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Applied Thermodynamics
III Semester (B.Tech. Mechanical)

1. Classify different types of boilers.
2. Describe the construction and working of the following boilers with neat sketches:
(i) Lamont boiler (ii) Benson boiler (iii) Loeffler boiler (iv) Velox boiler
3. Explain the construction and working of Cochran/ Locomotive/ Lancashire / Babcock and Wilcox boiler
with neat sketch.
4. Differentiate between boiler mountings and accessories. Describe the following accessories:
(a) Economizer (b) Air pre heater (c) Steam injector (d) Superheater (e) Feed pump
5. Describe the construction and working of the following boiler mountings:
(a) Water level indicator (b) Blow off cock
(c) Fusible plug (d) Lever safety valve
(e) spring loaded safety valve (f) Low water high steam safety valve
(g) Steam stop valve.
6. Write a short note on super critical boiler.
7. Explain the working of Fluidized bed boiler.

8. A rigid vessel contains 1 kg of nitrogen at 1.8 MPa and 300 K temperature. The pressure is required
to be raised to 2.5 MPa and this is achieved by adding oxygen. Determine the mass of oxygen added
if the temperature is presumed to remain constant.
9. A closed vessel of 0.40 m3 capacity contained air at 80 kN/m2 and 300 K. Hydrogen was added and
the pressure in the vessel was thereby raised to 82 kN/m2 at the same temperature. Find the final
masses of oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen in the vessel and their respective partial pressures. Air
contains 77% of nitrogen on mass basis. Take gas constant R=287 J/kg K for air and 4124 J/kg K for
10. Determine the gas constant, density and partial pressures of the components of a gas mixture
consisting of 10 mass fractions of air and 1 mass fraction of lighting gas. Take the density of lighting
gas ρ = 0.5 kg/m3 at 101325 N/m2 pressure and 273 K temperature.
11. A vessel contains 10 kg of oxygen, 8 kg of nitrogen and 25 kg of carbon-dioxide at 375 K temperature
and 250 kPa pressure. Make calculations for the capacity of the vessel, the partial pressure of each
gas present in the vessel, and total pressure in the vessel when the temperature is raised to 450 K.
12. Consider a mixture of ideal gases comprising 2 kg of nitrogen and 3 kg of carbon-dioxide at 250 kPa
pressure and 300 K temperature. Make calculations for:
(a) Mole fraction, partial pressure and partial volume of each constituent,
(b) Molecular mass, gas constant, volume and density of the mixture,
(c) Specific heats and adiabatic exponent for the mixture.
Take Υ = 1.286 for C02 and Υ = 1.4 for nitrogen.

13. A mixture of 1 kg of oxygen and 2 kg of nitrogen occupies 1.2 m3 volume at temperature 300 K.
Assuming perfect gas behaviour, determine the following parameters for the gas mixture.
(a) Specific volume, (b) Pressure, (c) Gas constant and (d) Molecular mass.

1. What are different types of nozzle? What type of expansion takes place in a nozzle? Obtain the
expression for velocity of jet coming out of nozzle.
2. Derive expression for mass of discharge through nozzle.
3. Derive the expression for critical ratio i.e. the ratio of pressure at the throat to entrance of a nozzle
for frictionless expansion under condition of maximum discharge per unit area.
4. (a) What do you understand by choking of nozzle?
(b) Explain the effect of friction on the flow in nozzle.
5. Steam expands from 3 bar to 1 bar in a nozzle. The initial velocity is 90 m/s and initial temperature is
150OC. Nozzle efficiency is 0.95. Find the exit velocity.
6. Dry saturated steam enters a steam nozzle at a pressure of 12 bar and is discharged at a pressure of
1.5 bar. If the dryness fraction of discharged steam is 0.95, what will be the final velocity of steam?
Neglect initial velocity of steam.
If 12% of the heat drop is lost in friction, find the percentage reduction in the final velocity.
7. Steam initially dry and at 10 bar absolute is expanded adiabatically in a suitable shaped nozzle to 0.7
bar absolute. Find the velocity at exit: (a) neglecting friction, (b) assuming a frictional loss in the
nozzle of 10% of total heat drop.
If the exit diameter of the nozzle is 13 mm, find the mass of steam discharged per hour in each case.
8. Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 8 bar enters a convergent divergent nozzle and leaves it at a
pressure of 1.5 bar. If the flow is isentropic and if the corresponding expansion index is 1.135, find
the ratio of cross-sectional areas at exit and throat for maximum discharge.
9. Dry saturated steam enters a nozzle at an absolute pressure of 10 bar and with an initial velocity of
90 m/s. The outlet pressure is 6 bar and the outlet velocity is 435 m/s. The heat loss from the nozzle
is 6.3 kJ/kg of steam flow. Calculate the dryness fraction and the area at the exit, if area at the inlet
is 12.56 cm2.
10. Steam at a pressure of 10 bar and 0.9 dry discharge through a nozzle having throat area of 350 mm2.
If the backpressure is 1.4 bar, find (a) final velocity of the steam, (b) cross-sectional area of the
nozzle at exit for maximum discharge.
11. (a) Classify steam turbines.
(b) Explain the principle of steam turbines. Differentiate between impulse and reaction turbines.
12. What do you understand by compounding of impulse turbines? What are the different methods of
compounding? Explain pressure/velocity/pressure-velocity compounding with the help of sketches.
13. A steam jet enters the row of blades with a velocity of 380 m/s at an angle of 22o with direction of
motion of the moving blades. If the blade speed is 180 m/s and there is no thrust on the blades,
determine the inlet and outlet blade angles. Velocity of steam while passing over the blades is
reduced by 10 percent. Also determine the power developed by turbine when the rate of flow of
steam is 1000 kg per minute.
14. An impulse turbine has one nozzle per stage. The angle of inclination of nozzles is 22° and the tip
angles of blades are 35°.
(a) If the velocity of steam at exit from the nozzle is 800 m/s, find the blade speed so that the steam
shall pass on without shock. Also find diagram efficiency, neglecting losses if the blades run at
this speed.

(b) If the relative velocity of steam to the blade is reduced by 15% while passing through the blade
ring, find the end thrust on the shaft and efficiency when turbine develops 1750 kW.
15. The steam velocity leaving the nozzle of an impulse turbine is 850 m/s and the nozzle angle is 20o.
The blade velocity is 250 m/s and the blade velocity coefficient is 0.8. For unit mass flow rate of
steam and blade symmetry, find (i) blade inlet angle, (ii) driving force on the wheel and the axial
thrust and (iii) diagram power and efficiency.
16. In a De Laval turbine, the steam issues from the nozzles with a velocity of 850 m/s. The nozzle angle
is 20". Mean blade velocity is 350 m/s. The blades are symmetrical. The mass flow rate is 1000
kg/min. Friction factor is 0.8. Determine: (a) blade angles, (b) axial thrust on the end bearing, (c)
power developed in kW, (d) blade efficiency.
17. Explain the following methods of governing for steam turbines with neat sketch:
(a) Throttle governing, (b) Nozzle control governing, (c) By-pass governing.

1. State the advantages of incorporating a condenser in a steam engine or turbine plant.
2. Draw a schematic diagram of a condensing plant and list its components.
3. Compare the merits and demerits of surface condenser over jet condenser.
4. Explain the construction and working of a low level jet condenser with the help of a neat sketch.
5. Explain the construction and working of a barometric jet condenser with the help of a neat sketch.
6. Explain the construction, principle and working of a surface condenser with the help of a neat sketch.
7. What do you understand by the term vacuum efficiency of a condenser? What are the factors on
which it depends?
8. Explain the construction and working of a condenser air pump with the help of a neat sketch.
9. The condensing temperature in a condenser is 25OC. Vacuum inside is 70 cm of mercury when
barometer reading is 76 cm. Calculate the vacuum efficiency of the condenser.
10. The vacuum in a condenser is 715 mm of Hg. The barometer reading is 765 mm. Correct the vacuum
reading to standard barometer. Also determine the absolute pressure in the condenser.
11. What is the function of a cooling tower in a modern steam plant? Describe the working of a
mechanical draft type cooling tower with the help of a neat sketch.

12. Describe the construction and working of a single stage reciprocating air compressor.
13. Derive an expression for the work done by single stage reciprocating air compressor without
clearance volume when compression is (a) Isothermal and (b) Adiabatic.
14. Derive the expression for work done by a single stage reciprocating air compressor with clearance
volume and hence explain the effect of clearance volume on work done.
15. What is multistage compression? What are its advantages?
16. Define isothermal efficiency of a compressor. How can we reduce the work done in compression?
Describe the methods adopted for increasing isothermal efficiency.
17. In a single stage air compressor the compression follows the rule pvn=C and the ratio of delivery
pressure to initial pressure is r. Derive an expression for its isothermal efficiency.
18. Define volumetric efficiency of reciprocating compressor and derive its expression.
19. Derive an expression for ideal intercooler pressure for two stage compression in a reciprocating air
compressor and hence write an expression for minimum work done per kg of air for a compressor
with n stages.
1. Obtain an expression for air standard efficiency of Otto / Diesel / Dual / Brayton (Joule) cycle.
2. An engine working on ideal Otto cycle has temperature and pressure at the beginning of adiabatic
compression as 25OC and 1.5 bar. Find the compression ratio if Υ=1.4 and thermal efficiency of the
engine is 48%. Also find the temperature and pressure at the end of compression.
3. In a diesel engine, the compression ratio is 13:1 and the fuel is cut off at 8% of the stroke. Find air
standard efficiency of the engine. Take Υ for air as 1.4.
4. The compression ratio in an air standard Otto cycle is 8. Pressure and temperature at the beginning
of compression are 1 bar and 300 K respectively. Heat transfer to the air per cycle is 1900 kJ/kg.
Calculate: (a) Pressure and temperature at the end of each process in the cycle, (b) Thermal
efficiency and (c) Mean effective pressure.
Take Cp=1.005 kJ/kg.K, Cv=0.718 kJ/kg.k, R=0.287 kJ/kg.K
5. An air standard diesel cycle has a compression ratio of 18 and the heat transferred to the working
fluid per cycle is 1800 kJ/kg. At the beginning of compression stroke, the pressure is 1 bar and
temperature is 300 K. Calculate: (a) Pressure end temperature at each point in the cycle, (b)
Thermal efficiency and (c) Mean effective pressure.
Take Cp=1.005 kJ/kg.K, Cv=0.718 kJ/kg.K, R=0.287 kJ/kg.K
6. Compression ratio of an air standard dual cycle is 12 and the maximum pressure in the cycle is
limited to 70 bar. The pressure and temperature of the cycle at the beginning of compression process
are 1 bar and 300 K. Heat is added during constant pressure process upto 3% of stroke. Bore
diameter is 25 cm and stroke length is 30 cm. Calculate: (a) The pressure and temperature at each
point in the cycle, (b) Thermal efficiency and (c) Mean effective pressure.
Take Cp=1.005 kJ/kg.K, Cv=0.718 kJ/kg.K, Υ=1.4
7. (a) What is the performance parameter for a refrigerating machine? What is the unit of
refrigeration? How the performance of a heat pump is rated?
(b) Obtain the expression for the COP of Carnot Air Refrigeration cycle.
8. A Carnot refrigerator requires 1.25 kW per ton of refrigeration to maintain the temperature at 243 K.
Find: (a) COP of the refrigerator (b) Temperature at which heat is rejected (c) Heat rejected in kJ per
ton of refrigeration.
9. A refrigeration system operating on a reversed Carnot cycle produces 400 kg/hr of ice at -5oC from
water at 30oC. Make calculations for: (a) the power required to drive the machine, (b) the heat
rejected from the system. Take latent heat of freezing=335 kJ/kg, Specific heat of ice=2.1 kJ/kg K.
10. Explain the refrigeration system working on Bell Coleman cycle and derive the expression for COP of
the cycle.
11. An air refrigerator working on Bell Coleman cycle takes air from cold chamber at 1 bar and -5OC and
compresses it to 6 bar following the law pv1.25=C. Compressed air is cooled to 37OC in the cooler
before entering the expander. Assuming isentropic expansion, determine: (a) COP of the cycle (b)
Mass of air circulated per minute if 500 kg of ice is produced per day at 0OC when water is supplied
at 20OC (c) Refrigerating capacity of plant in tons. Neglect the clearances in compressor and
Take Υ=1.4, Cp of air=1 kJ/kg.K, Latent heat of ice=335 kJ/kg, Cp of water=4.1868 kJ/kg.K
12. What is Vapour Compression Refrigeration? How does it differ from Air Refrigeration?
13. Explain the mechanism of vapour compression refrigeration with the help of a neat sketch.
14. Describe the cycle of operation of vapour compression cycle with (i) Wet vapour before compression,
(ii) Dry vapour before compression, (iii) Superheated vapour before compression. Sketch the cycle on
P-h and T-s diagrams for each case.

15. A one ton refrigerator on vapour compression cycle works within the temperature limits of 268 K and
313 K. Refrigerant leaves the compressor dry and saturated. Calculate COP (i) if there is no sub-
cooling and (ii) if the refrigerant is sub-cooled by 20oC. Also calculate the power required to run the
refrigerator in both the cases. The properties of the refrigerant are as follows:

Temp. Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg K) Specific Heat

hf hg hfg Sf Sg Sfg Cpl
268 31.5 - 154 0.125 - 0.574 1.03
313 74.59 203.2 - -5 0.6825 - -

16. A standard vapour compression refrigerator using F-12 as refrigerant operates between the
condenser pressure of 10 bar and the evaporator pressure of 1.5 bar. The evaporator absorbs 75
kJ/min of energy as heat and the vapour is dry saturated at exit from the compressor. Represent the
cycle on T-s and p-h plane and calculate: (i) flow rate of refrigerant, (ii) power consumed and (iii)
COP of the cycle. The relevant properties of F-12 are given below:

Saturation Enthalpy (kJ/kg) Entropy (kJ/kg K)

(oC) Liquid Vapour Liquid Vapour
10 41.7 76.8 203.65 - 0.682
1.5 -20.1 17.82 178.84 0.073 0.709

1. (a) What do you understand by Mean Effective Pressure? What are the methods to obtain Indicated
Mean Effective Pressure from an indicator diagram?
(b) Define mechanical efficiency, indicated thermal efficiency, brake thermal efficiency, overall
efficiency, relative efficiency, volumetric efficiency and specific fuel consumption as referred to IC
2. The following observations were taken during a test on a single cylinder low speed four stroke cycle
oil engine having a bore of 30 cm and stroke of 45 cm:
Duration of trial : 1 hour Total fuel consumed : 11.4 kg
Calorific value of fuel : 42,000 kJ/kg RPM : 300
I.M.E.P. : 6 bar Net brake load : 1.5 kN
Brake drum diameter : 1.8 m Rope diameter : 2 cm
(a) Indicated power, (b) Brake power, (c) Mechanical efficiency, (d) Indicated thermal efficiency.
3. The observations recorded during the trail of a two stroke gas engine are given below:
Diameter of piston: 150 mm, Length of stroke: 180 mm, Clearance volume: 89 x 10-3 m3, Engine
RPM: 225, IMEP: 6.2 bar, Gas consumption: 6.2 m3/h, Calorific value of gas: 16000 kJ/m3. Calculate:
(i) Air standard efficiency, (ii) Indicated power developed by the engine in kW, (iii) indicated thermal
efficiency of the engine.
4. Describe Morse test used for indirect estimation of indicated power of multi-cylinder SI engine.
5. A four cylinder petrol engine has an output of 52 kW at 2000 rev/min. Morse test is carried out and
the brake torque readings are 177, 170, 168 and 174 Nm respectively. For normal running at this
speed, the specific fuel consumption is 0.364 kg/kWh. The calorific value of the fuel is 44,200 kJ/kg.
Find the Indicated power of the engine and mechanical efficiency.

6. During the trial of a single cylinder oil engine, the following observations were recorded:
Engine data
Bore : 300 mm
Stroke : 400 mm
Speed : 200 RPM
Cycle : 4 stroke
Experimental observations
Duration of trail : 60 minutes
Fuel consumption : 7.050 kg
Calorific value of fuel : 44000 kJ/kg
Area of indicator diagram : 322 mm2
Length of indicator diagram : 62 mm
Spring index : 1.1 bar/mm
Net load on brakes : 1324.35 N
Brake drum diameter : 1600 mm
Total mass of jacket cooling water : 495 kg
Temperature rise of jacket cooling water : 38oC
Temperature of exhaust gases : 300oC
Air consumption : 311 kg
Specific heat of exhaust gases : 1.004 kJ/kg K
Specific heat of water : 4.186 kJ/kg K
Room temperature : 20oC
Determine: (a) Power available at brakes, (b) Indicated power developed, (c) Mechanical efficiency
(d) Thermal efficiency. Draw up a heat balance sheet of the trail.
7. What do you understand by scavenging in IC engines? What is the importance of scavenging in IC
engines? Describe various methods used for scavenging in 2 stroke engines.
8. (a) How can we increase the power output of an IC engine? What is the purpose of supercharging?
(b) Describe the effects of supercharging on performance of IC engines. Describe about the types of
9. Explain why cooling is necessary in IC engines. Describe (i) Air cooling system and (ii) water cooling
system with the help of neat sketches.
10. (a) Explain why lubrication is necessary in IC engines. What are the functions that lubricating oil
performs in an IC engine.
(b) Describe the various methods of lubrication of IC engines with neat sketches.
11. What do you understand by governing of IC engines? Describe various types of governing used in IC
12. Explain the process of normal and abnormal combustion in SI engines. Describe auto ignition and
knocking in SI engines. Discuss the factors which influence knocking in SI engines.
13. Describe the different stages of combustion in CI engines. Discuss knocking in CI engines.
14. Explain Octane and Cetane rating of fuels.
15. Explain the effect of varying load and speed on the performance of an IC engine with the help of
characteristic curves of the engine.


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