Volunteer Code of Conduct

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Many Hands Thrift Market Grimes - Volunteer Code of Conduct

This code is a tool for understanding and upholding culturally acceptable, safe and respectful
standards across communities. Having a code protects the volunteer and safeguards Many
Hands Thrift Market partners and beneficiaries.

These policies are written to provide overall guidance and direction to staff and volunteers
engaged in volunteer involvement and management efforts. These policies do not constitute,
either implicitly or explicitly, a binding contractual or personnel agreement. Many Hands Thrift
reserves the exclusive right to change any of these policies at any time and to expect
adherence to the changed policy.

Consider the code a supplement to local laws and Many Hands Thrift Market rules or
department-specific beneficiaries.

Definition of Volunteer
A “volunteer” is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation beyond
reimbursement, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of Many Hands Thrift Market. A
“volunteer” must fill out the correct documentation and go through an orientation prior to
performance of the task(s).

As found in waiver form attached to the volunteer application.

Many Hands Thrift Market is committed to a policy of fair representation and will not discriminate
on the basis of race, ethnicity, disability, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, geography or
age. Volunteers are expected to adhere to the same standards in the course of their duties.

Many Hands Thrift Market may at any time, for whatever reason, decide to terminate the
volunteer’s relationship with the organization. Notice of such decision will be communicated to
the volunteer by the Volunteer Coordinator or Many Hands Thrift Market staff. No volunteer will
be terminated until the volunteer has had the opportunity to discuss the reasons for possible
dismissal with Volunteer Coordinator

Many Hands Thrift Market volunteers are responsible for representing the organization in a
positive way. Positive behavior is defined but not limited to the actions below.

Respect: Volunteers will treat all volunteers, staff, donors, customers and any other persons
they interact with on behalf of Many Hands Thrift Market with respect, courtesy, and dignity.
Zero-Tolerance Approach: The purchase or possession of alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons are
strictly prohibited on Many Hands Thrift Market property and sites. Even if permitted by local
laws or by the laws of the volunteer’s home country, this zero-tolerance policy still should be

Stewardship: Volunteers are to be good stewards of the physical and non-physical donations
given to Many Hands Thrift Market. This includes but is not limited to pricing items fairly,
respecting merchandise, and not participating in illegal acts of stealing. The staff of Many Hands
Thrift Market has the ultimate authority when it comes to pricing or making decisions regarding a
product or donation. If a volunteer finds an item they are interested in purchasing, a staff
member must price it before the volunteer purchases it.

Conflict/Volunteer Concern: If there is a conflict between volunteers or between staff and

volunteers, volunteers should address the volunteer coordinator and explain the situation. The
volunteer coordinator will then proceed with conflict negotiation. In the same regards, if any
volunteer has an issue or concern they may voice it to the volunteer coordinator.

Understand that failure to adhere to any part of this code may result in suspension from our
volunteer duties and/or termination of our volunteer relationship with Many Hands Thrift Market.
No volunteer will be terminated until the volunteer has had the opportunity to discuss the
reasons for possible dismissal with supervisory staff.

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