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Detailed Lesson Plan in English Grade 9

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

1. Analyze a literary piece

2. Read a poem correctly and clearly with emotion and expression.

3. Appreciate reading a poem.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: A poem entitled “CROSSROADS”

Reference: ENGLISH_HS.COM (A complete work text in high school) Pg. (26-27)

Materials: Cartolina, Manila paper.

III. Procedure

A. Learning Activities

A. Prayer

B. Greetings

C. Review

Teachers’ Activity Student’s Activity

A. Prayer

“Let’s all stand and pray class.” (One of the students will lead the prayer)

B. Greetings

“Good Morning Class” “Good morning Ma’am!”

“You may now take your seats.”

C. Review

“What is our lesson yesterday? Joyce?” “Ma’am our lesson yesterday is all about
the parts and style of the letters.”
“Very Good Joyce”

“Can you give an example of a letter?

Queenie?” “A business letter Ma’am”

(Ask another students to give an

example of a letter)

“Very good class, its look like you really

study hard.”
B. Developmental Activities

A. Motivation

B. Presentation

C. Discussion

D. Application

E. Generalization

A. A. Motivation

“What did you notice in this photo?” “Ma’am there’s a two roads and a guy.”
(Show the picture to the class.)

“You are right CJ, but aside from that what “For me Ma’am the guy in the photo is
else class?” choosing where he want to go.”

“Very good Kervin. The two roads

represent choices in our life and you have
to decide based on what you want.”

“Have you ever been in a situation where “Yes Ma’am.”

in you have to make an important decision
in your life?”

“What are they, can you share your


(The students will raise their hand.)

“Yes, Denkie?” “I made an important decision in my life

when I need to choose if I will stop in
studying or not.”

“And your decision is to continue your

school and that is great. Thank you (Some of the students will share their
Denkie for sharing your experience to the experience.)
class. What about the other?

“Why did I ask that question? Well, what

you’ve shared today is related to our
lesson for today.”

“Choose your partner to answer the “Yes Ma’am!”

following questions and share it in the
class.” (The students will choose their partner)

Activity 1”
Try to give the meaning of “Crosswords” (The students doing their activity.)
write in on a one half paper and you only
have 5 minutes to answer that.

(After presenting their answers, read now

the poem.)
B. B. Presentation

“I have here a poem entitled crossroads.

After I read the poem it’s your turn to read
it class.” “Yes Ma’am.”
(Read the poem.)


Shall I follow the stream

Or cross the sea,
Strive for a dream
Or let life be?

Shall it be neon lights

That spell success,
Or flickering lamplight
For happiness?

Follow the thunder?

Follow the storm?
Follow the whisper
That leaves and breeze form?

Follow my heartbeat?
Follow my head?
What shall each bring me?
Where shall each lead?

“It’s your turn to read the poem class; I

want you read it correctly and clearly with
expression.” (The students will read the poem.)

C. Discussion

“What did you understand about the

poem?” “Ma’am just like what you’ve asks recently
it’s like you have to choose what you want
“Very Good. Mikee” to do.”

“The first stanza of the poem what do you

think is the meaning of it for you class?” “Ma’am it’s like weather you follow your
dream or not.”

“Shall I follow the stream or cross the

sea? It means that should you follow what “Just like our parents Ma’am, for example
they want for you? Or follow what you you want to be an Artist but your parents
want. want you to be a doctor. You were torn
between shall you follow your parents or
“That’s a good example Edwardo, the follow what you want.”
decision is in you, and every decision you
make it sure it’s a right decision.”

“Next is Strive for a dream or let life be.

What do you think is the meaning of this?” “Ma’am for me it’s like shall you work hard
to achieve a goal or just give up.”
“Very good. Patrick. Don’t give up
achieving a goal class, even though it’s
hard, when you achieve your goal it’s
worth it.”

“Shall it be neon lights that spell success “Just like in a relationship Ma’am, your
or flickering lamplight for happiness? In happiness is when you are with him, but
this stanza is about a choice between you want to be successful and you have
success and your happiness. Can you ambition in life and you have to choose
give a situation where in shall you follow between of the two just like the On the
your happiness or success?” wings of love.”

“That’s very good example Janine. If you (The students will raise their hand,
were in that kind of situation what will you according to what they want.)
choose class. Raise your hand if you will
choose happiness.”

“What about success?” (Students will raise their hand.)

“Okay next is, Follow the thunders? “Ma’am it’s same from the first stanza
Follow the storm? Follow the whisper that weather you follow them or follow what
leave and breeze form? In this stanza is you want.”
about whether to follow what worlds tell
you or not.

“The last stanza is Follow my heartbeat? “Ma’am I think it’s about whether you
Follow my head? What shall each bring follow you emotion or your mind, just like
me? Where shall each lead. What does it in love sometimes you have to choose
mean?” your mind so that you will not get hurt and
sometimes you have to follow what your
heart says.”

“Very good Maureen. So it looks like you

understand the poem we will have our
activity now.”

D. Application

(Divide the class into five groups. Answer (The students will brainstorm and do their
the following questions. For this task, you task quietly.)
only need 2 representatives each to go to
the board.)

Activity 2

Discuss the answers to the following


1. The poem is composed of

questions. Why do you think the
author asks those questions?
2. Do you think the questions posed
in the poem can be answered?
3. What is the moral of the poem

(Every group will present their answers in

the class.)

E. Generalization

“I’m impressed to your answers class.” “Thank you Ma’am.”

“To sum it all the answers you gave is, in
our life we make important decision in our
life, every single day we encounter
crossroads in our life. Just always choose
a right decision always.

C. Evaluation

On a one whole sheet of paper. Write your

experience where you feel that you are at
a crossroad. Give the significance of this
experience to what you are now.

D. Assignments/ Agreement

Read technological breakthroughs on page 228 and answer the activity 1.

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