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Assignment To Queues

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 8 - 1


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe the rule-based process for assigning Service Requests (SRs) to queues
• Define assignment manager rules

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Automatic Queue Assignment

• Is the process that assigns each new service request (SR) that enters the system to an
appropriate queue for initial handling
• Can also be used to reassign SRs that have been updated

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Note this is the same rule-based assignment mechanism used in Sales cloud to assign objects such
as Opportunity using rules (not territory assignment).

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Assignment Rules

• Determine queue assignment by:

– Defining what attributes in the SR should be examined for queue assignment
– Defining the values in those attributes that determine the appropriate queue
• Use IF .. THEN logic
– For example, If the CRITICAL attribute of an SR equals YES, then assign the SR to
the queue named "A Team Critical"

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Both SR and Queue are seeded as Assignment Objects with certain fields exposed for use
in assignment rules.

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Rule Set

• Is a set of rules that will be tested against each SR to determine its queue
• Use the "Manage Service Request Assignment Rules" task to create a rule set for
assigning SRs to each of your queues

Create a rule set to test SRs for automatic assignment to each queue type

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Writing Rules

• Use the "Manage Service Request Assignment Rules" task to write:

– A condition involving of the attributes of the SR
– The queue to assign if the condition is true
The condition to

The queue to assign

You can select the
the SR to, if the
queue by name
condition is true

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Multiple Conditions

• A rule can contain multiple conditions, and you can combine those conditions with either
– Logical AND (All conditions must be met)
– Logical OR (Any condition is met)

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The Use Score Option

• Optionally, you can use the Use Score option for a rules set


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The Use Score Option

• If Use Score is selected

– For each rule you create, you also assign a number of points
— If the condition in the rule is satisfied, then the score for the action of that rule is increased
by that number of points
– Each rule is processed as usual, and points are added as applicable
– After all rules are evaluated, the assignment engine assigns the SR to a queue based
on the highest total score

If the category name is "Servers", 15

points will will
points be added
be added to the score
to the for this
rule's action

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The Use Score option allows you to create more complex rule sets for SR assignment in which more
than one condition may apply.
However, you are still responsible for setting up your system so that under any situation, only a
single queue will have the highest total points, since if two queues have the same point total, then
the SR assignment will be unpredictable.
When using Use Score, remember to keep your design as simple as possible, since creating a
complex set of weighted rules will make it more difficult to set up and test a rule set that ensures
selection of a unique queue under all circumstances.
If you do not choose to use the Use Score option, you must ensure that all rules in the set are
unambiguous and mutually exclusive, so that only one rule will be applicable in any situation, since if
multiple rules apply that select for different queues, then the SR assignment is also unpredictable.

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Enabling Automatic Assignment

• Use the "Manage Service Request Profile Options" task to set the profile option
• Set up the Service Request Queue Assignment scheduled process to run the
assignment rules on a regular basis
– This will check for blank SRs and make assignments as needed

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Scheduled processes for Services are set up in the same way as for Sales.

Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 8 - 10

Recommended Practices

• To make sure that no SR accidentally remains unassigned:

– Use Omnichannel configuration (covered in a subsequent lesson) to assign a default
queue for each SR, in case no other rule applies
– Make sure you have resources assigned to every active queue
– Make sure that your assignment rules are designed to either
— Be mutually exclusive, so that two rules cannot both be true at the same time, since this
would create an ambiguous condition
— Or use the Use Score option to establish rule precedence

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Note: Omnichannel is available in Release 13.

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Lesson Highlights

• Assignment rules assign new or updated service requests to queues

• Assignment rules use an IF..THEN logical structure
• To use automatic assignment, you must:
– Write assignment rules
– Set the relevant profile options
– Set up a scheduled job

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• Define an assignment rule for assigning SRs to a queue

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