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General De Jesus College

San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Chapter 4
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter includes the presentation of the data,

analysis, interpretation, and discussion.

Table 4.1

Age of the Respondents

Respondents Age
A 77 years old
B 49 years old
C 52 years old
D 81 years old
E 51 years old
F 53 years old
G 17 years old
H 65 years old
I 57 years old
J 23 years old
This table shows that most of the respondents are elders while
the rest are young adults.

Therefore, the researchers conclude that traditional

medicines are mostly used by elderly citizens in Cabiao, Nueva
Ecija since they are more prone to diseases.

This is related to a statement in HealthDay (2019) that

as adults grow older, their risk for a number of chronic
health problems begins to rise. Heart disease, diabetes and
cancer are all conditions that become increasingly likely as
people age.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.2

Social Status of the Respondents

Respondents Social Status
A Lower Class
B Middle Class
C Middle Class
D Middle Class
E Middle Class
F Middle Class
G Middle Class
H Middle Class
I Middle Class
J Middle Class
This table shows that almost all of the respondents of Cabiao
belong to the Middle Class.

Hence, traditional medicine is commonly used by Middle

Class citizens of Cabiao Nueva Ecija. Social status of the
respondents was determine through direct observation.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.3

Traditional Medicine Used by the Respondents

Respondents Traditional Medicine
A Tanglad, sambong, Luyang dilaw
B Alinggatong root, Oregano
C Guyabano leaves
D Serpentina leaves
E Guyabano, Turmeric
F Garlic together with water
G Calamansi juice
H Guyabano leaves
I Guyabano leaves
J Aloe Vera extract
This table shows that the respondents of Cabiao Nueva Ecija
use traditional medicine, specifically herbal plants.

Thus, herbal plants are the most common form of

traditional medicine used by the respondents in Cabiao, Nueva
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

These are the questions answered by the respondents

during the data gathering methods.

Table 4.4
Question # 1: What are the illnesses or diseases that
you treat using traditional medicine?
Respondents Answers
A Urinary Tract Infection(UTI), High Blood
B Kidney stones, cough, and cold
C Cancer
D High blood sugar level
E Cough and cold
F High blood pressure
G Cough, and cold
H Kidney stones
I High blood pressure
J Skin Problems
This table shows the illnesses and diseases that the
respondents use traditional medicine to treat.

Therefore, the respondents used traditional medicine to

treat different diseases and illnesses.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.5
Question # 2: How long have you been using traditional
medicine as a treatment for your illnesses or diseases?
Respondents Answers
A 2 years
B 6 months
C 2 years
D 1 year
E 2 years
F 3 years
G Sometimes
H 4 years
I 4 years
J 1 year
This table shows how long the respondents have been using
traditional medicine.

The researchers conclude that most of the respondents in

Cabiao, Nueva Ecija have been using traditional medicine for
one or more than a year.

For table 4.3, 4.4, and 4.5, Respondent A uses “Tanglad,

Sambong, and Luyang dilaw” to treat Urinary Tract Infection
(UTI), and high blood pressure for about 2 years. Respondent
B uses “Alinggatong Root, and Oregano” in treating kidney
stones, cough and cold for about 6 months. Respondent C uses
“Guyabano leaves” to treat cancer for about 2 years.
Respondent D uses “Serpentina leaves” to maintain blood sugar
level for about 1 year. Respondent E uses “Guyabano, and
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Turmeric” to treat cough and cold for about 2 years.

Respondent F uses “Garlic mixed with water” for high blood
pressure for about 3 years. Respondent G uses “Calamansi juice
when having cough, and cold. Respondent H uses “Guyabano
leaves” in treating kidney stones for about 4 years.
Respondent J uses Aloe Vera extract in treating skin problems
for about 1 year.

Various parts of herbal plant are useful in treating

some diseases. Parts of plants such as leaf, stem, bark, root,
etc. are being used to prevent, allay symptoms or revert
abnormalities back to normal. (Mintah et al., 2018)
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.6

Question # 3: Why do you still use traditional medicine

despite of doctor’s recommendation?
Respondents Answers
A Cheap and easy to find
B Cheap and no chemicals added
C Cheap compared to doctor’s prescription
D Cheap and easy to find
E Cheap and easy to find
F Cheap compared to doctor’s prescription
G Effective, lessens the pain
H Effective
I Easy to find and more affordable
J Natural and more affordable
This table shows the reason why traditional medicine is used
by the respondents of Cabiao, Nueva Ecija.

According to the data gathered, the researchers

concluded that Traditional medicine is still widely
patronized just as much as the professional healthcare
offered in the municipality of Cabiao, commonly by the elderly
citizens in the said vicinity.

. As stated by De Guzman (2017), the Philippines is

blessed with more than a thousand plants that have a medical
use, so that’s why people still using traditional medicine
because it is more accessible, affordable, and natural than
the pharmaceutical medicine we have today.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.7
Question # 4: Have you observed any side effects on
using this kind of traditional medicine?
Respondents Answers
A None
B None
C None
D None
E None
F None
G None
H None
I None
J None
This table shows that no sign of side effects have been
observed by the respondents upon using traditional medicine.

Each of the respondents stated that using such medicines

don't have any side effects, therefore the experiences of
some people in the vicinity of Cabiao regarding the use of
Traditional Medicine can be viewed as a positive set of

In contradictory to what Ostermeyer (2018) said about

the unsafe practices of traditional medicine, it is still
patronized by some people, such as in the vicinity of Cabiao,
Nueva Ecija. Even though respondents are not much aware of
the risk it could give, the practice upon using traditional
medicine takes place because of the changes have been showed
to one’s health condition.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.8
Question # 5: Why do you think it’s effective?
Respondents Answers
A It improves health condition
B It improves health condition
C It improves health condition
D It improves health condition
E It improves health condition
F It improves health condition
G It improves health condition
H It improves health condition
I It improves health condition
J It improves health condition
This table shows that traditional medicine is said to be
effective by the respondent for it improves the respondents’
health condition.

In 2nd International Conference on Herbal and

Traditional Medicine (2019) explained that herbal medicine
have been used for many years. It is said to improve health
condition and provide strength to immune system. This is
proved by the respondents that said that it helps them improve
their health.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.9
Question # 6: Which do you prefer between traditional
medicine and pharmaceutical medicine? Why?
Respondents Answers
A Both- they are effective equally
B Traditional medicine- it is effective in
improving some health issues, and more
C Both- they are effective equally
D Both- they are effective equally
E Both- they are effective equally
F Both- they are effective equally
G Traditional medicine- it is effective in
improving some health issues and more
H Traditional medicine- it is effective in
improving some health issues and more
I Both- they are effective equally
J Both- they are effective equally

This table shows preferred medicine of the respondents in

Cabiao, Nueva Ecija.

In contrast with the researchers' expectations, most of

the respondents don't prefer Traditional Medicine over
Pharmaceutical drugs but rather views both equally effective
and efficient with regards to aiding their medical needs and
maintaining their health.

However, based on the statement given by Balangcod

(2015), people are still going back in using traditional
medicine because of the increasing cost and known side effects
of pharmaceutical medicine. Cabiao, Nueva Ecija is good in
terms of modernization in medical technology but still some
people living there patronize traditional medicine. Even most
of the respondents belong to the middle class have some
difficulties in affording traditional medicine.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.10
Question # 7: How did you learn the practice of using
traditional medicine?
Respondents Answers
A Television
B Social media
C Social media and relatives
D Television and social media
E Social media and relatives
F Relatives
G Social media and relatives
H Social media, relatives, and radio
I Relatives
J Social media
This table shows how the respondents discover the practice
of using traditional medicine.

Seven out of ten respondents were influenced by social

media while six were influenced by their relatives regarding
the use of Traditional Medicine. This data shows that blogs,
social networking sites, online support groups and forums are
useful channels for medical education and experience sharing
(Delgado-Lopez et. Al, 2018)

Because of the modern technology, practices about the

use of traditional medicine have been passed from one location
to another. Relatives give great influence upon using
traditional medicine to treat the diseases or illnesses from
the members of the family. By simply watching the television,
there are particular programs who bring awareness about
different traditional medicine. Most of the people in serious
illnesses or diseases tend to be encouraged. Same to the
radio, there are radio station who spread news about the
proper use of traditional medicine so people could easily
gathered reliable information.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.11
Question # 8: Would you use traditional medicine in
treating your family member in their illnesses? Why?
Respondents Answers
A Yes, for them to ease the pain
B Yes, for them to ease the pain
C Yes, for them to ease the pain
D Yes, for them to ease the pain
E Yes, for them to ease the pain
F Yes, for them to ease the pain
G Yes, for them to ease the pain
H Yes, for them to ease the pain
I Yes, for them to ease the pain
J Yes, for them to ease the pain
This table shows that all of the respondents are willing to
use traditional medicine in treating family members for it
helps to ease one’s pain.

As stated in the Medical News Today (2019), people have

used essential oils, herbs, and alternative therapies as
natural pain relievers for hundreds of years.

The Filipinos are an avid patrons of herbal medicines

(Villasanta, 2015) and willing to pass down tradition to the
next generations just like what “lolos” and “lolas” do. The
price of synthetic medicine that keeps on rising as any other
products in the country is also the reason why the respondents
use it to their family members and as the researchers said it
is more affordable than the pharmaceutical medicines.
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

Table 4.12
Question # 9: How do you prepare and use traditional
Respondents Answers
A By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
B By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
C By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
D By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
E By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
F Crushing the garlic and mixing it with water
G Making juice out of Calamansi
H By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
I By boiling of herbal plants then drinking it
J By applying directly to the skin
This table shows how the respondents prepare and use
traditional medicine.

In preparing traditional medicine, specifically herbal

plants, it usually undergo in the process of boiling, juicing,
crushing, and applying directly to the skin.

In compared to the research study of Gaunt (2015), the

research noticed that boiling then drinking it as a tea is
the usual way to prepare traditional medicine since 7 out of
10 of the respondents answered it.

The uniformity observed in the data gathered suggests

that the use of Traditional medicine will most likely lead to
positive outcomes and effects. The common theme that has
surfaced doesn't represent the views of the whole public of
the mentioned vicinity but only the majority of the
respondents. Though additional information can be obtained by
General De Jesus College
San Isidro, Nueva Ecija

asking broader questions, the pattern seen in the data

accumulated answered the central questions clearly and the
researchers' personal questions as well. These answers
described the experiences of the respondents regarding the
use of Traditional Medicine as an efficient and convenient
way of catering to their medical needs. According to the data
collected, the experiences are defined as positive outcomes.

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