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Journey Project Selection - Product Brainstorming Form

Name: Teagan Shaughnessy

Project Title:

Date: August 22, 2019


❏ Design or improve a product, service or system

❏ Plan or organize an event or activity
❏ Learn, present, or demonstrate knowledge of an advanced skill
❏ Other: ________________________________________________________________


- This goes with my letter of intent because I am going to be using marketing again.

GOALS: Your goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (S.M.A.R.T.)

● S - Anders will make a teeth whitening solution and I will market come up with marketing plan
for selling the whitening solution, figure out costs and expenses → how we would be making a
profit, design a logo and make a website to “sell” product
● M - to see if his solution is actually marketable where people would buy our product
● A - yes, we have ordered supplies and are working on it currently
● R - this aligns with our project as a whole to have a successful whitening product and
that is important in order to complete our project
● T - to be done by November 5th

RESEARCH CONNECTION: How does your project/product connect your research you’ve completed?

- This will connect to the research I have already completed because I am going to market
something and my paper from last year was on marketing and I can use some of the techniques
I wrote/researched to market my product.

BACKGROUND: What do you already know about the topic?

- I already know a lot about marketing from my project last year and my own personal
research. Marketing is something I want to pursue in college so I know a good amount
about the topic.
TIMELINE: List your timeline below illustrating how you plan to spend half of your hours on the project.

- I am going to sit down with Anders and plan our idea out. We will need to plan out the
product and how he will make it and how I will market this.

EVIDENCE: What will you produce to demonstrate that you have successfully completed this project?

- A product of teeth whitening he will produce and I will create some sort of marketing
campaign for the product.

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