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Evidence Piece 7: TQI Reflections

TQI Reflections are mandatory each year for all teachers in the ACT who wish to teach. After
completing the required minimum of 20 hours of professional learning, these reflections
show how the professional learning opportunities (PL) have impacted my practice and
teaching philosophy. The evidence set contains all the reflections I have made from the
professional learning opportunities I had in 2019. During meetings with the principal and
assistant principal at my school, I discussed my professional learning goals and made
arrangements to meet my goals. As a school, our goal is to build the language of learning
skills and assets into the classroom. To achieve this, all staff attended a PL to learn the
language and how to incorporate it into the classroom. The PL covered the standards: 1.2,
3.1, 3.3, 5.2, 5.5.

Standards Achieved: 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 7.4

Standard 6:
Through the advice of the school executive team, all staff at my school, myself included,
were encouraged to engage in professional learning (6.1). The reflections from the PL
demonstrate the impact the PL had on my teaching in the classroom, as I was able to
incorporate the language of the learning assets into my classroom to build growth mindsets
with my students.
My passion for coding and incorporating ICT into the classroom led me to seek additional
professional learning in the area (6.2). I completed the Code Club PL for teachers, which
taught me the value of teaching coding and the pedagogy of teaching coding to stimulate
curiosity and inquiry in the classroom. This built upon my prior knowledge of coding, leading
to improved practice.
To build my understanding of the behavioural needs of a student in my class, I was
recommended to read a book on explosive behaviours in the classroom (6.4). From reading
the book, I was able to identify the indirect and direct causes for the explosive behaviours in
the classroom, and with the knowledge of why the events were occurring, I was able to try a
vast range of strategies to manage the situation.

Standard 7:
Teachers learn from their experiences and the experiences of others in the classroom to
become more effective teachers. To learn the experiences of others and to establish a
professional network of extended colleagues, I attended early career networking meetings.
By attending the meeting, I was able to engage with professional teaching networks to share
and learn from the experiences of others (7.4). The PLs included guest speakers to share
their knowledge and experience with the early career teachers who attended.

By identifying our own professional learning goals, we are able to make room for the
improvement of teaching and learning in the classroom. All the PLs I attended in 2019 have
enabled me to become more experienced in content, pedagogy, behaviour management,
while also building my professional teaching network. Its impacted is evident through the
language used by me, my colleagues and my students in the class; the complex behaviours
are more easily managed in the classroom and the students are more confident with their
content, because I, too, am more confident teaching the content.

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