Response To Customer Feedback

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Response to Nikolas

Hello Nikolas, thank for your feedback and positive comment about the selection of the

apartments. It is our wish that our customers get the best services. We are sorry for the bad

experience you went through during the verification of your documents. I will like to inform you

that the verification processes are met to ensure your safety by preventing fraudsters and other

people who can harm yours from accessing the premise. We will take immediate action to ensure

that the verification process is faster and customer friendly. Please gives us your contact so that

we can get in touch once the issue has been corrected. Our main objective is to ensure that we

deliver high-quality services to our customers. It is our wish that you enjoyed living in our

apartments. Thank for your feedback we greatly appreciate it.

Response to Jeanie Germaine

Hello Jeanie Germaine, thank for your feedback on the bad experience you went through with

Johnny. I want to guarantee you that this is an isolated case and is not a common practice among

our drivers. Most of our drivers are polite, obey traffic rules and driver safety. In addition, they

have good customer relations and will never talk rudely to a customer. I want to inform you that

we have suspended Johnny as the case is been investigated. Please share with us your contacts so

that we can inform you of the outcome of the investigation and the action that will be taken. We

hope that the next you use our Taxi you will be served by our professional drivers. We encourage

our customers to give their feedback to help us improve our services.

Response to Anna88

Hello Anna 88, thank you for your positive comment about our washing machine. Sorry for the

delay that is caused by the setting in our machine. I will you to refer to the manual on how to
reduce the time of wash and ensure that it washes effectively. Please give us your contact for us

to send an expert who will set the machine to your desired setting. Our washing machine is very

effective and a convent for our customers. We hope to hear from you on the progress made.

Thank for contacting us, we will always be here to serve you.

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