Habiba Atta: Meet The 74-Year-Old Woman Elected Onto The GFA Executive Council

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Habiba Atta: Meet the 74-year-old Woman Elected onto the GFA Executive Council

Habiba Atta Forson, 74 is the founder of fabulous ladies, she has beaten all odds by winning an

executive post in Ghana Football Association. The election was held on Thursday and will be the

only woman in the apex decision-making body of the Chana Football Association. She will be

bringing her vast experience in football administration. This was not her first attempt to join the

executive she had previously tried and lost. She won the hearts of the delegate this time and beat

her close opponent Evelyn Nsiah Asare. Habiba Atta got eight votes for the post in the GFA

executive councils that are reserved for women’s football while her opponent got seven votes.

In the third position was a senior sports journalist Rosalind Amoh who got one vote and Edna

Quagraine did not get any vote that placed her fourth position. As per the pulse 2015, Habiba

Atta had lost to Leanier Addy in 2015. Leanier Addy was later implicated in Numer 12 expose

by Anas Aremeyaw who is a winner of various awards in journalists.

Habiba Atta has been recognized in her contribution to promoting women football in China. She

is the founder of Fabulous Ladies which is one of the greatest refined football teams in Chana.

Some funs confuses the team with the women’s team of Kumasi Asante Kotoko. The win of

Habiba Atta is a win for women football in Ghana. There is great hope among the citizens of

Chana particular women footballers that she will help to take women football to the next level.

Her record has proven how passionately she is in getting women on the same platform that helps

to improve their welfare. Clearly this a new beginning for football administration in Chana.

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