Union Glass v. SEC

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UNION GLASS v. SEC (1983) I.

[J. ESCOLIN] • Carolina Hofileña is a stockholder of Pioneer
Glass Manufacturing Corporation, a domestic corporation
Summary: engaged in the operation of silica mines and manufacture of
glass and glassware
Pioneer Glass obtained various loan accommodations from
DBP, and as a security, it mortgaged various real and • Pioneer Glass had obtained various loan
personal assets, including a glass plant in Rosario, Cavite. accommodations from the Development Bank of the
When Pioneer Glass suffered liquidity problems, it entered Philippines (DBP). As a security for said loan
into a dacion en pago agreement with DBP for the accommodations, Pioneer Glass mortgaged and assigned
satisfaction of its obligations. Subsequently, DBP sold the its real and personal assets.
Cavite glass plant to Union Glass and Container
> The proceeds were used in the construction of a glass
Corporation. Carolina Hofileña, a stockholder of Pioneer
plant in Rosario Cavite and operation of seven silica mining
Glass, filed a suit against DBP, Union Glass, and Pioneer
Glass, assailing the validity of the dacion en pago
agreement. SEC ruled that it has no jurisdiction over the • DBP was able to gain control of the outstanding
case, which was affirmed by the SC. The Court ruled that shares of common stocks of Pioneer Glass and get 2 (and
Union Glass, as transferee and possessor of the Cavite later 3) regular seats in the board of directors.
glass plant cannot be joined as party-defendant because it
has no intra-corporate relation with either Carolina Hofileña > Through the conversion into equity of the accumulated
or DBP. Hofileña’s complaint against Union Glass for unpaid interests on the various loans amounting to P5.4
cancellation of the sale of the glass plant should therefore million and subsequently increased by another P2.2 million
be brought separately before the regular court (RTC). But
• When Pioneer Glass suffered serious liquidity
such action, if instituted, shall be suspended to await the
problems and could no longer meet its financial obligations
final outcome of SEC case, for the issue of the validity of
with DBP, it entered into a dacion en pago agreement with
the dacion en pago is a prejudicial question, the resolution
the latter, whereby all its assets mortgaged to DBP were
of which is a logical antecedent of the issue involved in the
ceded to the latter in full satisfaction of the corporation’s
action against Union Glass.
obligations (amounting to P59 M)
> Part of the assets transferred to DBP was the glass plant
The principal function of the SEC is the supervision and in Rosario, Cavite, which DBP subsequently sold to Union
control over corporations, partnerships and associations Glass and Container Corporation
with the end in view that investment in these entities may
• Hofileña filed a complaint before SEC against
be encouraged and protected, and their activities pursued
DBP, Union Glass, and Pioneer Glass. Out of five causes of
for the promotion of economic development.
action, only the first cause of action concerned Union Glass
In order that the SEC can take cognizance of a case, the as transferee and possessor of the glass plant. Said cause
controversy must pertain to any of the following of action was based on the alleged illegality of the dacion en
relationships: pago resulting from:

[a] between the corporation, partnership or association and > the supposed unilateral and unsupported undervaluation
the public; of the assets of Pioneer Glass covered by the agreement;

[b] between the corporation, partnership or association and > the self-dealing indulged in by DBP, having acted both as
its stockholders, partners, members, or officers; stockholder/director and secured creditor of Pioneer Glass;
[c] between the corporation, partnership or association and
the state in so far as its franchise, permit or license to > the wrongful inclusion by DBP in its statement of account
operate is concerned; and of P26M as due from Pioneer Glass when the same had
already been converted into equity.
[d] among the stockholders, partners or associates
themselves. • Hofileña prayed that the dacion en pago be
declared null and void.
• Pioneer Glass moved for the dismissal of the case • The jurisdiction of the SEC is delineated by
on the ground that SEC had no jurisdiction over the subject Section 5 of PD No. 902-A
matter or nature of the suit.
• This grant of jurisdiction must be viewed in the
SEC light of the nature and function of the SEC under the law.
The principal function of the SEC is the supervision and
• SEC Hearing Officer Eugenio Reyes granted the control over corporations, partnerships and associations
motion to dismiss for lack for jurisdiction. Upon MR, Reyes with the end in view that investment in these entities may be
reversed his original order. encouraged and protected, and their activities pursued for
> The action is in the form of a derivative suit instituted by a the promotion of economic development.
stockholder (Hofileña) for the benefit of the corporation > Section 3 of PD No. 902-A confers upon the latter
principally against another stockholder (DBP), for the "absolute jurisdiction, supervision, and control over all
alleged illegal acts and gross bad faith. corporations, partnerships or associations, who are
> The derivative nature of this instant action can also be grantees of primary franchise and/or license or permit issued
gleaned from the common prayer of the complainant which by the government to operate in the Philippines ... "
seeks for an order directing respondent Development Bank • It is in aid of this office that the adjudicative power
of the Philippines to pay co-respondent Pioneer Glass of the SEC must be exercised. Thus the law explicitly
Manufacturing Corporation damages for the alleged illegal specified and delimited its jurisdiction to matters intrinsically
acts and gross bad faith as above-mentioned. connected with the regulation of corporations, partnerships
> Union Glass is concerned, its inclusion as a party- and associations and those dealing with the internal affairs
respondent by virtue of its being an indispensable party to of such corporations, partnerships or associations.
the present action (as transferee and possessor of asset), • In order that the SEC can take cognizance of a
and therefore, situated in such a way that it will be affected case, the controversy must pertain to any of the following
by any judgment thereon. relationships:
• SEC en banc reversed this order, and held that [a] between the corporation, partnership or association and
SEC had no jurisdiction over the case. the public;
II. ISSUE(S): [b] between the corporation, partnership or association and
its stockholders, partners, members, or officers;
Whether SEC has jurisdiction over the case?
[c] between the corporation, partnership or association and
– NO, RTC has jurisdiction the state in so far as its franchise, permit or license to
III. RATIONALE: operate is concerned; and

[d] among the stockholders, partners or associates

• In the ordinary course of things, Union Glass, as
transferee and possessor of the glass plant covered by the
dacion en pago agreement, should be joined as party- • The fact that the controversy at bar involves the
defendant under the general rule which requires the joinder rights of Union Glass who has no intra-corporate relation
of every party who has an interest in or lien on the property either with complainant or the DBP, places the suit beyond
subject matter of the dispute. the jurisdiction of the respondent SEC. The case should be
tried and decided by the court of general jurisdiction, the
• Such joinder of parties avoids multiplicity of suits
Regional Trial Court.
as well as ensures the convenient, speedy and orderly
administration of justice. > This view is in accord with the rudimentary principle that
administrative agencies, like the SEC, are tribunals of limited
• But since Union Glass has no intra-corporate
jurisdiction and, as such, could wield only such powers as
relation with either the complainant or the DBP, its joinder as
are specifically granted to them by their enabling statutes.
party-defendant brings the cause of action asserted against
it outside the jurisdiction of the respondent SEC.
• Union Glass is involved only in the first cause of
action. While the Rules of Court, which applies suppletorily
to proceedings before the SEC, allows the joinder of causes
of action in one complaint, such procedure however is
subject to the rules regarding jurisdiction, venue and joinder
of parties.

• Since Union Glass has no intra-corporate

relationship with the complainant, it cannot be joined as
party-defendant in said case as to do so would violate the
rule or jurisdiction.

• Hofileñas complaint against petitioner for

cancellation of the sale of the glass plant should therefore
be brought separately before the regular court.

• But such action, if instituted, shall be suspended

to await the final outcome of SEC case, for the issue of the
validity of the dacion en pago posed in the last mentioned
case is a prejudicial question, the resolution of which is a
logical antecedent of the issue involved in the action against
petitioner Union Glass.

• Thus, Hofileñas complaint against the latter can

only prosper if final judgment is rendered in SEC case,
annulling the dacion en pago executed in favor of the DBP.

Petition of Union Glass is granted. The questioned Orders of
respondent SEC, dated September 25, 1981, March 25,
1982 and May 28, 1982, are set aside. Respondent SEC is
ordered to drop petitioner Union Glass from the case,
without prejudice to the filing of a separate suit before the
regular court of justice. No pronouncement as to costs.

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