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A Research Study

Presented to the Faculty of Senior High Department

St. Alexius College, Inc.

City of Koronadal, South Cotabato


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirement in



Batadlan, Krislene Kaye

Bergonio, Dan Patrick

Gendrala, Aubrhei Gayl S.

Kakinuma, Yuderami C.

October 2019
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude and genuine appreciation to
the following persons who have rendered their help and valuable assistance in this research
The St. Alexius College, who molded the researchers to become better by giving them
task to help them improve and develop different skills,

Jiecel Godinez and Catherine T. Deocades, LPT, the research advisers, whose expertise,
profound guidance and assistance, consistent advices, generous time and genuine support and
helped them bring this research into success.

Ernie A. Bonzo, RPO Coordinator, panelist, for his sound advice and for his utmost
consideration and assistance that helped improve the research.

Grade 12 Pythagoras Class of S.Y. 2019-202, who never failed to uplift them and lend a
helping hand whenever they needed them and shed undying support in stressful times.

The researchers’ parents and guardian parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rioja, Mr. and Mrs.
Gendrala, Mr. and Mrs. Kakinuma, Mr. and Mrs. Batadlan and Mr. and Mrs. Bergonio for their
unconditional love, patience, support in giving ideas about the research, for cheering up the
researchers, believing in their capabilities and for their financial support.

Above all, to the most gracious Lord God Almighty, for giving the researchers
wisdom, courage and bountiful blessings showered upon them that make this research study a
successful one.

The Researchers
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


In this study, the researchers shall attempt to discuss the Filipino Family Values one by

one and identify what are the common values being taught at home, being taught at school, being

valued the most and being practiced by the respondents. The researchers will use Stratified

Random and Non-Random Accidental Sampling where the researchers randomly pick a number

of respondents present. Junior High school and Senior High school students of St. Alexius

College are the respondents of the study. The research instrument used is Survey Questionnaire.

It contains questions relative about the study and the respondents are going to answer it by

checking the listed choices in each question. The researchers also asked for the official list of

Junior and Senior High School students from the teachers and students of each section for the

S.Y. 2019-2020 and will use Accidental non-random Sampling to identify the target respondent.

The researchers use Frequency and Ranking in their Statistical Treatment for the Presentation,

Analysis and Interpretation of Data.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


Page No

Title Page i

Approval Sheet ii

Acknowledgement iii

Abstract iv

Table of Contents v

List of figures vi

List of tables vii

Chapter I: Introduction

Background of the Study 1

Conceptual Framework 2

Statement of the Problem 2

Significance of the Study 3

Scope and Limitation of the Study 4

Definition of Terms 4

Chapter II:

Review of Related Literature 6

Chapter III: Methodology 17

Research Design 16

Locale of the Study 18

Respondents of the Study 19

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Sampling Technique 20

Research Instrument 20

Data Gathering Procedure 21

Statistical Treatment 22


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of 23


CHAPTER V: Summary, Conclusion and


Summary of Findings 30

Conclusion 32

Recommendations 33


Appendix A 34

Appendix B 37

Appendix C 40

Appendix D 43

Appendix E 45

Appendix F 47

Bibliography 48

Curriculum Vitae 50
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



Background of the Study

Values Integration is a channel of values development through the teaching-learning

activities in the different learning areas. Values integration does not mean quoting a value and

discussing it. It is teaching the students to see a personal meaning in whatever teachers teach in

the classroom.

Family plays a huge role in almost every culture in existence. Everyone on this planet is

part of a family, whether it is their biological family or one of their own making. The glue that

binds such a family is the core values that they choose to uphold. Family values then include the

qualities that are most important to us as a family, such as integrity, hard work and kindness; they

also define what you believe is right and wrong. Your family’s moral definitions might shape you

for example, what you consider acceptable for public conduct work, ethic, and social views.

Something that’s very important to teach children is moral values because moral values, directly

or indirectly, affect everything you can do in life, and it all starts at home.

According to Michael (2016), Even though the world changes rapidly, the values that

students need to develop are actually not really much different to those that were taught in

ancient generations. It is just the application of those values in education that has changed.

Showing respect to others, for instance, or caring for the environment are just as important as

they ever were – and maybe even more so – but they are now applicable in a variety of new

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

This study shows the common family values taught at home and in school and the way

those values are being practiced by the respondents. The researchers chose this topic in order to

identify if the respondents are valuing those values and so as if they are practicing it. The

researchers want to know if there is a contradictor or parallelism of what people value and


Conceptual Framework


 Teaching
Family values
 Valuing

 Living

The framework above shows that the study is about family values which is the

independent variable, while the dependent variables are the teaching, valuing and living because

these concepts connects to the main topic, and these are the variables that shows how the

respondents practice and lived within the values.

Statement of the Problem

The study will determine the family values taught, valued, and lived by the respondents.

Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

1. What are the family values commonly taught at home and in the school?

2. What are the family values being valued the most by the respondents?

3. What are the family values being practiced by the respondents?

Significance of the study

The significance of the study is a part of the introduction of a thesis. It should determine

who benefits from the study and how that specific audience will benefit from its findings.

The recipients will benefit from this study. They can learn from the information of this

study and apply it in their daily lives and change their ways of living in a better way. This will

help them to develop responsibility, honesty and respect that are usually considered just as

important as teaching reading or comprehension skills. This can be beneficial to students to

develop their relationship within their family and friends and to improve themselves.

This study is very important because not only the readers will benefit from this study.

The researchers will be able to fully understand the importance of values in one’s self for he/she

maybe also one of the students that could benefit from this study. The researcher could also

improve his behaviour and learn more from this study that surely will help him to be a better

person he was before.

This study is also important to the parents because they are the ones who are responsible

in helping their children. There are lots of great values to teach their child, which can help them

to avoid peer pressure or the temptation to conform to consumer culture’s demands.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

This will also help the teachers to improve their teaching especially in values integration.

They might consider this study to help them identify what are those values they should taught

first to the students.

The school is the one who is going to reach out to the parents to help them be aware of

what is happening to their children or what kind of behaviour the students has. They might

consider this study to be helpful because it can help them improve their system or way of


This study is conducted to help evaluate what are the differences of values that are taught

in home and values that are being taught in school. This could help the society to realize that

values or moral values are important in their daily lives because it affects everything they do,

especially to their future.

Scope and limitation

The scope of the study involves the time & money spent, the tools/materials and

techniques used, and the number of personnel needed for the experiment to be completed.

The researchers will conduct this study mostly in their school, St. Alexius College, and at

their homes. Junior and Senior High School students of St. Alexius College will be the

respondents of this study. The study is about the family values being taught in home and school

to the respondents and how to develop and build up their relationship. It does not include the

other factors that can affect the values being lived by the respondents; it only talks about family

values and values taught in school.

The main source of this research is to gather data collection on how the values are being
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

lived by the students, if there is a difference between valuing values at home and school; on how

each students give importance of valuing family traditions. Students will answer the given

questions in the survey that are only related to Family Values and Values taught in school.

Definition of terms

Teaching- Teaching is fundamentally a process, including planning, implementation,

evaluation and revision. Planning and teaching class familiar ideas.

Living- sustaining life, creating moments and memories with loved ones, is not just to

consume and enhance life but it is being grateful whatever it is.

Valuing- giving importance to everything and by showing respect to others and worth.

Filipino Family Values- values that the students of junior and senior high school practice

or value.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


Review of Related Literature

The chapter II contains studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to which

the present proposed study is relate or has some bearing or similarity. They are usually

unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses, and dissertations.

Family is a strong word. It is the most important thing in our life. It means to feel secure

to have someone who you can count on, who shares your problem, but it also means to have

respect for each other and responsibility.

The first education begins in the family. If a child doesn’t learn anything in his/her

family, he/she cannot be successful. Love, respect and morals are things that starts from the


Everybody leaves but the family is permanent. The family members never leave each

other behind. Teenagers sometimes hate their parents but their parents always understand about

this situation. If their children fall into wrong paths, they try to save them because that is what

families do.

Family has different activities that they do together. According to Clark (2013) Family

rituals are other meaningful way to create family values. These rituals can be a simple as eating a

meal together every day, celebrating birthdays, holidays or other special event.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Family values are shared by having discussions about current events or situations your

child is exposed to in everyday life. Try not to isolate your child too much. Gradually, expose

them to different situations in society and help them learn how to deal with conflicting values.

You then can have great conversations on how everyone has different sets of values and morals.

Family values are the foundation that guides us. They are created from

the morals, integrity and rules on how we live our life. These values dictate how we parent,

manage money, deal with relationships and more. Many human development

specialists and studies have written on the importance of family values and morals. Values teach

what the household believes is right and wrong.

Parents and caregivers can do a number of things to pass on family values to their

children. For family values to work, they need to have worth and value to everyone in the

household. They are about teaching and if they are not practicing what they preach, then they are

creating a double standard. For example, if “no swearing” is a rule then they should not swear. If

they tell their children one thing but have done the opposite, they have decreased the worth of the

moral or value. The chances of their children adopting that moral or value will become less.

Values give families a guide on how they live their life. It influences decision making,

relationships, influences judgment and behavior. As parents and caregivers, family values protect

the kids against making hurtful decisions in the future.

The phrase “family values”, According to (Price 2016) conjures an array of reactions in

today’s politically charged world, and that’s a shame because whether our family values are
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

conservative or liberal, they shouldn’t really change the ideals we hold for raising and educating

our children.

Filipino values refer to the set of values or the value system that a majority of the Filipino

have traditionally held important in their lives. This Filipino values includes unique cultural and

personal values that an individual holds to spread and influence next generation to develop and

acquire those traditions, upbringing obligation, friendship, religion, relationship and other factors

within society.

A Filipino values symbolizes cultural attributes of the Philippines which specify the

moral being of a Filipino people. Traditions, beliefs, religion are mainly important for Filipino


The Filipino family consists of many traditional values that have been treasured and

passed on for many generations already. These values are incredibly beneficial.

Filipino Family Values taught at home and school:

Saying “po” and “opo”

Respect in an English translation of “paggalang” means to be respectful or to give respect

to a person. According to Gendrala, A. Filipinos are accustomed to using the words ‘’po”, “opo”,

and “ho” when they are conversing with older people or, sometimes, with those who are in a

high role or a prestigious member of the society. These words are used to show respect to people
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

of elder level. Even adults will be criticized for not using these words when speaking with their

parents or people older than them. Inside the family, the parents are expected to receive the

highest respect from the children along with the elder siblings; as they are given more

responsibilities to look after younger siblings when parents are not around. Using the words is

customary in the Philippines, and it shows a sign of respect if you do so. “Paggalang” can also be

shown toward your elders by kissing their hands before leaving/to say goodbye and upon

arrival/to greet them. The younger members of the family can show respect toward older siblings

by calling them “kuya” (older brother) or “ate” (older sister).

Avoid talking back

Children fighting back or addressing parents or elder siblings with arrogant tone are not

at all tolerated. According to Gendrala, A. parents do not like their children talking back at them

when they try to discipline their child. They should not talk back as a sign of respect to their

parents and obedience.

Being obedient

Being obedient means someone who knows the rules and follows instructions. The word

obedient comes from a Latin word meaning “to obey”, it’s easy to remember what obedient

means. Obedience to God in the bible relates to hearing a higher authority. Being obedient means

willing to do what you have been told to do by someone in authority.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

According to Lofgreen K. being obedient means being willing to make right choices.

Being Honest

Being honest leads to a fulfilling and free life, honesty is not just about telling the truth,

it’s about being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you want and what you

need to live your most authentic life. Honesty promotes openness, empowers us and enables us

to develop consistency in how we present the facts, truthful and sincere no matter what.

Honesty is the recognition of the fact that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, the

neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if obtained by fraud.

Many children think honesty means you don’t tell a lie and that is definitely part of being

honest. But honesty means more than not lying and shows good character is a positive social

character trait where you tell the truth, promotes courage, care, circle of love, maturity, and self


According to Gendrala, A. honesty helps to build trust, improve the relationship, and

develop societies. That’s why honesty is really important to live freely, happy and prosperous in

life. An example of honest is someone admitting they cheated on a test.

No swearing or cursing

According to Gendrala, A. no swearing or cursing, is also one of the values being taught

at home and in school, its probably safe to assume that as long as humans have been speaking,

we’ve been cussing and cursing. What can the connection between “curses,” “swear”, “cuss” and

“profanity” tell us about all the words we aren’t supposed to say, yet say with great frequency?
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Swearing and poor language is not acceptable in any professional setting. Swearing is

dysfunctional to the cohesiveness of teams. Many employees find use of expletives as

discourteous and quickly lose respect for those using profane language.

Bad language is unacceptable behavior. Organizations should require that employees exercise

common sense and avoid using colorful language.

The use of profanity or “dirty”, words is almost a developmentally normal behavior for

children during middle childhood and early adolescence. For these youngsters, swearing is often

a sign of being worldly-wise and unafraid to be a little ‘bad”.

This phenomenon of cursing seems to lose its attraction and abate as children become

more mature. Until then, youngsters often delight in shocking their parents with the swear words

they have learned away from home. It is not a sign of emotional disturbance. However, if there

are other problems chronic lying, chronic stealing, or difficulty with peers than swearing may be

just another symptom of a psychological pr social disturbance.

These can be involved in daily habits but we should remember respecting and valuing

others can be more important than impressing others without morality.

Prioritizing family first

According to Gendrala, A. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya (Prioritizing Family) is one of the

values taught at home and in school. “Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya” in other words: putting

importance on your family. This implies that a person will place a high regard on their family

and prioritize that before anything else. For example, this is why it's not uncommon for a father

or a mother in a Filipino family from the Philippines to seek employment abroad or a job they
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

don't want just to earn a decent wage for their family. They've placed the utmost priority on

meeting the family’s basic needs and toward practicing “pagpapahalaga sa pamilya”.

According to Bautista, R (2011) there is many OFW’s (Overseas Filipino Workers)

because the Filipinos loved and valued the welfare of their family. They are willing to sacrifice

all for their sake. While Viray, R said it is a family that matters most to all Filipinos. Everything

else is also anchored on family. It is the family from which the Filipinos draw much love,

support and endless happiness.

Filipinos highly value the presence of their families more than anything. Regardless of

the liberal influence they have gotten from the west, the family remained the basic unit of their

society. This trait clearly shows among Filipinos abroad who suffer homesickness and tough

work just to support their families back home in the Philippines.


This is one of the most popular qualities of Filipinos, according to Batadlan, K.

Foreigners who have gone to the Philippines find themselves falling in love with the warm

hospitality they are shown. It's a different kind of value system, which has existed for thousands

of years. Here are some examples of the hospitality that Filipinos show, not only to foreigners,

but also to their fellow citizens -- When a person visits a friend's house, the host greets him or

her with a very warm welcome. The host will immediately let their visitor sit down and will

prepare a meal or a snack plus drinks for the visitor. The host will insist that the friend not leave

the house with an empty stomach. A host will always make sure you had a great time visiting
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

them. People offer their guest room to visitors if they're going to spend the night. Meals offered

to guests are very special. A host always finds a way to prepare great tasting food that her visitor

wants to eat.

Generosity and Helpfulness

Filipinos are generous people. Even when they have very little, they always share with

those around them. During special occasions such as birthdays or "fiestas" —parties when people

from other places visit your home to celebrate with you—there are lots of foods specially

prepared for everyone! Friends, family, friends of friends and even strangers can gather and they

are always willing to share food and help out. When a neighbor is in trouble, Filipinos are always

ready to help them. According to Gendrala, A. Helping others is one the values being taught at

home and also in school. It means of having the will to help others without expecting something

in return. You want to help other people not because of the benefit you will have from them,

instead because it is your heart’s desire to help them.

Praying together

It increases trust and intimacy with spouse: Intimacy is built on trust and trust is built on

how we respond to being vulnerable with each other, helps you show and receive trust that

strengthens the bonds of intimacy in your relationship. Prayer is the foundation of the Christian

home and is one of the best ways to help your family thrive. We are living in a time where we

are experiencing an unprecedented cultural attack on biblical values and the structure of the

home. When you pray out loud, it gives your family the opportunity to release their deepest
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

hurts, giving them a voice. When you give your emotions a voice and a name, they become

valid. According to Gendrala, A., one of the Filipino family values is praying together. Praying

before eating is a must and parents also taught their child to pray before going to sleep.

Being “mapagkumbaba”

There are a number of behaviors you can adopt to be considered a fair and impartial

manager. Model and rules and behaviors, change the rules when necessary and be considerate of

others. Important to building this trust is making decisions that are seen as “fair to everyone”. A

personal characteristic of a person which is he/she is willing to understand and swallow his/her

pride for something good.

According to Kakinuma, Y. being “mapagkumbaba” is lowering your pride whenever

there is an argument.

Being humble

According to Bergonio, D, humble means something to look up to and modest without a

feeling of inferiority. When having an achievement you do not brag or boast about it.

Learns how to appreciate

Saying “thank you” is a way of showing appreciation to others. Take a few moments in

each day to notice useful or beautiful things around you and smile at them. According to

Kakinuma Y, appreciating others means valuing them. It may act in a little or simple way but the

gratitude are certain and significance.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Knows how to apologize

Express regret for something that one has done wrong and by admitting the sin they have

caused. According to Gendrala, A. saying “sorry” and not doing the same mistake again is one

way to show that you are sincere with your apology.

Knows how to forgive

According to Gendrala, A. this is one of the values being taught at both home and

school. Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or

vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually

deserve your forgiveness, forgiveness brings the forgiver peace of mind and frees him or her

from corrosive anger. In that way, it empowers you to recognize the pain you suffered without

letting that pain define you, enabling you to heal and move on with your life. According to

Collins, if you say that someone could be forgiven for doing something, you mean that they were

wrong or mistaken, but not seriously, because many people would have done the same thing in

those circumstances.

Listening to others

Good listening connects you to the world and helps you understand your responsibilities,

being a good listener fosters meaningful relationships with those around you. Finally, listening to

others and listening well is important for your personal development because it allows you to

expand your thoughts. Part of really listening is responding in a way that shows the other person
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

we are paying attention. We can demonstrate we are truly listening in a way of understanding


According to Batadlan, K. one of the traits that the parents teach their children is know

how to listen. It is important to listen to others to know what they feel and to be able to help

others if they have a problem.


In tagalong “Pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba”. Putting yourself in one's shoe is the

best way to understand a person. We are not experiencing the same situation and emotion at the

same time. Thus, we have to be careful with our words and actions. The best thing to do is smile,

ask, and be a friend.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



Research methodology is the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select,

process, and analyze information about a topic. The methodology section contains Research

Design, Research Locale, Research Instrument, Respondents of the study, Data Gathering

Procedure and Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

The researchers will use Quantitative research design. Quantitative research gathers data

in a numerical form which can be put into categories, or in rank order, or measured in units of

measurement. This type of data can be used to construct graphs and tables of raw data. The

researchers will use survey-questionnaires in gathering the data.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Family Values: Teaching, Valuing

and Living

Research Design
Teaching Quantitative Research

Locale of the Study

St. Alexius College
Junior and Senior High
school students of St.
Living Alexius College

Sampling Technique
Random and Non-
Random Sampling
(Stratified and Accidental)

Research Instrument
Survey Questionnaire

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers ask for the official list
of Junior and Senior High School
students from the teachers and
students of each section for the S.Y.
2019-2020 and will use Accidental
non-random Sampling to identify the
target respondent and give them

Statistical Treatment
Figure 2.Research Diagram and Ranking
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Locale of the Study

The researchers will conduct the study at St. Alexius College that was located in Joaquin

St, Poblacion, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato. It was established in June 1971. St Alexius

College is a premier secondary institution of learning stands to build dreams and aspirations for

the search of newer and broader perspective in the field of education and will continue to strive

for better quality education. This place was selected for knowing the efficiency of the said study

among Senior High School students.

The map above shows the specific area or place way to St. Alexius College, where the

researchers will conduct the study

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be the Junior High and Senior High school students of

St. Alexius College who are officially enrolled in the first semester in the school year 2019-2020.

The total population of the Junior and Senior High school students was gathered by the

researchers through asking the students and the advisers on how many students are there in their

section and summing them all up. By having the total of 389 Junior and Senior High school

students and considering the 0.05 marginal errors, Sloven’s formula was used to determine the

number of respondents, thus the total number of sample is 197 respondents. The sample size to

serve as respondents of the study was determined by dividing the total students of each section to

the overall population of the Junior and Senior High school students. Then the result will

multiply to the number of samples to take the tests.

The respondents came from all the sections of the Junior and Senior High School

Department and will be Chosen using Random Stratified and Accidental sampling.

Thus, the table below shows the Junior High and Senior High School population, the

sample size to take the test, and the total number of respondents of this study.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Grade level and

sections of Senior Total population of Sample Size Percentage
High school students students

Grade 7 (Alcala) 18 9 4.58

Grade 7 (Manansala) 21 11 5.58
Grade 8 (Romero) 23 12 6.09
Grade 8 (Tolentino) 23 12 6.09
Grade 9 (Amorsolo) 26 13 6.60
Grade 10 (Arcellana) 27 14 7.11
Grade 11 ---- ---- ----
Oxygen 32 16 8.12
Hydrogen 31 16 8.12
Zeus 28 14 7.11
Poseidon 33 17 8.63
Grade 12 ---- ---- ----
Archimedes 29 15 7.61
Pythagoras 30 15 7.61
Athena 30 15 7.61
Aphrodite 38 18 9.14
Total: 389 197 100

Sampling Technique

The researchers will use Stratified Random and Non-Random Accidental Sampling.

Stratified Sampling in which the members of the population are divided into separate groups,

called strata, while the Accidental sampling is where the researchers randomly pick a number of

respondents present.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Research Instrument

The research instruments are the tools that the researchers will use to gather data about

their study. The researchers will use survey-questionnaires to help distinguish the results on a

topic of interest from research subject, to record obtain data that are relevant on the said study.

The questions will be related on how values are taught in home and school, being lived by the

students and how family values do and values taught in school differ or reflect on each other.

There will be values listed in the questions and the respondents will answer it by checking the

checklist if those values are being taught to them, if they value it and if they practice it.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers have done comprehension about family values and values integration.

They have used the internet and the library sources for gathering information about the topic.

The researchers searched about Family, Filipino Family Values, and Values that most people

value and practice and putted all the information in the Review of Related Literature that the

researchers find relevant for the study.

The researchers have gathered data on how many students are there in each section by

asking the advisers and some students and solved for the sample size by using the Sloven’s


The researchers will then use a systematic random technique in gathering data that

pertains and reliable in the research study. The researchers will use Stratified and Accidental

Non-Random Sampling, in which the respondents will be chosen randomly by giving the

questionnaires to the respondents present.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

The researchers will then conduct and use survey-questionnaires in order to collect

relevant data information for their research paper. The researchers will make use of a written

survey’s that is in a checklist form with questions that are related to the topic. The questionnaire

will be in a listed form where the respondents will answer it by checking if the value listed is

being taught to them, if they are valuing that value and if they are practicing it. In that way the

researchers will assess if there is a contradictor or parallelism of what people value and practice.

Statistical Treatment

The researcher’s statistical treatment objective is to measure the relatedness to statistical,

mathematical, or numerical analysis of data collected through, questionnaires, and surveys, or by

manipulating pre-existing statistical data using computational techniques. The researchers will

use Frequency and Ranking since the type of survey that will be conducted is in a checklist and

ranking form. Frequency is a summary table that shows the frequency of each value in range. It

returns multiple values and must be entered as array formula. It means everywhere; a count of

how often something occurred. This could be how many times an event happened or happened

within a given time frame. The ranking is a position in a scale of achievement or status of a

classification. A ranking is a set of items such that, for any items, the first is either ranker higher

than, ranked lower than or ranked equal to the second. In mathematics, this is known as a weak

order or total preorder of objects.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



The purpose of this chapter is to summarize the collected data and the statistical

treatment, and/or mechanics, of analysis. The first paragraph should briefly restate the problem,

taken from chapter 1. Explain the object of each experiment, question, or objective, point out

sailent results, and present those results by table, figure, or other form of summarized data. Make

statements of the results without any implication, speculation, assessment, evaluation, or

interpretation. Sometimes the result and discussion are combined into one chapter; but in

general, keep the results, and the conclusions and discussion separate.

Do not repeat in tedious prose what it is obvious for a knowledgeable peer to see at a

glance. The dissertation advisor usually has an opinion about the level of detail needed in this

chapter. Table titles and figure captions should be understandable without reading the chapter

text. Note all relevant results, even those that were contrary to the alternative hypotheses, or

those that tend to distract from clear determinations.

The Filipino Family Values listed are discussed in this chapter by identifying if those

values are being: Taught at Home, Taught at School, Valued, and Applied in everyday life.

The Filipino Family Values Taught at Home and School listed are discussed in this

chapter in relations to their importance to the respondents which are: Saying po and opo, Avoid

talking back, Being obedient, Being honest, No swearing or cursing, Prioritizing family first,
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Being hospitable or friendly, Being generous, Helping others, Praying together, Being

“mapagkumbaba”, Being humble, Know how to appreciate, Know how to apologize, Know how

to forgive, Listening to others, Having empathy or “pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba”.



Family Values Frequency Rank

Saying po and opo 169 3
Avoid talking back 127 16
Being obedient 148 10
Being honest 171 1.5
No swearing or cursing 111 17
Prioritizing family first 135 14.5
Being hospitable or friendly 146 11
Being generous 135 14.5
Helping others 164 4
Praying together 138 12
Being “mapagkumbaba” 137 13
Being humble 155 7
Know how to appreciate 162 5
Know how to apologize 171 1.5
Know how to forgive 160 6
Listening to others 152 8
Having empathy or “pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba” 151 9

Table II shows the frequency responses of the respondents on the Filipino family values

taught at home. The Top five highest values are: Know how to apologize, Being honest, Saying

“po” and “opo”, helping others, learns how to appreciate. The top three lowest are: Avoid talking

back, Prioritizing family first, Being generous, being “mapagkumbaba”. According to Gendrala,

A. one of the values being taught at home is knows how to apologize and saying “sorry” and not

doing the same mistake again is one way to show that you are sincere with your apology, with a
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

171 frequency and is the highest among the other values. The next highest value is Being honest,

having the frequency of also 171 which mean leads to a fulfilling and free life, honesty is not just

about telling the truth, it’s about being real with yourself and others about who you are, what you

want and what you need to live your most authentic life. Honesty is the recognition of the fact

that the unreal is unreal and can have no value, the neither love nor fame nor cash is a value if

obtained by fraud.

Many children think honesty means you don’t tell a lie and that is definitely part of being

honest. But honesty means more than not lying and shows good character is a positive social

character trait where you tell the truth, promotes courage, care, and circle of love, maturity, and

self acceptance.

The next value has a frequency of 169 which is about respect or “paggalang” means to be

respectful or to give respect to a person. According to Gendrala, A. Filipinos are accustomed to

using the words ‘’po”, “opo”, and “ho” when they are conversing with older people or,

sometimes, with those who are in a high role or a prestigious member of the society. These

words are used to show respect to people of elder level.

According to Gendrala, A. Helping others is one the values being taught at home and also

in school that has a frequency of 164. It means of having the will to help others without

expecting something in return. You want to help other people not because of the benefit you will

have from them, instead because it is your heart’s desire to help them.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Saying “thank you” is a way of showing appreciation to others and this value has a

frequency of 162. Take a few moments in each day to notice useful or beautiful things around

you and smile at them. According to Kakinuma Y, appreciating others means valuing them. It

may act in a little or simple way but the gratitude are certain and significance.



Family Values Frequency Rank

Saying po and opo 154 9
Avoid talking back 128 14.5
Being obedient 143 11
Being honest 165 3.5
No swearing or cursing 123 16
Prioritizing family first 98 17
Being hospitable or friendly 144 10
Being generous 141 12
Helping others 181 1
Praying together 139 13
Being “mapagkumbaba” 128 14.5
Being humble 162 5
Know how to appreciate 158 6.5
Know how to apologize 166 2
Know how to forgive 165 3.5
Listening to others 155 8
Having empathy or “pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba” 158 6.5

Table III on the next page shows the frequency responses of the respondents on the

Filipino family values taught at school. The Top five highest values are: Helping others, know

how to apologize, know how to forgive, Being honest, and Being humble. The top three lowest

are: Prioritizing family first, No swearing or cursing, being “mapagkumbaba, Avoid talking
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

back. According to Gendrala, A. Helping others is one the values being taught at home and also

in school. It has a frequency of 181. The next value is Knows how to apologize by having a

frequency of 166. The next values are Being honest and Knows how to forgive by having a

frequency of 165. According to Gendrala, A. this is one of the values being taught at both home

and school. Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or

vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually

deserve your forgiveness, forgiveness brings the forgiver peace of mind and frees him or her

from corrosive anger. In that way, it empowers you to recognize the pain you suffered without

letting that pain define you, enabling you to heal and move on with your life. According to

Collins, if you say that someone could be forgiven for doing something, you mean that they were

wrong or mistaken, but not seriously, because many people would have done the same thing in

those circumstances.

Lastly, one of the highest values being taught at home is Being Humble with the

frequency of 162. According to Bergonio, D, humble means something to look up to and modest

without a feeling of inferiority. When having an achievement you do not brag or boast about it.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



Family Values Frequency Rank

Saying po and opo 145 5
Avoid talking back 107 16
Being obedient 114 15
Being honest 147 3.5
No swearing or cursing 78 17
Prioritizing family first 118 13
Being hospitable or friendly 128 10
Being generous 120 12
Helping others 147 3.5
Praying together 123 11
Being “mapagkumbaba” 115 14
Being humble 141 7.8
Know how to appreciate 144 6
Know how to apologize 163 1
Know how to forgive 160 2
Listening to others 141 7.5
Having empathy or “pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba” 140 9

Table IV on the next page shows the frequency responses of the respondents on the

Filipino family values that valued the most. The top five highest are: Know how to apologize,

know how to forgive, Being honest, Helping others, Saying “po” and “opo”. The top three lowest

are: Avoid talking back, Being obedient, No swearing or cursing.

The first highest value that is being valued the most by the students is Knows how to

apologize by having the frequency of 163. Next value is Knows how to forgive by having the

frequency of 160. The next values are Being honest and Helping others with the frequency of

147. Lastly, the last highest value is Saying “po” and “opo” with the frequency of 145.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



Family Values Frequency Rank

Saying po and opo 152 6
Avoid talking back 110 15
Being obedient 130 12
Being honest 156 3
No swearing or cursing 77 17
Prioritizing family first 109 16
Being hospitable or friendly 136 11
Being generous 120 14
Helping others 155 4
Praying together 137 10
Being “mapagkumbaba” 129 13
Being humble 152 6
Know how to appreciate 152 6
Know how to apologize 161 2
Know how to forgive 164 1
Listening to others 148 8
Having empathy or “pag-intindisanararamdaman ng iba” 144 9

Table V on the next page shows the frequency responses of the respondents on the

Filipino family values they applying in their everyday life. The top five highest are: Know how

to forgive, Know how to apologize, Being honest, Helping others, Saying “po” and “opo”, Being

humble, and Know how to appreciate. The top three lowest are: No swearing or cursing,

prioritizing family first, and Avoid talking back.

The first highest values that are being applied in everyday life by the students is Knows

how to forgive with the frequency of 164. The next value has a frequency of 161 is Know s how

to apologize. Being honest is the next highest value with the frequency of 156. The next one is

Helping others with the frequency of 155. The last highest values are Saying “po” and “opo”,

Being humble, and Know how to appreciate, all of it having the same frequency of 152.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines



In this chapter concludes this report a summary of the research is presented, and findings

of the study are discussed and conclusion and recommendation. Required to evaluate your own

work and provide personal insights and interpretation of the results. However, this does not mean

that you give your opinions. Insight and interpretation based on the constraints of scholarly

writing in which you mention what the study means to the field of practice, to previous research

and study.

This study attempted to discussed and identify the Filipino Family Values being taught, at

home and school, to the students of St. Alexius College. The specific questions which this study

attempted to answer are as follows:

1. What are the family values commonly taught at home and in the school?

2. What are the family values being valued the most by the respondents?

3. What are the family values being practiced by the respondents?

The Quantitative Method was used in this study. The data were gathered through survey

questionnaires which was administered to the 389 students and representing 197 respondents.

The student respondents were utilized to supply the data pertinent to the problem at hand.

The Filipino Family Values listed are: saying “po” and “opo”, avoid talking back, being

obedient, being honest, no swearing or cursing, prioritizing family first, being hospitable or

friendly, being generous, helping others, praying together, being “mapagkumbaba”, being

humble, know how to appreciate, know how to apologize, know how to forgive, listening to

others, and having empathy or “pag-intindi sa nararamdaman ng iba”.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

The top five Filipino family values being taught at home are: know how to apologize

with the frequency of 171, being honest with also the frequency of 171, the next value is saying

“po” and “opo” with the frequency of 169, the nextvalue is helping others with the frequency of

164, and the last value is know how to appreciate with the frequency of 162. The lowest Filipino

family values taught at home are: avoid talking back with the frequency of 127, the second value

is prioritizing family first with the frequency of 135, and the third value is being generous with

the frequency of 135 and the being “mapagkumbaba” with the frequency of 151.

The top five Filipino family values being taught at school are: helping others with the

frequency of 181, the second value is know how to apologize with the frequency of 166, the third

value is know how to forgive with the frequency of 165, the fourth value is being honest with the

frequency of 165, and the last value is being humble with the frequency of 162. The top three

lowest values are: prioritizing family first with the frequency of 98, the second value is no

swearing or cursing with the frequency of 123, the third value are being “mapagkumbaba” with

the frequency of 128 and avoid talking back with the frequency of 128.

The top five family values being valued the most are: know how to apologize with the

frequency of 163, the second value is know how to forgive with the frequency of 160, the third

value is being honest with the frequency of 147, the fourth value is helping others with the

frequency of 147, and the last value is saying “po” and “opo” with the frequency of 145. The top

three lowest are: avoid talking back with the frequency of 107, the second value is being

obedient with the frequency of 114, and the third value is no swearing or cursing with the

frequency of 78.

The top five Filipino family values being applied in their everyday life are: know how to
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

forgive with the frequency of 164, the second value is know how to apologize with the frequency

of 161, the third value is being honest with the frequency of 156, the fourth value is helping

others with the frequency of 155, and the last values are saying “po” and “opo” with the

frequency of 152, being humble with the frequency of 152 and know how to appreciate with the

frequency of 152. The lowest value are: no swearing or cursing with the frequency of 77, the

second value is prioritizing family first with the frequency of 109, and the third value is avoid

talking back with the frequency of 110.


Based on the analysis and interpretation of the findings of the study the following

conclusions are reached:

1. The top five highest Filipino Family Values that the Junior High School and

Senior High School taught them at home are: Knows how to apologize, Being

honest, Saying “po” and “opo”, Helping others, and Knows how to appreciate.

The lowest Filipino Family Values taught them are: Avoid talking back,

Prioritizing family first, Being generous, and Being “mapagkumbaba”.

2. The top five highest Filipino Family Values that the Junior High School and

Senior High School taught them at School are: Helping others, Knows how to

apologize, Knows how to forgive, Being honest, and Being humble. The lowest

Filipino Family Values taught them are: Prioritizing family first, No swearing or

cursing, Being “Mapagkumbaba”, Avoid talking back.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

3. The top five highest Filipino Family Values that the Junior High School and

Senior High School valued the most are: Knows how to apologize, Knows how to

forgive, Being honest, helping others, and Saying “po” and “opo”. The lowest

Filipino Family Values Valued by them are: Avoid talking back, Being obedient,

and No swearing and cursing.

4. The top five highest Filipino Family Values that the Junior High School and

Senior High School applied to their everyday life are: Knows how to forgive,

Knows how to apologize, Being honest, Helping others, Saying “po’ and “opo”,

Being humble, and Knows how to appreciate. The lowest Filipino Family Values

Applied by the students are: No swearing or cursing, Prioritizing family first, and

Avoid talking back.

Filipino Family Values just like Knows how to apologize are taught them at home and

school, also they valued it and applied to their everyday life. Being honest is also taught them at

home and school, also they valued it and applied to their everyday life. Saying “po” and “opo”

taught them at home but not in school, also they valued it the most and applied to their everyday

life. Helping others taught them at home and school, also valued it the most and applied to their

everyday life. Knows how to appreciate taught them at home but not at school, also they applied

it to their everyday life but not valued it the most. Knows how to forgive taught them at school

but not at home, also they valued it the most and applied to their everyday life. Being humble

taught them at school but not at home; also they applied it to their everyday life but not valued it

the most. Filipino Family Values like Avoid talking back is one of the lowest results that being

taught at home and school, also valued and applied to their everyday life. Prioritizing family first
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

is also one of the lowest results that being taught at home and school and being applied to their

everyday life. Being “mapagkumbaba” is also one of the lowest results that being taught at home

and school. No swearing or cursing is also one of the lowest results being taught at school,

valued and applied to their everyday life. Being generous is one of the top three lowest results

that being taught at home. Being obedient is one of the top three lowest results that being valued

the most.


On the bases of the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations are made:

1. A great majority of the students in Junior High school and Senior High school needs to be

learned and apply the Filipino Family Values mentioned. Thus, it should be put into


2. Filipino Family Values should be a part of the educational program in all level to educate

and progress the characteristic of each students. This may serve as a motivational in terms

of their behavior and manner.

3. These values should be strengthened and students must be aware of their actions and

adopt the proper selection and preparation for themselves.

4. A study on the relationship between students and Filipino Family Values to acquire

development and improvement in the characters and lead to a better understanding needs

and problems of the student.

St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

5. Generally, share family values, especially on those related to child rearing for both

parents, and child-bearing, there indications that such views also differ across educational


6. Filipinos child and family must centered with these values to placed a high respect to

everyone for the authority of parents, and on children as the center of a family goal.
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

Name:(optional)_____________________________________ Grade Level &


Letter for Respondents

Dear Respondents,

Please take your time in answering the questionnaire, as it will help the
researchers to identify the Filipino family values taught at your home and in the school. It will
also help them know if those values being taught are being valued and practiced. Thank you for
your time and support.

The Researchers,
STEM - Grade 12 students, St Alexius College

Directions: Listed below are the common Filipino Family Values. Kindly check the blank which
of these is applicable to you (check as many as applicable).

Part I. Filipino Family Values taught at Home.

Which of the following family values you are being taught at home?
 Saying po and opo  Being humble
 Avoid talking back  Know how to appreciate
 Being obedient  Know how to apologize
 Being honest  Know how to forgive
 No swearing or cursing  Listening to others
 Prioritizing family first  Having empathy or “pag-
 Being hospitable or friendly intindi sa nararamdaman ng
 Being generous iba”
 Helping others
 Praying together _______________________
 Being “mapagkumbaba” Others (please specify)

Part II. Filipino Family Values taught at School.

Which of the following family values you are being taught at school?
 Saying po and opo  No swearing or cursing
 Avoid talking back  Prioritizing family first
 Being obedient  Being hospitable or friendly
 Being honest  Being generous
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

 Helping others  Listening to others

 Praying together  Having empthy or “pag-
 Being “mapagkumbaba” iintindi sa nararamdaman ng
 Being humble iba”
 Know how to appreciate
 Know how to apologize Others (please specify)
 Know how to forgive

Part III. Valuing Values

Which of these family values you value the most?

 Saying po and opo  Being humble

 Avoid talking back  Know how to appreciate
 Being obedient  Know how to apologize
 Being honest  Know how to forgive
 No swearing or cursing  Listening to others
 Prioritizing family first  Having empathy or “pag-
 Being hospitable or friendly intindi sa nararamdaman ng
 Being generous iba”
 Helping others
 Praying together
Others (please specify)
 Being “mapagkumbaba”

Part IV. Family Values practices

Which of these family values you are applying in your everyday life?

 Saying po and opo  Being humble

 Avoid talking back  Know how to appreciate
 Being obedient  Know how to apologize
 Being honest  Know how to forgive
 No swearing or cursing  Listening to others
 Prioritizing family first  Having empathy or “pag-
 Being hospitable or friendly intindi sa nararamdaman ng
 Being generous iba”
 Helping others
 Praying together
Others (please specify)
 Being “mapagkumbaba”
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


Question No. 1 Question No. 2
Family Values Frequency % Frequency %
Saying po and opo 169 6.67 154 6.14
Avoid talking back 127 5.02 128 5.10
Being obedient 148 5.85 143 5.70
Being honest 171 6.75 165 6.58
No swearing or cursing 111 4.38 123 4.90
Prioritizing family first 135 5.33 98 3.91
Being hospitable or friendly 146 5.77 144 5.74
Being generous 135 5.33 141 5.62
Helping others 164 6.48 181 7.22
Praying together 138 5.45 139 5.54
Being “mapagkumbaba” 137 5.41 128 5.10
Being humble 155 6.12 162 6.46
Know how to appreciate 162 6.40 158 6.30
Know how to apologize 171 6.75 166 6.62
Know how to forgive 160 6.32 165 6.58
Listening to others 152 6.01 155 6.18
Having emphaty 151 5.96 158 6.31
Total: 2532 100% 2508 100%

Question No. 3 Question No. 4

Family Values Frequency % Frequency %
Saying po and opo 145 6.50 152 6.52
Avoid talking back 107 4.80 110 4.72
Being obedient 114 5.11 130 5.57
Being honest 147 6.59 156 6.69
No swearing or cursing 78 3.50 77 3.30
Prioritizing family first 118 5.29 109 4.67
Being hospitable or friendly 128 5.74 136 5.83
Being generous 120 5.38 120 5.15
Helping others 147 6.59 155 6.65
Praying together 123 5.51 137 5.87
Being “mapagkumbaba” 115 5.15 129 5.53
Being humble 141 6.32 152 6.52
Know how to appreciate 144 6.45 152 6.52
Know how to apologize 163 7.31 161 6.90
Know how to forgive 160 7.17 164 7.03
Listening to others 141 6.32 148 6.35
Having empathy 140 6.27 144 6.18
Total: 2231 100% 2332 100%
St. Alexius College
Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines


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Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

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Integrated School Department
General Santos Drive, Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines

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