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General Short Answer Questions

1. Summarize your organizaton’s mission in one sentence. (150 characters)

Make learning fun and welcoming to all Nepali people, regardless of background or income
level, while encouraging local entrepreneurship and development.

2. Summarize your organization’s mission and activities in one paragraph. (500


By combining the comfort of coffee houses (found widely

throughout Nepal), and offering services similar to those
found in tuition centers, the Learning Café [working name]
will provide an environment that fosters education,
leadership and community.
3. Describe the specific problem your organization is working to solve. Use statistics and
references to identify the size and scope of the problem. (500 characters)

Nepal’s government schools fail to provide students the

resources they need. Less than half (43%) of students pass
the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) exam. The SLC is
equivalent to an American high school diploma and is
required for continued studies and many job opportunities.
Without a passing certificate, students are restricted to low-
level careers, and their futures are impacted.
Families with means send their children to receive tutoring
outside the classroom. Tuition centers offer exam preparation
classes and career coaching. Some of the most well known
centers place emphasis on overseas placement, offering
documentation services, study abroad counseling, language
courses, test preparation (IELTS, TOEFL) and partnerships
with schools and employers in USA, UK, Australia, Singapore,
New Zealand and Malaysia — dream destinations for many
students. In addition to being costly, a number of these
centers are stale, uninspiring and formal.
4. Describe the specific programs or products of your organization. (1000 characters)

The Learning Café will offer:

• Internship and job placement - An emphasis will be
placed on local and national partnerships to encourage
in-country job placement and training. A job board will
connect the local community with potential employees.

• Career counseling - Qualified counselors will advise

students on available internships and options for
continued education.

• Computer lounge and high-speed internet – In addition

to a collection of study resources and books, a
comfortable lounge will feature computers and free
internet for use.

• English language training - English language training will

be dynamic and creative. Methods found in Western-
style schools will focus on conversational and
professional use of speech.

• Group classes and private tutoring - Students will have

the option to enroll in classes, form small study groups
and receive one-on-one tutoring. Teachers will be
selected based upon demonstrated classroom
performance, not solely credentials or years served.
Qualified volunteers will be welcomed to teach areas of

• Entrepreneurship seminars - Regular seminars will teach

skills necessary for entrepreneurship: leadership,
creativity, management, communication, problem
solving, character building, goal setting, public speaking
and business fundamentals. These sessions will invite
local business leaders and guest speakers and will be
open to the community.

• Tea and coffee house - The cafe will provide a place

where students can relax before and after studies, meet
new friends and form study groups. Familiar treats and
fresh snacks — cakes, momos, roasted potatoes, noodles
— will be served alongside delicious coffee and teas.
5. How is your approach boldly innovative compared to the status quo? (1000 characters)

6. In what way will the lives of specific individuals be better because of your organization’s
work? Please identify the group(s) of individuals and how many lives will be impacted by
your organizations work over time? (1000 characters)

7. Budget Questions
a. In total, how much money have you raised for this organization from launch to date (in
U.S. dollars): $________

b. List the names of any individuals or organizations who have provided greater than
$10,000 in funding to date: (250 characters)

c. How much money do you hope to spend in 2015 (in U.S. dollars): $______

d. Approximately how much money do you think you might need to spend in 2 years
(2017) and in 5 years (2020) (in U.S. Dollars):

2 years: $________

5 years: $________

e. What do you hope will be your main sources of funding over the next two years? (500

8. When and how did you come up with the idea for your organization? Please list anyone
who could be considered a co-founder? (500 characters)

9. Why are you, unlike the majority of people, so passionate about this issue that you are
willing to take the risky leap of starting a new organization? (1000 characters)
10. What skills or experiences demonstrate that you will be able to attract money, people,
and other resources to your organization? (1000 characters)

When I first arrived in Nepal, gaps in the education system

were evident. Teaching relied on rote-and-routine practices,
and students failed to receive the attention they required.
Untrained volunteers were relied upon and would remain only
for brief commitments.
For over one year, I have worked as volunteer educator and
social worker within Pokhara. I’ve made it my mission to
support education and leadership development and spent
months interviewing members of the local community. I've
listened to their stories – taxi drivers, dishwashers,
bartenders, migrant workers, unemployed men, and stay-at-
home women. They all wish they had education.
Families are searching for the best opportunities for their
children. Ambitious young people are failed by long-standing
government systems. Those who do not go abroad remain
unemployed or perform hard labor at home. Talent is wasted.
My dedication to this community is evident: Matepani’s
academic program has improved structure and student
resources, students have received scholarships, teachers are
making plans for continued education. I have raised over
$20,000 to support education initiatives through Indiegogo
crowd-funding campaigns and am a proud Pollination Project
Grant recipient. My service has received mention in the New
York Times and significant partnerships have resulted in
Matepani’s first dental health clinic (check-ups and treatment
sponsored for all), a class trip (a two-day all-expenses paid
learning excursion), painted classrooms, scholarships for
teachers’ continued study, appreciation dinners, and an
assortment of student parties. I have received
acknowledgement within the Kaski community, been
interviewed on Nepali Radio Online and was invited to speak
at the Literary Society of Nepal in New York City. Furthermore,
with endorsements from the Matepani school board, Kaski
District Education Department, Kathmandu District Education
office, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Home Affairs, the
government of Nepal awarded me a teaching visa and work
permit through July 2015. Such endorsements are incredibly
difficult to obtain.

11. Describe one example of your bold, entrepreneurial spirit. (750 characters)

12. Provide one or two examples of your ability to overcome challenges and adversity.
(1000 characters)

13. If you have previously applied for an Echoing Green Fellowship for this or any similar
idea, what has changed since you last applied? (500 characters)

I’m not a nonprofit or organization. I'm one person looking to

help in whatever way I can. I want quality education for all
Nepali people, regardless of income and background. It is my
aim that the Learning Café will help young people have
choices – find jobs, network, start businesses, be leaders
within their communities. There are so many smart, driven
Nepalis looking to make things better for themselves and
their families; they just don't necessarily have the money,
resources or knowledge to make it happen. I hope you’ll
consider this work worthy for endorsement. Thank you.
Partnership Short Answer Questions

Please note: This section is only required for those applying with a partner.

1. Partnership History: How did you come to start this organization together? How long
have you known each other, and in what contexts? Are there other co-founders? If so,
what is their current status and if applicable why are other co-founders not applying? (500

2. Roles/Responsibilities: Describe your individual roles within the organization and the
nature of your working relationship. (500 characters)

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