USA
4 The Behavior of Certain Stochastic Processes Arising in Window Protocols .................................................................................................................................................... 791
S. Suvuri und E. [elutur, lucent Technologies, USA
Communications Service Software
9:30-12:30, Sheruton, Room Guveu B
Orgunizers: Stun Moyer, Telcordio Technologies, USA; Algirdus Pukstus, University of Sunderlund, United Kingdom
Choir: Roy Sundoruromun, 1ucent Technologies, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Communicotions Sohore
1 The Integrated Architecture of AIN SSP ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 796
Soonchul Choi, Hyung-lk Kim, lung-Huk Jin, und Sung-Keun lee, Koreu Telecom, Koreo
2 TMN-based @Adaptation Using Java Technology ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 802
l u d h lee, Koreu Telecom, Koreu
3 Java Tool For Simulating Transmission Systems ................................................................................................................................................
Pierre Roux, Alcutel, Frunce
4 INCA: Support for IN Using the Tempest ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 812
Rebeccu lsuocs und Richurd Mortier, University of Cumbridge, United Kingdom
5 Resources Reservation in a Reactive QoS Scheme .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 817
S. Ardon, University of NSW, Ausfrolio; C. Dior, Sprint ATL, USA; 8.lundfeldt und A. Senevirutne, University of NSW, Austrulio
6 Managed Objects Made Persistent ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 825
Odd Egil Or0y und lun Christion Kerlefsen, Norwegiun Computing Centre, Norwuy
7 Differentiated Services on Linux .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 831
Werner Almesberger, EPFI /CA, Switzerlont lomul Hudi Sulim, Nortel Nelworks, USA; Alexey Kuznekov, lNR, Russiu,
Wireless Receivers 8, Diversity
14:30-18:00, Intercontinentol, Room Onix
Organizer: Kuinom Thomos Wong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Choir: Hector Corrules, lucent Technologies, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Personol Commonicotions
1 Linear Receivers for Spread Spectrum Communication over Multipath Dispersive Channels ......................................................................................................................... 837
Murtin I! Clark, AT&Tlubs-Research, USA
2 Blind Soft-detection Assisted Frequency-hopping Multicarrier DS-CDMA Systems ........................................................................................................................
lie-liung Yung und lojos Honzo, University of Southumpton, United Kingdom
3 Performance of Multi-Carrier CDM and COFDM in Fading Channels ............................................................................................................................................................. 847
Stefun h e r , Germon Aerospoce Center, Germany
4 Transmit Diversity for Code OFDM Systems in Single Frequency Networks .................................................................................................................................................... 852
Zulfiquor Soyeed und Vijitho Weeruckody, lucent Technologies, USA
5 Frequency-domain Frame Synchronization for Optimum Frequency-differential Demodulation of OFDM ................................................................................................... 857
Stefun H. Muller-Weinfurtner, University of Erlongen-Nuremberg, Germany
6 Combined Use of Space and Polarization Diversity on Mobile Cellular Networks .......................................................................................................................................... 863
G. 1. Siqueiro, fontificol Cutholic University of Rio de funeiro; R. A. Pimentel und R. A. Gomes, Ericsson; R. T. Murtins, Telefonico Celuloc
C. B. Sumpuio ond E. 1.A. Vhsquez, Pontificul Cutholic University of Rio de funeiro, Bruzil
7 Noncoherent Sequence Detection in Frequency Nonselective Slowly Fading Channels .................................................................................................................................. 868
Giulio Coluvdpe und Riccurdo Roheli, University of Purmu, ltuly
8 Analysis and Modeling of Local Multipoint Distribution Service (LMDS) Channel ......................................................................................................................................... 873
K. G! Ruvi und /? Somo, The Notionol University of Singupore, Singopore

Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

Signal Design for Modern Communication Systems
I4:30-I dO
: O, Intercontinental,Room Topuzio
Orgonizer: l a m fhamdo Stute University of New York, USA
Chair: Eduardo Esteves, Qualcomm Inc., USA
Spansoring Commiftee: Communicution Theory
1 Bounds on the Rate of Codes Which Forbid Specified Difference Sequences .................................................................................................................................................. 878
Bruce E. Moision, Alon Orlifskv, and foul H. Siegel, University of California at Sun Diego, USA
2 Error Sensitivity in Adaptive Predistortion Systems ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 883
faalo Banelli, University of ferugia, Italy
3 Transmission Optimization with a Space-Time Filter At Low SNR Wireless Environment .............................................................................................................................. 889
Joonsuk Kim and John M. Cioffi, Stonford University, USA
4 lnterleaver Design for Short Turbo Codes ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 894
M. Z. Wang, A. Sheikh, and f Qi, The Hong Kong folyfechnic University, Chino
5 An Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Margin Maximization in Multicarrier Communication Systems ............................................................................................................... 899
Brim 5. Krongold, Konnon Romchandron, ond Douglas 1. Jones, University of Illinois at Urbona-Champoign, USA
6 Real (4,2) BCH Code for Image Communications ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 904
Nikola Rozic ond Dinko Begusic, Universify of Split, Croatia; Nikola favesic, University of Ljubljuno, Slovenio; Hrvoje Dujmic, University of Split, Croatia
7 Evaluation of Error Probabilities for General Signal Constellations .............................................................................................................................................................. 909
Jack U! Stokes, Microsoft Corporation; Jomes A. Ritcev, University of Washington, USA
8 The Performance and Design Criterion of Phase Spreading Sequences for DSlSSMA Communications with Full Response CPM over Rayleigh Fading Channels ................ 914
Fengfang Yang, 5. H. leung, ond C. I Ngan, City University of Hang Kong; Guangguo Bi, Southeast University, Chino
Signal Processing for Storage
I4:30-I dO
: O, Intercontinental,Room lurmolinu
Organizer: Eric MacDonald, Datofath Systems, Inc., USA
Choir: Eric MacDonald, DotoPoth Systems, Inc.
Sponsoring Committee: Sign01 Processing for Storage
Error Probability Bounds for Nonlinear Channels with lntersymbol Interference and Signal-Dependent Correlated Noise .......................................................................... 91 9
Aleksandar Kovcic, Hurvord University, USA
Continuous-Time Adaptive Infinite Impulse Response (IIR)Equalizers for EPR4 Channels ........................................................................................................................... 926
Joshua C. fork, IBM Microelectronics; I. Richard Carley, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Nonlinear Cross Talk Cancellation for High Density Optical Recording .......................................................................................................................................................... 933
5. Bellini, folitecnico di Milono; 6 Miglioroti und G. faltenghi, University of Brescia, Italy
An Analytical Approach for Performante Evaluation of Partial Response Systems in the Presence of Signal-Dependent Medium Noise ...................................................... 939
Runsheng He and Nersi Nozari, Murvell Semiconductor,Inc., USA
The Error Event Probability f o r a Viterbi Detector on a Magnetic Recording Channel with Electronic and Signal Dependent Media Noise ................................................... 944
Patrick lee, Stanford Telecom; Saeed Asgori, Quonfum Corporation, USA
Generalized Partial Response Signalling and Efficient MLSD Using Linear Viterbi Branch Metria ............................................................................................................... 949
Nick M. Zayed und I. Richard Carlev, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Single-Head Detection in the Presence of Offtrack Interference .................................................................................................................................................................... 955
Bong Gyun Roh, Seoul Nutionul University; Juekyun Maon, University of Minnesota, USA; Sang Uk lee, Seoul Nutionul University, Koreo
Reduced-Complexity Sequence Detection for E*PR4 Magnetic Recording Channel ......................................................................................................................................... 960
Borivoje Nikolic, University of Califomio; Michuel l eung ond Leo Fu, Silicon Systems, Inc.; Vojin G. Oklobdzia, lntegrotion/University of Califomio; Richard Yamasaki, Silicon Systems,
Inc., USA

mii Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

Multi-user Detection Performance
14130-18:00, Intercontinentol, Room Quortzo A
Orgonizer: Murk flunz6oum, USA
Chuir: Mark flonz6uum, USA
Sponsoring Committee: Tuaicol Communicutions
1 AMOUR - Generalized Multicarrier CDMA Irrespective of Multipath .............................................................................................................................................................. 965
Georgios B. Giunnukis ond Zhengduo Wung, University of Minnesofa, USA; Annu Scuglione und Sergio BO~~U~OSSU, Univenity of Rome "lo Sopienzu", ltoly
2 Performance Analysis of a Multicarrier PACS System ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 970
Melbourne Burton und Doniel Wong, Telcordiu Technologies, USA
3 Low-Complexity Multiuser Detector for Coherent and Incoherent CDMA Mobile Radio Communications ...................................................................................................... 975
E. Del Re, R. Funtocci, 5. Morosi, M. Rougei, und G. Vivuldi, University of Florence, ltoly
4 A Novel Scheme for Linear Multiuser Detection in Asynchronous DS-CDMA Systems with Frequency Selective Fading ................................................................................. 981
Zurtush Afzol Uzmi, Stunford Univenity; Syed Aon Mujfa6u, lucent Technologies, USA
5 Space-Time Receiver for Multi-Rate CDMA Systems: Multi-Code and Variable Spreading Length Access Methods Comparison .................................................................... 986
linwen Mu und Hongyu Ge, New Jersey lnstifute of Technology,USA
6 Exploring the UMTS WCDMA-Receiver Design Space Using a Semianalytical Approach ................................................................................................................................ 991
Gunnur fock, lens Bultenee, Peter Schulz-Rittich, und Heinrich Meyr, Aochen Univeniiy of Technology,Germuny
7 Rotated Constellation MC-CDMA System ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 996
Fruncisco M. Assis, federul University of Poruho, Bruzit Elvino 5. Sousu, University of Toronto, Conudu
Optical Networks
14:30-18:00, Sheruton, Room lponemu
Orgonizen: Mournir Humdi, US[ long Kong; 16ruhimMotto, Boston University, USA
Chuir: Mournir Homdi, US[ Hong Kong
Sponsoring Commiftees: Transmission, Access ond Opticul Systems, Computer Communicutions
Architectures of Optical Time-based Traffic Regulators ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1002
lunplsung hi,Notional Tuiwun Normol University, Taiwan; Rene 1. Cruz, Univenity of Californiu ot Sun Diego, USA
A New Analytical Model for Multifiber WDM Networks ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1007
Ling li und Arun K. Somuni, IOWO
Sfate University, USA
Grooming of Arbitrary Traffic in SONETNDM Rings ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1012
Peng-lun Won, liwu Lin, ond Ophir Frieder, Illinois lnstifute of Technology,USA
Routing in All-Optical Packet Switched Irregular MESH Networks ............................................................................................................................................................... 1017
Gerurdo Costofion, Ljubisu Tonrevski, ond Loksmon Tomil, Alcotel Corporute Reseurch Center, USA
Supporting Multiple Classes of Services in IP over WDM Networks .............................................................................................................................................................. 1023
Myungsik Yo0 und Chunming Qiuo, University ut Buffulo, USA
Modeling and Simulation Study of Survivability Mechanisms in WDM-based High-speed Networks ........................................................................................................... 1028
lufhu Kunf, Hyogon Kim, Deh-Phone Hsing, und TsonpHo Wu, Telcordiu Technologies, USA
Impact of Topology on Wavelength and Switch-port Requirements in All-optical Hierarchical Multi-ring Networks .................................................................................... 1035
Aikoterini Proestuki ond Murk C. Sincluir, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Dimensioning of MP/WDM Networks with Failure Restoration .................................................................................................................................................................... 1042
Hirooki Horoi and Fumito Ku60t0, Communicutions Reseurch Lu6orutory, lopun
Traffic Modelling
14:3@18:00, Sheruton, Room Guveu A
Orgonizer: Mike Devetsikiotis, Curleton University, Cunudu
Chuir: Mike Devefsikiotis, Curleton Univenity, Cunudo
Sponsoring Committee: CommunicutionsSystems Integrution ond Modeling
1 Modeling Broadband Traffic Streams ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1048
Timothy D. Neume und Moshe Zukermun, The University of Mel6ourne; Ronold G. Addie, University of Soufhern Queenslund, Austruliu
Globecom'99 Conference Record miii
Table of contents

2 A Finite Buffer Queue .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1053

Vinod Sharma ond Jorma I Virtamo, Helsinki University of Technology,Finland
3 Traffic Modeling with Universal Multifractals ...................... ................................................................................................ .......................................................... 1058
N. Desaulniers-Soucy and A. luoros, EMS Technologies, Canada
4 Two Optimization Approaches for Parameter Determination of PNNl Complex Node Model ...................................................................................................................... 1066
Jin Liu, Zhisheng Niu, and Junli Zheng, lsinghua University, China
5 Policing and Statistical Multiplexing of Self-Similar Sources ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1071
Nelson L. S. Fonseco, State University of Campinas; Gilbert0 S. Mayor, McKinsey & Company; Cesor A. I! Neto, State University of Campinas, Brozil
6 A Case Study of Multiservice, Multipriority Traffic Engineering Design for Data Networks .......................... ...................................................................................... 1077
Debasis Mitra ond K. G. Ramakrishnan, Lucent Technologies, USA
7 Performance and Efficiency Evaluation of Channel Allocation Schemes for HSCSD in GSM ......................................................................................................................... 1084
Dayong Zhou and Moshe Zukermon, The University of Melbourne, Australia
8 A Parameterization Method for Markov Traffic Model ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1089
Shugong Xu and Herman D. Hughes, Michigon State University, USA
BAS on
Communications Software Engineering: Methods and Project Management Tools"
Sheraton Hotel, WednesdayMorning, Room Gavea A
Proposer: Algirdas Pakstas, University of Sunderland, United Kingdom
Communications Software Engineering: Methods and Project Management Tools ............................................................................................................................................ 1094
Algirdas Pakstas, University of Sunderland, United fingdom
, ,

Symposium on Access Networking (V02)

Systems and Services
9:30-12:30, Sheraton, Room Vidigol B t C
1 Economic Issues of Broadband Access Plotform Evolution ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1097
llari Welling, Nokia Research Centec Markku lahteenoja, Telenoc Bart Broens and Yvonne Van Dam, KPN; Peter Vetter,Alcatet Niels Engell Andersen, Tellabs, Finland
2 Advanced Return Channel System Architecture for Broadband Multimedia Communications via Satellite .................................................................................................. 1103
Payam Moveddat, Giridhar Boray, and Fred Homayoun, Nortel Networks, USA
3 Differentiated Services over Cable Networks ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1109
Nada Golmie, Frederic Mouveoux, and David H. Su, National Institute of Standards and Technology,USA
4 Planning of GSM-based Wireless Local Access via Simulcast Distribution Antennas over Fiber-Coax .......................................................................................................... 1116
Vincent Roy, Microcell Connexions/University of Quebec; Charles Respins, lelebed University of Quebec, Conada
5 RTP Payload Multiplexing Between IP Telephony Gateways ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1121
Barani Subbiah, Senthil Sengodan, and Jarno Rajahalme, Nokia Research Centec USA
Techniques for High Performance
14:30-18:00,Sheraton, Room Vidigal B t C
1 Full Reach High-speed Digital Subscriber Loops via Power Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 1128
Ahmed F: Shalash, level One Communicotions, USA
2 Channel Gain Change Detection and Channel Profile Selection in a Multicarrier System ............................................................................................................................ 1133
A&/ Salvekar, Carlos Aldona, Jose Tellado, and John M. Ciofi, Stanford University, USA
3 Filtered Multitone Modulation for VDSL ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1139
Giovanni Cherubini, hngelos fleftheriou, and Sedot 0I;ec IBM Research, Switzerland
4 Joint Signaling Techniques for Crosstalk-Dominated Communication Channels .......................................................................................................................................... 1145
Rohit! I Gaikwad and Richard Baraniuk, Rice University, USA

mxiv ,Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

5 Power Backoff Strategies for Very High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line Transmission Systems .................................................................................................................. 1150
Mothios Friese ond Peter Huvezov, Deutsche Telekom, Germony
.. 6 Overcoming Reservation latency for IP Traffic in an ATM PON ............................................................................. ................................................................................. 1155
luck Brossil, Lucent Technologies, USA
7 A MAC Protocol Supporting IP with QoS Guarantees in a Wireless Local loop ............................................................................................................................................ 1162
A. Boiocchi and F: Cuomo, University of Rome “la Sopienzu’: I. Dell’Uomo ond U. Teloni, CoRiTel, ltoly
BAS on
Multimedia Satellite Communications*
Sheroton Hotel, Mondoy Morning, Room Goveo A
Proposer: Horold Skinnemoen, Neru Sotom, Norwuy; Roger Rusch, TelAstro, USA
Multimedia Satellite Communications ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1167
Hurold Skinnemoen, Nero SotCom, Norway; Roger Rusch, TelAstru, USA

Symposium on High-speed Networks (V02)

Traffic Models
10:45-1230,Sheroton, Room Leblon A t B
Choir: Nicolo Blefori-Melozzi, University of ferugio, Italy
1 Data Traff it Characterization in Corporate Environment ... .......................................................................................................................................................... 1173
Firmiono Romos ferlingeiro und Lee Luon Ling, Stote University of Cumpinos - UNlGlMllj Brozil
2 On Aggregate Traffic Generation with Multifradal Properties ....................................................................................................................
Krishna Kont, Intel Carporotion, USA
3 Markov-Modulated Self-similar Processes: MPEG Coded Video Traffic Modeler and Synthesizer ............................................................................................................... 1184
Hui Liu, Nirwon A m i , ond Yun 0. Shi, New Jersey Institute of Technology,USA
4 A Markov-based Model of MPEG-2 Audiohide0 Traffic ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1189
Alfio Lombordo, Giocomo Morobito, Sergio fuluzzo, Giovonni Schembro, University of Cotonio, ltoly
5 Clustering Method and Semi-Markov Processes for VBR Traffic Modeling in an ATM Network .................................................................................................................... 1194
Huny D. Alsoioly ond John A. Silvester, University of Southern Culifornio, USA
10:45-12:30, Sheroton, Room Goveo B
Choir: Chunming Qioo, SUNY ot Buffolo, USA
Orgonizen; Chunming Qioo, SUN Y ot Buffolo; hder Ayunoglu, Cisco, USA
Speakers: Rick Borry, Sycomore; h e Berthold, Cieno; foul Bonenfont, Lucent Richord Curdwell, Telcordio; leff Fitcheff, Nortet
fvon Goldstein, AT8 F Lorry McAdoms, Cisco; Nioll Robinson, Qtero; Chorlie Rohrs, Tellubs
Switch Architectures I
14:45-18: 15, Sheroton, ,Room leblon A t B
Choir; Mohommed Atiquzzomon, University of Doyton, USA
1 Algorithms for Virtual Output Queued Switching ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1203
Emilio Leonordi ond Fobio Neri, folitecnico di Torino, Italy; Bulent Yener, Lucent Technologies, USA
2 Distributed Cell Scheduling Algorithms for Virtual-Output-Queued Switches .............................................................................................................................................. 1211
Roiner Schoenen ond Romon Hying, Auchen Univenity of Technology,Germony
3 Lookahead Scheduling Algorithm for Input-Buffered Packet Switches ....................................................................................... ................................ 1216
Kwan I. Yeung, N. H. Liu, ond Hai Shi, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
4 Analytical Analysis of ATM Switches with Multiple Input Queues with Bursty Traffic .................................................................................................................................... 1222
Ge Nong, Mounir Hamdi, und logesh K. Muppolo, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong

Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

5 Scheduling in Input-Queued Cell-Based Packet Switches ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1227

M. Aimone Morsan, A. Bianco, E Giaccone, E. leonardi, and F: Neri, Politecnico di Torino, Itoly
6 A Fast Arbitration Scheme for Terabit Packet Switches ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1236
H. Jonathan Chao, Cheuk 14.lam, and Xiaolei Guo, Polytechnic University,USA
7 RRGS: Round Robin Greedy Scheduling for ElectronidOptical Terabit Switches .......................................................................................................................................... 1244
A. Smiljanic, Princeton University; R. Fan and G. Ramamurthy, NE[, USA
8 A Large Scale Multicast ATM Switch with Input and Output Link Sharing .................................................................................................................................................... 1251
Feihong then, Necdet Uzun, and Ali N. Akonsu, New Jersey lnstitute of Technology, USA
Flow Control
14:45-16:20, Sheraton, Room Corcovado
Chair: Byrav Romamurthy, University of Nebraska-lincoln, USA
1 Selective Back-pressure in Switched Ethernet LANs ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1256
U! Naureddine and F: Tobogi, Stonford University, USA
2 Optimization Flow Control with Newton-Like Algorithm ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1264
SanieewaAthuraliya and Steven low, University of Melbourne, Austrolio
3 Performance Analysis of Feedback Synchronization for Multicast ABR Flow Control .................................................................................................................................. 1269
Xi Zhang and Kang G. Shin, The University of Michigan, USA
4 Engineering and Performance Evaluation of the ABR Service in Second Generation ATM Networks .......................................................................................................... 1275
Romy M. Guirguis, tarleton University; Sameh Rabie and Osama Aboul-Magd, Nortel Networks; Somy Mahmoud, Carleton University, tanoda
Design 8, Analysis of Various Network Protocols
16:40-18: 15, Sheroton. Room Corcovado
[hair: Byrav Romamurthy, University of Nebraska-lincoln, USA
1 A Packet Resequencing Protocol for Fault-Tolerant Multipath Transmission with Non-Uniform Traffic Splitting .......................................................................................... 1283
Denis KhotimskK lucent Technologies, USA
2 An Adaptive Flow Classification Algorithm for IP Switching ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1290
lun Zheng, Victor 0. K. li, and Xiaochun Yuan, The University of Hong Kong, Hang Kong
3 Simple Data Link (SDL) Protocol: An Efficient And Low Complexity Data Link Protocol For High-speed Packet Networks ........................................................................ 1295
B. Doshi, S. Dravida, and E. Hernandez-Valencia,lucent lechnologies, USA
4 Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.32 Gigabit Ethernet Standard ................................................................................................................................................................ 1302
Stan Finkler and Deepinder Sidhu, University of Marylond Boltimore County, USA
9:3012:30, Sheroton, Room leblon A t B
Chair: Oliver Yang, University of Ottawa, Canada
1 End-to-end Statistical Delay Guarantees using Earliest Deadline First (EDF) Packet Scheduling ................................................................................................................ 1307
Vijay Sivaramon, University of Californioat 1os Angeles; Fabio thiussi, lucent Technologies, USA
2 Reference Queue Tracking Strategies for Delay Guarantees in ATM Networks ............................................................................................................................................ 1313
Meenarachagan vishnu, Fore Systems, Inc., USA; lon l !Mark, University of Waterloo, Canada
3 Scheduling Algorithms for Bounded Delay Service in Virtual Networks ....................................................................................................................................................... 1318
Rahul Gary and Huzur Saran, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, lndio
4 Per-Node Delay Assignment Strategies for Real-Time High Speed Networks .............................................................................................................................................. 1323
Abhishek Vagish, Taieb Znoti, and Rami Melhem, Universityof Pittsburgh, USA
5 Fair Scheduling with Tunable Latency: A Round Robin Approach ................................................................................................................................................................ 1328
Hemant M. thaskar, Nokia Research tentec U. Madhow, Universityof Illinois, USA
6 Non Rate-proportional Weighting of Generalized Processor Sharing Schedulers ........................................................................................................................................ 1334
Robert Szabb, fl Barta, 1. Bkb, and E Nemeth, Technical University of Budapest, Hungary; t-G. Perntz, Fricsson Applied Research-Switchlab, Sweden

xxxvi Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

7 Service Curve Proportional Sharing Algorithm for Service-Guaranteed Multiaccess in Integrated-Service Distributed Networks ............................................................... 1340
Chia-Sheng Chong and Kwang-Cheng Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
ATM Network Issues
9:30-I2:30, Sheraton, Roam Corcovado
Chair: lbrahim Habib, City College of New York, USA
1 New Transfer Methods for Client-Server Traffic in ATM Networks ................................................................................................................................................................ 1345
David Lecumberri, Kai-Yeung Siu, and Paolo Narviez, Massachusetts lnstihte of Technology,USA;
Masayashi Nabeshima and Naoaki Yamanaka, Nl7 Network Service Systems laboratories, Japan
2 SATP - A Transport Protocol for ATM-lntranets ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1350
Axel Baeger and Martino Zitterbart, Technical University of Braunschweig; Joachim Sokal, SiemensAG, Germany
3 Virtual Channel Management in ATM Networks .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1355
Fahad Hoymany, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology,Saudi Arabia; Daniel Massi, University of Pihburgh, USA
4 A Closer Look at ATM Traffic Measurements and Their Statistical Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 1361
Judith L. Jerkins, Telcordia Technologies; Jonathan L. Wang, Nets'n Bits, Inc.; Yi Chu, Sprint, USA
5 An Enhanced Method for the Estimation of End-to-End Cell Delay Variation for Real-time Services ........................................................................................................... 1367
D. Katoria, D. Lagothetis, and A. Flwalid, Lucent Technologies, USA
6 UPC Parameter Estimation Using Virtual Buffer Measurement With Application to AAL2 Traffic ................................................................................................................ 1373
David N Petr and Gopi K. Vaddi, The University of Kansas; Yong-Qing Lu, Sprint Corporation, USA
7 A Performance Analysis of the ATM Multiplexer With Space Priority queueing management ..................................................................................................................... 1380
Mehmet Ali, Cancordia University, Canada
Switch Architectures ll
I4:30-I S:OO, Sheraton, Room leblon A t 6
Chair: Andrea Bianco, Palitecnico di Torino, Italy
1 Performance Analysis of a Shared-Medium ATM Switch with Multicast Traffic ............................................................................................................................................. 1385
Ahmed Mokhtq Teledesic Corporatian; Murat Azizaglu, University of Washington, USA
2 CLR in Multicast ATM Switches with Shared Memory and Buffer Management .......................................................................... ...........1391
Yijun Xiang, Alcatel Corporate Research Center; Jayalekshmi Kanginakudru, Louisiana State University, USA
3 A High-Performance ATM Switch with Multicasting ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1396
Julion D. Ho, La h b e University,Australia; Neeraj K. Sharma, Clarkson University, USA
4 Non Blocking Multicast Three-Stage Interconnection Networks ................................................................................................................................................................... 1401
Marco Listonti and Luca Veltri, University of Roma "la Sapienza", Italy
5 Efficient Scheduling of Variable-Length IP Packets on High Speed Switches ........................................................................................... ............................................. 1407
Ge Nang, Mounir Homdi, and Khaled Ben Letaief, The long long University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong
6 Scalable 640-Gbitls ATM Switching System With Self-load Balancing Mechanism ...................................................................................................................................... 1412
S. Yasukawa, N. Yamanaka, E. Oki, R. Kawana, K. Okazaki, D. Santosa, Nl7 Network Service Systems Laboratories, Japan
7 A Large Scalable Knockout Dilated Banyan Multicast ATM Switch ............................................................................................................................................................... 1418
Kenji Sakamoto, Satoshi Hiyama, Yoshiyuki Nishino, and lwao Sasase, Keia University,Japan
8 VTDM: A Variable Bit Rate TDM Switch Architecture for Video Stream ........................................................................................................................................................ 1423
Udomkiat Bunwarasate, TakayukiMuranaka, Terumasa Aoki, Hitashi Aida, and Tadao Soito, University of Tokyo, Japan
Optical Switching and WDM Networks
14:30-IS:OO, Sheraton, Room Corcovado
Chair: Andrea fumogalli, University of Texm at Dollas, USA
1 Connection Management for Wavelength-Routed WDM Networks .............................................................................................................................................................. 1428
Hui Zang, Laxman Sahasrabuddhe, Jason f! he, S. Ramamorthy, and Biswanath Mukherjee, University of Califmia, USA
2 Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) with Power Considerations in All-optical Wavelength-routed Networks ................................................................................ 1433
Maher Ali, Byrav Ramamorthy, and Jitender S. Deogun, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Glohecom'99 Conference Record wii

Table of contents

3 Fault Tolerant Crossconnect and Wavelength Routing in All-Optical Networks ............................................................................................................................................ 1438
Chuan-thing Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo, Natianal Taiwan University, Taiwan; Yennun Huang, AT8 T Laboratories- Research, USA
4 Optical Switch Failure Protection in Mesh Networks with Arbitrary Non-Planar Architectures..................................................................................................................... 1443
Georgios Ellinas, Telcordia Technologies; Aklilu Hailemariam, Lucent Technologies; Thomas E. Stern, Columbia Univenity, USA
5 Photonic Slot Routing in All-Optical WDM Mesh Networks ................................................................................. ................................................................................. 1449
Hui lung, Jason L he, and BiswanathMukherjee, University of California, USA
6 Performance of an Optical IP Router Using Non-Degenerate Buffers .......................................................................................................................................................... 1454
Ljubisa Tancevskiand Gerard0 Castanon, Alcatel Corporate Research Center Franco Callegati, Univenity of Bologna; Lakshman Tamil, Alcatel Corporate Research Center, USA
7 Exact, Approximate, and Recursive Blocking in All-Optical Networks .......................................................................................................................................................... 1460
Chris Leith and Glen Takahara, Queen‘s Universik Zouheir Mansourati, lvortel Technology, Canada
8 Scheduling Multi-rote Sessions in TDM Wavelength-routing Networks ............................. .................................................................................................................. 1466
Suresh Subramaniam, Eric I. Harder, and Hyeong-Ah Chai, George Washington University, USA
9:3012:30, Sheraton, Room Leblon A t B
Chair: Anwar flwalid, lucent Technologies, USA
1 Bandwidth Allocation Planning In Communication Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1473
Christian Frei and Boi Faltings, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Switzerland
2 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Stationary VBR Traffic Bosed on Prediction .............................................................................................................................. 1478
Suili Feng, South China University of Technology, China; Ravi Sankar, Universi/y of South Florida, USA
3 Performance of Dynamic Resources Allocation with QoS guarantees for MPEG VBR Video Traffic Transmission over ATM Networks .......................................................... 1483
luis 1. de la Cruz andlorge Mota, Polytechnic Univenity of Catalonia, Spain
4 An Effective Bandwidth Allocation Approach for Self Similar Traffic for in a Single ATM Connection .......................................................................................................... 1490
Firmiano Ramos Perlingeiro and Luan Ling lee, State University of Campinas-UNlCAhlf Brazil
5 Resource Allocation Issues for long-Tailed LRD Internet WAN Traffic .......................................................................................................................................................... 1495
Anestis Karasaridis and Dimitrios Hatzinakos, University of Toronto, Canada
6 An Adaptive Resource Allocation and Call Admission Control Scheme far Wireless ATM Using Genetic Algorithms .................................................................................... 1500
M. R. Sherif and 1. Habib, The City College of New York; M. Noghshineh and I? Kermani, IBM Research Division, USA
7 Downlink Capacity of a Packet-Switched Broadband LEO Satellite Network with Hopping Beams ............................................................................................................. 1505
Ahmed MokhtaL Teledesic Corporation;Murat Azizoglu, University of Washington, USA
VPNs, Routing and Network Reliability
9:30l2:30, Sheraton, Room Corcovado
Chair: Marwan Krunz, University of Arizona, USA
1 Dynamic Virtual Network Dimensioning in Cost-Sensitive Environments ........................................................... ......................................... 1511
likolaos Anerousb, A18 11abFResearch, USA
2 Identifying Cost-Effective VP Networks ......................................................................................................................................................................................
Mette Rghne, Terje lensen, Rima Venturin, and lnge Svinnset, Telenor RAD, Norway
3 On Cost-Based Routing In Connection-Oriented Broadband Networks ........................................................................................................................................................ 1522
Kai-Wei Ke, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan; Chin-Tou Lea, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong
4 Fair And Efficient Call Routing And Admission Control Algorithms .............................................................................................................................................................. 1527
Lata Norayanan, Concordia University, Canada; Yves Sointillan, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA
5 A Cycle Augmentation Algorithm for Minimum cost Multicommodity Flows on a Ring ................................................................................................................................ 1535
Bruce Shepherd and Lisa Zhang, Bell laboratories, USA
6 Cost/Survivability Analysis of Multi-layer Restoration Strategies in Broadband Transport Networks .......................................................................................................... 1544
Goksel Goncu, latho Kant, and Deh-phone K. Hsing, Telcordio Technologies, USA
7 Metrication and Performance Analysis on Resilience of Ring-based Transport Network Solutions ............................................................................................................... 1551
Andreas Antonopoulos, Lucent Technologies, United Kingdom

xxxvii Globecom’99 Confereiice Record

Table of contents

Fast IP Routing
I4:30-I6:05, Sheraton, Roam leblon A t B
Chair: Amifabh Mishra, lucent Technologies, USA
1 Forwarding Engine for Fast Routing Lookups and Updates ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1556
Daxiao Vu, Brundon C. Smith, and Belle Wei, Sun Jose Stute Universik USA
2 IP Caching for Terabit Speed Routers ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1565
Bryun Talbot, Timothy Sherwood, and Bill Lin, University of Californio San Diego, USA
3 Fast IP Lookups Using a Two-Trie Data Structure ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1570
T: Kijkunjunurut ond H. Chao, Polytechnic University, USA
4 High-speed Table Lookup Engine for IPv6 Longest Prefix Match ................................................... .............................................. ... 1576
TsunemasaHayashi, ToshiukiMiyazuki, NI7 Network Inovation laboratories, Japun
Quality-of-Service Issues
16:25-18:00, Sheraton, Room leblon A t B
Choir: Amifabh Mishra, lucent Technologies, USA
1 Providing QoS Guarantees in Packet Switches ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1582
Fubia M. Chimi and Andrea Fruncini, Lucent Technologies, USA
2 Layer 4+ Switching with QoS Support for RTP and H l l P .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1591
fill Hurboum and Murtina Zitterbarf, Technical University of Bruunschweig; Frederic Grifhul, Jurgen Riithig, Sibylle Schaller, und Heinrich 1.Stiittgen, NFC Europe Ltd., Germany
3 A New QoS-driven Packet Discarding Scheme ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1597
Yonufan l e y und Xiaowen Mang, ANT labs, USA
4 Performance of Selective Packet Dropping Schemes in Multi-Hop Networks ............................................................................................................................................... 1604
Miguel A. labrador ond Sujatu Banerjee, University of Piftsburgh, USA
Admission Control
14:30-18:00, Sheruton, Room Corcovada
Chair: Bulent Yener, lucent Technologies, USA
1 A CAC Algorithm For PER-VC Queueing Systems Loaded by Fractal Traffic .................................................................................................................................................. 1610
R. G. Garrappo, S. Giorduno, and M. Puguno, University of Pisa, ltoly
2 Optimal Cost Traffic Shaping with Self-Similar Input Sources ......................... .................................................
Galina Daubruvinu, Michael Devefsikiofis, und Matthias Falkner, Curleton Universik Canudu
3 A Connection Admission Control Algorithm for Self-similar Traff ic ...................................................................................... ................................................................. 1623
Jonathan L. Wong, Nefs ‘n Bits; Ashok Frramilli, Qneiworx, USA
4 Efficiency Comparisons between Different Model-based and Measurement-based Connection Admission Control under Heavy Traffic ....................................................... 1629
Teck Kiong Lee and Moshe Zukermon, University of Melbourne, Australia
5 How To Build Robust Call Admission Control Based On On-line Measurements ........................................................................................................................................... 1634
Andrus Rkz, Fricssan Ltd., Hungury
6 Leaky-Bucket Buffer Admission Scheme for Supporting ATM GFR Services with FIFO queuing ................................................................................................................... 1641
Yuan Wu und Kui-Yeung Siu, Mussachusefts Institute of Technology; Noil Akur, Sprint Corporufion; June Yiu, Mussuchusefts Institute of Technology,USA
7 A Scalable Call Admission Control Algorithm for ATM Networks ................................................................................................................................................................. 1648
Zafur Ali, Fdwin K. E Chong, and Arif Ghafoor,Purdue University, USA
8 A Hierarchical Traffic Shaper for Packet Switches ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1655
Surang Zeng and Necdet Uzun, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Globecom’99 Conference Record mix

Table of contents

BAS on
1P and ATM Convergence*
Sheraton Hotel, kesdoy Afternoon, Room Gavea A
Proposer: Paulo I: de Sousa, European Comission
IP and ATM Convergence ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1660
Paula I: de SOUSU, Eurapean Commission

Symposium on Global Internet: Application and Technology (V03)


Resource Management for Wireless Networks ’

10:45-11:25,Sheroton, Room lpanema
Choir: Ramon Caceres, AT8 T Research
1 Adaptive Inverse Multiplexing for Wide-Area Wireless Networks ................................................................................................................................................................ 1665
Alex Snoeren, Massachusetts Institute of Technulog%USA
. .
2 Fair Allocation of Elastic Traffic f o r a Wireless Base Station ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1673
Gyorgy Miklh, Ericsson Research; S6ndor MolnbJ Technical University of Budopest, Hungary
Routing Algorithms
I 1:25-12:30,Sheraton, Room lpanema
Choir: ChristopheDiot, Sprint labs
1 The Use of IP-Anycast for Building Efficient Multicast Trees ......................................................................................................................................................................... 1679
Oina Katabi, Massachusetts Institute of Technolog%USA
2 A Distributed Algorithm for Multipath Computation .................................................................................................................................................................................... 1689
Srinivas Vutukury and 1.1.Garcia-1una-Aceves, University of California, USA
3 A Randomized Algorithm for Finding a Path Subject to Multiple QoS Constraints ....................................................................................................................................... 1694
krgay Korkmaz and Marwon Krunz, University of Arizona, USA
Analyzing TCP
I4:45-I6:20, Sheraton, Room lpanema
Chair: €rich Nahum, IBA Watson
1 Analysis of a Method for Differential TCP Service ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1699
Panos Gevros, Fulvio Risso, ond Peter Kirstein, University College 1ondon, United Kingdom
2 Analysis of TCP with Several Bottleneck Nodes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1709
Chadi Barakat and Eitan Altman, INRIA, France
3 The Window Distribution of Multiple TCPs with Random Loss Queues ......................................................................................................................... ............................... 1714
Archan Mkra and Teunis Ott, Telcordio rechnologies; John Boras, University of Maryland USA
4 Detecting and Measuring Asymmetric Links in an IP Network .................................................................................................................................................................... 1727
Wenyu Jiong, Columbia University; Timothy E Williams, Network Peripherals Inc., USA
Buffer Management Mechanisms
16:4018:15, Sheraton, Room lpanema
Choir: lennifer Rexford, AT8 T Research
1 Class-Based Buffer Management using Early Fair Drop .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1732
john Bruno, Banu Ozden, Abrahom Silberschotz, and Taroon Mandhana, lucent Technologies, USA
2 On the Provision of Integrated QoS Guarantees of Unicast and Multicast Traffic in Input-Queued Switches ....................................................................................... ........ 1742
Ge Nons and Mounir Hamdi, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong

XI Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

3 Random Early Marking for Internet Congestion Control .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1747

David lapsley, Melbourne Information Technologies; Steven low, The University of Melbourne, Australia
4 Flow-valve: Embedding a Safety-valve in RED ....................................................................................................................................................................
Kenfir0 Cho, Sony Computer Science laboratories, Inc., Japan
Application Level Services
9:3&10:40, Sheraton, Room lpanema
Chair: Dinesh Verma, IBM Watson
1 Integrating WWW Caches and Search Engines ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1763
Wagner Meira Jr., Rodrigo Fanseca, Marcio Cesario, and Nivia Ziviani, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil
2 En Passant: Predicting HllP/1.1 Traffic ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1768
Balachander Krishnamurthyand Jennifer Redad, AT& T labs Research, USA
3 Comparison of Scalable Key Distribution Schemes for Secure Group Communication ................................................................................................................................. 1774
lakshminath Dondeti, University of Nebraska-lincoln; Suit Mukherjee, Panasonic Technologies, Inc.; Ashok Samal, University of Nebraska-lincoln, USA
Differentiated Services
I 1:OO-12:30, Sheroton, Room lpanema
Chair: Fdmundo A. de Souza e Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
1 A Two-Tier Resource Management Model for the Internet ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1779
Andreas Terzis, lan Wang, Jun Ogawa, and lixia Zhang, University of California at los Angeles, USA
2 Bandwidth Assurance Issues for TCP flows in a Differentiated Services Network ......................................................................................................................................... 1792
Nabil Seddigh, Biswaiit Nandy, and Peter Pieda, Computing Technology labs-Nortel Networks, Canada
3 Supporting Best-Effort Traffic With Fair Service Curve ................................................................................................................................................................................. 1799
I: S. Eugene Ng, CarnegieMellon University; Donpaul C. Stephens, CarnegieMellon University/lucent Technologies; Ion Stoic0 and Hui Zhang, Cornegie Mellon Universily, USA
4 A Quantitative Study of Differentiated Services for the Internet .................................................................................................................................................................. 1808
Sombit Sahu, Don Towsley, and Jim Kurose, University of Massochusetts, USA
Support for Multimedia Traffic
14:3016:05, Sheraton, Room lponema
Chair: Bengt Ahlgren, SICS
1 A TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Scheme for Real-time Packet Video Using Prediction ........................................................................................................................... 1818
Yeah Sun and Fu-Ming Tsau, EIotional Taiwan University; Meng Chang Cben, Academia Sinica; Zsehong Tsoi, lVafianal Taiwan Universib Taiwan
2 A Smoothing Proxy Service for Variable-Bit-Rate Streaming Video ............................................................................................................................................................. 1823
Jennifer Rexford, A R T labs Research; Subhabrata Sen, University of Massachusetts; Andrea Basso, AT& T labs Research, USA
3 Efficient Mechanisms for Recovering Voice Packets in the Internet ............................................................................................................................................................... 1830
Daniel Ratton Figueireda and €dmunda de Souza e Silva, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4 Measuring Internet Telephony Quality: Where Are We Today? .................................................................................................................... .................................... 1838
Olof Hagsand, SICS; hell Hansan, €ricssan Business Networks; Ian Marsh, SICS, Sweden
Internet Traffic Characterization
1625-18:00,Sheraton, Room lpanema
Choir: Sugih Jamin, University of Michigan, USA
1 Investigating the Scaling Behavior, Crossover and Anti-persistence of Internet Packet Delay Dynamics ................................ ............................................................. 1843
Qiong li and David 1. Mills, USA
2 Inference of Internal Loss Rates in the Mbone ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 1853
Ramh Cbceres and 1.G. Duffield, AT&T labs Research; Sue B. Moon and Don Towsley, University of Massachusetts, USA
3 Inter-AS Traffic Patterns and Their Implications .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 1859
Wenjia Fang and lorry Peterson, Princeton UniversiN USA

Globecom'99 Conference Record XIi

Table of contents

4 The Current State and likely Evolution of the Internet ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1869
Andrew Odlyzko, AT81 lobs Research, USA

Symposium on Enterprise Application and Services (V03)

WEB Based Management
10:45-12:30, Sheraton, Room Vidigal B t C
Organiser: John Buford
Chair: Pradeep Ray
1 Next Generation Computing [Invited Talk]
Michael Broodie, GTE labs, USA
2 Agent and Web-Based Technologies in Network Management .................................................................................................................................................................... 1877
Matthew 1. Wren ond Jairo A. Gutibrrez, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
3 A Scalable, Web-based Architecture for Hierarchical Network Management ............................................................................................................................................... 1882
Jiahai Yang, Peiyu Wang e Jianping Wu, Tsingbua University, China
4 Distributed Network Management by HTTP-Based Remote Invocation ........................................................................................................................................................ 1889
Hwa-Chun lin and Chien-Hsing Wang, National king Hua University, China
5 Web-based Customer Service Management System for a Virtual Private Network Service Based on Semi-permanent Connections............................................................ 1894
S. De Smit, K. Daenen, and M! Van leekwyck, Alcatel Corporate Research Center, Belgium
Enterprise Network Design, Implementation and Operation
14:45-18:15, Sheraton, Room Vidigal B t C
ChaicMasayoshi Fiiri
Organiser: Giovanni Pau
1 Topological Design Comparison for Multicast Network ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1899
Advancement Organization of japan; Kaoru Sezaki, Universiiy of Jokio, Japan
lakumi Miyoshi and Yoshiaki Tanuka, Waseda Univenity~eelecommunica~ons
2 Modeling, Simulation, and Verification of an Enterprise Network ............................................................................................................................................................... 1905
Jonathan Felten, Ozgiir Giirbiiz, and Henry Owen, Georgio Institute of TechnologK USA;
Thomas Grossmonn, Gerd Kussman, ond Werner Schrock, DeTeSystem Deutsche Jelekom Systemlosungen, Germony
3 Analysis and Implementation of a Transparent Priority Mechanism for LAN Internet Access ....................................................................................................................... 1910
A. Giovanardiand G. Mozzini, University of Ferraro, ltaly
4 Interfaces for Interworking among Intelligent Networks, computer Telephony, and Voice over IP Systems ................................................................................................ 1916
Ryo Takeuchi, Kazuhiro Nagayama, Akira Miura, and Hiroki Tanaka, N I7 Information Sharing Platform lobaratories, Jopan
5 Active TCP Control by a Network .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1921
Arato Koike, NTT Informotion Sharing Platform 1aboratories, Japan
6 A Transactional Approach for Cross-Organizational Cooperation ................................................................................................................................................................ 1926
M. Munier, K. Benali, and C. Godart, LORIA, France
7 The Evolution Towards the Informotion Society, A Market Driven Perspective from the Convair Project i n ACTS ......................................................................................... 1932
E Briggs and B. Hopwood, Marconi Communications; E. Garetti, CSHt E Polese, €TICA.I/A/cafell, Belgium
Enterprise Applications and Network Management
9:3Q 12:30, Sheraton, Room Vidigal 6 t C
Organiser: Simon Kerridge
Chair: lundy lewis
1 On Workflow and Agent Technologies on the Internethtranet ................................................................................................................................................................... 1937
GengSheng (G. 5.) Kuo and Howard L Cheng, National Centrol Univenity, Taiwan
2 The COO Operator to Support and Improve the Flexibility of Adaptive Workflows ...................................................................................................................................... 1942
0. Perrin and C. Godort, LORIA-INRIA, France

xlii Globecom’99 Conference Record

Table of contents

3 Using the Internet to Communicate Software Metrics in a Large Organization ........................................................... ................................................................... 1947
Tony Jokikyyny, Ericsson Reseorch; Casper lassenius, Helsinki University of Technology, Finlond
4 A Study on Efficient Information Searchers with Agents for Large-scale Networks ..................................................................................................................................... 1954
Shinji Sugowara, Kutsunori Yamooka, and YoshinoriSakai, Tokyo Institute of Technology,lapan
5 A Web Ontology Description Language ........................................................................................................................................... ................................................... 1959
Hicham Ouahid and Ahmed Karmouch, University of Ottawa, Canada
6 BDI-Oriented Agents for Network Mangement ................... ..................................................................................................................................................... 1964
Morsy M. Cheikhrouhou, lnstitut Eurecom, France
7 Security Management Against Cloning Mobile Phones ................................................................................................................................. ................... 1969
Mirela Sechi Moretti Annoni Notare, Federal University of Santo Cotarina, Brazil; Azzedine Boukerche, University of North lexas, USA;
Fernondo A. do S. Cruz, Bernordo G. Riso, and Carlos 6. Wesiphall, Federol University of Sonto Catarina, Brozil
Enterprise Service and System Management
1430- I8:OO, Sheraton, Room Vidigol 6 t C
Organiser: G. S. Kuo
Chair: Samir Chatterjee
1 Service Level Management: Definition, Architecture, and Research Challenges .......................................................................................................................................... 1974
lundy lewis, Cabletron Systems, USA; fradeep Ray, University of New South Wales, Auskalio
2 Cooperative Service Management Over Enterprise Networks: A Case Study in Healthcare Environments ................................................................................................... 1979
fradeep Ray, Westmead Hospitul; Gamini Weerakkody, University of New South Wales, Australia
3 A Pricing and Accounting Architecture for QoS Guaranteed Services on a Multi-domain Network .............................................................................................................. 1984
Mitsuhiro Nakamura, Fujistu 1td,, Japan; Masakazu Sato, lA0, lapan; Takeo Hamada, Fujitsu laboraries of America, USA
4 Efficient Agent-Based Negotiation for Telecommunications Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 1989
George D. Sfamoulis, Dimitrios Kalopsikakis, Anna Kirikoglou, ond Costas Courcoubetis, University of Crete, Greece
5 Managing Users, Applications and Resources with RMON2 ................................................................................................................................................................. 1997
1. b Gaspary, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sulpale do Rio dos Sinos University; I. R. Torouco, University of Rio Grande do Sol, Brazil
6 Broadband connectivity Management Service for Multi-domain ATM and SDH Networks ............................................................................... .................2002
Alex Galis, University College London, United Kingdom
7 Enterprise Directory Support for Future SNMPV3 Network Management Applications ................................................................................................................................ 2010
S. Omari, University of Versailles, France; R. Boutoba, University of Toronto, Canada; 0. Cherkooui, UQAM University, Canada

Symposium on Multimedia Services and Technology Issues (V04)

Multimedia: State of the Art [Invited Session]
9:30-12:30, Intercontinentol, Room Agoto
1 Content Adaptation Framework: Bringing the Internet to Information Appliances ..................................................................................................................................... 2015
Rakesh Mohan, John R. Smith and ChungSheng b, IBM IJ. Watson Research Center, USA
2 Audio and Video Compression on Programmable Chips for Mobile Communication ................................................................................................................................... 2022
Takoo Nishitani and lchiro Kuroda, NEC Corporation, lapan
3 Video Communication Advances and Applications ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2030
Bernd Girod, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
4 Advances in Color Image Segmentation ................................................................................. ........................................................................................ 2038
luca lucchese ond S. K. Mitro, University of Californio, USA
5 High Quality Audio for Multimedia: Key Technologies and MPEG Standards .............................................................................................................................................. 2045
b Noll, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
6 The Voice User Interface ...................................................... ................................................................................................................................... 2051
loseph b Olive, lucent Technologies, USA

Globecom’99 Conference Record xliii

Table of contents

Multimedia Applications and Systems
I4:30-I6:05, Intercontinental,Room Agata
Organizer: Nelson Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Chair: Jeff H. Derby, IBM Corporation
1 The Video Conference Service in an Intelligent Broadband Network: Design, Load Balancing and Performance Analysis in the Control Plane ......................................... 2056
E Cuomo and M. listanti, University of Rome "la Sapienza", ltoly
2 Quality of Perception to Quality of Service Mapping Using a Dynamically Reconfigurable Communication System .................................................................................... 2061
G. Ghinea, 1.!Thomas, and R. S. Fish, University of Reading, United Kingdom
3 Overview of Risks i n Multimedia Broadband Upgrades ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2066
Kjell Stordohl, Telenor; Nils Kristian flnegaard, lele Denmark; leif Aarthun Ims and Borgar T0rre Olsen, Telenor,Norway
4 A Stream Relationship Monitor for Adoptive Multimedia Document Retrieval ............................................................................................... I............................................ 2071
fduardo Carneiro da Cunha, luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo, and luci Pirmez, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Multimedia Services Access and Control
16:ZS-IS:OO, Intercontinental,Room Agota
Organizer: Nelson Fonseca, State University of Campinas, Brazil
Chair: Otto Corlos M. B, Duarte, Federal University of Rio de faneiro, Brazil
1 Threshold-Based Admission Policies for Video Services ............................................................................................................................................................................... 2076
S.-H. Gary Chon, long Kong University of Science and Technology,Hong Kong; Fouad A. Tobagi, Stanford University, USA
2 Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive Access Control Scheme in an Integrated Voice/Video/Data CDMA System ..................................................................................... 2081
Seung Sik Choi and Dong-Ho tho, Korea Advanced lnstihte of Science and Technology,Korea
3 Resource Reservation Admission Control Algorithm with User Interactions ................................................................................................................................................. 2086
E Sallabi and A. Karmouch, University of Ottawa, Canada
4 FEC-PSD: A FEC-aware Video Packet Drop Scheme .................................................................................................................................................................................... 2091
Ahmed Mehaoua, University of Versailles, France; Sjing Zhang, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Raouf Boutoba, University of Toronto, Conuda

Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing for Communications (V04)

Antenna and Array Processing
14:45-18:IS, Intercontinental, Room Quartz0 B
Organisers: Tomohiko Taniguchi, Fujiku, USA; Naohisa Ohta, Sony, Japan
Chair: Horst Bessai, University of Siegen, Germany
1 Downlink Beamforming for Frequency Division Duplex Systems ................................................................................................................................................................. 2097
Klous Hugl, Juha laurila, and Ernst Bonek, kchnische Universi~tWen, Austria
2 Field Measurements of High Speed QAM Wireless Transmission Using Equalization and Real-Time Beamforming .................................................................................... 2102
Jeon-Fron;ois Frigon and Bobak Daneshrod, University of California at Los Angeles, USA
3 Distribution Analysis of SIR in Adaptive Antenna Arrays under Rayleigh Correlated Channels .................................................................................................................. 2107
Alime Wanartas) Ozyildirimand Yalcin Tanik, Middle fast Technical Universi& Turkey
4 Reducing Capture Effects in Despread-Respread Multi-Target Adaptive Arrays in CDMA Systems .............................................................................................................. 21 12
Francisco R. L Cavalcanti, Federal University of Ceara; Joio M. T. Romono, State University of Campinas-UNlCAMf Brazil
5 Space-Time Iterative MMSE Multiuser Detection in Frequency Selective Coded CDMA Wireless Mobile Channels ........................................................................................ 2117
Joseph Thomas and Evaggelos Geraniotis, University of Maryland, USA
6 Bandwidth-Efficient Pilot Symbol Aided Technique with Diversity Reception in Land Mobile Satellite Fading Channels ............................................................................. 2122
M. H. IVY and S. U! Cheung, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
7 Implementation of Mobile User Tracking System ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2127
Ramin Baghaie and Petri Karifunen, Helsinki University of Technology,Finland

xliv Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

8 Fractional Lower-Order Statistics for Efficient Adaptive Temporal and Spatial Methods i n Non-Gaussian Environment ............................................................................. 2132
M. Rupi and E. Del Re, University of Florence, Italy
Equalisation and Channel Estimation
9:30-J2:30, Intercontinental, Room Quartzo E
Organiser: Bin Qiu, Monash University,Austrolio
Chair: Joia M arras Romano, State University of Campinas, Brazil
1 On a New Multilayer Blind Equalizer ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2137
JO&J E. Desira Filho, State University of Campinas-UNICAMf Erazit Gbrard Fuvier, CNRS,UNSA, Frunce; lo170M. Travassos Romano, State University of Cumpinas-UNICAMf Brazil
2 Information Rate Maximizing FIR Transceivers: Filterbank Precoders and Decision-Feedback Equalizers for Block Transmissions over Dispersive Channels .......... 2142
Anusiasios Stamoulis, Wei Tang, and Georgios B. Giannakis, University of Minnesota, USA
3 New Results on Second-Order Statistics-Based Blind Identification and Equalization of S.I.M.O. Channels ................................................................................................. 2147
Jitendra K. Tugnuit, Auburn University, USA
4 Comparison of Equalization Techniques in a Wavelet Packet Based Multicarrier Modulation DS-CDMA System ......................................................................................... 2152
Yifeng Zhang, Philips Semiconductors; Jeffrey Dill, Ohio University, USA
5 Non Linear Channel Estimation in Fading OFDM Systems .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2157
Fernando D. Nunes and Jose M. N. leit@ lnstiiuto Superior Tbcnico, Portugal
6 Channel Estimation with Superimposed Pilot Sequence .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2162
Peter Hoeher, University of Kiel, Germany; F r e d Tufvesson, Lund University, Sweden
7 A Reduced-State Viterbi Algorithm for Blind Sequence Estimation of DPSK Sources ................................................................................................................................... 2167
Tongtang li, Auburn University; Zhi Ding, University of Iowa, USA
Communication Signal Processors
14:30-18:00, Intercontinental, Room Quartzo E
Organiser: Jaafar Elmirghani, University of Narhumbria, Newcustle, United Kingdom
Chair: Naohisa Ohia, Sony Japan
1 A High-speed Processor for Rectangular-to-Polar Conversion with Applications in Digital Communications .............................................................................................. 2172
Dengwei Fu and Alan N. Willson, Ir., University of California ut 10s Angeles, USA
2 Data-Aided ML Parameter Estimators of PSK Burst Modems and Their Systolic VLSl Implementations ...................................................................................................... 2177
Yimin Jiang, Farhad E. Verahrami, and Wen-Chun h g , Hughes Neiwork Systems, Inc.; Robert I. Richmond and John S. Earas, University of Maryland, USA
3 Radial Basis Function Decision Feedback Equaliser Assisted Burst-by-burst Adaptive Modulation .............................................................................................................. 2183
M. S. Yee and 1. Hunzo, University of Southamptom, United Kingdom
4 Multiple Access Over Digital Subscriber Loops Using Optimal FIR Transmit Filter Bank .............................................................................................................................. 2188
Ahmed E Shalash, New Jersey Design Center; Mohammed Nafie, University of Minnesota, USA
5 Analysis of a Partial Decorrelator in a Multi-cell DS/CDMA System ............................................................................................................................................................. 2193
M ohammad Saguib, LSU; Ray Yates, Rutgers University, USA
6 Optimal Perceptual Binary Allocation for AAC Audio Coder ......................................................................................................................................................................... 2198
Marcos Perreau Guimaraes, Madeleine Bonnet, and Nicolas Moreau, Universitb Renb Descartes, Frunce
7 Non-Intrusive Whitening of Speech Using Least Mean Square and Divergence Detection Technique .......................................................................................................... 2203
Wui Pang Ng, Jaafar M. H. Elmirghani, R.A. Cryan, und Simon Broom, University of Northumbriu, United Kingdom
8 Hierarchical Image Transmission System for Telemedicine Using Segmented Wavelet Transform and Golomb-Rice Codes ........................................................................ 2208
Masayuki Hashimoto, Atsushi Koike, and Syuichi Matsumoto, KDD Rg D luboratories, lapon
Interference Cancellation
9:30-12:30, Intercontinental, Room Quartz0 E
Organisers: Trevor Clarkson, Kings College London; Joafar Elmirghani, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, United Kingdam
Chuir YeheskelEar-Ness, New Jersey lnstiiute of Technology,USA
1 Interference Cancellation in W-CDMA Cellular Structures Using Statistical Processing ................................................................................................................................ 2213
M. R. Shikh-Eahaei and A. H. Aghvumi, King's [allege london, United Kingdom

Globecom'99 Conference Record xlv

Table of contents

2 Fast Adaptive Interference Cancellation In Chirp Spread Spectrum Systems ............... ........................................................................................................ 2218
Martin Brand4 Alfred Poh/, and Franz Seifert, University of Technology of Viena, Austria; 1 Corporate Research, Germany
3 Multistage Symbol-by-Symbol Bayesian Interference Cancellotion for UMTS-CDMA Links Affected by Severe Multipath ........................................................................... 2223
R. Cusani and M. Di Felice, University of Rome "la Sapienza", Italy; 1. Mattilo, Helsinki University of Technology,Finland
4 Receive-Filtering for GSM Receivers in Interference Limited Environments ................................................................................................................................................. 2228
Gunnar Fock, lens Boltersee, and Heinrich Meyr, Aachen University of Technology,Germany; lihbor Yiin, lucent Technologies, USA
5 Interference Cancellation for Downlink TDMA Systems Using Smart Antenna .............................................................................................. ..................2233
Christian /ban and Yeheskel Bar-Ness, New Jersey lnstifute of Technology,USA
6 Noise Reduction Based on Local Linear Representation Using Artificial Neural Networks ........................................................................................................................... 2238
A. Muller and 1.M. H. Elmirghani, University of Northumbria, United Kingdom
7 Direct Carrier Frequency Compensation in Burst Mode Satellite Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 2244
S. Tho0 and M. Bellanger, CNAM; A. Marguinaud and 7: de Couasnon, Alcotel, Fronce
I4:30- I S:OO, Intercontinentd, Room Quarfzo B
Organisers: Trevor Clarkson, Kings College london, United Kingdom; Bin Qiu, Monash Universib Ausfralia
Choir: Jaofar Flmirghani, University of Northumbria, United Kingdom
1 Progressively Powerful Multiuser Detectors for Rapidly Time-varying Multipath Environments .................................................................... ....................................... 2249
Tamer A. Kadous and Akbar M. Sayeed, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
2 Adaptive Blind MlMO Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in DS-CDMA Systems .......................................................................................................................... 2254
I-Tai lu and Jaeyoung Kwak, Polytechnic Universib USA
3 Prediction-Based Decision Feedback Differential Detection for MDPSK .............................................................................................................................................
Robert Schober and Wolfgang H. Gerstacker, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
4 Differential Detection of Multilevel Continuous Phase Modulation for Radio Applications ...................................... ............................................................ 2264
Bernhard Spinnler and Berfhold lank/, Siemens AG; Johannes Huber, University of Erlangen, Germany
5 Polyhedral Methods for Blind Deterministic Separation of Binary Co-Channel Signals .............................................................................................................................. 2269
Joijo Xovier ond Victor Borroso, lnstituto Superior Tbcnico, fortugol
6 Fast, Accurate and Simple Carrier Acquisition Algorithm for OFDM Systems .............. ......................................... .......................................................................... 2274
Zulfiquar Sayeed, lucent Technologies, USA
7 Analysis Df OFDMIOQAM Systems Based On The Filterbank Theory .......................................................................................................................................................... 2279
Pierre Siohan and Nicolas lacaille, CNEVDMR, France
8 Asynchronous Communication and Symbol Synchronization in Multipoint-to-Point Multicarrier Systems .................................................................................. .... 2285
Ravi Chandran, Mark 1. Panon, Peter 1. M! M e h , and Daniel 1.Marchok, Tellobs Research Center, USA

Symposium on Communication Theory (V05)

IO:45-I2:30, Intercantinental,Room Agua Marinha
Chair: Hikmet Sari, Alcatel, France
1 Fractionally-Spaced Prefiltering for Reduced State Equalization ................................................................................................................................................................. 2291
Michael Schmidt and Gerhard l! FeMueis, Dresden University of Technology,Germany
2 A Novel Reduced-Complexity MAP Equalizer Using Soft-Statistics For Decision-feedback IS1 Cancellation ................................................................................................. 2296
E. Baccarelli and A. Fasano, University of Rome "la Sapienza", Italy; S. Galli, Telcordia Technologies, USA; A. Zucchi, University of Rome "la Sapienza", Italy
3 Blind Spatio-Temporal Decision Feedback Equalization: A Self-Adaptive Approach ................................................................................................................................... 2301
J. lobat and C. loot, ENS[ France
4 Delay Processing vs. Per Survivor Techniques for Equalization with Fading Channels ................................................................................................................................. 2306
Shun Goo, University of Melbourne; lain B. Collings, University of Sidney, Ausfralia

xlvi Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

5 Per Tone Equalization for DMT Receivers .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 231 1

Katleen Van Ackeg Geert Leus, and Marc Maanen, Catholic University of Leuven; Olivier van de Wiel and Thierry Pallet, Alcatel-Carparate Research Centre, Belgium
Multiple-Antenna Systems
10:45-12:30, Intercontinental,Roam Onix
Chair: len Cimini, AT& I USA
1 Multiple Antennas in Cellular CDMA Systems: Transmission, Detection and Spectral Efficiency ................................................................................................................... 2316
Haward Huang, Harish Viswanathan, and G. 1. faschini, lucent Technologies, USA
2 New Spread-Spectrum Techniques for Multiple Antenna Transmit Diversity ................................................................................................................................................ 2321
Dinesh Rajan, Flza Erkip, and Behnaam Aazhang, Rice Universitv, USA
3 Power Control Schemes for TDD Systems with Multiple Transmit and Receive Antennas ............................................................................................................................. 2326
Raymond Knapp, Swiss federal Institute of TechnalagK Switzerlan4 Giuseppe Caire, Institut Euricam, france
4 Exact Error Probability Expressions for MRC in Correlated Nakagomi Channels with Unequal Fading Parameters and Branch Powers ..................................................... 2331
Mae Z. Win and lack H. Winters, A U T Labs-Research, USA
5 Turbo Coded Modulation for Systems with Transmit and Receive Antenna Diversity .................................................................................................................................... 2336
Andrej Stefanav and Talga M. Duman, Arizona State Universitv, USA
Turbo Codes & Iterative Decoding I
I4:45-I8: IS, Intercontinental, Roam Agua Morinha
Chair: Max Casta, State University of Campinas, Brazil
1 A Capacity-Approaching Hybrid ARQ Scheme Using Turbo Codes ................................................................................................................................................................ 2341
R. Mantha and E R. Kschischang, Universityof Taranto, Canada
2 Performance of Trellis Coded CPM with Iterative Demodulation and Decoding ........................................................................................................................................... 2346
Krishna 1. Narayanan, Texas A&M University; Gardan L. Stiiber, Georgia Institute of Technology,USA
3 Semi-Random lnterleaver Design Criteria ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2352
Christine fragauli and Richard D. Wesel, University of California at [as Angeles, USA
4 Adapted Iterative Decoding of Product Codes .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2357
Annie Picart and Ramesh Pyndiah, €NSl-Bretagne, France
5 Turbo Codes for Continuous Hidden Markov Channels with Unknown Parameters ...................................................................................................................................... 2363
Javier Garcia-has, University of Delaware; lahn D. Villasenor,University of California at las Angeles, USA
6 Adaptive Iterative Detection for Turbo Codes with Carrier-Phase Uncertainty ...............................................................................................
Achilleas Anastasapaulas, University of Michigan; Keith M. Chugg, University of Southern Califarnia, USA
7 Serial Encoding and Iterative Detection of Continuous Phase Modulations .................................................................................................................
Christaphe Brutel, Maira Nartel Communications; laseph Boutras, ENSF fabrice Belvgze, Maira Nartel Cammunicatians, France
Multiuser Communications
I4:45-18: IS, Intercontinental,Roam Onix
Chair: Yeheskel Bar-Ness, New Jersey Institute of lechnalag~USA
1 Orthogonal Waveform Multiple Access with Sequential Resource Sharing ................................................................................................................................................... 2380
Hikmet Sari, Alcatel, France
2 Joint Adaptive Channel Gain Estimator and Multiuser Detector for Asynchronous CDMA Time-Variant Multipath Channels ...................................................................... 2385
1.1.M. van Woes and I Bar-Ness, New Jersey Institute of TechnalagK USA
3 Capture Effect in Rician Fading Channels with Application to Slotted ALOHA .............................................................................................................................................. 2390
Jaime Sanchez, CIC€S€, Mexico; David R. Smith, The George Washington Universitv, USA
4 Low Complexity Space-Frequency MLSE for Multi-User COFDM .................................................................................................................................................................. 2395
Michael Speth, Andreas Senst, ond Heinrich Meyr, Aachen University of Technology,Germany
5 Joint Multiuser Detection and Frequency Offset Correction for Downlink MC-CDMA ................................................................................................................................... 2400
Mathjs A. Visser and Yeheskel Bar-Ness, New Jersey Institute of TechnalagK USA

Globecom’99 Conference Record xlvii

Table of contents

6 Performance of Multiuser MMSE Decision Feedback Receiver with Convolutional Codes and Trellis Coded Modulation .............................................................................. 2405
Slavica Marinkavic, Branka S. Vucetic, and Wen feng, The University of Sidney,Australia
7 Asymptotic Performance Analysis of Linear Multiuser Receivers in Multipath Fading Channels .................................................................................................................. 241 1
lomie S. Evans, University of Sidney,Australia; David N. C. fie, University of Califarnia, USA
8 Wireless Multicasting using CDMA and Multiuser Detection......................................................................................................................................................................... 2417
Chondrasekar Sankaron and Anthony Ephremides, University of Maryland, USA
Source & Channel Coding
9:30 12:30, Intercontinental,Room Aguo Morinho
Chair: Giuseppe Caire, Instilut Eurecom, fronce
1 Estimation of Bit Error Probabilities Using a Priori Information ................................................................................................................................................................. 2422
A. Kaindl and l. Hindelong, Munich University of Technology,Germany
2 Improved Tight Performance Bounds on Concatenated Codes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2427
Rupert Herzog and Cristian Weib, Munich Univenity of Technology,Germany
3 Coding For Privacy with Burst Adoptive Permutations ................................................................................................................................................................................. 2432
Voldemar 1.da Racha Ir., federal University of Pernambuca, Brazil
4 BER Bounds on Parallel Concatenated Single Parity Check Arrays and Zigzag Codes ................................................................................................................................. 2436
Xiaaling Huang and Nom Phamdo, Stote University of h'ew York at Stany Brook, USA; li Ping, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
5 Error Statistics of Constrained Codes on Non-Renewal Burst Channels ........................................................................................................................................................ 2441
Cecilio Pimentel, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil
6 Symbol-MAP-Based Trellis Vector Quantization ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 2446
Toriq Haddad ond Abbos Yongopglu, University of Ottawa, Canado
7 Soft-Decoding Combined Trellis-Coded Quantization/Modulation .............................................................................................................................................................. 2451
Keong-Po Ho and Kwok Hung Chei, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hang Kong
9:30 12:30, Intercantinental,Room Onix
Chair: Valdemar Cardoso, federal University of Pernambuca, Brazil
1 CDMA System Design Through Asymptotic Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2456
Giuseppe Caire, Eurecom, France; Giorgio Taricco and Ezia Biglieri, Politecnico di Torho, Italy
2 Forward-Link Performance of Satellite CDMA with Linear Interference Suppression and One-step Power Control .................................................................................... 2461
Weimin Xi00 and Michael I. Honig, Northwestern University, USA
3 Subspace-Based Adaptive Multiuser Interference Cancellation for CDMA System ........................................................................................................................................ 2467
Ammar Chkeif, Karim Abed-Meraim, and Ghassan Kawas Kaleh, ENST Paris, France
4 Effect of Circular-Cell Approximation on the Forward-Link BER Performance of a Power-Controlled CDMA System ................................................................................... 2472
Ser Gz! Oh and Kwok H. li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
5 An Improved Power-Control Law for Forward-Link Cellular DS-CDMA Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 2477
Ser Gz! Oh and Kwok H. li, Nonyang TechnologicalUniversity, Singapore
6 Analysis of a Pipelined Successive Interference Cancellation Scheme for a DSKDMA System with Various Tentative Decision Strategies ................................................... 2482
Doe-Ki Hang and Toe-Yoan Kim, Yansei University; YoungHwan You, Koreo Electronic Technology Instilute; [hang-Eon Kang, Yansei Universir)!Koreo
7 Dn DPSK Demodulation of DSKDMA Signals ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 2487
George N. Karystinosand Dimitris A. Podos, State University of New York at Buffala, USA
Modulation & Demodulation
14301S:OO, Intercontinentol, Room Aguo Morinha
Chair: Umberto Mengoli, University of Piso, Itoly
1 Maximum Likelihood Detection of Nonlinearly Distorted Multicarrier Symbols by Iterative Decoding ........................................................................................................ 2493
lash Tellado, Gigabit Wireless; Louise M. C. Hoo and lohn M. Cioffi, Stanford University, USA

xlviii Globecom'99 Conference Record

Table of contents

2 Robust and Improved Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems in Frequency Selective Fading Channels ...................................................................................................... 2499
Baoguo Yang, Tsnghua University, Chino; K. B. letaief and Rager S. Cheng, The Hong Long University of Science 8 Technology; Zhigong Coo, kinghuo Universib China
3 Feedback Frequency Synchronization for OFDM Applications ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2504
M. More//i,A. N. D'Andrea, U. Mengali, University of Pisa, Italy
4 Joint Impulse Response Shortening for Discrete Multitone Systems ............................................................................................................................................................. 2508
Bo Wang and Tulay Adali, University of Moryland, USA
5 Symbol Timing Recovery for Wavelet-Based Linear Modulations ................................................................................................................................................................ 2513
Marco Luke, Marco Morselli, and Ruggero Reggiannini, University of Pisa, Italy
6 Noncoherent Trellis Coded Amplitude-Phase Modulation ............................................................................................................................................................................ 2518
Avi Ben-Zur ond Dan Rophoeli, Tel Aviv University, lsroel
7 Linear MMSE Channel Estimation for GSM .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2523
lens Boltersee, Gunnar Fork, and Heinrich Meyr, Aachen University of Technology,Germony; lihbor Kin, Lucent Techdogies, USA
8 New Analytical Expressions for Probability of Error for Classes of Orthogonal Signals in Rayleigh Fading ................................................................................................. 2528
Xiaodai Dong and lvorman C. Beoulieu, Queen's University, Conodo
Fading Channels
9:330 1230, Intercontinental, Room Aguo Marinha
Chair: Moe Win, ATgt USA
1 Pilot-aided Joint Data And Channel Estimation In Flat Correlated Fading .................................................................................................................................................. 2534
Christos Komninokis and Richard D. Wesel, University of Californiaat los Angeles, USA
2 Coded Modulation for DPSK on Fading Channels ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2540
I. H.% lampe, R. F: H. Fisrher, S. Ca/abrh, and S. H. Muller-Weinfurhe6 University of Frlangen-hruremberg, Germany
3 Optimal Precoding For Transmissions Over Linear Time-varying Channels ................................................................................................................................................. 2545
Sergio Barbarossa, University of Rome "la Sapienza Italy; Anna Scaglione, University of Minnesota, USA
4 Transmission Over Fading Channels with Channel Side Information and Delay Constraint .............................................................. .......................................................... 2550
Rohit Negi and John M. Ciafi, Stonfard University, USA
5 Impact of Modulation and Coding on the Outage Probability for Mobile Radio Systems over Block Fading Channels .................................................... :.............. 2555
M. Chioni and A. Conti, University of Bologna, Itdy
6 The Effect of Dynamic Range on an Open-loop Power Controlled CDMA System ......................................................................................................................................... 2561
Ai Yu and Jiongzhau Wang, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Turbo Codes & Iterative Decoding II
14:3Q18:00, Intercontinental, Room Aguo Marinha
Chair: Giorgio Toricco, Politecnico di Torno, ltoly
1 Generalized Fixed Points of Permutations With Application To Estimation of Minimum Distance of Turbo Codes ....................................................................................... 2566
Fred Doneshgaron, Colifornia State University, USA; Morino Mondin, Politecnico di Torino, lfoly
2 Upper Bounds on the State Complexity of Trellis Diagrams for Turbo Codes ............................................................................................................................................... 2571
Toshihilio Okamura, lvK, Japan
3 Exploiting Time and Frequency Diversity by Iterative Decoding in OFDM-CDMA Systems ........................................................................................................................... '2576
Armin Dekorsy, M e r Kuhn, and Karl-Dirk Kammeyer, University of Bremen, Germany
4 A Turbo Trellis Coded Discrete Multitone Transmission System ............................................................................................................................................ ;............ 2581
Joseph f! h e r , Broodcom Corporation; John M. Ciofi, Stanford University, USA
5 Performance of Turbo Codes with Quantized Channel Measurements ................................................................. ;....................................................................................... 2586
Jean Au and Peter 1.Mclone, Queen's University, Canada
6 The SPC Technique and Low Complexity Turbo Codes .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2592
li Ping, City University of Hong Kong, China
7 Improved Turbo Decoding Through Belief Propagation ............................................................................................................................. i................................................ 2597
Saejoon Kim and Stephen B. Wicker, Cornell University, USA

Globecom'99 Conference Record xlix

Table of contents

8 Iterative Decoding of Product Codes with a Priori Informotion over a Gaussian Channel for Still Image Transmission ........................................................................... A. 2602
Abdessomod Elboz, Romesh Pyndiuh, Bosel Soloimon, und Omor Aif Sob, €SI[ Fronce

Symposium on Future Wireless Communication Systems (V05)

Signal Processing and Communications Systems
10:45-12:30,Intercontinentol,Room Quortzo B
Choir: Michoel Yocoub, Sfofe University of Compinos
A Novel DAB Technique Using Code Combining, Packet Combining and Iterative Decoding (TURBO CODE) .......................... ...............................
: ...................................
: 2607
Byung K. Yi ond Roymond Pickholfz, George WoshingtonUniversily, USA
New DSPs for Next Generation Mobile Communications ...................................................................................................................................................................... A.... 2615
Ulrich Wolther, Folk Tischer,ond Gerhord I! Feh e i s , Dresden University of Technology,Germony
CEM Modulation & Per-Symbol Detection for High-Data-Rate Multicode DS-CDMA Systems ................................................................................................................. !.... 2620
Dong In Kim, University of Seoul, Koreo 1 )

LMDS from High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms .................................................................................................................................................................................

D. Groce, I.E. Doly, T. C. Tozer, ond A. G. Burr, University of York, United Kingdom ' j
Performance Evaluation and Link Budget Analysis for 42 GHZ Local Multipoint Distribution Systems ....................................................................................................... 2630
G. Reduelli and S.Morsili, CEFRIEl; G. Coppolo ond G. Girolo, Philips Reseorch Monzu, Itoly <> 1

\ !

Executive Panel o n 36 Wireless Technology, Business and Policy Issues .I
10:45-12:3O, Infercontinentul,Room QuortzoA I

Orgonizer: Chih-lin I, ART I

Moderator: Jesse Russell, AT& T , ' !

Jesse Russell, Choirmon, Wireless Communicotions n, T/A Ve Advonced Communicotions, AT& T I t - ,
Williom lee, VP 4 Chief Scientist, Globul Technology, VudofoneAirTouch
Bosco Fernondes, Choirmon, Informotion Communicotions Technologies, UM T5 Vf & Globul Key Account, Siemens r ,

Akio Sosoki, Director,ARIB (Assoriotionof Rodio Industries ond Businesses) Ve NTT-DoCoMo

Shihe li, Chuirmun, Chino Acodemy of Telecomm Tech Choirmon, Beijing Xinwei Telecom Tech Co.
Mork Epstein, Senior Ve Development, QUALCOMM Choirmon, Intemotionol Sfundurds Coordinoting Subcommittee, TA
George Zysmon, CTO ond Vt Wireless Comm, lucent 3 4 .


Radio Link Scheduling for Multimedia
14:45-18:15, lnfercontinentol,Room Quurtzo A I

Choir: Tokeshi Huttori, Sophia University

1 The Delay Decrement Method for Voice/Data Traffic Service in Mobile System ............................................................................................................................................ 2637
Young-il Kim und Duck-bin lim, Electronics and TelecommunicotionsReseorch Institute, Koreo
2 Performance of VBR Video with Equalization on Wireless Fading Channels ......................................................................................................................................... :......2642
E Freiho ond K. Chondro, University of Mossochusetfs lowell; I! Mehtu, lucent Technologies; C. Thompson, University of Mossochusetts lowell, USA
3 Analysis of the Hybrid HOL/PBS Queuing Scheme for Multiclass Calls in Multimedia PCS ................................................................................................................... '..:.... 2648
Dong Chun lee, Howon UniversiN Hyo Young Shin, Kyungbok College; JooSeok Song, Yonsei Universib South Koreo I t

4 Downlink Scheduling in CDMA Data Networks ......................................................................................................................................................................................... !.. 2653

Anond Bedekor, University of Woshington; Sem Borst, Kovito Romonon, ond Phil Whiting, lucent Technologies; Fdmund Yeh, Mossochusetfs Institute of Technology,USA
5 MAC Scheduler Using Polling with Priorities for Future Wireless Multimedia Networks ........................................................................................................................ .:.!.. 2658
Nikoloos Georgonopoulos ond A. H. Aghvomi, Kings College london, United Kingdom
6 Wireless ATM MAC Layer Protocol Using WDWEDF and Two-Phase Scheduling Algorithm ......................................................................................................................... 2663
Sungwon lee, Somsung Electronics, Inc.; Young-loe Song, Kyunghee University; Dong-Ho Cho, Koreo Advonced Institute of Science ond Technology;
Yong-Boe Dhong ond lung- Won Yong, Koreo Electronics Technology Institute, Kureo

Globecom'99 ConferenceiRecord
Table of contents

7 Adaptive Modulation and Scheduling for Fading Channels,......................................................................................................................................................................... 2668

Nil0 Casimiro fricsson, Uppsalo Universik Sweden
8 A Variable Bit Rate Resource Allocation Algorithm for Wireless ATM ........................................................................................................................................................... 2673
Jeon-FrayoisFrigon, Henry C. 6. Chon, and Victor 1.M. leung, The Universityof British Columbio, Canoda
IMT2000 Systems
9:30-12:30, Intercontinento/,Room QuarizoA
Chair: Hery L. Bertoni, folflechnic University
1 Performonce Analysis of Separate/Combined Air Interface Protocol Structure for IMT2000 System ............................................................................................................ 2678
SongMin Jin, Korea Thrunet Co.; Sung-So0 fork, flectronic and TelecommunicationsResearch hstitute;
DongHo Cho, Korea Advanced Instituteof Science and Technology; t'yeongjung Song, Korea Thrunet Co., Korea
2: The UTRA Concept, Europe's Proposal to IMT-2000 ...................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 2683
Werner Mohr, Siemens AG, Germony
3. Analysis of Mutual Interference in UMTS/IMT-2000 Mixed-Mode Scenarios ................................................................................................................................................ 2689
Peter Seidenberg ond Marc Peter Althoff, Aochen University of Technology; fgon Schulz, Gunther Herbster, and Meik Kattkamp, Siemens AG, Germany
4 1 The Design and Performance Evaluation of High-speed Packet Data MAC Protocol for CDMA based IMT2000 .......................................................................................... 2694
Sungwon lee, Somsung flectronics; Younghe Song, Kyunghee Universik Dong-Ho Cha, Korea Advonced Institute of Science and Technology;
, Hyunsuk lee, Su-Dong fork, and Youngky Kim, Samsung flectronics, Korea

5 ESA Satellite Wideband CDMA Radio Transmission Technology for the IMT-2000/UMTS Satellite Component: Features & Performance ................................................... 2699
R. De Gaudenzi, European Space Agency, The Netherlands; G. Gollinaro, Space Engineering, Itoly; G. Coire, folitecnica di Torno, Italy;
R. Lyons, Square-feg Communicatians, Canoda; M. Ruggieri, Univenity of Rome Tor Vergato, Italy; A. Vernucci, Space fngineering, /talK H. Widmer,Ascom Systec, Switzerland
6 Comparison of Different Turbo Decoder Realizations for IMT-2000 ............................................................................................................................................................. 2704
1. Vogt, K. Koora, A. Finger, and G. Fettweis, Dresden Universityof lechnolagy, Germony
7 IP Telephony GSM lnterworking ................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................... 2709
h55; 1emilainen ond Henry Haverinen, Nokio WirelessBusiness Communications, Finland
Capacity and QoS i n Advanced Wireless Systems
14:45-18:IS,Intercontinenta/, Room QuarizoA
Chair: Chih-lin I, AT& T
1 Dual Polarization Waves Reuse Scheme in Cross Polarization Channel ....................................................................................................................................................... 2714
Jungshown Wu and Shan-An Yang, National Taiwan UniveEib Taiwan
2 Performance Enhancement by Narrow-Beam Quad-Sector Cell and Interleaved Channel Assignment in Wireless Networks ...................................................................... 2719
li-Chon Wong ond Kin K. leung, Al&Tlabs-Research, USA
3 Load Balancing in Multiband CDMA ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2725
lachlan I. H. Andrew, Universi/yof Melbourne, Australia
4 On Call Level QoS Guarantees Under Heterogeneous User Mobilities in Wireless Multimedia Networks .................................................................................................... 2730
Jelena Misic and Tam Yik Bun, Hong Kong Universityof Science ond lechnologx Hong Kong
5 A QoS-Based and Enforceable Burst-level Reservation Protocol for VBR-type Wireless ATM Traffic ............................................................................................................ 2737
Yin-lieh Chen, Notional Central University; Jin-Fu Chang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
6 PRAS: a MAC Protocol for Wireless ATM Networks ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 2743
luigi fratto, folitecnico di lorino; faolo Giacomazzi, University of Messina; luigi Musumeci, folitecnico di Torino, Italy
7 Implementation of the Multiclass Priority Fair Queuing (MPFQ) Algorithm for Extending Quality of Service in Existing Backbones to Wireless Endpoints ........................ 2752
Jay R. Moormon and John n! Iqckwood, Universityof lllinais at Urbandhampaign, USA
8 Management of Wireless ATM Networks Loaded by Mobile ABR Source Traffic ........................................................................................................................................... 2758
A. lombardo, S. falozzo, and G. Schembra, Universityof Catanio, ltaly

Globecom'99 Conference.Record li
Table of contents

Network Access and Handoff
9:30-12:30, Intercontinentul, Room QuurtzoA
Chuir: Werner Mohr, Siemens AG
1 Connection Admission Control for a High Capacity Multimedia Satellite Communication System ................................................................................................................ 2763
Yi Qiun, Rose Hu, Hosame Abu-Amuro, und Payum Moveddut, Noriel Networks, USA
2 Exact Tracking Performance Analysis of Land Mobile Satellite Channel ...................................................................................................................................................... 2768
H. Besbes, luborotoire de Systimes de l~l~communicutions/Sup'Com;1. Ezzine, luborutoire d'Anulyse et Communde de Systemes/€Nlt
A. JuiduneSuidone, laborutoire de Systemes de T~l~communicutions/€NI~ lunisiu
3 FS-ALOHA+ +, A Collision Resolution Algorithm with QoS Support for the Contention Channel in Multiservices Wireless LAN .............................................................. 2773
D. Wzquez Corfizo, University of A Coruiio, Spuin/University of Antwerp, Belgium; C. Blondiu, University of Antwerp, Belgium;
1. Gurch, Poliyechnic University of Cotulunyu, Spuin
4 Optimal Power Allocation Based on Qos Balance for a Multi-rate Packet CDMA System with Multi-media Traffic ...................................................... :............................... 2778
lin Wung und A. Humid Aghvumi, University of London, United Kingdom
5 Handoff Procedure for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks ...........................................................................................................................................................................
A ,
M. Yliunlfilu, R. Pichno, 1. Vul/strom, und 1.Makela, University of Oulu, Finlund; Ali Zuhedi, E Krishnumurthy,und Kuveh Pohluvun, Worcester PolytechnicInstitute, USA
6 Routing and Handoff Support for a Novel Wireless Broadband Access Network (UniNet) ........................................................................................................................... 2788
Qiung Goo ond Antfiony Acomporu, University of Culiforniu ut Sun Diego, USA
7 Soft Handoff on the Quick Paging Channel ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2794
Sandip Surkur, Brim Butler, und Edwurd liedemunn, Quaomm, USA

(*) The BAS pupen did not follow the review p r o c c

lii I ,. Globecom'99 Conference Record

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