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Challenging Crisis that have been Faced

The challenge crisis that I have faced is when I lost all my personal documents. I was walking from town
when I met with a group of youths. But I did not know that they were not just normal youth but were
thieves. The youth were armed with knives that their used to threaten me and commanded me to give
them my belongings. In fear of my life I complied with their demands and gave them my bag that had
my personal documents and some money. The youth told me if I was to shut they will kill me. They then
run away before in could get any help.

Personal Reaction

I was very scared when I saw the knife, it was my first time to ever be mugger by a person holding a
weapon. The previous time I was mugged the mugger picked my bag in the railway station when I was
not look. I knew that there was a possibility of me loosing myself so I comply with other of the demands
from the muggers.

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