Let The A, A! (Audience Answer) Play Video Presentation: Rolls)

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Sequence of the Play:

 Let the A, A! (Audience Answer)

 Play
 Video Presentation

Script for the Let the A, A! (Audience Answer)

Ruadiel: Good morning Lasallians! Good morning Heart!

Gallego: Good morning to you too, Bona!

Ruadiel and Gallego: And welcome to Let the A, A! Let the Audience Answer! (music

Ruadiel: So now, we request the audience to please do participate in the process.

Gallego: Don’t worry there’s a commendation given to those who would participate.

Ruadiel: Let’s not keep you waiting. In 3,2,1. Let’s start. (music rolls)

Gallego: In 5 words, describe sociology for you. Raise your hands in 3,2,1. Go! (music


Ruadiel: In what era, does sociology born? Medieval? Industrial? Or Renaissance? Raise
your hands in 3,2,1. Go! (music rolls)


Gallego: Last but definitely not the least, who is the Father of Sociology? Karl Marx?
August Comte? Or Emile Durkheim? Raise your hands in 3,2,1. Go! (music rolls)


Ruadiel: Requesting these people _____, _______, and ______, to please go in front and
ascertain your commendation.

Gallego: This has been Heart

Ruadiel: And Bona

Gallego and Ruadiel: Saying, God Bless and good afternoon. (music rolls)

Music In-charge: Paulinio PPT In-charge: Orias

Narrator: A group of 5 people decided to visit a Historical Museum. While enjoying the
different displays, they saw a particular book. (music rolls)

Ravelo: (While facing Docent Viduya) This book is? (music rolls)

Docent Viduya: "les regles de la methode sociologique" or The Rules of Sociological

Method. A book by Émile Durkheim, first published in 1895.

Palma: Sociology eh?

Escopete: Pardon, but what's Sociology?

Palma: Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions.

Ramirez: It is the study of society in which it is a social science that involve the social
lives of people, groups, and societies.

Brion: Moreover, sociology focuses on the ubiquity of social forces in unlikely forms: sex,
gender, religion, class, race, ethnic and the like.

Palma: Oh gee, thanks for answering.

Ravelo: You three are quite knowledgeable.

Docent Viduya: Indeed. But do you guys know the history of Sociology?

Palma, Ramirez, Brion: A bit.

Ravelo: Care to share your knowledge?

Ramirez: All I know is that Sociology was born in Europe during the 19th Century.

Brion: Yes. It was during the period of the Industrial Revolution.

Palma: The idea of Sociology came about when Auguste Comte, widely considered
the “father of sociology,” became interested in studying society.

Escopete: What made him interested?

Palma: If I'm not mistaken, it's because of the changes that took place as a result of the
French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution.

Ravelo: What kind of changes?

Palma: Something about the France’s class system dramatically changing during the
French Revolution. Aristocrats suddenly lost their money and status, while peasants, who
had been at the bottom of the social ladder, rose to more powerful and influential
positions. Then during the Industrial Revolution, people abandoned a life of agriculture
and moved to cities to find factory jobs.

Docent Viduya: You guys sure know your stuffs. But he's not the only one who
contributed to the birth of sociology, you know.

(A group of 4 people and a Docent passed by and approached them)

Docent Jhean: We've overheard your conversation. Interesting topic I must say.

Castillo: Sociology, right?

Escopete: Apparently.

Docent Viduya: We're about to discuss the different Sociologists.

Docent Jhean: Must include their contributions then.

Docent Viduya: Agree.

Cosmiano, Atok: Oh, I know a few.

Basañez: Didn't know you guys know.

Castillo: Name some then.

Cosmiano: You guys already know Comte right? The one who coined the term

Ravelo: Yes, I guess. Though they didn't mention what you just shared, about him
coming up with the term Sociology.

Cosmiano: Now you know.

Atok: To add, Sociology is from the root word socius, a Latin word that means
“companion” or “being with others.”

Cosmiano: Now to name another sociologist, I shall mention Karl Marx who came up
with the Conflict Theory.

Castillo, Escopete: And what's that?

Cosmiano: Conflict Theory claims that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because
of competition for limited resources. It holds that social order is maintained by
domination and power, rather than consensus and conformity.

Atok: Well, on to another. Emile Durkheim, the one who introduced the concept of
“social fact”.

Escopete: And again, what is that?

Atok: It is a theory to describe how values, culture, and norms control the actions and
beliefs of individuals and society as a whole.

Cosmiano: And don't forget Functionalism.

Atok: Certainly won't. Well, it is a theory of his that was developed on the concept of
"social facts". According to Functionalism, society is a system of interconnected parts
that work together in harmony to maintain a state of balance and social equilibrium for
the whole.

Basañez: I'm being silent here but I do know Max Weber. He was the one who started
the Symbolic Interaction Theory, which shows that people construct their role as they
interact. His approach to theorizing the social world was that we act based on our
interpretation of the world around us, or in other words, action follows meaning.

Doncent Jhean: You guys sure knows a lot about sociology, but do you understand its

Basañez: Well I—

(Basañez was cut off)

(Speaker: Thank you for visiting our Museum today. Please note that we will be closing
at 3:30 pm, which is 30 mins from now.)

Docent Viduya: Too bad. I guess its time to end this engrossing conversation.

(All exit)
(4 people enter)

PPT In-Charge: Ruadiel and Orias

Music In-Charge: Gallego and Paulinio

Ruadiel: What a topic they had. Listening to them, I learned a lot.

Heart and Paulinio: Indeed.

Orias: Oh? Then, how about answering that last question?

Heart: From what I've heard, Sociology provides a basic understanding of human
society. It also broadens the range of our perspective from which we try to understand
the social world.

Ruadiel: In addition, it help us understand ourselves and our positions in society. It is a

source of self-enlightenment and increases self-understanding.

Paulinio: Moreover, it aid us in developing awareness of cultural differences and give us

knowledge of how society and culture are dynamic and rapidly change through time.

Orias: I can say nothing more.

PPT In-Charge: Escopete Music In-Charge: Castillo

Video In-Charge: Basañez

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