Future Development Resource Plan Final Corections

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ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

Child’s Name: Emma

Developmenta What I What the How you can help/ Resources (Where
l Domain currently can next step is to find it or items in the home)

Cognitive Emma can Emma

Development currently currently is
(Discovering the make a mark not
world around me) with pen and scribbling
pencils. or making
marks with
writing This resource could be beneficial for
utensils Emma’s progress on scribbling with
such as other writing utensils. The
crayons, introduction of the article states the
markers different age groups were scribbling
etc happens and ways to encourage
toddlers to scribble. Clapping and
applauding could encourage more
scribbling and putting the drawing
surfaces where Emma can reach
them. For example, providing paper
on a small easel or a place that you
won’t mind getting a little messy.
Also offering Emma different types
of writing utensils such as, washable
felt tip pens, washable markers, mini
crayons, and colored pencils. Giving
her less instructions will leave room
for Emma to explore and experiment
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

Language Emma can Emma

Development currently say currently is
(Communicating words such not saying
with each other) as Dad, two-word
Mama, and phrases
moo. such as
more food
or dad ball.

The article has a list of songs with the

lyrics and hand motions that go along
with them. There are songs such as
Clap Clap Clap Your Hands, If Your
Happy and You Know It, and The
Baby Hokey Pokey. This resource is
useful because it explains how music
could be used to aid language
development. As you sing with
Emma, these songs could encourage
her to say two-word phrases as you
sing the songs. The words in the
songs can be substituted for different
actions. For example, as Emma sings
along to If You Are Happy and You
Know It, she could say, “stomp feet.”

Social Emma can Emma

Development currently currently is
(The people play and not
around me) communicate socializing
with older with her
children, and peers or
adults. those
than her.
This article provides 6 tips to
introduce a toddler to a new baby.
Some examples provided in the
article. One Example is role play. As
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

you change and feed your baby

Emma could have been gifted a baby
doll that she could take care of.
Emma could also pretend to feed her
baby as you feed your baby. Another
example is making physical changes
to the environment could be made
ahead of time. Moving Emma from
the crib to a bed before the baby
comes will help her to feel like she is
growing and moving on without
feeling replaced. Another is example
is a sibling gift can be a good idea to
help form bonds. For example, the
baby could give Emma a gift that
Emma can use or even to share with
the baby.

Emotional Emma can Emma

Development currently cry, currently is
All about me) smile, and not able to
laugh to understand
show her all of the
expression. emotions
she feels.

This resource has information on

emotional development, which is the
ability for a child to recognize,
express, manage feelings at different
stages of life. The article points out
that, labelling your daughter’s
emotions, happy, sad, surprised,
scared, frustrated etc. will help her
understand and get to know
emotions. For example, saying,
“Emma I see that you are happy
because you found your doll.” Books
are also a great way for you to
introduce emotions to Emma. When
reading with Emma, she could learn
more about emotions as you point to
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

the faces of the characters and talk

about what they are feeling.”

Fine Motor Emma can Emma is

Development currently not able to
(Look at what my stack 5 cups. fit small
hands and fingers items into
can do)

This article has 20 activities that can

help promote fine motor skills within
the home. These skills include
coordination with small muscles like
fingers and hands. Fine motor
activities often help encourage
problem-solving skills too. Problem
solving skills help Emma to resolve
obstacles in a situation. For example,
the whiffle ball activity could
encourage Emma to thread pipe
cleaners, using her pincer grasp and
hand-eye coordination, through the
small holes and across to the other
side. Practicing the pincer grasp, the
coordination of the index finger and
thumb to hold an item, can help
strengthen the wrist and finger
muscles. These activities can help
Emma’s ability to hold small items to
fit them into small openings and in
the future as she learns to hold a
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

Gross Motor Emma can Emma is

Development currently not able to
(Look at what my walk, climb climb on
body can do) on the couch, her slide
bend over or without
squat to pick help.
up objects.

This article is a helpful resource

because the mom who wrote it is also
a physical therapist. She explained
the developmental benefits of letting
a toddler climb up the slide. The
benefits include, strengthening
hamstrings, her core muscles get a
work out and body awareness
increases as the legs and hands work
together. For example, when Emma
is climbing up the slide, she will
engage her hamstrings as she goes
up. She will also be using her core
muscles in the center part of her
body. Sliding down also promotes
balance and coordination. As Emma
goes up and down the slide, she will
need to coordinate her hand and foot
movements in a way that will keep
her balanced.

Sensory Bath time can be a great place for Emma to learn and
play using all her senses. There are many ways of
changing the bath water and making it more inviting
to Emma. For example, you can use a bath bomb in
her bath to provide a nice smell and color. She can
also be given her stacking cups to play with in the
bath for many activities such as scooping, filling and
emptying water in the bathtub.
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

Creative Expression Emma can creatively express herself in many ways

through music. She loves music and she could
express her feeling through her dance moves and
singing. She could express enjoyment of the music
through singing along, and the amount of energy she
puts into her dance moves. Her facial expressions and
body movements will also show her creative
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine
ECSE 340 Future Development and Resource Plan/Ideas Name: Samantha and Catherine

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