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I think I’m agree in industrial revolution, robot has replaced hundreds, even thousand
workers which have been done by human, the father of manufacture work is replaced by
robot power, I believe that this is automatically has already and is going on recently.

In Indonesia, it could probably not have done yet, but in the other big countries has been

According to my experience, what has been learned by students could be out of date, and we
don’t teach competence which they need trough economic in industrial revolution era 40,
whether you like it or not the world of education, school, and learning which is suitable with
the competence in global competition, one of the usage of technology in life.

Technology as a tool in this life that must be used wisely let’s say like a knife that has two
sides As a technology tool must be used by users wisely, As an example we wear a wrist
watch, we are the one who control the time, no we are who have acted by always seeing that
watch. I have another example like the hand phone that we hold, that indirectly influence us
to use that cell phone , therefore, we must really realize the usage and the advantages of the
technology for a good benefit.
In learning process at university or school, it’s supposed to attract. In the use of technology
which is suitable to sharpen the skill so that it can survive in free competition – student are
better given the supportive skill like the ability to read digital book, reading journal, how to
use turnitin, similarity check, and so on.
Imagine if in our lesson is not given the students ability to solve complex problem, due to in
this industrial 4.0 all the work that has a routine activity has been done by robot, so the
human area is trained to solve the complex problem.

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