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Level Opener B1.

The Big Picture B1+

Unit 4 Man and Nature Practice: Vocabulary Pronunciation

Main Aims:
• Landscapes & natural disasters* • Word stress in expressions
• To talk about disasters • Present perfect simple* • Natural world collocations* • Intonation: responding to news
• To talk about different types • Present perfect continuous* • The environment
of houses
• To talk about plastic

Unit 5 Bridges, Borders Practice: Vocabulary Pronunciation

and Barriers • Future forms* • Connections & prevention* • Reduction in auxiliary verbs
Main Aims: • Future plans & intentions* • Words related to future plans • Intonation: sounding
• To talk about social networking & intentions friendly / unfriendly
• To talk about • Describing trends
engineering projects
• To talk about predictions

Unit 6 Global and Local Practice: Vocabulary Pronunciation

Main Aims:
• To talk about graffiti • If in real situations* • Celebrations & festivals* • Modal verb stress in making
• To talk about monuments • Modal verbs* • Recommendations deductions
• To talk about people watching • Future time clauses* • Qualities* • Intonation: being emphatic

Common European Framework A student can…

… talk about future possibility and make predictions SB pp. 55*, 61, 65, 69
Can maintain a conversation or discussion but may sometimes be difficult to follow when …discuss their preferences, and give opinions, or avoid giving them, on a variety of topics
trying to say exactly what he/she would like to.
Can compare and contrast alternatives, discussing what to do, where to go, who or which to SB pp. 45, 51, 57*, 60,
choose, etc. …give straightforward descriptions on a variety of topics SB pp. 59, 63*
Can express his/her thoughts about abstract or cultural topics such as music, films.
Can give brief comments on the views of others. Can explain why something is a problem,
discuss what to do next, compare and contrast alternatives. Can briefly give reasons and
explanations for opinions, plans and actions.

Can understand straightforward factual information about common everyday or job-related … easily identify the attitude and opinion of speakers. SB pp 46, 56, 66
topics, identifying both the general message and specific details provided speech is clearly …understand essential information in everyday conversations SB p 46
articulated in a generally familiar accent. Can understand the information content of the …understand short, informal conversations, and understand the gist of them SB p 66
majority of recorded or broadcast audio material on topics of personal interest delivered in
clear standard speech.

… understand and extract important information from short texts on familiar subjects SB pp 42
Can read straightforward factual texts on subjects related to his/her field and interest with a …deduce the meaning of expressions from context SB p 42, 64
satisfactory level of comprehension. Can recognise the line of argument in the treatment of …understand the main idea and locate specific information in short articles, adverts and
the issue presented, though not necessarily in detail. Can recognise significant points in questionnaires SB p 50, 54, 64
straightforward newspaper articles on familiar subjects.

Can write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar subjects within his/her …write advantages and disadvantages of a given topic SB p 67*, WB p 39*
field of interest. …write a short discursive composition giving their opinion on a familiar subject
Can write accounts of experiences, describing feelings and reactions in simple connected text. SB p 47* WB p 27*
Can write a description of an event or a recent trip – real or imagined.

* To be considered for evaluation

Level Opener B1.6
The Big Picture B1+

Practical Use of English Evaluation

These are the topics to be assigned on the VLE to evaluate Grammar and Vocabulary. Please assign them within
the first days of the course after all your students have enrolled in your class on the VLE. When creating the assignment,
be sure to mark then “Mandatory” and “Assessable”.

Unit 4
Grammar 1 Vocabulary 1
Grammar 2 Vocabulary 2

Unit 5
Grammar 1
Grammar 2 Vocabulary 1
Grammar 3
Unit 6
Grammar 1
Vocabulary 1
Grammar 2 Vocabulary 3
Grammar 3

Please inform your students to log on to the VLE regularly and carry out the tasks as the topics go by, since
this VLE assignment will make up for 20% of their evaluation.

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