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BUFFER SOLUTION Each buffer system has its own effective

Andrés Camilo moreno Barón pH range, which will depend on the

equilibrium constant of the acid or base
Universidad Distrital Francisco José De used. They are important in the
Caldas laboratory and in industry, and also in the
chemistry of life. Typical buffers are the
ammonia-ammonium cation pair, acetic
Abstract: The following report presents acid-anion acetate, carbonate-anion
the results obtained by using a bicarbonate anion, citric acid-anion
mathematical equation to prepare a citrate or one of the pairs in the
buffer solution. dissociation of phosphoric acid.

The ions of these salts combine with

acids and alkalis. These hydrolytically
active salts are the products that result
Keyworks: pH, Solution, Base, Acid.
from the reaction between weak acids
and strong alkalis such as calcium
carbonate (from carbonic acid and
calcium hydroxide) or between strong
acids and weak alkalies such as
ammonium chloride (afrom hydrochloric
acid and ammonium hydroxide).
A buffer acid reacts when a weak acid or
weak base is combined with its
corresponding hydrolytic salt in a water
solution, forming a buffer system called
Not always a buffer system is
appropriate, because the ions of some
A buffer, buffer, buffer or buffer is a
hydrolytic salts can, for example,
mixture in relatively high concentrations
damage the organisms that come into
of an acid and its conjugate base,
contact with it.
hydrolytically active salts. They have the
On the other hand, each buffer system
property of keeping the pH of a solution
has its own effective pH range, some of
stable against the addition of relatively
which are not suitable for aquariums.
small amounts of strong acids or bases.
This fact is of vital importance in diverse
contexts where it is necessary to Materials
maintain the pH in a narrow threshold, For the practice, two beakers of 100 and
for example, with a slight change in the 250ml were used, as well as a glass
concentration of hydrogen ion in the cell clock, a spatula, a washing bottle,
a stoppage in the activity of the enzymes sodium acetate, 0.8N acetic acid.
can take place.
This property can be understood as a Method
consequence of the common ion effect The necessary calculations are made to
and the prepare a solution of 15 ml of acetic acid
different constants of acidity or basicity: and sodium acetate with a pH equal to 4.
a small amount of acid or base slightly
displaces the weak acid-base balance,
which has a minor consequence on pH.1
An exact solution of a pH equal to 4 was
obtained, this is a buffer since it requires
a higher level than other solutions so that
its pH varied.

The Henderson-Hasselbach equation is
an effective theoretical way to calculate
the pH of a base acid pair

ET SAPIENCE, M. (2019). Buffer
solution - Retrieved

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