Wonder Dog

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(Wonder Dog’s Point Of View)

Hmph… and they left. Again.

I guess that’s just how things work.

Time to lay on the rug again…

Most of the days, it’s just like this: they open their eyes at the crack of dawn, turn on these dazzling suns
all around the house and storm from a place to another in the blink of my eyes. I can hear them
growling, vocalizing something, almost barking at each other while they try to change their furs and alter
their scents. My nose can’t bear the tingling of perfumes. I try to tell my buddies that they look perfect
to me, but whenever I get close to them they just won’t even try to look me in the eyes. I can’t stand to
see them leave either. The keys in the door are such an insufferable noise – the sound of oncoming
boredom. I always wonder what could they be doing all this time without me and my wonderful
presence, my irresistible love and broad smile? Do they think about coming back home and enjoying
some nap-time with me? I can’t believe that they don’t. After all, I’m trying my best to be the perfect
friend they need! ...

But am I really doing everything I can?

They seem to be pleased with me only when i stand still, like everything around here in this house. Oh,
but I can’t for the life of me! I just have to move and investigate the strange smell coming from the
kitchen door. Or the sounds of birds outside, chirping and screeching. Also the moving shadows of the
curtains seem suspicious. The snaps, the knocks, the ticking… Ugh! Hey, at least I’ve got some toys to
play with… but no human to set them in motion, to swing them up in the air and drop them loudly to the
floor, looking at me and laughing when I bring them back or tear them to shreds right in front of their

So they like seeing me ripping stuff with my teeth! But when I try to show them how good I am at finding
myself some new toys and turning them into pieces of my own heart and effort, they start yelling and
looking at me crossly. Maybe due to me playing with their prized belongings, which they recurrently told
me not to even get close to… I never learn, I guess.

Oh, there’s the sun between the clouds, right above these immense human nests. How long has it been
since they left? Their beds still smell funny, but they’ve turned so cold. Oh no! My pals deserve a warm
place to doze off! I shall sit right on their spot.

…Where was I?

Right, I need to find something else to do than just watching dust settle and then disturbing its peace
and harmony with my breathing … Tee-hee, they left some things on the table. I should definitely check
them out… Ah, there, a fresh, shiny, appetizing apple. It will take me some time to chew it, but it’s the
best way to burn daylight. And I’ve got plenty, to be fair.
These buddies of mine have the best food I have ever tasted in my entire life! But they just choose to
feed me some dark, crunchy beans. I want to feel my tongue tingling, my nostrils filled with the aromas
of meat, glazed or bathed in tasty sauces. Oh, I almost forgot of these canned goodies… They do know
my preferences! If I feel like it, I can also make them give me anything I want. Just turn the nose up in
the air, like that! …

They still haven’t shown up. But, oh, when they will! That’s what makes all this waiting worth it! I can
almost see Dad grabbing the red leash, then this soft click to my neck… Mom caressing me and urging
me to walk in front of the pack, like a leader! Jumping in the fast-moving grey box and almost flying to
the places that I love in the nick of time - these curious, snake-like moving waters with muddy shores,
these beautiful endless plains rich with delicate flowers and cool, tickling blades of grass… The
playground! Meeting my friends there is like the dessert after a hearty meal! I wish I could now stand by
my Dad and try to make out what he is keenly exploring with his gaze. The peace of nature didn’t really
fascinate me some time ago, but now I enjoy the feeling of immersing myself in its soothing, calming
vibration. But, finally, I can’t stay still for long! I need to live!

My buddies’ smells have dimmed. I hope they didn’t forget their way home. How could they? Don’t they
know how to follow their own tracks? ...maybe if I sing something it won’t be so quiet in here anymore.
“Hi, my delicious food, it’s me, your destiny!”…not even an echo. The sun seems to mock my boredom,
warmly inviting me to play outside. Not yet… but hopefully soon.

OH, STEPS AT THE DOOR! –not my buddies.

Don’t these humans know not to challenge my authority? How dare they get close to my pack’s

Maybe if I sleep, I will wake up with the sound of their keys unlocking this very door and my friends
cheerfully waiting for me to jump in their arms. Better if they also bring some treats!

If I start counting inside my head how many balls I can catch, maybe my eyelids will just get tired and
close shut. One, two, three… twenty… sixty…




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