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Name: Zeanah Mariz M.


Age: 22


1. Why are neurons so important?

2. Why do we need Nervous System?

3. Can human live without Nervous System?

4. What is the purpose of the Endocrine System?

5. What is the difference between Nervous System and Endocrine System?

Neurons are some of the most important cells in the body. This is because they are
involved in cell communication, and it allows us to know what we know about the world;
they allow us to sense, think and behave. In short, neurons allow us to function. We need
Nervous System because lots of processes in our body depend on receiving control or
feedback via the nervous system. For instance, when to breathe. Lots of other less
obvious processes heartbeat, digestion, or eating. Human can’t live without nervous
system because there will be no signals going through your body which means you
would not be able to move at all. And the endocrine system is responsible for regulating
the body's growth, metabolism, and sexual development of the body. The significant
difference between these two is that the nervous system uses electrical signals or
impulses to send the signals through neurons, while the Endocrine system uses
hormones acting as the chemical messenger to send signals to the target cell through
the blood stream in the body.

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