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 Latch is comfortable and pain – free
 Your baby's chest and stomach rest against your body, so that baby's head is straight, not
turned to the side.
 Your baby's chin touches your breast.
 Your baby's mouth opens wide around your breast, not just the nipple.
 Your baby's lips turn out.
 Your baby's tongue cups under your breast.
 You hear or see swallowing.
 Your baby's ears move slightly.
 Your baby ends the feeding with signs of satiety/satisfaction. These signs include:
 the baby looks relaxed,
 “falls” off the breast,
 has open hands,
 and/or falls asleep


“Steps and Signs of a Good Latch.” Steps and Signs of a Good Latch | WIC Breastfeeding,

“Breastfeeding Latch: Proper Positioning.” American Pregnancy Association, 14 Oct. 2019,
 Stay Hydrated
- Drinking at least eight glasses of water help speed up post – pregnancy recovery.
- Dehydration can lead to decreased in milk supply because breastmilk is made up of water.
- Water can also be consumed in the forms of fruits, milk, juices, vegetables and soups
 Omega 3- fatty acid
- Promotes baby’s brain growth
- 2 – 3 servings per week
- Found in fish such as sardines and tuna, nuts such as soybeans, tofu
 Fruits, vegetables and whole grains
- Eat wide variety for you and your baby’s optimum health
 Coffee
- It is possible to drink coffee while breastfeeding
- Limit the intake, however, or switch to decaf because some babies are sensitive to the
caffeine and may affect his/ her development
- Coffee are diuretics so it is recommended to drink two cups of water for every cup of coffee
consumed to recover the water you will lose
 Calcium
- To build and maintain strong and healthy bones and teeth
- Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese as well as sardines
 Smoking and Alcohol
- Smoking can induce vomiting, heart rate increase, restlessness and diarrhea in your baby
- Alcohol can retard your baby’s growth if consumed in large quantities
 Chocolates, ‘soft’ or carbonated drinks, spices, chili, garlic and gassy foods such as cabbage,
cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, and citrus fruits
- Not prohibited to eat, but if you find your baby uncharacteristically irritated or disturbed at
any time, you can try eliminating it from your diet for a while
- Carefully observe and monitor your child for any changes.


Tan, Joy Lee. “Best Food for Breastfeeding Mom - What Should You Be Eating?” TheAsianparent Philippines: Your Guide
to Pregnancy, Baby & Raising Kids, TheAsianparent, 29 Oct. 2009,

“Healthy Diet for Breastfeeding Moms.” Unilab, 13 July 2018,


Arevalo, Mec Camitan. “10 Questions Breastfeeding Pinays Always Ask About Food, Answered!”,
Smart Parenting, 6 Apr. 2017,

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