As - Like - How - Exercise To Learn English

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26/10/2019 As / like/ how - Exercise to learn English

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1. He drives like a madman.

2. My two sons love painting, like me!

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week! Thousands
of subscribers!
4. There are terrible diseases, as like cancer for example.
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5. They describe him as a man who is not always fun to be with!

6. as the crime rate is rising, everybody is dreading the future.

Ads: 7. It should be easy for you, as you are used to travelling

Grammar Test
8. as a teacher, he is excellent !
Fun Quiz
9. You know perfectly well there is no city like Paris!

Fun Quiz 10. What's the weather like today?

English ESL 11. as a scientist, he is famous all over the world.

12. As written in today's paper, he will not run for a second


13. They burst out laughing, like everybody else.

14. How difficult it was!

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15. She kept her room exactly like as her mother did.

16. How impatient he was to see you!

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17. He even worked as a stuntman
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26/10/2019 As / like/ how - Exercise to learn English

18. As I was parking, I noticed a strange boy looking at me.

19. She shook herself like a dog leaving the water.

20. The stately home is like a minotaur's maze of corridors and


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