Alpha Males

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10 Secret Habits of Alpha Males

Attraction Secrets Alpha Males Don’t

Want You To Know

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book, “10 Secret
Habits Of Alpha Males”.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to become a powerful
alpha male women won’t resist.

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Why do some men get all the women? Why can some guys have any girl they
It’s not a secret…
These men are alpha males. Women love alpha males. Thus, women typically love
these men.
If you are not naturally an alpha male, this could be seen as bad news. However,
this is actually good news. See – since we know that women love alpha males over
all else, all we have to do is find out what makes an alpha male. Once we figure
out his traits, we can incorporate them into our life. And once incorporated into
out lives, we can begin to attract more women.
Now, it’s not that easy, but the nice thing about women is they are pretty
universal in what they are attracted too. Yet, they don’t know it. Women only
know what they feel. They can’t tell if you’ve been an alpha male all of your life or
if you just adopted these alpha traits. All she knows is that your alpha behavior is
making her aroused and attracted to you.
Let’s not complicate things fellas. Let’s make things easy for a change. Instead of
breaking things down into a crazy amount of useless biology lessons, I’m going to
give you quick and easy advice. This is advice you can implement into your day-
to-day life in order to become the alpha male.
With this in mind, here are 10 secrets that naturally attracted women like crazy.
These are the attraction secrets alpha males don’t want you to know…

Secret Habit #1: Sharpen The Saw

Alpha males are not men who sit around all day playing video games in the
basement as mom is upstairs cooking some beef stroganoff for dinner. No, alpha
males are men who are continually improving themselves in one-way or another.
There is no time to waste. Each day alive is a day the alpha male can grow.
The alpha male continually lifts weights. He does this because he knows working
out will improve his health, clear his mind and make him more attractive to
women. An alpha male values all of the above.
The alpha male also enjoys sharpening and expanding his mind. He may spend a
bit of time each day meditating. He may spend a bit of time each day learning a
new language. He may spend a bit of time each day developing a new skill.
The alpha male also continually reads good books. He may read articles on the
Internet and scroll through various blogs, but he knows great information comes
in longer form than a blog post. The alpha male reads continually to expand his
mind and increasing his understanding of the world.
As you can see, the alpha male does not waste time watching TV or playing video
games. He is continually spending his time improving himself in ways he enjoys
and that are valuable.
If you want to become an alpha male, you must make an effort to continually
sharpen your saw. The only constant in life is change and change. The alpha male
knows this and is continually improving.

Secret Habit #2: Take Action

The alpha male is not a man of laziness. The alpha male is not a man of excuses.
The alpha male is not a man of wants or desires. The alpha male goes after
whatever he desires and he gets it. He does not ask permission. He does not wait
and see if what he wants may want him too.
The alpha male takes action and goes after what he desires. There is no
pussyfooting around. There is little waiting. If the alpha male truly wants
something, he strikes. Or he pounces. There is no waiting game. There is only
achieving what you want – when you want it.
The alpha male may see a girl he wants to have sex with. He immediately walks
up to her and begins to talk with her. He doesn’t wait around to second-guess his
decision. He doesn’t think about whether or not she has a boyfriend. He doesn’t
think about whether she will like him or not. Hell, he knows she will love him.
Or an alpha male decides he wants to start an online business. He doesn’t get on
Internet forums and engage in a circle jerk for months on end. He doesn’t talk
with each and every one of his friends about the possibility of starting a business
for a year before doing anything. No! He educates himself on the topic by reading
one or two of the best books available on the subject and then he gets down to
work. He takes action and begins building his business.

Secret Habit #3: Always Passionate

Alpha males do not do anything half ass. Alpha males are passionate. If they don’t
want to put a full effort forth, an alpha male simply won’t do something. An alpha
male does not waste his time on something that he is not passionate about.
Not only does an alpha male value his time – an alpha male always puts his
passion as a priority. An alpha male does not make a woman his priority. An
alpha male does not make his friends, family or anything else the priority. No –
an alpha male makes his mission his priority.
Maybe he wants to play professional basketball. Maybe he wants to move to New
York City and become a street artist. Maybe he wants to create a mobile app.
Maybe he wants to see every country in the world. Maybe he wants to live on the
ocean and surf everyday.
Whatever is the alpha male’s mission, it consumes him. He makes his mission his
priority. Not a woman. Not some distraction. Not drinking and partying. Not
video games. Those are all irrelevant to the alpha male. He focuses on achieving
his goal and finding his purpose.
The funny thing is that in going after his goal the alpha male becomes more
attractive to women. In pursuing his mission, the alpha male becomes a higher
value man. He also becomes a happier human being. This is the most important

Secret Habit #4: Other’s Opinions Irrelevant

This is a tricky trait of the alpha male. See, you can take this to mean an alpha
male is always a raging asshole. However, that is not correct. An alpha male
should not be a dick at all times. He should use his superior social skills to charm
all he comes in contact with.
Yet, he should not be worried about the opinions of others in the least. The alpha
male lives a life he desires, a life he has created. This means he does not care if
you or anyone else approves of his lifestyle. He does not care what you think
about what he is doing. He only cares about what he believes and thinks.
If you disapprove, he is perfectly ok with that. If you state an opinion he disagrees
with, he will tell you. You are here to please him. He does not care if he pleases
you. Your thoughts are irrelevant to him. He has nothing to prove to you. He will
not try to qualify himself to you, as he doesn’t care what you think.
This doesn’t mean you have to ignore others and be an asshole, but you should
ignore people who test and challenge for no reason. They are attempting to waste
your time. These types of people are to be avoided like the plague. Or you can
troll them by never truly answering their questions and responses.

Secret Habit #5: Move Slowly - Talk Slowly

When one reads about being an alpha male, there is almost always talk of being
like James Bond. You should be the calm, cool and collected type. A man of few
words whom talks and moves slowly throughout the world. He knows he is
simply gracing people with his presence, so he takes his time.
Yet, if you have ever interacted with human beings on a daily basis then you will
realize this doesn’t hold much water in the real world. Move slowly and talking
slowly is perfectly fine, but being this barely talking alpha male is often not even
When you are moving and talking, you should focus on speaking at a slower pace
than normal and moving a bit slower than normal. Do not speak rapidly or move
in a jerky manner. However, you will need to use words to assert dominance.
There is no way around this. The alpha male has impressive social skills and he
assert them to work a room and dominate the crowd.
Slow things down, but don’t get the idea that alpha males are mutes. You need to
use words to get what you want out of life. Just say the words a little bit slower
and avoid any movements that don’t seem fluid. Nothing jerky or rushed – focus
on moving in a relaxed, but amiable manner.
Women love men who slow things down, but women also need a man who can
talk to them. You can be both – the alpha male of her dreams!

Secret Habit #6: Take Control

Alpha males take control of all situations. Alpha males are leaders. These types of
men are always in control of what they want to happen. They do not leave things
up to chance or happenstance. Alpha males do not believe in luck. Alpha males
believe in making things happen.
So they take control of a situation and make things happen. They don’t worry
about what others think. They lead others to what needs to happen. This is
because alpha males are dominant men. Others bow to their will. They make the
rules. They don’t follow someone else’s rules.
Women love leaders. They want to be with a man who is in charge of things. They
want to be with a man who knows what he is doing and when he is doing it. They
want to be told where to sit. Women want to be told where you are going to
dinner. They want to be told how things will be.
Women do not want to be in control. Thus, women love men who are controlling,
dominating and know what they are doing. If you want to become better at
attracting women, you must learn to take control of every situation.

Secret Habit #7: Boundaries

Another alpha male trait that women absolutely love is: boundaries. Women
want a man who has strong boundaries and enforces them. She doesn’t want a
man she can walk all over. She wants a man who speaks his mind and sticks to
what he says. She doesn’t want to be able to persuade you. She wants to have to
keep you happy in order for you to spend time with her.
Now you may be thinking that boundaries are a confusing topic. You may have no
idea what it means to be a man with boundaries. Well, it’s simple really. A man
who sets boundaries is a man who expects others to interact with him in a certain
manner. If someone refuses to do so, he will politely tell the other person he does
not appreciate or approve of the behavior. If the behavior continues, that
individual will be out of the alpha male’s life completely.
Boundaries can also refer to expectations a man has about how others have
behaved in the past and how they will behave in the future. This topic is easier to
show with examples.
One being…
The alpha male does not like to be in the company of others who are lazy and
sloth-like. One of his best friends invites him to go hang out with one of the best
friend’s friend. Yet, the alpha male knows this guy to be a worthless bum. So he
declines the invitation even though he enjoys his best friends company very

Secret Habit #8: Taste For Adventure

Alpha males are not boring men. Women are not attracted to boring men.
Women are attracted to men who have a taste for adventure. Women are
attracted to men who have a spontaneous side. Women want to come along for
the ride, a wild ride.
However, as an alpha male, you should not only be concerned about being
adventurous due to women finding it attractive. You should want to be
adventurous for yourself. You should want to explore. You should want to
Each and every man will find something different to be an adventure. One man
may love finding hidden surf spots. One man may enjoy hiking a mountain. One
man may love to find new, cool places in his city without using the Internet.
Another man may enjoy traveling to new countries. Or an alpha male may enjoy
playing basketball at different parks in his city – seeking out the best
No matter what makes a great adventure for you, you must seek and have a taste
for adventure. You must also be spontaneous. An alpha male does what he wants
when he wants. This means he is spontaneous. Maybe he is with a girl and
suddenly he gets horny. So he whips her into the bathroom for a quick shag. Or
maybe he decides he wants to get some sleep and leaves the club at 12:30 for no
Secret Habit #9: Dresses Intelligently
Now there is a fine line with alpha males and dressing…
You should always be the best dressed in the room. This doesn’t mean the
fanciest dressed person in the room. No – it means you have the best style in the
room. Maybe you’re at a college bar and you have a great fitting V-neck on with
nice jeans and boots. Or maybe you’re at a beach bar and have a great body. Your
board shorts and flip-flops with no shirt are driving the women crazy.
This could also mean rocking a suit that is perfectly tailored to work. Whatever
the occasion, the alpha male understands what it means to be the best dressed
guy in the room. His social savvy gives him insight that other men lack. He can
wear a suit, but he knows that is not needed at all times.
The alpha male keeps his body in shape and understands that it is better to
purchase quality items than buying a bunch of junk. He invests in great clothing
and has a great body – so he looks good no matter what he decides to throw on
for the evening.
If you are unaware of what works from a fashion sense, you can do a couple
things. First, don’t look at GQ. The magazine is run by gay men, not by women
who want to have sex with men. Look at how the sexiest male celebrities are
dressing and implement their style. Or check out the style of men around you
who kill it with women. Pay attention to details and them emulate them.

Secret Habit #10: Alpha Males Are Vulnerable

Lastly, all alpha males are vulnerable. This means they actively put themselves
into the world. They know others may judge them, but they do not care. They
choose to act in a manner they want. They let others see them how they please.
Vulnerable is not some sappy trait that Hollywood wants you to think it is. It’s
actually a very masculine trait. By being vulnerable, a man show the world he is
not scared of society. That he is not intimidated by woman or anyone who may
decide to judge him.
He shows vulnerability when he pursues his goals with reckless abandon, not
knowing if he will be able to achieve them. He shows vulnerability when he walks
up to a woman he has not met and he ask for her number because he finds her
This is masculine vulnerability. It is showing the world that you are not afraid of
being yourself. You are confident enough in your true self to show yourself to the
This is the one true trait of the alpha male.
Thank you again for downloading this book!
I hope this book was able to help you to become more alpha.

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