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300 and Gladiator Movie


Maria Felice Incorporado

Bloodthirsty for war, army for an army, shield against
arrows, where swords meet swords and where every battle
meets the greed of victory. This is what you see in the movies
300 and Gladiator where the movie is portrayed correctly. in
the you can see tons of swords and shields brought up to this
movie because, its war.
This kind of movie brings back our history and let us find out
what did happen on the past few wars on Greek or somewhere
else in that place. It is really important to value these wars
because some nowadays are used in some purposes like in
military. The formations and other strategies were also
brought in the modern armies today. So let's not waste more
time and now let's jump to my insights and comparison
between the movie 300 and Gladiator

Woah! jumping into the movie 300 makes me feel that I am

into the battle of Thermopylae it is a battle where Persians invaded
the defending Greeks. The Persian army which was led by Xerxes I
had an army consisting of 2 million fighting troops and
unfortunately the Greek only had a thousands of fighting troops
basically outnumbered. Leonidas on the other hand held the
Greek army and commanded to not retreat it was a tough thing to
do knowing that they already know that they are outnumbered.
Then it was not the number of troops that had to win but the ones
who are stronger, smarter, and fearless, these things were packed
in a Greek army to be smart and fight without fear. Thus, their
smart strategy made by the outnumbered Greeks made them able
to defeat the Persians.

Well, I'm still wondering on why do people want to watch

the bloody game in an arena. When I actually saw the movie I
came to think why they have to do this?! To fight and to
surrender lives? Well in this movie which is called the Gladiator
you can see how their traditions and how the empire went.
Gladiator occured in ancient Rome and was lead by a powerful
emperor Marcus Aurelius had his best general Maximus and the
emperor's son Commodus. Before the death of the emperor, the
emperor chooses Maximus to be his heir over his own son
Commodus. Maximus is a powerful general yet unable to save
his own family and this made him to be captured into the
Gladiator games. Gladiator games are games that will send you
to the center of the arena to fight and battle while people
around come and watch every fight that happens in the arena. I
was totally shocked on the battles inside that arena. Yet the
powerful general showed everything he had got and there he
wanted to gain revenge.
The comparison between the movie 300 and Gladiator is quite similar, they had
that tradition and hunger for war and victory. They are similar when it comes to
battles but when in it comes to the leaders they literally have different techniques
and strategies that made only one stand out. In movie 300 it's about war against
Persia and the Greeks while in the Gladiator it talks mainly about a powerful general
Maximus on how he went into the Gladiator games and secretly seeking for revenge
in that place. Each civilization has its own talks to be spoken about to be heard about
and to be spread about what matters is that on how we value each one of them for
they have been one and every part of our very own us.

Greek and Roman Civilization

The Greeks and Romans are

greatly similar when it comes to
power where men had more
control than women. Rich people
tend to hire a tutor for their
children to be educated while
some who are less fortunate
became slaves to the rich people
and others earn a living to go to
school. Greeks have been more
on education, literature, arts and
more while the Romans had
their military whilst ignoring
kinds of arts and more.

300 Gladiator
Casts: Casts:
Gerard Butler as Leonidas Joaquin Phoenix as Commodus
Lena Headey as Gorgo Russell Crowe as Maximus
Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes Oliver Reed as Proximoro
Michael Fassbender as Stelios Richard Harris as Marcus Aurelius
David Wenham as Dilios

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