Learning Lab/Study Skills: Purpose

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Course outline

Teacher Contact Information

Mrs. Stacey Maxwell
Phone: (360) 354 - 4401
Ext. 5282 (Psych Office)

Email: maxwells@lynden.wednet.edu

Hours: 7:20 am – 2:50 pm

Office Hours: 10:30 – 11:15 am, daily

PURPOSE: To learn and use study skills to reach my goals by

 developing effective study skills
 learning to use time wisely and efficiently
 planning and prioritizing schedules, events and assignments
 taking responsibility for my education

This diagram explains how the topics relate to one another.

CLASS REQUIREMENTS: grades will include
 Assignments, quizzes and tests.
 Skills and activities described in the rubric below

I will fill out this form each week…….

Name ___________________________ Date_______________

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Preparation (planner,
materials, books, flash
drive, etc)
Learning Target (to be
completed within the first
5 min of class)
Calendar/Planner (to be
checked within the first 5
min of class)
(on task)
Total Points (4 pts)
Teacher Initial

Grading Rubric:
Good Needs Unsatisfactory
(1 pts) Improvement (0 pts)
(.5 pts)
Preparation Prepared for class- Brings most Does not have books,
planner, books, pens, materials but pens, binders,
binders, assignments missing calendar/planner,
Learning Target+ Composes learning Needs teacher Off task, disrupting
target within first 5 min prompting, needs others, socializing,
of class.. works quietly, assistance to disrespectful,
staying on task/non- transition, uncooperative
disruptive to others inconsistently
begins & remains
on task
Calendar/Planner Calendar/Planner is Partially filled out- Not filled out
filled out with current some subject areas,
assignments, page some page #’s,
numbers, due dates some due dates

Initiative/Responsibility Has plan of completion, Partial completion Incompletion of

when finished quietly of assignments, assignments,
chooses an appropriate doesn’t return inappropriate activities,
activity, knows where to classroom unreliable
find & returns materials, needs
materials, reliable direction

*Excused Absence = 3 points if preparation, calendar/planner are completed.

LHS GRADE PERCENTAGES (as per Student Handbook):
A 100-93 C+ 79-77 F 59-0
A- 92-90 C 76-73
B+ 89-87 C- 72-70
B 86-83 D+ 69-67
B- 82-80 D 66-60


1. NO CELL PHONES during class. Lap tops/Computers will be used to research, as


2. Because I have this class, I should have all assignments complete and turned in for every class.

3. I must follow all school rules at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS!

 See student handbook
 Disciplinary consequences apply

4. I will work quietly at all times! This class is not a social hour nor is it a time for “hanging
out or kicking back”. If I complete my classroom assignments I may:
 Check Skyward for missing assignments
 Help peer w/ their work (tutoring/re-teaching).
 Mobby Max, Career Cruising, etc
 Read
 I may NOT play games on the computer or surf the net for recreational purposes

5. To leave the classroom, I MUST ask permission. (Use bathroom pass)

6. My use of mode for listening to music-- cell phone, etc.. will be discussed. If it becomes a
distraction--- I lose the privilege immediately.

7. Snacks and drinks will be discussed.

8. Bathroom breaks are limited (unless doctor note is provided).

9. After school HOMEWORK Help assigned after 3 or more missing



(DO NOT DETATCH- worth 300 points at end
of semester)
I, _______________________, have read the above course outline.

I understand the classroom rules and expectations.

Student Signature __________________________________________ Date________

Parent Signature ___________________________________________ Date _______

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