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The similarities of this two article between Jason Hickel’s framework of

de-development and Martin Heidegger’s The Question Concerning

Technology are both of article are much aware and/ or concerned of using
science and technology. On how this system affect the society and the
people itself. While the differences of these two article between each other.
The first one which is from Jason Hickel framework of de-development are
much deals about the growth and development of human flourishing that
tackled about the alternative to narrowing the gap between rich and poor
countries in the said system. And also one of the objective of this article of
Hickel’s is to have an equal or balanced system in terms of the development
progress. While the second article of Martin Heidegger are deals on how
technology response on the global and local system, it discusses about the
real essence of technology. Particularly the production or intervention of
technological equipment, tools and machines, the product and new
inventions, and the purpose and function they serve are what define
technology. Therefore, technology is an instrument aimed at getting things
Science and Technology have a bigger impact for both societal,
economic, and environmental aspects it helps for the development progress
and other phenomenon as well.

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