PT TRP Mod 2h

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Module 2


 Cultural activities

A Match the words to form collocations.

1 guided a performance
2 rock b tour
3 theatre c dancing
4 classic d concert
5 traditional e novel

 Travel experiences

B Fill in: catch, share, travel, make, reach, get, go, bitten, try, caught, attend, grab, buzz,

1 There are only two buses a day. Be careful not to …………………………. the wrong bus –
you will end up in Bristol instead of London!
2 It’s getting dark – maybe we should …………………………. back to the hotel.
3 I’ve booked tickets for us to …………………………. the concert in Hyde Park next weekend.
4 There was no public transport in the mountains, so we had to …………………. on an oxcart!
5 Everyone in the village was so nice – it was easy to …………………………. friends with the
6 While we were staying in Cyprus, we decided to …………………………. on a boat trip to one
of the neighbouring islands.
7 I’m bored of living here. I wish I could just …………………………. a backpack and my
passport and go and see the world!
8 Sudden storms often occur up in the mountains, so you may get …………………………. in
bad weather.
9 I’m finding it difficult to sleep in my tent – the ground is uncomfortable and mosquitoes
…………………………. around me all night.
10 Steve and Maria always fly to Corfu. They don’t use the ferry boat because they both
…………………………. seasick.
11 Make sure you close the windows at night or you will get …………………………. by
12 Fiona started writing a travel blog in order to ………………. her adventures with her friends.
13 We got lost and it took us two hours to …………………………. our destination, instead of
thirty minutes!
14 When I visit India, I want to see the Taj Mahal and the Ganges River and …………………….
spicy food.

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Module 2
 Internet language

C Fill in: information, brainchild, engine, page, site, blogger, trend, name.

1 I found useful cooking tips and ideas on the chef’s personal web ……………………. .
2 You can find ……………………. about almost everything on the Internet nowadays.
3 Google is the ……………………. of Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
4 Facebook is a popular social networking ……………………. .
5 The latest ……………………. is to create your own independent social network.
6 A(n) ……………………. is someone who keeps a personal journal online.
7 You need a login ……………………. to gain access to a great number of sites today.
8 Google may not be the only search ……………………., but it is the most well-known.

D Choose the correct word.

1 Although Alice and Cathy are best friends now, their relationship started with a(n) argument/
criticism about pop music.
2 The website is popular because it has a neat/slow design and is easy to use.
3 All the Physics teachers at the college share a commitment/science to making the subject
more interesting for students.
4 To find out about ghost walks in York, simply type the search term/page ‘ghost walks, York,
UK’ into Google and press Enter on the keyboard.
5 We couldn’t have started our online business without using money from family and friends to
support/calculate ourselves.
6 I need to come up with a catchy/speedy name for my blog, so that people will want to read it.
7 Due to the increased use of emails and text messages, the popularity of letters is

 Historical attractions

E Use the clues to fill in the crossword.

1 Across
1 They keep prisoners there.
2 3 A large building with thick high walls to protect people
during a war.

1 The king or queen lives in it.
2 You can see statues there.

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Module 2
F Match the words to form collocations.

1 tourist a country
2 free b attraction
3 famous c model maker
4 wax d landmark

 Performances

G Choose the correct word.

1 The Chinese opera features elaborate costumes and striking/wild design.

2 The theatre company have set up fiery/temporary stages in the park – they will be removed
at the end of the show.
3 The actors wore white masks painted with bright/sharp colours.
4 The musician has a(n) original/hard style – there is no one else who plays the violin quite
like he does.
5 I was impressed by the breath-taking/incredible make-up the actors wore.

H Fill in: hang, go down, rises, stand out, gather, show, gallop, reveal.

1 The ballet dancers’ white costumes …………………………….. in the dark.

2 The magician will never …………………………….. the secrets of his magic tricks.
3 Before the film starts, the lights in the cinema …………………………….. and the room
becomes almost completely dark.
4 The theatre company will …………………………….. lanterns in the trees and around the
stage to light their outdoor performance.
5 The singer is so good that she can …………………………….. emotion just by using her
6 You should find your seats before the curtain …………………………….., in order not to
disturb anyone once the play has started.
7 Actors …………………………….. across the stage to show that they are riding horses.
8 Many people …………………………….. each evening outside the theatre to try and catch a
glimpse of the famous actor.

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Module 2
 Haunted buildings

I Fill in: explore, found, wander, get stuck, believe, march, realise, go in the correct

1 The city of York was ……………………………. by the Romans.

2 Tom said that the first time he saw the ghost of Lady Jane Grey at the Tower of London, he
couldn’t ……………………………. his eyes.
3 I didn’t ……………………………. there were so many haunted castles in the UK until I read a
book called The Ghosts of the British Isles.
4 The guide told us that many ghosts ……………………………. the corridors of the castle and
some even talk to the visitors!
5 After visiting the museum, we still had a few hours left to ……………………………. the city
and see the sights.
6 People say that the forest is haunted – if you go walking there alone when there is a full moon,
you could ……………………………. missing!
7 We waited in the rain for hours to watch the soldiers ………………………. through the town.
8 We tried to open the door to the tower, but it ……………………. and we couldn’t get inside.

J Choose the correct item.

1 The old mansion is a spooky/historic place – I think it’s haunted by ghosts!

2 The old/ancient city walls are nearly 2,000 years old.
3 The most famous place in York is the fascinating/medieval cathedral, which is one of the
largest in Europe.
4 Be careful when you walk on the ghostly/cobbled streets of the city – the ground is uneven
and it’s easy to trip.

 Types of books

K Match the types of books (1-8) to the examples (a-h).

1 crime thriller a Salem’s Lot by Stephen King is a scary book.

2 non-fiction b Tamara enjoys reading books about the lives of famous people.
3 classic novel c Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations in the 19th century
4 horror and it is still popular today.
5 biography d Murder on the Orient Express is Agatha Christie’s most famous
6 adventure murder mystery story.
e Bella likes books about explorers who go on exciting journeys.
7 science fiction
f Ray reads a lot of stories about aliens and other planets.
8 fantasy
g Twilight by Stephenie Meyer is about fictional creatures such as
vampires and werewolves.
h I am reading a book about how the Earth formed billions of years

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Module 2
 Social networks

L Choose the correct item.

1 I only started using Twitter today. I am just creating/basing my profile now.

2 I can’t believe you don’t use email! I’ll help you to add/set up an account – it’s easy and it’s
3 Robin shared/personalised his profile by adding photographs.
4 If you don’t have many people in your social network, you can always browse/invite for new
5 You can search/sign up for friends on Facebook by name, school or place of work.
6 Louise uses MySpace to interact/upload with her friends in Australia and the USA.
7 Mark involved/expanded his online community by inviting people from his workplace to join
his network.
8 The company created their own social network to promote/allow their brand of clothing.

 Prepositions

M Circle the correct answer.

1 The word Google was inspired …………… the mathematical term ‘googol’ which means ‘1
followed by a hundred zeros’.
A with B by C from D through

2 …………… the entrance of the museum there is a wax model of Madame Tussaud herself.
A At B From C In D To

3 Sarah fell in love …………… Tom the minute she met him.
A to B with C by D for

4 Her novel was based …………… a true story.

A in B at C with D on

5 The haunted city of York is …………… my list of places to visit.

A at B in C on D from

6 The cathedral is very popular …………… tourists.

A with B for C from D to

7 Different social networking sites allow people to interact …………… different ways.
A by B with C for D in

8 The audience clapped when the actors appeared …………… stage.

A to B on C in D off

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Module 2
 Phrasal verbs

N Underline the correct participle.

1 The man ran away/after the thief but he didn’t manage to catch him.
2 The two brothers don’t really get along/through with each other.
3 The car engine was giving off/over a terrible smell.
4 The notorious criminal tried to get away/out from the police, but he was arrested on Main
5 The first Google office was set on/up in a garage.
6 The Chinese opera actors used to wear bright colours to stand out/up in the dark.
7 He fell through/out with his parents yesterday. That’s why he seems so sad today.
8 It’s time to give up/off your terrible habit of coming into the house with your muddy boots on!
9 Mary’s plans to buy a new car fell out/through after she had to spend her savings on fixing
the roof.
10 I got on the wrong bus and I ended up/out in the middle of nowhere.

 Word formation

O Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 The Tower of London is a popular tourist ………………………… . (ATTRACT)

2 The rate of ………………………… is quite high because many people have lost their jobs.
3 After her dog’s ………………………… the old lady felt even more lonely. (APPEAR)
4 The committee ordered the ………………………… of the statue from the central square.
5 I saw a wonderful ………………………… at the theatre last night. (PERFORM)
6 His ……………………… to the teacher’s comment was outrageous. (REACT)

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Module 2

 Past Simple

A Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past simple.

1 A: What …………………………….. (you/do) last night?

B: I …………………………….. (go) to the cinema with Kevin. We …………………………..
(see) the new James Bond film.
A: …………………………….. (you/like) it?

2 A: You …………………………….. (not/reply) to my online messages yesterday.

B: Sorry! I ………………………….. (log in) to my account and then
………………………….. (leave) the house, so I …………………………….. (not/see)
your messages until I …………………………….. (get) home at midnight!
A: Oh, I see.

3 A: Where …………………………….. (you/go) after school yesterday?

B: I …………………………….. (visit) my aunt in hospital and ……………………………..
(take) her some books to read. What about you?
A: I just ………………………….. (walk) home with Beth and then …………………………..
(watch) cartoons with my little brother.

4 A: …………………………….. (you/play) football last night?

B: No, I …………………………….. (not/go) out at all. I …………………………….. (feel)
sick all evening.
A: So did I. Maybe those burgers we …………………………….. (eat) at the bowling alley
…………………………….. (make) us ill.

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Module 2
 Past Continuous

B What were the people doing yesterday evening at 8 o’clock? Write the
questions. Then answer them, as in the example.

1 Helen / do her homework? (practise the piano)

Was Helen doing her homework?
No, she wasn’t. She was practising the piano.

2 Peter / visit his cousins? (attend a theatre performance)


3 Susie / watch a film? (read a novel)


4 Ben / surf the Internet? (sleep)


5 Rachel / walk her dog? (chat online with her friends)


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Module 2
 Past Simple vs Past Continuous

C Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous,
then match the sentences (1-7) to the correct description (a-g).

1 Tom and Kate ……………………………………. (move) to Scotland in 2008.

2 I ……………………………………. (do) my homework when suddenly the phone rang.
3 At nine o’clock last night, Emma ……………………………………. (watch) the ballet.
4 Lucy …………………………………. (arrive) at the museum, ………………………………….
(buy) a ticket and ……………………………………. (go) inside.
5 Charlie ……………………………………. (play) the violin when he was younger.
6 Alex ……………………………………. (shop) online while I …………………………………….
(book) tickets for the rock concert over the phone.
7 The sun …………………………………. (shine) and the birds ………………………………….
(sing) when we arrived at the castle gates.

a background information to a story

b actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past
c an action in progress at a stated time in the past
d actions happening at the same time in the past
e an action which was in progress when another action interrupted it
f a past habit or state which is now finished
g an action which happened at a definite time in the past

D Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous.

Last year, Hannah and Michelle 1) …………………………. (move) to a large, old house in the
country. The day they 2) …………………………. (arrive), it 3) …………………………. (rain) and
the wind 4) …………………………. (blow). Their parents 5) …………………………. (take) the car
and 6) …………………………. (drive) to a nearby shop to buy food and the girls
7) …………………………. (stay) behind to explore their new home.
They 8) …………………………. (wander) around the corridors upstairs when they suddenly
9) …………………………. (hear) a strange noise coming from one of the rooms. It
10) …………………………. (sound) like somebody - or something - was inside! They
11) …………………………. (feel) terrified, but they 12) …………………………. (not/run) away.
Instead, they 13) …………………………. (decide) to be brave and open the door. Slowly, Hannah
14) …………………………. (turn) the key in the lock and then Michelle 15) ………………………….
(push) open the door. The girls 16) …………………………. (look) into the room and
17) …………………………. (see), among all the dust and cobwebs, a little mouse! It
18) …………………………. (eat) a nut and it 19) …………………………. (watch) them. The girls
20) ………………………. (laugh) when they thought of how frightened they had been!

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Module 2
 Used to

E Use the prompts to write sentences using used to.

1 The Beatles / be / a very famous group ()

2 I / go / to my grandparents’ house at the weekends ( )
3 she / work / in an office (?)
4 I / eat chips / when I was a child ()
5 she / go out / a lot when she was younger ()
6 you / do exercise / when you were at school (?)

 Past Perfect

F Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple or past perfect. State
which action happened first.

1 They ………………………….. (book) the cruise long before they ……………………………..

(get) married.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

2 She ………………………….. (leave) the office after she ………………………….. (finish)

her work.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

3 He ………………………….. (feel) happy because he ………………………….. (win) tickets

to see his favourite band in concert.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

4 The children ………………………….. (eat) dinner by the time we …………………………..

(get) home.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

5 The play ………………………….. (already / start) when I ………………………….. (arrive)

at the theatre.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

6 Tim was already at the airport before he ………………………….. (realise) that he

………………………….. (forget) his passport.
First action: ………………………………………………………………..

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Module 2
 Past Perfect Continuous

G Look at the pictures and then fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from
the list in the past perfect continuous.

argue, try, work, play, wait, look

1 The kids were tired. They ....................................... football all


2 Michelle was confused. She ....................................... to solve

the difficult equation for hours.

3 Linda retired last summer. She ...................................... for the

same company for thirty years.

4 Mike had a headache. He ...................................... at the

computer screen for hours.

5 Scott was angry. He ...................................... with his sister for

an hour.

6 Candy was bored. She ...................................... for her mum to

take her to the park for half an hour.

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Module 2
 All past tenses

H Circle the correct item.

1 Sophie ................ to travel a lot when she was younger, but now she goes abroad at least
twice a year.
A isn’t used B wasn’t used C didn’t use

2 Mary ................ her first novel in 2001.

A wrote B had written C used to write

3 Dana ................ ballet for seven years before her first performance.
A used to study B had been studying C was studying

4 We didn’t watch the play because Gary ................ it before.

A saw B had seen C was seeing

5 What ................ when I called last night?

A had you done B you did C were you doing

6 I’m tired because I ................ well last night.

A didn’t sleep B slept C wasn’t sleeping

7 Do you remember the things we ................ when we were kids?

A used to do B had done C had been doing

8 I couldn’t use the car yesterday because Andy ................ the keys.
A was taking B had been taking C had taken

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Module 2
I Read the article below and put the verbs in the brackets into the correct
past tense.

Sean Evans 1) …………………………. (plan) the perfect family beach holiday for
months before he left the UK. Here, he tells us how his dream holiday
2) …………………………. (turn) into a fiery nightmare.

Last July, we 3) …………………………. (stay) on an idyllic Mediterranean island. We

4) …………………………. (be) on the island for three days when, on Tuesday morning,
while we 5) …………………………. (swim) in the sea, we suddenly
6) …………………………. (see) smoke rising from the centre of the island. It was a
forest fire!
At first we 7) …………………………. (be) frightened, but the locals
8) …………………………. (tell) us not to worry. All afternoon, helicopters
9) …………………………. (fly) overhead and they 10) …………………………. (drop)
water onto the flames to try and put them out.
But by evening the fire was even worse – and, thanks to the strong wind, it
11) …………………………. (move) towards our hotel! We tried to find the manager, but
he 12) …………………………. (already/leave) the building. By that time, everyone
13) …………………………. (panic) and in our fear we 14) ………………………….
(run) away from the flames towards the beach.
While we 15) …………………………. (wait) on the sand, the fire
16) …………………………. (close) in on us. It was terrifying – we had nowhere to go.
We 17) …………………………. (stand) on the beach for hours, and the sky
18) …………………………. (begin) to get light, when the wind finally
19) …………………………. (change) direction and 20) …………………………. (blow)
the flames back inland. We were safe at last!
Luckily, the fire 21) …………………………. (not/damage) our hotel or our belongings
but still, for our next holiday, we’re going somewhere cold!

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Module 2
 Key Word Transformations

J Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the

first sentence, using the word given. Use two to five words to complete
each gap.

1 When did they buy a new car?

How long ................................................................................................................. a new car?

2 The play had started before we arrived.

The play ............................................................................................................... we got there.

3 It was their first time on a cruise ship.

They .................................................................................................... on a cruise ship before.

4 He ate lunch, then he met his friend.

He met his friend ............................................................................................................. lunch.

5 These shampoo samples were free of charge at the supermarket.

They ................................................................. these shampoo samples at the supermarket.

6 Mark didn’t take his keys with him so he couldn’t open the door.
Mark couldn’t open the door because he ..................................................... his keys with him.

7 Her grandparents gave her pocket money when she was young.
Her grandparents ........................................................... pocket money when she was young.

8 The forest fire produced a lot of smoke.

The forest fire .................................................................................................... a lot of smoke.

9 She spent the whole morning cooking and she was tired.
She ........................................................................................... all morning and she was tired.

10 I saw Ben on the way to college yesterday.

I saw Ben while ........................................................................................................ yesterday.

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Module 2

Read the text and mark the sentences below T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t

Daniel Griffin, age 16

On a trip to London a few weeks ago, it was raining heavily one evening when my dad spotted
a leaflet advertising a ghost bus tour of the city. We had been walking all day and it sounded
like a fun and relaxing way to go sightseeing, so we decided to go on the tour.
Well, we didn’t regret our decision. From the moment we stepped onto the ‘fright bus’, we had
such a great time! It was a converted London double decker bus that was painted black
instead of red. Inside, it looked like an old railway carriage with comfortable seats, lamps and
curtains. A creepy conductor welcomed us on board.
The tour wasn’t at all what we had expected. From beginning to end, it was more like a
theatre performance than a bus tour. I felt a bit nervous at first but I was soon giggling along
with everyone else after the conductor’s introduction. He told us: “Expect to hear stories about
murders, deaths, ghosts and ghouls but … most terrifying are the comedy moments!” Along
the route, he told us the history of haunted London landmarks such as theatres, underground
stations and tourist attractions including Tower Bridge. Some of the stories sent a shiver
down my spine, like the one about the demon barber (a mens’ hairdresser) of Fleet Street.
Mostly though it was just funny because the conductor was a great actor and added his own
amusing twists to the stories! There was even CCTV showing rats running around the
passengers’ feet and spooky music to go with the scary tales.
This was a very funny and original way to see London – my dad and I are still laughing about
it! This tour is suitable for people of any age and I highly recommend it.

1 Daniel’s dad saw the leaflet for the ghost bus tour in the bus station. ………..
2 From the outside, the bus looked like a normal London bus. ………..
3 Daniel didn’t really like the way the conductor started the tour. ………..
4 The passengers got off the bus at some of the tourist attractions. ………..
5 Daniel found all of the conductor’s stories scary. ………..
6 He thinks the tour is more enjoyable for children than for adults. ………..

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Module 2

You’ll hear an interview with a girl called Anni who is part of a Bollywood
dance troupe. Listen and for sentences 1-6 tick () T (true) or F (false).

1 Bollywood makes a large number of films per year.
2 Anni’s classes are mostly for teenagers.
3 All of the students get the chance to perform in a Hollywood film.
4 Anni mentions the importance of promoting Indian culture in the UK.
5 People have to phone the dance school to find out information.
6 The school only teaches Bollywood dancing.

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