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Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology

An International Journal

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Development of transethosomes formulation

for dermal fisetin delivery: Box–Behnken
design, optimization, in vitro skin penetration,
vesicles–skin interaction and dermatokinetic

Thasleem Moolakkadath, Mohd. Aqil, Abdul Ahad, Syed Sarim Imam, Babar
Iqbal, Yasmin Sultana, Mohd Mujeeb & Zeenat Iqbal

To cite this article: Thasleem Moolakkadath, Mohd. Aqil, Abdul Ahad, Syed Sarim Imam, Babar
Iqbal, Yasmin Sultana, Mohd Mujeeb & Zeenat Iqbal (2018) Development of transethosomes
formulation for dermal fisetin delivery: Box–Behnken design, optimization, in�vitro skin penetration,
vesicles–skin interaction and dermatokinetic studies, Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and
Biotechnology, 46:sup2, 755-765, DOI: 10.1080/21691401.2018.1469025

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2018, VOL. 46, NO. S2, S755–S765

Development of transethosomes formulation for dermal fisetin delivery:

Box–Behnken design, optimization, in vitro skin penetration, vesicles–skin
interaction and dermatokinetic studies
Thasleem Moolakkadatha, Mohd. Aqila , Abdul Ahadb, Syed Sarim Imamc, Babar Iqbala, Yasmin Sultanaa,
Mohd Mujeebd and Zeenat Iqbala
Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard (Deemed University), New Delhi, India;
Department of Pharmaceutics, College of Pharmacy, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; cSchool of Pharmacy, Glocal University,
Saharanpur, India; dDepartment of Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard
(Deemed University), New Delhi, India


The present study was conducted for the optimization of transethosomes formulation for dermal fisetin Received 8 March 2018
delivery. The optimization of the formulation was carried out using “Box–Behnken design”. The inde- Revised 20 April 2018
pendent variables were Lipoid S 100, ethanol and sodium cholate. The prepared formulations were Accepted 20 April 2018
characterized for vesicle size, entrapment efficiency and in vitro skin penetration study. The vesicles–skin
interaction, confocal laser scanning microscopy and dermatokinetic studies were performed with opti- Confocal laser scanning
mized formulation. Results of the present study demonstrated that the optimized formulation presented microscopy; dermal;
vesicle size of 74.21 ± 2.65 nm, zeta potential of 11.0 mV, entrapment efficiency of 68.31 ± 1.48% and dermatokinetic; fisetin; skin;
flux of 4.13 ± 0.17 mg/cm2/h. The TEM image of optimized formulation exhibited sealed and spherical transethosomes
shape vesicles. Results of thermoanalytical techniques demonstrated that the prepared transethosomes
vesicles formulation had fluidized the rigid membrane of rat’s skin for smoother penetration of fisetin
transethosomes. The confocal study results presented well distribution and penetration of Rhodamine B
loaded transethosomes vesicles formulation up to deeper layers of the rat’s skin as compared to the
Rhodamine B-hydro alcoholic solution. Present study data revealed that the developed transethosomes
vesicles formulation was found to be a potentially useful drug carrier for fisetin dermal delivery.

Introduction has proven to an effective mean for management of skin can-

cer on mice by actively suppressing inflammation and DNA
The non-melanoma skin cancers comprise of the cancers
damage induced by solar UV B radiation [11]. Fisetin has
affecting to the skin apart from melanoma, counting basal
shown its potential in induction of cell cycle arrest and apop-
cell carcinoma and squamous cells carcinoma as the most
tosis in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells and
commonly diagnosed and malignant one [1]. Among which impeded the invasion of human melanoma cells to the der-
squamous cells carcinoma is regarded as the most malignant mis [12,13].
because of the invasive nature which can lead to metastasis Utilization of topical route by using novel formulation is
and end up in death of the patient [2]. Solar ultraviolet radi- preferred as a better option for managements of skin cancers
ation (UV) is considered as the most prominent contributing and other skin ailments as skin is always regarded as a poten-
factor of aforementioned cutaneous malignancies [3]. tial pathway for chemicals into our body [14]. Fisetin exhibits
Alterations in life style, dietary habits and environmental con- lower water solubility which will make it difficult for fisetin
ditions also can arise as risk factors of skin malignancies [4,5]. for deeper skin penetration and deposition. Albeit this could
As the uses of synthetic agents are associated with overriding be overcome by formulating fisetin in novel formulations
concerns of high toxicity, expensiveness and accessibility, known with superior drug loading, efficient penetration abil-
there is call for natural agents which can circumvent these ity and skin targeting upon dermal application. The phospho-
problems [6]. Lots of such phytochemicals obtained from lipids-based colloidal drug delivery systems have proven to
plants have exhibited their potential in chemoprevention of be a promising choice for dermal delivery of actives due to
cancer. The natural flavonoid fisetin has been found abun- the biocompatible and biodegradable nature of phospholi-
dantly in various vegetables and fruits like cucumber, onion, pids. Nevertheless, the stratum corneum layer of skin was
persimmon, apple and strawberry [7]. Fisetin is endowed with found to be hindering the passage of drugs through the skin
anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, pro-apoptotic and owing to its resistive nature. The scientists have trawled
neuroprotective ability [8–10]. Topical application of fisetin through various strategies to surmount the stratum corneum

CONTACT Mohd. Aqil Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Jamia Hamdard (Deemed
University), M. B. Road, New Delhi 110062, India
ß 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

barrier for effective dermal delivery of drugs. The first such Table 1. Independent variables with their levels and dependent variables with
their constraints in Box–Behnken design for the preparation of fisetin
approach was unveiled with the development of liposomal
dermal delivery system of triamcinolone [15]. But the lack of
Level used
flexible nature of liposome impeded the deeper skin penetra-
tion and made it to remain confined in the upper layers of Variables Low (1) Medium (0) High (þ1)
the skin [16,17]. The advent of deformable liposomes by the Independent variables
X1 ¼ Lipoid S 100 (mg) 80 100 120
Cevc and blume solved the issues related to the rigid mem- X2 ¼ Ethanol (%) 20 30 40
brane nature of liposomes [18]. The presence of edge activa- X3 ¼ Sodium cholate (mg) 10 15 20
Dependent variables
tors in the deformable liposomes apart from phospholipid
Y1 ¼ Vesicle size (nm) Minimise
and water makes the vesicles more flexible by destabilizing Y2 ¼ Entrapment efficiency (%) Maximise
the lipid bilayers [19–22]. This will pave the way for deeper Y3 ¼ Flux (mg/cm2/h) Enhance
skin penetration of entrapped drug [23,24]. Following deform-
able liposomes, Touitou et al. developed a new elastic vesicu- dried deposited lipid film was rehydrated with hydroetha-
lar system named as ethosomes [25]. The presence of ethanol nolic solution for 1 h and kept under refrigerator to attain
in the ethosomes apart from phospholipid and water makes sufficient swelling. Then prepared dispersions were sub-
it distinct from liposome. The interaction of ethanol with the jected to ultra-sonication using “titanium probe,
lipids of both skin and vesicles had made the vesicles more Ultrasonicator (UP100H, Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH, Berlin)”
flexible due to the ethanol inherent ability to fluidize the lipid for 4 min and sonicated vesicles were extruded through
membranes [26–29]. This ethanol characteristic had led to polycarbonate membrane to obtain transethosomes vesicles.
augment the passage of drugs entrapped in ethosomes The transethosomes were evaluated based on their vesicles
through stratum corneum barriers. The transethosomes pre- size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency, flux and morpho-
sented the advantages of both ethosomes and deformable logical characters. A three-factor, three levels Box–Behnken
liposome as it was composed of both ethanol and edge acti- design was utilized and chosen independent and depend-
vators [30]. Furthermore, transethosomes presented better ent variables were presented in Table 1.
penetration ability and deposition characteristics [31]. The
current study was focused on the development of transetho- Box–Behnken design for optimization of transethosomes
somes formulation of fisetin. The developed formulation was
The potential parameters which could influence the desirable
optimized by design expert software using vesicles size,
properties of transethosomes for dermal delivery were ascer-
entrapment efficiency and flux as dependent variables.
Thereafter, the optimized formulation was analyzed for the tained by initial screening trials. These trials had revealed the
morphology, zeta potential, skin penetration competence, facts that the three factors such as concentration of lipid S
skin interaction and dermatokinetic properties. 100, ethanol and sodium cholate could directly influence the
essential characteristics of transethosomes required for effi-
cient dermal delivery. Based on these observations, con-
Materials and methods
straints were set on each factor up to which they could
Materials influence the formulation characteristics. Thereafter, a three
factor, three levels – Box–Behnken design was utilized for the
Fisetin was purchased from Xi’an XIAOCAO Botanical
optimization of transethosomes formulation using Design
Development Co., Ltd. (China). Lipoid S 100 was obtained
expert software (Stat-Ease Inc., Mineapolis, USA). The
from Lipoid GmbH (Ludwigshafen, Germany). Sodium cholate
design was composed of 15 experimental runs (Table 2) with
was purchased from Thomas Baker (Mumbai, India). Ethanol
the computer generated quadratic model as follows.
(absolute alcohol 99.9%) was purchased from Brampton,
Ontario L6T 3Y4 (Canada). Chloroform, sodium hydroxide and Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 þ b12 X1 X2 þ b13 X1 X3
potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate were purchased from þ b23 X2 X3 þ b11 X12 þ b22 X22 þ b33 X32
Merck (Mumbai, India). Carbopol 934, triethanolamine and
polyethylene glycol-400 were purchased from SD fine chemi- where Y is the measured response associated with each fac-
cals (Mumbai, India). All other chemicals and solvents used tor level combination; b0 is constant; b1, b2, b3 are linear coef-
were of analytical grade. Water for high performance liquid ficients, b12, b13, b23 are interaction coefficients among three
chromatography (HPLC) was used for all experiments. factors, b11, b22, b33 are quadratic coefficients of observed
experimental values and X1, X2 and X3 are mentioned levels
Formulation of fisetin transethosomes of independent variables. The chosen independent variables
were Lipoid S 100 (X1), ethanol (X2) and sodium cholate (X3).
For the preparation of transethosomes of fisetin, specified The corresponding dependent variables were vesicle size (Y1),
quantity of Lipoid S 100, sodium cholate and fisetin was dis- entrapment efficiency (Y2) and flux (Y3) [32,33].
solved in a mixture of methanol:chloroform (1:2, v/v) in round
bottom flask. Then the organic solvents were removed under
Transethosomes vesicles size, polydispersity index and
vacuum with reduced pressure using rotary evaporator till the
zeta potential
formation of thin layer of lipid mixture on the inner lines of
round bottom flask. The deposited thin lipid film was made The particle size, polydispersity index and zeta potential of
free of traces of solvents by keeping it in vacuum for 4 h. The the transethosomes were determined using the Malvern

Table 2. Observed response in Box–Behnken design for optimization of fisetin Franz diffusion cells in such a manner that the stratum cor-
transethosomes formulation.
neum side facing donor compartment and dermis side facing
Independent receiver compartment [38]. The receiver vehicle (phosphate
variables Dependent variables
buffer saline pH 7.4 containing 0.5% of Tween 80) was main-
Formulations X1 X2 X3 Y1 Y2 Y3
tained at 32 ± 1  C and agitated with the help of magnetic
1 100 20 10 125.45 ± 2.25 80.14 ± 0.53 2.56 ± 0.05
2 100 40 10 184.18 ± 3.84 54.21 ± 1.14 4.08 ± 0.21
bead at 600 rpm [39]. Transethosomes formulation was
3 120 20 15 122.53 ± 1.05 72.62 ± 2.72 3.52 ± 0.17 applied in non-occlusive manner on the donor compartment
4 100 30 15 53.03 ± 0.43 57.82 ± 0.81 4.29 ± 0.90 of skin. Aliquots of 0.5 ml from receiver compartment was
5 80 30 10 91.35 ± 1.61 63.25 ± 1.26 3.11 ± 0.12
6 80 40 15 119.14 ± 4.27 39.23 ± 0.68 4.39 ± 0.07
withdrawn through the sampling port at specific time inter-
7 100 30 15 54.19 ± 0.72 58.42 ± 1.18 4.31 ± 0.12 vals of 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 24 h followed by immediate
8 120 40 15 146.38 ± 3.92 47.74 ± 0.97 5.46 ± 0.23 replenishment with receptor vehicle. The samples were ana-
9 120 30 10 116.21 ± 1.57 69.81 ± 1.43 3.82 ± 0.13
10 120 30 20 77.85 ± 1.28 59.13 ± 0.49 3.63 ± 0.08 lyzed for drug content by HPLC.
11 80 20 15 87.42 ± 0.84 56.34 ± 1.21 3.21 ± 0.11
12 100 40 20 104.08 ± 1.92 42.87 ± 0.64 3.89 ± 0.13
13 100 20 20 111.26 ± 3.62 57.41 ± 0.75 2.34 ± 0.08 Transethosomes morphology
14 100 30 15 55.14 ± 1.18 58.15 ± 1.38 4.22 ± 0.15
15 80 30 20 41.35 ± 0.31 41.39 ± 0.79 3.02 ± 0.06 Morphological analysis of prepared transethosomes was per-
X1: Lipoid S 100 (mg); X2: Ethanol (%); X3: Sodium cholate (mg); Y1: Size (nm); formed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM-Tecnai,
Y2: Entrapment efficiency (%); Y3: Flux (mg/cm2/h).
G20, Philips scientific, the Netherlands). One drop of diluted
sample was placed on copper grid and allowed to dry. The
zetasizer (Malvern Instruments, Worcestershire, UK) at dried sample was then stained with 2% phosphotungstic
25 ± 1  C. For the analysis, the samples were diluted in Milli-Q acid. Finally, the sample on the copper grid was analyzed by
water, and the determinations were performed in triplicate. transmission electron microscopy.

Entrapment efficiency Transethosomes–skin interaction study

The ultra-centrifugation method was utilized for the estima- The transethosomes skin interaction was analyzed using dif-
tion of entrapment efficiency of developed formulations [34]. ferential scanning calorimeter (DSC) (Pyris 6 DSC, Perkin
The samples were subjected to centrifugation at 25,000 RPM Elmar, Waltham, MA) and FTIR (Perkin, Elmer, Germany). The
for 3 h at 4  C in centrifuge machine (REMI cooling centrifuge, freshly prepared rat skin samples were mounted on two
Mumbai). The sediment which were settled down as a layer Franz diffusion cells containing vehicle (phosphate buffer
of vesicles were disrupted with Triton X 100 (0.1%) and fil- saline pH 7.4 containing 0.5% of Tween 80). In one Franz cell,
tered to find out the amount of fisetin in transethosomes optimized transethosomes formulation was applied to skin
vesicles by HPLC. The supernatant was also collected after sample and penetration study was carried out for 12 h. The
suitable dilution with appropriate medium and fisetin content other skin sample mounted on Franz cell was left untreated
was quantified by applying following equation. (control). Then skin samples from both the Franz cell were
  removed and washed with water, dried and cut into small
ðTotal fisetin  fisetin in supernatantÞ
Entrapment efficiency % ¼  100 piece and sealed in aluminum DSC pan. DSC analysis was car-
Total fisetin
ried out from 30 to 300  C at a rate of 10  C/min. The data
Briefly, the quantification of drug was performed using analysis was performed by using software Pyris (Perkin-Elmer,
HPLC machine connected with UV detector. The mobile Waltham, MA). For FTIR analysis, the skin samples were sub-
phase was comprised of methanol and water (2% glacial jected to FTIR scanning in the range of 400–4000 cm1 using
acetic acid) in a ratio of 85:15 which pumped through FTIR instrument.
Shiseido C18 column at a flow rate of 1 ml/min. UV detector
was set at a wavelength of 363 nm.
Confocal laser scanning microscopy study
Rhodamine B dye-loaded transethosomes formulation and
In vitro skin penetration study
hydro alcoholic solutions were applied non-occlusively and
In vitro skin penetration study was conducted on rat skin homogeneously on the excised rat abdominal skin mounted
using an automated transdermal diffusion cell sampling sys- on two separate Franz diffusion cells and left for 8 h at 32  C.
tem (SFDC 6, LOGAN instrument, NJ) equipped with Franz dif- The skin treated with formulation and hydro alcoholic solu-
fusion cells having an effective penetration area of 1.76 cm2 tions containing Rhodamine B were washed with distilled
[35–37]. For the preparation of rat skin, hairs from skin were water to remove the excess of formulation or hydro alcoholic
removed using electric clipper followed by surgical removal solution. The skin samples were cut into small sections and
of subcutaneous tissues. The adhering fat on the dermis side mounted on glass slide. The slide with upward facing stratum
of skin was wiped out with isopropyl alcohol. The skin was corneum was observed under Leica confocal laser scanning
wrapped in aluminum foil after washing with phosphate buf- microscope (Leica TC SPE-IIw, DMI 4000 RGBV Leica
fer saline and stored in deep freezer at 20  C till use. On Microsystems, Germany). The optical scanning of skin was
the day of experiment, skin was thawed and mounted on done through z-axis of a confocal microscope with 5 mm

increments. The Argon laser beam of 488 nm was utilized for Table 3. Summary of results of regression analysis for responses Y1, Y2 and Y3
for fitting to quadratic model.
the optical excitation and the subsequent detection of fluor-
escence emission was carried out above 532 nm. Leica Quadratic model R2 Adjusted R2 Predicted R2 SD %CV
Application suite Advance Fluorescence software was used Response (Y1) 0.9996 0.9989 09949 1.32 1.33
Response (Y2) 0.9996 0.9988 0.9945 0.39 0.69
for depth measurement [40]. Response (Y3) 0.9992 0.9977 0.9938 0.04 1.03

Dermatokinetic study experimental values of the responses with that of the pre-
dicted values.
Since prepared transethosomes formulation was insufficiently
viscous and could be therefore quickly removed from the rat
skin. Therefore, the optimized transethosomes was converted Response 1 (Y1): effect of independent variables on
into gel formulation. For the preparation of gel formulation, vesicles size
Carbopol 934 was used as gelling agent. Initially, the carbo-
The average vesicle size of all 15 experimental runs was
pol 934 was slowly mixed with distilled water to get the poly-
found to be 99.30 with values lying between the minimum
mer dispersion and then kept aside in dark to allow to
and maximum of 41.35 nm and 184.14 nm, respectively.
polymer to complete swell. Polyethylene glycol 400 (15%
w/w) and chlorocresol (0.1%) were added slowly. The carbo- Vesicle size ¼ 54:12 þ 15:46X1 þ 13:39X2  22:83X3
pol dispersion was neutralized with the incorporation of trie-  1:97 X1 X2 þ 2:91 X1 X3  16:48 X2 X3 (1)
thanolamine to get a clear viscous gel. Then the optimized þ 7:60 X12 þ 57:15 X22 þ 19:97 X32
transethosomes formulation was slowly added into preformed
gel with stirring [41,42]. As per the polynomial Equation (1), the Lipoid S 100 was
The dermatokinetic study was performed to analyze the found to be showing a positive effect and sodium cholate
concentration of drug in different layers of Wistar rat skin. For was exhibiting a negative effect on vesicle size.
the study, fisetin transethosomes gel formulation was applied It was observed that the vesicles size of transethosomes
to rat skin mounted in Franz diffusion cell and investigation was increased with increasing in the concentration of Lipoid
was carried out as discussed under in vitro skin penetration S 100. It was observed that vesicles size was increased from
study. In contrast to penetration study, the whole rat skin was 87.42 ± 0.84 nm (formulation 11) to 122.53 ± 1.05 nm (formula-
removed from the Franz cell at the respective sampling times tion 3) when Lipoid S 100 was increased from 80 mg (formu-
[43,44]. Then the separated skin sample was then washed with lation 11) to 120 mg (formulation 3). Similar results were seen
normal saline to make it free of any adhering formulation and with formulation 6 (vesicles size 119.14 ± 4.27 nm) and formu-
dipped in water maintained at 60  C for 2–3 min. The skin sam- lation 8 (vesicles size 146.38 ± 3.92 nm) Table 2 and Figure
ple was then separated into different layers such as epidermis 1(A). Results of the present study were in agreement with the
and dermis with the aid of forceps. The separated skin layers findings of other researchers [25,45].
were chopped into small pieces and soaked in methanol (5 ml) The effect of sodium cholate is clearly seen in Table 2. It
for 24 h for easy extraction of fisetin. The methanolic extract of was observed that sodium cholate presented inverse effect
fisetin was further passed through membrane filter and the on vesicles size. Vesicles size of prepared transethosomes was
fisetin content was estimated by HPLC. Fisetin concentration decrease on increasing the sodium cholate from 10 mg to
per cm square of skin versus time was plotted for epidermis 20 mg. Formulation 5 having sodium cholate 10 mg presented
and dermis separately. The PK solver software was utilized to vesicles size of 91.35 ± 1.61 nm while formulation 15 pre-
evaluate the different dermatokinetic parameters such as sented vesicles size of 41.35 ± 0.31 nm which comprised of
Tskin max, Cskin max, AUC0–8 h and Ke. 20 mg of sodium cholate. Similarly, formulation 9 (sodium
cholate 10 mg) presented vesicles size of 116.21 ± 1.57 nm
while formulation 10 (sodium cholate 20 mg) exhibited
Result and discussion vesicles size of 77.85 ± 1.28 nm. Similar results were obtained
Optimization of transethosomes by Box–Behnken design for formulation 1 with formulation 13, and formulation 2 with
formulation 12 Table 2.
The Box–Behnken design had generated 15 experimental
runs for formulations development with three center points.
The responses obtained from these runs were shown in Response 2 (Y2): effect of independent variables on
Table 2. The values of three dependent variables namely ves- entrapment efficiency
icle size (Y1), entrapment efficiency (Y2) and flux (Y3) were fall The entrapment efficiency of all the formulation was lying in
in the range of 41.35 to 184.18 nm, 39.23 to 80.14% and 2.34 between a minimum and maximum value of 39.23 ± 0.68%
to 5.46 mg/cm2/h, respectively. The quadratic model was and 80.14 ± 0.53% with the average value of 57.24% (Table 2).
found to be the most fitted model for the responses of all
the 15 formulations. The values of R2, SD and %CV of each of
Entrapment efficiency ¼ 58:13 þ 6:14 X1  10:31X2  8:33X3
the three responses are shown in Table 3. The effect of inde-
 1:94 X1 X2 þ 2:79 X1 X3 þ 2:85 X2 X3
pendent variables on vesicles size, entrapment efficiency and
flux is presented by the three-dimensional graph (Figure 1),  2:20 X12  1:94 X22 þ 2:47 X32
and Figure 2 quantitatively compared the resultant (2)

Figure 1. 3D-response surface plot showing effect of independent variables on (A) vesicles size (B) entrapment efficiency and (C) flux.

It was observed from Equation (2) that the concentration efficiency 63.25 ± 1.26%). Similar results were obtained for for-
of Lipoid S 100 was found to be showing a positive effect on mulation 10 and 15 (Table 2).
entrapment efficiency while the other two variables ethanol Ethanol presented inverse effect on the entrapment effi-
and sodium cholate was found to exhibiting a negative effect ciency of fisetin in transethosomes. Formulation 11 (ethanol
on entrapment efficiency of the drug. The gradual increase of 20%) presented entrapment efficiency of 56.34 ± 1.21% while
entrapment efficiency with increase in the concentration of the formulation 6 having ethanol 40% presented entrapment
Lipoid S 100 might be due to the inherent lipophilic charac- efficiency of 39.23 ± 0.68%. Similar results were obtained
ter of fisetin as the lipophilic drug would be attracted for formulation 1 and 2. Formulation 1 (ethanol 20%) pre-
towards the lipophilic phase and get deposited over there. sented entrapment efficiency of 80.14 ± 0.53% and formula-
The formulation 3 containing 120 mg of Lipoid S 100 had tion 2 (ethanol 40%) presented entrapment efficacy of
exhibited entrapment efficiency of 72.62 ± 2.72% on compari- 54.21 ± 1.14%. Similar results were obtained between formula-
son with the formulation 11 possessing 80 mg of Lipoid S tion 13 (entrapment efficiency 57.41 ± 0.75%) and formulation
100 showing an entrapment efficiency of 56.34 ± 1.21%. 12 (entrapment efficiency 42.87 ± 0.64) (Table 2). This could
Similar results were observed between formulation 9 (entrap- be due that at higher ethanol percentage; vesicles become
ment efficiency 69.81 ± 1.43%) and formulation 5 (entrapment leakier [28].

Figure 2. Linear correlation plots (A, C, E) between actual and predicted values and the corresponding residual plots (B, D, F) for various responses.

Entrapment efficiency also decreased on increasing the maximum values as 2.34 ± 0.08 mg/cm2/h and 5.46 ± 0.23 mg/
concentration of sodium cholate (Figure 1(B)). Formulation 5 cm2/h, respectively (Table 2).
(sodium cholate 10 mg) presented entrapment efficiency of
Flux ¼ 4:27 þ 0:3375X1 þ 0:7737X2 – 0:0862X3
63.25 ± 1.26% while formulation 15 (sodium cholate 20 mg)
presented entrapment efficiency of 41.39 ± 0.79%. Similar þ 0:19 X1 X2 – 0:025 X1 X3 þ 0:0075 X2 X3 (3)
results were obtained between formulation 1 (entrapment þ 0:0246 X12 – 0:1529 X22 – 0:9029 X32
efficiency 80.14 ± 0.53%) and formulation 13 (entrapment
The concentration of ethanol and phospholipid had shown
efficiency 57.41 ± 0.75%). Alike data were obtained between
positive effect towards flux (Equation (3)). It was observed
formulation 2 (entrapment efficiency 54.21 ± 1.14%) and
that formulation 3 (Lipoid S 100, 120 mg) exhibited higher
formulation 12 (entrapment efficiency 42.87 ± 0.64%). The
flux of 3.52 ± 0.17 mg/cm2/h as compared to the formulation
decrease in entrapment efficiency with increasing in the con-
11 (Lipoid S 100, 80 mg) which presented flux of
centration of sodium cholate is could be due to the coexist-
3.21 ± 0.11 mg/cm2/h. Similar results were observed for formu-
ence of micelle structure with vesicles in the formulation;
lation 9 (Lipoid S 100 ¼ 120 mg) as compared to the formula-
micelles usually exhibit low entrapment efficiency as com-
tion 5 (Lipoid S 100 ¼ 80 mg). Similar results were also
pared to vesicles [46].
observed between formulation 10 and formulation 15
(Table 2). The increase in flux on increasing the phospholipid
Response 3 (Y3): effect of independent variables on flux
content of vesicle could be due to the property of phospho-
The average flux value of all the observed 15 formulations lipid to augment the partition of vesicles via the skin
was found to be 3.72 mg/cm2/h with the minimum and lipid barrier.

Figure 5. FTIR spectra of rats skin (A) untreated and (B) treated with fisetin
Figure 3. Figure showing (A) vesicles size distribution curve and (B) zeta poten- transethosomes optimized formulation.
tial and (C) transmission electron micrograph of optimized fisetin transetho-
somes formulation.
Similarly, ethanol also had shown positive effect on the
fisetin flux across the rat’s skin. It was observed the formula-
tion 6 (ethanol 40%) presented flux of 4.39 ± 0.07 mg/cm2/h as
compared to the formulation 11 (ethanol 20%). Likewise, for-
mulation 8 (ethanol 40%) shown flux of 5.46 ± 0.23 mg/cm2/h
as compared to formulation 3 which contained ethanol 20%
(Table 2). The increase in flux on increasing in ethanol could
be due to the well-known penetration enhancer characteristic
of ethanol. Being a penetration enhancer, ethanol reduced
the transition temperature of the lipid and imparts flexibility
in the vesicles and allows the vesicles in the penetration
across the skin [25]. Furthermore, ethanol might have inter-
acted with polar head groups of the lipid molecules of inter-
cellular lipid multilayers present in stratum corneum and
induce fluidization of the stratum corneum and could
improve the penetration of flexible vesicles through it [47].
We have observed a gradual increase in flux with the
increase in sodium cholate concentration from 10 to 15 mg
(Figure 1(C)). This was followed by a steady decrease in flux
for formulation containing 15 to 20 mg of sodium cholate
(Figure 1(C)). The increase in fisetin flux with increase in the
concentration of sodium cholate could be due to the capabil-
ity of sodium cholate to impart flexible to the vesicles by
altering the packing characteristics of the bilayer. This allows
the vesicles to squeeze through the skin pores even smaller
than the vesicles diameter. At higher sodium cholate concen-
Figure 4. DSC thermogram of rats skin (A) untreated and (B) treated with fisetin tration (from 15 mg to 20 mg) the flux decreased. This could
transethosomes optimized formulation. be due to the formation of micelle structures at higher

concentration of sodium cholate. Hence it is advisable to use vesicle size (76.43 nm), entrapment efficiency (66.42%) and
optimum concentration of sodium cholate for the formulation flux (4.26 mg/cm2/h) generated by the Design Expert software.
of transethosomes vesicles. Furthermore, the polydispersity index and zeta potential
Further in this study, the point prediction method of (Figure 3(B)) value of optimized formulation was found to be
Box–Behnken design was utilized for the optimization of 0.130 ± 0.001 and 11.0 mV, respectively. The optimized for-
transethosomes formulation. The formulation composition mulation so produced was further evaluation for vesicles
with Lipoid S 100 (115.12 mg), ethanol (27.32%) and sodium morphology, vesicles-skin interaction study, confocal laser
cholate (13.75 mg) was found to fulfill requisites of an opti- scanning microscopy and dermatokinetic study.
mum formulation.
The optimized formulation had shown the vesicles size
Transethosomes morphology
of 74.21 ± 2.65 nm (Figure 3(A)), entrapment efficiency
of 68.31 ± 1.48% and flux of 4.13 ± 0.17 mg/cm2/h. These The TEM analysis image of optimized transethosomes
values are found in proximity to the predicted values for formulation revealed that the fisetin loaded vesicles are

Figure 6. Confocal micrographs in optical cross section perpendicular to rat skin surface (A) treated with hydroalcoholic solution of Rhodamin B and (B) treated with
optimized fisetin transethosomes formulation.

well-identified sealed structure with uniform size distribution presence of bands at various wave numbers. The appearance
and spherical in shapes (Figure 3(C)) [48]. of bands at specific wave numbers indicating the vibration of
lipids and proteins molecules of stratum corneum. The lipid
Transethosomes 2 skin interaction hydrocarbon peaks are distinguished from other by their sym-
metric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of CH2 bonds
In this study, rat skin treated with the transethosomes formu- with values as 2929 cm1 and 2851 cm1, respectively. The
lation was analyzed based on the endotherms of Tm and their stratum corneum proteins were showing bands for the amide
corresponding enthalpy DH in DSC thermogram and com-
I (C¼O stretching) and amide II (C–N stretching) bonds
pared with the DSC thermogram of untreated rat skin. The
stretching vibrations at a wave number of 1647 cm1 and
untreated rat skin presented Tm and DH values of 102.12  C
1550 cm1, respectively. The treatment of rat skin with fisetin
and 5017.507 J/g, respectively (Figure 4(A)). The transetho-
optimized transethosomes formulation led to a reduction on
somes treated skin sample had shown a substantial decline
the peak intensity of asymmetric and symmetric stretching
in the values of Tm and DH. The Tm value of rat skin treated
vibrations of CH2 in comparison to untreated skin (Figure 5).
with formulation was reduced to 80.38  C, while the DH value
This implies the extraction of stratum corneum lipids on
had drop sharply to 637.46 J/g in comparison to the
treatment of transethosomes formulation. The significant
untreated control skin (Figure 4(B)). It was reported that the
reduction of peaks intensity at 1647 cm1 and 1550 cm1 of
disruption of skin lipid bilayer could be detected by the shift
treated skin could be due to the interaction of applied formu-
in Tm to a lower value and the fluidization of lipid bilayer is
lation with skin proteins. The blue shift of CH2 stretching
denoted by a decline in DH value.
bands in treated skin also indicated the distortion lipid bilayer
The molecular organization of lipid matrixes of stratum
structure of rat skin [49,50].
corneum could be evaluated with the help of FTIR by the

Confocal laser scanning microscopy

The results of confocal laser scanning microscopy exhibited
that the hydro alcoholic solution of Rhodamine B remained
confined in the upper layers of skin and show penetration of
dye fluorescence up to the depth of 30 mm only (Figure 6(A)).
On the other hand, Rhodamine B-loaded transethosomes well
absorbed in the skin with deeper penetration of probe up to
70 mm (Figure 6(B)). The higher fluorescence intensity in the
middle region of the skin indicates that the formulation was
retained in the lower epidermal region in a higher amount
after crossing the upper epidermis. This is desirable for many
skin diseases including basal cell carcinoma and squamous
cell carcinoma as they are situated in this lower epidermal
region of skin [50]. Hence it was concluded that the prepared
transethosomes were effectively delivered Rhodamine B into
the deeper layers of the rat’s skin.

The relative concentration of fisetin in rat’s skin dermis and
epidermis at different time intervals is depicted in Figure
7(A). The observed values were analyzed statistically by
means of one factor ANOVA and are shown in Table 4. The
skin treated with transethosomes gel had shown significantly
higher CSkin max and AUC0–8 in the epidermis and dermis as
Figure 7. Figure showing (A) epidermal and (B) dermal fisetin concentra- compared to the conventional gel (Table 4). The high reten-
tion profile. tion of transethosomes gel could be due to the potency of

Table 4. Dermatokinetic parameters of fisetin conventional and transethosomes gel.

Fisetin conventional gel Fisetin transethosomes gel
Dermatokinetic parameters Epidermis Dermis Epidermis Dermis
TSkin max (h) 1.0 ± 0.1 1.5 ± 0.2 1.0 ± 0.1 1.0 ± 0.15
CSkin max (mg/cm2) 72.0 ± 5.0 46.0 ± 2.0 172.0 ± 13.0 227.0 ± 16.0
AUC0–8 (mg/cm2 h) 280.3 ± 15.0 201.3 ± 11.0 876.0 ± 19.0 1056.3 ± 25.0
Ke (h1) 0.200 ± 0.001 0.109 ± 0.008 0.084 ± 0.005 0.088 ± 0.001

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