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s DOOMSLAKERS/ HOUSE RULES BASED ON BX/LL. “LABILITY SCORES: 3.46 in order, adjuse ger BX. Basic 3 +043 scale. Emergent characters! AK Z.. RACEAS-CLASS: Deni-humans are Not HUMAN. they j Dw don't ceguire and may hot understand unbridled choices. L Do Except halflings..nosey little bastards dre into every - NEEDLEWORK) thing. Demi-human level limitS agply, byt for each # a in your Primary ability you can Fach one higher lertl B.MUETECLASS: Humans and Some demi-humans can choose up to 3 Classes. LLYAEC tes apply. You can adopt a class at any +ime that it Makes Sensé.You can ‘Stop advancing jn 8 class when you want, Hell, you can divide your XP between casses however you See Fit. Tes your PC,afyer all. 27 ALCRITS: Nat 20= Critical hits tn whet world would i be opberwise? Ona crit choose MAX damage , DOUBLE damage, or 2 badass s SPECIAL EFFECT! Y'know... Knock 8 bastard prone, Kick 3 lantern into Some hay, +8k@ ovt an eyeball, etc. OF course Saving throws May be grarbed to sesist crippling Special eFfect5. You ain't gonnd Crit-cripae Mister Maximum Hell Fire Boss Monst€c that easily. YA Fumpies: Na+ 12 Fumble, The LL will make a Secrer 2d6 voll +o Hest Whe degree of Failure, alley 5. DAMAGE EXPLOSION: Ail damage dice EXPLODE. Lo (Now your MU's ldlf dagger dint So +rivial) rF $ 6.DERMHG tov die when you Cun out of hit points. But you Can Save vs. death one time ger event, Success=4 hit points, kno out Id6 rounds, And you lose 4 hit port — and J point from a tandom ability FUMBLES! {___Pe@mavenrLy. Z= fave hell To bad. “PLUCK #: You ge+ 3-52"lon ners aHack.” Id'4 luck points each Session G-B>Lose ney action, Vlvck= | r€-colt orl exec Fle meant +0 do that} Action. Luck does not rrg vere 12> Soove? No biggie. E usually give Cardy.) CHEINMAILCHICK > With swordin-hand and barely Cnovgh “armor” +o D cove rhe “Gverage house Cat, you @xc@l aF aSs- 44 Kicking... ANd you look Aly good doing it. You attack and Save as a Fighter.You can use any caren, bur full armor or clothing will reéndér your spécia| ol Spilisies Vnvsable, ells are REQ:Sir 9 7 QAR WITDILGALINE and dandy. PRIME: Str+Cha QBAITIECLAD: Bikini BRAY ~ armor=AC7, Add S+¢ andg G LooKS HIT DICE: d8+2 ce meditiels 2 fe Apard RIGKT HOOKS: Lascivious dolks USES €: aY arc casiér +o destroy.Enemi€es are RGIS OMSL ro for you on 2 LI Roll 6 For eee, SAVAGE CHARM? 6 of Ehwhotever... four Sex appeal improve: 2° Gawker/+| tohit. reaction rolls by 2. A Cha ‘B Perv! tl tohit/amg- Chéck will win help or info. D4 As above, ld6 dott: ese es are -l+0 hit you. Ie Xp tires ‘BeAsabow. ° Cheesecake Champ 2.300 BloodRed Peary 2d B42. 4600 FemmeFight@r 3da+3 Cy) 9200 = Viol@n+ Vixen Yase4 18000 Bonny Ballcerusher 36000 «Red Slayer Gd B46 12000 Sultry Savage Id8+7 2 144000 Barbaric Babe = Bd 8+ 8 288000 Chainmail Chick 3+? # HEART of TRON 410.000 Superior Chain Chik 443410 , You get 42 90 550000 Awesome Chein Chick Id B+i! g all Soves. GPE 680000 Wicked ChainChick 4d gtl2 BlOO0O Scary Chain chick AdB+ 13, Fq40000 Badass fahe . 1de+ i+ RPBRB-.odogerop } GINEDY 2erssitia. BARBARIAN Nuscles rippling, skin Kissed by the Sun, you enjoy diving into Seas of Spears wit only Your thong and 2 yard of Steclto Keep you Warm. You attack and Save asa Fighter You can usé any damn wéapon you please, but if it iS Hot 2-handed cia a Brack like & Schoolboy (Magic-user),.. CROMM! REQStr ie GUA MUSCLE MAN? You can Jif t,carty, or break @ lot of Stuff Gnd People). Double your c&rcying limit Roa eee i i@lding a fat, 2-4iSt Vv tal weapon. GEISTENING CAMS: HARD ASE: g e You aré So ripped that flexing causes the ladi@s@nd2-in-6 men) +o Save vs. Spells or be unable wif 40 HACK you = § until the Save AVAGERY: Ariack with Sudden fury at +3 +o hit/dig OR Make aN Sx+ra attack. Tf you miss, you lose all AC mods for 4 found. ACI Ona nat ZO and dmg: of 8+ you have behcaded, is made, : J4rted, or cur DD Br xe, oe” AD 3° Brawny Brute I dlo Strapping Stud 2d 10 Loin Grinder 2d10 @D 4200 — erculean Hacker 4 dio Ny 18000 Hefty Hulk 5dio & 36000 Red Rager dio 12000 Thorgmasrer —‘Idio [J \tHo00 Supéc Stayer Bdlo > Sinewy Barbarian dio 410000 — Savage Barbarian —\O4!10 550000 Brvyal Barbarian lodlo+2 680000 Keckless Barbarian lod lot4. 810000 Raging Barbarian lodlote 440000 §~—- BadaSs. Barbarian tod lo+s 3 WARE BS, REPRO AVENE » 8 g 8 8 a \ +1 SHORT SWORD Bone handle summons (a4 shadows as defenders once per day For 2a rounds. +2 Vs. invisible or shadow creatures. Nat 20 slay turns target into shadow. a +1 LONGSWORD , + 3 VS. CHAOTIC OR EVIL FOES S+rikina_ an innocent crea- ture With Cross Notch causes the user +0 save or DIE. No screwing around. When an evil foe is hit With 8 natural 20 it must save Vs. Paraly- sis of be unable +o move for [a4 rounds. Coup dé S¢ace. anyone? » Zeger Knows not the sting of regret. Zeger grants +2 Vs. FEAR and : can cast FEAR spell once = per day. Nat 20 slays | HD creatures. Those With 2-4 HD Set +0 save. Others are Not as attected by Zeser s death 3¢in.,Nat f Means user Must MAKE attack roll adains+ self. Zeser tolerates NO mistakes! Forged from tears of 3 goddess, bitter pain is felt by those tt cuts. Such Wounds cannot heal naturally. Magical healing is only 50x effective. Sava will fing on 5 in 6 roll. User can (/day and User can Waar. +1 LONG- SWORD Casts light ants 6 hide in a8 foreh on Y shadows skill. Deals dovele amg ff or more, aval agains+ undead. penalty. Lt is said that Sun and Moon, sister blades, Were forged on a flying anvil during a total eclipse bY 2 WereWolt Vampire sorcerer, naked save for a smock made from the leathery hide of 2 purple Worm. When these blades are wielded in unison +he user may call down a FLAMESTRIKE [/week and turn lycan- theopes exactly as a Cleric tums undead. But if the blades are ever parted bY more than [20' their user is parted... ripped into +wo halves. +2 SCIMITAR/+4 VS. DJINNI AND EFREET Water within [ mile cast LEVITATE €2¢h [/day using this will always Know North. Lailed Con ee Ens When Feeding on 2 Fresh Kil the hore Spices out 14100 coins, 144 gems, and I Qndom Heme 4s heard 15 KomparBHe +0 thot oF dn adult PRAGON ie oxi® | Heard barat We dg fa ble weapons and i non-magieal 3H cKS. They are Mune te all mind affect Pott ana. 2 10 OLAGONANAPLIX Acs Psychic horns! ESP 90, 3 /day, WD: 942. Mv: [20° Go") Brain drain! Fly: 180° (60') 4Yo' range, ATK: || Kick or special Save V5. $peus DMG! 246 or speciat ov lose 4EAPP: 44 \do Int. SVi FB At @ Int ML: lo you become ALi Ce catatonic |do tuns. HOARD: xv Toe heais turn, Kick Can Knock prone on Failed Save VSi paralysis. oe These creatres ge +4 to Save Agains+ mental eFLC+S, They ness in ald towers or troustdin fops, + Addle-eye! Yo! range, save VS Deel a sueber Confusion spe, 3/day. Olagonanaglix drains your sind +2 its Core wthen, as you Lie in a Catatonic Poor o£ drool i SvCKS Your Very Soul! Withovt aid you DIE in Id4 counds. PENANGEDUSA Ac:7 She waits ina dark crypt, silent HD: 5 nd Still, But the Smell of your NV: 120: (40) flesh wakes her. and she feeds! Fly: 150' 60.) AVK: | bite /specid! = Ona hit, She kisses, Save DMG: Ide Apecia! vs. Speiis or be Held 144 99 App: 143 younds. She then deains Sv: Flo \db he/round, Sucking ML: & Your spirit dry. ALice HOARD: VI] She may attack with Ide snake bites each dealing | dmg + Save vs. Poison or Suffer vandom effect: 4 ldo dmg She @n only be hit by magic or 2= Sleep fell) Silver weapons, bin-G drained will 3= Blind 1d Cas. vise as 2 perngeduss or weaithin — #= Confusion Id turns, Her body iS immobile. REQ: None PRIME: Dex HD: dé ATTACKS, SAVES, WEAPONS/ARMOR: Thief % MEOW!: By turning on the kitty charms you gain +2 on a reaction roll to help you get what you want % CUROSITY CAN KILL YOU: If you are tempted by anything shiny, dangly, or otherwise irresistible you must pass a Wisdom check to avoid investigating it % KILLER INSTINCT: Use your Dex modifier instead of Str for melee attacks: You can make two claw attacks per round as long as both hands are free Ouch! NINE LIVES: If you die, roll Td12- On a 9 or less, you are miraculously alive with 7 hit point: But now you have & lives! each time you cheat death, subtract 1 more life until death catches up! LEVEL TINE xP HD. CLAW ___SNEAK _ CLIMB 1 KITTEN ° 106 103 50 80 2 POUNCER 44600 206 103 55 82 3 TAR 3,200 306 103 €0 84 4 JINX. ©,400 406 103 oS Be 5 LyNy 12,800 5D6 104 10 88 6 COUGAR 26,000 epe 104 rE 90. aw TIGER 52,000 706 104 80 2 8 CATGIRE 104,000. 8D6 104 85. 94 g QUEEN 208,000 906 106 90 9 10 —CASGIRL QUEEN = -328,000 9641" 106 95 8 11 CNGIRL QUEEN = 448,000 —-906+2* 106 6 9 12 CATGIRL QUEEN 5€8,000 9D6+3* 106 W W 137° CATGIRL QUEEN = 88,000 9D6+4* 106 8 9 14 ~~ CASGIRL QUEEN = 80B,000—-906+5* 18 W 9 CON BONUS NO LONGER APPLIES (2 REQ: None PRIME: Str/Dex HD: d8 ATTACKS, SAVES, WEAPONS/ARMOR: As Fighter; leather and shield only Leapin’ Lettucel: You can leap 30° forward, 10 backward, or 10’ side to side. You can leap 10° straight up. It's kinda c¢ Kick ‘Em Up or Down: Your kick deols 1d6 points of damage and if thot is your only action the target must save vs, Paralysis or be knocked prone or 10’ back. After a si con kick any target within 5' for 1d4 points of damage Lucky Feet: Once per day you can work a little yy wiggling your toes) granting +3 on an attack or saving throw or allowing you to luck magic (may re-roll something, Barbaric Strike: Your savage heritage grants you extra damage per day equal to your level. Divide it up however you want as you cleave through enemies like chopping heads of cabbage. Yum. Quick and Cunning: Double your Dex mod when plying it to Armor Class or use Dex and Int to modify AC, relying on a combination of cunning ond skill cessful attack, you LEVEL TITLE 1 CONAN EON Kit Hopper Cottontail Bunny Thunderfoot Rabbit Raider Killer Coney Deadly Doe Barbaribunny Barbaribunny Barbaribunny Barbaribunny Barbaribunny Barbaribunny XP 0 2,000 4,000 8,000 16,000 32,000 64,000 120,000 240,000 360,000 480,000 600,000 720,000 840,000 HD 1d8 2d8 3d8 408, 5d8 6d8 738, 8d8 9d8 9d8+2* 9d8+4* 9d8+6* 9d8+8* 9d8+10* "con bonus no longer applies You got a gig coming up. Big money on the line. Dangerous, what with the venomous giant ham- sters and all, butif your crew pulls through... oh man, the treasures! Can't screw this up. Gonna need some backup. Gonna need some swords, spears, and spells to complement your expert team, Where in the hell can an honest adventurer hire some old-fashioned meatshields? Look no further than The Bleeding Ox... 2D NOTES G\___L Haggle is the Reaction Roll needed before the NPC will accept a slightly lower fee. ‘Turn-ons will grant +1 to Reaction Rolls and NPC morale, Turn-Offs will do the opposite. CARU ERIGZEN 10 GCr/DaY SRD LEVEL SINEWY BARBARIAN (NEUTRAL) Haggle10 —_Turn-Ons Military prowess AC3HP 30 — Turn-Offs Wizards and redheads Ste 17 (+2) Dex13(+1) Quiet, aloof, impatient, Hates wizards, but Con 16(+2) will work with them as long as they keep Int 10 their damn spells to themselves. Wis 12 Cha 12 Danger sense detects imminent threat on 2 in 6 roll Long sword, short sword, dagger, shield +1. Berry wine shows you hidden things after 3 drinks, but results in -2 penalty to hit for 3 turns (has 9 drinks left) Deer jerky for 3 days, 2 torches. KIRIEL 25 GP/DAY ATH LEYEL FIGHTER (LAWFUL GOOD) Haggle 8 Turn-Ons Opposing tyrants AC2HP27 — Turn-Offs Naked money grabs Ste 14 (+1) Dex 18(+3) Careful, precise, deliberate. Will only join Con 14(+1) parties with good intentions and may have Int13(+1) a quarrel with those that don't. Will fight Wis 15(+1) for less, or possibly for free, if the cause is Chal3(+1) sufficiently epic and just. Long sword +2/+3 vs. chaos, 2 daggers, leather, shield Wrist Cuffs of the Iron Way (-1 to AC, +1 to damage) Bag of herbs, delicious meat pies, rare incense. Lantern with 2 flasks of oil. 14 NELL OF THE DELL 11 Gr/DaY 2ND LEVEL CHAINMAIL CHICK (NEUTRAL) Hagglel! — Turn-Ons Monster teeth AC4HP16 — Turn-Offs Whiny city folk Ste 15 (+1) Dex15(+1) Eh. Ain't nothin’ in no dungeon she can't Con 16(+2) chop to bits. Gold and battle... bring it on. Int 10 Wis 9 Cha 15 (+1) Axe, short bow, arrows, dagger, chain bodice +1 Beer, stale bread, a weird ivory pony figure, a rib bone from a giant squirrel, 2 torches. URITA 5 Cr/DaY 1ST LEVEL BARBARIBUNNY (CHAOTIC NEUTRAL) Haggle7 —_Turn-Ons Garden veggies AC3HP7 = Turn-Offs Undead Str 13 (+1) Dex17(+2) Hailing froma strange valley some days’ Con 12 journey to the east, Urtta has come to the Int 12 city in search of adventure... and her sister Wis 8 (-1) Zelm, Cha 12 Long sword +1 ("Smiles"), sling, stones, 2 daggers, chain- mail bikini. Waterskin, carrots, nuts, book of rustic fables, potion of healing, | torch, 3 iron spikes. SARN 16 Gr/DAY 2ND LEVEL FIGHTER (NEUTRAL GOOD) Haggle10 —Turn-Ons Shooting goblins and orks AC8HP9 Turn-Offs No goblins or orks to shoot Str 17 (+2) Dex 13(+1) ‘The platinum-haired tribesmen of the Con 13(+1) Windy Wild Vale are expert archers with a Int 9 borderline pathological obsession with Wis 11 goblin killing. Sarno is typical of his Chal3(+1) people and has +1 to hit with all bows. Long bow +1/+2 vs. goblinoids, arrows, arrow +1, short sword, dagger. Sack of 13 dried mushrooms (eating heals 1 hp each), moonshine, lantern, | flask of oil. Is FATHER MUG 18 Gr/DAY 2ND LEYEL CLERIC (LAWEUL NEUTRAL) Haggle|3 — Turn-Ons Rain ACGHPS —Turn-Offs Stairs Stell Dex 7(-1) Be not afraid for the Impartial One sees Con 15(+1) __all. Father Mug sees most. And the temple Int 12 needs a new roof. Wis 13 (1) Spells: Cure Light Wounds Cha9 Holy Mace of Light +1 (casts light, l/day), chain mail Wine, reddish cheese, potatoes, holy symbol (small disc), Book of Impartial Wisdom, a shiny yellow pebble, lantern, 2 flasks oil, 2 vials holy water. DAIZA KOFF 20 GPr/DAY SRD LEVEL RANGER (NEUTRAL GOOD) Haggle5 = Turn-Ons Promise of rivers and streams AC6HP30 — Turn-Offs Wagons Str 18 (+3) Dex14(+1) He puffs his pipe and tells tales of the Con 18(+3) mountains and fishes. A good, rousing Intl adventure through nature is what he lives Wis 10 for. Slaying orks is a bonus. Chad 2-handed sword +1, bracers of defense +2, dagger, short bow, arrows, Belt of Might (+2 Str). Water, unidentified jerky, potion of healing, unsorted map scrolls, 29 ork teeth, 3 torches. NEBBS DOORBREAKER =—-15. GP/ DAY 2ND LEVEL DWARE (CHAOTIC GOOD) Haggle 8 Turn-Ons Gold, jewels, silver, copper, etc. AC6HPI1 — Turn-Offs No promise of treasure Str 13 (+1) Dex 12 She laughs, she sings, she drinks, and she Con 14(+1) loves treasure hunting. A healthy love of Int 10 treasure has taught her to detect gold, Wis 7(1) silver, and through walls or chests Chal3(+1) — onarollof 3in6. Short sword +2, dagger, sling, stones, leather +1. 10’ pole, bag of sand, bag of marbles, salted fish, beer, wine, bone comb, magnifying glass, 2 torches, small mirror, l6 BURIED TEMPLE OF K'LIXTRA Is her children to dig dark holes and gut innocents, spilling th -ixtra, Mother of Vomit, calls her children te spilling their blood into evil pools, Kili, Mer me of these wicked temples yet remain, scattered across the earth, buried deep... forgotten PO ENTRANCE: TABLE OF ILL EFFECTS ese Chenin 41:30:90 Hidden by black- | Die Roll Effect Details ened, thomy trees. 1.2 None Forces of good are smiling on you, oO Each PC saves vs 35 Nausea 1 to hit for 1d4 rounds. Poison (subtracting | G8 Stinging Pain. 16 dmg 10 Blinding Headache 144 dmg., 4 to hit for 143 tums, AC) or thors cause 11-12 Blood Vomit. 1d dmg, unable to act 1d4 rounds, one Ill Effect (4) Violent Shakes 4 to hit and saves for 1410 turns. Fear Drop items in hand and run for 1d4 turns. Murder Attack nearest ving creature for 146 rounds i Darkness Become devotve of K lata, become evil gi? Death Save or die yf) Idol Ce ive We Vermin or face ap) we AA rater (AC. Must give iva insect face his grat, stinking room is curry home to 25 nobbatiochs, 12 uoslodtes and 2 woslodine BR 6H 541; 9 90,25. Tals? Those wins eat aeale armor JL and usa 2handed sword “eA The) are champ of Kara, hd can cat Cause Light Wounds ce per ti each “The mage armor seed ond st ‘ikon any non ro wearer nbs te Blessed or hos Gee eee IN 6 nvoiecneneise fom the data 14 us 24 og ‘ote val once Ait: special Ding: 1ddspecial 4 App: 310 Save FL Morale: 12 Nobberlochs ate spawned by ev demons and dees. They ave sickly yellow and siniy. They do not peak, but ate telepathic wth one anather upto Hoard: None 500. They stink ike wegldytes They gab thei enemies (144 dim) and Algn: CE xP22 attempt to bit ln order olay eazs (save vs. Polson or be infected, ding in 14e4 tums as 1d10 nabbelochs ate birthed). They can bite immediately alter gab, Nobbetachs secrete an acid, sky residue that ls them climb any surface and can erode sone and mortar in 1d4 tums with concen tated efor, (7 CXITTERVEIL, QUICKSILYER BLESSING. Level: ( Level: 3 Duration: | ¢uen/level Duration: | couna/ievel Range: (0'/level Range: Touch The Wikara's Face shimmers ana 2 The target's movement is multi shifts as her mind extends into 3 plied by the Wizard's level. At many e@alms of existence at the end of the spell's duration once. She is able 40 5€¢ inVisi- he target susters hit point of ble beings, hidden doors, and damage per level of the Wikard, Magical Objects of beings oF put may make a saving throw magic. While he spell lasts, the vs. Spells 40 avoid the damage. wizard gains +5 40 saving : throws against magic and ureath Weapons but loses any Dexterity vonus 40 AC. REFLECTION OF THE SOUL Level: 5 Duration: Permanent Range: Special MIRROR HEART Level: 2 Duration: | ree oe =“ : >) lie Force into a sil- Range: (00'/level verea mirror Which iM rhe Mieror Heaet places GLITTERING TOME! some omoer of Wit Bete ies \ OR THE SULVER SAGE / 08200 Hac. i The mietor has an AC of another living oe being +ouched bY +he This shiny vooK made Of pure —-y-_— aval 40-T minus +he wizard ana failing 40 / silver wears the emblem of a silver sands level and save vs. Spells. As | vied on its cover. Before +he book long as the micror can be safely opened the bird's heart is within the spelt's range. she Feathers must be stroked. OFher- oe The Witard puts her makes saving throws equal +o +he Witard, TR it is destrovea, the Witard is destroyed. Wiaaed Fakes no hit Wise i+ will caw loudly ana strike All damage dealt +0 point damage. With its beak. dealing [46 points whe wikard oF none Instead. the damage "OF damage and severing a FANndOM | cegueey 40 REO SHE is avsorved by the Ringer (save Vs. Paralysis to | passes a saving throw Wiheea Witte ie sen avoid). The Wizard reading this V5. Spells With 3 4% thay share hee own book will alWaYs detect the pres- | modifier, 24 she Falls hit points With +he ence of silver within [20° and may | AE Save she Sakes mirror heart 40 make } divine +he Functions of the spells does the mirror, tne spell symiotic, that lie within, Against magical Hf this spell is cast game nee Masicss on a Wreantheope, the Gam BGE SE BIS eee 20° causing lat targets 40 save Vs. 8 Hhe Witard is made intently Paralysis o¢ become stuck, unable +0 40 peer into the mirror . move until the save is made. The silver she must save Vs. Web Will deal 146 points of damage per Death or die. IF suc. SHIMMERWEB found against l¥canthropes and it cannot — cessful, the mirror is. Level: 2 be cut except bY a magical blade. The destroyed and the Duration: { +uen/level —_ Widaed can block a +Ypical doorwar or spell veoken but the Range: 20° hall, seal a door (treat as Wikaed Lock), wizard $aKes no and even catch a falling person Or Osect. damage. The mirror The caster spins The Wev's shimmering surface will reflect must cemain Within 40° silvery Webs from her any light source, eVen as small as a of the caster +o be Fingertips. She can candle, and cast the reflection 60" In a eftective, sling +he Webs up +0 single direction. Is SILVER SALVE, Level: 2 Duration: Immediate Range: Touch The caster sqveeres a piece of silver in her and until i+ Forms sof, Viscous. glimmering Oil, Z4 +he oil is appli¢d +0 Wounds i+ Will heal [86 hit points of damage. 3% applied +0 #he sKin Of a l¥canthrope the creature +akes [46 points of damage. The salve cemains usavle for t turn per level and at least I sp Worth of silver must be used With each casting. SULVER SWORD Level: 3 Duration: 246 rounds Range: Special A glittering silver +2 magic sword appears in the caster's hand GS Vs. Weanthropes). The sword casts light in a 40! radius. even penetrating magical darkness. On a coll oF natural 20, the sword will vehead tts Hargett on a Failed saving throw Vs. Death. ThE sword coners an aura OF protection around the caster, improving her AC bY 3 ana granting her +2 on all saving throws. The sword Will remain until he end oF +he spell or until the Wizard casts another spell. SILVER TONGUE Level: 3 Duration: [46 tums Range: Special This spell makes the caster's Words sound true even if they ace false. Her Charisma is te€ated as being 11 and anyone she talks 40 Must saVE Vs. Spells (minus her Cha mod- iRier) OF be compelled +0 believe her, acting i accordance With their velies, TIDE OF SILVER Level: 2 Duration: [ counda/level Range: Touch The Wikard dips her finger into a vodY of Water, transforming 10 cuvic Feet per level into molten hot silver. Any creature in $he area of effect will suffer 246 points of damage pee round until the spell nds or they emerge From +he affected area. The silver ceverts +o water When the duration ends. Any l¥canthropes caught in the Water must save Vs. Death or die. TRUE AS SILVER Level: 4 Duration: Permanent Range: Touch The wizard transforms one Weapon 40 silver, granting t+ 2 +f bonus against lYeanthropes and other creatures susceptible 40 silver. The Weapon also grants its wielder the ability 40 see all Iycanthropes within 60° Zoe What they ceally are for U 4uen per day. The Weapon retains all oFher original properties. In Order +0 cast this spell a guantity of silver Worth [0,000 sp must ve melted in a Vat of cauldron in Which he Weapon is 40 be submerged. WOLESBANE CHANT Level: 3 Duration: | Round/level Range: (0' Radivs/level The caster places a silver coin in her Mouth and chants $he spell's incantation. All IYcan theopes. wolves. and canines of any Variety within range must save Vs. Spells of sutter 146 points of damage per round and -3 on all attack rolls. All allies in ange will gain +3 40 Wit and damage against l¥canthropes. For the duration of the spell. when cast oY 2 widard of level 4 or higher against a single lYeanthrope, the creature's curse will be removed if i+ survives 3 rounds of the chant. usi Thee be spicits in the Woods pec and you Know 'em/ The Veil Character Class between worlds ain't So thick BEQ: None after all. With @ bit of hemlock, FRI ) 3 pinch of luck, and a +winkle HD: 44 BI oo! the nose you can make love Ret, Potions, faery charms, and A Maybe Summon Some DEMONS. You dtack and save like a Magic-user, cass Spells, dnd are ysvally female (though i+ ain+a cule), You can tease the magic vt of just about aay magic item (Save vs. Spells, ddd Wis tod). wr EG x» SPELLS? You con. learn any Kind of spell. Tes all” Ce magic to you. RAYMES: By Speaking a litsle thyme (no matter hows lame) you Can Magie ach . : HE time (Unless they are the Samg,. Saves apply avoid Cepeats. ——= CHARMS: With 1d@ turns of prep you can make a charm (hex bag, Necklace exc.) thot mimicS aSeell of half youclevel Cound vp) or less with 5% effect, If not used in 3 days is dead. HEXES:, As level 3 you can Curse or Remove Curse |/day. Ar level 7 you can Curse items permanently by Saving vs. Spells... failuee= You cws€ YouRSELF! FAMILIARITY: You attract | familiar every 3cd Level (3,6,9,¢4¢,) that has your HD. You have a psychic tWo-way link with your animes ranging | mile Aevel. MT XPR Se Tao PES STL 43st 0 Keene Keeper fla 1 ; 2300 { Herbalist = iad 2J-|-|-} | Boo, Charmer 3a4 Bape l= I2p00 | Spicit Friend 4aH = 21 1 \= te 2400 Diviner 5d4 BLele [- +4 50 % 48000 (Summoner Gd4 3h = |- +5 5 40% 9epoo | Crone TMH 53/2/11 1 46 | 30% 142900) Enchanter gdh [41s |ri-j-7 49 25% 380000 | Witch jad4 JF [3 y2i- +3 | 20% 410) 540900 {Chime Witch | oa 1713 [2 ' +4 15% 11) 700900 }Sabbath Witch 4 IN d4 {5 fa 1302 +10} 10% 412)%60,000 j High Witch jad seis YZ )2 45 su | 8% (43) 102.0000 ise Witch Nada 5 )4 132 | HD 5% W80900} Grand Witch —§ Jiddsaxl@ [514 34D! +13 | 1% *Con Vonus no longer applies I 20 COMMUNE.+ You can draw a magic circle and Summon 3 Stange entity tapping it |d6 rounds/evel (ide turns a4 leve| 12). You can do this I/day. the being cannot dHdcK or atbect anything outside the circle. You can ask d question and witha Céaction oll you Might Get d vsgbel answer. The Collis maditied by Int, Wis o¢ Cha, Per your choice Ax level J you can cast Commune spell once Perwek. Be careful. otherwaridly beings never facget, EXTRAPLANAR: Ax level 12 you can Cast Contact Other Plane, Gate, or Astral Projection once per day. AIRBORNE: With a favored broom, cauldron, og chair, or Eee large object you can Fly once had pecday+ By level 4d you dont need 2 prep. F ‘STRANGE BREWS: You can mix up magic Potions “ From npt/dl ingredients, Each potion Tequires | day +o create, Jee xP table fur desvils, SPIRIT FRIEND: You can detect spirits, undead, demons, dnd devils with Go! with 9 Save vs, spells. Reaction calls for Such €ntitits gain d bonus of |, BOOK oF SHADOWS: Your spellbook is ny 3 Window +0 your Soul. I+ +e\ls the truth: of you. TF i+ is Stolen and deciphered 4he"thief may place a Geas upon you (no save). T4 it 1S damaged > You take equal dog. T+ Shares your hp- TF you Survive, you may create d new book in one Month... but you are reduced to level L until itis Finished, NO BLAZING ARTILLERY: You are nature's child, Mot a War machin, Flowers , not fice! When casting Spells that d&al multiple dice of damage you ver deal more than 2d. SKYCLAD: When wearing nothing B+ all, you are wepped in natures | embrace, Your Saves are at +3 K, and your AC iS improved by POTION RISK: You can use the fable below for potion-making if ou Feel lucky, Modify by Wis or Tar. jour Int, Wis, and Cha mods. le Reser — SUIMONED ENTITIES: tale Resor Demon G= Gross nasty abomination 5-4{ Good job. 3-4} Poor gublity. 50% filo chin 2| Failed. Ldmg + nausea, 4 jBotch! Save vs. 2d6 dmg. = Devil = Angelic 3= Asera| S=Elementa| 4= Spirit 9% Honest 5: Faery 10> Liar ur CRYPT OF THE WORM IDOL stumble upon a hidden crypt from which watts a whiff of fetid fragrance. Could this be shrine to K"lixtra, Mother of Vomit and Mother of the Deep Dark? ‘The PCs another unholy ENTRANCE: The Sinister Stinkers: For every uin spent in the ayptthere| stone doors are stuck (9 OPE gt SOE VS is a 2 in 6 chance that 1d6 nobberlochs will crawl from the and must be pull 2 snd _cints nearest hole, or crach cpm uth tes and ESRC i 29 Soca aa ropes or some ather | “pas? verti Yi simi ‘Worm Idol: The 6" stone idol is hollow and filed with wriggling yellow worms, ‘The runes atthe base are written in ancient Tong Tet, the language of pure fev. Wizards, Clerics, and other scholarly sorts must pass an Int check by at least 3 ‘lover means taking 2 full tums to complete ‘rat There is no door handle june sou wall points in order to read it f they are evil, a es one area rnuhrcheceal futoreced sagt ee as “eran tens f Ss rmuponit Sal a we oe ‘Those who chew must save ws: Poleon or ake 1d6 ding and vomit 146 rounds Such | Josers cannot open the doo, ‘Swieling Pook Ths snena poo ‘of suing yellow liquid sa poral to the Cave of Kita, where no ‘one wants o go Standing next oi requires nother save vx Poison. ‘About 10" below the surface is 2 Sheletal wart in seale armor 42, His ingers are embedded in the sone wal ofthe pool asf he tried butted to escape the yellow ‘doom Immersion in the pool cases loss ‘of 164 Con per rend, perma nenly, Buti yellow wor ws socestily chewed prior to enter: Adventurers stashed 2 sacks hidden by the poot (Bin6 to find or 1 Bag # 101 pp, opal (100 sp), potion of fire resistance in the pod wo Car oe Cours siver non rre we (100 Ooo . oo Or 9p), dagger +1, 02500 20080 , ing of spell 02.00 2200,0 sone 028 cose z 02.90..00000 8 ach) oo. ‘ion of the Deep Mother. Verxwor kid tort when (Serie Kia's temps were destroyed mary centres ago.) tela Nobile sete his cofin with thle nasy sections) Baring and he has wale pend for lease ever snegy% ad, acs Touching epoch ol man Vs, though a chin ago HD. ‘um Minko 1 fume hip may a th an snk the cot, ing mee Noe: 120440 note o come anise the PCs ie? hen tesa say broken Vou asp Hea wie a ong tie to ine Dn Wpn or pall ning fash inthe are oft. He ul western 2 fom. 1b Snck? tn i coftn can be fond a smal ack ther bog contanng 7 aya rom 7 Mole 10 good les. Tis ec a prs othe Vn Bt a good aban Cle ay Home x1 cma surest sae v Death, pay othe 7 end Cleo ret an he a ign NE auish the Ves Thee pi an pies wl devr asl 1006 bl of ih ring the eretre belo the spits diate He ges no save ‘The Veo: fghs witha sloped, spiked The ees fhe Vent can locke gz ofthe sence +1 tat Gopenesa dootcl posonaat _"uuipetng and cast chara person o sna 20" rads once per tum (ave or take hypmotize cach once per day on a faled save 246 dmg) He may cast summon shadow 3 v= Spell. The Vexx bears tafons that grant times per day 500% esetance to all mage. For PC levels 2-4 or an army of level 1s. *Seo the adventure Bused Temple of Kata, 22 QuIcK IniT!Y Combat should be kinetic, cinematic, and unim- peded by bookkeeping. Here's a quick and easy way to handle init tive. Itinvolves you, the DM, rolling a single die every round and deciding which PCs get to act in which order. It works, I use it Try it out sometime, Choose the die! For a typical encounter it should be a die that is at least 1 bigger than the number of PCs (or players). If you have 5 players, use a d6. If you have 6 players, use a d7 or dB. Roll the die and subtract 1. For 5 PCs, roll 146-1, for example. The result is how many PCs get ‘to go first. Sometimes they will all go, sometimes none of them wil Keep in mind that bigger dice favor the PCs, smaller dice favor the enemies, Ifthe monsters are really fast, very numerous, or generally experts at combat then consider rolling a smaller die to give the enemies a benefit, at least for the first round, Rolling a smaller die means fewer PCs will get to go firs. Choose the order in which characters go. Be fair, logical, and cinematic. If the fighter rushes into a room of zombies then the fighter should probably be the first to strike. If there are bows in the mix they should also be early in the combat order. Players that insist on carrying too much equipment might feel the pinch here, being less favored to go fist Also, help your shy players. Help your players who have been rolling crap all night. Let them get the first shot every once in a while. Describe the action like a storyteller and the players will buy into it Keep that bastard moving! That's my motto. F o] | GAME MATERIALS. TT INCLUDES NeW CLASSES, MAGIC WEAPONS, EVEN NASTY MONSTERS! ‘| Mo ears sen Fe ensrrno BLACK PUDDING #1 © JV, West, published by Random Order Creations, Alla layout, and wing by JV. West except where noted Contact jawestgmai com or vit www doomslakers blogspot com or uwu, Thanks fo my Doomsakers group for subjecting therseues o plytsting fendi legal experimentation, al for kding their eyes endl ears whle Lake shit up: Andy Solberg, Bal Brecht, Cy Pres, and Mat Hidobrend, Thanks to Gary, Dave, Tom, and the gang, as always. Xw @ | For your arsenal of wizardly wonders! The : following vies can apply to Miagic-u3erS and aus theic arcan€ sub-classes and wizarding cousins. G, © FIRE-AND-FIRE-AGAIN: Save. vs. Spels Fo cesain’9 UL Cas4 Spell aad Case again. Add your Eat. mod, but aXe Sub+ract the spell level. TF you colle 4 the spell Fails and produces an unexpected résuly-Ond roll a+ 20 Something AWESOME Should happen. SPELL FAILURE! (se this o¢a COOLER +ale online) + Spett Fizzles, leaving the Stench of Failure. You cannot Cast the Spell agdin For 143 days, 2: Normal, c@Ppy failure. BLAH | 3: Smoke and foul odor! You 7035 out for 1é4 Counds. TAS #4, and take Id¥ dmg. 6: Stunned 1 round Something STRANGE crawls iato ceality. fT: The offosité effect occurs. Bz Explosion! Idedns/speil level 20" ralivs, fy, 2 405 4 Fat. regained in (dz days. P40: Energy of failed spell turns ined, granting +1 +0 Saves dod attacks for [410 rovads. @ WANDERFUL WIZARDRY: Wands can Kick ass te0. FWAND ZAP/? Use a wand 40 ald +14 10% 40 any Spetl or ERE the attack of an ally within J0' per level. Can also cause ~I DEW EG 40 Wving throw of an enemy. USe wded 0 cart a spel that % crs is mor Currently prepared, Wands used in any of +hase ways hve a 4-in-G chance of being destroyed, turning 40 duse. Y WAND Block!? Use a wand +0 OB Plock 2 spell or attack within lo! /evel . Wand Sis destrayed by this action. AND BATTLE!: As W Long a5 you “Face another wand-Wielding wizdrd y ov My “cas any Spell From your epertoire Lime each Hime per cond You must Wit the target's AC , then the Spell tdkes effect, T£ hit, you muse y, SVE VE. Spetls ar your Wand is deTrayed. ZLTEM: DUELING WAND= This wandisa +1 tnagic itean when used by a wizard of Bay feind «

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