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hypothesis: h0= there is no significant difference in 12th grades score between

after treatment and profivincial mean.

h1= there is a significant difference in 12th grades score between
after treatment and profivincial mean.

steps: analyze- compare means- one sample t. test masuki data 1 dan isi test value
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the result of one sample test shows that t obtained 2,165. and p- value 0,041. at
the significant level 0,05 in two tails testing with df= 24, t= 2, 064. because t
obtained (2, 165) is higher than t table (2,064)
h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted there for there is a significant difference in
12th grades score between after treatment and profivincial mean.

h0= the data sets have the normal distribution

h1= the data sets do not have the normal distribution

the result of shapiro- wilk shows that the p- value= 0,957. because p value (0,957)
is higher than 0,05, h0 is accepted therefore, the data sets have the normal

b. 2
The two data sets have the same distribution
h1= the two data sets do not have the same distribution
the result of levene statistic shows that P- value 0.808 because p- value (0.808)
is higher than 0.05, ho is accepted therefore, the data sets have the same

b3. h0= there is no significant correlation betweeen vocabulary and listening

h1= there is a significant correlation betweeen vocabulary and listening
the result of pearson product moment correlation shpow that R obtained= 0,768 and
p- value = 0.000. since the p- value (0.000) is lower than 0.05, h0 is rejected and
h1 is accepted. therefore there is a significant correlation betweeen vocabulary
and listening

b4. y head= b x + a= 0,7413x + 15,494= 0,7413(80) + 15,494= 74.798

b5, 57,1% of variance in listening is explained by the variable vocabulary

b6. h0= there is no significant influence between vocabulary and listening

h1= there is a significant influence between vocabulary and listening
the result of regresion analysis shows that f obtained 33,001 and p- value 0.000.
because p- value (0.000) is lower than 0.05, h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted.
therefore h1= there is a significant influence between vocabulary and listening

1.h0 : the eperimental group does not significantly outperform those in the control
h1 : there is a significant outperform beetwen the experimental group and the
control group.
the result of calcultion show that the t-obtained= and tge p-value= annd
df= . since t-obtained is higher than p=value, h0 is rejected and h1 is accepted.
It means that the student in the expremential group significntly outperform

H0: All the five means are equal

H1: Not all the five means are equal
Analyse comper mean
The result from of One-way ANOVA shows that f-obtained = 9,715 and p-value = 0,000.
Because p-value (0,000) is lower than 0,05. H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It
means that not all the five means are equal.
The result of Sceffe�s shows that there is a significant different in teaching
strategies between data 1 and data 2 (p-value = 0,000), between data 1 and data 3
(p-value = 0,000), between data 1 and data 4 (p-value = 0,001), between data 1 and
data 5 (p-value = 0,042), between data 2 and data 3 (p-value = 1,000), between data
2 and data 4 (p-value = 0,984), between data 2 and data 5 (p-value = 0,509),
between data 3 and data 4 (p-value = 0,994), between data 3 and data 5 (p-value =
0,584), and between data 4 and data 5 (p-value = 0,860).
� data 1 = 76,16, � data 2 = 57,80, � data 3 = 58,28, � data 4 = 60,05, � data
5 = 64,45
� data 1 > � data 5 > � data 4 > � data 3 > � data 2
Therefore, data 1 is the most effective strategy followed by data 5, data 4, data 3
and data 2.

H0: Method A is not significantly different than method B ( there is no significant
diffrence between the 2 methods)
H1: Method A is significantly different than method B d
The result of Mann Whitney U-test shows that U-obtained = 62,5 and p-value =
0,036. At the significance level 0,025 (0,05) in one-tailed testing with n1=15 and
n2=15, the critical value=64. Because U-obtained (62,5) is lower than U-table (64),
H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that method A is significantly
different than method B.

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