Etk Task File Sectionf Unit99 5d6d2a235bd4f

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99 99 Young learner writing


1 For questions 1–6, choose the best option (A, B or C) to complete each
statement. ’ AK
1 When we use __________ we ask students to write down what we say.
A dictogloss
B dictation
C process writing
2 When we use __________ students write down paragraphs that we have previously
said more than once (and they have listened to).
A dictogloss
B dictation
C process writing
3 It is useful for students to have a __________ where they can write down new
words and phrases that we show them (or that they find).
A coursebook
B copybook
C picture book
4 We can ask students to keep a __________ where they keep examples of their
A book
B portfolio
C cupboard
5 We can get students to write similar paragraphs, poetry etc. based on __________
that we give them.
A ideas
B models
C words
6 When they are a bit older, we can ask young learners to keep __________ in which
they write about things they have done.
A copybooks
B coursebooks
C journals


2 Look at a young learner coursebook and, if possible, the workbook and

online material that goes with it. Find out the following.
1 What age(s) the materials are designed for.
2 How much writing there is in the materials.
3 What kind of writing is included (e.g. copying, sentence writing, process writing or
something else).
4 How many opportunities there are for students to write creatively.

What is your opinion of the writing material you have been looking at?


3 In an age of computers, smartphones and tablets, how important is it, do

you think, to get students to have good handwriting in English? How
much time would you spend making sure that they can form English
letters correctly? ’ AK



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