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Focus Group Summary




Date of Submission

Questions for the focus group

1. How many social media platforms do you have

2. Which of the platforms do you interact with the most? How can you define the type of

people you interact with in terms of their culture?

3. Do you tend to understand the people you interact with? What do you discuss about more


4. Have you ever found yourself in a position that you did not agree with someone cultural

beliefs and practices? How did you approach the issue?

5. Has cosmopolitanisms been promoted by the use of social media.


6. Have you ever travelled to a foreign country? If yes, what was your first reaction when

you interacted with their culture such as food and lifestyle? Was it a surprise or you had

the information? If yes, where did you get the information from?

7. What are some of the new cultures you have learnt from friends and appreciated? If any

have you ever tried practicing those cultures, you find attracting.

8. How does making conversation improve diversity? What role has social media played in

making conversations?

My focus group comprised of five students from different colleges. I chose individuals

from different genders, races, and social backgrounds to ensure that I could collect as many

diverse views as possible. The students came from 3 various colleges within the US. Two of

them were males an African and European, while the remaining three were females; a Chinese,

Mexican, and American.

All 5 students admitted to using more than one social media platform. They indicated that

it all depended on what they wanted to do. The females stated that they were fond of Instagram

when it came to posting pictures while the male seems to be just fine with using Facebook to

chat with friends. The Chinese student confessed that interacting on social media had allowed

her to learn about diverse cultures. It was through such an understanding that she developed a

desire to study in the US. The African male also said that social media helped him learn a lot

about American culture and made it easier for him to adapt. Even though the others did not give

life experiences, they said that they have interacted with diverse people, which has helped them

appreciate each other. The American and the European student said that they always try to find

out more when they get themselves in a position they do not agree with a particular practice.

The Mexican and African said that sometimes they prefer not to judge other people’s

culture and sometimes feel too inferior to talk about their culture. The Chinese admitted that she

had found some cultures strange, but she has learned to live with it. The American and European

students confirmed that they have tried Chinese food in their restaurants and were excited at how

delicious the food was. The Chinese and Mexican said they were addicted to the American music

that they could listen to any time they were not studying. The African student admitted that he

admired the American lifestyle and had started imitating their fashion. All of them agreed that

social media had promoted cosmopolitanism; however, the African suggested that some people

feel too inferior to talk about their cultures. All the students seem aware of the varying cultures

across the board. They admit to having interacted with these cultures on social media. It is,

therefore, not a surprise when they come across conflicting practices. They also confirmed that

conversation has made it easier for diverse people to understand each other well, thus promoting

unity among students.

Four the student indicated that there have traveled to a foreign country. For the Chinese

she indicated that it was surprise for her when she first interacted with the culture of the U.S. for

he people were very free and things that were not allowed in her country was okay to be done in

the U.S. In addition the found was very diverse unlike China that is limited to native food with a

few foreign foods. The European indicated that even if the culture was different due to diversity

of race it was not so different from his. The respondent who had not gone to a foreign country

indicate that they will expect to be different from theirs.

Each of the respondent had learnt a new culture from each other for in case the foreigners

have learnt about same sex marriage. They indicate that it have helped them to appreciate

diversity in people and the freedom of choice. While the American indicated that there have

learnt new foods from the foreign. They said that they like some of the meals but others were not

good for them. The respondents indicate that conversation helps in creating diversity. It is

because by communication people learn the opinion of others that improves their interaction with

others. Social media was identified as on the tool of creating conversation because it have a

greater reach to the people.

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