Pregnancy Complicated by Pre-Eclampsia Eclampsia With HELLP Syndrome

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International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics 72 Ž2001.



Pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia

with HELLP syndrome

P. Vigil-De GraciaU
Gynecology and Obstetric Unit, Complejo Hospitalario Metropolitano de la Caja de Seguro Social, Panama, Panama

Received 23 December 1999; received in revised form 18 April 2000; accepted 27 April 2000


Objecti¨ e: To determine the incidence of, and assess the relationship between liver enzymes and platelet counts
with the severity of HELLP Žhemolysis elevated liver enzymes and low platelet count. syndrome, and describe
incidences of serious maternal complications. Materials and methods: Retrospective descriptive study of patients with
pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia complicated by HELLP syndrome that occurred over a 3-year period in Panama. The
primary outcome included: platelet count; serum aspartate aminotransferase; serum alanine aminotransferase;
symptoms and complications among class 1, 2, and 3 HELLP. Results: There were 558 pregnancies complicated by
severe pre-eclampsia and 26 by eclampsia. The incidence of HELLP syndrome among women with severe
pre-eclampsia in our population was 12% and among women with eclampsia was 34.6%, Ž P- 0.0008.; with a total
incidence of 16%. Epigastric pain, visual symptoms and hematuria increased with the severity of HELLP syndrome.
Hematuria was the fourth symptom, but was significantly Ž Ps 0.002. associated with class 1 HELLP. There were
significant differences in the platelet count, and liver enzymes among the classes of HELLP syndrome. Abruptio
placentae, acute renal failure and disseminated intravascular coagulation were the most frequent maternal complica-
tions. There were two maternal deaths. Conclusions: This study supports the theory that HELLP syndrome is
associated with increased maternal morbidity and mortality. Our data suggest that certain subgroups of patients with
class 1 HELLP syndrome Ž‘classic or true HELLP’. are at increased risk for serious maternal complications,
including those with: platelet counts below 50 000r␮l; lactic dehydrogenase G 2000 IUrl; aspartate aminotranferase
G 500 IUrl; alanine aminotransferase G 300 IUrl; and hematuria. 䊚 2001 International Federation of Gynecology
and Obstetrics. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia; HELLP syndrome; Maternal mortality; Thrombocytopenia

Apartado Postal: 87 32 24, Zona 7, Panama,´ Panama.´ Tel.: q507-230-3821.
E-mail address: ŽP. Vigil-De Gracia..

0020-7292r01r$20.00 䊚 2001 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 7 2 9 2 Ž 0 0 . 0 0 2 8 1 - 2
18 P. Vigil-De Gracia r International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72 (2001) 17᎐23

1. Introduction period from 1 July 1996, through 30 June 1999, 86

of the pregnancies managed at this hospital were
Pre-eclampsia is a major cause of maternal and complicated by HELLP syndrome. Diagnosis of
perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide, par- HELLP syndrome was based on the clinical diag-
ticularly in developing countries. High blood pres- nosis of pre-eclampsia and the following labora-
sure complicates almost 10% of all pregnancies tory abnormalities: Ž1. hemolysis, characteristic
w1x. peripheral blood smear, serum lactic dehydroge-
As described by Weinstein in 1982 w2x, ‘HELLP’ nase ŽLDH. G 600 Url, total bilirubin G 1.2
is the acronym for the syndrome of hepatic dys- mgrdl, decreased hemoglobin and hematocrit; Ž2.
function, thrombocytopenia, and hemolytic elevated liver enzymes, defined as aspartate
anemia. Between 4 and 18.9% of patients with aminotransferase ŽAST. G 70 Url, alanine
pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia develop HELLP syn- aminotransferase ŽALT. G 50 Url and LDHG
drome w3,4x. Patients whose pregnancies are com- 600 Url; and Ž3. low platelet count defined as:
plicated by HELLP syndrome are at a higher risk class 1 HELLP, which has a maternal platelet
for renal failure, consumptive coagulopathy, nadir F 50 000r␮l, class 2 HELLP has a platelet
abruptio placentae, pulmonary and cerebral nadir between ) 50 000 and 100 000r␮l, and class
edema, subcapsular liver hematoma, and hypo- 3 HELLP has ) 100 000 to F 150 000r␮l.
volemic shock w5x. Routine laboratory evaluations included the se-
The definitive therapy for severe pre- rial measurement of liver function tests, complete
eclampsia᎐eclampsia, with or without HELLP blood cell count, coagulation profile, and renal
syndrome, is removal of all gestational products function tests.
from the uterus. The use of antepartum cortico- Acute renal failure was diagnosed in the pres-
steroids, rescue surfactant, neonatal intensive care ence of oliguria᎐anuria in association with a se-
unit technology, and the maternal transport of vere reduction in renal function Želevated serum
premature and immature pregnancies to tertiary creatinine and serum urea, diminished creatinine
care facilities have collectively increased the sur- clearance ..
vivability of these infants. Disseminated intravascular coagulation ŽDIC.
The clinical and laboratory courses of all women was defined as the presence of low platelets Ž-
diagnosed with HELLP syndrome were analyzed 100 000r␮l., low fibrinogen Ž- 250 mgrdl., pro-
to: Ž1. determine the incidence of HELLP syn- longed prothrombin and partial thromboplastin
drome; Ž2. to asses relationship between liver times, and estimates of fibrinogen degradation
enzymes and platelet count with the severity of products or D-dimmer. Gestational age was de-
HELLP syndrome; Ž3. describe incidences of seri- termined by the last menstrual period, uterine
ous maternal morbidities associated with HELLP size at the first prenatal visit or early sonography,
syndrome; Ž4. detect potential clinical factors that if obtained. Intrauterine growth restriction was
may affect maternal and neonatal morbidity and defined as a birth weight below the 10th per-
its association with the triple-classification system centile for that gestational age.
w6x; and Ž5. assess neonatal results associated with To prevent and control seizures, women with
HELLP syndrome. HELLP syndrome routinely received magnesium
sulfate as a 4-g intravenous loading dose followed
by a 1-g dose intravenous per h. Bolus doses of
2. Materials and methods hydralazine or nifedipine were administered to
control severe hypertension. Blood and blood
The ‘Complejo Hospitalario Metropolitano de products were used to correct coagulation abnor-
la Caja de Seguro Social’ in Panama City serves malities and anemia as needed.
as a hospital of tertiary care facilities for the The data have been presented as the mean "
Republic of Panama, where there are approxi- S.D. Statistical comparisons were performed with
mately 5000 annual deliveries. During the 3-year ␹2 and Fisher exact tests, where appropriate for
P. Vigil-De Gracia r International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72 (2001) 17᎐23 19

Table 1
Clinical characteristics of 86 women with HELLP syndromea


Ž N s 86. Ž N s 21. Ž N s 42. Ž N s 23.

Maternal age Žyear. 29.18" 6.19 28.14" 6.82 29.64" 6.0 29.13" 6.21
Nulliparity Ž%. 43 43 43 43
Blood pressure
Systolic G 160 mmHg Ž%. 60.5 62 67 48
Diastolic G 110 mmHg Ž%. 46.5 52 48 39
Diastolic F 90 mmHg Ž%. 15 14 17 13
No prenatal care Ž%. 4.6 5 4
Proteinuria 3᎐4 q Ž%. 56 71 62 30 e
No proteinuria Ž%. 10.5 5 9.5 17
Platelet count = 10 3r␮l b 78.68" 36.7 28 " 7.69 79 " 14.6 124 " 13.8
LHD ŽUrl. c 1202 " 779 1745 " 1202 1081 " 525 908 " 289
AST ŽUrl. 225 " 281 482 " 380 d 171 " 216 c 98 " 67
ALT ŽUrl. 169 " 167 328 " 219 b 136 " 128 c 90 " 52
LDHs lactic dehydrogenase, ASTs aspartate aminotransferase, ALTs alanine aminotransferase.
P- 0.001: platelets count Žamong HELLP group., ALT Ž1 HELLP vs. 2 HELLP..
P- 0.05: LDH Žamong HELLP group., AST Ž2 HELLP vs. 3 HELLP., ALT Ž2 HELLP vs. 3 HELLP..
P - 0.01: AST Ž1 HELLP vs. 2 HELLP..
P- 0.004.

categoric variables, and one-way analysis of vari- Žrange 17 000᎐150 000.. The mean platelet count
ance for continuous variables with a P-value of of class 1 HELLP was 28 000r␮l, for 2 HELLP,
- 0.05 considered significant. 79 000r␮ l, and for class 3 HELLP was
124 000r␮l. There were significant differences in
platelet counts LDH, AST and ALT between the
3. Results class 1, 2 and 3 HELLP syndromes. In class 1
HELLP syndrome, the maximal LDH levels
ranged from 654᎐5600 IUrl with a mean of 1745
During the study period there were 558 preg-
IUrl; for class 2 the mean was 1081 IUrl Žrange
nancies complicated by severe pre-eclampsia and
579᎐2961.; and for class 3 the mean level was 908
26 by eclampsia. Eighty-six pregnancies were di-
agnosed with HELLP syndrome, of whom 77 had
severe pre-eclampsia and 9 had eclampsia. The
incidence of HELLP syndrome among women
with severe pre-eclampsia in our population was
12% and among women with eclampsia was 34.6%
Ž P- 0.0008.; with a total incidence of 16%.
Six women Ž6.9%. had pre-existing chronic hy-
pertension, five Ž5.8%. had multiple gestation and
seven Ž8.1%. had pre-existing uterine myomas.
The maternal age, parity, blood pressure and
prenatal care were similar between classes 1, 2, 3
of HELLP syndrome ŽTable 1.. The mean mater-
nal age was 29.18" 6.19 Žrange 16᎐41 years..
Table 1 summarizes the laboratory findings in Fig. 1. Comparison of mean peak concentrations of lactic
these 86 women with HELLP syndrome by classes. dehydrogenase, aspartate aminotransferase and alanine
The mean platelet count was 78 686 " 36 744 aminotransferase.
20 P. Vigil-De Gracia r International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72 (2001) 17᎐23

IUrl with ranged from 535᎐1590 IUrl. Aspartate The 86 pregnancies resulted in 92 births Žfour
aminotranferase and ALT changed significantly sets of twins and one set of triplets.. Birth weight
between classes of HELLP syndrome, according as a reflection of gestational age trended down-
to their severity. Serum concentrations of AST wards with progressively severe HELLP syn-
and ALT generally paralleled LDH during the drome, but these differences did not vary signifi-
course of HELLP syndrome, but at comparatively cantly among the groups in this study; this simi-
more reduced serum concentrations. The mean larly occurred with intrauterine growth restriction
peak serum levels of LDH, AST and ALT were ŽTable 2.. There were seven stillbirths and eight
significantly higher in the class 1 HELLP syn- neonatal deaths for a perinatal mortality rate of
drome group; also serum concentrations of LDH, 163 per 1000 Ž16%..
AST, ALT diminished between HELLP 1 and Abruptio placentae Ž12%. and acute renal fail-
HELLP 3, but continued to show significant dif- ure Ž12%. were the most frequent maternal com-
ferences ŽFig. 1.. plications, followed by disseminated intravascular
Table 2 summarizes the obstetric outcome, coagulation Ž5%.. Patients with class 3 HELLP
main complications and post-partum stay in the syndrome did not have severe maternal complica-
hospital. The number of patients of gestational tions. Overall, 29% of all patients required blood
age F 32 weeks or ) 32 weeks were not signifi- or blood products to correct hypovolemia, anemia
cant between HELLP syndrome groups. There or coagulopathy. Transfusion of some type of
was no association between the severity of HELLP blood product was considered to be clinically indi-
syndrome and cesarean delivery. Indications for cated for 47% of patients with class 1 HELLP
cesarean section included fetal distress, malpre- syndrome, for 29% with class 2 HELLP syndrome
sentations, previous cesarean section, failed and for only 13% of patients with class 3 HELLP
prostaglandin᎐oxytocin induction of labor, unfa- syndrome ᎏ a clinically significant trend Ž P-
vorable cervix and deteriorating maternal condi- 0.05..
tion. Fifty-three patients had epidural anesthesia, There were two maternal deaths in this group.
the range of platelet count in this group of One patient had eclampsia, cerebral edema and
patients was 19 000᎐150 000r␮l. cardiac arrest. The remaining maternal death had

Table 2
Pregnancy outcome of 86 women with HELLP syndrome


Ž N s 86. Ž N s 21. Ž N s 42. Ž N s 23.

Gestational age Žweek.

- 28 Ž%. 5.8 5 7 4
28.0᎐32.0 Ž%. 25.6 43 19 22
32.1᎐36.0 Ž%. 28 14 36 26
) 36.1 Ž%. 40.6 38 38 47
Cesarean delivery Ž%. 71 71 71 70
Birth weight Žgm. 1938 " 777 1768 " 771 1974 " 772 2018 " 805
Intrauterine grown restr a Ž%. 8 17 7 4
Abruptio placentae Ž%. 12 5 21 0
Acute renal failure Ž%. 12 9.5 19 0
P-P-hospitalization days Ž%. a
4᎐6 63 57 55 83 b
7᎐10 29 33 36 13
G 11 8 10 9 4
restr s restriction; P-P s post-partum.
P- 0.02: 3 HELLP vs. 1 HELLP and 2 HELLP.
P. Vigil-De Gracia r International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72 (2001) 17᎐23 21

severe pre-eclampsia, pulmonary edema, dissemi- Sibai et al. w4x who reported a weak association
nated intravascular coagulopathy, acute renal fail- between HELLP syndrome and eclampsia.
ure and death by multiple organ failure. Probably its presence may be a predisposing fac-
The post-partum stay is depicted in Table 2. tor in development of eclampsia, but its severity
The post-partum stay diminished significantly with was not associated with eclampsia. Nevertheless,
the class 3 HELLP syndrome patient group Ž Ps in our study, the number of eclampsia cases in
0.02.. each group was small.
Table 3 describes the presenting symptoms of Interestingly, the mean maternal age Ž29.18"
women with HELLP syndrome for each group. 6.19. and nulliparity Ž43%. was very different with
Right-upper quadrant or epigastric pain, visual respect to other studies w2,4,6,9x. In our series,
symptoms and hematuria increased in likelihood patients with HELLP syndrome were 5᎐6 years
as the severity of HELLP syndrome worsened. or more older than those reported by Weinstein
Hematuria Ž‘urine with apple-drink color’. was w2x, Sibai et al. w4x and Martin et al. w6x. The
the fourth symptom in all HELLP syndrome incidence of the syndrome was higher among
groups, but significantly Ž Ps 0.002. associated multiparous patients Ž57%.; these findings are in
with class 1 HELLP syndrome. contrast to previous findings w2,6,9x. The differ-
ence between our results and those of others in
the E.U.A could be attributed in part, to differ-
4. Comment ences in the populations; and multiparity was
associated with a trend toward older mothers.
The debate concerning HELLP syndrome in The clinical presentations of patients with
pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia has been the subject of HELLP syndrome varied, related in part to the
several reports w4᎐7x. In our hospital, we used the severity. Headache, epigastric pain, visual symp-
triple-classification of HELLP syndrome w6x to toms and hematuria appeared to increase in fre-
standardize the evaluation of these patients and quency as the severity of HELLP syndrome wors-
to permit comparative assessment of a number of ened. Interestingly, patients who had hematuria
parameters pertinent to clinical management in general were more ill, had a lower platelet
concerns. The incidence among patients with se- count, had higher laboratory values reflective of
vere pre-eclampsia᎐eclampsia in this study was hepatic dysfunction and hemolysis, and also had
16%. These high incidences emphasize our role the highest maternal morbidity and mortality.
as a national referral institution. A high and It is important to appreciate that severe hyper-
significant association between HELLP syndrome tension ŽG 160r110 mmHg. is not a constant in
and eclampsia was observed Ž34.6%.. This strong HELLP syndrome; 15% of the 86 patients in our
association was reported previously by Miles et al. study had a diastolic blood pressure of F 90
w8x. These findings are in contrast to those of mmHg. This finding is in agreement with those

Table 3
Presenting symptoms of 86 women with HELLP syndrome


Ž N s 86. Ž N s 21. Ž N s 42. Ž N s 23.

Headache Ž%. 73 81 71 70
Right-upper quadrant
or epigastric pain Ž%. 45 62 40 39
Visual symptoms Ž%. 29 33 31 22
Hematuria Ž%. 22 48 a 22 0
Tinnitus Ž%. 12 14 9.5 13
Ps 0.002.
22 P. Vigil-De Gracia r International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 72 (2001) 17᎐23

reported by others w2,4,10᎐13x. Furthermore, the patients with HELLP syndrome. These findings
level of proteinuria was variable: 48 women Ž56%. are in contrast to those of Sibai et al. w4,9,10x who
had proteinuria 3᎐4 q ; 29 had 1᎐2 q ; and 10.5% reported a high incidence of disseminated in-
had no proteinuria. Thus, it is important that all travascular coagulation Ž15᎐38%. in patients with
health professionals caring for pregnancies know HELLP syndrome. There were two maternal
that in some women with HELLP syndrome, hy- deaths in this group of HELLP syndrome Ž2.3%.;
pertension and proteinuria may be absent or one with evidence of disseminated intravascular
slight. coagulation, and both had class 1 HELLP. Inter-
The categorization of HELLP syndrome estingly, there were no severe maternal complica-
patients with a platelet nadir of less than tions in patients with class 3 HELLP syndrome.
150 000r␮l into class 1, class 2 and class 3 groups Finally, approximately half of the patients in
facilitated clinical management and was highly the class 1 HELLP group had significant maternal
significant Ž P- 0.001.. Thus, the triple-classifica- morbidity. Our data suggest that certain sub-
tion of HELLP syndrome is based on the platelet groups of patients with class 1 HELLP syndrome
count w6x; the use of LDH, AST, ALT by HELLP Ž‘classic or true HELLP’. are at increased risk for
syndrome patients group had a significant differ- serious maternal complications, including those
ence ŽTable 1.. Serum AST and ALT changed with platelet counts below 50 000r␮l, LDH)
significantly between classes of HELLP syn- 2000 IUrl, AST) 500 IUrl, ALT) 300 IUrl,
drome, according to the severity. The current and hematuria.
study has revealed that levels of LDH, AST, and
ALT serve, and might have utility in, the Missis-
sippi triple-classification system together with
platelet count. Consequently, with respect to the
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ranza E, Helguera-Martinez A, Garcıa-Caceres E. Dif-
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trended downward with progressively severe eclampsia. Maternal evaluation. Gin Obstet Mex 1996;
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