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Writing an essay on an abstract topic or about things which appear to all of us so usual, common, and

routine may prove to be way far from being as simple as it seems at first glance. One might assume that
it would take a couple pages of mental wandering – and the mission’s accomplished. Well, not that fast,

Say, what food essay topics you can come up with instantly? Or how to describe food in an essay on the
whole? That’s what we’re talking about here. You gotta do some serious thinking first. You gotta be both
general and specific, common and personal at the same time. You gotta do your best. From this
perspective, what you can do at this very moment is use the sample piece below as a model to craft your
own essays on food or any other abstract theme. There’s another (short and easy) way, though: hire a
professional writer to do the job. Speaking of which, you can do it right here right now by clicking the
button below:

But let’s get back to the subject matter of this page. Here is a chunk of sample essay that should make it
clear to you how to write an essay about food – yes, such a familiar and usual thing that we deal with
several times every day:


For some people, food is just a necessity to satisfy basic needs; for the others, food is more than just a
basic necessity, but a pleasure that plays a significant role in their understanding of happiness. There are
so many different cuisines and food preferences built by cultural and ethnical backgrounds, geographical
locations and social classes. Food and popular meals can tell us a lot about the history and traditions of
various nations and regions. Meat eating habits, herbs, and crops – everything makes its contribution to
the traditional cuisine and culture. India is a land of spices, Africa is a continent of sauces, Europe
discloses esthetical beauty of food and opens up new opportunities and inventions for those who value
and enjoy eating.

Eating habits change over time and follow climate, cultural and other transformations that determined
the evolution of the communities. Changes in the way people serve the table, evolution of European and
Asian business etiquette, food preferences according to the surveys in different countries and other
elements that allow measuring and analyzing the evolution of food help us understand the history.
Some of the recipes we keep through generations and these old traditions and knowledge are the only
untouchable aspects that people try to bring with them. With globalization and exchange of knowledge
between different countries, food becomes more accessible, and now we have an opportunity to try and
investigate various fruits and vegetables from different corners of the world. Transportation facilities
made it possible to develop food trade, and there are almost no borders that could limit English people
from trying Indian or Chinese food. Other factors that spread and mix food preferences around the world
are immigration and ethnical minorities that inevitably widen knowledge of local population about
various cuisines.

Food and eating in general are

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