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NASA Special Publication 6107

Human Exploration of Mars:

The Reference Mission of the
NASA Mars Exploration
Study Team

Stephen J. Hoffman, Editor

David I. Kaplan, Editor

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center

Houston, Texas

July 1997
NASA Special Publication 6107

Human Exploration of Mars:

The Reference Mission of the NASA Mars Exploration Study Team

Stephen J. Hoffman, Editor

Science Applications International Corporation
Houston, Texas

David I. Kaplan, Editor

Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas

July 1997
This publication is available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 800 Elkridge Landing Road, Linthicum Heights,
MD 21090-2934 (301) 621-0390.
Mars has long beckoned to humankind interest in this fellow traveler of the solar
from its travels high in the night sky. The system, adding impetus for exploration.
ancients assumed this rust-red wanderer was
Over the past several years studies
the god of war and christened it with the
have been conducted on various approaches
name we still use today.
to exploring Earth’s sister planet Mars. Much
Early explorers armed with newly has been learned, and each study brings us
invented telescopes discovered that this closer to realizing the goal of sending humans
planet exhibited seasonal changes in color, to conduct science on the Red Planet and
was subjected to dust storms that encircled explore its mysteries. The approach described
the globe, and may have even had channels in this publication represents a culmination of
that crisscrossed its surface. these efforts but should not be considered the
final solution. It is our intent that this
Recent explorers, using robotic
document serve as a reference from which we
surrogates to extend their reach, have
can continuously compare and contrast other
discovered that Mars is even more complex
new innovative approaches to achieve our
and fascinating—a planet peppered with
long-term goal. A key element of future
craters, cut by canyons deep enough to
improvements to this document will be the
swallow the Earth’s Grand Canyon, and
incorporation of an integrated robotic/human
shouldering the largest known volcano in the
exploration strategy currently under
solar system. They found intriguing evidence
that water played an important role on Mars
with channels that bear a striking We will continue to develop alternative
resemblance to stream beds and clouds of approaches, technologies, precursor missions,
crystalline ice that still traverse its red sky. and flight demonstrations that collectively
But they also found that Mars was cold and move us forward. Inputs have been, and will
dry, and believed to be devoid of life. always be, encouraged from all sources—
NASA centers, industry, research
Now present day explorers have
organizations, entrepreneurs, government
announced that pieces of Mars have arrived
agencies, international partners, and the
on Earth as meteorites, and that these bits of
public at large—which will improve our
the red planet contain evidence pointing to
understanding and current planning. We
the possible existence of life early in Mars
plan to use the results of these assessments to
history. This has resulted in renewed public
shape our investments in technology, and to

look for high leverage, innovative, break- must search for alternatives to substantially
through approaches to the most cost effective reduce the cost of exploration, while
exploration. These data will also help us increasing the inherent value to humankind.
understand the required infrastructure, as This Reference Mission provides a viable
well as provide important insights into how starting point for NASA’s continuing efforts
we can use the International Space Station to to develop the technologies and systems, as
validate key assumptions and technologies. well as the international partnerships, needed
for the grand adventure of sending humans to
To achieve our goal, we must
explore another planet in our solar system—
fundamentally change the way in which we
one that may have once, and may yet again,
explore with both humans and robots. We
harbor life.

Sending people to Mars has been a will be added to and improved upon by
long-held dream of humankind, and many others in the future. This report has benefited
have approached the task of turning the from the contributions and advice of many
dream into reality. This document is another individuals from the government and private
chapter in the ongoing process of melding sectors. The individuals listed on the
new and existing technologies, practical following page assisted in preparing the
operations, fiscal reality, and common sense concepts described in this report and in
into a feasible and viable human mission to compiling the words, images, and data used
Mars. However, this is not the last chapter in for that description.
the process, but marks a snapshot in time that

Stephen J. Hoffman

David I. Kaplan

Contributing Authors Los Alamos National Laboratory:
Dr. Paul Keaton
Ames Research Center:
Roger Arno Marshall Space Flight Center:
Dr. Geoff Briggs William Huber
Dr. Yvonne Clearwater
General Contributors
Dr. Marc Cohen
Andy Gonzales Ames Research Center:
Betsy Dunsky
Johnson Space Center:
Paul Espinosa
Dr. Michael Duke
Vladimir Garin
David Kaplan
Lynn Harper
Catherine Larson
Butler Hine
David Weaver
Larry Lemke
Laurie Weaver
Doug O’Handley
Lewis Research Center: Nelson Schlater
Robert Cataldo Michael Sims
Dr. Stanley Borowski
SAIC: Brent Sherwood
Dr. Stephen Hoffman
Lewis Research Center:
Paul Phillips
Dr. Stanley Borowski
Study Team Members
Rockwell International:
Ames Research Center: Robert Raasch
Dr. Geoff Briggs (co-lead) Lisa Rockoff
Johnson Space Center: Reviewers and Commenters
Jeri Brown
Johnson Space Center:
Nancy Ann Budden
Nancy Ann Budden
Beth Caplan
John Connolly
John Connolly
Dr. Michael Duke (co-lead) Other Support and Contributions
Dallas Evans
Dr. Steve Hawley Ames Research Center:
Kent Joosten Dr. Chris McKay
David Kaplan Jeff Moore
Darrell Kendrick Dr. Carol Stoker
Barbara Pearson Anthony Gross
Barney Roberts Editorial and Graphics Support
Ed Svrcek
David Weaver J. Frassanito and Associates:
J. Frassanito
Lewis Research Center:
Dr. Stanley Borowski SAIC:
Robert Cataldo R. Patrick Rawlings

There is a set of supplemental technical reports which
provide greater depth into many of the design features of the
Mars Reference Mission than is given in section 3 of this
document. Had those papers been included as appendices, the
size of this document would have greatly expanded.
Consequently, we decided to make those supplemental
materials available through the world wide web. We intend to
post new materials as to the web as they are produced and hope
to maintain a site with the latest information which describes
key technologies and design features of a human mission to

The site for the Mars Reference Mission is


Section Page

Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................... xv

1. OVERVIEW AND EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................ 1-5
1.3 REFERENCE MISSION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................. 1-6
1.3.1 Objectives ...................................................................................................................................... 1-6
1.3.2 Groundrules and Assumptions .................................................................................................. 1-7
1.3.3 Mission and Systems ................................................................................................................... 1-8 Mission Design ............................................................................................................. 1-8 In Situ Resource Production ..................................................................................... 1-16 Flight Crew ................................................................................................................. 1-16 Robotic Precursors ..................................................................................................... 1-17 Launch Systems .......................................................................................................... 1-18 Interplanetary Transportation Systems .................................................................. 1-18 Surface Systems .......................................................................................................... 1-22 Operations ................................................................................................................... 1-24 Mission and Systems Summary ............................................................................... 1-27
1.4 TESTING PRINCIPAL ASSUMPTIONS AND CHOICES ................................................................ 1-28
1.4.1 Robust Surface Infrastructure .................................................................................. 1-28
1.4.2 Split Mission Strategy ................................................................................................ 1-28
1.4.3 Nuclear Thermal Propulsion .................................................................................... 1-30
1.4.4 In Situ Resource Utilization ...................................................................................... 1-30
1.4.5 Common Habitat Design .......................................................................................... 1-31
1.4.6 Nuclear Surface Power .............................................................................................. 1-31
1.4.7 Abort to the Surface ................................................................................................... 1-32
1.4.8 Design for the Most Difficult Opportunity ............................................................ 1-33
1.5 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 1-33
1.5.1 Mission and Systems ................................................................................................. 1-33
1.5.2 Technology Development ......................................................................................... 1-34
1.5.3 Environmental Protection ......................................................................................... 1-37
1.5.4 Program Cost .............................................................................................................. 1-38
1.5.5 International Participation ........................................................................................ 1-39
1.5.6 Program Management and Organization ............................................................... 1-41
1.6 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 1-44

Section Page
2. SCIENCE AND EXPLORATION RATIONALE ................................................................................ 2-1
2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 THE “WHY MARS” WORKSHOP ......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3 SCIENCE RATIONALE ........................................................................................................................... 2-6
2.4 EXPLORATION RATIONALE .............................................................................................................. 2-13
2.4.1 Inhabiting Another Planet ......................................................................................................... 2-13
2.4.2 International Cooperation ......................................................................................................... 2-15
2.4.3 Technological Advancement ..................................................................................................... 2-16
2.4.4 Inspiration ................................................................................................................................... 2-18
2.4.5 Investment ................................................................................................................................... 2-19
2.5 WHY NOT MARS? ................................................................................................................................. 2-19
2.5.1 Human Performance .................................................................................................................. 2-19
2.5.2 System Reliability and Lifetime ............................................................................................... 2-21
2.5.3 Political Viability and Social Concerns ................................................................................... 2-22
2.6 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 2-23
2.7 REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................... 2-23
3. MISSION AND SYSTEM OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.1 Mission Objectives ....................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.1.2 Surface Mission Implementation Requirements ...................................................................... 3-4 Conduct Human Missions to Mars ........................................................................... 3-4 Conduct Applied Science Research ........................................................................... 3-5 Conduct Basic Science Research ................................................................................ 3-6 Surface Operations Philosophy .................................................................................. 3-7
3.1.3 Groundrules and Assumptions ................................................................................................. 3-11
3.2 RISKS AND RISK MITIGATION STRATEGY .................................................................................... 3-12
3.2.1 Risks to Human Life .................................................................................................................. 3-13
3.2.2 Risks to Mission Success ........................................................................................................... 3-14
3.2.3 Risks to Program Success .......................................................................................................... 3-14
3.2.4 Risk Mitigation Strategy ............................................................................................................ 3-14
3.3 FLIGHT CREW ....................................................................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.1 Crew Composition ..................................................................................................................... 3-16
3.3.2 Crew Systems Requirements .................................................................................................... 3-20
3.4 MISSION OPERATIONS ....................................................................................................................... 3-21
3.4.1 Training Guidelines .................................................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.2 Science and Exploration ............................................................................................................ 3-24
3.4.3 System Operations and Maintenance ...................................................................................... 3-24
3.4.4 Programmatic Activities ............................................................................................................ 3-25
3.4.5 Activity Planning ....................................................................................................................... 3-26 Pre-Launch Phase ....................................................................................................... 3-27 Earth Launch Phase ................................................................................................... 3-28 Trans-Mars Phase ....................................................................................................... 3-29 Mars Landing Phase .................................................................................................. 3-30 Mars Surface Phase .................................................................................................... 3-31 Mars Launch Phase .................................................................................................... 3-33 Trans Earth Phase ....................................................................................................... 3-34 Earth Entry and Landing .......................................................................................... 3-35 Post Landing ............................................................................................................... 3-35

Section Page

3.5 MISSION DESIGN .................................................................................................................................. 3-36

3.5.1 Trajectory Options ...................................................................................................................... 3-36
3.5.2 Trajectory Selection Factors ...................................................................................................... 3-37 Satisfying Reference Mission Goals and Objectives ............................................. 3-38 Satisfying Reference Mission Risk Strategy ........................................................... 3-38 Satisfying Reference Mission Program Flexibility ................................................ 3-41
3.5.3 Mission Design Strategy ............................................................................................................ 3-42 Trajectory Type ........................................................................................................... 3-42 Split Mission Strategy ................................................................................................ 3-42 Aerocapture ................................................................................................................ 3-43 Surface Rendezvous ................................................................................................... 3-43 Use of Indigenous Resources ................................................................................... 3-44 Mars Orbit Rendezvous and Direct Entry at Earth ............................................... 3-44
3.5.4 Mission Sequence ....................................................................................................................... 3-44 First Mission: 2007 Opportunity .............................................................................. 3-45 Second Mission: First Flight Crew, 2009 Opportunity .......................................... 3-46 Third Mission: Second Flight Crew, 2011 Opportunity ........................................ 3-54 Fourth Mission: Third Flight Crew, 2014 Opportunity ........................................ 3-55 Mission Summary ...................................................................................................... 3-59
3.6 SYSTEMS .................................................................................................................................................. 3-60
3.6.1 Operational Design Considerations ........................................................................................ 3-61
3.6.2 Launch Vehicles .......................................................................................................................... 3-62
3.6.3 Interplanetary Transportation .................................................................................................. 3-72 Trans-Mars Injection Stage ........................................................................................ 3-72 Biconic Aeroshell ........................................................................................................ 3-73 Transit/Surface Habitat ............................................................................................ 3-77 Mars Surface Lander .................................................................................................. 3-79 Mars Ascent Vehicle ................................................................................................... 3-82 Earth-Return Vehicle .................................................................................................. 3-86 Interplanetary Transportation Power Systems ...................................................... 3-90
3.6.4 Surface Systems .......................................................................................................................... 3-95 Surface Habitat/Laboratory ..................................................................................... 3-95 Life Support System .................................................................................................. 3-97 In-Situ Resource Utilization .................................................................................... 3-101 Surface Mobility ....................................................................................................... 3-105 Extra Vehicular Activity Systems ............................................................................ 3-110 Surface Power Systems ............................................................................................ 3-111
3.7 PRECURSORS ..................................................................................................................................... 3-116
3.7.1 Current Robotic Program Plans .............................................................................................. 3-116
3.7.2 Mars Sample Return With ISRU ............................................................................................. 3-116
3.7.3 Human Exploration Precursor Needs .................................................................................... 3-117
3.7.4 Autonomous Deployment of Surface and Orbital Elements .............................................. 3-117
3.8 GROUND SUPPORT AND FACILITIES OPERATIONS ................................................................. 3-118
3.8.1 Systems Operations .................................................................................................................. 3-120
3.8.2 Science Operations ................................................................................................................... 3-121

Section Page

3.9 PROGRAMMATIC ISSUES ................................................................................................................. 3-122

3.9.1 Cost Analysis ............................................................................................................................ 3-122 Organizational Culture and Cost ........................................................................... 3-123 The Cost Model ........................................................................................................ 3-124
3.9.2 Management and Organizational Structure ......................................................................... 3-132
3.9.3 Technology Development ....................................................................................................... 3-136
3.10 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 3-144


Table Page

1-1 Pricipal Discriminators of Short- and Long-Stay Mission Scenarios .................................... 1-29
1-2 Key Elements of Lower-Cost Programs .................................................................................... 1-42

2-1 Mars Exploration Consultant Team ............................................................................................. 2-4

2-2 Mars Study Team ........................................................................................................................... 2-5

3-1 Capabilities and Demonstrations for Surface Mission Activities ........................................... 3-5
3-2 Surface Mission Skills .................................................................................................................. 3-18
3-3 General Launch Manifest: 2007 Launch Opportunity ............................................................ 3-47
3-4 General Launch Manifest: 2009 Launch Opportunity ............................................................ 3-49
3-5 Surface Science Payload for First Flight Crew ......................................................................... 3-52
3-6 General Launch Manifest: 2011 Launch Opportunity ............................................................ 3-55
3-7 Surface Science Payload for Second Flight Crew .................................................................... 3-57
3-8 General Launch Manifest: 2014 Launch Opportunity ............................................................ 3-59
3-9 Surface Science Payload for Third Flight Crew ....................................................................... 3-60
3-10 Launch Vehicle Concepts for the Mars Reference Mission .................................................... 3-63
3-11 Mass Estimates for TMI Stage Alternatives ............................................................................. 3-75
3-12 Mass and Size Estimates for Biconic Aeroshell Family .......................................................... 3-77
3-13 Mars Transit/Surface Habitation Element ............................................................................... 3-82
3-14 Earth Return Habitation Element Mass Breakdown .............................................................. 3-92
3-15 Estimated Power Profile for Outbound and Return Transits ................................................ 3-93
3-16 30kWe Power System With Fuel Cells and Solar Arrays ........................................................ 3-96
3-17 5kWe Power System With Fuel Cells and Solar Arrays .......................................................... 3-96
3-18 Mars Surface Laboratory/Habitat Element Mass Breakdown .............................................. 3-98
3-19 LSS Mass, Volume, Power Comparison .................................................................................. 3-100
3-20 Mass and Power Estimates for the First ISRU Plant ............................................................. 3-105
3-21 Mass and Power Estimates for the Second ISRU Plant ........................................................ 3-106
3-22 Characteristics for Fixed Surface Power System Options ..................................................... 3-113
3-23 Rover Power System Characteristics ........................................................................................ 3-115
3-24 Program Environment Effects on Program Management Style .......................................... 3-126
3-25 A Comparison of Development Culture Parameters for Commercial
Aircraft and NASA Manned Programs ................................................................................... 3-127
3-26 Key Elements of Lower-Cost Programs .................................................................................. 3-134
3-27 Dual Use Technologies: Propulsion ......................................................................................... 3-139
3-28 Dual Use Technologies: Communications/Information Systems ....................................... 3-139

Table Page

3-29 Dual Use Technologies: In Situ Resource Utilization ............................................................ 3-140

3-30 Dual Use Technologies: Surface Mobility - Suits ................................................................... 3-141
3-31 Dual Use Technologies: Surface Mobility - Vehicles ............................................................. 3-141
3-32 Dual Use Technologies: Human Support ............................................................................... 3-142
3-33 Dual Use Technologies: Power ................................................................................................. 3-142
3-34 Dual Use Technologies: Structures and Materials ................................................................. 3-143
3-35 Dual Use Technologies: Science and Science Equipment ..................................................... 3-143
3-36 Dual Use Technologies: Operations and Maintenance ......................................................... 3-144


Figure Page

1-1 Typical fast-transit trajectory ........................................................................................................ 1-9

1-2 Mars Reference Mission Sequence ............................................................................................. 1-10
1-3 General sequence of events associated with first mission to Mars ........................................ 1-11
1-4 Possible time line for first Mars surface mission ..................................................................... 1-15
1-5 Reference Mars cargo and piloted vehicles .............................................................................. 1-20
1-6 Distribution of Reference Mission costs ................................................................................... 1-39
1-7 Relationship between program cost and program culture .................................................... 1-41

2-1 Orbital image taken by Mariner 4 (1965) .................................................................................... 2-7

2-2 Olympus Mons v (Mariner 9 image), the largest volcano in the solar system ...................... 2-8
2-3 Across the middle is Valles Marineris, a huge canyon as long as the United States ............ 2-9
2-4 Dense tributary networks indicative of past presence of liquid water on Mars ................. 2-11

3-1 A regional map illustrating potential locations for a Mars outpost ....................................... 3-8
3-2 Typical short-stay mission profile .............................................................................................. 3-37
3-3 Typical long-stay mission profile ............................................................................................... 3-37
3-4 Fast-Transit mission profile ........................................................................................................ 3-38
3-5 Round-trip mission duration comparisons .............................................................................. 3-39
3-6 Microgravity comparisons for various mission classes .......................................................... 3-41
3-7 Mars reference mission sequence .............................................................................................. 3-45
3-8 Mars surface outpost after deployment of payloads from
first two cargo landers ................................................................................................................. 3-48
3-9 Mars surface outpost at the end of first flight crew’s stay ..................................................... 3-51
3-10 Possible surface mission time line ............................................................................................. 3-53
3-11 Mars surface outpost at the end of second flight crew’s stay ................................................ 3-56
3-12 Mars surface outpost at the end of third flight crew’s stay ................................................... 3-58
3-13 Mars Energia-derived HLLV with eight Zenit-type boosters ................................................ 3-64
3-14 STS External Tank-derived HLLV with seven LOX/RP boosters ......................................... 3-65
3-15 STS External Tank-derived HLLV with four strap-on boosters, each
having two F-1 engines ............................................................................................................... 3-67
3-16 Saturn V-derived Mars HLLV with F-1A/J-2S propulsion .................................................... 3-68
3-17 Saturn V-based Mars HLLV concepts ....................................................................................... 3-69
3-18 Energia launch vehicle adapted to Mars mission profile ....................................................... 3-70

Figure Page

3-19 Mars mission launch vehicle with two external tank boosters and kick stage ................... 3-71
3-20 Reference Mars cargo and piloted vehicles .............................................................................. 3-73
3-21 Biconic aeroshell dimensions for Mars lander and surface habitat modules ...................... 3-76
3-22 Transit habitat attached to International Space Station .......................................................... 3-78
3-23 The crew exercise facility component of the countermeasures system
designed to inhibit crew degradation from exposure to reduced
gravity environments .................................................................................................................. 3-80
3-24 EVA suit storage locations are critical in a robust crew safety system ................................. 3-80
3-25 Conceptual Mars habitation module-wardroom design ........................................................ 3-81
3-26 Habitat and surface laboratory joined on Mars surface ......................................................... 3-83
3-27 Mars surface lander descending on parachutes ...................................................................... 3-84
3-28 Mars surface lander just prior to landing illustrating landing legs
and surface mobility system ....................................................................................................... 3-85
3-29 Mars surface lander and biconic aeroshell ............................................................................... 3-87
3-30 Crew ascent capsule just after launch from Mars surface ...................................................... 3-87
3-31 Methane/LOX ascent stage configuration2 ............................................................................. 3-88
3-32 ECCV returning to Earth on a steerable parafoil ..................................................................... 3-91
3-33 Solar array power source for interplanetary spacecraft ......................................................... 3-94
3-34 Nominal power profile for the transit/surface habitat .......................................................... 3-95
3-35 Hybrid LSS process distribution .............................................................................................. 3-100
3-36 Schematic of the first ISRU plant ............................................................................................. 3-104
3-37 Concepts for the unpressurized and automated surface rovers ......................................... 3-108
3-38 Concept for the large pressurized surface rover ................................................................... 3-109
3-39 Conceptual airlock and EVA suit maintenance facility ......................................................... 3-111
3-40 Mars surface power profile ........................................................................................................ 3-112
3-41 The relative cost of programs using different management approaches ........................... 3-125
3-42 A comparison of the relative costs for Reference Mission elements ................................... 3-129

AMCM Advanced Missions Cost Model MTV Mars transfer vehicle

COSPAR Committee on Space Research NASA National Aeronautics and

CPAF cost plus award fee Space Administration
ND NERVA derived
CPFF cost plus fixed fee
NDR NERVA derivative reactor
DIPS Dynamic Isotope Power System NERVA nuclear engine for rocket vehicle
ECCV Earth crew capture vehicle NTR nuclear thermal rocket
ERV Earth return vehicle
PI principal investigator
ETO Earth-to-orbit
PVA photovoltaic array
EVA extravehicular activity

RFC regenerative fuel cell

GCR galactic cosmic radiation
RTG radioisotope thermoelectric generator
HMF health maintenance facility
SPE solar proton event
HLLV heavy-lift launch vehicle
SSME Space Shuttle Main Engine
IAA International Academy of STS Space Transportation System
TEI trans-Earth injection
IMLEO intial mass to low Earth orbit
TCS Thermal Contract System
ISRU in-situ resource utilization
TMI trans-Mars injection
LEO low Earth orbit TROVs telerobotic rovers
LMO low Mars orbit
LOX liquid oxygen
LSS life support system

MAV Mars-ascent vehicle

MGS Mars Global Surveyor
MOI Mars Orbit Insertion

1. Overview

1.1 Introduction Reference Mission, choices have been made.
In this report, the rationale for each choice is
The human exploration of Mars will be a
documented; however, unanticipated
complex undertaking. It is an enterprise that
technology advances or political decisions
will confirm the potential for humans to leave
might change the choices in the future.
our home planet and make our way outward
into the cosmos. Though just a small step on a One principal use of the Reference
cosmic scale, it will be a significant one for Mission is to lay the basis for comparing
humans, because it will require leaving Earth different approaches and criteria in order to
with very limited return capability. The select better ones. Even though the Reference
commitment to launch is a commitment to Mission appears to have better technical
several years away from Earth, and there is a feasibility, less risk, and lower cost than
very narrow window within which return is previous approaches, improvement is still
possible. This is the most radical difference needed in these areas to make the first piloted
between Mars exploration and previous lunar Mars mission a feasible undertaking for the
explorations. spacefaring nations of Earth. The Reference
Mission is not implementable in its present
Personnel representing several NASA
form. It involves assumptions and
field centers have formulated a “Reference
projections, and it cannot be accomplished
Mission” addressing human exploration of
without further research, development, and
Mars. This report summarizes their work and
technology demonstrations. It is also not
describes a plan for the first human missions
developed in the detail necessary for
to Mars, using approaches that are technically
implementation, which would require a
feasible, have reasonable risks, and have
systematic development of requirements
relatively low costs. The architecture for the
through the system engineering process. With
Mars Reference Mission builds on previous
this in mind, the Reference Mission may be
work, principally on the work of the
used to:
Synthesis Group (1991) and Zubrin’s (1991)
concepts for the use of propellants derived •Derive technology research and
from the martian atmosphere. In defining the development plans.

•Define and prioritize requirements for •The architectural level involves
precursor robotic missions. assembly of all elements into an
integrated whole. The principal features
•Define and prioritize flight experiments
to be addressed in a new architecture
for precursor human missions, such as
that will improve on the Reference
those involving the Space Shuttle, Mir, or
Mission appear to be simplification
the International Space Station.
(particularly the number of separate
•Understand requirements for human elements that must be developed) and
exploration of Mars in the context of integration with other programs.
other space missions and research and Simplification by reduction of system
development programs, as they are elements can lower life-cycle costs and
defined. diminish both programmatic and
•Open discussion with international technical risk. For example, the
partners in a manner that allows development of higher performance
identification of potential interests of the space propulsion systems can lead to
participants in specialized aspects of the simplification, particularly if one vehicle
missions. can be used for transit to and from Mars.
Integration opportunities to link the
•Provide educational materials at all
Mars program with other development
levels that can be used to explain various
programs could reduce total cost
aspects of human interplanetary
through sharing of developmental costs.
The Reference Mission did not assume
•Describe to the public, media, and integration with a lunar exploration
political system the feasible, long-term program. The development of a major
visions for space exploration. Earth-orbiting operations center in
another program could lead to major
•Establish an end-to-end mission baseline
changes in the Reference Mission
against which other proposals can be
architectural approach.
•At the mission level, it may be possible
However, the primary purpose of the
to reduce the number of separate
Reference Mission is to stimulate further
launches from Earth. Reducing the total
thought and development of alternative
number of launches required to
approaches which can improve effectiveness,
implement the Reference Mission
reduce risks, and reduce cost. Improvements
objectives could potentially reduce
can be made at several levels; for example, in
program and technical risk as well as
the architectural, mission, and system levels.
cost. Focusing and streamlining mission

objectives and improving technology programmatic and technical requirements
that will lower mass and power that would be placed on existing and planned
requirements can improve the mission Agency programs.
In August 1992, the first workshop of the
•At the system level, the performance of Mars Study Team held at the Lunar and
individual systems and subsystems can Planetary Institute in Houston, Texas,
be improved through research and addressed the “whys” of Mars exploration to
development programs. The provide the top-level requirements from
programmatic and technical risks can be which the Mars exploration program could be
reduced by demonstrations of ground, built (Duke and Budden 1992). The workshop
Earth-orbit, or planet surface (including attendees identified the major elements of a
the Moon) technology. Criteria for potential rationale for a Mars exploration
improved systems are principally program as:
technical—reduced mass, reduced
•Human Evolution – Mars is the most
power, increased reliability.
accessible planet beyond the Earth-Moon
The current section of this report system where sustained human presence
provides a brief overview of the origins of the is believed to be possible. The technical
study and the Reference Mission design, objectives of Mars exploration should be
specifically discussing key issues, findings, to understand what would be required
and recommendations. Section 2 of this report to sustain a permanent human presence
addresses what can be learned by beyond Earth.
undertaking the Reference Mission and
•Comparative Planetology – The scientific
describes the scientific and technical
objectives of Mars exploration should be
objectives of Mars exploration. Section 3
to understand the planet and its history,
provides a detailed discussion of the mission
and therefore to better understand Earth.
life cycle, the systems needed to carry it out,
and the management challenges and •International Cooperation – The political
opportunities that are inherent in a program environment at the end of the Cold War
to explore Mars with humans. may be conducive to a concerted
international effort that is appropriate to,
1.2 Background and may be required for, a sustained
Mars program.
The Mars Exploration Study Project was
undertaken to establish a vision for the •Technology Advancement – The human
human exploration of Mars that would serve exploration of Mars currently lies at the
as a mechanism for understanding the ragged edge of achievability. The

necessary technical capabilities are either •Basic science research to gain new
just available or on the horizon. knowledge about the solar system’s
Commitment to the program will both origin and history.
effectively exploit previous investments
The human missions to Mars, which are
and contribute to advances in
required to accomplish the exploration and
research activities, also contain requirements
•Inspiration – The goals of Mars for safe transportation, maintenance on the
exploration are grand; they will motivate surface of Mars, and return of a healthy crew
our youth, benefit technical education to Earth. The surface exploration mission
goals, and excite the people and nations envisions approximately equal priority for
of the world. applied science research (that is, learning
about the environment, resources, and
The study team of personnel from NASA
operational constraints that would allow
field centers used these inputs to construct
humans eventually to inhabit the planet) and
the Reference Mission, and then translated the
basic science research (that is, exploring the
inputs into a set of goals and objectives.
planet for insights into the nature of planets,
Ground rules and assumptions were agreed
the nature of Mars’ atmosphere and its
upon and reflect the lessons learned from
evolution, and the possible past existence of
previous study efforts. From this work, a
life). These more detailed objectives form the
mission and a set of systems were developed.
basis for defining the required elements and
operations for the Reference Mission.
1.3 Reference Mission Summary
In addition, past mission studies have
1.3.1 Objectives yielded results that have characterized piloted
Reflecting the conclusions of the August Mars missions as being inherently difficult
1992 workshop, three objectives were adopted and exorbitantly expensive. To confront these
for the analysis of a Mars exploration commonly accepted beliefs that are
program and the first piloted missions in that unfortunately tied to Mars missions, this
program. They are to conduct: study added objectives to:

•Human missions to Mars and verify a •Challenge the notion that the human
way that people can ultimately inhabit exploration of Mars is a 30-year program
Mars. that will cost hundreds of billions of
dollars. Although the nations of the
•Applied science research to use Mars world could afford such expenditures in
resources to augment life-sustaining comparison to, for example, military
systems. budgets, the smaller the total cost, the

more likely it is that the program will be •Define a robust planetary surface
implemented. exploration capacity capable of safely
and productively supporting crews on
•Challenge the traditional technical
the surface of Mars for 500 to 600 days
obstacles associated with sending
each mission.
humans to Mars.
•Define a capability to be able to live off
•Identify relevant technology
the land.
development and investment
opportunities that benefit both Mars •Rely on advances in automation to
exploration and Earth-bound endeavors. perform a significant amount of the
routine activities throughout the
From these basic objectives, a Reference
Mission was crafted by drawing on lessons
learned from many past studies and by •Ensure that management techniques are
adding new insights to various aspects of the available and can be designed into a
mission. This approach substantially program implementation that can
improved the yield from piloted missions substantially reduce costs.
while also reducing risk and cost.
•Use the Earth-Mars launch opportunities
occurring from 2007 through 2014. A
1.3.2 Ground Rules and Assumptions
2009 launch represents the most difficult
Translating these objectives into specific opportunity in the 15-year Earth-Mars
missions and systems for the Reference cycle. By designing the space
Mission required adopting a number of transportation systems for this
ground rules and assumptions. These were to: opportunity, particularly those systems
•Balance technical, programmatic, associated with human flights, they can
mission, and safety risks. be flown in any opportunity with either
faster transit times for the crew or
•Provide an operationally simple mission increased payload delivery capacity.
approach emphasizing the judicious use
of common systems. •Examine three human missions to Mars.
The initial investment to send a human
•Provide a flexible implementation crew to Mars is sufficient to warrant
strategy. more than one or two missions. Each
•Limit the length of time that the crew is mission will return to the site of the
continuously exposed to the initial mission thus permitting an
interplanetary space environment. evolutionary establishment of
capabilities on the Mars surface.

Although it is arguable that scientific significantly challenge the management and
data return could be enhanced by a operations systems to support the crew in the
strategy where each human mission new situations.
went to a different surface site, the goal
of understanding how humans can Mission Design
inhabit Mars seems more logically The crew will travel to and from Mars on
directed toward a single outpost relatively fast transits (4 to 6 months) and will
approach. spend long periods of time (18 to 20 months;
600 days nominal) on the surface, rather than
1.3.3 Mission and Systems alternative approaches which require longer
Previous studies of human exploration of times in space and reduce time on the surface.
Mars have tended to focus on spacecraft and Figure 1-1 illustrates a typical trajectory.
flight, rather than on what the crew would do Designed to the worst-case mission
on the surface. The Reference Mission takes opportunity (2007-2009) of the next two
the point of view that surface exploration is decades, the transit legs are less than 180 days
the key to the mission, both for science and in both directions. For easier Mars mission
for evaluation of the potential for settlement. opportunities (for example, 2016-2018), the
As a consequence, the Reference Mission transit legs are on the order of 130 days.
architecture allows for a robust surface Shorter transit times reduce the time spent by
capability with significant performance the crew in zero g to the length of typical
margins: Crews will explore in the vicinity of tours of duty for the International Space
the outpost out to a few hundred kilometers, Station. (Thus, the Mars Study Team chose
will be able to study materials in situ and in a not to use artificial gravity spacecraft designs
surface laboratory, and will be allowed to for the Reference Mission.) In addition,
update and modify the exploration plan to relatively fast transits will reduce the
take advantage of their discoveries. exposure to galactic cosmic radiation and the
probability of encountering solar particle
In addition, key technologies will be
events. Reducing the exposure to zero g and
developed and demonstrated to test
radiation events helps reduce the risk to the
settlement issues, potentially imposing a
substantial workload on the Mars exploration
crew. To improve the effectiveness of surface The strategy chosen for the Reference
operations, supporting systems must be Mission, generally known as a “split mission”
highly reliable, highly autonomous, and strategy, breaks mission elements into pieces
highly responsive to the needs of the crew. that can be launched directly from Earth with
Some needs may not be anticipated during launch vehicles of the Saturn V or Energia
crew preparation and training, which will class, without rendezvous or assembly in low

Earth orbit (LEO). The strategy has these
pieces rendezvous on the surface of Mars, OUTBOUND 150 days
Earth Launch STAY 619 days
which will require both accurate landing and 2/1/2014 RETURN 110 days
Depart Mars
mobility of major elements on the surface to 3/11/2016 TOTAL MISSION 879 days

allow them to be connected or to be moved

into close proximity. Another attribute of the γ
split mission strategy is that it allows cargo to
be sent to Mars without a crew during the Departure Earth Return
3/11/2016 6/29/2016
same launch opportunity or even one or more
opportunities prior to crew departure. This Arrive Mars
allows cargo to be transferred on low energy,
longer transit time trajectories and the crew to
be sent on a required higher energy, shorter Figure 1-1 Typical fast-transit
transit time trajectory. Breaking the mission trajectory.
into two launch windows allows much of the
infrastructure to be emplaced and checked
sequence gradually builds up assets on the
out before committing a crew to the mission,
martian surface so that at the end of the third
and also allows for a robust capability, with
crew’s tour of duty, the basic infrastructure
duplicate launches on subsequent missions
could be in place to support a permanent
providing either backup for the earlier
presence on Mars.
launches or growth of initial capability.
The six launches used to support the
Figure 1-2 illustrates the mission
activities of the first crew will be discussed in
sequence analyzed for the Reference Mission.
more detail here to illustrate what will
In this sequence, three vehicles will be
typically occur for all three crews. (Note: For
launched from Earth to Mars in each of four
the nominal mission, launches 1 through 4 are
launch opportunities which, for reasons
required to support the first crew; launches 5
presented earlier, start in 2007. The first three
and 6 provide backup systems for the first
launches will not involve a crew but will send
crew and, if not used, are available for the
infrastructure elements to low Mars orbit and
second crew.) Figure 1-3 illustrates the
to the surface for later use. Each of the
general sequence of events associated with
remaining opportunities analyzed for the
the first crew’s mission to Mars as discussed
Reference Mission will send one crew and
in the following paragraphs.
two cargo missions to Mars. These cargo
missions will consist of an Earth-return In the first launch opportunity, three
vehicle (ERV) on one flight and a lander cargo missions are sent on minimum energy
carrying a Mars-ascent vehicle (MAV) and trajectories direct to Mars (that is, without
additional supplies on the second. This assembly or fueling in LEO). Launch 1

delivers a fully fueled ERV to Mars orbit. (The approximately 40 tonnes of additional
crew will rendezvous with this stage and use payload to the surface. After the descent stage
it to return to Earth after completion of their lands on the surface, the nuclear reactor
surface exploration mission.) Launch 2 autonomously deploys itself several hundred
delivers an unfueled MAV, a propellant meters from the ascent vehicle. Using the
production module, a nuclear power plant, Mars atmosphere as feedstock, the propellant
liquid hydrogen (to be used as a reactant to production module begins to manufacture the
produce the ascent vehicle propellant), and nearly 30 tonnes of oxygen and methane that

FLIGHT 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ERV loiter ∆ Crew 1 TEI
∆ ERV-1 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 1 Earth return
∆ MAV-1 landing

3 ∆ Initial Habitat landing

Crew 1: launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Crew 1 ascent
ERV loiter ∆ Crew 2 TEI
∆ ERV-2 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 2 Earth return

5 ∆ MAV-2 landing

9 Crew 2 launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Crew 2 ascent

ERV loiter ∆ Crew 3 TEI
∆ ERV-3 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 3 Earth return
8 ∆ MAV 3 landing

12 Crew 3 launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Ascent

ERV loiter
∆ MAV 4 landing

Interplanetary transit ERV: Earth Return Vehicle

12345678901 Unoccupied wait in Mars orbit MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
12345678 Propellant production and on Mars surface TEI: Trans Earth Injection
LMO: Low Mars Orbit
Crew surface operations

Figure 1-2 Mars Reference Mission sequence.

Figure 1-3 General sequence of events associated with first mission to Mars.

Figure 1-3 General sequence of events continued.

will be required to eventually deliver the crew similarly mirrors Launch 2 of the previous
to Mars orbit. This production is completed opportunity, delivering a second unfueled
within approximately one year—several ascent vehicle and propellant production
months prior to the first crew’s scheduled module. These systems provide backup or
departure from Earth. Launch 3 lands in the extensions of the previously deployed
vicinity of the first descent vehicle and capabilities. For example, the second MAV
delivers a surface habitat/laboratory, and second ERV provide the first crew with
nonperishable consumables for a safe-haven, two redundant means for each leg of the
and a second nuclear power plant to the return trip. If, for some reason, either the first
planetary surface. The second nuclear power ascent vehicle or the first return vehicle
plant autonomously deploys itself near the becomes inoperable after the first crew
first power plant. Each power plant can departs Earth, this crew can use either of the
provide sufficient power (160 kWe) for the systems launched in the second opportunity
entire mature surface outpost, thereby instead. If the first ascent and return vehicles
providing complete redundancy within the operate as expected, then the systems
power production function. delivered in the second opportunity will
support the second crew that will launch to
During the second launch opportunity,
Mars in the third opportunity.
two additional cargo missions and the first
crew are launched. All assets previously The first crew of six departs for Mars in
delivered to Mars have been checked out and the second opportunity. They leave Earth
the MAV, already on the martian surface, is after the two cargo missions have been
verified to be fully fueled before either the launched, but because they are sent on a fast
crew or the additional cargo missions are transfer trajectory of only 180 days, they will
launched from Earth. (Should any element of arrive in Mars orbit approximately 2 months
the surface system required for crew safety or before the cargo missions. The crew lands on
critical for mission success not check out Mars in a surface habitat substantially
adequately, the surface systems will be placed identical to the habitat/laboratory previously
in standby mode and the crew mission deployed on the martian surface. After
delayed until the systems can be replaced or capturing into a highly elliptic Mars orbit, the
their functions restored. Some systems can be crew descends in the transit habitat to
replaced using hardware originally intended rendezvous on the surface with the other
for subsequent missions; others may be elements of the surface outpost. (The crew
functionally replaced by other systems.) The carries sufficient provisions for the entire
first cargo launch of this second opportunity surface stay in the unlikely event that they are
is a duplicate of Launch 1 from the first unable to rendezvous on the surface with the
opportunity, delivering a second fully fueled assets previously deployed.)
ERV to Mars orbit. The second cargo launch

Surface exploration by robotic vehicles Mars. The purpose of these studies would be
and human explorers will include a wide to support the field investigations, answer
range of activities. “sharper” questions, and allow the human
explorers to narrow their focus to the sites of
•Observing and analyzing the surface and
optimum sample collection. As hypotheses
subsurface geology.
evolve, crews will be able to return to sample
•Observing and analyzing the sites and gather specific samples to test the
composition and structure of the hypotheses. Ultimately, selected samples will
atmosphere. be returned to Earth for more detailed
•Collecting samples and examining them analysis.
in the outpost laboratory. As experience grows, the range of human
•Performing experiments designed to exploration will grow from the local to the
gauge the ability of humans to inhabit regional. Regional expeditions, lasting
Mars. perhaps 2 weeks and using mobile facilities,
may be conducted at intervals of a few
Prior to the arrival of the first human
months. Between these explorations, analysis
crew, telerobotic rovers (TROVs) may be
in the laboratory will continue. The crew will
delivered to the surface. (These rovers are
also spend a significant portion of its time
assumed to be intelligent enough to perform
performing maintenance and housekeeping
broadly stated objectives without human
tasks (system design requirements addressing
assistance. But humans will continue to
enhanced reliability and maintainability will
monitor progress and be available to
help keep these activities to a minimum).
“supervise” the TROV if it cannot solve a
Figure 1-4 provides a possible time line for
particular problem.) When the crew arrives,
the first surface mission.
the rovers will be available for teleoperation
by the crew. The TROVs may be designed to The deployment of a bioregenerative life
provide global access and may be able to support capability will be an early activity
return samples to the outpost from hundreds after crew landing. Although this system is
of kilometers distance from the site if they are not required to maintain the health and
deployed 2 years before the crew arrives. vitality of the crew, it will improve the
robustness of the life support system and is
The outpost laboratory will be outfitted
important to the early objectives of the
to provide mineralogical and chemical
analyses of rocks, soils, and atmospheric
samples; and depending on technical Crew activities related to living on
development, it may be possible to undertake another planet should be viewed as
simple kinds of geochronologic analysis on experiments. With minor modifications in

Mars Surface Mission Time Allocation

(Total Time = 8 crew X 24 hr/day X 600 days = 115,200 hr)

8 crew X 24 hr day = 200)

Personal Hr/Over
14 hr head Production
(total 67,200 hr) 7 hr
3 hr (33,600 hr total)
(14,400 hr)

Site Prep,
Construction 90 days

Group Socialization, Meetings, Life Sciences Subject, Health Monitoring, Health Care: 1 hr
Week Off 7 days

System Monitoring, Inspection, Calibration, Maintenance, Repair: 1 hr

General Planning, Reporting, Documentation, Earth Communication: 1 hr
Local Excursions

100 days
Hygiene, Cleaning, Personal Communication: 1 hr

Distant Excursion 10 days

Recreation, Exercise, Relaxation: 1 hr
Sleep, Sleep Prep, Dress, Undress: 8 hr

One Day Off Per Week: 3 hr (per day)

600 day (or 20 months, or 86 weeks)

Analysis 40 days
Eating, Meal Prep, Clean-up: 1 hr

Week Off 7 days

Charge Fuel Cells
Distant Excursion Check Vehicle
Analysis Load Vehicle
Plan Excursion
Distant Excursion Drive Vehicle
Analysis Navigate
Don Suits (X 20)
Week Off Pre-breathe (X 20)
Egress (X 20)
Distant Excursion 100 days Unload Equip
Analysis Set up Drill (X 10)
Operate Drill
Distant Excursion Collect Samples
Analysis In Situ Analysis
Take Photos
Flare Retreat 15 days Communicate
Week Off 7 days Disassemble Equip
Load Vehicle
Distant Excursion Ingress (X 20)
Analysis Clean Suit (X 20)
Stow Suit, Equip
Distant Excursion 100 days Inspect Vehicle
Analysis Secure for night
(Sleep, eat, cleanup
Week Off 7 days hygiene, etc.
Sys Shutdown covered)
Departure Prep 60 days

3 Crew X 7 hr X 10 Day =
210 hrs total

Figure 1-4 Possible time line for first Mars surface mission.

hardware and software, ordinary experiences emplaced, checked out, and operated to
can be used to provide objective databases for produce the required propellant prior to
understanding the requirements for human launching the crew from Earth.
In addition to spacecraft propulsion, the
The first crew will stay at the outpost for production capability on Mars can provide
18 to 20 months. Part of their duties will be to fuel for surface transportation, reactants for
prepare the outpost site for the receipt of fuel cells, and backup caches of consumables
additional elements launched on subsequent (water, oxygen, nitrogen, and argon) for the
mission opportunities. Since the first crew life support system.
will have to depart before the second crew
arrives, some systems will have to be placed Flight Crew
in standby mode. Humans are the most valuable mission
After their stay on Mars, each crew will asset for Mars exploration and must not
use the previously landed and in situ- become the weak link. The objective for
resource-utilization fueled ascent vehicle to humans to spend up to 600 days on the
return to orbit where they will rendezvous martian surface places unprecedented
with the waiting ERV. The crew will return to requirements on the people and their
Earth in a habitat similar to the one used for supporting systems. Once committed to the
the outbound transit leg. This habitat, which mission on launch from LEO, the crew must
is part of the ERV deployed in a previous be prepared to complete the full mission
opportunity by one of the cargo flights, without further resupply from Earth.
typically will have been in an untended mode Unlimited resources cannot be provided
for nearly 4 years prior to the crew arrival. within the constraints of budgets and mission
performance. Their resources will either be In Situ Resource Production with them or will have already been delivered
to or produced on Mars. So trade-offs must be
The highly automated production of
made between cost and comfort, as well as
propellant from martian resources is another
performance and risk. Crew self-sufficiency is
defining attribute of the Reference Mission.
required because of the long duration of their
The technology for producing methane and
mission and the fact that their distance from
liquid oxygen from the martian atmosphere
Earth impedes or makes impossible the
and some nominal hydrogen feedstock from
traditional level of communications and
Earth is an effective performance
support by controllers on Earth. The crews
enhancement and appears to be
will need their own skills and training and
technologically feasible within the next few
specialized support systems to meet the new
years. The split mission strategy allows the
challenges of the missions.
propellant production capability to be

The nominal crew size for this mission is Mission objectives. The site must be
six. This number is believed to be reasonable consistent with operational considerations,
from the point of view of past studies and such as landing and surface operational
experience and is a starting point for study. safety. Detailed maps of candidate landing
Considerable effort will be required to sites built from data gathered by precursor
determine absolute requirements for crew robotic missions will define the safety and
size and composition. This determination will operational hazards of the sites, as well as
have to consider the tasks required of the confirm whether access to scientifically
crew, safety and risk considerations, and the interesting locations is possible by humans or
dynamics of an international crew. Crew robotic vehicles. Robotic surface missions,
members should be selected in part based on including missions to return samples, may be
their ability to relate their experiences back to required to confirm remotely sensed data
Earth in an articulate and interesting manner, from orbit and to satisfy planetary protection
and they should be given enough free time to issues. To satisfy the human habitation
appreciate the experience and the opportunity objectives in particular, it would be highly
to be the first explorers of another planet. desirable to locate the outpost site where
Significant crew training will be required to water can be readily extracted from minerals
ensure that the crew remains productive or from subsurface ice deposits. Such a
throughout the mission. determination may only be possible from data
collected by a robotic surface mission. Robotic Precursors
To accomplish the Reference Mission, key
Robotic precursor missions will play a advances in certain critical technologies will
significant role in three important areas of the need to occur. The robotic precursor missions
Reference Mission. The first area is to gather offer an opportunity to demonstrate the
information about Mars that will be used to operation of many of those technologies, such
determine what specific crew activities will be as in situ resource utilization, aerocapture,
performed and where they will be performed. precision landing, etc. The information and
The second area is to demonstrate the experience gained from the demonstration of
operation of key techonologies required for these technologies will add immeasurable
the Reference Mission. The third is to land, confidence for their use in the human
deploy, operate, and maintain a significant mission.
portion of the surface systems prior to the
The first phase of human exploration is
arrival of the crew.
the automated landing of surface
For optimum mission performance, it infrastructure elements, including a system to
will be necessary to pick a landing site based produce propellant and life support
primarily on its ability to achieve Reference consumables, the first of two habitats, power

systems, and surface transportation elements. depart for Mars. To avoid the boiloff loss of
All of these systems will be delivered, set up, cryogenic propellants in the departure stages,
and checked out using robotic systems all elements must be launched from Earth in
operated or supervised from Earth. The quick succession. This places a strain on a
propellant required for the MAV will be single launch facility and its ground
produced and stored as will oxygen and operations crews or requires the close
water caches for the habitat. The overall site coordination of two or more launch facilities.
will be prepared for receipt of the second Assembling the Mars vehicles in orbit and
habitat. loading them with propellants from an
orbiting depot just prior to departure may Launch Systems alleviate the strain on the launch facilities, but
The scale of the required Earth-to-orbit the best Earth orbit for a Mars mission is
(ETO) launch capability is determined by the different for each launch opportunity.
mass of the largest payload intended for the Therefore, a permanent construction or
martian surface. The nominal design mass for propellant storage facility in a single Earth
individual packages to be landed on Mars in orbit is not an optimal solution.
the Reference Mission is 50 tonnes for a crew The choice of a launch vehicle remains a
habitat sized for six people that is transferred significant issue for any Mars mission. For the
on a high-energy orbit. This requires the Reference Mission, however, the larger, 200-
capability for a single launch vehicle to be ton-class launch vehicle has been assumed
from about 200 to 225 tonnes to LEO. without specifying a particular configuration.
Because 200-ton-class launch vehicles Interplanetary Transportation System
raise development cost issues, consideration
was given to the option of launching pieces to The interplanetary transportation system
LEO using smaller vehicles and assembling consists of a trans-Mars injection (TMI) stage,
(attaching) them in space prior to launching a biconic aeroshell for Mars orbit capture and
them to Mars. This smaller launch vehicle Mars entry, a descent stage for surface
(110 to 120 tonnes) would have the advantage delivery, an ascent stage for crew return to
of more modest development costs and is Mars orbit, an Earth-return stage for
within the capability of the Russian Energia departure from the Mars system, and a crew
program. However, the smaller launch vehicle capsule (similar to an Apollo Command
introduces several potential difficulties to the Module) for Earth entry and landing. As
Reference Mission scenario. The simplest, mentioned earlier, the Reference Mission
most desirable implementation using this splits the delivery of elements to Mars into
smaller launch vehicle is to simply dock the cargo missions and human missions, all of
two elements in Earth orbit and immediately which are targeted to the same locale on the

surface and must be landed in close proximity between the NDR engine assembly and the
to one another. The transportation strategy LH2 tank to protect the crew from radiation
adopted in the Reference Mission eliminates that builds up in the engines during the TMI
the need for assembly or rendezvous of burns. Although it may seem wasteful to
vehicle elements in LEO, but it does require a discard the nuclear stage after one use, the
rendezvous in Mars orbit for the crew leaving complexity of Mars orbit insertion and
Mars. The transportation strategy also rendezvous operations for the return flight
emphasizes the use of common elements to are avoided.
avoid excessive development costs and to
As shown in Figure 1-5, the same TMI
provide operational simplicity.
stage is used in all cargo missions, which
The TMI stage (used to propel the allows the transportation system to deliver
spacecraft from LEO onto a trans-Mars approximately 65 tonnes of useful cargo to the
trajectory) employs nuclear thermal surface of Mars or nearly 100 tonnes to Mars
propulsion. Nuclear thermal propulsion was orbit (250 × 33,793 km) on a single launch
adopted for the TMI burn because of its from Earth. The TMI stage for cargo delivery
performance advantages; its advanced, requires the use of only three NDR engines,
previously demonstrated state of technology so one NDR engine and the shadow shield are
development; its operational flexibility; and removed from the TMI stage, which reduces
its inherent mission enhancements. A single cost and improves performance.
TMI stage was developed for both piloted
Mars orbit capture and the majority of
and cargo missions. The stage is designed for
the Mars descent maneuver is performed
the more energetically demanding 2009 fast
using a single biconic aeroshell. The decision
transit trajectory and then used in the
to perform the Mars orbit capture maneuver
minimum energy cargo missions to carry the
was based on the facts that (1) an aeroshell
maximum payload possible to Mars. In the
will be required to perform the Mars descent
human missions, the TMI stage uses four
maneuver no matter what method is used to
15,000 lb. thrust NERVA (Nuclear Engine for
capture into Mars orbit, (2) the additional
Rocket Vehicle Application)-derivative reactor
demands on a descent aeroshell to meet the
(NDR) engines (Isp = 900 seconds) to deliver
Mars capture requirements were determined
the crew and the surface habitat/descent
to be modest, and (3) a single aeroshell
stage onto the trans-Mars trajectory
eliminated one staging event, and thus one
(Borowski, et al., 1993). After completion of
more potential failure mode, prior to landing
the two-perigee-burn Earth departure, the
on the surface.
TMI stage is inserted into a trajectory that will
not reencounter Earth or Mars over the course The crew is transported to Mars in a
of one million years. The TMI stage used with habitat that is fundamentally identical to the
the crew incorporates a shadow shield

2007 Cargo Mission 1 2007 Cargo Mission 2 2007 Cargo Mission 3 2009 Piloted Mission 1
"Dry" Ascent Stage & Lander Hab Module & Lander LOX/CH4 TEIS & Hab Surface Hab with Crew and Lander

19.0 m 7.6 m
15.0 m 16.3 m
16.3 m

20.6 m*
86.0 t LH 2 86.0 t LH 2 86.0 t LH 2 86.0 t LH 2
(@ 100%) (@ 100%) (@ 192.9%) (@ 100%)
10 m 10 m 10 m 10 m

4.7 m

IMEO = 216.6T 216.6T 204.7T 212.1T

"Expandabe TMI Stage LH 2 (@ 18.2 m length) sized

by 2009 Mars Piloted Mission

Figure 1-5 Reference Mars cargo and piloted vehicles.

surface habitat deployed robotically on a been assumed to reduce the descent vehicle’s
previous cargo mission. By designing the speed after the aeroshell has ceased to be
habitat so that it can be used during transit effective and prior to the final propulsive
and on the surface, a number of advantages to maneuver. The selection of LOX/CH4 allows
the overall mission are obtained. a common engine to be developed for use by
both the descent stage and the ascent stage,
•Two habitats provide redundancy on the
the latter of which is constrained by the
surface during the longest phase of the
propellant that is manufactured on the
surface using indigenous materials.
•By landing in a fully functional habitat,
The ascent vehicle is delivered to the
the crew does not need to transfer from a
Mars surface atop a cargo descent stage. It is
“space-only” habitat to the surface
composed of an ascent stage and an ascent
habitat immediately after landing, which
crew capsule. The ascent stage is delivered to
allows the crew to readapt to a gravity
Mars with its propellant tanks empty.
environment at their own pace.
However, the descent stage delivering the
•The program is required to develop only ascent vehicle includes several tanks of seed
one habitat system. The habitat design is hydrogen for use in producing the
based on its requirement for surface approximately 30 tonnes of LOX/CH4
utilization. Modifications needed to propellant for the nearly 5,600 meters per
adapt it to a zero-g environment must be second delta-V required for ascent to orbit
minimized. and rendezvous with the ERV. The ascent
A common descent stage has been vehicle uses two RL10-class engines modified
assumed for the delivery of the transit/ to burn LOX/CH4.
surface habitats, the ascent vehicle, and other The ERV is composed of the trans-Earth
surface cargo. The descent vehicle is capable injection (TEI) stage, the Earth-return transit
of landing approximately 65 tonnes of cargo habitat, and a capsule the crew will use to
on the Mars surface. The landing vehicle is reenter the Earth’s atmosphere. The TEI stage
somewhat oversized to deliver crew; is delivered to Mars orbit fully fueled, where
however, design of a scaled-down lander and it waits for nearly 4 years before the crew uses
the additional associated costs are avoided To it to return to Earth. It uses two RL10-class
perform the postaerocapture circularization engines modified to burn LOX/CH4. These
burn and the final approximately 500 meters are the same engines developed for the ascent
per second of descent prior to landing on the and descent stages, thereby reducing engine
Mars surface, the common descent stage development costs and improving
employs four RL10-class engines modified to maintainability. The return habitat is a
burn LOX/CH4. The use of parachutes has duplicate of the outbound transit/surface

habitat used by the crew to go to Mars, but approximately 30 percent of the power
contains consumables for the return trip only generated in space. For emergency situations,
and minimizes crew accommodations the pressurized rover’s Dynamic Isotope
required for the surface mission. Power System can supply 10 kWe of
continuous power. Surface Systems
From a series of volume, mass, and
The provision of adequate amounts of mission analyses, a common habitat structural
electrical power is fundamental to a cylinder, 7.5 meters in diameter, bilevel, and
successful exploration program. For the vertically oriented, was derived for the
transit phase, the need for power is less Reference Mission. The three habitation
severe than on the martian surface. Solar element types identified for the Reference
energy is available for crew needs throughout Mission (the surface laboratory, the transit/
the cruise phase (the transit phase both to and surface habitation element, and the Earth-
from Mars). return habitation element) will contain
The selection of a power systems strategy substantially identical primary and secondary
for surface operations is guided by risk structures, windows, hatches, docking
considerations, which require two-level mechanisms, power distribution systems, life
redundancy for mission-critical functions and support, environmental control, safety
three-level redundancy for life-critical features, stowage, waste management,
functions. The surface power systems should communications, airlock function, and crew
have 15+ year lifetimes to allow them to serve egress routes. The following are brief
the three mission opportunities with good descriptions of the unique aspects of the three
safety margins. Surface transportation power primary habitation elements developed for
systems should have 6+ year lifetimes to the Reference Mission analysis.
minimize the need for replacement over the •The Mars surface laboratory, sent out,
program lifetime. landed, and verified prior to the launch
The strategy adopted for the Reference of any crew members, will operate only
Mission includes a primary and backup in 3/8 gravity. It contains a large,
nuclear reactor with dynamic energy nonsensitive (that is, no special
conversion. Each system is capable of environmental control required) stowage
producing 160 kWe. Additionally, each habitat area with crew support elements on one
retains the solar arrays used during transit, level and the primary science and
and they can also be operated on the martian research lab on the second level. Future
surface. Due to several factors (for example, development of this element includes
the presence of an atmosphere, a day-night possible retrofitting of the stowage level
cycle, etc.) each power system can produce into a greenhouse as consumables and

resources are consumed and free volume field work, sample collection, and
is created. deployment, operation, and maintenance of
•The Mars transit/surface habitats
contain the required consumables for the Mobility on several scales is required by
Mars transit and surface duration of people operating from the Mars outpost.
approximately 800 days (180 days in Crew members outside the habitat will be in
transit and 600 days on the surface) as pressure suits and will be able to operate at
well as all the required equipment for some distance from the habitat, determined
the crew during the 180-day transfer by their capability to walk back to the
trip. This is the critical element that must outpost. They may be served by a variety of
effectively operate in both zero and tools, including rovers, carts, and wagons. On
partial gravity. Once on the surface of a local scale, perhaps 1 to 10 kilometers from
Mars, this element will be physically the outpost, exploration will be implemented
connected with the previously landed by unpressurized wheeled vehicles. Beyond
surface lab thereby doubling the the safe range for exploration on foot,
pressurized volume for the crew. exploration will be in pressurized rovers,
Eventually, all four habitation elements allowing explorers to operate for the most
(the surface laboratory and three transit/ part in a shirtsleeve environment.
surface habitats) will be interconnected.
The requirements for long-range surface
•The Earth-return habitat, functioning rovers include having a radius of operation of
only in zero g and requiring the least up to 500 km in exploration sorties that allow
amount of volume for consumables, will 10 workdays to be spent at a particular
be volume rich but must be mass remote site, and having sufficient speed to
constrained to meet the limitations of the ensure that less than half of the excursion
TEI stage. Since little activity (other than time is used for travel. Each day, up to 16
conditioning for the one-g environment person-hours would be available for EVAs.
on Earth and training for the Earth- The rover is assumed to have a nominal crew
return maneuvers) is projected for the of two people, but be capable of carrying four
crew during this phase of the mission, in an emergency. Normally, the rover would
mass and radiation protection were the be operated (maneuvering from site to site,
key concerns in the internal architecture transmitting high data rate communications,
concepts created. supporting EVA activities, etc.) only in the
daytime, but could conduct selected
Extravehicular activity (EVA) tasks
investigations at night.
consist of maintaining the habitats and
surface facilities and conducting a scientific
exploration program encompassing geologic

1-23 Operations flight crews can execute all activities which
lead to the accomplishment of mission
Previous space missions have generally
objectives. All crew activities throughout each
cost more to operate than to design and
mission, from prelaunch through postlanding,
construct. This phenomenon was caused
constitute crew operations and as such are
partly by the fact that systems were designed
essential to the overall program. To enhance
first and operations were developed to fit the
program success, they must be factored into
designs. The Reference Mission attempts to
all aspects of program planning. The majority
bring operational considerations into the
of crew activities fall into one of four
process early to better balance the cost of
categories: training, science and exploration,
design and development with the cost of
systems operations and maintenance, and
programmatics. Crew Operations •Training includes activities such as
The principal difference between Mars development of training programs,
exploration and previous space ventures is development of training facilities and
the requirement for crew operations in an hardware, prelaunch survival training
environment where on-call communications, for all critical life support systems,
assistance, and advice from ground operational and maintenance training on
controllers is not available in emergencies due mission-critical hardware, prelaunch and
to the communications delay. This leads to a in-flight proficiency training for critical
set of operations requirements that: mission phases, and science and research
training for accomplishing primary
•The crew be able to perform
science and exploration objectives.
autonomously for time-critical portions
of the mission. •The majority of science and exploration
activities will be accomplished on the
•Highly reliable, autonomous system
surface of Mars and will include, but not
operations be possible without intensive
be limited to, operating TROVs,
crew participation.
habitability exercises, local and regional
•A balance be struck between ground sorties, and planetary science
control and the crew on Mars which investigations. Supplemental science
optimizes the crew’s time and objectives may be accomplished during
effectiveness yet maintains their other phases of the mission as well but
independence and motivation to attain will be limited by the mass available for
mission objectives. onboard science equipment. Those
activities required for crew health and
Thus, the Reference Mission will be
safety (such as medical checks during
successful to the degree that ground and

transit phases, monitoring solar activities before each crew leaves Earth. However,
for flares, etc.) will be performed. once on the surface of Mars, the very
nature of the work done by the crews
•During the first mission, a substantial
will require real-time activity planning
amount of crew time will be devoted to
to take advantage of discoveries made as
the operation and maintenance of
the mission progresses.
vehicle systems. This time is expected to
decrease during subsequent missions as No specific conclusions regarding
both the systems and operational hardware requirements, facilities
experience bases mature. However, requirements, training programs, and the like
maximizing the crew’s useful science were derived for this study. But a number of
and exploration time will increase recommendations and guidelines regarding
overall mission effectiveness, and the these areas have been developed and tailored
systems or procedures which contribute to the various mission phases that will be
to increasing this time and decreasing experienced by each crew sent to Mars. While
routine operations and maintenance will these and other crew activities may not be
be incorporated wherever possible. seen as directly affecting program success, all
areas contribute to the successful execution of
•Lastly, programmatic activities for flight
each mission and, therefore, are essential to
crews will include public relations,
the overall success of the Reference Mission.
documentation, reporting, and real-time
activity planning. Public relations Earth-Based Support
activities have been and always will be
an integral part of crew activities. While The overall goal of Earth-based support
these activities absorb resources, the operations is to provide a framework for
most significant of which is time, they planning, managing, and conducting
also bring public and political support to activities which achieve mission objectives.
the program and provide some of the Achieving this operational goal requires
return on investment of the program. successful accomplishment of the following
Throughout all mission phases, functions.
documentation of activities and feedback •Safe and efficient operation of all
on training effectiveness will be required resources. This includes, but is not
of all crews. This will be essential to limited to, vehicles, support facilities,
make effective use of the follow-on training facilities, scientific and systems
crew’s training time and the program’s data, and personnel knowledge and
training hardware and facilities. Many of experience bases.
the mission-critical activities will be
planned and rehearsed in great detail

•Provision of the facilities and an managing and monitoring operations
environment which allow users (such as planning and execution while crew members
scientists, payload specialists, and to an will be assigned the actual responsibility for
extent crew members) to conduct operations planning and execution. Crew
activities that will enhance the mission members will be told what tasks to do or
objectives. what objectives to accomplish, but not how to
do it. This has the benefit of involving system
•Successful management and operation of
and payloads experts in the overall planning,
the overall program and supporting
yet giving crews the flexibility to execute the
organizations. This requires defining
tasks. The proposed method for the Reference
roles and responsibilities and
Mission would take advantage of the unique
establishing a path of authority. Program
perspective of crew members in a new
and mission goals and objectives must
environment but would not restrict their
be outlined so that management
activities because of the mission’s remote
responsibilities are clear and direct.
nature. Additionally, it places the
Confusing or conflicting objectives can
responsibility of mission success with the
result in loss of resources, the most
crew, while the overall responsibility for
important of which are time and money.
prioritizing activities in support of mission
In addition, minimizing the number of
objectives resides with Earth-based support.
layers of authority will help to prevent
operational decision-making activities After dividing functional responsibilities
from being prolonged. between Earth-based support and crew, the
support may be structured to manage the
The Reference Mission, while large and
appropriate functions. To accomplish mission
complex, has the added complication of being
objectives while maintaining the first
a program with mission phases which cannot
operational objective of safe and efficient
be supported with near real-time operations.
operation of all resources, Earth-based
Planetary surface operations pose unique
support can be organizationally separated
operational considerations on the
into systems operations and science
organization of ground support and facilities.
operations provided a well-defined interface
A move toward autonomy in vehicle
exists between the two. The systems
operations, failure recognition and resolution,
operations team would be responsible for
and mission planning is needed. And ground
conducting the safe and efficient operation of
support must be structured to support these
all resources, while the science operations
team would be responsible for conducting
In general, due to the uniqueness of activities which support scientific research.
planetary surface operations, Earth-based Such an organizational structure would
support should be assigned the role of

dictate two separate operations teams with the overall operations manager should reside
distinct priorities and responsibilities yet the within systems operations. A science
same operational goal. operations manager, who heads the science
operations team, should organizationally be
Systems operations are those tasks which
in support of the operations manager. Various
keep elements of the program in operational
levels of interfaces between systems engineers
condition and support productive utilization
and science team members must exist to
of program resources. Thus, the systems
maximize the amount of science and mission
operations team has responsibility for
objectives that can be accomplished.
conducting the safe and efficient operation of
all such resources. The systems operations Mission and Systems Summary
team consists of representatives from each of
the primary systems (power, propulsion, To summarize, the major distinguishing
environmental, electrical, etc.) which are used characteristics of the Reference Mission
throughout the various mission phases. include:

The science operations team’s sole •No extended LEO operations, assembly,
function is to recommend, organize, and aid or fueling.
in conducting all activities which support •No rendezvous in Mars orbit prior to
scientific research within the guidelines of the landing.
mission objectives. The team will consist of
•Short crew transit times to and from
representatives from the various science
Mars (180 days or less) and long surface
disciplines (biology, medicine, astronomy,
stay-times (500 to 600 days) for the first
geology, atmospherics, etc.) which support
and all subsequent crews exploring
the science and mission objectives. Each
scientific discipline will have an appropriate
support team of personnel from government, •A heavy lift launch vehicle capable of
industry, and academia who have expertise in transporting either crew or cargo direct
that field. The science operations team will act to Mars, and capable of delivering in
as the decision-making body for all science four launches all needed payload for the
activities—from determining which activities first human mission and in three
have highest priority to handling and launches for each subsequent
disseminating scientific data. opportunity.
Crew and vehicle safety are always of •Exploitation of indigenous resources
primary concern. When those are ensured, from the beginning of the program, with
science activities become the highest priority. important performance benefits and
To accommodate this hierarchy of priorities reduction of mission risk.
within the operations management structure,

•Availability of abort-to-Mars surface Two different approaches have been
strategies, based on the robustness of the proposed in the past. The first is comparable
Mars surface capabilities and the cost of to the Reference Mission by the long stay-time
trajectory aborts. on the martian surface. The second involves a
short stay-time (<30 days on the martian
•Common transit/surface habitat design.
surface) mission. Table 1-1 characterizes
•Maintenance of a robust, safe principal discriminators of the two scenarios.
environment for crews throughout their
In most studies, the short stay-time
missions have only been invoked for the first
•Substantial autonomy of crew and mission; to develop long stay-time capability
system operations from ground control. would require close to total mission redesign
and much higher cost for a continued
1.4 Testing Principal Assumptions program.
and Choices
The second alternative is to land each
A number of assumptions and choices crew at a different location. This scenario
were made in constructing this Reference would be permitted by the capability defined
Mission. For each assumption, this section in the Reference Mission. The principal trade-
provides a top-level trade analysis, the off is between the additional exploration that
rationale for the choice, and guidance to might be accomplished by exploring three
further research and development which distant sites versus the benefits of building up
could strengthen, improve, or change the the capability to test settlement technologies
choice. (such as closed life support systems) and the
reduced risk provided by accumulating
1.4.1 Robust Surface Infrastructure surface assets at one site. As the range of
The principal payoff from Mars exploration provided in the single location
exploration lies in surface capability—stay- Mars outpost is high (hundreds of
time, crew safety, exploration range, and kilometers), the advantages of exploring
other factors that characterize the crew’s several landing sites were considered of lower
performance environment. All dictate a priority for the Reference Mission.
robust infrastructure. The choice to land all of
the payloads and crews at the same site on 1.4.2 Split Mission Strategy
four different opportunities was based on the The split mission strategy takes
assumption that the marginal cost of advantage of the currently available
additional surface capability would be a cost- capability to successfully fly and land
effective way to substantially increase the automated spacecraft on another planet. Such
accomplishment of the program. capability can be used to deliver supplies and

Table 1-1 Principal Discriminators of Short and Long Stay-Time Mission Scenarios

Long Stay-Times Short Stay-Times Key

Discriminating Factor

Surface High Low Difference in time

Accomplishment on surface
Surface Low High Robust vs. limited
risk/day surface capability
Surface Low Low Difference of time
risk/cumulative vs. robustness
Interplanetary risk Low High

Available to Yes No
direct launch
Available to Yes Difficult
split mission
Abort to Mars Yes No
Availability of Mars Yes No
at every opportunity

equipment to support human missions increased number of transportation elements

without a crew being present. By using this that must be used.
capability to deliver cargo not absolutely
The split mission strategy is contrasted
necessary for transporting crews between
with the “all-up” approach in which a single
Earth and Mars, the size of the transportation
vehicle, assembled in LEO, is capable of
system (both launch vehicles and upper
landing the required assets in a single mission
stages) for any one mission becomes smaller
to the surface. The principal trade-off is
and thus less expensive to develop and
between rendezvous and assembly in LEO
manufacture. In addition, these cargo
and rendezvous on the Mars surface. For the
missions can be sent on the absolute
all-up approach, significant capability is
minimum energy trajectories between Earth
required in LEO to assemble and fuel the
and Mars because there is no time-critical or
spacecraft. Previous designs (the 90-Day
life support critical element on board.
Study; see NASA, 1989) projected very high
However, the total number of launches
LEO infrastructure costs, which would have
increases under this strategy which offsets at
to be expended in the early phases of the
least part of the cost savings due to the
program. For chemically propelled spacecraft,

the logistics of transporting, storing, and propulsion was selected because of its higher
loading propellants was excessive and propellant utilization efficiency and because
inevitably high in cost. Because the best nuclear rockets were developed almost to
departure orbit at Earth is different for each flight status in the 1960s. For any given
Mars opportunity, the space-based velocity change needed to depart from or be
infrastructure would have to be moved or captured at a planet, a nuclear thermal rocket
reproduced, or additional propulsion uses approximately 50 percent less propellant
penalties be taken to modify the vehicle’s than the theoretical best chemical engine. (The
departure orbit for every launch to Mars. The Space Shuttle main engine is approaching this
elimination of this element in the architecture theoretical upper limit.) The vast majority of
provides a significant cost reduction. It has mass needed for a Mars mission is propellant,
been assumed here that the capability of very and any option that reduces the need for
precise landing on Mars can be developed propellant can lower the program life cycle
technically, and that all assets for each flight cost by reducing the size and number of
can be integrated on Earth and simply joined launch vehicles. Although such rockets might
on Mars. These capabilities can be be expensive to test on Earth (the magnitude
demonstrated on precursor robotic missions. of which has not been determined) with
current environmental concerns, their use in
While the savings resulting from a
space should not present an environmental
smaller transportation system may not alone
issue for they are dangerous only after firing
be sufficient to invoke the use of the split
the engines for a significant period of time.
mission strategy, the strategy does enhance
Higher performance engines would be better,
another assumed element of the Reference
but typically require a large source of
Mission—the use of in situ resource
electrical power (from either a nuclear source
utilization. By splitting the missions into
or very large solar arrays) which calls for
cargo and crew flights, infrastructure can be
additional development to reach the same
set up and operated before committing a crew
level of maturity as nuclear thermal rockets.
to a flight to Mars. Operating this
infrastructure for an extended period prior to
1.4.4 In Situ Resource Utilization
launching a crew also improves the
confidence of using the Mars surface as a safe This technology (assumed to be currently
haven for the crew. available) has been developed at breadboard
level and can be demonstrated on robotic
1.4.3 Nuclear Thermal Propulsion missions. It provides significant benefits to
the mission by reducing launch mass from
High-performance propulsion is found to
Earth and increasing robustness of surface
be an enabling technology for a human
systems where caches of consumables and
exploration program. Nuclear thermal

surface vehicle fuels can be maintained. As planning. Study team members were not
discussed in the previous section, any unanimous in the choice of a common habitat
technology that can reduce the amount of for space transit, for landing on the surface,
mass (and propellant is the largest single item and for surface habitation. Some argued that,
on such a list) can do much to reduce life due to the different requirements, a common
cycle cost. This is accomplished primarily by design was not in the best interest of the
reducing the size and number of launches mission. This is an area for further research.
from Earth and by providing a dual purpose
infrastructure that not only provides 1.4.6 Nuclear Surface Power
propellants for a return trip but also supports With no known natural resources on
crew activities and helps reduce risk. Mars that can be used to generate power, a
crew exploring Mars must rely on either
1.4.5 Common Habitat Design converting solar radiation or using a power
A common habitat was chosen for the source they have brought with them. With
Reference Mission primarily to save on cost Mars lying, on average, 50 percent farther
over the life of the program. Because seven from the Sun as Earth, only 44 percent as
separate habitats will be required to support much solar radiation reaches that planet. This
the three crews sent to Mars, this item means a crew must bring 2.25 times as much
becomes a likely candidate for a common solar energy collecting and converting
approach rather than designing, testing, and systems to generate the same amount of
building separate systems for the power as could be generated on Earth. Add to
interplanetary leg, the surface leg, and the this a day-night cycle (which requires the
transition between the two. It may not be addition of an energy charging and storage
feasible to use a common design for all of the system) as well as martian dust storms (which
components that make up a habitat. However, significantly diminish the amount of light
some of the significant elements—such as the reaching the surface over extended periods of
pressure vessel (both primary and secondary time) and the size of a solar power station on
structure), electrical distribution, hatches, and Mars becomes both large in area and mass
docking mechanisms—lend themselves to a and subject to interruption or diminished
common approach. Inasmuch as these major effectiveness due to the dust storms. Of those
elements of the habitat can be defined and sources of energy that can be brought with
their cost estimated, a common design for the the crews, only a nuclear power source can
habitats has been adopted for the Reference concentrate sufficient energy in a reasonable
Mission. A significant amount of work still mass and volume. However, other concerns—
remains on definition and design of interior environmental on Earth, operational on Mars,
details of the habitats which will become part to name a few—are added to any mission that
of future efforts associated with Mars mission considers the use of a nuclear power source.

Given these kinds of considerations, a to a small habitable space for an extended
choice was made to rely primarily on nuclear duration can lead to cabin fever. Zero g has
power for systems operating on the martian known debilitating effects on the human body
surface. Power provided by the solar arrays that must be addressed. Radiation from a
used during the transit to Mars will be constant background and the threat of solar
available for backup and emergency flares require that protection be adequate for
situations. However, the solar arrays will not background sources and that a safe haven be
be sufficient to power the propellant provided for extreme events. All of these
manufacturing plants that are also a key threats have engineering solutions that can
feature of this mission architecture. make the extended stay in interplanetary
space a viable prospect for the crew. But the
1.4.7 Abort to the Surface solutions typically require increases in size,
Mars missions differ from Space Shuttle mass, and complexity of the vehicle and the
and lunar missions in that once the crew is transportation elements that are used to move
committed to launch, orbit mechanics force it from planet to planet.
the crew to remain away from Earth for An alternate strategy, and one that was
approximately 2 to 3 years. This imposes on selected for this Reference Mission, is to take
all of the systems the need for a higher degree advantage of the martian surface as a safe
of reliability and maintainability or for haven where open space, gravity, and
multiple independent means of providing radiation protection are naturally available.
life-critical functions (collectively referred to This strategy, referred to as “abort to the
as robustness). surface,” builds on these naturally available
There has been a tendency to view the resources and breaks from the previous
martian surface as the most hostile location viewpoint of Mars as the most hostile
for a crew during a Mars mission. However, environment encountered on the mission. The
of the three environments that a crew will reliability and maintainability of the systems
encounter—Earth, interplanetary space, and needed to keep the crew alive on the surface
the martian surface—interplanetary space is no greater than that imposed on space-
offers the highest potential for debilitating based systems. In fact, the buildup of an
effects on the crew. Practicality dictates a infrastructure at a single site on the surface
relatively small habitable space for the crew enhances the safe haven character of the
during transit. To do otherwise causes a martian surface. This approach places a
corresponding increase in the size and cost of greater burden on the entry, landing, and
the systems, primarily launch vehicles and martian-based launch systems. However, the
transfer stages, associated with the trade-off of making these systems a viable
transportation system. But to confine the crew part of the abort strategy through increased

redundancy and reliability versus the 1.5 Conclusions and Recommendations
enhancements needed to sustain a crew Based on both mission and programmatic
through a 2- to 3-year interplanetary abort points of view, a number of conclusions and
have tended to favor the abort to the surface recommendations are made in the following
strategy. The enhancements that will be made areas: mission and systems, technology
to various systems to allow an abort to the development, environmental protection,
surface also work to the advantage of the program cost, international participation, and
overall mission by improving the chances of program management and organization.
the crews to successfully reach the surface
and perform their exploration activities. 1.5.1 Mission and Systems

1.4.8 Design for the Most Difficult Conclusions

A feasible mission scenario and suite of
The design of the Reference Mission was vehicles and other systems have been
based on the premise that a series of closely integrated to meet the objectives initially set
spaced missions would result in costs out for this study. In addition, the Reference
significantly lower than the sum of an Mission addresses a long-standing issue
equivalent number of single missions. To regarding extended-duration flights and crew
achieve this cost savings requires that a single safety by adopting a view that the surface of
set of systems be designed which can Mars is a safe haven and that equipment and
accomplish the mission under the most procedures should be developed with this in
difficult circumstances of any single mind.
opportunity. The most significant of these
The Reference Mission includes
variations results from trajectory differences
technology assumptions which require
that occur during sequential mission
further development and which contribute to
opportunities. As a result, some systems may
an estimated development cost that is higher
have excess capability during some years.
than can currently be supported. Both
However, this allows the advantage of either
technology and cost must be addressed and
launching more payload mass in those years
the alternative missions and systems could
with more favorable trajectories or reducing
result in a better program for human
mission durations by flying shorter trajectory
exploration of Mars. However, the mission
legs, but at the expense of greater fuel
and systems described here substantially
consumption. For example, in the 2009
reduce the program cost and at the same time
opportunity, transit times for piloted missions
present a more robust approach than in
are approximately 6 months; using the same
previous studies of this subject.
systems in the 2018 opportunity reduces
transit times to just 4 months.

Recommendations the assumed technologies can be started now
and, to a certain degree, may be required for
•Use this study as an informal baseline
such a program to progress. In the current
against which future alternatives should
political environment, investment in
be compared.
technology is seen as a means of improving
•Continue investigating alternative the general quality of life for people on Earth,
mission scenarios and systems to and multiple use of technologies is
improve this Reference Mission, or emphasized to obtain the best return on the
suggest a better alternative. resources invested in their development. The
following is a list of twelve technologies
1.5.2 Technology Development which are important to space transportation,
humans living in space or on a planetary
surface, or the utilization of extraterrestrial
The Reference Mission was developed resources.
assuming advances in certain technology
Resource Utilization
areas thought to be necessary to send people
to Mars for a reasonable investment in time •Extraterrestrial mining techniques
and resources. The Reference Mission is not •Resource extraction process and
intended to lock in these assumed chemistry
technologies. The purpose of identifying
technologies at this time is to characterize •Material preparation and handling in
those areas that can either significantly reduce reduced gravity
the required mass or cost of the program or •Extraterrestrial manufacturing
significantly reduce its risks (for example, in
Transportation and Propulsion
the area of fire safety). Alternative means of
satisfying these requirements may be •Advanced chemical systems that provide
identified and, if promising, should be high performance and are compatible
supported. The alternatives could be the with the resources available on the Moon
result of a dual use development, spin off and Mars
from other programs, or a fortunate “spill •Nuclear propulsion to enable short trip
over” from some unexpected area. times to Mars
At this particular stage in developing •Aerocapture/aerobraking at the Earth
human exploration missions to Mars, it is and at Mars for propulsive efficiency
difficult to do more than speculate about spin and reusable systems
off and spill over technologies that could
result from or be useful to this endeavor. •Lightweight/advanced structures
However, identifying dual uses for some of • Reduced-g combustors

Cryogenic Fluid Management •Health care at remote locations

•Long-term (years) storage in space •Radiation protection in transit and on

•Lightweight and high efficiency
cryogenic liquefaction Power Generation and Storage

•Zero g and microgravity acquisition, •Long life, lighter weight, and less costly
transfer, and gauging regenerative fuel cells

EVA Systems •Surface nuclear power of the order of

•Lightweight, reserviceable, and
maintainable suit and PLSS •High efficiency solar arrays

•Durable, lightweight, high mobility suits Teleoperations/Telerobotics

and gloves
•Remote operations with long time delays
Regenerative Life Support Systems
•Fine control manipulators to support
•Contamination and particle control wide range of surface activities

•Loop closure •Telepresence sensors and displays

•Introduction of locally produced Planetary Rovers

•Long range (hundreds of km) rovers
•Food production
•Motor lubricants (long-term use)
•Trash and waste collection and
•Dust control
•High efficiency lightweight power
•High efficiency and lighter weight active
generation and storage
thermal control systems
Advanced Operations
Surface Habitation and Construction
•Automated systems control
•Lightweight structures
•Systems management and scheduling
•Seal materials and mechanisms
•Simulations and training at remote
•Construction techniques using local
Fire Safety
Human Health and Performance
•Fire prevention
•Zero-g adaptation and countermeasures
•Fire detection
•Human factors
•Fire suppression

Some of these technologies (such as Recommendations
nuclear thermal propulsion, Mars surface
•Establish a Mars Program Office
space suits, and in situ resource extraction), at
(discussed further under International
the system level, are unique to the Reference
Participation and Management and
Mission or to human space exploration in
Organization) early in the process (now,
general. It is likely that NASA or cooperating
probably) at a low level to lay the
international partners will have to bear the
foundation for technology requirements
burden for support of this research and
to be undertaken by NASA or other
development. The Reference Mission, as it is
government agencies with similar
described here, will fail if these systems are
requirements. Formal organizational
not advanced to a usable state. Other areas,
agreements should exist between these
such as medical countermeasures, closed-loop
offices if the technology development is
life support systems, autonomous operations
not formally assigned to the Program
systems, surface power systems, and surface
mobility, may be of more general interest and
may provide opportunities for government •Rank technology investments according
and industry to develop shared programs. In to their return to the Program, as either
still other areas, such as long-lived electronics cost or risk reductions.
and materials research, where the underlying •Prior to initiation of the Reference
research will probably be done by industry to Mission, take critical technologies to a
address general problems of technology demonstration stage. NASA should
development, NASA or the international ensure that experimental work in
partners should focus on infusing that support of the Reference Mission is
technology. The exchange of information incorporated into the International Space
should be continuous between NASA and the Station program at the earliest
commercial sector particularly concerning the reasonable time.
needs of future missions, so that industry can
•Create a database (in the Program Office)
incorporate research into its privately funded
of available technologies that can be
programs where it is justified. In all areas,
used in design studies, and track the
subsystem or component technologies may be
progress of these technologies. The
developed by industry to meet commercial
database should include domestic and
requirements, and the Mars Program will
international capabilities.
need to have processes that allow the element
designers to use the most advanced
capabilities available.

1.5.3 Environmental Protection extraterrestrial life. NASA itself has
contributed to this perception by supporting
Conclusions legitimate scientific research in this area.
Fundamental principles of planetary Because it is not possible to prove that Mars is
environmental protection have been completely devoid of life, there is the
developed since the first planetary potential for misinterpretation or
exploration missions began in the 1960s. With misunderstanding when martian materials
respect to Mars, the principles adopted by the and human crews are brought back to Earth.
international scientific community are For example, an ailment (regardless of the
straightforward: Mars should be protected source) among a returning human crew could
from biological contamination from Earth that give rise to speculation that the crew has
would interfere with or confound the search some unknown Mars “bug” and is about to
for natural martian organisms, and Earth expose the rest of the human population to its
must be protected from contamination by effects.
martian organisms harmful to the terrestrial
biosphere. The United States is signatory to a Recommendations
treaty under the auspices of the Committee on •Develop adequate and acceptable
Space Research (COSPAR) which provides the human quarantine and sample handling
basic framework for its Planetary Protection protocols early in a Mars exploration
policy and program (COSPAR 1964 and program. The protocols must address
United Nations 1967). not only the purely scientific concerns to
Planetary protection will be an ongoing maintain the pristine nature of samples
discussion at an international level. The but also the societal concerns, real or
policy principles stated here and those that imagined, that are likely to arise.
evolve in the future must be carried along as •Include the protocols as program-level
significant requirements for mission planning requirements for mission and system
and system design. development.
A further political concern is •Publicly release for review (by
unfortunately tied to the planet Mars. A independent authoritative bodies) the
significant portion of the popular press and principles and practices of
the entertainment industry is devoted to contamination control in effect for Mars
speculation about life, intelligent and missions.
otherwise, that may exist beyond the planet
Earth. Percival Lowell, H. G. Wells, Orsen
Wells, and others have placed Mars in the
forefront of possible locations for

1.5.4 Program Cost managing and running this type of program,
estimating the cost for this phase of the
Conclusions program was deferred until an approach is
The cost of the Reference Mission was better defined. Similarly, the issue of
estimated using standard models. Input for management reserve was not addressed until
these models was derived from previous a better understanding of the management
experience and information provided by approach and controls has been developed.
members of the Study Team. Included in the When compared to earlier estimates of a
estimate were the development and similar scale (NASA, 1989), the cost for the
production costs for all of the systems needed Reference Mission is approximately an order
to support three human crews as they explore of magnitude lower. A distribution of these
Mars. In addition, ground rules and costs is shown in Figure 1-6. It can be seen
assumptions were adopted that incorporated from this figure that the major cost drivers are
some new management paradigms, as those associated with the transportation
discussed later in the Program Management elements: the ETO launch vehicles, the TMI
and Organization section. The management stages, and the Earth-return systems.
costs captured program level management,
integration, and a Level II function. Typical The Mars Study Team recognizes that,
pre-production costs, such as Phase A and B even with the significant reduction in the
studies, were also included. program cost achieved by this Team, the
Reference Mission is probably still too
Not included in the cost estimate were expensive in today’s fiscal environment. More
selected hardware elements, operations, and work to further reduce these costs is needed.
management reserve. Hardware costs not
estimated include science equipment and EVA Recommendation
systems, for which data were not available at
•Seek alternative solutions or effective
the time estimates were prepared; however,
approaches to cost reduction in each of
these are not expected to add significantly to
the areas cited above. The efforts may
the total. No robotic precursor missions are
require revolutionary changes
included in the cost estimate although their
throughout NASA, the aerospace
need is acknowledged as part of the overall
industry, the United States, and the
approach to the Reference Mission.
Operations costs have historically been as
high as 20 percent of the development cost.
However, due to the extended operational
period of the Reference Mission and the
recognized need for new approaches to

1.5.5 International Participation Study (IAA 1993) describes in more detail the
rationale and possible organizational
Conclusions approaches to an international Mars
The human exploration of Mars should exploration program.
be inherently an international, indeed a The Reference Mission is rich in
global, undertaking. Just as the U. S. landing possibilities for multinational or even global
on the Moon excited and amazed the world at participation. Many major elements, systems,
U. S. technological skills and organizational and subsystems will have to be developed
accomplishment, the human exploration of and produced, precursor missions must be
Mars can excite and amaze the people of the developed and flown, and operations
world with a commonly sought level of capabilities must be developed; and the
technological prowess and organizational mission operations can be designed to be
capability. The International Academy of undertaken on an international basis. Three
Astronautics’ International Mars Exploration types of international participants may

Phase A & B Cost of

Surface Systems 2% Facilities
Habitats 8% 8% Mgmt, Adv. Devel.,
12% Program Support
Mars to Earth

Descent Vehicle
6% Earth to Orbit Vehicle
Earth to Mars Vehicle 26%

Figure 1-6 Distribution of Reference Mission costs.

contribute based on the ability to provide The ranges of opportunities and interests
resources and participate technically in the are large and must be well understood before
program. an international program is constructed. The
discussions may be iterative with respect to
•Countries with limited resources and
initial design in order to optimize the
technical base. Their participation could
collective returns to all nations in the
be linked to technology transfer to their
program, and it is not unlikely that 10 years
countries, which could improve the level
would be needed to formulate the principles
of technical education and take
and agreements needed to undertake the
advantage of technical internship in the
program. It is important that these
endeavor. These relationships might be
discussions lead to a set of basic principles
similar to the participation of Cuba or
under which the program will be designed
Viet Nam in the Russian space program.
and implemented.
•Countries with greater amounts of
resources and technical base. Their Recommendations
participation would reflect technical
•Make the human exploration of Mars
interest in limited areas targeted for
program international from its inception,
technical or industrial growth in their
and take as a basic principle that all
economies. The participation of Canada
partners will have a voice in all phases of
in the International Space Station
the program in proportion to the
program is an example.
resources contributed to the program.
•Countries with substantial resources and
•Do not exclude any nation even though
technical base. Their participation would
their participation might be small in
reflect a desire to demonstrate world
economic terms.
leadership, retain broad technological
skills, and promote aerospace industry. •Create a forum in the near future for
The major contributors to the discussion of the elements of an
International Space Station program fall international program to lay the basis for
into this category. international participation.

All participating countries should expect •Create an International Program Office

to gain in proportion to their investment in (sensitive to political and technical
the enterprise; richer countries might view issues) to lead the design effort. Just as it
the program as an opportunity to help poorer is important to have all of the design
countries improve their standards of living requirements understood prior to
through stimulation and transfer of modern development, all of the political
technology and technological training. requirements must also be understood
early in the process.

1.5.6 Program Management and Space Station Freedom programs. To manage a
Organization Mars exploration program to a lowest possible
cost, several recommendations are proposed.

Organization and management is one of Recommendations

the principal determinants of program cost. •In subsequent studies of the Reference
This is a rather wide-ranging topic, which is Mission, investigate the design of the
not entirely divisible from the technical organization and management system.
content of the program, because it includes
•Reach a formal philosophical and budgetary
program level decision-making that is
agreement (between all parties) as to the
intimately tied to the system engineering
objectives and requirements imposed on the
decision-making process. The relationship
mission before development is initiated, and
between program cost and program culture
agree to fund the project to its completion. In
(Figure 1-7) is an indication of that
the U. S., this would include multiyear
budgetary authority. This should be
The relationship between cost and accompanied by a management process that
management style and organizational culture would protect against program overruns
is rather well-known in a general manner, through appropriate incentives.
through a large number of “lessons learned”
•Prepare a risk management plan. The human
analyses made postprogram. The list of key
exploration of Mars will have risks that are
elements of lower-cost programs (shown in
quite different from any space mission
Table 1-2) have been pointed out in a series of
previously undertaken. Two general types of
analyses, but have not commonly been
applied at the critical stage of developing
program organization and management
approaches. The organizational and Relative Cost Spacecraft
management style has been determined
rather late in the program, generally because
D ifficulty

the program content and final design was Aircraft

typically delayed through redesign, changing
requirements, and funding irregularities. For
Trucks +
example, the International Space Station
program went through several redesigns, and
some of the hardware was actually in
production when the program architecture
was modified to integrate the Russian and Figure 1-7 Relationship between
program cost and program culture.

risk seem to be most critical: risks to the •Establish a clear demarcation between
safety of the crew and accomplishment the design phase and the development
of the mission (primarily technical risks) and production phase of the project, and
and risks of not meeting cost and do not allow development to begin
schedule objectives. Maintaining launch before the design phase is ended. Prove
schedule is important due to the all technologies prior to initiating
dependency on several successful production of program elements. Do not
launches for mission success and the change requirements after they are
high cost of missed launch windows. established unless they can be relaxed.
Failure to maintain the launch schedule Ensure that a system to document the
implies a 2-year program delay at a relationship and interaction of all
potentially high program cost. requirements exists and is available for

Table 1-2 Key Elements of Lower-Cost Programs

•Use government only to define requirements.

•Keep requirements fixed: once requirements are stated, only relax them; never add new

•Place product responsibility in a competitive private sector.

•Specify end results (performance) of products, not how to achieve the results.

•Minimize government involvement (small program offices).

•Ensure that all technologies are proven prior to the end of competition.

•Use the private sector reporting system: reduce or eliminate specific government

•Don’t start a program until cost estimates and budget availability match.

•Minimize or eliminate government-imposed changes.

•Reduce development time: any program development can be accomplished in 3 to 4

years once uncertainties are resolved.

•Force people off of development programs when development is complete.

•Incentivize the contractor to keep costs low (as opposed to CPAF, CPFF of NASA).

•Use geographic proximity of contractor organizations when possible.

•Use the major prime contractor as the integrating contrator.

use prior to the beginning of production. multinational activity). The Program
The Reference Mission requires a Office will be in place to manage
number of elements, many of which are technical requirements, provide
technically alike but serve somewhat decisions that require consultation and
different functions over the duration of trade-offs (both technical and political),
the program. For example, the surface and manage development contracts. The
habitat may be the basis for the transit Program Office should establish
habitat; each of the habitats delivered to functional requirements for the design
the surface will have a different phase and conduct a competitive
complement of equipment and supplies, procurement for the design phase, with
according to its position in the delivery the selection of a prime contractor.
sequence. The elements will be
•Prepare a specific construction sequence
developed over a period of several years,
and plan to accompany each production
and there will be a temptation to
element of the program. Once
improve the equipment and supply
committed to development, the
manifest. To maintain cost control for the
development time should be strictly
program, requirements must be fixed at
limited if costs are to be contained. This
the time of initial development.
will be difficult in the Mars program,
•Provide clear requirements for the where it probably will be effective to
design phase, describing the produce common elements sequentially
performance expected and a clear set of rather than all at one time, although
criteria for completeness of design as a there may be a high enough production
function of resources expended in rate that costs will drop as experience is
design. Use a significant design cost gained. A new approach will be needed
margin to manage the design resources. to ensure that the development time for
Terminate the project if a satisfactory each individual element is strictly
design cannot be accomplished within limited.
the available resources. Further, select
•Make the two levels of integration,
the successful prime contractor as
program and launch package, the
integration contractor for the
responsibility of a single organization—a
development phase, and exclude the
prime contractor to the Program Office.
prime contractor as a development
The program will require two levels of
contractor. The design phase of the
integration, similar to that of the
program is critical to successful cost
International Space Station program: a
control, and should be based on a set of
program level which ensures that overall
functional requirements established by
mission requirements are met at each
the Program Office (which may well be a

stage of the mission, that is, for the 1.6 References
packages assembled for each launch
Borowski, S. K., R. R. Corban, M. L.
opportunity; and a launch package level
McGuire, and E. G. Beke, “Nuclear
integration, in which all required
Thermal Rocket/Vehicle Design Options
elements of each launch to Mars are
for Future NASA Missions to the Moon
packaged and their performance
and Mars,” NASA Technical
Memorandum 107071, 1993.
•Include operational considerations in the
Committee on Space Research (COSPAR),
design and development phases of the
“Statement on the Potentially Harmful
program, and use life cycle costs for
Effects of Space Experiments Concerning
program design and development
the Contamination of Planets,” COSPAR
decisions. The operational phase of the
Information Bulletin No. 20, pp. 25-26,
Mars program must be represented in
Geneva, Switzerland, 1964.
the design and development phase. This
will require a concurrent engineering Duke, M. and N. Budden, “Results,
approach which considers the Proceedings and Analysis of the Mars
operational costs as well as the Exploration Workshop,” JSC-26001,
development costs in a life cycle cost NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston,
approach to the program. If the Texas, August 1992.
approaches identified above to separate International Academy of Astronautics
design and development and to obtain (IAA), “International Exploration of Mars:
prior commitments for funding for the A Mission Whose Time Has Come,” Acta
entire program are successful, there Astronautica, Vol. 31, pp. 1-101, New York,
should be less of a problem maintaining USA, October 1993.
the life cycle cost approach to
United Nations, “Treaty on Principles
minimizing program costs.
Governing the Activities of States in the
•Put into place positive incentives to Exploration and Use of Outer Space,
maintain program costs within approved Including the Moon and Other Celestial
levels at all stages of design, Bodies,” U.N Document A/RES/2222/
development, production, and (XXI), TIAS #6347, New York, USA,
operations, and to reduce costs of each January 1967.
phase of the program.
NASA, "Report of the 90-Day Study on
Human Exploration of the Moon and
Mars," NASA Headquarters, Washington,
DC, November 1989.

Synthesis Group, “America at the
Threshold: Report of the Synthesis Group
on America’s Space Exploration
Initiative,” U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington DC, May 1991.

Zubrin, Robert, “Mars Direct: A Simple,

Robust, and Cost Effective Architecture
for the Space Exploration Initiative,”29th
Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 91-
0326, held in Reno, Nevada, January 7-10,

2. Science and
Exploration Rationale

2.1 Introduction autonomous manner with only general
support from Earth. From the rationale
Mars is an intriguing and exciting planet
generated by the Mars Study Team for
with many adventures and discoveries
sending human crews to Mars, goals and
awaiting planetary explorers. But before we
objectives are derived to provide guidance for
go, we must provide the tools the explorers
the exploration crews during their extended
will use, anticipate as much as possible the
stay on the martian surface. This section will
situations they will encounter, and prepare
discuss that Study Team rationale.
them for the unexpected. For the first time in
a space exploration mission, it will be up to
the crew and supporting personnel on Earth
2.2 The “Why Mars” Workshop
to create specific activities as the mission In August 1992, a workshop was held at
progresses and discoveries are made. The the Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston,
length of time spent on the martian surface, as Texas, to address the “whys” of Mars
presented in the Reference Mission, will exploration. This workshop brought together
preclude development of the detailed, highly a group of experts (listed in Table 2-1) familiar
choreographed mission plans typical of with the key issues and past efforts associated
today’s space missions. The crew will have with piloted Mars missions in an effort to
general goals and objectives to meet within provide the top-level rationale and
their other time constraints (for example, requirements from which the Mars
exercise for health maintenance, regular exploration program could be built (Duke
medical checks, routine systems maintenance, and Budden, 1992). This group was asked to
etc.). Based on knowledge gained from generate three key products: a Mars mission
precursor robotic missions, the crew will land rationale, Mars exploration objectives, and a
in an area that has a high probability of list of key issues and constraints, to be used
satisfying the pre-set mission objectives. by the Mars Study Team (members listed in
However, due to the extended Table 2-2) to define the technical details of a
communications time lag between Earth and Reference Mission. The workshop attendees
Mars, the crews and their systems must be identified six major elements of the rationale
able to accomplish objectives in a highly for a Mars exploration program.

Table 2-1 Mars Exploration Consultant Team

Dr. David Black Dr. George Morgenthaler

Director University of Colorado
Lunar and Planetary Institute Boulder, Colorado
Houston, Texas
Dr. Robert Moser
Dr. Michael Carr Chama, New Mexico
U.S. Geological Survey
Menlo Park, California Dr. Bruce Murray
California Institute of Technology
Dr. Ron Greeley Pasadena, California
Dept. of Geology
Arizona State University Mr. John Niehoff
Tempe, Arizona Science Applications International
Dr. Noel Hinners Schaumburg, Illinois
Lockheed Martin
Denver, Colorado Dr. Carl Sagan
Center for Radiophysics and Space
Dr. Joseph Kerwin Research
Skylab Astronaut Cornell University
Lockheed Martin Ithica, New York
Houston, Texas
Dr. Harrison Schmitt
Mr. Gentry Lee Apollo 17 Astronaut
Frisco, Texas Albuquerque, New Mexico

Dr. Roger Malina Dr. Steven Squyers

Center for EUV Astrophysics Cornell University
University of California Ithica, New York
Berkeley, California
Mr. Gordon Woodcock
Dr. Christopher McKay Boeing Defense and Space Group
NASA Ames Research Center Huntsville, Alabama
Moffett Field, California

Table 2-2 Mars Study Team

Dr. Geoff Briggs Mr. Kent Joosten

NASA Ames Research Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Moffett Field, California Houston, Texas

Ms. Jeri Brown Mr. David Kaplan

NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Ms. Nancy Ann Budden Dr. Paul Keaton

NASA Johnson Space Center Los Alamos National Laboratory
Houston, Texas Los Alamos, New Mexico

Ms. Beth Caplan Mr. Darrell Kendrick

NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Mr. John Connolly Ms. Barbara Pearson

NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Dr. Michael Duke Mr. Barney Roberts

NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Dr. Steve Hawley Mr. Ed Svrcek

NASA Johnson Space Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Houston, Texas Houston, Texas

Mr. William Huber Mr. David Weaver

NASA Marshall Space Flight Center NASA Johnson Space Center
Huntsville, Alabama Houston, Texas

•Human Evolution – Mars is the most permanent human presence beyond

accessible planetary body beyond the Earth. However, it is not an objective of
Earth-Moon system where sustained the Reference Mission to settle Mars but
human presence is believed to be to establish the feasibility of, and the
possible. The technical objectives of Mars technological basis for, human
exploration should be to understand settlement of that planet.
what would be required to sustain a

•Comparative Planetology – The scientific The workshop attendees then translated
objectives of Mars exploration should be these elements into two specific mission
to understand the planet and its history objectives. For the first human exploration of
to better understand Earth. Mars:
•International Cooperation – The political •A better understanding is needed of
environment at the end of the Cold War Mars—the planet, its history, and its
may be conducive to a concerted current state. And to answer, as best as
international effort that is appropriate, possible, the scientific questions that
and may be required, for a sustained exist at the time of the exploration, a
program. better understanding of the evolution of
•Technology Advancement – The human Mars’ climate and the search for past life
exploration of Mars currently lies at the are pressing issues.
ragged edge of achievability. Some of the •It is important to demonstrate that Mars
technology required to achieve this is a suitable location for longer term
mission is either available or on the human exploration and settlement.
horizon. Other technologies will be
The following sections discuss the details
pulled into being by the needs of this
of the science and exploration rationale as
mission. The new technologies or the
applied to the Reference Mission.
new uses of existing technologies will
Implementation details are in Section 3.
not only benefit humans exploring Mars
but will also enhance the lives of people
2.3 Science Rationale
on Earth.
Mars is an intriguing planet in part for
•Inspiration – The goals of Mars
what it can tell us about the origin and history
exploration are bold, are grand, and
of planets and of life. Visible to the ancients
stretch the imagination. Such goals will
and distinctly reddish in the night sky, it has
challenge the collective skill of the
always been an attractive subject for
populace mobilized to accomplish this
imaginative science fiction. As the capability
feat, will motivate our youth, will drive
for space exploration grew in the 1960s, it
technical education goals, and will excite
became clear that, unlike Earth, Mars is not a
the people and nations of the world.
planet teeming with life and has a harsh
•Investment – In comparison with other environment. The images of Mariner 4
classes of societal expenditures, the cost showed a Moon-like terrain dominated by
of a Mars exploration program is large impact craters (Figure 2-1).

Figure 2-1 Orbital image of Mars.

This terrain now is believed to represent exhibits later volcanic and tectonic features.
ancient crust, similar to the Moon’s, formed in Large volcanoes of relatively recent activity
an initial period of planetary differentiation. (Figure 2-2) and large crustal rifts due to
Mariner 9 showed for the first time that Mars tensional forces (Figure 2-3) demonstrate the
was not totally Moon-like, but actually working of internal forces.

Figure 2-2 Olympus Mons, the largest volcano

in the solar system.

Figure 2-3 Across the middle is Valles Marineris, a huge canyon
as long as the United States.

The absolute time scale is not accurately •What are the implications of such
calibrated; however, by analogy with the changes for environmental changes on
Moon, the initial crustal formation may have Earth?
occurred between 4 billion and 4.5 billion
•Were the conditions on early Mars
years ago, and the apparent freshness of the
enough like those of early Earth to guide
large martian volcanoes suggests their
a search for past life?
formation within the last billion years.
These questions are part of the Mars
Many scientific questions exist regarding
scientific exploration addressed by the
Mars and its history and will continue to exist
Reference Mission, and these questions can be
long after the first human missions to the
answered only by understanding the
planet have been achieved. Two key areas of
geological attributes of the planet: the types of
scientific interest are the evolution of martian
rocks present, the absolute and relative ages
climate and the possible existence of past life.
of the rocks, the distribution of subsurface
Mars’ atmosphere now consists largely of water, the history of volcanic activity, the
carbon dioxide with a typical surface pressure distribution of life-forming elements and
of about 0.01 of Earth’s atmosphere compounds, and other geologic features.
(comparable to Earth’s atmospheric pressure These attributes all have to be understood in
at an altitude of approximately 30,000 meters the context of what we know about the Earth,
or 100,000 feet) and surface temperatures that the Moon, and other bodies of our solar
may reach 25°C (77°F) at the equator in system.
midsummer, but are generally much colder.
Addressing the question of whether life
At these pressures and temperatures, water
ever arose on Mars can provide a
cannot exist in liquid form on the surface.
fundamental framework for an exploration
However, Mariner 9 and the subsequent
strategy because, in principle, the search for
Viking missions observed features which
past life includes investigating the geological
indicate that liquid water has been present on
and atmospheric evolution of the planet. It is
Mars in past epochs (Figure 2-4).
generally understood that the search for
Evidence for the past existence of evidence of past life cannot be conducted
running water and standing water has been simply by a hit-and-miss landing-and-looking
noted, and the interpretation is that the strategy, but must be undertaken in a step-
atmosphere of Mars was thicker and wise manner in which geological provenances
warmer—perhaps much like Earth’s early that might be suitable are characterized,
atmosphere before the appearance of oxygen. located, and studied (Exobiology Program
Three questions arise: Office, 1995). The characteristics of suitable
exploration sites are highly correlated with
•What was the reason for the change of
the search for past or present water on the
atmospheric conditions on Mars?

Figure 2-4 Dense tributary networks indicative of past presence
of liquid water on Mars.

planet. Within the geological framework, aqueous fluids, as found in the SNC
strategic questions related to the search for meteorites) is of major interest. Can the
evidence of life can be posed. channels apparently formed by water
erosion be demonstrated to have
•What is the absolute time scale for
experienced running water? Is there
development of the major features on
verifiable evidence for the existence of
Mars? This would include determining
ponds of water? What is the distribution
the time of formation of the martian
of subsurface permafrost, and can the
crust, a range of formation ages for
features interpreted as permafrost
volcanic plains, and the age of the
collapse be verified?
youngest volcanoes. With this
information as a guide, the age of •What are the distribution and
formation of water-formed channels characteristics of carbon and nitrogen—
should be boundable, and the the organogenic elements? Where do
organogenic element content of martian they exist in reduced form? In what
materials as a function of time may be environments are they preserved in their
obtainable. As is inferred from the SNC original state? Is there chemical, isotopic
meteorites which are believed to have (hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen isotopes), or
originated on Mars (Bogard, et al., 1983 morphological evidence that will link
and McSween, 1994), impacts on Mars concentrations of organogenic elements
have preserved samples of the martian to the past existence of life?
atmosphere in shock-produced glasses.
•If organic remains can be found, how
Thus, it may be possible to characterize
extensive are they in space and time?
the evolution of the atmosphere from
What are their characteristics, variety
carefully selected samples of impact
and complexity? How are they similar or
different to biological materials on
•What is the evidence for the distribution Earth?
in space and time of water on the
Answers to these questions may be
surface? This would include water
sought through orbital mapping (for example,
combined in widely distributed igneous
to determine the distribution of hydrothermal
or clay minerals, in localized deposits
mineral deposits), in situ studies (surface
such as hydrothermal vents, in
mineralogy, distribution of volatile elements),
subsurface permafrost, in the polar caps,
sample return (age of rock units, detailed
and in the atmosphere. The distribution,
chemistry, mineralogy, and isotopic
age, composition, and mode of
composition), and human exploration with
formation (minerals formed by reaction
sample return (similar but with more highly
with or deposition from heated or cool
intelligent sample collection). The scientific

community debates the precise order of modes of exploration that cannot be achieved
investigative means used to achieve this robotically, then the human mission will be
strategy, but generally concludes that the cost effective on scientific grounds.
question of distribution of past life will be of
such a difficult nature that sample return will 2.4 Exploration Rationale
be required and that humans will ultimately
Aside from purely scientific benefits, the
choose to carry out the exploration in person.
human exploration of Mars brings with it
Given the assumption that humans will many tangible and intangible near-term
take on the bulk of this type of exploration, benefits such as:
the key questions become:
•New associations between groups or
•What is the appropriate role and place in disciplines which previously have not
the exploration strategy of robotic interacted, but because of common
sample return missions? objectives in exploration find new
strengths and opportunities (for
•Scientifically, where is the appropriate
example, new international cooperation).
transition from robotic missions,
conducted routinely, and human •New technologies which may be used
exploration missions, which may be for practical application on Earth or in
singular, large, and not reproducible? other space enterprises (dual-use
General guidelines are needed to answer
these questions. Sample return missions •Education of a new generation of
should be favored when they can be used to engineers and scientists spurred by the
significantly reduce the number of dream of Mars exploration.
subsequent missions to address the geological
In the long term, the biggest benefit of
modeling of the planet. Sample return
the human exploration of Mars may well be
missions are likely to be more expensive than
the philosophical and practical implications
one-way missions, so to be cost effective, they
of settling another planet.
must reduce the need for a proportionally
larger number of subsequent missions or 2.4.1 Inhabiting Another Planet
garner otherwise unobtainable information if
their justification is purely scientific. From a The dream of human exploration of Mars
scientific perspective, the guidelines for is intimately tied to the belief that new lands
human exploration are similar. If a human create new opportunities and prosperity. In
exploration mission promises to answer the human history, migrations of people have
major strategic questions better than a larger been stimulated by overcrowding, exhaustion
number of robotic explorers, or opens new of resources, the search for religious or

economic freedom, competitive advantage, The fact that, once on Mars, humans cannot
and other human concerns. Rarely have easily return to the Earth (and then only at
humans entered new territory and then specified times approximately 26 months
completely abandoned it. A few people have apart) makes it necessary to develop systems
always been adventurous enough to adopt a with high reliability and robustness.
newly found territory as their home. Most of
At the present level of human
the settlements have eventually become
technological capability, a self-sufficient
economically self-sufficient and have
settlement on Mars stretches our technical
enlarged the genetic and economic diversity
limits and is not economically justifiable, but
of humanity. The technological revolution of
it is imaginable. If, however, transportation
the twentieth century, with high speed
costs were to be reduced by two orders of
communication and transportation and
magnitude, such settlements might become
integrated economic activity, may have
economically feasible. What kind of strategy
reversed the trend toward human diversity;
should be followed to explore the concept of
however, settlement of the planets can once
humans permanently inhabiting Mars? Three
again enlarge the sphere of human action and
considerations are important.
•Demonstrating the potential for self-
Outside the area of fundamental science,
sufficiency. This would include
the possibility that Mars might someday be a
understanding the potential to obtain all
home for humans is at the core of much of the
important materials to support human
popular interest in Mars exploration. A
habitation from the natural materials of
human settlement on Mars, which would
Mars. It is most important that humans
have to be self-sufficient to be sustainable,
be able to capture energy for driving
would satisfy human urges to challenge the
processes and have access to natural
limits of human capability, create the
resources (such as water, oxygen,
potential for saving human civilization from
agricultural raw materials, building
an ecological disaster on Earth (for example, a
materials, and industrial materials) from
giant asteroid impact or a nuclear incident),
martian rocks and soil. Demonstrating
and potentially lead to a new range of human
self-sufficiency requires that resources be
endeavors that are not attainable on Earth.
located and technology and experience
The settlement of Mars presents new be developed to efficiently extract them
problems and challenges. The absence of a from the in situ materials. Much can be
natural environment that humans and most done robotically to locate resources prior
terrestrial fauna and flora would find livable to arrival of the first human crew.
and the current high cost of transportation are Extraction technology depends on a
the main barriers to human expansion there. more detailed understanding of the

specific materials present on Mars and International Space Station program to
requires the detailed mineralogical and be conducted in the late 1990s. Some of
chemical analyses generally associated these concerns can also be addressed on
with sample return missions. An the first human exploration missions to
exception is the production of water, Mars, in which greater risks may be
methane, and oxygen from the martian taken than are appropriate for later
atmosphere, which is now known well settlement.
enough to design extraction technology
•Demonstrating that the risks to survival
(Sullivan, et al., 1995). In addition to the
faced in the daily life of settlers on Mars
extraction and use of martian resources,
are compatible with the benefits
self-sufficiency undoubtedly requires
perceived by the settlers. Risks to
highly advanced life support systems in
survival can be quantified through the
which most of the waste product from
Mars exploration program. However, the
human activity is recovered and reused,
benefits will be those perceived by
and food is grown on the planet.
future generations and cannot be
•Demonstrating that human beings can addressed here.
survive and flourish on Mars. This will
likely be first explored by long-duration 2.4.2 International Cooperation
missions in Earth orbit and may be The space age gained its start in a period
continued in the 1/6-g environment of of intense technical and social competition
the Moon (Synthesis Group, 1991). Two between East and West, represented by the
types of needs—physical and Soviet Union and the United States.
psychological—must be met for humans Competition during the International
to survive and flourish on Mars. Physical Geophysical Year resulted in the Soviet Union
needs will be met through advanced life being the first to launch a satellite into Earth
support systems, preventive medical orbit, which served to challenge and remind
sciences (nutrition, exercise, the United States that technological
environmental control, etc.), and the supremacy was not solely the province of the
capability of medical support for people United States.
on Mars. Psychological needs will be
met through the design of systems, The start of the Apollo program was a
identification and selection of work for political decision based more on the
crews, communications with Earth, and perception of the political and technological
a better understanding of human rewards to be gained by attacking a truly
interactions in small communities. Many difficult objective in a constrained time
of these can be addressed through a period. The space race began, the United
lunar outpost program or in the States won it, and a relatively few years later,

the Soviet Union collapsed. Fortunately, the Section 3 of this report will illustrate that
Russians did not view Apollo success as a much of the technology needed for a Mars
reason to terminate their space exploration mission is either currently available or within
program, and they continued to develop the experience base of the spacefaring nations
capabilities that are in many areas on a par of the Earth. No fundamental breakthroughs
with United States capabilities. Also, during are required to accomplish the mission.
the post-Apollo time frame, space capability However, an extended period of advanced
grew in Europe (with the formation of the development will be required to prepare the
European Space Agency), Japan, Canada, systems needed to travel to and from Mars or
China, and other countries. With these to operate on the surface of Mars; specifically,
developments, the basis has been laid for a high efficiency propulsion systems, life
truly international approach to Mars support systems, and an advanced degree of
exploration—an objective in which all automation to operate, and if necessary
humanity can share. repair, processing equipment. At a general
level, perhaps two of the most important
The exploration of Mars will derive
ways in which the Reference Mission will
significant nontechnical benefits from
help advance technology that will benefit
structuring this undertaking as an
more than just this program is to provide the
international enterprise. It is unnecessary for
programmatic “pull” to bring technologies to
any country to undertake human exploration
a usable state and the “drive” to make
of Mars alone, particularly when others, who
systems smaller, lighter, and more efficient for
may not now have the required magnitude of
a reasonable cost.
capability or financial resources, do have the
technological know-how. An underlying For any of the technology areas
requirement for the Reference Mission is that mentioned above (as well as others not
it be implemented by a multinational group mentioned), this program will require
of nations and explorers. This would allow systems using these technologies to meet
for a continuation of the cooperative effort performance specifications and be delivered
that is being made to develop, launch, and on schedule, all at a pace perhaps not
operate the International Space Station. otherwise required. This applies to any
development effort. But for the Reference
2.4.3 Technological Advancement Mission, many technologies will need to be
From the outset, the Reference Mission ready at once, causing many of these systems
was not envisioned to be a technology to advance in maturity much faster than
development program. The Mars Study Team might have otherwise been possible. These
made a deliberate effort to use either mature systems and related technologies will
technology concepts that are in use today or then be available to the marketplace to be
basic concepts that are well understood.

used in applications limited only by the necessary to be used on the Reference
imagination of entrepreneurs. Mission. Once developed, these technologies
become available for use, perhaps on reusable
The matured systems and the
vehicles, for the ever-increasing traffic in LEO
technologies behind them will be attractive
up to geosynchronous altitude.
to entrepreneurs in part because of the effort
to make them smaller, lighter, and more Another area of tremendous leverage for
efficient. A kilogram of mass saved in any of a mission to other planets is the ability to use
these systems saves many tens of kilograms resources already there rather than burdening
of mass at launch from Earth (depending on the transportation system by bringing them
the propulsion system used) simply because from Earth. Focusing on understanding what
less propellant is required to move the is required for eventual settlement on Mars
systems from Earth to Mars. Smaller, lighter, leads quickly to those technologies that allow
or more efficient each translate into a the crew to live off the land. Of the known
competitive advantage in the marketplace raw materials available on Mars, the
for those who use these technologies. atmosphere can be found everywhere and can
be used as feedstock to produce propellants
Among the specific areas of desirable
and life support resources. Other raw
technology advancement is propulsion
materials (such as water) will eventually be
systems. Even the earliest studies for sending
found and used, but sufficient detail is not
people to the Moon or Mars recognized that
currently known about their locations and
propulsion system efficiency improvements
quantities. This is an objective for initial
have tremendous leverage in reducing the
size of the complete transportation system
needed to move people and supplies. Much of the processing technology
Chemical propulsion systems are reaching needed to produce propellants from
the theoretical limits of efficiency in the atmospheric gases already exists and is in use
rocket engines now being produced. Further on Earth. However, integrating these
improvements in efficiency will require the technologies into a production plant that can
use of nuclear or electrical propulsion operate unattended for a period of years,
concepts which have the potential of including self-repair, is an area where
improving propulsion efficiencies by a factor additional development effort will be
of up to 10, with corresponding reductions in required. (Chemical processing plants on
the amount of propellant needed to move Earth are making significant progress toward
payload from one place to another. Both of autonomous operation even now.) In this
these propulsion technologies have matured area, the Reference Mission will adapt the
to a relatively high state of readiness in the existing technologies at the time of the
past, but neither has reached the level Reference Mission rather than pull those

technologies up to the levels needed by the Reference Mission possible. Equal with this is
program. Regardless of how this technology instilling an attitude of cost consciousness in
is developed, the advantages in the engineering community that will design
manufacturing and materials processing will and produce these systems. The importance
be significant. of cost as a design consideration and
providing the tools to accurately forecast cost
Life support systems is another specific
should be incorporated in the educational
area where advancing the state of the art can
system that trains these engineers.
significantly reduce the overall size of the
systems launched from Earth. The same
2.4.4 Inspiration
technologies that produce propellants can
also produce water and breathable gases for It can be argued that one role of
human crews. These resources can be used as government is to serve as a focusing agent for
makeup for losses in a closed or partially those events in history that motivate and
closed life support system, and can also serve unify groups of people to achieve a common
as an emergency cache should primary life purpose. Reacting to conflicts quickly comes
support weaken or fail. Life support for this to mind as an example. For the United States,
Reference Mission can take advantage of World War II and the Persian Gulf War are
developments already made for International examples of how a nation was unified in a
Space Station and submarine use. positive sense; the Viet Nam War is an
Developments in support of the Reference example of how the opposite occurred.
Mission are likely to return technologies that It can also be argued that a role of
are smaller, more efficient, and perhaps less government is to undertake technical and
costly than those available at the time. engineering projects that can inspire and
Important in all of these areas is a focus challenge. The great dam building projects in
on ensuring that the cost to manufacture and the American West during the 1930s is an
operate these systems is affordable in the example of the government marshaling the
current economic environment. The design- resources to harness vast river systems for
to-cost concept is not currently well electrical power and irrigation to allow for
understood in the aerospace industry, and population growth. The Interstate Highway
any advancements in this area will benefit System is another example that receives little
development programs well beyond those fanfare but has changed the way we live. The
connected with the Reference Mission. government incentives to private entities that
Developing the tools needed to determine led to the development of the vast
costs that are as easy to use as the tools used intercontinental rail system in the last century
to predict system performance is one of the is another example.
key technology areas that will help make the

Few government efforts can collectively the infrastructure that affects our everyday
motivate, unify, challenge, and inspire. The life: the use of space for business, commerce,
Apollo program was one such example that and entertainment. Just as space projects do
focused a national need to compete with now, the Reference Mission can serve as a
another nation in a very visible and high focal point for invigorating the scientific,
profile manner; the Reference Mission can technical, and social elements of the
serve as another. In this instance, the education system, but with a much longer
undertaking provides a focus for the human range vision.
need to struggle and compete to achieve a
worthy goal—not by competing against each 2.5 Why Not Mars?
other but rather against the challenges
Several impediments may severely
presented by a common goal.
hamper the implementation of a program for
the human exploration of Mars. Some
2.4.5 Investment
impediments are due simply to the fact that
Scientific investigation, human they have not been evaluated in sufficient
expansion, technology advancement, and detail to gauge their impact. Others are
inspiration are not attainable free of charge. simply beyond the control of this or any other
Resources must be devoted to such a project program and must be taken into account as
for it to succeed; and at a certain level, this the program advances. The following
can be viewed as denying those resources to paragraphs discuss some of these
other worthy goals. The Reference Mission impediments as viewed by the Mars Study
costs are high by current space program Team and others considering programs of this
standards, and additional effort is needed to type (Mendell, 1991).
reduce these costs. The total program and
annual costs of the Reference Mission range 2.5.1 Human Performance
from 1 percent to 2 percent of the current
It is a known fact that the human body
Federal budget—still far below other Federal
undergoes certain changes when exposed to
programs. If this program expands to an
extended periods of weightlessness—changes
international undertaking, the costs incurred
that are most debilitating when the space
by each partner would be reduced even more.
traveler must readapt to gravity. The most
A debate must still occur to determine if serious known changes include
this project is a worthwhile investment of the cardiovascular deconditioning, decreased
public’s resources. But the use of these muscle tone, loss of calcium from bone mass,
resources should be viewed as more than just and suppression of the immune system. A
an effort to send a few people to Mars. This variety of countermeasures for these
project will be investing in a growing part of conditions have been suggested, but none

have been validated through testing for long- time required for recovery is particularly
term, zero-g spaceflight. The Russians have important if the surface stay is short (as has
had some success with long periods of daily been proposed for “opposition-class”
exercise to maintain cardiovascular capacity missions).
and muscle tone, but monotonous and time-
No one knows whether exposure to a
consuming exercise regimes affect the
gravity field lower than the Earth’s will
efficiency and morale of the crew.
reverse the deconditioning induced by
Artificial gravity is often put forward as a weightless space travel. And if some level of
possible solution. In this case, the entire gravity does halt the deconditioning effects,
spacecraft, or at least that portion containing what level is too low? In other words, if a
the living quarters for the crew, would be crew arrives on Mars in good physical
rotated so that the crew experiences a condition, what will their condition be after
constant downward acceleration that spending an extended period of time under
simulates gravity. It is generally assumed that martian gravity? Artificial gravity cannot be
the Coriolis effect (the dizziness caused by provided easily on the martian surface, and
spinning around in circles) will fall below the Apollo missions to the Moon were too short
threshold of human perception if the to produce observable differences between
spacecraft is rotated at a slow rate. It is not the condition of the astronauts who went to
known whether simulation of full terrestrial the surface and those who remained
gravity is required to counteract all of the weightless in orbit.
known deconditioning effects of
The human body’s reaction to Mars
weightlessness, or whether the small residual
surface conditions, other than gravity, is also
Coriolis effect will cause some disorientation
not yet known. The Viking missions to Mars
in crew members. No data from a space-based
found a highly reactive agent in the martian
facility exists, and the space life science
soil, an explanation for which has not yet
research community is split over the viability
been agreed to by the scientific community.
of artificial gravity as a solution.
Without understanding this agent’s chemical
Deconditioning is a critical issue for Mars behavior, its impact on human crews cannot
missions because the crew will undergo high be determined. No matter how carefully the
transient accelerations during descent to the Mars surface systems are designed and no
martian surface. Depending on the matter how carefully the crews handle native
physiological condition of the crew, these materials, small amounts of the martian
accelerations could be life threatening. Once atmosphere and soil will be introduced into
on the surface of Mars, the crew must recover crew living compartments during the course
without external medical support and must of the mission. It will be necessary to better
perform a series of demanding tasks. The characterize the Mars environment and assess

its impact on the crew. Assuring the health be no opportunity for resupply. Either the
and safety of the crew will be of obvious systems must work without failure or the
importance. crew must have adequate time and capability
to repair those elements which fail.
Psychiatrists and psychologists agree that
piloted missions to Mars may well give rise to Particularly important to the success of
behavioral aberrations among the crew as piloted Mars missions will be testing of
have been seen on Earth in conditions of integrated flight systems under conditions
stress and isolation over long periods of time. similar to the actual mission for periods of
The probability of occurrence and the level of time similar to, and preferably much greater
any such anomalous behavior will depend than, the actual mission. Integrated flight
not only on the crew members individually testing is truly critical if the flight system is
but also on the group dynamics among the the first of its kind. Unfortunately, if history is
crew and between the crew and mission a guide, budget pressures will cause program
support personnel on Earth. In general, the management to search for substitutions for
probability of behavior extreme enough to full-up flight testing. (For full-up flight
threaten the mission will decrease with an testing, hardware identical to that used in
increased crew size. However, the expense of flight is operated for periods of time equal to
sending large payloads to Mars to support a or greater than the actual mission which
large crew will limit the number of people in allows weaknesses or failures to be identified
any one crew. At the present time, little effort and corrected. This is the most expensive way
has been spent developing techniques for to test, in terms of time and money.) After all,
crew selection that will adequately guarantee most of the expense of a mission to Mars is in
psychological stability on a voyage to Mars launch and operations, two categories of
and back. Russian experience suggests that a expense for a flight test whose magnitude
crew should train together for many years would be similar to that of an actual mission.
prior to an extended flight. And what possible motivation would there be
for a crew to spend 2 or 3 years in orbit
2.5.2 System Reliability and Lifetime pretending to go to Mars?
The spacecraft and surface elements will Somewhere in a large, complex program,
likely be the most complex systems a manager will take a shortcut under pressure
constructed up to that point in time, and the from budget or schedule reasons, and the
lives of the crew will depend on the reliability consequences will not always be obvious to
of those systems for at least 3 years. By program management. As a result, the
comparison, a Mars mission will be of a reliability of the product will be
duration at least two orders of magnitude overestimated. And management always
greater than a Shuttle mission, and there will expresses a very human tendency to believe

good news. (This can be illustrated by the Shortening development time can be
change in the official estimates of the beneficial if the project remains focused on its
reliability of the Shuttle before and after the requirements and can avoid changes imposed
Challenger tragedy.) In short, significant risk by external forces.
is introduced when relying on a product that
If an institution wishes to be supported
has not been tested in its working
with public funds for a long-duration project,
environment, whether it is a new car, a
then the institution must be sophisticated
complex piece of software, or a spacecraft.
enough to plan visible milestones, which are
comprehensible to the public, at intervals
2.5.3 Political Viability and Social
appropriate to the funding review process.
Historically, NASA has been reasonably
The human exploration of Mars is likely successful at maintaining funding of decade-
to be undertaken for many of the reasons long programs in the face of an annual budget
already cited as well as others not presented review. The vast majority of the programs are
here. To a large degree, the responsibility for understood by all to have a finite duration.
taking action based on these reasons is in the After a satellite has been launched and
realm of political decision makers as opposed operated for a given period of time, it either
to commercial concerns or other spheres of fails or is shut off. Neither NASA nor the U.S.
influence. Thus, support for this type of Congress are yet comfortable with open-
program must be sustained in the political ended programs such as the Shuttle or
environment for a decade or more in the face International Space Station or human
of competition for the resources needed to settlement of the solar system.
carry it out.
The decades-long time frame for human
Perhaps the closest analogy to a possible exploration of Mars cannot be supported until
international Mars exploration program is the the role of the space program is well
International Space Station, which has been integrated into the national space agenda and
an approved international flight program for the exploration of space is no longer
over 10 years. During those 10 years, the considered a subsidy of the aerospace
configuration of the Station has changed industry. To accomplish this, the space
several times and the number of and level of program must show concern for national and
commitment from partners has changed international needs (visible contributions to
significantly. Also during this time, Russia, technology, science, environmental studies,
initially a significant competitor, has turned education, inspiration of youth, etc.) while
into one of the larger partners in the maintaining a thoughtful and challenging
endeavor. And all of this has taken place prior agenda of human exploration of space in
to launching the first element of the Station. which the public can feel a partnership.

Finally there is the political concern of 2.7 References
back-contamination of Earth. This is as much
Bogard, D. and P. Johnson, “Martian
a social issue as a technical one. Some
Gases in an Antarctic Meteorite,” Science,
segments of the population will object to any
Vol. 221, pp. 651-654, 1983.
Mars mission on these grounds. The two
tenets of a successful defense against such Duke, M. and N. Budden, “Results,
opposition are to ensure that prudent steps Proceedings and Analysis of the Mars
are taken at all phases of the project to Exploration Workshop,” JSC-26001,
minimize risks and to demonstrate that the NASA, Johnson Space Center, Houston,
value of the mission is high enough to merit Texas, August 1992.
the residual minuscule risk. Exobiology Program Office, “An
Exobiological Strategy for Mars
2.6 Summary Exploration,” NASA SP-530, NASA
This section has woven together several Headquarters, Washington, DC, April
key elements of a rationale for undertaking 1995.
the Reference Mission: human evolution, McSween, H., “What We Have Learned
comparative planetology, international About Mars From SNC Meteorites,”
cooperation, technology advancement, Meteoritics, Vol. 29, pp. 757-779, 1994.
inspiration, and investment. Several
Mendell, W., “Lunar Base as a Precursor
challenging aspects must be resolved before
to Mars Exploration and Settlement,” 42nd
the first human crews can be sent to Mars. But
Congress of the International Astronautical
the Reference Mission has a longer range
Federation, IAF-91-704, Montreal, Canada,
view and purpose that makes these
October 5-11, 1991.
challenges worth the effort to overcome. If, at
some future time, a self-sufficient settlement Sullivan, T., D. Linne, L. Bryant, and K.
is established on Mars, with the capability of Kennedy, “In Situ-Produced Methane and
internal growth without massive imports Methane/Carbon Monoxide Mixtures for
from Earth, the benefit will be to the eventual Return Propulsion from Mars,” Journal of
descendants of the first settlers, who will have Propulsion and Power, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp.
totally different lives and perspectives 1056-1062, 1995.
because of the initial investment made by
Synthesis Group, “America at the
their ancestors.
Threshold: Report of the Synthesis Group
on America’s Space Exploration
Initiative,” U.S. Government Printing
Office, Washington, DC, May, 1991.

3. Mission and System

3.1 Introduction An infinite number of designs are
possible for a mission of this type. The
Previous studies of human exploration of
approach taken here is based on two general
Mars have tended to focus on spacecraft and
flight, rather than on what the crew would do
on the surface. The Reference Mission takes •A hierarchy of requirements (starting
the point of view that surface exploration is from mission objectives) is followed,
the key to the mission, both for science and which, as they gain greater depth and
for evaluation of the potential for settlement. definition, merge with the proposed
As a consequence, the Reference Mission implementation through a set of system
architecture allows for a robust surface specifications (note that the Reference
capability with significant performance Mission has followed these requirements
margins: crews will explore in the vicinity of down to the system level only).
the outpost out to a few hundred kilometers,
•A reasonable number of alternatives will
will be able to study materials in situ and in a
be considered, through trade studies at
surface laboratory, and will iterate their
each level of definition allowing
findings with their exploration plan. In
comparisons and choices.
addition, the development and demonstration
of the key technologies required to test
3.1.1 Mission Objectives
settlement issues will provide a substantial
workload. To make surface exploration Section 1 of this report discussed a series
effective, the supporting systems (such as of workshops conducted by NASA to define a
EMU, life support, vehicles, robotics) must be set of objectives and supporting rationale for
highly reliable, highly autonomous, and a Mars exploration program. The workshop
highly responsive to the needs of the crew. attendees (see Table 2-1) identified and
Some needs may not be anticipated during recommended for adoption three objectives
crew preparation and training, which will for analysis of a Mars exploration program
significantly challenge the management and and the first piloted missions in that program.
operations systems.

They are to conduct: 3.1.2 Surface Mission Implementation
•Human missions to Mars and verify that
people can ultimately inhabit Mars. To satisfy the objectives for the Reference
Mission, the Mars Study Team developed a
•Applied scientific research for using
series of capabilities and demonstrations that
martian resources to augment life-
should be accomplished during surface
sustaining systems.
mission activities. Table 3.1 defines the
•Basic scientific research to gain new activities and capabilities that must exist to
knowledge about the solar system’s meet the first three program objectives to the
origin and history. next level of detail. The three objectives added
by the Study Team are useful in selecting
A Mars Study Team composed of NASA
among feasible mission implementation
personnel representing most NASA field
options that could be put forth to satisfy the
centers (see Table 2-2) used inputs from the
capabilities and demonstrations listed in the
adopted objectives to construct the Reference
Mission. In addition, the Study Team
recognized that past mission studies had Conduct Human Missions to Mars
characterized piloted Mars missions as
inherently difficult and exorbitantly From the point of view of the surface
expensive. Therefore, the Mars Study Team mission, conducting human missions implies
added three objectives. These were to: that the capability for humans to live and
work effectively on the surface of Mars must
•Challenge the notion that human
be demonstrated. This includes several sub-
exploration of Mars is a 30-year program
objectives to:
that will cost hundreds of billions of
dollars. •Define a set of tasks of value for humans
to perform on Mars and provide the
•Challenge the traditional technical
tools to carry out the tasks.
obstacles associated with sending
humans to Mars. •Support the humans with highly reliable
•Identify relevant technology
development and investment •Provide a risk environment that will
opportunities. maximize the probability of
accomplishing mission objectives.

•Provide both the capability and the

rationale to continue the surface
exploration beyond the first mission.

Table 3-1 Capabilities and Demonstrations for Surface Mission Activities

Conduct Human Missions to Mars

a. Land people on Mars and return them safely to Earth.
b. Effectively perform useful work on the surface of Mars.
c. Support people on Mars for 2 years or more without resupply.
d. Support people away from Earth for periods of time consistent with Mars mission durationss
(2 to 3 years)
e. Manage space operations capabilities including communications, data management, and
operations planning to accommodate both routine and contingency mission operational
situations; and understand abort modes from surface or space contingencies.
f. Identify the characteristics of space transportation and surface operations systems consistent
with sustaining a long-term program at affordable cost.
Conduct Applied Science Research to Use Mars Resources to Augment Life-Sustaining Systems
a. Catalog the global distribution of life support, propellant, and construction materials
(hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, iron, etc.) on Mars.
b. Develop effective system designs and processes for using in situ materials to replace products
that otherwise would have to be provided from Earth.
Conduct Basic Science Research to Gain New Knowledge About the Solar System’s Origin and
a. Using robotic and human investigations, gain significant insights into the history of the
atmosphere, the planet’s geological evolution, and the possible evolution of life.
b. Identify suitable venues at Mars, in the martian system, and during Earth-Mars transits for
other science measurements.

These then require a set of functional effective system designs be developed and
capabilities on the surface, including habitats, demonstrated to extract and use indigenous
surface mobility systems, and supporting resources. Opportunities exist to use
systems (such as power and communications indigenous resources as demonstrations in
systems). the life support subsystem, in energy systems
as fuel or energy storage, and as propellant Conduct Applied Scientific Research for spacecraft. These may eventually develop
to Use Mars Resources to Augment Life- into essential systems for the preservation of
Sustaining Systems the outpost. In addition, the following
This objective will require that an habitation activities and demonstrations
assessment be made of the location and satisfy the first and second objectives.
availability of specific resources (such as •Demonstrate that martian habitability
water) that are useful for human habitation or has no fundamental limitations due to
transportation. It will also require that uniquely martian characteristics such as

low gravity, absence of a magnetic field, additional systems for producing food and
soil toxicity, or the radiation recycling air and water.
environment. Conduct Basic Scientific Research to
•Demonstrate that self-sufficiency can be
Gain New Knowledge About the Solar
achieved on the local scale of a Mars
System’s Origin and History
base. This includes providing a
reasonable quality of life and reasonably This will require that a variety of
low risk for the crews, and should scientific explorations and laboratory
include operating a bioregenerative life assessments be carried out on the surface of
support system capable of producing Mars by both humans and robots. The
food and recycling air and water. scientific research will not be conducted
completely at any one site, which will create a
•Determine the potential for expansion of
need for crew member mobility and
base capabilities using indigenous
transportation systems to support
resources. This would include the
exploration, the specialized tools required
successful extraction of life support
outside the outpost to collect and document
consumables from the martian
materials, and the facilities inside the outpost
environment and storage for later use.
to perform analyses.
•Investigate the biological adaptation of
The principal science activities and
representative plant, animal, and
demonstrations for Mars exploration include
microbial species to the martian
answering the following questions.
environment over multiple generations.
•Has Mars been a home for life?
These activities and demonstrations are
aimed at establishing the feasibility and This set of objectives will combine field
approach required to move beyond the and laboratory investigations in geology,
exploratory phase toward the development of paleontology, biology, and chemistry. The
long-term activities on the planet. They underlying assumption is that this question
influence the selection of elements that are will not have been answered by previous
included in the surface systems (habitats, robotic Mars exploration programs, and the
mobility, life support, power, and best way to get an answer is through
communications systems). judicious use of humans on Mars as field
geologists and laboratory analysts. Recent
To the support facilities identified in the
evidence indicating past life on Mars found in
previous section must be added exploration
a martian meteorite has placed increased
systems (orbital or surface), resource
emphasis on this question (McKay, et al.,
extraction and handling systems, and

•What are the origin and evolution of rover sample collectors having accessibility to
Mars, particularly its atmosphere, and interesting or significant sites at increasing
what does it tell us about Earth? distances from the outpost. Figure 3-1 shows
a photomosaic of the Candor region of the
This set of objectives involves geology
Valles Marineris in which the location of an
and geophysics, atmospheric science,
outpost could address fundamental questions
meteorology and climatology, and chemistry.
of Mars’ origin and history. This region is
Iterative sampling of geological units will be
located roughly between 70 degrees and 75
required as well as monitoring of a global
degrees west longitude and between 2.5
network of meteorological stations. (A global
degrees and 7.5 degrees south latitude. A
network will most likely be established by
general geological map of the region of the
robotic elements of the program.)
outpost site should be prepared using data
•What resources are available on Mars? gathered by robotic missions prior to selecting
The resource discovery and verification and occupying the initial site.
of accessibility will require investigations in Once the outpost is established,
geology, atmospheric science, and chemistry. exploration activity will consist of surface
A general strategy for accomplishing this will observations made by robotic vehicles and
begin with a global mapping (from orbit) of human explorers, collection of samples, and
selected elemental and mineralogical examination of samples in the outpost
abundances. This activity is best suited for a laboratory. Crews will be given broadly stated
robotic spacecraft sent prior to the flight of scientific questions or exploration objectives
the first human crew. Robotic missions are to be addressed in relatively large regions
also likely for verifying the abundances and near the outpost site. Operations will not be
making an initial assessment of accessibility as highly choreographed over the 600-day
of the resources. The data gathered will also surface stay-time as they are for current
be important for selecting likely sites for the spaceflight missions. The crews and Earth-
surface outpost to be used by human crews. based supporting investigators will plan
campaigns lasting days or weeks, eventually Surface Operations Philosophy
extending to months, but always with the
In addition to the facilities and assumption that replanning may be necessary
equipment mentioned above, the crew must based on discoveries made. It is likely that a
have a general operating philosophy for strategy of general reconnaissance followed
conducting activities, demonstrations, and by detailed investigations will be followed.
experiments on the surface. The targeted The outpost laboratory will be outfitted to
investigations to be carried out from the Mars provide mineralogical and chemical analyses
outpost depend on humans and automated and, depending on technical development, it


Figure 3-1 A regional map illustrating potential locations for a Mars outpost.

may be possible to perform simple kinds of Information will be transmitted to
geochronologic analysis. The purpose of these scientists on Earth so they can
studies will be to support the field participate in the replanning activity.
investigations, answer “sharper” questions, Crews will also emplace geophysical and
and allow human explorers to narrow their meteorological instruments to measure
focus to the sites of optimum sample internal properties and atmospheric
collection. Ultimately, selected samples will dynamics. Drilling short depths into the
be returned to Earth for more detailed surface should be standard capability. At
analysis. some point it will be appropriate to drill
deeply into the surface to address
Science equipment, experiments, and
stratigraphic issues and to locate and tap
tools must be proven in order for the
into water reservoirs.
exploration and science objectives of the
missions to be accomplished, and their •The Mars crews will also have the
selection is at the core of the argument that capability to operate telerobotic systems
humans can effectively perform scientific conducting even broader exploratory
research on the planet. Failure to equip tasks using the ability to communicate
humans properly will be a failure to take with and direct these systems in near
advantage of their unique potential. Over- real-time. Some teleoperated rovers
equipping them may be counterproductive as (TROVs) may be emplaced before crews
well, at least from the cost aspect of arrive on Mars and may collect samples
transporting unneeded equipment to Mars. for assembly at the Mars outpost. The
The exploration and science objectives to be TROVs may be designed to provide
performed on the surface can be broken into global access and may be able to return
four categories: field work, telerobotic samples to the outpost from hundreds of
exploration, laboratory and intravehicular kilometers distance from the site. These
activity experiments, and preparation of robotic systems may also emplace
materials for return to Earth. geophysical monitoring equipment such
as seismometers and meteorological
•Observations related to exobiology,
geology, and martian atmosphere studies
will be made by humans in the field. •Scientific experiments will also be
Samples and data will be collected and conducted that are uniquely suited to
returned to the outpost laboratory for being performed on the surface of Mars.
analysis. The information from the These will typically be experiments that
analyses will be used to plan or replan make use of the natural martian
future traverses as scientific and environment (including reduced gravity)
exploration questions are sharpened. or involve interaction with martian

surface materials. Studies will be weeks and using mobile facilities, may be
performed on biological systems, best conducted at intervals of a few months.
performed in conjunction with an Between these explorations, analysis in the
experimental bioregenerative life laboratory will continue. The crew will also
support system. The deployment of a spend a significant portion of time
bioregenerative life support capability maintaining and ensuring the continuing
will be an early activity after crew functionality of life support and materials
landing. Although this system is not processing systems and performing
required to maintain the health and maintenance on robotic vehicles and EVA
vitality of the crew, it will improve the suits (systems should be designed to help
robustness of the life support system and keep these activities to a minimum).
is important to the early objectives of the
Crew activities related to living on
outpost. Field samples will be studied in
another planet should be viewed not only as
laboratory facilities shared between the
experiments but also as activities necessary to
geosciences, biosciences, and facilities
carry out the mission. With minor
support systems. For example, analytical
modifications in hardware and software,
systems used to monitor organisms in
ordinary experiences can be used to provide
the biological life support system may
objective databases for understanding the
also be used to monitor the environment
requirements for human settlement.
of the habitat in general. Some analytical
capabilities (such as gas To optimize the performance of the
chromatographs) find use in both mission, it will be necessary to pick a landing
geological and biological analysis. All site primarily on the basis of satisfying
samples and data (geological, biological, mission objectives. However, the landing site
medical, etc.) will be documented and must be consistent with landing and surface
cataloged for later research. operational safety. Detailed maps of candidate
landing sites should be available to define the
•One crew task will be to select and
safety and operational hazards of the site, as
package samples for return to Earth for
well as to confirm access (by humans or
more detailed study. This will require the
robotic vehicles) to scientifically interesting
creation of a minicuratorial facility and
locations. Depending on the results of prior
procedures to ensure that
missions, it would be desirable to site the
uncontaminated samples are returned to
outpost where water can be readily extracted
from minerals or from subsurface deposits.
As experience grows, the range of human
exploration will grow from the local to the
regional. Regional expeditions, lasting several

3.1.3 Ground Rules and Assumptions systems can potentially reduce the total
Translating these goals and objectives program costs and enhance crew safety
into specific missions and systems required and system maintainability.
adopting a number of guidelines and •Provide a flexible implementation
assumptions. strategy. Mars missions are complex, so
•Balance technical, programmatic, multiple pathways to the desired
mission, and safety risks. Mars objectives have considerable value in
exploration will not be without risks. ensuring mission success.
However, the risk mitigation philosophy •Limit the length of time the crew is
as well as the acceptability of the mission continuously exposed to the
concept to the public, its elected leaders, interplanetary space environment. Doing
and the crews will be critically important this will reduce the physiological and
in the technical and fiscal feasibility of psychological effects on the crew and
these missions. Mars is not “3 days enhance their safety and productivity. In
away,” and overcoming the temptation addition, the associated life science
to look back to Earth to resolve each concerns are partially mitigated. It is
contingency situation may be the most assumed that crews will arrive at Mars
challenging obstacle to overcome in in good health, that full physical
embarking upon the human exploration capability can be achieved within a few
of Mars. days, and that crew health and
•Provide an operationally simple mission performance can be maintained
approach emphasizing the judicious use throughout the expedition.
of common systems. For example, an •Define a robust planetary surface
integrated mission in which a single exploration capacity capable of safely
spacecraft with all elements needed to and productively supporting crews on
carry out the complete mission is the surface of Mars for 500 to 600 days
launched from Earth and lands on Mars each mission. The provision of a robust
to conduct the long exploration program surface capability is a defining
is not feasible due to launch mass characteristic of the Reference Mission
considerations alone. It is necessary to philosophy. This is in contrast to
determine the simplest and most reliable previous mission studies that have
set of operations in space or on the adopted short stay-times for the first or
surface of Mars to bring all of the first few human exploration missions
necessary resources to the surface where and focused attention principally on
they are to be used. A strategy space transportation.
emphasizing multiple uses for single

•Be able to live off the land. The transit times for the crew or increased
capability to manufacture resources at payload delivery capacity for cargo. This
Mars, particularly propellants, has long enhances program flexibility.
been known to have significant leverage
•Examine at least three human missions
in terms of the amount of material that
to Mars. The initial investment to send a
must be launched from Earth. It also
human crew to Mars is sufficient to
provides a risk reduction mechanism for
warrant more than one or two missions.
the crew when viewed as a cache of life
Each mission will return to the site of the
support consumables to back up those
initial mission, with missions two and
brought from Earth. Additional system
three launching in the 2012 and 2014
development effort will be required, but
launch opportunities, respectively. This
the advantages outweigh the cost and
approach permits an evolutionary
development risk, particularly if the
establishment of capabilities on the Mars
infrastructure supports more than one
surface and is consistent with the stated
human exploration expedition.
goals for human exploration of Mars.
•Rely on reasonable advances in Although it is arguable that scientific
automation to perform a significant data could be enhanced by landing each
amount of the routine activities human mission at a different surface site,
throughout the mission. This includes a the goal of understanding how humans
capability to land, set up, operate, and could inhabit Mars seems more logically
maintain many of the Mars surface directed toward a single outpost
systems needed by the crew prior to approach. This leaves global exploration
their arrival. to robotic explorers or perhaps later
human missions.
•Ensure that management techniques are
available and can be designed into a
3.2 Risks and Risk Mitigation
program implementation that can
substantially reduce costs.
Several related but also separable aspects
•Use the Earth-Mars launch opportunities
of risk are associated with a Mars mission and
occurring from 2007 through 2014. A
must be considered in designing the
2009 launch represents the most difficult
Reference Mission. Reference Mission
opportunity in the 15-year Earth-Mars
activities will inevitably be hazardous
trajectory cycle. By designing the space
because they are conducted far from home in
transportation systems for this
extreme environments. However, the hazards
opportunity, particularly those systems
can be reduced by proper design and
associated with human flights, they can
operational protocols. Before a Mars
be flown in any opportunity with faster

exploration program is approved, it will be However, there are important and potentially
necessary to decide whether the elements of deadly environmental hazards (such as
risk to the enterprise can be reduced to a level radiation and meteoroid damage) which must
consistent with the investment in resources be addressed. Two radiation hazards exist.
and human lives. First and most dangerous is the probability of
a solar proton event (SPE) which is likely to
3.2.1 Risks to Human Life occur during any Mars mission. Solar proton
Crews undertaking the human events can rise to the level where an unshield-
exploration of Mars will encounter the active ed person can acquire a life threatening
space environment, the in-space environment, radiation dosage. However, shielding with
and the planetary surface environment. modest amounts of protective material can
alleviate this problem. The task becomes one
The active space environment includes of monitoring for events and taking shelter at
launch from Earth, maneuvers in near-Earth the appropriate time. Galactic cosmic rays, the
space, launch on a trajectory to Mars, entry other radiation hazard, occur in small
and landing on Mars, launch from Mars, Mars numbers, are very energetic, and can cause
orbital maneuvers, launch on a trajectory to deleterious effects over a long period of time.
Earth, reentry of Earth’s atmosphere, and For astronauts in LEO, exposure to cosmic
landing on Earth. Because these are energetic radiation has been limited to that level which
events, the risk is relatively high. In 100 could induce an additional 3 percent lifetime
launches of United States manned spacecraft risk of cancer (curable or incurable). Because
and a similar number of Russian spacecraft, of a policy that radiation hazards should be
the only fatal accidents have occurred in kept as low as reasonably achievable, space-
launch or landing. Once in space, the craft and space operations must be designed
environment has been relatively benign. to minimize exposure to cosmic rays. The
(Apollo 13 was an exception. En route to the health risk today from radiation exposure on
moon, it experienced an equipment failure a trip to Mars cannot be calculated with an
which jeopardized the crew. Because of the accuracy greater than perhaps a factor of 10.
characteristics of the Earth-Moon trajectories The biomedical program at NASA has given
and the spacecraft design, it was possible to high priority to acquiring the necessary health
recover the crew. This type of risk can be data on HZE radiation, including the design
addressed in part by the Mars exploration shielding materials, radiation protectant
architecture, and can be different for humans materials, and SPE monitoring and warning
and cargo.) systems for the Mars crew. (For additional
The quiescent in-space environment is discussion and explanation of this topic, see
relatively benign from the point of view of NASA, 1992; Townsend, et al., 1990; and
explosions and other spacecraft accidents. Simonsen, et al., 1990.)

The planetary surface is the third trip to and from Mars, without accomplishing
environment which provides risks to crews. any surface exploration objectives, would be
Because operational experience on Mars is only minimally successful. Mission risk is
limited, this environment is the least related to the integrated capability of the crew
understood. As the objective of human and their systems to conduct the mission. For
exploration of Mars will be to spend time on the crew or the systems to fail to perform puts
the surface of Mars, extensive EVA will be the mission at risk of failure. On the human
required as part of the mission. EVAs will side, this requires attention to health, safety,
involve exiting and reentering pressurized performance, and other attributes of a
habitats and conducting a variety of activities productive crew. On the system side, this
on the surface in space suits or other requires that systems have low failure rates,
enclosures (including vehicles). In this area, have robust backups for systems that may fail
accidents and equipment failures are the or require repair, and be able to operate
biggest concerns. These risks must be successfully for the required period of the
addressed by examining a combination of mission. Strategies to minimize failure can be
detailed information about the surface designed at the architecture level or at the
environment, designing and testing system level.
hardware, and training the crew. To some
extent, EVA can be reduced or simplified by 3.2.3 Risks to Program Success
using telerobotic aids operated by the crew Program risk is a term that refers to the
from their habitat. (The risks associated with programmatic viability of the exploration
the habitat itself are probably similar to those program—that is, once the program has been
faced in free space, with somewhat more approved, what are the risks that it will not be
benign radiation and thermal environments.) completed and the exploration not
Finally, the presence of dust on Mars will undertaken? These are programmatic issues
present risks, or at least annoyances, to that in many cases seem less tractable than
surface operations. Robotic missions to Mars the technical risks. They can be influenced
prior to human expeditions should improve when management of the enterprise fails to
understanding of the surface hazards crews meet milestones on schedule and cost, when
will encounter. unforeseen technical difficulties arise, or
when political or economic conditions
3.2.2 Risks to Mission Success change. They can be mitigated by sound
The risk of a Mars exploration mission is program management, good planning, and
measured by the degree to which the program advocacy or constituency building on the
objectives can be accomplished. A successful political side.

3.2.4 Risk Mitigation Strategy suitable suite of replacement systems as
The riskiest part of the first exploration backups to the prime systems. The following
missions to Mars may well be the risk of priorities are recommended.
accident on launch from Earth, and the •Crew health and safety are top priority
energetic events of launches and landings for all mission elements and operations;
during other phases of the mission are likely life-critical systems are those absolutely
to make up the remaining high risk parts of required to ensure the crew’s survival.
the mission. Yet, the environment on the This implies that life-critical systems will
surface of Mars will be new and untried, the have two backup levels of functional
missions will be long, and the opportunities redundancy; if the first two levels fail, the
to make up for error small. Therefore, a crew will not be in jeopardy but will not
conscious approach to minimizing risks on be able to complete all mission objectives.
the martian surface must be adopted. For a At least the first level of backup is
starting point, it is assumed that this risk automated. (This is a fail operational/fail
must be smaller than the combined risks of all operational/fail-safe system.)
of the energetic events. Design requirements
•Completing the defined mission to a
will have been developed with this in mind.
satisfactory and productive level
The strategy for reduction of risks on the (mission-critical) is the second priority.
surface involves four levels of consideration. This implies that mission-critical
At the top level, the mission architecture objectives will have one automated
provides for assurance that all systems will backup level. (This is a fail operational/
operate before crews are launched from Earth. fail-safe system.)
The strategy must be flexible in allowing
•Completing additional, possibly
subsequent robotic missions to replace any
unpredicted (mission-discretionary),
systems shown not to be functional prior to
tasks which add to the total productivity
sending crew. This, in turn, places design
of the mission is third priority. The crew
requirements on the hardware to allow
will not be in jeopardy if the mission-
problems to be identified, isolated, fixed in
discretionary systems fail, and a backup
place if possible, and bypassed if necessary
is not needed. (This is a fail-safe system.)
through the addition of a parallel capability
sent on a subsequent flight. The systems contributing to this backup
strategy were assumed to be provided by
The second level of risk reduction
either real redundancy (multiple systems of
involves providing redundancy through the
the same type) or functional redundancy
overlapping functional capabilities between
(systems of a different type which provide the
various systems, the ability to repair any life-
required function). Recoverability or
critical systems, and the provision of a

reparability by the crew will provide yet be prepared to complete the full mission
additional safety margins. without further resupply from Earth.
Unlimited resources cannot be provided
The third level of risk reduction involves
within the constraints of budgets and mission
the automation of systems including fault
performance. Their resources will either be
detection, failure projection, and maintenance
with them or will have already been delivered
activities, and the provision of data that
to or produced on Mars. So trade-offs must be
demonstrate current status and predict future
made between cost and comfort as well as
states. Such systems are not only conservative
performance and risk. Crew self-sufficiency is
of crew time, but also more effective and
required because of the long duration of their
precise, particularly on routine monitoring
mission and the fact that their distance from
and control tasks.
Earth impedes or makes impossible the
The fourth level of risk reduction is traditional level of communications and
related to crew training and proficiency. The support by controllers on Earth. The crews
biggest concern in this area is that the crew will need their own skills and training and
will be away from the traditional Earth-based specialized support systems to meet the new
training environment for years at a time. challenges of the missions.
Those areas with direct human
Crews should be selected who will agree
involvement—EVA, life support systems,
to conduct operational research willingly and
high capacity power systems, propellant
openly. Crew members should be selected
production and storage, mobile vehicles, and
who can relate their experiences back to Earth
other complex facilities—all carry a high risk
in an articulate and interesting manner, and
for accident, particularly if training is not
they should be given enough free time to
recent or crew members become
appreciate the experience and the opportunity
overconfident. Crews will most likely be
to be the first explorers of another planet.
required to participate in continuous task
training for safety awareness requirements. Because the objectives of the missions are
to learn about Mars and its capability to
3.3 Flight Crew support humans in the future, there will be a
minimum level of accomplishment below
Humans are the most valuable mission
which a viable program is not possible.
asset for Mars exploration and must not
Survival of humans on the trip there and back
become the weak link. The objective for
is not a sufficient program objective.
humans to spend up to 600 days on the
martian surface places unprecedented
3.3.1 Crew Composition
requirements on the people and their
supporting systems. Once committed to the The number of crew members to be taken
mission on launch from LEO, the crew must to Mars is an extremely important parameter

for system design, because the scale of the lists of required skills were developed.
habitats, space transportation system, and Expertise is required in three principal areas.
other systems supporting the mission are
•Command, control, and vehicle and
directly related to the number of crew
facility operations functions. These
members. This, in turn, will have a direct
functions include command,
relationship to the cost of the first missions.
management, and routine and
The size of the crew also is probably inversely
contingency operations (piloting and
proportional to the amount of new
navigation, system operations,
technology which must be developed to allow
housekeeping, maintenance, and repair
all tasks to be performed. Because of
of systems). Maintenance must be
communication time delays between Earth
accomplished for facility systems,
and Mars, some functions that have
human support systems (medical
previously been performed by people on
facilities, exercise equipment, etc.), EVA
Earth will be carried out autonomously or by
systems, and science equipment.
crew members. Generally, there will be a high
degree of automation required for routine •Scientific exploration and analysis. This
operations on the Mars journey to allow crew area includes field and laboratory tasks
members to do specialized tasks. in geology, geochemistry, paleontology,
or other disciplines associated with
For the Reference Mission study, it was
answering the principal scientific
assumed that crew health and safety are of
first priority in successfully achieving mission
objectives and that the surface system design •Habitability tasks. These tasks include
requirements for operability, self-monitoring, providing medical support; operating
maintenance, and repair will be consistent the bioregenerative life support system
with the identified minimum number of crew experiment; performing biological,
members. The crew size and composition was botanical, agronomy, and ecology
determined in a top-down manner (objectives investigations; and conducting other
➝ functions ➝ skills ➝ number of crew experiments directed at the long-term
members + system requirements) as the viability of human settlements on Mars.
systems have not been defined in a bottoms- The types of crew skills needed are
up manner based on an operational analysis shown in Table 3-2 (Clearwater, 1993). If each
of the system. skill is represented by one crew member, the
The Mars Study Team workload analysis crew size would be too large. Personnel will
assumed that the crew would spend available have to be trained or provided the tools to
time in either scientific endeavors or perform tasks which are not their specialty.
habitation-related tasks. From that analysis,

Table 3-2 Surface Mission Skills

Specialized Operations Focused

and Services Objectives In-Common

Mechanical Systems Operations, Geology Management/planning

Maintenance and Repair Geochemistry Communications
Paleontology Computer Sciences
Tool-Making Geophysics including Database Management
Meteorology and
Atmospheric Science
Electrical Systems Operations, Food Preparation
Maintenance and Repair • routine greenhouse
Biology operations
Electronics Systems Operations,
Maintenance and Repair Botany • plants to ingredients
Ecology • ingredients to food
Social Science Vehicle Control
Teleoperated Rover Control

General Practice Medicine

Surgery Biomedicine Journalism
Psychology Psychology Housekeeping

Special skill requirements appear to be in the procedures under the direction of

areas of medicine, engineering, and medical experts on Earth (through
geoscience. telemedicine).

•Medical treatment. In a 3-year mission, it •Engineer or technician. A person skilled

is very likely that an accident or disease in diagnosing, maintaining, and
will occur. At least one medically trained repairing mechanical and electrical
person will be required as well as a equipment will be essential. A high
backup who is capable of conducting degree of system autonomy, self-
diagnosis, and self-repair is assumed for
electronic systems; however, the skill to

identify and fix problems, in conjunction and a minimum number of crew
with expert personnel on Earth, has been members will be required by the
repeatedly demonstrated to be essential distribution of tasks. For example, EVAs
for space missions. are likely to require at least two people
outside the habitat at any one time in
•Geologist-Biologist. A skilled field
order to assist each other. A third person
observer-geologist-biologist is essential
is likely to be required inside to monitor
to manage the bioregenerative life
the EVA activities and assist if necessary.
support system experiment. All crew
If other tasks (repair, science,
members should be trained observers,
bioregenerative life support system
should be highly knowledgeable of the
operation) are required to be done
mission science objectives, and should be
simultaneously, the number of crew
able to contribute to the mission science.
members may need to be increased.
Other factors will also contribute to the
•Specific contingency situations and
final determination of crew size: system
mission rules have not been established
autonomy, simultaneous operations,
for the Reference Mission because it is
contingency situations, human factors, and
too early in the design phase. However,
international participation.
the choice of what the crew will be
•Electronic and mechanical equipment allowed to do or not do can impact the
must be highly autonomous, self- size of the crew. For example, during
maintained or crew-maintained, and exploration campaigns, mission rules
possibly self-repairing. The amount of may require that some portion of the
time taken to do routine operations must crew be left in the main habitat while the
be minimized through system design. In remainder of the crew is exploring in the
principle, the operation of supporting mobile unit. It will be necessary to have
systems (such as power, life support, in a backup crew to operate a rescue
situ resource recovery) should be vehicle in case the mobile unit has a
transparent to the crew. The best problem. If the exploration crew requires
approach in this area is to define the three people, the requirement to have
requirement for technological one driver for a backup unit and one left
development based on the mission at the outpost implies a crew of not less
requirements for a given crew size. than five.
•Simultaneous operations will be •In terms of human factors
required during the nominal mission. All considerations, the psychological
crew members will be fully occupied adjustment is more favorable in larger
during their assigned working hours, crews of six to eight than in smaller

crews of three to five. However, the success. Therefore, a larger crew may be
psychological environment may be met required to address the risk issues. Currently,
by system and support provisions rather the Reference Mission is built on the
than by the crew size itself. assumption of a crew of six.

•It is conceivable that each country that

3.3.2 Crew Systems Requirements
makes a major contribution to an
international Mars exploration mission To survive, the crew will need adequate
will demand representation on the crew. shelter, including radiation protection;
Currently, a Mars crew might be breathable, controlled, uncontaminated
patterned after the International Space atmosphere (in habitats, suits, and
Station with representatives from the pressurized rovers); food and water; medical
United States, Russia, European Space services; psychological support; and waste
Agency, and Japan. However, in an management. During the 4- to 6-month transit
enterprise of this magnitude, Third to Mars, the chief problems will be
World representatives might also be maintaining interpersonal relationships
selected by the United Nations. needed for crew productivity and
maintaining physical and mental
At a summary level, the five most
conditioning in preparation for the surface
relevant technical fields required by the
mission. On the Mars surface, the focus will
exploration and habitation requirements
turn to productivity in a new and harsh
include mechanical engineer, electrical and
environment. The transit environment is
electronics engineer, geologist, life scientist,
likely to be a training and conditioning
and physician-psychologist. These fields
environment, the surface environment is
should be represented by a specialist, with at
where the mission-critical tasks will be done.
least one other crew member cross-trained as
a backup. Crew members would also be For long-duration missions with
cross-trained for the responsibilities of a wide inevitably high stress levels, the trade-off
variety of support tasks as well as tasks of between cost and crew comfort must be
command and communications. weighed with special care. High quality
habitats and environmental design features
The result of the workload analysis
are critical to assuaging stress and increasing
indicates that the surface mission can be
crew performance—conditions that will
conducted with a minimum crew of five,
greatly increase the likelihood of mission
based on the technical skills required.
success. Providing little more than the
However, loss or incapacitation of one or
capability to survive invites mission failure.
more crew members could jeopardize mission
Not all amenities need be provided on
the first mission. The program should be

viewed as a sequence of steps which, over member will be from 10 percent to 20 percent
time, will increase the amount of habitable of the amount of their time on Mars.
space on the surface, increase the amount of Automated or teleoperated rovers could
time available to the crew to devote to extend the effective field time by crew
mission objectives and personal activities, members.
increase the amount of crew autonomy,
improve the quality of food, increase access to 3.4 Mission Operations
privacy, and increase the quality and quantity
Central to the success of the Reference
of communications with Earth. In addition,
Mission is the accomplishment of all activities
experience in Mars surface operations may
associated with mission objectives. To this
reduce some of the stresses associated with
end, crew operations are an essential part of
the unfamiliarity of the environment.
ensuring program success and must be
The quality of life can be enhanced by factored into all aspects of program planning.
access to and use of indigenous resources. In All crew activities throughout each mission,
the near term, use of indigenous resources from prelaunch through postlanding,
reduces some of the mission risks (creation of constitute crew operations. The majority of
caches, use of local resources for radiation crew activities fall into four categories:
shielding, etc.). In the long term, use of local training, science and exploration, systems
resources may allow more rapid expansion of operation and maintenance, and
usable space. Achieving the capability to programmatic.
produce water and oxygen from local
•Training activities include such areas as
resources may have physical and
prelaunch survival training for all critical
psychological benefits over continued
life support systems, operational and
recycling (for example, reducing limitations
maintenance training on mission-critical
on water utilization for hygiene purposes).
hardware, prelaunch and in-flight
The ability to grow food on site also has an
proficiency training for critical mission
enhancing psychological effect. The
phases, and science and research
psychological impacts of these developments
training for accomplishing primary
is difficult to quantify, however real the effects
science objectives.
may be.
•The majority of science and exploration
Finally, crew support by intelligent robots
activities will be accomplished on the
and automated systems appears to be a good
surface of Mars. They include, but are
investment from the point of view of total
not limited to, teleoperated robotic
mission productivity. The workload analysis
activities, habitability experiments, local
indicates that the total amount of time spent
and regional sorties, and planetary
in the field (on foot or in a rover) by a crew

science investigations. Supplemental Extensive training in these areas will improve
science objectives may be accomplished overall mission success as well as contribute
during other phases of the mission as to meeting science and exploration objectives.
well. Several overriding principles must govern the
way training is conducted for the Reference
•During the first mission, a substantial
Mission. Due to time constraints, crew
amount of crew time will be spent
training in preparation for the first mission
operating and maintaining vehicle
must be done concurrently with vehicle and
systems. This time allocation is expected
training facility development. The first crew
to decrease with subsequent missions as
and mission controllers will be supplanting
the systems and operational experience
operational training with involvement in
base matures.
system design and testing. This will provide
•Lastly, programmatic activities for the the mission team with the needed system
crews include publicity, documentation, familiarity which would otherwise come from
reporting, and real-time activity operational training exercises. Operations
planning. input on system designs also has the added
This report does not make specific benefit of enhancing vehicle functionality and
conclusions regarding hardware operability (for example, nominal daily
requirements, facilities requirements, and operations such as housekeeping, food
training programs, but a number of preparation, and system maintenance will
recommendations and guidelines regarding benefit from input by the actual users).
these areas have been developed and tailored Additional prelaunch training must
to the various mission phases that will be emphasize developing a working knowledge
experienced by each crew sent to Mars. While of life-critical and mission-critical elements.
these and other crew activities may not be Because reliance on Earth-based ground
seen as directly affecting program success, all control becomes more difficult and less time-
areas contribute to the successful completion responsive as the mission progresses toward
of each mission and are, therefore, essential to Mars, crew self-sufficiency becomes essential.
the overall success of the Reference Mission. In-depth training on life-critical and mission-
critical systems will enable crews to become
3.4.1 Training Guidelines more self-sufficient. Contingency survival
The key to successful operations is training for failures in critical life support
having well prepared, knowledgeable team systems will also be required as real-time
members. This knowledge and preparation is ground support will not be possible during
most effectively obtained by training for Mars surface operations and similar remote
nominal and contingency operations. phases of flight.

Extensive preflight and in-flight training critical events will ensure that crews are
on critical event activities (such as major adequately prepared for both nominal and
propulsive maneuvers, Mars atmospheric contingency situations. From Earth launch
entry, surface sorties, and Earth atmospheric until Mars ascent and TEI is about 2 years
entry) will be required to ensure crew which necessitates an ongoing training
proficiency during these busy time periods. regime to maintain proficiency. The Earth-
The need for such training will require based training the crews received 2 years
preflight development of a well-defined earlier prior to Earth launch will not be
activity plan for all critical events. sufficient. Training for the Mars atmospheric
Significantly less preflight training will be entry and landing phase will be conducted by
required for noncritical, mission-success- the crew during the transit between Earth and
oriented activities such as surface science Mars. While on the martian surface and
operations. The initial surface operations intermixed with other surface activities, the
required for the establishment of the Mars crew will conduct proficiency training for the
surface base and preliminary surface science critical Mars ascent phase, subsequent
activities will be well defined before the first docking with the ERV, and trans-Earth
crew departs. Subsequent exploration and propulsive maneuver. In-flight and surface
science activities will depend on the findings training requirements dictate the need for
from the initial scientific investigations. As a effective training facilities in the habitat
result, training for more than the initial vehicles or in the ascent vehicles. Design and
science activities will not be feasible. Instead, development of such facilities will require
it will be necessary to ensure that crews have further investigation and is beyond the scope
the skills to enable them to plan and prioritize of this preliminary report.
real-time activities in support of the overall
Documentation in the form of computer-
mission objectives. Some planning assistance
based libraries must be available for
and direction will be provided by ground
operational instruction, maintenance of and
personnel; however, the responsibility for
troubleshooting systems, and hardware
detailed planning and execution will reside
failures. Reliable and immediate access to this
with the crew. They are on the surface and
type of information will supplement crew
have firsthand knowledge of environmental
training for all types of activities from
and logistical considerations.
mission-discretionary to life-critical. Extensive
Due to the length of the mission and computer-based resources will have the
length of time between critical event added effect of increasing crew self-
activities, proficiency training will be sufficiency during remote mission phases.
necessary during all phases of the mission. In
The final, but by no means least
flight and on the martian surface, training for
significant, element of crew training will be

the feedback provided by the early crews on objectives as well. Detailed identification of
training applicability and effectiveness related safety requirements and related activities is
to all mission phases. Feedback from the first not required until later in the mission
crew in particular will need to be planning process and will not be discussed
incorporated into training procedures, here.
hardware, and facilities to be used by
Subsequent exploration and science
subsequent crews. An effective channel for
activities will depend on the findings from
incorporating this feedback into redesign and
the initial scientific investigations. As a result,
upgrading of systems and procedures will be
it will be necessary for crews to do real-time
essential for follow-on crew training.
science activity planning to continue research
activities. Principal investigators and ground
3.4.2 Science and Exploration
support personnel will provide the guidelines
The majority of science and exploration for use in planning priorities of mission
activities will be accomplished on the surface objectives. However, the detailed procedures
of Mars. They include, but are not limited to, for executing science activities must be left, in
teleoperated robotic activities, habitability general, to the crews who have firsthand
experiments, local and regional sorties, and knowledge of the unique environmental and
planetary science investigations. Additional logistical considerations of this mission.
science activities which supplement the Additionally, eliminating the excessive
primary science objectives may be ground planning and replanning activities
accomplished during other phases of the which have been customary for near real-time
mission as well; however, the largest portion manned space operations will reduce cost.
of time and activity allocated in support of
Beyond the initial investigations, several
science and exploration will occur on the
surface science and exploration activities can
planetary surface.
be identified preflight as targets for detailed
Initial surface science activities will be planning and execution: telerobotic
well defined before each crew departs Earth. exploration and local and regional surface
Detailed activity planning to maximize the sorties. Such preflight planning will maximize
crews useful science and exploration time will the crew’s useful science time, maximize
increase overall mission success and will be science return, improve crew safety on
necessary to ensure the successful completion difficult exercises, and increase overall
of many primary science objectives and mission success.
mission safety requirements. Many
investigative results designed to satisfy safety
requirements (for example, tracking crew
health) will contribute to satisfying science

3.4.3 Systems Operations and Where applicable, autonomous vehicle
Maintenance health monitoring and testing will enable
During the first mission, a substantial crew members to use their time performing
amount of crew time will likely be spent science and exploration activities. In
operating and maintaining vehicle systems. conjunction with this automation, access to
This time is expected to decrease with hardware and software documentation for all
subsequent missions as the systems and systems can expedite operations and
operational experience base mature. maintenance activities which require crew
However, until that time, the more familiar participation. Additionally, due to large
the crews are with all systems, the less time resource requirements, some of the vehicle
operations and maintenance will take from operations, such as long-term health
science and exploration activities. To enhance monitoring, trend development or prediction,
crew familiarity with the numerous vehicle and failure analysis, may be accomplished by
systems prior to launch, crews should be ground system support personnel. The
involved in the design and testing of primary delineation between which system functions
vehicle systems. The resulting intimate are automated, crew-managed, or ground-
knowledge of the vehicle systems has the support-managed is not clear and is subject to
added benefit of supplementing crew training a host of variables. Some of the considerations
on their operational use. Another way to to be used in making this determination are
facilitate crew familiarity is to ensure that crew useful time, availability of supporting
system designs are modular and easily documentation, knowledge of system
repairable. The simpler and more familiar the performance (that is, are we operating outside
design, the easier it is to repair and maintain. the envelope?), time criticality of failure
recognition and recovery, and constraints on
Due to the nature of the Reference
development time and cost. General
Mission program design (where vehicles are
guidelines of responsibility for vehicle
placed in a standby mode and subjected to
operations are best determined early in the
hostile environments for long durations), in-
design process as automation of functions
depth vehicle and system checkouts will be
will affect mission and vehicle design.
required periodically. Crew participation in
these activities should be minimized but may 3.4.4 Programmatic Activities
be necessary due to their access to some of the
system hardware. Such access and Programmatic activities for the crews
participation may make the crews uniquely include publicity, documentation, reporting,
suited for analysis of anomalous results that and real-time activity planning. These types
might appear in the system testing. of activities are not usually seen as directly
affecting program success. They do, however,

and if properly planned and coordinated, will political support to programs and contribute
enhance crew performance and interaction. to program success. Crew resources from
Like vehicle performance, crew performance preflight through postlanding will have to be
is key to a successful mission. allocated in support of this activity.

Successful team performance and Another element which contributes to

interaction depends on having defined roles program success is the crew feedback on all
and responsibilities and the flexibility to aspects of the mission. Their input on system
handle real-time events. For complex designs, operations, science activities (for
programs like the Reference Mission, this is example, appropriateness, preparedness,
important not only among crew member required hardware), and training effectiveness
teams, but also among ground support is necessary for the continued improvement
personnel teams and between ground support and enhancement of follow-on missions.
and the crews. For the crews, knowing who is Along these same lines, documentation of all
responsible for what and when makes for activities (such as procedural changes, lessons
smoother operations and can alleviate some learned, observations, hardware
of the stress associated with long-term, small discrepancies) is a time-consuming but
space, personnel interaction. For ground and necessary crew activity. (Using various
crew interaction, clear rules governing who is electronic systems rather than similar paper
in charge of what activities and who systems for documentation preparation will
determines what gets done and when are provide savings in terms of mass, reliability,
essential for maximizing mission and science reduced consumables, etc.) Crew records can
objective returns and alleviating confusion be used to contribute to mission feedback as
especially during remote operations. This will well as documentation. Documentation and
enhance operational performance when feedback are important, especially for the first
combined with a flexible operational crew, to ensure optimal use of the subsequent
architecture allowing crews to create and crew’s time and to enhance the chances of
optimize the methods required to handle real- success of future missions of this type.
time events and achieve set objectives and
goals. (Further discussion on ground 3.4.5 Activity Planning
operations and team interaction can be found The level of crew operations in training,
in Section 3.8.) science and exploration, systems operations
Public affairs activities have been and and maintenance, and programmatic
always will be an integral part of crew activities varies throughout different phases
activities. While they absorb resources of the mission; however, some characteristics
(mostly time), they also bring public and are consistent throughout the phases. For
instance, life-critical or mission-critical

activities, regardless of mission phase, require and the success of mission objectives.
detailed planning and precise execution. In Feedback from the crew will be important
contrast, non-life-critical or mission-critical during the early phases of this mission, as
science and exploration activities may rely on both ground support and flight crew
real-time procedures generated by the crew members adapt to the unique environmental
whose guidelines for planning will be to and operational challenges of the mission.
achieve set mission objectives and goals.
Guidelines for crew activity planning must Prelaunch Phase
incorporate the flexibility to adapt to the Crew activities during the prelaunch
crew’s experience as they learn to live and phase of the mission will concentrate on
work in a new environment. training activities for all mission phases. Early
In general, crew activity planning must on in the program development, crew
be done using a relatively fixed format and involvement in design and testing of primary
timeline. This will allow crew members to systems will help facilitate crew familiarity
readily adapt to the various environments in with the systems and enhance applicability of
which they will be expected to work and live. system designs. The resulting intimate
Having regular awake and sleep times, knowledge of the vehicle systems has the
consistent meal times, etc., from phase to added benefit of supplementing crew training
phase will help the crew adapt to mission on their operational use. Extensive training on
phase transitions. Having a consistent length nominal everyday operations (such as
workday is also important. With the Mars day housekeeping and food preparation) will also
lasting nearly 25 hours, adhering to an Earth- make the crew more comfortable in their
based daily schedule of 24 hours would changing environments. Strong emphasis on
routinely have the crew awake during critical life support and mission-critical
martian night. A consistent 25-hour day systems training will also be required.
throughout all phases of flight should be An important part of crew training
considered. activities in this prelaunch phase will be
A typical work schedule on the Space participation in integrated training activities
Shuttle has crew members working with scientists and systems engineers.
throughout an entire flight, only getting time Preflight interaction with the science
off during extremely long flights (those community, in the form of experimental
approaching 2 weeks in duration). For exercises (crews learn to conduct scientific
missions that can last a number of years, a investigations) and exploration exercises
consistent long-term work schedule must be (crews simulate local and remote sortie
developed that will give crew members operations) will enhance overall mission
sufficient time off yet maintain productivity success and scientific return. This will benefit

not only the crew but also the ground science Nominal actions directly associated with the
and systems teams by forcing them to interact launch are expected to be minimal. Once in
in a way that will be unique to remote orbit, crew activities will center on a complete
operations. checkout of vehicle systems prior to leaving
Earth orbit while near real-time
Crew involvement in integrated training
communications with ground support are
for critical activities (such as launch, injection
possible. This checkout will include all life-
phase, Earth orbit systems checkout, Mars
critical, mission-critical, and mission-
landing phase, return phases) will be needed
discretionary systems with appropriate
to ensure crew proficiency and performance
actions being taken for anomalies on each
during these phases. Simulations which stress
system according to its criticality. Such a
the crew and ground support by introducing
checkout, which will be as automated as
failures and abort scenarios will help ensure
possible, will require some crew and ground
crew safety should such instances occur
support actions either for testing or for
during the mission.
troubleshooting failures.
In addition to prelaunch training
While in Earth orbit but before TMI,
activities, extensive medical testing will be
limited time or personnel may cause some of
required of the crew during this time. Their
the less critical pre-TMI testing to be deferred.
long- and short-term health will be critical
For instance, testing on mission-discretionary
factors in the success of this type of long-
hardware intended for use only on the
duration mission.
martian surface may be delayed until later in Earth Launch Phase the transit to Mars. Such decisions will be
more appropriately made when vehicle
The Earth launch phase is defined as the
system checkout requirements are identified
crew activities required to support mission
during the design process. Additionally, such
activities from launch through TMI and
real-time decisions may be made based on
subsequent powerdown of nonessential
assessments of other activities during the
hardware. It is expected that some systems
Earth orbit phase.
used during the launch phase will not be
required until later in the mission. The Training activities will not be scheduled
hardware which fits in this category will be during the Earth launch through TMI phase
placed in a quiescent mode to conserve of the mission as the crew will have been
resources. trained for these activities prior to launch.
Additionally, with the exception of those
During the Earth launch phase of the
activities related to crew health maintenance
mission, the crew’s primary focus will be to
and monitoring, planned science activities
ensure a safe launch and Mars injection.
will not be performed during this high

systems activity time frame. Medical testing be made prior to launch based on time or
and assistance may be required during this personnel constraints or based on the result of
phase as crew members adapt to the change earlier failures. Activities for failure analysis
in environment. (The number of crew and troubleshooting will be accomplished on
members who typically do not experience an as needed basis.
space sickness during the first few days of
The relatively quiescent vehicle system
weightlessness is just one in three based on
activity during the transit phase makes it
171 Shuttle crew members (Reschke, et al.,
well-suited for crew training activities.
1994).) Any serious life- or mission-
During this time, additional training time can
threatening crew illness prior to TMI will be
be made available for the training above and
reason to abort the mission.
beyond the preflight training that is required
Throughout all mission phases, to maintain crew proficiency during the
documentation of activities and feedback on relatively long Mars transit time. The need for
training effectiveness will be required of all in-flight training will require that training
crew members. This will be essential in order simulators be available to the crew in the
to make effective use of the training time of transit-habitat vehicle. Critical events that will
the follow-on crew and the program’s require training during this time are MOI,
training hardware. Due to the high systems landing, and Mars launch activities.
activity during this phase, documentation Additional time may also be made available
and other programmatic activities will be for training and review of payload and
either minimal or deferred to a later time. science hardware to be used on the surface.

During the transit phase, time may be Trans-Mars Phase
available for limited science activities. The
The trans-Mars phase of the mission is primary restriction on conducting
defined as crew activities from post-TMI interplanetary science activities will likely be
system powerdown through Mars Orbit mass related. Interplanetary science
Insertion (MOI) preparation. This (astronomy, solar observations) is not the
interplanetary transit phase will be fairly primary science objective for this type of
homogeneous from the standpoint of mission; and, as such, related hardware will
environment and crew activity. Crew only be provided for crew use if mass
activities related to vehicle systems are margins exist at the appropriate point in the
expected to be minimal. Only nominal design process. However, there may be
operations (housekeeping, food preparation, opportunities for useful scientific data return
etc.) will be required unless mission- which can “piggy-back” on instruments
discretionary systems testing has been provided for crew safety issues. An example
postponed until after TMI. This decision may would be conducting some solar science

experiments as part of meeting requirements and appropriate time must be allocated
for crew safety (as in solar flare detection). during the crew schedule for such activities.
Also, medical testing will be required
periodically throughout this phase to verify Mars Landing Phase
crew health. Related studies on crew The Mars landing phase is a very
adaptation to the space environment and dynamic phase of the mission and is defined
other health-related biomedical science as the time from MOI preparation through
experiments may benefit from such testing. postlanding crew recovery and surface
As with all mission phases, system activation. Many of the activities
documentation of activities and feedback on during this time frame will have been
training effectiveness will be required of all planned in detail before launch and perhaps
crew members in order to make effective use updated during the interplanetary transit.
of the follow-on crew’s training time. Prior to MOI the crew will have to
Additionally, the information will provide prepare the transit-habitat vehicle for
engineers on Earth with guidelines for transition from a zero-g to a partial-g surface
upgrading and improving the vehicle systems vehicle. All peripherals, supplies, and
and training hardware. Transit time is ideal hardware that have been taken out for use
for documenting current and earlier phases of during transit will have to be safely stowed.
the mission. Nonessential equipment will be powered
Due to the high interest in such a down in exchange for equipment necessary
mission, the crew will be required to for this phase of flight. During this time, the
participate in numerous public affairs crew will have to checkout or verify the
activities. International participation in this operational status of all hardware and
type of mission will only increase press software required for the upcoming critical
demands on crew time. Press and crew MOI and landing activities.
exchanges will be particularly productive Pre-MOI activities must be initiated early
during relatively quiescent periods early in enough to allow sufficient time to
the transit phase when communication lag troubleshoot any failures or discrepancies
times are short. As communication lag time prior to the critical phase. Many of the
increases, the necessity for crew autonomy activities during this phase will, by necessity,
will become evident. However, be automated. However, crew intervention
communication with Earth will still have to and override must be available due to the
be provided for failure assistance and crew uniqueness and criticality of this phase of the
personal interaction with Earth. mission (for example, doing critical activities
Communication activities will be higher without real-time support in a new and
during the initial and critical mission phases, unique environment) and in general as a
backup to the automated systems.

After landing, a thorough vehicle On approach and on the surface of Mars,
checkout will be necessary due to the drastic communication lag time with Earth will be
transition in operational environment from near or at its maximum. During such a critical
vacuum and zero g to a planetary surface phase of flight, crew functions will, of
environment. Initially, the only checkout necessity, be virtually autonomous from
which will be done will be on those systems Earth-based support. Some communication
required to certify that crew safety and life- with Earth will still have to be provided for
support systems and their backups are failure assistance and vehicle health
operational. monitoring of trend data. Such requirements
may drive the need for regular, perhaps
Crew training activities during the latter
continuous, communications capability with
part of the transit phase and the early part of
the landing phase will intensely focus on
critical activities for the MOI and landing Mars Surface Phase
phase so that the crew is adequately prepared
for upcoming events. Again, this will require The Mars surface phase is defined as
that adequate training facilities be available to postlanding recovery operations to prelaunch
the crew on the transit-habitat vehicle. operations. In general, this phase of the
mission will receive a minimal amount of
Minimal science activities will be done
mission-specific planning and training prior
during the Mars landing phase. Time may be
to departing Earth; its focus will be on the
available for limited orbital observations to
mission’s primary science and exploration
take advantage of the unique opportunity to
activities which will change over time to
photograph and gather remotely sensed data
accommodate early discoveries. A general
of Mars on approach and from orbit.
outline of crew activities for this time period
However, this will depend on the available
will be provided before launch and updated
mass allocated for this type of equipment, the
during the interplanetary cruise phase. This
success of the higher priority critical systems,
outline will contain detailed activities to
and the training activities during this time
ensure initial crew safety, make basic
assumptions as to initial science activities,
Due to the high systems activity during schedule periodic vehicle and system
this phase, documentation and other checkouts, and plan for a certain number of
programmatic activities will be minimal. sorties. Much of the detailed activity planning
Those activities necessary to improve the while on the surface will be based on initial
follow-on crew’s training time and program findings and therefore cannot be
training hardware will be deferred until the accomplished before landing on Mars.
crew has time available. However, the crew will be provided with

extensive, but not mission-specific, training operations personnel, crew involvement
related to scientific investigation and vehicle provides the crew with confidence in their
systems. This will assist the crew in planning return systems, enables visual verification of
specific activities in these areas, as required, ascent vehicle system integrity, and allows for
while on the martian surface. crew interaction or intervention in anomaly
troubleshooting on surface hardware. Beyond
Initial postlanding systems activities will
annual, comprehensive vehicle checkouts,
focus on hardware testing and verification for
system activities for the crew will consist of
life support, then mission-critical, and finally
maintenance, housekeeping, consumables
mission-discretionary systems. The initial
tracking, and repair operations.
phase of these checkouts must be done
without the requirement for EVAs. EVAs will Initial science activities during the
be restricted until sufficient data have been surface phase will concentrate on verifying
collected to fully characterize the immediate crew health and safety on the martian surface.
martian environment. Once it has been Atmospheric, chemical, and biological studies
confirmed that the martian environment is of the immediate environment surrounding
not a threat to crew health or mission success the crew habitat will be critical to ensure crew
(assuming this has not been done by prior safety. Once the immediate environment is
robotic missions), EVAs may then be characterized and potential threats well
accomplished to complete required systems understood, planning for future local and
testing and verification. regional sorties may begin. Some general
planning of these initial science activities may
During the crew stay-time on the surface
be done in advance; however, much of the
of Mars, additional full-scale testing and
crew activity will depend on the initial
verification of some hardware will be
findings and therefore cannot be prepared
required. After vehicle system checkout of the
prior to launch. The crew must be provided
crew habitat shortly after crew arrival,
with enough expertise and applicable
activities for joining the crew habitat with a
hardware and resources to help them deal
previously landed laboratory may begin.
with potential unforeseen discoveries and
Complete connection of these two vehicles
obstacles to their investigations.
will be accomplished after a full verification
of each vehicle’s individual integrity is Prior to the first EVA and sortie, robotic
completed. Also during the initial exploration may map local areas and allow
postlanding time frame, verification and investigators to seek out interesting sites for
system status check of the vehicles needed for regional sorties. Mission preparation will
crew launch and Earth return will be have assumed a minimum number and type
required. While much of this activity will be of EVAs; however, adaptation to real-time
autonomous and supervised by ground

discoveries will be necessary for many of Time will also be allocated for public
these excursions. affairs events. These types of events will not
be interactive due to the time lag, but will be
Additional biomedical health science
recorded and subsequently transmitted to
activities performed on the crew will be
Earth. Requests from news media and other
required during the surface phase as well.
organizations will be reviewed, scheduled,
Safety issues, health examinations,
and then relayed to the crew through mission
investigations to gather data on low-g
management personnel on Earth. Activities
adaptation, and long-term physiological
such as these will require a flexible planning
effects on the crew will also be conducted
architecture in which crew and ground
during the surface phase.
support both participate.
As with other phases of flight, there may
All of the above mentioned surface
be opportunities for some scientific data
activities will require some level of
return which can piggy-back on instruments
communication with mission teams on
provided for crew safety issues. For instance,
Earth—both science and systems teams.
limited solar science may be provided in part
Analysis of the communication requirements
for crew safety issues (as part of solar flare
will result from a combination of system data
detection), thus providing opportunity for
requirements, crew health data requirements,
additional solar science observations while on
crew personal communications, and science
the martian surface.
data requirements.
Training during surface operations will
be periodic to maintain proficiency for Mars Launch Phase
mission-critical activities (such as launch and
The Mars launch phase is a very dynamic
Earth return). Additional training activities,
phase of the mission and is defined as the
on an as needed basis, may be required for
activities from preparation for launch through
activities such as sorties and EVAs.
TEI and nonessential hardware powerdown.
Documentation of activities and feedback Many of the activities during this time frame
on training effectiveness will be required of will have been planned in detail prior to
all crew members in order to make effective launch from Earth.
use of the follow-on crew’s training time. The
Before committing the crew to Mars
information will provide engineers on Earth
ascent and Earth return activities, full systems
with guidelines for upgrading and improving
checkout of the MAV and ERV is required.
the vehicle systems and training hardware.
Because both vehicles are critical to crew
Additional documentation of scientific
safety and survival, sufficient time must be
experiments and results will need to be
provided prior to launch to verify systems
relayed to Earth for use by the science teams
and troubleshoot any anomalous indications
in analysis and future planning.

prior to crew use. Additional crew time will During this most critical of time frames,
be spent preparing the surface habitat and other activities such as public affairs events
other facilities for an untended mode. Such and documentation of activities will be
activities will include stowing any minimized. Due to the critical nature of this
nonessential hardware, safing critical systems mission phase, communication transmissions
and their backups, and performing general to Earth will be necessary for failure
housekeeping duties which will facilitate use assistance and vehicle health monitoring.
of the facilities by future crews. However, due to the nature of the lag time
and the criticality of events, vehicle and crew
Once the crew has prepared all surface
activities will remain fairly autonomous.
equipment for departure, the actual departure
activities will begin. Detailed activities for this Trans-Earth Phase
departure will have been prepared and
simulated on Earth, so a detailed plan for The trans-Earth phase is defined as the
Mars launch through TEI will be available post-TEI powerdown through preparation for
and executed at the appropriate time. Earth landing. This interplanetary transit
Contingency scenarios will also have been phase will be fairly homogeneous from an
planned prior to Earth launch, and enough environment and crew activity standpoint.
time will be allocated during ascent and The crew activities related to vehicle systems
rendezvous activities to enable successful are expected to be minimal. Only those
operations within these contingencies. After activities required for nominal operations will
successful launch, rendezvous with the return be required (housekeeping, food preparation,
vehicle, and TEI, the crew will again place etc.).
nonessential hardware in a quiescent mode Crew training activities during this time
for the return trip. frame will focus on the critical Earth entry
In the time period leading up to the Mars and landing phase of flight. This will drive an
launch phase, the crew will spend an ERV hardware requirement to provide the
increasing amount of time training and crew with adequate simulators and on-board
preparing for this extremely critical phase of training facilities to maintain proficiency in
the mission. In particular, the rendezvous vehicle operations. The crew will also begin a
with the ERV will require attention. Sufficient regime of zero-g countermeasure activities
training facilities must be available on the (such as exercise, lower body negative
surface to ensure crew proficiency in these pressure, etc., depending on the best available
activities prior to execution. Also, knowledge at the time) to prepare themselves
physiological training for the return to a zero- physically for return to a one-g environment.
g and eventually a one-g environment will be Again, due to the relatively quiescent
dramatically increased during prelaunch. system activity during the transit phase, time

may be available for the crew to do limited currently known how prolonged low-g and
science activities. The restrictions on zero-g environments will affect the human
interplanetary science activities will be mass physiology, the main focus of this phase of
related. Medical testing will be required flight will be the safe return and recovery of
periodically throughout this phase in order to the crew.
meet biomedical science objectives and verify
Crew activities related to vehicle systems
crew health for entry.
will be emphasized prior to entry. System
During this time frame, documentation checkout will be required with sufficient time
activity will be extremely important due to prior to entry to allow for troubleshooting
the fact that the next crew will be launched any failures and guarantee a safe crew
prior to the return crew’s landing. landing. Upon landing, vehicle safing and
Additionally, the information will provide powerdown will be required. Due to the high
engineers on Earth with guidelines for probability of lower than normal physical
upgrading and improving the vehicle systems capability among the crew, many of the
and training hardware. Due to time postlanding system activities should be
considerations, some handover automated.
documentation for the next crew will have
No training or science activities will be
been prepared prior to leaving Mars. Final
planned during this critical phase of flight.
transfer of vehicle status is recommended to
Crew health monitoring will be conducted for
be direct from crew to crew to prevent
the purposes of crew health and safety. Also,
confusion and ensure thoroughness. Some
due to the time-critical nature of this phase,
aspects of the hand over may be filtered
documentation will be minimal and will
through ground support in order to simplify
pertain only to crew preparedness and system
communications requirements.
Due to the high interest in such a
mission, the crew will be required to Postlanding
participate in numerous public affairs The postlanding phase of crew
activities. Quiescent periods of transit time operations is defined as the activities
can provide opportunities for press and crew conducted after vehicle powerdown through
interaction. mission termination. In most instances,
mission termination will not be a well-defined Earth Entry and Landing
time and may be different for different
The Earth entry and landing phase is members of the crew as crew involvement in
defined as the crew activities which support additional program activities is subject to
preentry preparation through landing and various conditions.
crew health recovery. Because it is not

Face-to-face debriefings with the 3.5 Mission Design
engineers responsible for individual systems
The focus of this section is to describe a
and vehicles will be beneficial after landing.
feasible sequence of flights on specific
Such meetings can be more productive and
trajectories with specific systems that
provide more information than written
accomplish Reference Mission goals and
documentation. Feedback on all training
objectives. Foremost among the choices that
activities and facilities throughout the mission
must be made is the type of trajectory to use.
will also be beneficial postlanding as it will
It must be one that can accomplish mission
facilitate the training of follow-on crews.
objectives using a reasonable transportation
Medical testing after landing will system and at the same time address the risk
continue as part of long-term health mitigation strategy and still provide for
monitoring. This may be required for an flexibility within a development and flight
indefinite period of time. Some effects from program. Other assumptions made that affect
the mission may not appear until months or the “how” of mission implementation are
even years after the flight phases of the discussed as part of the overall mission
mission have ended. Therefore, the crew strategy. With these elements in place, this
members should be subject to periodic section presents a discussion that includes
medical testing for observation of long-term such information as launch and arrival dates,
effects of the mission. It may also be necessary payload manifests, and crew activities for
to satisfy quarantine issues, whether real or each flight in the set studied for this Reference
political, immediately upon return to Earth. Mission.
(Quarantine issues will have to be addressed
early in the mission planning phases to 3.5.1 Trajectory Options
ensure that adequate facilities are available Trajectory options between Earth and
when and if they are needed.) Mars are generally characterized by the
Formal documentation of all aspects of length of time spent in the Mars system and
the mission will be required of all crew the total round-trip mission time. The first
members after landing. Additional emphasis option is typified by short Mars stay-times
will be placed on providing engineers on the (typically 30 to 90 days) and relatively short
ground with guidelines for upgrading and round-trip mission times (400 to 650 days).
improving vehicle systems and training This is often referred to as an opposition-class
hardware. mission, although this report has adopted the
terminology “short-stay” mission. The
Due to the high interest in such a
trajectory profile for a typical short-stay
mission, the crew will be required to
mission is shown in Figure 3-2. This class has
participate in many public events and
higher propulsive requirements than the often
debriefings after they return to Earth.

OUTBOUND 224 days
OUTBOUND 224 days STAY 458 days
STAY 30 days Earth Launch RETURN 237 days
RETURN 291 days 1/17/2014
Depart Mars
TOTAL MISSION 545 days 11/30/2015

Earth Return

Arrive Mars

Figure 3-3 Typical long-stay mission

DEPART profile.
MARS 9/26/2014
conjunction-class, although this report has
adopted the terminology “long-stay” mission.
Figure 3-2 Typical short-stay mission
These represent the global minimum-energy
solutions for a given launch opportunity. The
considered long-stay missions, and typically trajectory profile for a typical long-stay
requires a gravity-assisted swingby at Venus mission is shown in Figure 3-3.
or the performance of a deep-space Within the long-stay category of
propulsive maneuver to reduce total mission missions, the option exists to dramatically
energy and constrain Mars and Earth entry decrease the transit times to and from Mars
speeds. Short-stay missions always have one through moderate propulsive increases. The
short transit leg, either outbound or inbound, total round-trip times remain comparable to
and one long transit leg, that requires close those of the minimum-energy, long-stay
passage by the Sun (0.7 AU or less). A missions; but the one-way transits are
significant characteristic of this class of substantially reduced, in some cases to less
trajectory is that the vast majority of the than 100 days, and the Mars stay-times are
round-trip time, typically over 90 percent, is increased modestly to as much as 600 days.
spent in interplanetary space. The second The round-trip energy requirements of this
mission class consists of long-duration Mars class, referred to as a “fast-transit” mission,
stay-times (as much as 500 days) and long are similar to the short-stay missions even
total round-trip times (approximately 900 though the trajectories are radically different.
days). This mission type is often referred to as The profile for a typical fast-transit mission is
shown in Figure 3-4.

possible about how humans react in this
Earth Launch
150 days
619 days
environment. Verifying the ability of people
2/1/2014 RETURN 110 days
Depart Mars to inhabit Mars requires more than a brief
3/11/2016 TOTAL MISSION 879 days
stay of 30 days at the planet. In addition, the
low return on investment associated with a
30-day stay at Mars (of which significantly
Departure Earth Return less than 30 days would actually be
3/11/2016 6/29/2016
productively spent on the Mars surface due to
Arrive Mars
the crew adaptation to the Mars gravity, crew
preparations for Mars departure, etc.) was
considered unacceptable. Following the
Figure 3-4 Fast-transit mission profile. August 1992 Workshop (Duke, et al., 1992), it
was decided that the “Plant the Flag” mission
3.5.2 Trajectory Selection Factors objective was not a tenable rationale to
support the substantial investment involved.
Three factors make the selection of the
Consequently, a long-stay trajectory option
trajectory class critical to the Reference
was considered to be best able to satisfy the
Mission. First, the selection must be consistent
greatest number of mission goals and
with achieving the Mars exploration goals
and objectives. Second, the selection must be
consistent with the risk philosophy of the Satisfying Reference Mission Risk
Reference Mission. And third, for Strategy
programmatic reasons, the trajectory class
selection must provide the flexibility to The applicability of each of the
conduct missions in all opportunities within previously discussed mission types to the
the 15-year Earth-Mars trajectory cycle and to human exploration of Mars has been the
conduct missions supporting the evolution of subject of much debate. The general opinion
Mars exploration objectives and is that the initial flights should be short-stay
implementation strategies. missions performed as fast as possible (so-
called “sprint” missions) to minimize crew Satisfying Reference Mission Goals exposure to the zero-g and space radiation
and Objectives environment, to ease requirements on system
reliability, and to enhance the probability of
The goals and objectives of the Reference
mission success. However, when considering
Mission focus on allowing human crews to
“fast” Mars missions, it is important to
spend the greatest amount of time on the
specify whether one is referring to a fast
surface of Mars for the investment made to
round-trip or a fast-transit mission. Past
transport them there and to learn as much as

analyses have shown that decreasing round- exceeding long-term cancer risk by more than
trip mission times for the short-stay missions 3% above the natural cancer death probability
does not equate to fast-transit times (that is, (which is approximately 20% lifetime risk for
less exposure to the zero-g and space the US population as a whole). At present,
radiation environment) as compared to the the information required to calculate
long-stay missions. Indeed, fast-transit times acceptable risk from radiation exposure
are available only for the long-stay missions. during a Mars mission, especially for the
This point becomes clear when looking at GCR, is not available. Although doses (the
Figure 3-5 which graphically displays the average physical energy deposition by
transit times as a function of the total round- incident particles) can be calculated, the
trip mission duration. Although the short-stay conversion of this information into a
mission has approximately half the total predicted radiation risk cannot be done
duration of either of the long-stay missions, accurately. The National Research Council
over 90 percent of the time is spent in transit, recently issued a report estimating the
compared to 30 percent for the fast-transit uncertainty in risk predictions for GCR can be
mission. as much as 4-15 times greater than the actual
risk, or as much as 4-15 times smaller.
The interplanetary ionizing radiation of
concern to mission planners consists of two Current knowledge does allow for some
components: galactic cosmic radiation (GCR) qualitative conclusions to be drawn. Radia-
and solar particle events. NASA policy tion risk on the Mars surface, where the GCR
establishes that exposure of crews to radiation fluence is attenuated by 75 percent due to the
in space shall not result in heath effects Mars atmosphere and the planet itself, is
exceeding acceptable risk levels. At present, likely to involve less risk than a comparable
acceptable risk levels are based on not length of exposure in interplanetary space. If
the difference in radiation effectiveness
(Minimum between the interior of a shielded spacecraft
and a habitat on the surface of Mars is not
considered, the GCR fluence to which crews
are exposed during a 500 plus day transit to
Mars is equivalent to approximately 125 days
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 of Mars surface exposure. A significant
Mission Duration, Days reduction in transit time, to 100 days for the
Outbound Transit Time at Destination Return Transit
one-way transit, would result in a radiation
exposure comparable to the short-stay
mission. Thus, the risk to crews on fast-
Figure 3-5 Round-trip mission transit missions may be even less than the risk

to crews on short-stay missions, not only long surface stays associated with the
because of minimized exposure to GCR but minimum-energy, fast-transit missions.
also reduced probability of exposure to solar
Several potential solutions to the
particle events in interplanetary space.
physiological problems associated with zero-g
A similar analysis of mission classes is transits to and from Mars may exist:
involved in considering the crew’s exposure countermeasures (exercise, body fluid
to the zero-g environment during transits to management, lower body negative pressure),
and from Mars. Significant physiological artificial-g spacecraft, and reduced transit
changes occur when zero-g time begins to be times.
measured in weeks or months. (Bone
The usefulness of countermeasures to
decalcification, immune and cardiovascular
reduce some of the zero-g effects is still
system degradation, and muscular atrophy
unknown. Russian long-duration crews have
are a few of the more unpleasant effects.)
experienced physiological degradation even
Research on the effects of long-term zero-g on
when rigorous exercise regimens have been
the human body is in an elementary stage. At
followed. However, most of these effects seem
the time of the writing of this report, the
to be quickly ameliorated upon return to a
longest continuous stay in space by a U.S.
one-g environment, at least when immediate
astronaut is the 181 days of Shannon Lucid
medical aid is available.
(aboard the Russian MIR Space Station); the
longest stay by a Russian cosmonaut is 366 Rotating the Mars transfer vehicle (MTV)
days. In none of the cases were crews exposed and ERV is a method of providing an
to zero-g/partial-g/zero-g sequences similar artificial-g environment for the crew and is
to that projected for Mars missions. Current most often associated with low-performance
data indicates that recovery in a one-g propulsion systems, or the short-stay class of
environment can be fairly rapid (a few days), trajectories (since both require long transit
but development of full productivity could times). Studies have indicated that the MTV
require significantly more time. Upon arrival design mass penalties are on the order of 5
on the martian surface, the crew will need to percent to 20 percent if artificial g is
spend some currently unknown, but probably incorporated. Depending on the specific
short, time re-adapting to a partial-g field. configuration, there may also be operational
This may be of concern for the short-stay complications associated with artificial-g
missions where a substantial portion of the spacecraft including EVA, maintenance, and
surface stay-time could be consumed by crew the spin-up/spin-down required for
adaptation to martian gravity. Conversely, midcourse maneuvering and rendezvous and
ample time will be available for the crew to docking.
regain stamina and productivity during the

Time Outbound
may prove sufficient to ameliorate the
physiological effects of the relatively short
outbound transit.

400 Maximum
Soviet Satisfying Reference Mission Program
(366 Days) Flexibility
Finally, the selection of trajectory type
Maximum US
(84 Days)
depends on its allowance for flexibility to
Minimum Energy * Fast-transit * Short Stay **
respond to mission opportunities and
* Zero-g transits separated by long surface stay (450-600 days)
** Zero-g transits separated by short surface stay (30-90 days)
implementation strategies. The higher energy,
short-stay missions significantly vary in both
propulsive requirements and round-trip flight
Figure 3-6 Microgravity times across the 15-year Earth-Mars trajectory
comparisons for various mission cycle. Additionally, these missions generally
classes. require the use of a Venus swingby maneuver
to keep propulsive requirements within
reason. However, these swingbys are not
Figure 3-6 illustrates some example
always available on the return transit leg and
transit times for minimum-energy, fast-transit,
must be substituted in the outbound transit
and short-stay missions. Note that all one-
leg. Because the transit leg containing the
way transits are within the Russian zero-g
Venus swingby is the longer of the two, the
crew will spend up to 360 days on the trip to
However, the surface stay-times for Mars, with any associated physiological
short-stay missions are typically 1 to 3 degradation occurring at the beginning of the
months. It is unknown whether such a short mission—that is, prior to the crew’s arrival at
time spent in a 0.38-g field will counteract 5 Mars. These variations in the trajectory
months of outbound zero-g exposure. In energy requirements can significantly impact
contrast, the one-way trip times of the configuration of the Earth-Mars
representative fast-transit missions are nearly transportation elements for different Earth-
within the current U.S. zero-g database, Mars opportunities. Programmatically, such a
which will certainly be augmented by normal result is unattractive. In contrast, the
International Space Station operations prior to minimum-energy, long-stay missions exhibit
executing human interplanetary missions. very little variation over the 15-year cycle,
Also note that the fast-transit mission’s zero-g while the fast-transit long-stay missions
transfer legs are separated by a substantial reflect only moderate variations across the
period of time in the martian gravitational same 15-year cycle. In addition, neither
field. This long period on the surface of Mars

mission requires a Venus swingby or travel propulsive capability improvements or would
inside the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. necessitate much larger interplanetary
spacecraft launched into LEO for the human
3.5.3 Mission Design Strategy missions, thereby requiring assembly and
Keeping the Reference Mission goals and docking in LEO and higher ETO launch rates.
objectives in mind, numerous alternatives Indeed, others have demonstrated that
were considered that could successfully reductions in trip times reach a point of
accomplish the basic mission. Two major diminishing returns from the space transfer
considerations that drove many of the vehicle design perspective (Drake, 1991).
mission design-related selections include: Thus, a C3 leaving Earth of 20 to 25 km2/sec2
appears to be appropriate for human
•Reducing the amount of propellant missions. This results in maximum Earth-
needed to move mission hardware from Mars transit times of approximately 180 days
one location to another (propellant mass (2009 opportunity) and minimum transit
is the single largest element of all times of approximately 120 days (for the 2018
components in the Reference Mission) opportunity, the best case). Similarly, a C3
•Extending the amount of time spent by leaving Mars of ~16 km2/sec2 appears to be
the crew conducting useful appropriate for human missions, resulting in
investigations on the surface of Mars. similar Mars-Earth transfer times for these
opportunities. (C3 is a measure of the energy
The alternatives selected by the Mars
required to get from Earth to Mars or vice
Study Team that impact mission design
versa. Specifically, C3 is the square of the
strategy have been grouped into six major
velocity of departure from a planet. Low C3s
areas and are presented here. Other
are desirable because there is a direct
alternatives will be discussed in subsequent
correlation between C3 and the size of the
transportation system.) Trajectory Type Split Mission Strategy
The discussion presented in the previous
The split mission approach has been
section led to the selection of the fast-transit,
adopted for the Reference Mission because it
long-stay class trajectories. However, the
allows mission elements to be broken into
amount of reduction sought in the Earth-Mars
manageable pieces rather than trying to
and Mars-Earth transit times must be
integrate all necessary hardware elements for
balanced with other considerations.
a single, massive launch. For this mission,
Reductions below 180 days in the one-way
“manageable” was defined to mean pieces
transit times (for the 2009 opportunity, the
that can be launched directly from Earth and
worst case) would require either significant
sent to Mars, using launch vehicles of the

Saturn V or Energia class, without used to capture into orbit about Mars, and
rendezvous or assembly in LEO. A key current technology can develop an aeroshell
attribute of the split mission strategy is that it with a mass that is equal to or less than the
allows cargo to be sent to Mars without a propulsion system required for capture. Thus,
crew, during the same launch opportunity or the strategy assumed the development of a
even one or more opportunities prior to the single aeroshell that can be used for both
crew’s departure. This creates a situation Mars orbit capture and descent maneuvers.
where cargo can be transferred on low energy, Given the demands on a descent aeroshell of
longer transit time trajectory, and only the the Mars entry and landing requirements, the
crews must be sent on a high-energy, fast- additional capability to permit aerocapture is
transit trajectory. By using a low energy considered modest.
transfer, the same transportation system can
deliver more payload to the surface of Mars at Surface Rendezvous
the expense of longer flight times. Spacing the The hardware elements launched as part
launches needed to support a mission across of the split mission approach must come
two launch windows allows much of the together on the surface of Mars, which will
infrastructure to be pre-positioned and require both accurate landing and mobility of
checked out prior to committing crews to major elements on the surface to allow them
their mission. When combined with the to be connected or moved into close
decision to focus all Mars surface proximity. The alternative was to link major
infrastructure at a single site, this approach components either in Earth orbit or in Mars
allows for an improved capability to orbit prior to entry and landing. Previous
overcome uncertainties and outright failures studies (NASA, 1989) indicated that the heat
encountered by the crews. Launches of shields for vehicles with the combined mass
duplicate hardware elements, such as ERVs, implied by such an orbital rendezvous
on subsequent missions provides either approach would be exceedingly large and
backup for the earlier launches or growth of difficult to launch and assemble in orbit.
capability on the surface. Precision landing has been demonstrated for
the Moon (Apollo 12), and studies indicate Aerocapture
(Barton, et al., 1994) that available guidance
Mars orbit capture and the majority of and control systems combined with a simple
the Mars descent maneuver will be performed beacon transmitting from the surface
using a single biconic aeroshell. The decision (assumed to be carried by the first element at
to perform the Mars orbit capture maneuver the site) are sufficient to allow a vehicle to
aerodynamically was based on the fact that an land at a designated location on Mars with
aeroshell will be required to perform the Mars uncertainties measured in meters.
descent maneuver no matter what method is

3-43 Use of Indigenous Resources maneuvers associated with the return:
departing from the martian surface, departing
The highly automated production of
from Mars orbit, and capturing into Earth
propellant from martian resources is another
orbit. Several alternatives are associated with
defining attribute of the Reference Mission.
these three events, the proper selection of
The hardware necessary to produce and store
which can result in a significant savings in
propellants using raw materials available on
propellant and thus in mass that must be
Mars (in this case, carbon dioxide from the
launched from Earth. Three key choices
atmosphere) is less massive than the
affecting this portion of the mission are made
propellant needed to depart the martian
in the Reference Mission. First, the Earth-
surface for orbit (Ash, et al., 1978). It is now
return transit habitat used by the crew is left
apparent that the technology for producing
in Mars orbit. While the outbound habitat
methane and liquid oxygen from the martian
could have been used for this task, the
atmosphere and some nominal hydrogen
propellant needed to lift it is significant; and
feedstock from Earth is not only an effective
it is considered more valuable as part of a
performance enhancement but also appears to
growing surface infrastructure. The entire
be technologically feasible within the next few
ERV is composed of the TEI stage and the
years. Splitting the launch of mission
Earth-return transit habitat. The ERV is
elements allows the propellant production
delivered to Mars orbit fully fueled, and it
capability to be emplaced, checked out, and
loiters there for nearly 4 years before being
operated prior to committing the crew to
used by the crew in returning to Earth.
launch from Earth. In addition to spacecraft
Second, the crew is not captured into an Earth
propulsion, this production capability on
orbit at the completion of the mission, but
Mars can provide fuel for surface
descends directly to the surface much as the
transportation, reactants for fuel cells, and
Apollo astronauts did when returning from
backup caches of consumables (water,
the Moon. The Earth crew capture vehicle
oxygen, and trace gases) for the life support
(ECCV) has the necessary heat shield for
system. All of these features allow for smaller
Earth reentry. Third, the crew rides into Mars
amounts of consumable material to be
orbit in a dedicated ascent capsule.
launched from Earth and contributes to the
goal of learning how to live on Mars.
3.5.4 Mission Sequence Mars Orbit Rendezvous and Direct Figure 3-7 illustrates the mission
Entry at Earth sequence analyzed for the Reference Mission.
The last element of mission design is In this sequence, three vehicles will be
returning the crew to Earth. There are launched from Earth to Mars in each of four
potentially three significant propulsive launch opportunities starting in 2007. The

FLIGHT 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
ERV loiter ∆ Crew 1 TEI
∆ ERV-1 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 1 Earth return
∆ MAV-1 landing

3 ∆ Initial Habitat landing

Crew 1: launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Crew 1 ascent
ERV loiter ∆ Crew 2 TEI
∆ ERV-2 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 2 Earth return

5 ∆ MAV-2 landing

9 Crew 2 launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Crew 2 ascent

ERV loiter ∆ Crew 3 TEI
∆ ERV-3 parks in LMO ∆ Crew 3 Earth return
8 ∆ MAV 3 landing

12 Crew 3 launch ∆ ∆ Landing ∆ Ascent

ERV loiter
∆ MAV 4 landing

ERV: Earth Return Vehicle

MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
TEI: Trans Earth Injection
LMO: Low Mars Orbit

Figure 3-7 Mars Reference Mission sequence.

first three launches will send infrastructure First Mission: 2007 Opportunity
elements to both Mars orbit and to the surface
In the first opportunity, September 2007,
for later use. Each remaining opportunity
three cargo missions will be launched on
analyzed for the Reference Mission will send
minimum energy trajectories direct to Mars
one crew and two cargo missions to Mars.
(without assembly or fueling in LEO). The
The cargo missions will consist of an ERV on
first launch delivers a fully fueled ERV to
one flight and a lander carrying a habitat and
Mars orbit. The crew will rendezvous with
additional supplies on the second. This
this stage and return to Earth after completion
sequence will gradually build up assets on the
of their surface exploration in October 2011.
martian surface so that at the end of the third
crew’s tour of duty, the basic infrastructure The second launch delivers a vehicle to
could be in place to support a permanent the Mars surface which is comprised of an
presence on Mars. unfueled MAV, a propellant production

module, a nuclear power plant, liquid Table 3-3 lists the various payload items
hydrogen (to be used as a reactant to produce deployed to the surface during the first
the ascent vehicle propellant), and opportunity. And Figure 3-8 illustrates the
approximately 40 tonnes of additional surface outpost configuration after
payload to the surface. After this vehicle deployment of payloads from the first two
lands on the surface in late August 2008, the cargo landers.
nuclear reactor will be autonomously
deployed approximately 1 kilometer from the Second Mission: First Flight Crew,
ascent vehicle, and the propellant production 2009 Opportunity
facility (using hydrogen brought from Earth In the second opportunity, opening in
and carbon dioxide from the Mars October 2009, two additional cargo missions
atmosphere) will begin to produce the nearly and the first crew mission will be launched.
30 tonnes of oxygen and methane that will be Before either the crew or additional cargo
required to launch the crew to Mars orbit in missions are launched from Earth in 2009, all
October 2011. This production will be assets previously delivered to Mars are
completed within approximately 1 year— checked out and the MAV launched in 2007 is
several months before the first crew’s verified to be fully fueled. Should any
scheduled departure from Earth in mid- element of the surface system required for
November 2009. crew safety or critical for mission success not
The third launch in the 2007 opportunity check out adequately, the surface systems will
will deliver a second lander to the Mars be placed in standby mode and the crew
surface; it will be comprised of a surface mission delayed until the systems can be
habitat/laboratory, nonperishable replaced or their functions restored. Some of
consumables for a safe haven, and a second the systems can be replaced using hardware
nuclear power plant. It will descend to the originally intended for subsequent missions
surface in early September 2008 and land near and which would have otherwise provided
the first vehicle. The second nuclear power system enhancement; others may be
plant will be autonomously deployed near functionally replaced by other systems.
the first plant. Each plant will provide Table 3-4 lists the manifested payloads
sufficient power (160 kWe) for the entire for launch in the 2009 opportunity.
mature surface outpost, thereby providing
The first cargo launch in October 2009 is a
complete redundancy within the power
duplicate of the first launch from the 2007
function. The outpost laboratory will include
opportunity, delivering a fully fueled Earth-
tools, spare parts, and teleoperated rovers to
return stage to Mars orbit. The second cargo
support scientific exploration and will
launch similarly mirrors the second launch of
provide geological and biological analyses.
the 2007 opportunity, delivering a second

Table 3-3 General Launch Manifest: 2007 Launch Opportunity

Flight 1: Cargo Flight 2: Cargo Flight 3: Cargo

Surface Payload
• None • Ascent Capsule • Surface Habitat/Laboratory
• Empty Ascent Stage • Nonperishable
• LOX/CH4 Production Consumables
Plant • Power Supply (nuclear-
• LH2 Propellant Seed 160 kW)
• Power Supply (nuclear- • Utility Truck
160 kW) • Spares
• Utility Truck • Teleoperable Science
• Pressurized Rover Rover
• Additional Payload

Mars Orbit Payload

• Earth-Return Vehicle • None • None
• Fueled (LOX/CH4)
TEI Stage
• Transit Habitat
• Earth-Return Capsule

Space Transportation Vehicles

• NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage
• LOX/CH4 TEI Stage • LOX/CH4 Descent • LOX/CH4 Descent
w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Stage w/Mars
Aerobrake Aerobrake

TEI: Trans Earth Injection LOX: liquid oxygen LH2: liquid hydrogen
NTR: Nuclear Thermal Rocket CH4: methane

unfueled ascent stage and propellant plenty of time to be available for the crew’s
production module. These systems provide departure from Mars in October 2011. If the
backup or extensions of the previously MAV and ERV delivered in 2007 operate as
deployed capabilities. For example, the expected, then the systems delivered in 2009
second MAV and second ERV provide the will support the second crew of six that will
2009 crew with two redundant means for each launch to Mars early in 2012.
leg of the return trip. If, for some reason,
The first crew of six will depart for Mars
either the first ascent stage or the first ERV
in mid-November 2009. They leave Earth
become inoperable after the first crew departs
after the two cargo missions launched in
Earth in 2009, the crew can use the systems
October 2009, but because they are sent on a
launched in 2009 instead. They will arrive in
fast transfer trajectory of only 180 days, they

MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
TROV: teleoperated rover
ROV: pressurized rover
LSS: life support system
ISRU: in-situ resource utilization
PVA: photo-voltaic array

Figure 3-8 Mars surface outpost after deployment of payloads from first two cargo landers.
Table 3-4 General Launch Manifest: 2009 Launch Opportunity

Flight 4: Cargo Flight 5: Cargo Flight 6: First Crew

Surface Payload
• None • Ascent Capsule • Crew
• Empty Ascent Stage • Surface Habitat
• LOX/CH4 Production • Consumables
Plant • Spares
• LH2 Propellant Seed • EVA Equipment
• Bioregenerative Life • Science Equipment
Support Outfitting
• Science: 1 km drill
• Science Equipment
• Additional
Payload /Spares

Mars Orbit Payload

• Earth-Return Vehicle • None • None
• Fueled (LOX/CH4)
TEI Stage
• Transit Habitat
• Earth-Return Capsule

Space Transportation Vehicles

• NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage
• LOX/CH4 TEI Stage • LOX/CH4 Descent • LOX/CH4 Descent
w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Stage w/Mars
Aerobrake Aerobrake

TEI: Trans Earth Injection LOX: liquid oxygen LH2: liquid hydrogen
NTR: Nuclear Thermal Rocket CH4: methane

will arrive in Mars orbit approximately 2 Additional time will be available during the
months prior to the cargo missions. Once the outbound leg to conduct experiments and
TMI burn has been completed, the crew must continue a dialog with Earth-bound science
reach the surface of Mars. During the and exploration teams who may revise or
outbound portion of this mission, the crew refine the initial set of surface activities
will use their time to monitor and maintain conducted by this crew. The crew carries with
systems on board the transit spacecraft, them sufficient provisions for the entire 600-
monitor and maintain their own physical day surface stay in the unlikely event that
condition, and train for those activities they are unable to rendezvous on the surface
associated with capture and landing at Mars. with the assets previously deployed.

The crew will land on Mars in a surface investigations and participants in the
habitat almost identical to the habitat/ exploration of Mars.
laboratory previously deployed to the Mars
Prior to the arrival of the first human
surface. The transit habitat sits atop a descent
crew, teleoperated rovers (TROV) may be
stage identical to those used in the 2007
delivered to the surface. When the crew
opportunity. After capturing into a highly
arrives, these rovers will be available for
elliptic Mars orbit (250 by 33793 km), the crew
teleoperation by the crew. It is also possible
descends in the transit habitat to rendezvous
for the rovers to be operated in a supervised
on the surface with the other elements of the
mode from Earth. If used in this mode, the
surface outpost. There is no required
TROVs may be designed to provide global
rendezvous in Mars orbit prior to the crew
access and may be able to return samples to
descent. This is consistent with the risk
the outpost from hundreds of kilometers
philosophy assumed for the Reference
distance from the site if they are deployed
with the first set of cargo missions launched
Figure 3-9 illustrates the surface outpost more than 2 years before the crew arrives.
configuration at the end of the first crew's stay.
As experience grows, the range of human
Surface exploration activity will consist exploration will grow from the local to the
of diverse observations by robotic vehicles regional. Regional expeditions lasting
and human explorers, the collection of perhaps 2 weeks, using mobile facilities, may
samples and their examination in the outpost be conducted at intervals of a few months.
laboratory, and experiments designed to Between these explorations, analysis in the
gauge the ability of humans to inhabit Mars. laboratory will continue. Figure 3-10 (Cohen,
Table 3-5 lists a representative set of science 1993) provides a possible surface mission
and exploration equipment that will be timeline for the first 600-day mission.
delivered as part of the cargo on Flight 5.
The deployment of a bioregenerative life
These payloads are simply examples; the
support capability will be an early activity
selection of specific experimental capability
following crew landing. This bioregenerative
will depend on the requirements of martian
system is not required to maintain the health
science at the time that the missions are
and vitality of the crew; however, it will
defined in detail. There is also a category
improve the robustness of the life support
listed for “discretionary principal investigator
system and is important to the early
(PI) science.” This category of experimental
objectives of the outpost.
equipment will be allocated to investigators
who have competed through a proposal and The first crew will stay at the outpost
peer review process and are selected for one from 16 to 18 months. Part of their duties will
of these flights. This allows a wider range of be to prepare the outpost site for the receipt of

MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
TROV: teleoperated rover
ROV: pressurized rover
LSS: life support system
ISRU: in-situ resource utilization
PVA: photo-voltaic array

Figure 3-9 Mars surface outpost at the end of first flight crew's stay.
Table 3-5 Surface Science Payload for First Flight Crew
Payload Description Payload Mass (kg)
Field Geology Package: geologic hand tools, cameras, 335
sample containers, documentation tools
Geoscience lab instruments: microscopes, 125
geochemical analysis equipment, camera
Exobiology laboratory: enclosures, microscopes, 50
culture media
Biomedical/bioscience lab 500
Traverse geophysics instruments 400
Geophysics/meteorology instruments (8 sets) 200
10-meter drill 260
Meteorology balloons 200
Discretionary PI science 300
Total 2370

additional elements launched on subsequent typically has been in an untended mode for
mission opportunities. Systems associated nearly 4 years prior to the crew’s arrival.
with the ascent vehicle, although monitored
During the return portion of the mission,
during the entire stay on the surface, will be
the crew will again spend a significant
checked and, if necessary, tested in detail to
portion of their time monitoring and
ensure that they will operate satisfactorily.
maintaining systems on board the transit
The surface crew will also spend increasing
spacecraft, monitoring and maintaining their
amounts of time rehearsing the launch and
physical condition, and training for the
rendezvous phase of the Mars departure to
activities associated with Earth return. As
sharpen necessary skills that have not been
mentioned previously, the second crew will
used in over 2 years. Because the first crew
be in transit to Mars during a portion of the
will have to depart before the second crew
first crew’s return to Earth. This implies that a
arrives, surface systems will have to be in
debriefing of the first crew, to gain insight
standby mode for approximately 10 months.
from lessons learned and suggestions for
After their stay on Mars, the crew uses future surface activities, will begin during this
one of the previously landed ascent vehicles return phase. This debriefing will be relayed
to return to orbit, rendezvous with the ERV, to the outbound crew so that they can
and return to Earth. Like the outbound transit participate in the interaction with the
leg, the crew rides in a habitat on the inbound returning crew and modify their plans to take
transit leg. This habitat is part of the Earth- advantage of the first crew’s experience.
return stage deployed in a previous
On landing, the first crew and their
opportunity by one of the cargo flights and
returned samples will be placed in quarantine

Mars Surface Mission Time Allocation

(Total Time = 8 crew X 24 hr/day X 600 days = 115,200 hr)

8 crew X 24 hr day = 200)

Personal Hr/Over
14 hr head Production
(total 67,200 hr) 7 hr
3 hr (33,600 hr total)
(14,400 hr)

Site Prep,
Construction 90 days

Group Socialization, Meetings, Life Sciences Subject, Health Monitoring, Health Care: 1 hr
Week Off 7 days

System Monitoring, Inspection, Calibration, Maintenance, Repair: 1 hr

General Planning, Reporting, Documentation, Earth Communication: 1 hr
Local Excursions

100 days
Hygiene, Cleaning, Personal Communication: 1 hr

Distant Excursion 10 days

Recreation, Exercise, Relaxation: 1 hr
Sleep, Sleep Prep, Dress, Undress: 8 hr

One Day Off Per Week: 3 hr (per day)

600 day (or 20 months, or 86 weeks)

Analysis 40 days
Eating, Meal Prep, Clean-up: 1 hr

Week Off 7 days

Charge Fuel Cells
Distant Excursion
Check Vehicle
Analysis Load Vehicle
Plan Excursion
Distant Excursion Drive Vehicle
Analysis Navigate
Don Suits (X 20)
Week Off Pre-breathe (X 20)
Distant Excursion Egress (X 20)
100 days Unload Equip
Analysis Set up Drill (X 10)
Operate Drill
Distant Excursion
Collect Samples
Analysis In Situ Analysis
Take Photos
Flare Retreat 15 days Communicate
Week Off 7 days Disassemble Equip
Load Vehicle
Distant Excursion Ingress (X 20)
Analysis Clean Suit (X 20)
Stow Suit, Equip
Distant Excursion 100 days Inspect Vehicle
Analysis Secure for night
(Sleep, eat, cleanup
Week Off
7 days hygiene, etc.
Sys Shutdown covered)
Departure Prep 60 days

3 Crew X 7 hr X 10 Day =
210 hrs total

Figure 3-10 Possible surface mission time line.

in accordance with the protocols in effect at Figure 3-11 illustrates the surface outpost
the time. The crew’s re-adaptation to a 1-g configuration at the end of the second crew's
environment will be monitored in detail to stay.
learn more about how the human body
As before, the second crew will continue
adapts to the varying gravity conditions and
with the general type of activities conducted
to better prepare for the return of subsequent
by the first crew: diverse observations by
robotic vehicles and human explorers,
collection of samples and their examination in Third Mission: Second Flight Crew,
the outpost laboratory, and experiments
2011 Opportunity
designed to gauge the ability of humans to
In the third opportunity opening in inhabit Mars. Specific crew activities will
December 2011, two additional cargo build on the lessons learned and questions
missions and the second crew mission will be generated by the first crew. Table 3-7 lists a
launched. As in the second opportunity, all representative set of science and exploration
assets previously delivered to Mars are equipment that will be delivered as part of
checked out and the MAV is verified to be the cargo on Flight 8. Note in particular that
fully fueled. Any non-mission-critical this manifest contains a drill designed to
maintenance items identified by the first crew reach depths of 1 kilometer. (The deep drilling
or items noted prior to the departure of operation must be consistent with planetary
Flights 7 through 9 are added to the spares protection protocols.) This tool will be used to
manifest and delivered with other surface gather subsurface core samples that will help
equipment. Table 3-6 lists the manifested reconstruct the geologic history of Mars, and
payloads for launch in the 2011 opportunity. to try to locate subsurface deposits of water in
Prior to the arrival of the second crew, the either liquid or solid form. Such a discovery
ISRU plants are producing not only the will substantially enhance the habitability
propellants needed for the ascent vehicle, but prospects for future crews by possibly
also water, oxygen, and buffer gases to serve upgrading propulsion systems to the use of
as an emergency cache for the life support hydrogen and oxygen and expanding
system. Teleoperated rovers are deployed on agricultural activities.
extended traverses, perhaps to distances of The second crew will repeat the activities
more than 100 kilometers, to take measure- of the first crew in preparing themselves, the
ments, gather samples, and reconnoiter sites ascent vehicle, and the surface habitat for a
for the human crew to investigate in more departure from Mars during December 2013.
detail. The third crew will already be in transit to

Table 3-6 General Launch Manifest: 2011 Launch Opportunity

Flight 7: Cargo Flight 8: Cargo Flight 9: Second Crew

Surface Payload
• None • Ascent Capsule • Crew
• Empty Ascent Stage • Surface Habitat
• LOX/CH4 Production • Consumables
Plant • Spares
• LH2 Propellant Seed • EVA Equipment
• Pressurized Rover • Science Equipment
• Science Equipment
• Additional Payload/

Mars Orbit Payload

• Earth-Return Vehicle • None • None
• Fueled (LOX/CH4)
TEI Stage
• Transit Habitat
• Earth-Return Capsule

Space Transportation Vehicles

• NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage
• LOX/CH4 TEI Stage • LOX/CH4 Descent • LOX/CH4 Descent
w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Aerobrake

TEI: Trans Earth Injection LOX: liquid oxygen LH2: liquid hydrogen
NTR: Nuclear Thermal Rocket CH4: methane

Mars, again necessitating a debriefing of the the third crew mission will be launched. As in
second crew, with participation by the third the second and third opportunities, all assets
crew, during the return to Earth. Once on previously delivered to Mars are checked out
Earth, the second crew will likely benefit from and the MAV is verified to be fully fueled.
observations of the first crew, particularly in Any non-mission-critical maintenance items
the areas of modifications to the re-adaptation identified by the first two crews or items
regime and quarantine protocols. noted prior to the departure of Flights 10
through 12 are added to the spares manifest Fourth Mission: Third Flight Crew, and delivered with other surface equipment.
2014 Opportunity Table 3-8 lists the manifested payloads for
In the fourth opportunity opening in launch in the 2014 opportunity. As listed, the
March 2014, the final two cargo missions and manifests do not use the full cargo-carrying

MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
TROV: teleoperated rover
ROV: pressurized rover
LSS: life support system
ISRU: in-situ resource utilization
PVA: photo-voltaic array

Figure 3-11 Mars surface outpost at the end of second flight crew's stay.
Table 3-7 Surface Science Payload for Second Flight Crew
Payload Description Payload Mass (kg)
Field Geology Package: geologic hand tools, cameras, 335
sample containers, documentation tools
Geoscience lab instruments: microscopes, 125
geochemical analysis equipment, camera
Exobiology laboratory: enclosures, microscopes, 50
culture media
Biomedical laboratory 500
Plant and animal lab 500
Traverse geophysics instruments 400
Geophysics/meteorology instruments (8 sets) 200
1 kilometer drill 20,000
10-meter drill 260
Meteorology balloons 200
Discretionary PI science 600
Total 23,000

capacity of the landers. The experience gained capabilities available at this stage, the surface
by the first two crews will dictate any outpost will be able to support larger crews
additional equipment that can be used to for longer periods of time. The potential level
either upgrade existing equipment or add of self-sufficiency on Mars should also be
new equipment to enhance the capabilities of evident by this time, and a decision can be
this outpost. made regarding any further use or expansion
of the outpost.
Prior to the arrival of the third crew, the
ISRU plants are again producing not only the As before, the third crew will continue
propellants needed for the ascent vehicle, but with the general type of activities conducted
also water, oxygen, and buffer gases to serve by the first and second crews: diverse
as an emergency cache for the life support observations by robotic vehicles and human
system. Teleoperated rovers are again explorers, collection of samples and their
deployed on extended traverses to take examination in the outpost laboratory, and
measurements, gather samples, and experiments designed to gauge the ability of
reconnoiter sites for the third crew to humans to inhabit Mars. Specific crew
investigate in greater detail. activities will build on the lessons learned
and questions generated by the first two
Figure 3-12 illustrates the surface outpost
crews and should be focused on providing
configuration at the end of the third crew's
information needed to determine the future
stay. This represents the complete outpost
status of the outpost. Table 3-9 lists a
configuration as envisioned by the Mars
representative set of science and exploration
Study Team. With the facilities and

Nuclear Power Plant Nuclear Power Plant
MAV: Mars Ascent Vehicle
TROV: teleoperated rover
ROV: pressurized rover
LSS: life support system
ISRU: in-situ resource utilization
PVA: photo-voltaic array

Figure 3-12 Mars surface outpost at the end of third flight crew's stay.
Table 3-8 General Launch Manifest: 2014 Launch Opportunity

Flight 10: Cargo Flight 11: Cargo Flight 12: Third Crew

Surface Payload
• None • Ascent Capsule • Crew
• Empty Ascent Stage • Surface Habitat
• LOX/CH4 Production • Consumables
Plant • Spares
• LH2 Propellant Seed • EVA Equipment
• Science Equipment • Science Equipment
• Additional Payload/

Mars Orbit Payload

• Earth-Return Vehicle • None • None
• Fueled (LOX/CH4)
TEI Stage
• Transit Habitat
• Earth-Return Capsule

Space Transportation Vehicles

• NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage • NTR Transfer Stage
• LOX/CH4 TEI Stage • LOX/CH4 Descent • LOX/CH4 Descent
w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Aerobrake Stage w/Mars Aerobrake

TEI: Trans Earth Injection LOX: liquid oxygen LH2: liquid hydrogen
NTR: Nuclear Thermal Rocket CH4: methane

equipment that will be delivered as part of missions use assumed hardware systems and
the cargo on Flight 11. mission design principles to place the flight
crews in the martian environment for the
As with the first two crews, the third
longest period of time at a satisfactory level of
crew will repeat those activities necessary to
risk. The major distinguishing characteristics
prepare themselves, the ascent vehicle, and
of the Reference Mission, compared to
the surface habitat for a departure from Mars
previous concepts, include:
during January 2016.
•No extended LEO operations, assembly, Mission Summary or fueling
This section has illustrated a feasible •No rendezvous in Mars orbit prior to
sequence of missions that can satisfy the landing
Reference Mission goals and objectives. These

Table 3-9 Surface Science Payload for Third Flight Crew

Payload Description Payload Mass (kg)

Field Geology Package: geologic hand tools, cameras, 335
sample containers, documentation tools
Geoscience lab instruments: microscopes, 125
geochemical analysis equipment, camera
Exobiology laboratory: enclosures, microscopes, 50
culture media
Plant and animal lab 500
Traverse geophysics instruments 400
Geophysics/meteorology instruments (8 sets) 200
Advanced Meteorology Laboratory 1000
10-meter drill 260
Meteorology balloons 200
Discretionary PI science 1000
Total 4070

•Short transit times to and from Mars (180 The characteristics of the hardware
days or less) and long surface stay-times systems used in these missions are more
(500 to 600 days) for the first and all completely discussed in the following
subsequent crews exploring Mars sections.

•A heavy-lift launch vehicle (HLLV),

3.6 Systems
capable of transporting either crew or
cargo direct to Mars, and capable of The following sections discuss the
delivering all needed payload with a characteristics and performance capabilities
total of four launches for the first human of the various hardware elements needed for
mission and three launches of cargo and the Reference Mission. The hardware
crew for each subsequent opportunity elements include a launch vehicle large
enough to place cargo bound for Mars into a
•Exploitation of indigenous resources
suitable Earth parking orbit, the
from the beginning of the program, with
interplanetary transportation elements
important performance benefits and
necessary to move crew and equipment from
reduction of mission risk
Earth to Mars and back, and the systems
•Availability of abort-to-Mars-surface needed to sustain the crew and perform the
strategies, based on the robustness of the proposed exploration activities on the martian
Mars surface capabilities and the cost of surface. Each section describes the principal
trajectory aborts characteristics of the hardware system as
developed by the Mars Study Team.

3.6.1 Operational Design common hardware and software where
Considerations applicable. System commonality in power
Several operational factors related to sources, interfaces, payload locker sizes, etc.,
utilization, training, and repair influence the among all vehicles will ease nominal
design of hardware and software systems for operational activities such as replacements,
all vehicles. Early incorporation of these reconfigurations, and hardware transfers.
factors into the vehicle design process will Commonality will also help maintain
enhance utility and functionality of the corporate knowledge bases and simplify crew
systems, prevent costly workarounds late in operations and repair procedures as
the development cycle, and maximize overall experience with one system can be applied to
mission success. many. The cost savings associated with the
use of common hardware and software
This section discusses some of the design
elements are obvious, and may be increased
considerations identified as important in the
by using as much off-the-shelf hardware as
eventual detailed design and construction of
possible. This, too, helps with familiarity as
systems used for the Reference Mission.
crews and technicians may have previous
While the system descriptions in the sections
experience with similar systems. Repair
that follow may not reach a level of detail that
operations will also be simplified by requiring
reflects the specific topics mentioned here, the
a smaller set of standard tools for use by the
design considerations should be considered
crew during mission execution.
as guiding principles that should be used as
more detailed studies are performed. The need for training facilities will have a
significant impact on vehicle design. Due to
A primary operational consideration in
the extended duration of the mission, training
system development is the subsequent ease
facilities will be required on board crew
with which users, specifically crew members,
vehicles during various phases of the mission.
can become familiar with the system prior to
Trainers on Earth will need to match trainers
the mission. The more familiar crew members
on vehicles which in turn will need to match
are with vehicle hardware and software, the
actual system performance. The requirement
less time will be spent on systems operations
for crew training facilities during various
and the more time will be available for
mission phases will place additional
science and exploration activities. By the same
hardware and software design constraints on
token, the more familiar technicians are with
the vehicles. Incorporation of training
the systems, the easier and less costly
facilities into appropriate vehicles is an
production, maintenance, and repair will be
important operational factor influencing the
during the development process. To facilitate
design process.
this, all vehicles and systems need to use

For both crew safety and operational discretionary system failures can require
simplicity, system designs will require some some crew response to enhance mission
level of automatic fault detection for all life- objectives. A balance between the cost of
critical, mission-critical, and mission- automation and crew time and training for
discretionary elements. For those elements such activities will be needed. In general,
pertaining to crew safety and mission-critical maximizing crew science time and
objectives, auto-fault detection and correction minimizing crew system maintenance and
should be incorporated into the design. Crew operations throughout the mission will
action should not be required for life-critical improve overall mission success.
systems failures; backup system activation
should be automatic. Mission-critical system 3.6.2 Launch Vehicles
failures should be as automated as possible, The scale of the ETO launch capability is
leaving only the most complex tasks (such as fundamentally determined by the mass of the
complete hardware replacement or repair) to payload that will be landed on the martian
the crew. In addition, many of the routine, yet surface. The nominal design mass for
important, system operations should be individual packages to be landed on Mars in
automated to the greatest extent possible. For the Reference Mission is 50 tonnes for a crew
example, an often overlooked aspect of habitat (sized for six people) which must be
operations is consumables tracking and transferred on a high-energy, fast-transit orbit.
forecasting for all life-critical and mission- This in turn scaled the required mass in LEO
critical systems. Crew time is better spent on to about 240 tonnes.
science activities than on tracking and
forecasting consumables such as propellant, A number of different technologies could
water, and breathable air. Many of these be used to construct a single launch vehicle
functions are currently done for Space Shuttle capable of placing 240 tonnes into a 220-
crews by flight controllers on the ground. Due nautical mile circular orbit. These launch
to the long delay time in communications vehicle concepts used various combinations
during the Reference Mission, maintenance of of past, present, and future U.S. expendable
this function by ground personnel is launch vehicle technology and existing launch
impractical. Periodic verification of vehicle technology from Russia and Ukraine.
consumables tracking activities by ground Table 3-10 summarizes some of the key
personnel can validate the crew activities; parameters for a representative set of the
however, means by which the crew can vehicle options examined (Huber, 1993). Each
independently monitor and forecast option is covered in more detail in the
propulsive and nonpropulsive consumables following paragraphs.
while not expending significant resources is a Option 1 (Figure 3-13) illustrates the
necessity. Where cost effective, mission- capabilities possible through the use of

Energia and Zenit launch vehicle technology combination of largely existing components
combined with STS technology. All of the does not meet the desired payload launch
engines used for this option are existing types mass.
that have flown numerous times. The core
Option 2 (Figure 3-14) illustrates what is
stage is assumed to be a modification of the
possible if a large launch vehicle makes
existing Energia stage. The modification
extensive use of existing STS and Russian
involves changing the vehicle from one that
technology. The first stage core and upper
uses a side-mounted payload container to an
stage use the SSME, and the propellant tank
in-line configuration with strap-on boosters
structure is based on the STS external tank.
surrounding the core. The upper stage is a
Strap-on boosters for this vehicle use the
new development using STS external tank
Russian RD-170 engine and a newly designed
technology combined with a single SSME.
propellant tank structure. Note that this
The shroud is entirely new and would be
combination also does not meet the desired
sized for the largest of the Reference Mission
payload launch mass.
payloads. Note, however, that this

Table 3-10 Launch Vehicle Concepts for the Reference Mission

Option Payload Mass (tonnes) to 220 Key Technology Assumptions

n.mi. Circular Orbit

1 179 Modified Energia core with eight Zenit-

type strap-on boosters. New upper stage
using a single Space Shuttle Main Engine
2 209 New core stage based on Space
Transportation System (STS) external tank
and SSMEs. Seven new strap-on boosters
each use a single RD-170 engine. New
upper stage using a single SSME.
3 226 New core stage based on STS external tank
and four of the new Space Transportation
Main Engines. Four strap-on boosters each
with a derivative of the F-1 engine used on
the first stage of the Saturn V. New upper
stage using a single SSME.
4 289 New vehicle using technology derived
from the Saturn V launch vehicle. Boosters
and first stage use a derivative of the F-1
engine, and the second stage uses a
derivative of the J-2 engine.

Figure 3-13 Mars Energia-derived HLLV with eight Zenit-type boosters.

Figure 3-14 STS External Tank-derived HLLV with seven LOX/RP boosters.

Option 3 (Figure 3-15) uses new and old Because a 240-ton-class launch vehicle
as well as existing technology to create a would be such a development cost issue,
vehicle that can deliver a payload that is consideration was given to the option of
reasonably close to the desired value. The first launching several hardware elements to LEO
stage core propellant tank structure is based using smaller vehicles, assembling (attaching)
on the STS external tank but uses newly them in space, and then launching on the
designed and as yet untested STME engines. outbound trajectory to Mars. This smaller
The strap-on boosters use an updated version launch vehicle (with a 110- to 120-ton payload
of the F-1 engine that powered the first stage capability) would have the advantage of more
of the Saturn V in conjunction with newly modest development costs and is in the
designed propellant tanks. The upper stage is envelope of capability demonstrated by the
comparable to those discussed for the first unmodified U.S. Saturn V and Russian
two options, using STS external tank Energia programs (Figure 3-18). However,
technology and a single SSME. this smaller launch vehicle introduces several
potential difficulties to the Reference Mission
Option 4 (Figure 3-16) is indicative of a
scenario. The most desirable implementation
launch vehicle that uses technology derived
using this smaller launch vehicle is to simply
from the Saturn V launch vehicle. The first
dock the two elements in Earth orbit and
stage core is virtually identical to the first
immediately depart for Mars. To avoid boiloff
stage of the Saturn V launch vehicle in its
losses in the departure stages (assumed to use
basic size and its use of five F-1A engines.
liquid hydrogen as the propellant), all
Strapped to this stage are four boosters, each
elements must be launched from Earth in
with two F-1A engines and roughly one-third
quick succession, placing a strain on existing
of the propellant carried by the core stage.
launch facilities and ground operations crews.
The second stage uses six of the J-2 engines
Assembling the Mars vehicles in orbit and
that powered the second stage of the Saturn
loading them with propellants just prior to
V. However, this upper stage is considerably
departure may alleviate the strain on launch
larger than the Saturn second stage.
facilities, but the best Earth orbit for Mars
This last option was the largest of a missions is different for each launch
family of launch vehicles derived using opportunity, so a permanent construction
Saturn V launch vehicle technology. Figure and/or propellant storage facility in a single
3-17 illustrates some of the other vehicle Earth orbit introduces additional constraints.
configurations examined and provides
Several launch vehicle designs that could
additional information on their capabilities.
provide this smaller payload capability using
All of these options can deliver a payload
existing or near-term technology were
almost as large as the stated need for 240
examined. Figure 3-19 illustrates one possible
tonnes in a 220-nautical mile circular orbit.

Figure 3-15 STS External Tank-derived HLLV with four strap-on boosters, each
having two F-1 engines.

Figure 3-16 Saturn V-derived Mars HLLV with F-1A/J-2S propulsion.

VAB Height Limit - 410'


Vehicle Height (ft.)



2x2 F-1A Boost 2x2 F-1A Boost 2x2 F-1A Boost 2x2 F-1A Boost 2x2 F-1A Boost
5 F-1A Core 5 F-1A Core 5 F-1A Core 5 F-1A Core 5 F-1A Core
6 J-2S 2nd Stage 6 J-2S 2nd Stage 6 J-2S 2nd Stage 6 J-2S 2nd Stage 6 J-2S 2nd Stage

Shroud Diameter (Usable) 10 m 13 m 16 m 17 m 14 m

Payload to 220 nm Circular* 237 t 228 t 219 t 285 t 289 t

(Kickstage performs circ.)

Figure 3-17 Saturn V-based Mars HLLV concepts.

Figure 3-18 Energia launch vehicle adapted to Mars mission profile.

320 ft

172 ft

27.6 ft D

89 ft
Side View Base View

Figure 3-19 Mars mission launch vehicle with two external tank boosters and
kick stage.

vehicle configuration and provides additional landed in close proximity to one another. The
information on its capabilities. This particular transportation strategy adopted in the
option uses the STS external tank for its Reference Mission eliminates the need for
propellant storage and main structure. assembly or rendezvous in LEO of vehicle
Engines for the core stage and the two strap- elements and for rendezvous of a crew
on boosters were assumed to be the STME transport vehicle with a Mars lander in Mars
engine that was under development at the orbit, both features of many previous mission
time of this study. designs for Mars (NASA, 1989). But the
Reference Mission scenario does require a
A 240-ton payload-class launch vehicle is
rendezvous on the surface with previously
assumed for the Reference Mission. However,
landed hardware elements and a rendezvous
it is beyond the experience base of any
in Mars orbit with the ERV as the crew leaves
spacefaring nation. While such a vehicle is
Mars. The transportation strategy emphasized
possible, it would require a significant
the use of common elements wherever
development effort for the launch vehicle,
possible to avoid development costs and to
launch facilities, and ground processing
provide operational simplicity.
facilities; and its cost represents a
considerable fraction of the total mission cost. Trans-Mars Injection Stage
The choice of a launch vehicle remains an
unresolved issue for any Mars mission. A single TMI stage was developed for
both piloted and human missions. The stage
3.6.3 Interplanetary Transportation is designed for the more energetically
demanding 2009 human mission and is then
The interplanetary transportation system
used in the minimum energy cargo missions
assembled for the Reference Mission consists
to launch the maximum payload possible to
of seven major systems: a TMI stage, a
Mars. Because of the energetic trajectories
biconic aeroshell for Mars orbit capture and
used for human flights and the desire to
Mars atmospheric entry, habitation systems
deliver large payloads to the martian surface,
for the crew (both outbound and return), a
nuclear thermal propulsion was selected for
descent stage for landing on the surface, an
this stage not only for its performance
ascent stage for crew return to Mars orbit, an
advantages but also because of its advanced,
ERV for departure from the Mars system, and
previously demonstrated state of technology
an ECCV (comparable to Apollo) for Earth
development, its operational flexibility, and
entry and landing. As mentioned earlier, the
its inherent mission enhancements and crew
Reference Mission splits the transportation of
risk reduction (Borowski, et al., 1993).
people and equipment into cargo missions
and human missions, all of which are targeted After completion of two TMI burns
to the same locale on the surface and must be (required by the selected thrust-to-weight

ratio), the stage is disposed of by allowing it ND engines. So for cost and performance
to drift on a relatively stable interplanetary reasons, one ND engine and the shadow
trajectory. Calculations (Stancati and Collins, shield are removed from this version of the
1992) using the Planetary Encounter TMI stage.
Probability Analysis code indicate that the
The TMI stage adopted for the Reference
probability of a collision of a nuclear engine-
Mission could be designed around any of four
equipped vehicle and the Earth is quite low.
reactor options studied by the Team: (1)
The probabilities of a collision with Earth in
Rocketdyne and Westinghouse NERVA-
one million years are 3.8 percent for the
derivative reactor (ND), (2) Pratt and Whitney
piloted TMI stages and 12 percent for the
and Babcock and Wilcox (B&W) CERMET fast
cargo TMI stages.
reactor, (3) Aerojet and B&W particle bed
The basic TMI stage is shown in Figure reactor and (4) Russian Energopool and B&W
3-20. For piloted missions, the TMI stage uses engine concept using the “twisted ribbon”
four 15,000 lb. thrust NERVA* derivative ternary carbide fuel form. Work done in
(ND) engines to deliver the crew and their Russia is especially promising, with the
surface habitat/descent stage onto the trans- possibility of higher Isp (approximately 950
Mars trajectory. Engines of this size are well seconds versus a 900-second demonstrated
within the previous development history of capability by NERVA engines) at a thrust-to-
NERVA engines (Borowski, et al., 1993). This weight ratio of about 3.0 (for a 15,000 pound
version of the TMI stage incorporates a thrust engine) being a possible development
shadow shield between the ND engine target. The Reference Mission adopts the
assembly and the LH2 tank to protect the crew more conservative ND engine concept, with a
from radiation generated by the engines that projected Isp performance of 900 seconds.
will have built up during the TMI burns. For Table 3-11 lists the mass estimates for the
cargo missions, this transportation system can various components of the TMI stage for
deliver approximately 65 tonnes of useful piloted and cargo versions. In both versions,
cargo to the surface of Mars or nearly 100 this stage is assumed to have a maximum
tonnes to Mars orbit (250 I 33,793 km) on a diameter of 10 meters and an overall length of
single launch from Earth. The TMI stage for 25.3 meters.
cargo delivery requires only the use of three Biconic Aeroshell

On each cargo and piloted mission, Mars

From 1955 to 1973, the Nuclear Engine for Rocket orbit capture and the majority of the Mars
Vehicle Application (NERVA) program designed, built, descent maneuver are performed using a
and tested a total of twenty rocket reactors. The
feasibility of using low molecular weight LH2 as both a single biconic aeroshell. The decision to
reactor coolant and propellant was convincingly perform the Mars orbit capture maneuver

2007 Cargo Mission 1 2007 Cargo Mission 3 2007 Cargo Mission 2 2009 Piloted Mission 1
"Dry" Ascent Stage & Lander LOX/CH4 TEIS & Hab Hab Module & Lander Surface Hab with Crew and Lander

19.0 m 7.6 m

16.3 m
16.3 m

15.0 m

20.6 m* 86.0 t LH2 86.0 t LH2 86.0 t LH2 86.0 t LH2

(@ 100%) (@ 100%) (@ 91.9%) (@ 100%)

10 m 10 m 10 m
10 m

4.7 m

IMLEO = 216.6 t 216.6 t 204.7 t 212.1 t

* Expendable TMI Stage LH2 Tank (@ 18.2 m length) sized by 2009 Mars Piloted Mission

IMLEO Initial Mass to Low Earth Orbit

TEIS Trans Earth Injection Stage

Figure 3-20 Reference Mars cargo and piloted vehicles.

Table 3-11 Mass Estimates for TMI Stage Alternatives

TMI Stage Element Piloted Version Cargo Version

ND Engines (4 for piloted, 3 for cargo) 9.8 7.4

Radiation Shield 0.9 0.0
Tankage and Structure 18.4 18.4
LH2 Propellant (maximum) 86.0 86.0
Control System Tankage and Propellant 3.1 3.0

Total (tonnes) 118.2 114.8

using an aeroshell (that is, aerocapture) was biconic aeroshells that can be used for both
based on the fact that this option typically Mars orbit capture and descent maneuvers.
requires less mass than an equivalent Given the demands on a descent aeroshell of
propulsive capture stage (Cruz, 1979), and the Mars entry and landing requirements, the
aerodynamic shielding of some sort will be additional capability to permit aerocapture is
required to perform the Mars descent considered modest.
maneuver no matter what method is used to
The aerodynamic maneuvering and
capture into Mars orbit. Previous Mars
thermal protection requirements for the
mission concepts employing aerocapture have
aeroshells used in the Reference Mission were
typically used more than one aeroshell to
studied in some detail (Huber, 1993). Based
deliver the crew to the surface. The use of two
on the studies, it was determined that a
aeroshells was driven by one or both of the
biconic aeroshell with similar forward and aft
following factors. First, Mars entry speeds
conic sections provided sufficient
may have been higher than those proposed
maneuverability for the aerocapture and
for the Reference Mission and therefore more
entry phases of flight. Figure 3-21 illustrates
maneuverability and thermal protection were
two of these aeroshells, one for the Mars
required for this phase of the mission. Second,
ascent vehicle and the other for the surface
the mission profile may have required a post-
habitat. For this family of aeroshells, the nose
aerocapture rendezvous in Mars orbit with
section is a 25° half-angle cone ending in a
another space transportation element,
spherical cap. The skirt section is a 4° half-
possibly delivered during the same launch
angle cone with a 10-meter diameter base.
opportunity or during a previous
The skirt section consists of two parts: a fixed
opportunity. Neither of these features is in the
length aft section and a variable length center
Reference Mission. Thus, the strategy
section (“center” indicating its location
employed was to develop a single family of
between the aft skirt and the nose section).

6.0 (m) 25 % 18 (m)

14.9 (m)
7.7 (m)
to Cg
& Cp


8.9 (m)

Dia = 10.0 (m) Dia = 10.0 (m)

Reference Biconic: 10 (m) Dia by 15 (m) Extended Center Section Biconic

length. I/D = 0.65 At 25° Angle of Attack 10 (m) Dia by 18 (m) length.

Cg = center of gravity
Cp = center of pressure

Figure 3-21 Biconic aeroshell dimensions for Mars lander and surface habitat

The length of the skirt center section is laboratory deployed robotically on a previous
determined by the size of the payload carried mission. Although a smaller habitat might
within. Table 3-12 lists the overall lengths of suffice for a crew of six during the
the various aeroshells used in the Reference approximately 6 months of transit time,
Mission. designing the habitat so that it can be used
during transit and on the surface results in a
Table 3-12 also lists an estimated mass for
number of advantages to the overall mission.
the various aeroshells. The Mars Study Team
Duplicating habitats on the surface provides
did not conduct a detailed study of the mass
redundancy during the longest phase of the
of the various aeroshells used. Based on
mission and reduces the risk to the crew. By
previous studies of aerocapture vehicles, a
landing in a fully functional habitat, the crew
simple scaling factor of 15 percent of the entry
does not have to transfer from a “space-only”
mass was used to determine the aeroshell
habitat to the surface habitat immediately
mass (Scott, et al., 1985). As more detail
after landing, allowing them to re-adapt to a
regarding the aeroshell is developed,
gravity environment at their own pace. This
variations in aeroshell mass will result caused
approach also allows the development of only
by differences in the amount of thermal
one habitat system instead of two or more
protection material used (some missions are
unique, specialized systems (although some
flown on faster trajectories and will encounter
subsystems will have to be tailored for zero-g
higher entry speeds with correspondingly
operation). The performance of the transit
higher heat loads) and in the size of the
habitat may be tested by attaching a
aeroshell structure. At the present level of this
development unit to the International Space
study, the simple scaling factor is considered
Station (Figure 3-22).
sufficient to estimate the aeroshell mass.
Each habitation element will consist of a Transit/Surface Habitat structural cylinder 7.5 meters in diameter and
The crew is transported to Mars in a 4.6 meters long with two elliptical end caps
habitat that is identical to the surface habitat/ (overall length of 7.5 meters). The internal

Table 3-12 Mass and Size Estimates for Biconic Aeroshell Family

Mass Estimate Overall Length

Aeroshell Payload
(tonnes) (meters)

Ascent Stage and Lander 17.3 15.0

Surface Habitat and Lander 17.3 16.3
TEI Stage and Habitat 17.3 19.0
Surface Habitat with Crew and Lander 17.3 16.3

Figure 3-22 Transit habitat attached to International Space Station.
volume will be divided into two levels doubling the usable pressurized volume (to
oriented so that each “floor” will be a cylinder approximately 1,000 cubic meters) available
7.5 meters in diameter and approximately 3 to the crew for the 600-day surface mission.
meters in height. The primary and secondary This configuration is illustrated in Figure 3-26
structure, windows, hatches, docking with the first of the transit habitats joined to
mechanisms, power distribution systems, life the previously landed surface habitat/
support, environmental control, safety laboratory.
features, stowage, waste management,
communications, airlock function and crew Mars Surface Lander
egress routes will be identical to the other A single common descent stage was
habitation elements (the surface habitat/ developed for delivery of all hardware
laboratory and the Earth-return habitat). After systems (the habitats, ascent vehicle,
establishing these basic design features, there propellant production plant, and other
exists an endless array of feasible internal surface cargo) to the surface of Mars. The role
architecture designs. Deciding among feasible of this stage is to complete the descent-to-
internal designs involves a trade of resources landing maneuver once the biconic aeroshell
derived from a specific set of habitation goals. ceases to be effective and to maneuver the
At this level of detail, habitation goals are surface systems into the appropriate relative
somewhat subjective and open for discussion. position at the surface outpost.
Figures 3-23, 3-24, and 3-25 illustrate one
The descent stage consists of four
internal arrangement for the transit/surface
subsystems: a basic structure to which all
habitat that was investigated for feasibility
other elements (including payload) are
and cost purposes.
attached, a parachute system to assist in
The Mars transit/surface habitat will slowing the stage, a propulsion system to
contain the required consumables for the slow the stage prior to landing, and a surface
Mars transit and surface duration of mobility system.
approximately 800 days (approximately 180
The use of parachutes has been assumed
days for transit and approximately 600 days
to help reduce the descent vehicle’s speed
on the surface) as well as all the required
after the aeroshell has ceased to be effective
systems for the crew during the 180-day
and prior to the final propulsive maneuver
transfer trip. Table 3-13 provides a breakdown
(Figure 3-27). Sufficient atmosphere is present
of the estimated masses for this particular
for parachutes to be more effective than an
equivalent mass of propellant.
Once on the surface of Mars, this transit/
surface habitat will be physically connected
with the previously landed surface laboratory,

Figure 3-23 The crew exercise facility component of the countermeasures
system designed to inhibit crew degradation from exposure to reduced gravity

Figure 3-24 EVA suit storage locations are critical in a robust crew safety system.

Figure 3-25 Conceptual Mars habitation module - wardroom design.

Table 3-13 Mars Transit/Surface Habitat Element

Subsystem Consumables Dry Mass

Mass Subtotal Subtotal
(tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)

Physical/chemical life support 6.00 3.00 3.00

Plant growth 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crew accommodations 22.50 17.50 5.00
Health care 2.50 0.50 2.00
Structures 10.00 0.00 10.00
EVA 4.00 3.00 1.00
Electrical power distribution 0.50 0.00 0.50
Communications and information 1.50 0.00 1.50
Thermal control 2.00 0.00 2.00
Power generation 0.00 0.00 0.00
Attitude control 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spares/growth/margin 3.50 0.00 3.50
Radiation shielding 0.00 0.00 0.00
Science 0.90 0.00 0.90
Crew 0.50 0.50 0.00

Total estimate 53.90 24.50 29.40

The propulsion system employs four previously landed pressurized rover. Figure
RL10-class engines modified to burn LOX/ 3-28 illustrates one possible configuration for
CH4 to perform the post-aerocapture this lander with its mobility system.
circularization burn and to perform the final
The descent lander is capable of placing
approximately 500 meters per second of
approximately 65 tonnes of cargo on the
descent velocity change prior to landing on
surface. The dry mass of this lander is
the surface.
approximately 4.7 tonnes, and it can carry
Once on the surface, the lander can move approximately 30 tonnes of propellant to be
limited distances to compensate for landing used for orbital maneuvers and for the final
dispersion errors and to move surface descent maneuver.
elements into closer proximity. This allows,
for example, the surface laboratory to be Mars Ascent Vehicle
connected to the transit/surface habitats. When the surface mission has been
Mobility system power is provided by on- completed, the crew must rendezvous with
board regenerative fuel cells and from the the orbiting ERV. This phase of the mission is

Figure 3-26 Habitat and surface laboratory joined on Mars surface.
Figure 3-27 Mars surface lander descending on parachutes.
Figure 3-28 Mars surface lander just prior to landing illustrating landing legs and
surface mobility system.

accomplished by the MAV which consists of rendezvous has been completed and all crew,
an ascent propulsion system and the crew equipment, and samples have been
ascent capsule. transferred to the ERV, the MAV is jettisoned
and remains in orbit around Mars.
The MAV is delivered to the Mars surface
atop a cargo descent stage (Figure 3-29 The MAV is depicted in Figure 3-31
illustrates the MAV inside the biconic showing basic dimensions for the vehicle. The
aeroshell and deployed on the surface). The ascent propulsion system will require
ascent propulsion system is delivered with its approximately 26 tonnes of propellant to
propellant tanks empty. However, the same accomplish the nearly 5,600 meters per
descent stage also delivers a nuclear power second of velocity change required for a
source, a propellant manufacturing plant single-stage ascent to orbit and rendezvous
(both discussed in later sections), and several with the previously deployed ERV. The
tanks of hydrogen to be used as feedstock for structure and tankage needed for this
making the required ascent propellant. This propellant and the other attached hardware
approach was chosen because the mass of the elements have a mass of 2.6 tonnes, including
power source, manufacturing plant, and seed the mass of the engines but not the crew
hydrogen is less than the mass of the capsule. The ascent propulsion system uses
propellant required by the ascent stage to two RL10-class engines modified to burn
reach orbit (Stancati, et al., 1979; Jacobs, et al., LOX/CH4. These engines perform with an
1991; Zubrin, et al., 1991). Not carrying this average specific impulse of 379 seconds
propellant from Earth gave the Reference throughout the MAV flight regime.
Mission the flexibility to send more surface
The ascent crew capsule has a maximum
equipment to Mars or to use smaller launch
diameter of 4 meters, a maximum height of
vehicles or some combination of the two
2.5 meters, and a mass of 2.8 tonnes. This
capsule contains the basic crew life support
The crew rides into orbit in the crew systems and all guidance and navigation
ascent capsule (Figure 3-30). This pressurized equipment for the rendezvous with the ERV.
vehicle can accommodate the crew of six,
their EVA suits, and the samples gathered Earth-Return Vehicle
during the expedition and from experiments Returning the crew from Mars orbit to
conducted in the surface habitat/laboratory. Earth is accomplished by the ERV which is
Life support systems are designed for the composed of the TEI stage, the Earth-return
relatively short flight to the waiting ERV. This transit habitat, and the ECCV. The ERV is
ascent capsule does not have a heat shield, as delivered to Mars orbit with the TEI stage
it is not intended for reentering the fully fueled, and it loiters there for nearly 4
atmosphere of Earth or Mars. Once the years before being used by the crew returning

Figure 3-29 Mars surface lander and biconic aeroshell.

Figure 3-30 Crew ascent capsule just after launch from Mars surface.

9 (m) 4 (m)

One center (core)

3.6 (m) dia spherical
LO2 tanks

One center (core)

3.3 (m) dia spherical
LOH4 tanks

6 (m)

Figure 3-31 Methane/LOX ascent stage configuration.

to Earth. For the return to Earth, the crew will stage, and liquid oxygen/liquid methane
jettison the MAV and wait for the appropriate with the same engine used by the lander and
departure time to leave the parking orbit. the MAV. With the 4-year loiter time in Mars
During the 180-day return trip, the crew will orbit, propellant boiloff was the major design
recondition themselves as much as possible consideration. Liquid hydrogen would
for the return to an Earth gravity require active refrigeration for this extended
environment, train for those procedures they period in orbit to avoid excessive boiloff
will use during the entry phase, perform losses. Liquid oxygen/liquid methane boiloff
science experiments and maintenance tasks, losses could be held to acceptable levels using
and prepare reports. As they approach Earth, passive insulation and appropriate
the crew will transfer to the ECCV, along with orientation of the vehicle while in Mars orbit
the samples they are returning, and separate (to minimize radiative heat input from Mars,
from the remainder of the ERV. The TEI stage the largest source). The 30 kWe solar power
and the transit habitat will fly by Earth and system (used primarily for powering the ERV
continue on into deep space. The crew in the on the return to Earth) is also on board and
ECCV will deflect their trajectory slightly so could be used for active cooling of these
that they reenter the Earth’s atmosphere and propellants. Based primarily on this trade-off,
land on the surface. liquid oxygen and liquid methane were
chosen as the TEI stage propellants.
The propulsion system for the ERV is
sized for the velocity change needed to move With this selection, the TEI propulsion
the Earth return habitat and the ECCV from system uses two RL10-class engines modified
the highly elliptical parking orbit at Mars to to burn LOX/CH4. Again, these are the same
the fast-transit return trajectory to Earth. As engines developed for the ascent and descent
with the TMI stage, the energetically stages, thereby reducing engine development
demanding 2011 return trajectory was used to costs and improving maintainability. To
size this system for a 180-day return; less achieve the velocity change for the 2011 fast-
energetically demanding returns could be transit return requires approximately 52
accomplished faster or with larger return tonnes of liquid oxygen and liquid methane.
payloads. The remainder of the TEI propulsion system,
including tanks, structure, engines, and
Several propellant and engine
reaction control systems, has a dry mass of
combinations were considered by the Mars
approximately 5.2 tonnes.
Study Team for the TEI propulsion system.
The two options given the most consideration The return habitat is a duplicate of the
were liquid hydrogen with a NERVA outbound transit/surface habitat used to go
derivative engine comparable to the TMI to Mars but without the stores of consumables

in the surface habitat. As with the surface Interplanetary Transportation Power
habitats, the primary structure of this habitat Systems
consists of a cylinder 7.5 meters in diameter A source of power will be required for all
and 4.6 meters long with two elliptical end of the interplanetary transportation systems
caps (overall length of 7.5 meters). The during the flight times to and, in the case of
internal volume will be divided into two the ERV, from Mars. While several alternatives
levels, oriented so that each “floor” will be a are available as a primary source of power for
cylinder 7.5 meters in diameter and these vehicles, solar energy is readily
approximately 3 meters in height. The available throughout these transit phases and
primary and secondary structure, windows, photovoltaic energy is a known technology.
hatches, docking mechanisms, power Thus, a basic photovoltaic power capability is
distribution systems, life support, assumed for those vehicles that are operating
environmental control, safety features, in interplanetary space. A source of stored
stowage, waste management, power will also be needed for the
communications, airlock function and crew interplanetary vehicles during periods of
egress routes will be identical to the other eclipse and of array retraction prior to capture
habitation elements. Table 3-14 details the into Mars orbit, and for vehicles not typically
mass estimate for this habitat module. operating in interplanetary space (such as the
The ECCV is similar in concept to the Mars surface lander, the MAV, and the ECCV).
Apollo Command Module and is eventually During the eclipse periods and for the other
used by the crew to enter the Earth’s vehicles, a regenerative fuel cell (RFC) system
atmosphere and deliver the crew to a safe will be used to provide necessary power.
landing on land. The ECCV will have the The most significant power requirements
necessary heat shield for Earth reentry and for the interplanetary transportation system
will be heavier than the ascent capsule come from the transit/surface habitat and the
specialized only for that portion of the ERV. Table 3-15 shows the estimated power
mission. This vehicle has all of the life requirements to support the six-person crew
support, guidance and navigation, and for both nominal and powerdown emergency
propulsion systems to keep the crew alive for mode. The life support system is a major
several days and to maneuver the vehicle into constituent of the almost 30 kWe needed for
the proper entry trajectory. Once the reentry these two vehicles under nominal conditions.
phase has been completed, the ECCV will use The life support system is based on a partially
a steerable parafoil to land at a designated closed air and water system design that per-
location on the surface (Figure 3-32). The forms CO2 reduction, O2 and N2 generation,
ECCV has an estimated mass of 5.5 tonnes. urine processing, and water processing
(potable and hygiene). The emergency mode

Figure 3-32 ECCV returning to Earth on a steerable parafoil.

Table 3-14 Earth-Return Habitat Element Mass Breakdown

Subsystem Consumables Dry Mass

Mass Subtotal Subtotal
(tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)

Physical/chemical life support 6.00 3.00 3.00

Plant growth 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crew accommodations 22.50 17.50 5.00
Health care 2.50 0.50 2.00
Structures 10.00 0.00 10.00
EVA 4.00 3.00 1.00
Electrical power distribution 0.50 0.00 0.50
Communications and information 1.50 0.00 1.50
Thermal control 2.00 0.00 2.00
Power generation 0.00 0.00 0.00
Attitude control 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spares/growth/margin 3.50 0.00 3.50
Radiation shielding 0.00 0.00 0.00
Science 0.90 0.00 0.90
Crew 0.50 0.50 0.00

Total estimate 53.90 24.50 29.40

value is based on the life support system outbound transit/surface habitat can be
operating in an open loop mode with safely powered down to 20 kWe during these
reductions in noncritical operations. mission phases to save RFC mass and
volume, and that the RFC and solar array will
The solar array as it would appear on the
remain with the transit/surface habitat to be
ERV (Figure 3-33) is designed to produce the
used on the surface as a backup system.
required 30 kWe in Mars orbit at the worst-
case distance from the Sun, 1.67 AU. The Based on the size of the energy storage
energy storage system is sized to provide system, eclipse power requirement, and
power before and after Mars orbit capture as available power from the array, it will take
well as during attitude control, array seven orbits of Mars to fully charge the RFC.
retraction, orbit capture, array extension The RFC delivers power when the solar array
maneuvers, and orbit eclipse. A nominal is retracted during entry, descent, and landing
power profile for these activities is shown in of the transit/surface habitat. The RFC can
Figure 3-34. It is currently assumed that the also deliver 20 kWe for 24 hours after landing,

Table 3-15 Estimated Power Profile for Outbound and Return Transits

Element Mode Notes

Nominal Emergency
Life Support System (LSS) 12.00 8.00 Open Loop in Emergency
Thermal Contract System (TCS) 2.20 2.20 Mode
Galley 1.00 0.50 Emergency values
Logistic Module 1.80 1.80 Derated from nominal where
Airlock 0.60 0.10 appropriate
Communications 0.50 0.50
Personal Quarters 0.40 0.00
Command Center 0.50 0.50 Values adapted from NAS8-
Health Maintenance Facility (HMF) 1.70 0.00 37126, “Manned Mars System
Data Management System 1.90 0.80 Study
Audio/Video 0.40 0.10
Lab 0.70 0.00
Hygiene 0.70 0.00
SC/Utility Power 5.00 5.00
Total 29.40 19.50

and it will be the prime power source for the Utility Power” in Table 3-15) is estimated at 5
transit/surface habitat and crew until the kWe. This value is assumed as the power
habitat is moved to its final location and requirement for the unmanned cargo-only
connected to the main power grid. The RFC vehicles during the outbound transit.
could also provide power for moving the
Tables 3-16 and 3-17 show the mass
habitat from the landing site to its final
estimates for the two power systems
emplacement location, assuming no solar
discussed: the 30 kWe system used for the
array deployment.
habitats and the 5 kWe system used for the
A duplicate of the solar array and RFC cargo flights. Both tables show the resulting
system will be used on the ERV, saving system characteristics if the RFCs must be
development costs for a unique system. All recharged over the course of one orbit versus
other spacecraft discussed will use a subset of recharging them over seven orbits. The
the RFC system (assumed to be modular or at savings in mass, volume, and array area are
least manufactured in smaller units) used in obvious and support the choice to stay in
the transit/surface habitat. The base power orbit for a longer period of time.
load for vehicle avionics, communications,
and the propulsion system (noted as “S/C

Figure 3-33 Solar array power source for interplanetary spacecraft.

Max. orbit eclipse, 4.2 hr Descent (2hr)

Power Level (kWe)

1st Sol 2nd Sol 6th Sol 7th Sol

Transit from Earth Orbit 10 hr
to Mars Orbit


10.6 hr 10.6 hr
180 days

0 8 hr MO

NOTES: Solar arrays

Time axis was not drawn to scale
MO = Mars Orbit, period is 1 sol (Martian day = 25 hrs) Batteries or RFC
AD = Array Deployment (4 hr)
AR = Array Retraction (4 hr) Solar arrays and batteries

Figure 3-34 Nominal power profile for the transit/surface habitat.

3.6.4 Surface Systems autonomy and require support from the flight
The surface systems assembled to crew or Earth-based supervisors only in
support the long-duration science and extreme situations where built-in capabilities
exploration activities of the Reference Mission cannot cope.
consist of six major systems: a surface Surface Habitat/Laboratory
laboratory and habitat module, a
bioregenerative life support system, ISRU The primary function of the Mars surface
equipment, surface mobility systems (rovers), habitat/laboratory is to support the scientific
extravehicular mobility systems (EVA suits or and research activities of the surface crews.
space suits), and power systems. All of these The same structural cylinder (7.5 meters in
systems, with the possible exception of the diameter, bi-level, and vertically oriented)
EVA suits, are sent to Mars, landed on the used for the other habitat elements was used
surface, deployed, and determined to be here, but it is more specialized for the
functioning before departure of the flight research activities. It will operate only in 3/8
crew. This requires that each system be gravity.
developed with a high degree of built-in

Table 3-16 30 kWe Power System With Fuel Cells and Solar Arrays

Power 1-Orbit 7-Orbit

System Type Recharge Recharge

Mass Volume Array Area Mass Array Area

Volume (m3)
(kg) (m3) (m2) (kg) (m2)

Fuel Cell 1481 0.194 N/A 1102 3.83 N/A

Radiator 259 3.260 47 190 1.5 35
Array 2971 N/A 918 1682 N/A 520

Total 4711 3.454 965 2974 5.38 555

Table 3-17 5 kWe Power System With Fuel Cells and Solar Arrays

Power 1-Orbit 7-Orbit

System Type Recharge Recharge

Mass Volume Array Area Mass Array Area

Volume (m3)
(kg) (m3) (m2) (kg) (m2)

Fuel Cell 398 9.498 N/A 347 0.456 N/A

Radiator 76 0.971 14 49 0.653 9
Array 795 N/A 246 431 N/A 138

Total 1269 1.469 260 827 1.109 147

This surface habitat/laboratory will be extended periods of time in the habitat/
one of the first elements landed on the surface laboratory. The primary airlock for EVA
of Mars. Once moved to a suitable location activities will be located in this module (with
(should the actual landing site prove backup capability in one of the other habitat
unsuitable or to accommodate other modules) with an EVA suit maintenance and
operational needs), this facility will be charging station located near the airlock.
connected to the surface power systems and Table 3-18 details the estimated mass for this
all internal subsystems will be activated. Only module.
after these internal subsystems and other
landed surface systems have been verified to Life Support System
be operating satisfactorily will the first crew An important reason for sending humans
be launched from Earth. to live on and explore Mars is to determine
The surface habitat/laboratory contains a whether human life is capable of surviving
large stowage area on the first level and the and working productively there. The life
second level is devoted entirely to the support system (LSS) for a Mars surface
primary science and research laboratory. The mission will be an integral part of the mission
stowage area will initially contain architecture, and must be viewed in terms of
nonperishable consumables that can be sent its requirements to maintain the health and
to the surface prior to the arrival of the first safety of the crew and its capability to
crew. As these consumables are used, this minimize the dependence of a Mars outpost
space will become available for other uses— on materials supplied from Earth. Proving
likely to be plant growth and greenhouse- that human, and by extension animal and
type experiments. The other subsystems of plant, life can inhabit another world and
this module, such as the primary and become self-sufficient and productive will be
secondary structure, windows, hatches, a major objective of this LSS.
docking mechanisms, power distribution Four options were examined for use as
systems, life support, environmental control, the LSS for the Mars surface facilities: open
safety features, stowage, waste management, loop, physical/chemical, bioregenerative, and
communications, airlock function, and crew cached stocks of consumable materials.
egress routes, will be identical to the other
•The open loop option is the simplest to
habitats with a few exceptions. No crew
implement but typically the most expensive
quarters or accommodations will be included
in terms of the mass required. For this option,
in this module except for a minimal galley
life support materials are constantly
and minimal waste management facility.
replenished from stored supplies as they are
However, the life support subsystem will be
used (for example, as air is breathed by the
capable of supporting the entire crew should
crew, it is dumped overboard and replaced
it become necessary for the crew to spend

Table 3-18 Mars Surface Habitat/Laboratory Mass Breakdown

Subsystem Consumables Dry Mass

Subsystem Mass Subtotal Subtotal
(tonnes) (tonnes) (tonnes)

Physical/chemical life support 4.00 2.00 2.00

Plant growth 3.00 1.00 2.00
Crew accommodations 7.50 7.50 0.00
Health care 0.00 0.00 0.00
Structures 10.00 0.00 10.00
EVA 1.50 1.00 0.50
Electrical power distribution 0.50 0.00 0.50
Communications and information 1.50 0.00 1.50
Thermal control 2.00 0.00 2.00
Power generation 0.00 0.00 0.00
Attitude control 0.00 0.00 0.00
Spares/growth/margin 5.50 0.00 5.00
Radiation shielding 0.00 0.00 0.00
Science 3.00 Uncertain 3.00
Crew 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total estimate 38.50 11.50 27.00

with “new” air). While not seriously

considered, this option was carried for Life Support System, although it is often
comparison purposes. described colloquially as a “greenhouse
•The physical/chemical option is typical
of the systems used in current spacecraft •The cached stocks option makes use of
and relies on a combination of physical the ISRU equipment already in place for
processes and chemical reactions to manufacturing propellants to also make
scrub impurities from the air and water. usable air and water for the crew. Trace
amounts of the constituents of usable air
•The bioregenerative option uses higher
and water will be by-products (in fact
plant life species to provide food,
impurities that must be removed) of the
revitalize air, and purify water. This type
propellant manufacturing process.
of approach is technically embodied in
Capturing and storing these impurities
the concept of a Controlled Ecological
as well as oversizing some of the

production processes can allow the crew stay. A physical/chemical system was chosen
to at least augment other elements of the due to the mature nature of the technology.
LSS. Thus, the first habitat and the surface
laboratory constitute the primary and first
Combinations and hybrids of these
backup (although not strictly a functional but
options are also possible and were also
rather a redundant backup) for the crew life
examined for this report. Using a combination
of systems or a hybrid system would provide
more levels of functional redundancy and It is highly desirable for the second
thus provide an attractive option for backup to use indigenous resources so that
enhancing the viability of the Mars surface the backup life support objective and the live
facilities as a safe haven. Figure 3-35 off the land objective are both met. Table 3-19
illustrates a hybrid system using physical/ compares the various options for the
chemical and bioregenerative elements. combined LSSs with an open system. Each of
these options was sized for a crew of six
In this example, certain life support
spending 600 days on the martian surface.
functions, such as CO2 reduction and water
purification, can be shared by both elements, Because of the life-critical nature of the
while other functions, such as fresh food propellant manufacturing facility and the
production, can only come from the high level of reliability that must be designed
greenhouse. As an integrated system, neither into this system, the cached stocks option was
element needs to provide 100 percent of the chosen as the second backup. However,
full life support demand on a continuous demonstrating the capability to produce
basis. Both elements however, should be foodstuffs and revitalize air and water using
capable of being periodically throttled to bioregenerative processes is considered a
satisfy from 0 percent to 100 percent of the mission-critical objective for the Reference
LSS load. Mission. For that reason, an experimental
bioregenerative life support system capable of
The Reference Mission adopted the
producing a small amount of food is included
philosophy that life-critical systems (those
as a science payload to be delivered for use by
systems absolutely essential to ensure the
the second crew.
crew’s survival) should have two backup
levels of functional redundancy. That is, if the Several options exist for the location of
first two levels fail, the crew will not be in the experimental bioregenerative LSS. One is
jeopardy, but will not be able to complete all to use the storage space in the surface
mission objectives. As previously discussed, habitat/laboratory that will become available
each habitat is equipped with a physical/ as consumables are used. This is the simplest
chemical LSS capable of providing for the to implement but would require artificial
entire crew for the duration of their surface lighting and would be restricted to the









Figure 3-35 Hybrid LSS process distribution.

Table 3-19 LSS Mass, Volume, Power Comparison.

Functional Mass Volume Maximum ∆

Architecture Redundant (mt) (m^3) Power Over
Levels Open Loop (kW)

Open Loop 1 180 290 0

Physical/Chemical with Cached

2 60 470 7

Bioregenerative with Cached

2 60 410 60

Hybrid Physical/Chemical and

Bioregenerative with Cached 3 80 600 60

volume available in the storage area. Two first follow-up mission. Each ISRU plant will
other options involve attaching an external produce propellants for at least two MAV
pressurized structure to one of the habitat missions. However, only the first plant is
modules. One external option would use a required to produce life support caches.
hard opaque structure for the external shell
For each MAV mission, a plant is
and would also require artificial lighting. The
required to produce 20 tonnes of oxygen and
other external option would use an inflatable
methane propellants at a 3.5 to 1 ratio: Each
transparent structure for the external shell.
plant must produce 5.8 tonnes of methane
Natural sunlight would be used to illuminate
and 20.2 tonnes of oxygen. Further, the first
the plants which would reduce the power
ISRU system is required to produce 23.2
needed by the system; however, the potential
tonnes of water, 4.5 tonnes of breathing
risk of a puncture due to natural or human-
oxygen, and 3.9 tonnes of nitrogen/argon
derived events would be increased.
inert buffer gasses for use by any of the three
In either external scheme, the greenhouse Mars crews. The system liquefies and stores
atmospheric volumes would normally all of these materials as redundant life
communicate directly with the atmospheric support reserves or for later use by the MAV.
volume of the habitat without further
The approach to ISRU production uses
processing, but could be sealed off in
the martian atmosphere for feedstock and
contingencies. The greenhouse(s) could be
imports hydrogen from Earth. The main
erected or inflated at the convenience of the
processes used are common to both ISRU
crew. The loss of a greenhouse module for
plants. The significant difference between the
any reason, such as puncture, mechanical or
two is that the second plant is smaller and
electrical failure, or loss of shielding integrity,
excludes equipment for buffer gas extraction.
would not seriously impact overall mission
Should sources of indigenous and readily
available water be found, this system could be
simplified. In Situ Resource Utilization

ISRU for the Reference Mission provides Processes

two basic resources: propellants for the MAV
The Mars atmosphere, which is used as a
and cached reserves for the LSSs. Using
feedstock resource, is composed primarily of
indigenous resources to satisfy these needs
carbon dioxide with just over 3 percent
instead of transporting resources from Earth
nitrogen and argon. The ISRU plants must be
reduces launch mass and thus mission cost.
capable of converting the carbon dioxide to
ISRU production for the Reference Mission
methane, oxygen, and water. Since hydrogen
includes two virtually redundant ISRU plants,
is not substantially present in the atmosphere
the first delivered before the initial piloted
in gaseous form and indigenous sources of
mission and the second delivered prior to the

water are uncertain, hydrogen must be Water electrolysis is well known and has
imported from Earth. The first plant must also been used for numerous terrestrial
be capable of extracting the nitrogen and applications for many years. The combined
argon for buffer gas reserves. The reference Sabatier and electrolysis processes generate
ISRU system uses Sabatier, water electrolysis, oxygen and methane for use as propellants at
carbon dioxide electrolysis, and buffer gas a mass ratio of 2:1. In this combined process
absorption processes to achieve these ends. case, the hydrogen is recycled into the
Sabatier process so that 0.25 tonnes of
•Methane production - The Sabatier
hydrogen are needed for each tonne of
reaction was discovered by French
methane. The engines selected for the
chemist P. Sabatier in the nineteenth
Reference Mission use oxygen and methane at
century and is one of the most often
a mass ratio of 3.5 to 1. Therefore, an
cited for ISRU on Mars (Sullivan, et al.,
additional source of oxygen is needed to
1995). The reaction converts carbon to
avoid overproduction of methane.
methane and water by reacting it with
imported hydrogen at elevated The carbon dioxide electrolysis process is
temperatures. This process is also used in the Reference Mission to provide the
commonly used in closed physical/ needed additional oxygen. The process
chemical LSSs for reduction of metabolic converts the atmospheric carbon dioxide
carbon dioxide. It results in a water to directly into oxygen and carbon monoxide
methane mass ratio of 2.25:1 and using zirconia cells at high temperature. The
requires 0.5 tonnes of hydrogen for each zirconia cell system is not as well developed
tonne of methane produced. The as the Sabatier process but is under
resultant methane is stored cryogenically development (Sridhar, et al., 1991; Ramohalli,
as fuel. The water can either be used et al., 1989; and Colvin, et al., 1991). This
directly as cached life support reserves process eliminates the overproduction of
or can be broken down into oxygen and methane during propellant production except
hydrogen to be recycled. during the first mission when the Sabatier-
produced water is also needed.
•Oxygen production - Oxygen production
is accomplished with two different The two strong alternatives to carbon
processes. The Reference Mission uses dioxide electrolysis—methane pyrolysis and
both water electrolysis to produce reverse water gas shift—were not studied in-
oxygen from water produced in the depth for the Reference Mission report, but
plant and carbon dioxide electrolysis to they should be considered seriously in further
directly convert the Mars atmosphere to studies of manned Mars missions.

•Buffer gas extraction - The buffer gas Initial ISRU Plant
extraction process has not been
The first ISRU plant is delivered to Mars
examined in detail during this study. It
over a year prior to the first departure of
will most likely be a nitrogen and argon
humans from Earth, and during that year the
absorption process in which compressed
plant produces all the propellants and life
atmosphere is passed over a bed of
support caches that will be needed. Thus,
material which absorbs the nitrogen and
humans do not even leave Earth until
argon. The gases are then released by
reserves and return propellants are available.
heating the bed and the products are
This plant also produces propellants for the
passed on to the cooling and storage
MAV mission of the third crew in the overall
system. Parallel chambers are used so
Reference Mission scenario.
that one bed is absorbing in the presence
of atmosphere while the other is A schematic of this initial plant is shown
releasing its captured gases. in Figure 3-36. The plant integrates all the
processes needed for both propellant and life
•Ancillary Systems - Systems for
support products. The water electrolyzer is
atmosphere intake, product liquefaction,
not used in the plant during the first period of
and product storage and transfer will be
operation. Because of the total mass of the
needed. These systems have not been
water cache, all of the water produced by the
detailed for the Reference Mission at this
Sabatier reactor is stored and the carbon
stage of study but their necessary
dioxide electrolysis reactor is responsible for
functions can be described. The filter
producing all the oxygen needed. In addition,
and compressor equipment cleans the
over 10 tonnes of excess methane are
martian atmosphere of dust and
produced as a by-product of the water
compresses it to a pressure usable by the
production process for the LSS cache.
rest of the ISRU plant. Product
liquefaction must include cryogenic When the plant is operated for the third
liquefaction of oxygen, methane and MAV launch propellants, the water
nitrogen as well as condensation of the electrolyzer is brought on-line. Instead of
water stored as cached reserves. Storage being condensed, the water from the Sabatier
systems will include cryogenic tanks for reactor is split by the electrolyzer into
cached oxygen and buffer gasses. An hydrogen (which is recycled to the Sabatier
expandable bladder-type tank is reactor) and oxygen (which is liquefied and
anticipated for cached water. Propellant sent to the MAV tanks). For this operation of
storage will be accomplished in the MAV the plant, no methane overproduction is
tanks and so is not considered part of the needed.
ISRU system.

Buffer Gas Extraction

Filter/ Mars O2(trace)

Compressor Atmosphere H2O (trace)


CO2 Electrolysis H2 Water Electrolysis

Vent NC

Buffer Gas
Sabatier NC
Cryo Cooler

CH4 CH4 H20

First Second
Stage Stage


Buffer gas
storage cache Cryo Cooler Breathing Water Storage
O2 Storage Cache
O2 O2

Figure 3-36 Schematic of the first ISRU plant.

The size of the ISRU plant has only been Second ISRU Plant
estimated parametrically. These estimates are
The second ISRU plant is delivered at
based on some previous work on the options
essentially the same time as the arrival of the
for ISRU and on the rates needed to produce
first crew on Mars. This allows time for
requisite materials over a 15-month period.
propellant production prior to the Earth
The mass and power requirements for this
departure of the second crew. The second
plant are given in Table 3-20. The power
plant is only charged with production of
requirements represent those of the plant’s
propellants since, the life support reserves are
initial period of operation.
presumably still present.

Table 3-20 Mass and Power Estimates for the First ISRU Plant

Plant Component Production Rate Component Mass Component Power

(per day) (kg) (kWe)

Compressor 269.7 kg 716 4.09

CO2 Electrolysis 53.2 kg 2128 63.31

Sabatier 22.9 kg 504 1.15

H2O Electrolysis 27.8 kg 778 0.00

Buffer Gas Extraction 8.7 kg 23 0.13

Cryogenic Coolers 84.8 kg 653 3.59

The plant schematic is essentially the provided for basic maintenance and
same as that shown in Figure 3-36. The operations activities as well as for exploration
second plant does not include the buffer gas of the surface. Prior to the first crew’s arrival
extraction, liquefaction, and storage and during all subsequent periods whether a
equipment or the water condensation and crew is present or not, exploration at short
storage equipment. Further, the size of the and long ranges will be performed by
reactors is reduced because of the lower automated rovers. Surface facility setup
production rates needed. Table 3-21 shows the activities will require rovers acting under the
estimated mass and power requirements for supervision of Earth-based operators.
this plant. Plant operations are the same as Maintenance and operations by the surface
those of the first plant during its second crews can be more productive with the
period: All Sabatier-produced water is availability of mobile utility systems. And
electrolyzed, and the extra oxygen needed is finally, long-range, long-duration exploration
produced by the carbon dioxide electrolyzer. by the surface crews will be possible only
with the use of pressurized, autonomous Surface Mobility rovers.
Mobility on a local scale and regional The Reference Mission identifies three
scale will be required during all phases of the classes of mobility systems, based on the time
surface exploration of the Reference Mission. and distance to be spent away from the
The basic objectives for the Reference Mission surface habitats.
require that a variety of mobility systems be

Table 3-21 Mass and Power Estimates for the Second ISRU Plant

Plant Component Production Rate Component Mass Component Power

(per day) (kg) (kWe)
Compressor 87.8 kg atm 233 1.33

CO2 Electrolysis 18.5 kg O2 740 22.00

Sabatier 12.4 kg CH4 272 0.62

H2O Electrolysis 27.8 kg H2O 778 5.79

Cryogenic Coolers 30.8 kg 238 2.3

•Immediate vicinity of the surface base distance will be determined by their

facilities: hundreds of meters and the 6- capability to walk back to the outpost within
to 8-hour limit of the EVA portable LSS the time set by the recharge limits of the
portable LSS. During these activities, the EVA
•Local vicinity of the surface base facility:
crew will have a variety of tools, including
several kilometers and the 6- to 8-hour
rovers, carts, and wagons, available for use.
limit of the EVA portable LSS
For distances perhaps beyond a kilometer
•Regional distances: a radius of up to 500
from the habitats but less than 10 kilometers
km in exploration sorties that allow 10
distant, exploration will be assisted by
workdays to be spent at a particular
unpressurized self-propelled rovers. This
remote site, and with a transit speed
rover is functionally the same as the Lunar
such that less than half of the excursion
Rover Vehicle used in the Apollo Program
time is used for travel (for example, for
and is meant to assist the EVA crews by
10 workdays, no more than 5 days to
transporting them and their equipment over
reach the site and 5 days to return).
relatively short distances. Figure 3-37
These divisions resulted in three basic illustrates one concept for this rover (partially
rover types and a number of other mobility hidden behind one of the teleoperated long-
systems to support the kinds of activities at range rovers) with a gabled radiator above
these ranges and for these amounts of time. the aft end. This rover is driven by six cone-
On the local scale, any time the crew is shaped wheels and has an estimated mass of
outside of the habitat(s) they will be in EVA 4.4 tonnes. Three of these vehicles will be part
suits and will be able to operate at some of the cargo carried to the surface for use in
distance from the habitat. The maximum and around the surface facilities.

On the regional scale, beyond the safe this rover is the power system. The choice of
range for exploration on foot or in the specific power system is discussed in a
unpressurized rovers, crews will explore in later section. However, this system will be
pressurized rovers, allowing them to operate mounted on a separate trailer to be towed by
for the most part in a shirtsleeve the rover whenever it is in operation. At times
environment. Figure 3-38 illustrates one when the rover is dormant, the power trailer
possible concept for this rover. The rover is can be used for other purposes, including its
assumed to have a nominal crew of two use as a backup power source for any of the
people, but can carry four in an emergency. surface facilities. Two pressurized rovers will
Normally, the rover would be maneuvered be carried to the surface. This allows for
and EVAs would be conducted only during redundancy in this function, including the
daylight hours, but sufficient power will be possibility of rescuing the crew from a
available to conduct selected investigations at disabled rover located at a distance from the
night. Crew accommodations inside the rover habitats. Each rover is driven by four cone-
will be relatively simple: a drive station, a shaped wheels and is estimated to have a
work station, hygiene facilities, a galley, and mass of 16.5 tonnes.
sleep facilities. An airlock on this rover will be
Exploration at a regional scale will also
capable of allowing not only surface access
be undertaken by small teleoperated rovers.
for an EVA crew, but also direct connection to
The foreground of Figure 3-38 illustrates one
the habitat, thus precluding the need for an
possible concept for this rover. The main
EVA to transfer either to or from the rover.
purpose for these rovers is to explore the
Each day on an excursion away from the
martian surface at long distances, hundreds to
main surface facilities, the rover has the
thousands of kilometers, from the habitats.
capability of supporting up to 16 person-
The activities carried out by this type of rover
hours of EVAs. Facilities for recharging the
will be to conduct scientific investigations,
portable LSSs and for making minor repairs
collect and return samples to the habitats, and
to the EVA suits are also included. The work
scout possible locations for human crews to
station will be used, in part, to operate two
investigate in more detail. Three of these
mechanical arms that can be used to
rovers will be delivered as part of the first
manipulate objects outside the rover without
cargo mission and will be supervised from
leaving the pressurized environment. These
Earth during the time between landing and
arms, along with other mobility subsystems,
the arrival of the first crew. Determining sites
can also be operated remotely by Earth-based
for the crews to investigate and safe routes to
personnel. This feature is required to allow
the sites will be the primary activity before
many of the deployment, setup, and
the first crew arrives and during those
monitoring activities to be carried out prior to
periods when no crew is at the surface base.
the arrival of the first crew. A final feature of
When a crew is on the martian surface, these

Figure 3-37 Concepts for the unpressurized and automated surface rovers.

Figure 3-38 Concept for the large pressurized surface rover.

rovers will be available for teleoperation by allow the crew to safely exit and enter the
the crews. Focused exploration, sample pressurized habitats.
collection, and scientific measurements will
The EVA system will have the critical
be the main tasks for these rovers while under
functional elements of a pressure shell,
the control of the surface crew, who will be
atmospheric and thermal control,
able to operate these rovers from the
communications, monitoring and display, and
shirtsleeve environment of the surface
nourishment and hygiene. Balancing the
habitat/laboratory. Each rover is estimated to
desire for high mobility and dexterity against
have a mass of 440 kilograms.
accumulated risk to the explorer will be a
This range of mobility systems will allow major design requirement on a Mars EVA
exploration activities to be carried out system. Lightweight and ease of maintenance
continuously once the first cargo mission has will also contribute to the design. Specific
delivered its payload to the martian surface. concepts for an EVA suit that will satisfy these
The variety of range requirements and surface requirements were not investigated in this
activities leads to a suite of mobility systems study. Further effort will be required to
that have overlapping capabilities. translate these general needs into specific
requirements and an actual implementation. EVA Systems
The airlock system, although integral
The ability for individual crew members with the habitation system, was developed as
to move around and conduct useful tasks an independent element capable of being
outside the pressurized habitats will be a “plugged” or relocated as the mission
necessary capability for the Reference requires. Because EVA will be a substantial
Mission. EVA tasks will consist of element of any planetary surface mission, the
constructing and maintaining the surface design and location of the associated airlock
facilities, and conducting a scientific facilities will have a major impact on the
exploration program encompassing geologic internal architecture of each pressurized
field work, sample collection, and element.
deployment, operation, and maintenance of
A conceptual airlock configuration was
instruments. EVA systems provide a primary
prepared (Figure 3-39). In the foreground of
operational element and a critical component
this conceptual design is an airlock sized for
of the crew safety system and must be
two suited crew members. In the rear of the
integrated into the design of a habitation
illustration is a facility for EVA suit
system during the very early stages. Two
maintenance and consumables servicing.
systems will make EVA possible for the crews:
Each habitat will have an airlock located
an EVA suit designed for use in the martian
within it. The maintenance and consumables
environment and an airlock system that will

synergies that would suggest common
hardware (duplicates of the same or similar
design) or multiuse (reuse system in a
different application or location) wherever
prudent, the specific requirements for the
fixed and mobile power sources were
examined individually. Fixed Surface Power Systems

To best determine the type and design of

the fixed power system, an estimated power
profile was developed and is shown in Figure
Figure 3-39 Conceptual airlock and 3-40.
EVA suit maintenance facility.
The power system must be one of the
servicing facility will be located in the surface first elements deployed because it provides
habitat/laboratory. power to produce the life support cache and
ascent vehicle propellants prior to the launch Surface Power Systems of the first crew. Approximately 370 days will
A source of power will be required for a be available to produce the required life
number of diverse systems operating on the support cache and ascent propellant.
surface of Mars. A large fixed power source is However, this will be reduced by the time to
required to support the propellant deploy the power system. With an estimated
manufacturing facility and the surface power system deployment time of 30 to 60
habitats. A mobile source of power is required days, about 320 days remain for producing
to support the three categories of rovers that these products. An initial 60 kWe power level
will move crew and scientific instruments was determined by this required deployment
across the martian surface. Various power time and the energy required to produce the
system options were reviewed for their life support cache and ascent vehicle
appropriateness to meet mission propellants during the time remaining. As the
requirements and guidelines for these surface outpost reaches full maturity, power levels
systems. Contending power system approach 160 kWe due to increased habitation
technologies include solar, nuclear, isotopic, volumes and life support capability.
electrochemical, and chemical for both the Significant design requirements are also
fixed and mobile power source. placed on all the surface equipment delivered
While all surface element power system on the initial cargo flights. Each system must
requirements were assessed for application be deployed to its respective locations and



w 100



1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Years After First Cargo Landing

Figure 3-40 Mars surface power profile.

function autonomously for almost 2 years. The power management, transmission,

Crew safety and well-being demands and distribution system masses (at 95 percent
reliability and robustness in all surface efficiency) have been included in each of the
elements. (Part of this risk is mitigated by system sizing estimates. Transmission cable
backup and redundant systems or systems masses were calculated using 500 volts due to
that can perform multiple functions.) These the Paschen breakdown limit associated with
requirements all impact the design and Mars’ atmospheric pressure. (For a wide
selection of the power system for the central range of conditions, exposed conductors at an
base. electrical potential greater than 500 volts
could experience large power drains due to
To meet the evolutionary power atmospheric discharges.)
requirements of the base, two types of power
systems were evaluated: nuclear and solar. Due to the potential radiation hazard of a
Table 3-22 shows estimated mass, volume, nuclear power source, the nuclear power
and area for each of these options. system is configured with a completely

Table 3-22 Characteristics for Fixed Surface Power System Options

Main Power Type Mass Volume

Area (m2)
System (kWe) (MT) (m3)

NUCLEAR- 14 42
SP-100 type, low-temp, stainless
160 321 radiator area
steel, dynamic conversion, 4-Pi
SOLAR - tracking,
120 19.6 341 6,400 array area
O.D. = 0.4
45,000 field area

SOLAR - nontracking, 33.5 686 13,000 array area

O.D. = 0.4 39,000 field area

SOLAR - tracking, 7,600 array area

Backup 40 14 390
O.D. = 6.0 53,000 field area

SOLAR - nontracking, 26 816 16,000 array area

O.D. = 6.0 48,000 field area

Emergency Use Pressurized Rover Power System (See Table 3-21)

O.D. - optical depth

enveloping shield for remote deployment and mission requirement, but it will not be turned
is integrated with a mobile platform. The on unless required.
entire system is deployed from the landing
The second option, a solar power system,
site (trailing distribution cables) to a site at
requires array panels to supply the main base
least 1 kilometer from the base. It is planned
load and recharge the energy storage for
to use one of the rovers for this task. Power
nighttime operations. The primary 120 kWe
from the rover will be used to start up the
system was sized to produce required power
power system, deploy radiators, and obtain
during winter diurnal cycles at the equator.
operating conditions. All of these activities
The backup habitat power system was
will be supervised remotely by personnel on
designed to operate at worst-case global dust
Earth and will be performed in a manner that
storm conditions, characterized by an optical
will minimize the risk to this critical piece of
depth (O.D.) equal to 6.0, since these
equipment. The first nuclear power system
conditions could be present at the base when
will be capable of delivering the full base
an emergency power situation arose. Under
needs of 160 kWe. A second system is
nominal conditions, these two systems were
delivered during the first opportunity and is
assumed to be operating in unison to provide
deployed to satisfy the fail-operational
the maximum 160 kWe required for the

mature base. The ISRU plant was not Mobile Surface Power Systems
considered a life-critical function so the
The other major category of surface
power system was designed to produce full
systems needing a power source will be the
power at an O.D. of 0.4 or a clear Mars sky.
rovers. The three types of rovers identified,
Both sun tracking and nontracking arrays
long-range pressurized, local unpressurized,
were evaluated. The solar tracking array total
and long-range robotics, each have power
land area is greater that the nontracking
requirements driven by their range and the
because of the required panel spacing needed
systems they must support. Several power
to eliminate shadows from one panel upon
source options were evaluated for the rovers,
the other.
including solar arrays/RFCs, combustion
O.D., or the intensity of the solar engines, and isotopes. Solar array systems
radiation reaching the surface of Mars, has a were not considered due to the large size of
significant impact on system size and mass. the array needed to support each vehicle.
For example, if the entire 160 kWe were solar
The long-range pressurized rover must
generated, the array field would encompass
be able to support a crew of 2 to 4, with a 500-
about 11 (O.D. = 0.4) to 40 (O.D. = 6.0) football
km range sortie (5 days out, 10 days at site, 5
fields. In addition, the need for prompt
days back). The power estimate for this rover
telerobotic emplacement of the array panels
is 10 kWe continuous. It is anticipated that the
and interconnecting cables would present a
pressurized, regional rover or its power
significant challenge. Dust erosion, dust
system would be used to assist in the
accumulation, and wind stresses on the array
deployment of the main power system,
panels raise power system lifetime issues. For
situate future habitat modules, and serve as
these reasons, nuclear power was deemed the
backup emergency power when required. A
most appropriate primary power source for
desirable feature for the rover power system
the fixed surface power system. However, use
is that it be mounted on its own cart. This
of the “in-space” solar array and fuel cell
would add considerable versatility to its use
power system is assumed as the habitat
when the rover is not on a sortie.
emergency/backup power systems, which
could be stowed until needed. The MAVs will The local unpressurized rover is
also be provided with this same solar array conceptually the same as the Apollo lunar
backup system to ensure that the rover. It would function to transport the crew
manufactured propellants are maintained in 10's of kilometers, 3 hours out and back, and 4
their cryogenic state should power from the hours at the site.
nuclear system be lost (Withraw, et al., 1993). Table 3-23 shows the estimated mass,
volume, and array or radiator area for the
four power system options listed.

The Dynamic Isotope Power System scenario, anticipating suspended operations
(DIPS) was considered primarily for its low during potential global dust storm season.
mass and significantly lower radiator size
Methane is a possible fuel for the rover
compared to the photovoltaic array (PVA)
since the propellant plant could produce
area. The 238Pu isotope has a half life of 88
additional fuel, given that extra hydrogen is
years and can be the same design as the flight
brought from Earth. Methane could be used
proven radioisotope thermoelectric generator
in an appropriately designed fuel cell. The
(RTG). The isotope fuel would be reloadable
reactant water would be returned and fed
into other power units in the event of a
through an electrolyzer to capture the
failure, thus preserving its utility. Another
hydrogen. However, once the water has been
feature of isotope fuel is that it does not need
electrolyzed into H2 and O2, which the fuel
to be recharged and is always ready as a
cell actually uses to operate, it is not prudent
backup, emergency power source
from an energy utilization standpoint to make
independent of solar availability or
methane again. Storing and maintaining
atmospheric conditions. However, the 238Pu
reactants on the rover also needs further
isotope availability, quantity, and cost are
issues to be addressed.
A methane-burning internal combustion
The PV/RFC power option seems
engine could be used to operate either rover.
impractical for the regional rover due to the
However, combustion materials would need
large array area. The arrays would have to be
to be collected to reclaim the H2.
sized to provide required power output
during a local dust storm, the worst-case

Table 3-23 Rover Power System Characteristics

Mass Area Mass Area

Power System Volume (m3) Volume (m3)
(MT) (m2) (MT) (m2)

Regional Rover Local Rover

Dynamic isotope 1.1 10 33 0.5 4 16

66 1,275
Photovoltaic (PV) RFC (RFC-4) recharge by fueling

Primary Fuel Cell 6.5 29 13 0.160 1 6

Methane/Oxygen Internal
12 36 n/a 0.160 0.4 n/a
Combustion Engine

Given these system characteristics, the weather and provide global maps of martian
DIPS system was selected for the long-range surface topography and mineral distribution.
pressurized rover, and the primary fuel cell The Mars Pathfinder will validate entry,
was selected for the local rover. The DIPS descent, and landing technologies and will
system can be another level of functional also deploy a microrover on the surface to
redundancy for the base systems, and the analyze the elemental composition of martian
small amounts of radiation emitted can be rocks and soil.
mitigated by a small shield and distance to
NASA’s Mars Surveyor Program will
the rover crew. The primary fuel cell would
continue the robotic exploration of Mars with
meet the local rover requirements at less mass
two spacecraft launches planned during each
than other options. However, this power
of the 1998, 2001, and 2003 opportunities. A
system design assumes refueling after every
Mars sample return mission is scheduled for
sortie. The power system for the long-range
2005. The goals of the Mars Surveyor Program
robotic rover was not specifically addressed
are to expand our knowledge of the geology
in this analysis. However, the long range over
and resources on Mars, to understand the
rugged terrain and long duration of this
meteorology and climate history, and to
rover’s missions will likely drive the selection
continue the search for evidence of past life.
to an RTG- or DIPS-type system.
3.7.2 Mars Sample Return With ISRU
3.7 Robotic Precursors
Detailed laboratory analyses of martian
Robotic precursor missions will play a rock, soil, and atmosphere samples at Earth
significant role in two important facets of the will provide essential information needed
Reference Mission. The first will be to gather before sending humans to Mars. In addition
information about Mars that will be used to to an understanding of the martian
determine specific activities the crew will environment, a sample return mission will
perform and where they will perform them. afford the opportunity to validate the
The second will be to land, deploy, operate, technology of ISRU for propellant production.
and maintain a significant portion of the As discussed in Section, ISRU is a
surface systems prior to the arrival of the critical technology for the Reference Mission.
crew. To ensure that this technology is available for
the human missions, it should be
3.7.1 Current Robotic Program Plans
demonstrated on the Mars sample return in
In November and December 1996, NASA 2005.
launched two missions to Mars: the Mars
Global Surveyor (MGS) and the Mars
Pathfinder lander. MGS will monitor global

3.7.3 Human Exploration Precursor various candidate sites. Detailed maps of
Needs candidate landing sites built from data
Robotic precursor missions offer the gathered by these precursor missions will
capability to demonstrate and validate the define the safety and operational hazards of
performance of key technologies that are the sites, as well as confirm access to
essential to the Reference Mission (such as scientifically interesting locations and
ISRU, aerobraking and aerocapture at Mars) resources.
and to provide information needed for site In summary, then, the Reference Mission
selection. assumes a set of robotic precursor missions
Critical to selection of the landing site for which includes:
the humans will be the availability of •The Mars Surveyor Program
indigenous resources, and of paramount
•A Mars sample return mission in 2005
importance is water. Precursor missions
which also demonstrates in situ
which can identify the location and
propellant production
accessibility of water will be invaluable in the
Mars exploration program. To satisfy the •Other sample return missions to various
human habitation objectives in particular, it interesting regions
would be highly desirable to locate an
•A demonstration of aerobraking/
outpost site where water can be readily
extracted from minerals or from subsurface
deposits. Such a determination may only be •Mission(s) to search for resources,
possible from data collected by a surface particularly water
mission. •Site reconnaissance landers to aid in the
With the three human missions all selection of the human landing site
landing at the same site, selection of that The last two mission types may have
landing site is very important. The location their objectives incorporated into the Mars
chosen must permit the objectives of the Surveyor Program or the Mars sample return
Reference Mission to be achieved. mission; or a separate set of missions may be
Consequently, the site will be chosen on the required.
basis of proximity to a region of high science
yield, availability of water or other 3.7.4 Autonomous Deployment of
indigenous resources, and operations Surface and Orbital Elements
considerations such as a hazard-free terrain
As described in Section, a key
for safe landing and surface mobility. Final
strategy of the Reference Mission is to use a
site selection may require several robotic site
split mission concept that will allow
reconnaissance landers to be sent to survey

unmanned cargo to be sent to Mars on low •Provision of the facilities and an
energy, longer-transit-time trajectories. These environment which allow users (such as
unmanned elements must arrive at Mars and scientists, payload specialists, and to an
be verified to be operating properly before the extent crew members) to conduct
human crew is launched from Earth. The activities that will enhance the mission
arrival, precision landing, deployment, and objectives.
operation of these surface or orbital elements
•Successful management and operation of
will be performed using robotic systems. The
the overall program and supporting
detailed nature of these robotic systems was
organizations. This requires defining
not examined as part of this study; however,
roles and responsibilities and
the discussion of the surface facilities and the
establishing a path of authority. Program
nature of the operations involved to set up,
and mission goals and objectives must
maintain, and, if necessary, repair these
be outlined so that management
facilities can well be imagined. This area of
responsibilities are clear and direct.
technology development will be a very active
Confusing or conflicting objectives can
one to meet the needs of the Reference
result in loss of resources, the most
important of which are time and money.
In addition, minimizing layers of
3.8 Ground Support and Facilities
authority will help avoid prolonged
operational decision-making activities.
The overall goal of mission operations is This is key when considering large,
to provide a framework for planning, complex programs such as the Reference
managing, and conducting activities which Mission.
achieve mission objectives. (In general,
As with the discussion of crew operations
mission objectives can be considered all
(Section 3.4), specific hardware, software, and
activities which maintain and support human
system recommendations will not be made in
presence and support scientific research
this section. Guidelines for the organization
during the mission.) Achieving this
and management of operations are put
operational goal requires successful
forward as foundation on which an actual
accomplishment of the following functions.
operations philosophy and detailed plan
•Safe and efficient operation of all should be built.
resources (includes, but is not limited to,
The organization of supporting facilities
vehicles, support facilities, training
must follow the lower costing and innovative
facilities, scientific and systems data, and
approaches being taken by other areas of the
personnel knowledge and experience
Reference Mission. One way of achieving this

is to use the related expertise and benefit of involving system and payloads
functionality of existing facilities to keep to a experts in the overall planning, yet giving
minimum the layers of authority and crews the flexibility to execute the tasks. This
overhead in the program and take advantage approach differs from current Space Shuttle
of the existing knowledge bases at each operations where detailed plans are prepared
facility. Proper and efficient organization of by ground personnel, crew members execute
mission operations and support facilities is the plans, and ground personnel monitor in
required for any program to be successful. near real-time. The crew members are fully
involved in execution but do little in terms of
The Reference Mission has the added
planning. The proposed method for the
complication of being a program with phases
Reference Mission would take advantage of
that cannot be supported with near real-time
the unique perspective of crew members in a
operations. Planetary surface operations pose
new environment but would not restrict their
unique operational considerations on the
activities because of the mission’s remote
organization of ground support and facilities.
nature. Additionally, it places the
Near real-time ground support, as provided
responsibility of mission success with the
for current manned space programs, is not
crew, while the overall responsibility for
possible. A move toward autonomy in vehicle
prioritizing activities in support of mission
operations, failure recognition and resolution,
objectives resides with Earth-based support.
and mission planning is needed; and ground
support must be structured to support these After dividing functional responsibilities
needs. Some of the specific criteria required between Earth-based support and crew, the
for allocating functions between ground support may be structured to manage the
support and the Mars surface base will be the appropriate functions. To accomplish mission
available resources at the remote site versus objectives while maintaining the first
on Earth, criticality of functions for crew operational objective of safe and efficient
safety and mission success, and desired time operation of all resources, Earth-based
and resources available for achieving support can be organizationally separated
scientific mission objectives. into systems operations and science
operations, provided a well-defined interface
In general, due to the uniqueness of
exists between the two. The systems
planetary surface operations, Earth-based
operations team would be responsible for
support should manage and monitor
conducting the safe and efficient operation of
operations planning and execution, and crew
all resources, while the science operations
members should be responsible for operations
team would be responsible for conducting
planning and execution. Crew members will
activities which support scientific research.
be told what tasks to do or what objectives to
Such an organizational structure would
accomplish, but not how to do it. This has the

dictate two separate operations teams with of program resources. Thus, the systems
distinct priorities and responsibilities yet the operations team has the responsibility for
same operational goal. conducting the safe and efficient operation of
all such resources and consists of
Crew and vehicle safety are always of
representatives from each of the primary
primary concern. When those are ensured,
systems (power, propulsion, environmental,
science activities become the highest priority.
electrical, etc.) used throughout the various
To accommodate this hierarchy of priorities
mission phases. This organizational structure
within the operations management structure,
is similar to current flight vehicle operations
the overall operations manager should reside
where representatives for each system are
within systems operations. A science
responsible for verifying the system’s
operations manager, who heads the science
operational functionality. Each system
operations team, should organizationally be
representative will have an appropriate
in support of the operations manager. Various
support team of personnel familiar with the
levels of interfaces between systems engineers
hardware and software of that system.
and science team members must exist to
maximize the amount of science and mission Real-time operational support will be
objectives that can be accomplished. For applicable only during launch, Earth orbit (for
example, a proposed science activity may vehicle and crew checkout), and Earth entry
need systems information for its planning and phases. As a result, the systems operations
feasibility studies, and such information, team will function in a response, tracking,
including providing access to the systems’ and planning mode throughout most of the
experts, must be made available. There may other mission phases. Thus, Earth-based
be a few overlapping areas of responsibility operations will be a checks and balances
between the systems and science teams. (In function analogous to the mission
the area of crew health and safety, for engineering functions executed during Space
example, scientific investigators doing Shuttle missions. Hardware and software
biomedical research on the crews will have to documentation will be available to the crew
interface with the systems medical team on board for real-time systems operations and
responsible for maintaining crew health.) failure response. However, Earth-based
Avenues for such interaction and exchange support must be provided for instances where
must be provided to ensure mission success. documentation is limited or does not cover a
particular situation.
3.8.1 Systems Operations
Except for the above mentioned near
Systems operations are those tasks which real-time mission phases, data monitoring by
keep elements of the program in operational Earth-based personnel must be limited to
condition and support productive utilization periodic evaluations. Data and

communication constraints will make real- the primary interface between the science
time system monitoring by Earth-based team and the operations manager.
personnel impractical and unfeasible. Failures
As science activities (such as initial
and other systems issues will be worked by
investigations, clarification of previous
Earth-based personnel on an as needed basis
research, and follow-up investigations) are
and in support of long-term trend analysis.
proposed by various principle investigators,
Vehicle and system maintenance and
the science team will evaluate the proposed
checkout will be evaluated by the Earth-based
research, determine feasibility and
systems experts to assist in crew monitoring
appropriateness of the study, and select
and verification. Consumables management
appropriate crew activities based on available
such as usage planning and tracking will be
time and personnel. This process is similar to
done by the crew (with some degree of
the process used by the National Science
automation) with Earth-based personnel
Foundation for the U.S. Antarctic Program
doing verification only.
which has successfully operated remote
scientific bases in Antarctica since 1970
3.8.2 Science Operations
(Buoni, 1990). Selected science proposals will
The science operations team’s sole be presented to the systems operations team
function is to recommend, organize, and aid for evaluation of feasibility and resources. For
in conducting all activities which support example, appropriate members of the systems
scientific research within the guidelines of the operations team will determine if there are
mission objectives. The team will consist of enough consumables to support the required
representatives from the various science activities and if all of the desired activity is
disciplines (biology, medicine, astronomy, operationally feasible from a systems
geology, atmospherics, etc.) which support standpoint. Upon verification, the proposed
the science and mission objectives. Each research activity will be submitted to the crew
scientific discipline will have an appropriate for execution.
support team of personnel from government,
An initial set of science activities will be
industry, and academia who have expertise in
planned before each crew departs Earth. This
that field. The science operations team will act
is especially true of the scientific
as the decision-making body for all science
investigations which support not only crew
activities from determining which activities
health and safety but also the primary
have highest priority to handling and
mission objectives. As new discoveries are
disseminating scientific data. The science
made and new avenues for research are
operations team will be coordinated and
opened, an iterative science planning process
managed by the science operations manager,
will become essential for the success and
who will be the ultimate decision maker and
effectiveness of all scientific activities.

Successful scientific operations will also resources in this program or some
require, when needed, crew access to the alternative program. As many of the
principal investigators for a given research benefits of an exploration program are
avenue. Such access must be made feasible intangible and long term, reducing the
within the structure of mission operations. program costs to an understandable and
supportable level is of prime
3.9 Programmatic Issues importance.
Three significant programmatic issues •Whatever the total cost, the program will
must be considered in an undertaking of this not be undertaken if resources are not
magnitude, if the undertaking is to be available. Thus, cost estimates can be the
successfully achieved: cost, management, basis for apportionment of resource
and technology development. Each of these requirements between participants,
factors was examined to determine how they phasing of resource provisions, or
should be incorporated into this and further phasing of mission elements to avoid
studies of the Reference Mission or peak-year funding issues that could
comparable endeavors. stymie the program. Little has been done
in the Reference Mission costing to
3.9.1 Cost Analysis address this question; however, the
Cost analysis is an important element in database is available to analyze cost-
assessing the value of a program such as this phasing strategies.
and should be used from the very beginning. •The cost of mission elements and
But at the beginning of a program and, in capabilities needs to be understood in
many cases, up to the time that specifications order to prioritize early investments in
are written and contracts are let, it is not technology and initiate other cost-
possible to analytically determine the cost of a reduction strategies. The estimated cost
program. If new systems need to be of each element (for example, ETO
developed for programs, it is not possible to launch) is related to the program risk,
know at the outset what the total cost will be with higher relative costs associated
because hardware is not on the shelf. For with larger perceived risks of
these reasons, cost models are used that are development or operation. Thus,
typically based on historical data for similar understanding the cost can be a first step
programs. in designing program risk-reduction
•The total program cost will be important strategies. As part of this process,
to the beneficiaries and resource estimates were also made of the cost
providers, who will be interested in uncertainty for each of the technical
whether to invest current and future elements of the mission, which are also

useful in understanding the appropriate program. It is also a major reason to seek
capability development strategies. In the examples or benchmarks in other programs to
past, technology development efforts determine the best possible management
have focused primarily on improving approaches to design and development, or to
performance. Now, it is important to conduct specific programs under new
address reduction of cost as a goal of the management rules as prototypes for the
technology development program. approach that will be used in the actual
The cost of a program such as the
Reference Mission is a function of two major The cost of doing space missions lies at
variables: the manner in which it is organized the extreme edge of costliness in comparison
and managed and the technical content of the to other high technology systems. The
program. technical reasons for this appear to be that
space missions: Organizational Culture and Cost
•Are usually one of a kind or are projects
Management systems and the with small numbers of production units
organization under which programs are
•Are typically aimed at expanding
conducted are a major factor in the cost of a
capability and technology, so are
program. Basing costs simply on historical
designed with small margins of mass,
data implies that the management system
power, volume, etc.
under which the historical programs were
carried out will be assumed for the new •Have high transportation costs, so high
program. This is a particularly serious reliability in the spacecraft is important
problem in estimating the Reference Mission
•Are expected to operate for extended
costs, as the environment in which future
periods of time in difficult environments
space exploration will be carried out will be
and, in the case of crewed vehicles, they
much more cost-conscious than in the past.
must meet high standards of safety
Changes in management, for which no
comparative costs are available, will have to The engineering and management
occur. Because management style and culture culture that has been built up around these
are introduced at each level of design and characteristics has stressed excellence of
production, the leverage of management performance, safety, and high reliability. Cost
changes in making cost reductions can be has typically been a secondary criterion. It is
quite high. However, such changes are not clear that high quality performance and
difficult to estimate. This is a major reason high reliability always require the
why cost analysis should be considered a corresponding costly culture.
design tool to be used at all stages of a

To illustrate the effect of culture on cost, (Cyr, 1988). This model considers the scale
consider Figure 3-41 which shows the relative (particularly mass), the scope (number of
cost of programs developed using different production and test articles) of the
management approaches. Point 0 is the development of each of the systems required
relative cost for human spacecraft, point 1 is to undertake the program, the complexity or
for robotic spacecraft, point 2 for missiles, and technical readiness for each of the systems
point 3 for military aircraft. Differences in and their subsystems, the schedule under
management styles develop as a result of the which the program will be carried out, and
different environments in which programs are the production generation in which the item
carried out. is produced. To the extent that experience
exists or off-the-shelf hardware can be
Table 3-24 depicts the differences
procured, more precise numbers can be
between a “Skunk Works” management
estimated. The newer or more untried a
environment, such as might be used on a
technology is, the greater will be its cost in the
military aircraft development program (point
2 in Figure 3-41) and the environment for
NASA’s human programs. Some of these Input for the AMCM model was derived
differences will have to be addressed if the from previous experience and information
cost of human space exploration is to be provided by members of the Study Team.
reduced. To further illustrate differences, Included in the estimate were the
Table 3-25 compares the parameters of the development and production costs for all of
development culture for commercial aircraft the systems needed to support three human
and NASA human programs. These are crews as they explore Mars. In addition,
starting points that indicate the changes that ground rules and assumptions were adopted
will be necessary. that incorporated some new management
paradigms, as discussed later in the Program
The cost model used for the Reference
Management and Organization section. The
Mission (see next section) takes these
management costs captured program level
variables into account in a “culture” variable,
management, integration, and a Level II
which can be characterized in more detail by
function. Typical pre-production costs, such
such attributes as organizational structure,
as Phase A and B studies, were also included.
procurement approach, and the degree of
program office involvement in production. Not included in the cost estimate were
selected hardware elements, operations, and The Cost Model management reserve. Hardware costs not
The cost model used for the technical estimated include science equipment and EVA
content of the Reference Mission is the systems, for which data were not available at
Advanced Missions Cost Model (AMCM) the time estimates were prepared; however,

Figure 3-41 The relative cost of programs using different management

these are not expected to add significantly to When compared to earlier estimates of a
the total. No robotic precursor missions are similar scale (NASA, 1989), the cost for the
included in the cost estimate although their Reference Mission is approximately an order
need is acknowledged as part of the overall of magnitude lower. A distribution of these
approach to the Reference Mission. costs is shown in Figure 3-42. It can be seen
Operations costs have historically been as from this figure that the major cost drivers are
high as 20 percent of the development cost. those associated with the transportation
However, due to the extended operational elements: the ETO launch vehicles, the TMI
period of the Reference Mission and the stages, and the Earth-return systems. In
recognized need for new approaches to addition, the organization mechanisms
managing and running this type of program, chosen have significantly reduced the cost for
estimating the cost for this phase of the these elements of cost, when compared to
progam was deferred until an approach is traditional programs of this type, creating a
better defined. Similarly, the issue of significant challenge for those who would
management reserve was not addressed until manage this program.
a better understanding of the management The Mars Study Team recognizes that,
approach and controls has been developed. even with a significant reduction in the
program cost achieved by this team, the

Table 3-24 Program Environment Effects on Program Management Style

NASA Human Program

Environment Factor "Skunk Works" Management
Political Environment - Major threat perceived by all - Non-urgent
involved - Threat not perceived as critical

Cost of Failure - Hidden - Public

- Potentially catastrophic to

Products - High technology - High technology

- Prototypes - High quality "mature" designs
- Experimental

Risk to Life - Acceptable, but - Unacceptable

- Worthy of spending major resources - Worthy of spending major
to avoid resources to avoid
Public Perception - Secret - Public
- Defense - Science, exploration
- Urgent - Discretionary
- Unaware of existence until after - Every detail open to public
deployment scrutiny and criticism

Schedule - Typically 2 years - Typically 8 to 10 years

Quantities - Small to moderate - Small to moderate
Management Teams - Very small (under 10) - Moderate to large (dozens)
• Contractor - Very small (3 to 10 typically) - Large (hundreds)
• Government

Political Support - High - High

Cost - Small portion of parent agency - High percentage of parent
budget agency budget
- Low specific cost (e.g., $/1b) - High specific cost

Table 3-25 A Comparison of Development Culture Parameters for Commercial Aircraft and
NASA Manned Programs

Parameter Commercial Aircraft Program NASA Human Program

Customer Role Requirements definition, arms Highly interactive
Detailed build specifications, some to
Type of Requirements Performance of the product
piece part level
Small (tens or less)
Program Office Size and Large (hundreds)
Interaction for clarification of
Type of Interactions Interaction to lowest WBS levels
Proximity of Program Office Geographic separation, frequent Geographic separation, with frequent
Relative to Customer travel by very small groups travel for face-to-face meetings by
large numbers of project people

Commitment to fixed price by Three phases: end of preliminary

Competition Through
supplier design, program definition, start of
detailed design and development
Totally demonstrated flight Proof of concept
Technology Status at Full
Scale Development Start

Supplier's systems only:

Management Systems Customer imposed, often duplicative
occasional tailored reports to the
with contractor systems

Length of Full Scale 2 to 3 years 6 to 15 years

Budget Strategy Full commitment with guarantees Annual, incremental, high risk
by both parties

Changes None to very few Thousands per year

Fixed, and/or award, based on
Fee Type Included in fixed price
supplier performance
Contract Type Fixed price with incentives Cost plus fixed, award fee
SR&QA Customer specified
Industry and supplier standards

magnitude is probably still too high in today’s carried out using two HLLV launches
fiscal environment. More work to further per opportunity (requires some
reduce these costs is needed. reduction of capability) (Zubrin, et al.,
1991). Reducing the number of launches
The largest cost element of the Reference
from 12 to 8 would reduce the
Mission is the ETO transportation system
production costs by one-third and would
which makes up approximately 32 percent of
reduce total costs of this element by 26
the total program cost. This element was
percent. Developments in new materials,
assumed to be a new HLLV capable of lifting
which are rapidly occurring, could
220 tonnes of payload to LEO. Although this
improve systems performance and
is a launch vehicle larger than any previously
reduce the mass of the protective shells
developed, its design was assumed to be
and vehicle systems.
based on the Saturn V technology, and
engines were selected from existing designs. •Reduce the size of the HLLV (also
The costs of development were approximately proposed by Zubrin). This might or
20 percent of the total ETO Line Item, and might not reduce total costs, because
production costs (assuming that 12 HLLVs additional costs for on-orbit operations
would be produced to support the program, might be required. Reducing the cost of
using 3 HLLVs for the first opportunity and 3 launch to LEO using reusable vehicles
HLLV launches at each of the remaining 3 currently under consideration in the
launch opportunities) were 80 percent of the reusable launch vehicle program would
ETO Line Item. require very large investments in LEO
assembly. The trade-off might be
To reduce the cost of the HLLV
favorable, but may or may not make a
component, several possible strategies could
significant reduction in total cost. The
be used.
availability and use of an in-orbit
•Reduce the mass of systems, assembly capability like the International
infrastructure, and payloads that need to Space Station could make this an
be launched into Earth orbit for effective strategy.
transport to Mars to support the surface
•Improve the production efficiency for
mission (assume that mission capability
HLLVs. The AMCM model includes a
is not going to be reduced, which is also
learning curve assumption that each
possible but not desirable). This could
time the number of items produced
reduce the total number of HLLV
doubles, the cost per item is 78 percent
launches and the assumed production
of the previous production cost. More
cost. For example, Robert Zubrin
production learning could be very
believes that the program could be

TMI Stage Habitation
16% 14%

Space Transport

Surface Systems CoF
11% 1%

Figure 3-42 A comparison of the relative costs for Reference Mission elements.

significant. For example, if 12 HLLVs of conventional manner; however, some

equal capability had been produced for procurement aspects were assumed to be
another program, the cost of HLLVs for new, and credit was taken in the
the Mars program could be cut by 22 estimates for these new ways of doing
percent. To achieve these cost reductions business. The HLLV might be developed
would require that no special by industry at lower cost, to meet
modifications be necessary for the ETO performance specifications rather than
vehicles used by the Mars program. government technical specifications. The
assured sale of 12 vehicles may be large
•A significant reduction in HLLV cost
enough to achieve some amount of cost
might be designed in at the start if new
reduction to LEO, but is not likely to
techniques for manufacturing and
lead to major cost reductions. However,
testing were introduced. However, the
industry might be able to consider the
learning curve benefits of mass
government an “anchor tenant” for
production might be less.
HLLV production, develop additional
•The HLLV development was assumed to markets for their technology, and
be purchased by the government in a amortize the investment over a larger

number of vehicles. This would imply an included). The TMI stage was costed
assumption that the space frontier is separately because it was assumed to require
expanding significantly. separate development of a nuclear thermal
propulsion system. The TMI stage was
•The HLLV could be supplied by the
assumed to be jettisoned before reaching
Russians or as a joint effort by multiple
Mars. Conventional space storable chemical
international partners. This might be a
propellants were assumed to be used in the
contribution to an international program
ERV stage to return to Earth. The nuclear
where it would be an example of cost-
thermal stage assumed considerable
sharing between partners. At the present
inheritance from the U. S. nuclear propulsion
time, this does not appear to be a feasible
program that produced the NERVA engines in
solution; however, it may be reasonable
the 1960s; development costs for the TMI
in 15 years. If the U. S. or other partners
stage were projected to be 16 percent of the
were expected to pay the Russians for
total cost. The space transportation vehicles
their participation, it would require the
are all new and include several vehicles
appropriate political rationale. If the
(ascent vehicle, crew capsule, and the TEI
Russians were to contribute the HLLV
stage). The cost of the space transportation
without payment, it would be the
vehicles comprises 22 percent of the total.
equivalent of one-fourth of the total
program cost, though it might not cost The ratio of development cost to
the Russians as much as it would cost production cost for these vehicles is rather
the U. S. in absolute dollars. high, partly because of the smaller number of
vehicles produced for the return home.
•Finally, innovative advances in
Various ways of reducing the costs of these
propulsion could result in the
elements might be considered.
development of new propulsion
techniques; for example, electromagnetic •Development of nuclear electric or solar
propulsion for ETO could substantially electric propulsion vehicles that are more
decrease the transportation cost for some efficient could lower transportation costs
materials (propellant). for cargo but might not reduce costs of
human flights and might increase costs if
The Earth-Mars vehicle (the TMI stage)
parallel development of two
and the Mars-Earth vehicle (the ERV)
transportation systems was necessary. If
elements provide for the delivery of humans
a single technology with higher
and payloads to Mars and the return of
efficiency than chemical rockets could be
humans to Earth. The costs are for the
used to go to Mars and return, much of
transportation elements alone (the
the cost associated with developing the
interplanetary habitat elements are not
space transportation stages might be

saved because the number of separate habitats is development, production is the
developments would be minimized. remaining two-thirds. Thus, cost reductions
involving the improvement of design and
•Systematic application of new
procurement processes are potentially the
techniques of automated design to the
most important objectives. Note, however,
development process and use of
that the habitats are also a significant mass
concurrent engineering could reduce life
element; therefore, technology that reduces
cycle costs of the systems.
their mass will also have a significant effect
•General improvements in methods of on the transportation system.
procurement and program management
Surface systems, including mobility
could have significant returns in these
systems and resource utilization systems,
areas. Reduction of integration costs can
surface power, and other nonhabitat systems,
be accomplished by centrally locating
constitute about 11 percent of the total
design and development teams and
mission cost. Because these surface systems
keeping simple interfaces between
are rather complex, critically determine
systems manufactured by different
mission productivity, and are a small fraction
of the total, this area does not appear to be a
•Several vehicle elements could be high-priority source of major additional cost
provided by international partners. Each reductions. However, mass reductions in the
of the vehicles provided without cost to hardware will have high leverage in the space
the program could reduce total program transportation cost elements, if the size of the
costs by several percent. transportation vehicles or the number of
Habitats are an essential part of the launches can be reduced. Surface systems
Reference Mission scenario. They represent 14 costs are probably underestimated in the
percent of total mission cost and are assumed current model, because no data for a closed
to have inheritance from the International LSS, EVA hardware, and science hardware
Space Station program. The Reference were included in this estimate. Development
Mission has made the assumption that all of a suitable EVA suit will be a significant
habitats required by the program are technology challenge and potentially
essentially identical, which is probably an expensive. The closed environment LSS
oversimplification. To the extent the design of hardware probably is not extraordinarily
space habitats and surface habitats diverges, expensive. However, testing and
the cost could rise. Eight production habitats demonstrating it will only partially occur in
are required. Modest learning curve cost the International Space Station program, so
reductions are assumed for the production additional cost and risk are involved in its
line. About one-third of the estimated cost of development. Science equipment is not a

major cost item, in comparison with the large the expectation that optimizing the surface
costs ascribed to the transportation system. mission for its benefit is also the way to
improve the benefit/cost ratio for the human
Operations was not included as part of
exploration of Mars.
the cost analysis, but has been previously
estimated as a proportion (historically as high The question of management style must
as 20 percent) of the total development costs. now be addressed. Particular attention needs
The operations costs are incurred primarily in to be paid to the process by which the
the 11 years of the operational missions. The production elements are procured. The
allocation of budget that would be associated current estimates probably are still influenced
with this estimate is equivalent to by current ways of doing business. If total
approximately 20,000 people per year for that Reference Mission costs are to be reduced, it is
period of time. This is definitely an old way of at this level of effort that the most effective
doing business which must change for the changes can be made. Focusing on the wrap
Mars missions. A reasonable target would be factors may not accomplish significant
an operational team of approximately l,000 additional reductions, although reducing the
persons. This is likely to be attainable in part production costs will also reduce the amount
because automation and autonomy will be a that must be spent in these areas.
necessary characteristic of the Mars missions.
A principal mechanism for reducing these 3.9.2 Management and Organizational
costs may be a directed program to reduce the Structure
operational costs of the International Space Organization and management is one of
Station as an analog to Mars missions. the principal determinants of program cost.
The number and type of systems This is a rather wide-ranging topic, which is
represented in the Reference Mission is near not entirely divisible from the technical
minimal considering the desired surface content of the program, because it includes
mission capability. It is always possible to program level decision making that is
reduce costs by reducing the required intimately tied to the system engineering
performance. For example, using the same decision-making process.
assumptions used for this model if only a The magnitude of the Reference Mission,
single landing were carried out, the total once it has been initiated, is enormous. Many
program costs would be reduced by about 30 good examples exist of smaller programs that
percent in comparison to the full three piloted have failed or have not performed well due to
mission program. Reducing the scope of the management deficiencies. Thus, as the
surface activity will not have a big effect on Reference Mission is examined and improved,
cost, as it is already a relatively small continued consideration should be given to
proportion of total mission costs, confirming streamlining its management; assigning

authority, responsibility, and accountability at •The human exploration of Mars will be
the right levels; and developing processes that highly visible to the world, will be a tool
are simple, with clear-cut interfaces and of international policy in many
measurable performance standards. countries, will be complex and
expensive, and will take several years to
The relationship between cost and
develop. Under these conditions, it is
management style and organizational culture
essential that a philosophical and
is rather well-known in a general manner,
budgetary agreement be reached prior to
through a large number of lessons learned
initiating development. A formal
analyses made postprogram. The list of key
agreement should be reached between
elements of lower-cost programs is shown in
all parties as to the objectives and
Table 3-26. These have been pointed out in a
requirements that are imposed on the
series of analyses, but have not commonly
mission before development is initiated,
been applied at the critical stage of
and an agreement to fund the project to
developing program organization and
its completion should be reached prior to
management approaches. Rather, the
development. In the U. S., this would
organizational and management style has
include multiyear budgetary authority.
been determined rather late in the program,
This should be accompanied by a
generally because the program content and
management process that would protect
final design were typically delayed through
against program overruns through
redesign, changing requirements, and
appropriate incentives.
funding irregularities.
•The human exploration of Mars will
To manage a Mars program to a lowest
have quite different risks than any space
possible cost, a number of considerations
mission which will have been
have been identified.
undertaken at its time. These include
•The design of the organization and risks to the safety of the crew and
management system should be an area accomplishment of the mission
of investigation in subsequent studies of (primarily technical risks) and risks of
the Reference Mission. The relationship meeting cost and schedule objectives.
between program cost and program Maintaining launch schedule is
culture is illustrated in Figure 3-46. exceedingly important, due to the
Although several factors are involved, dependency on several successful
this figure indicates that significant cost launches for mission success and the
impacts are tied to the organizational high cost of missed launch windows
culture and the management system. (missed launch windows imply 2-year
program delays at potentially high

Table 3-26 Key Elements of Lower-Cost Programs

• Use government to define only requirements

• Keep requirements fixed; once requirements are stated, only relax them; never add new
• Place product responsibility in a competitive private sector
• Specify end results (performance) of products, not how to achieve the results
• Minimize government involvement (small program office)
• Ensure that all technologies are proven prior to the end of competition
• Use the private sector reporting reporting system: reduce or eliminate specific
government reports
• Don't start a program until cost estimate and budget availability match
• Reduce development time: any program development can be accomplished in 3 to 4
years once uncertainties are resolved
• Force people off development programs when development is complete
• Incentivize the contractor to keep costs low (as opposed to CPAF, CPFF, or NASA)
• Use goegraphic proximity of contractor organizations when possible
• Use the major prime contractor as the integrating contractor

program cost). Thus a risk management control for the program. To accomplish
plan can help identify the risks and this:
formulate a mitigation strategy.
-There should be a clear demarcation
•The Reference Mission requires a between the design phase and the
number of elements, many of which are development/production phase of the
technically alike but serve somewhat project, and development should not
different functions over the duration of begin before the design phase is ended.
the program. For example, the surface
-All technologies should be proved prior
habitat may be the basis for the transit
to initiation of production of program
habitat, and each habitat delivered to the
surface will have a different complement
of equipment and supplies, according to -Once the requirements have been
its position in the delivery sequence. The established, they should not be changed
elements will be developed over a unless they can be relaxed.
period of several years, and there will be -A system should be developed that
a temptation to improve the equipment documents the relationship and
and supply manifest. It will be important interaction of all requirements and
for requirements to be fixed at the time should be available for use prior to the
of initial development to maintain cost beginning of production.

•The design phase of the program is there may be a high enough production
critical to successful cost control. The rate that costs will drop as experience is
design should be based on a set of gained. A new approach will be needed
functional requirements established by a to ensure that the development time for
Program Office, which may well be a each individual element is strictly
multinational activity. The Program limited.
Office should be in place to manage
•The program will require two levels of
technical requirements, provide
integration, similar to that of the
decisions that require consultation and
International Space Station program: a
trade-offs (technical and political), and
program level which ensures that overall
manage development contracts. The
mission requirements will be met at each
Program Office should also establish
stage of the mission, and a launch
functional requirements for the design
package level integration in which all
phase and conduct a competitive
required elements of each launch to
procurement for the design phase with
Mars are packaged and their
the selection of a prime contractor. To
performance ensured. To accomplish
accomplish this:
this, both aspects of integration should
-Requirements should be provided for the be the responsibility of a single
design phase, describing the organization, a prime contractor to the
performance expected, and a clear set of Program Office.
criteria for completeness of design as a
•The operational phase of the Mars
function of resources expended in
program must be represented in the
design and development phase. This will
-A significant design cost margin should require a concurrent engineering
be used to manage the design resources. approach which considers the
operational costs as well as the
-The successful prime contractor should
development costs in a life cycle cost
be selected as integration contractor for
approach to the program. To accomplish
the development phase.
this, operational considerations must be
•Once committed to development, the included in the design and development
development time should be strictly phases of the program, and life cycle
limited if costs are to be contained. This costs should be used as the determinant
will be difficult in the Mars program, for program design and development
where it probably will be effective to decisions.
produce common elements sequentially
rather than all at one time, although

•Finally, at all stages of design, the effort to bring the original technology to
development, production, and its desired state.
operations, all program office officials
At this particular stage in developing
and contractor organizations must be
human exploration missions to Mars, it is
incentivized to maintain program costs
difficult to do more than speculate about spin
within approved levels, and positive
off and spill over technologies that could
incentives must be put into place to
result from, or be useful to, this endeavor.
reduce costs of each phase of the
However, identifying dual uses for some of
the assumed technologies can be started now
and, to a certain degree, will be required for
3.9.3 Technology Development
such a program to progress. In the current
The Reference Mission was developed political environment, investment in
with advances assumed in certain technology technology is seen as a means of improving
areas known to be necessary to send people to the general quality of life, and multiple use of
Mars for a reasonable investment in time and technologies is emphasized to obtain the best
resources. The same objective could be return on the resources invested in their
satisfied using other technologies in some development. Space programs are not spared
cases, making it necessary to identify this requirement. A program strategy that
selection criteria for the set of technologies the emphasizes dual-use technologies, besides
Reference Mission should favor. A reasonable being consistent with this current trend could:
investment also implies that there must be
•More easily generate funds through
some reliance on technologies developed for
increased cooperation and joint ventures
other uses or simply discovered during some
with other U.S. federal agencies,
other development activity.
international partners, and commercial
Dual-use technologies are those which concerns
are deliberately developed with more than
•Provide smaller projects which could be
one application in mind and which carry
more easily funded
requirements for these various uses through
the development period. Spin off or spin in •Provide a step-by-step approach to the
technologies are those which are developed Reference Mission
with a specific application in mind but which •Provide a stimulus to local and national
find other uses with little or no additional economies
development work. Spill over technologies
are those which grow to include entirely new, •Foster an increase in advocacy for space
unplanned technologies as a by-product of programs

To this end, the Reference Mission study NASA and the Department of Energy to
identified and worked with 10 Mars mission- develop small nuclear power sources for
related technology categories: propulsion, robotic spacecraft could be expanded to
communications and information systems, include the development of larger power
ISRU, surface mobility - suits, surface sources (perhaps as part of a cooperative
mobility - vehicles, human support, power, endeavor with the Russian government) or
structures and materials, science and science for the propulsion system technologies
equipment, and operations and maintenance. assumed for the Reference Mission. The
These categories were then associated with a Department of Defense is currently studying
total of 54 technology areas along with their an integrated propulsion and electrical power
applications. Tables 3-27 through 3-36 system driven by the heat of the Sun
document these various technology (Reference: Anon., 1995). This could be a
applications. In addition, the tables indicate technology useful to the Reference Mission as
where these technologies may spin off into an alternative to the nuclear system assumed
other applications and where developments and form the basis for a cooperative
in other areas may, in fact, benefit or spin into development program.
the Mars program.
Several specific examples may help
Not all of the advantageous technology illustrate how technology development for
for the Reference Mission must be developed the Reference Mission will benefit from spill
by the program organization. International over, spin off, and dual-usage.
cooperation can benefit from the technology
One of the precursor activities to the
advancements needed for this class of space
Reference Mission that has a high priority will
mission. Two obvious examples include
be the characterization of the martian surface
heavy lift launch technology and space-based
in great detail by orbiting robotic spacecraft.
nuclear power. The relatively heavy lift
Data collected by this vehicle or vehicles will
launch capabilities either developed or
be needed in many areas to prepare for this
nearing completion for the Russian Energia
Reference Mission. One of the most
and the European Ariane V could form the
significant areas will be the choice of a
basis for at least part of a cooperative
landing site at which the outpost will be
technology development program. The
established. This selection will be based in
former Soviet Union had also developed a
part on information ranging from hazards in
relatively sophisticated operational space-
the proposed landing zone to the proximity of
based nuclear power capability.
the site to a variety of surface features, the
U.S. federal agencies can also cooperate investigation of which will contribute to
to develop mutually beneficial technologies. meeting the overall Reference Mission
The long-standing cooperation between objectives. Technology to obtain this remote

sensing data could be available from the U.S., •The Russian Energia heavy lift launch
Russia, Japan, and the Europeans, based on system can be maintained and upgraded
their previous Earth-orbiting, remote-sensing until human missions to Mars can begin.
missions and other planetary explorations. A variation of this would be to evolve a
But due to the high cost of transporting these higher capacity launch vehicle using
sensors to the vicinity of Mars, further technologies developed for Energia,
development or enhancement of these Ariane V, and the Space Shuttle. Either of
technologies could reduce their size, mass, these options would offer an
and need for supporting resources (power, opportunity for international
communications band width, etc.). cooperation that would not only benefit
Advancements in other areas, such as the Ka the Reference Mission but also allow for
band utilization, data compression, and heavier, more sophisticated payloads to
information processing technologies be launched into Earth orbit or used for
mentioned in the Communication and lunar missions.
Information Systems category or from
•The mass of hardware required to
technology developed as part of the explosive
support humans in Mars journeys can be
growth in the PC marketplace, can also serve
reduced. Few concepts now exist for
to improve performance and reduce costs for
this, but advancements in the technology
these systems and the data they return. Any
options mentioned in most, if not all, of
technology enhancement developed to
the 10 categories identified by the Mars
support the Reference Mission will then be
Study Team will lead to a reduction in
available for use in Earth-orbiting
the hardware mass that must be sent to
Mars. Each of the 10 categories also
The single largest cost of a human Mars identified Earth-bound applications that
exploration program may be the cost of ETO may also benefit from these
transportation. The development of a new advancements.
HLLV solely for the Mars program could
A third example involves the significant
require up to 30 percent of the total resources
level of automation assumed for the
for the program. However, approaches that
Reference Mission. The program assumes
can launch the appropriate payloads to Mars
infrastructure elements (including a system to
using smaller launch vehicles have not
produce propellant and life support
appeared to be viable in the past. This is a
consumables, the first of two habitats, power
conundrum which has and may still stymie
systems, and surface transportation elements)
human exploration of Mars. Other avenues
will robotically land on the surface at a
designated location. All of these systems will
be delivered, set up, and checked out using

Table 3-27 Dual-Use Technologies: Propulsion

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Nuclear Reactors
• Weapons and Nuclear Waste Disposal • NTR
• High-Temp Materials
• High-Efficiency Heat Engines • Aerobraking
(Turbines, Thermostructural Integrity)

• High Efficiency • Propellant

• Clean-Burning Engines (H2/O2)
Cryo-Refrigeration Maintenance

• Methane/O2 Rocket • ISRU-Based Space

• Higher Performance Commercial Launches
Engines Transportation

Table 3-28 Dual-Use Technologies: Communications/Information Systems

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Communications High-Definition • Ka Band or Higher • Telepresence: Vision and

TV Broadcast Video Data
• Interferometers: Raw Data

• Entertainment Industry • Machine-Human Interface • Control Stations

• Commercial Aviation • System Management

• Communications • Data Compression • Interferometers: Raw Data

• Archiving Information Processing Transmission Information
• Large Scale Data Processing
Management Systems • System Management,
Expert Data
• Archiving/Neural Nets


Table 3-29 Dual-Use Technologies: In Situ Resource Utilization

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Mineral Analysis, Yield Estimation- • Advanced Sensors • Mineral Analysis, Yield

Deep Mine Vein Location and Tracking Estimation Surface Mineral
• Wall and Ceiling Integrity Analysis, and Resource
• Deep Mine Robotic Operations • Advanced Robotic • Surface Mining Operations
• Mining Mining • Mining
• Beneficiating • Beneficiating
• Removal • Removal

• Improved Automated Processing;

• Automated Processing: • Remote, Low-
Increased efficiency
Advanced FDIR Maintenance, Processing

• Reliable, Low-Pollution Personal • Alternative, Regenerable • ISRU-Based Engines

Transmission Energy Economies • Regenerable Energies
• Regenerable Energy Economies • Methane/O2 • High-Density Energy Storage
• Small, Decentralized Power Systems for • H2 /O2
Remote or Third World Applications

• Environmentally Safe Energy Production • Space-Based Energy • Surface Power Generation

Generation and and Beaming


Table 3-30 Dual-Use Technologies: Surface Mobility - Suits
Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Hazardous Materials Cleanup • Lightweight, Superinsulation • Surface Suits: Thermal

• Fire Fighting Protection and Materials Protection
Underwater Equipment

• Robotic Assisted Systems • Robotics •Robotic Assisted Suit Systems

• Orthopedic Devices for Mobility • Mobility Enhancement Devices
Impaired Persons and Manipulators

• Hazardous Materials Cleanup • Dust Protection, Seals, Abrasive • Surface Suits: Outer Garment
• Fire Fighting Protection and Resistant Materials
Underwater Equipment

• Hazardous Materials Cleanup, • Lightweight Hi-Rel, Life Support • Portable Life Support for Surface
Underwater Breathing Gear Suits

• Remote Health Monitoring • Portable Biomedical Sensors and • Surface EVA Crew Member
Health Evaluation Systems Health Monitoring

• Hypo-Hyper Thermal Treatments • Small, Efficient, Portable, • Surface Suits: Thermal Control
• Fire Fighting Protection and Cooling/Heating Systems Systems
Underwater Equipment
• Artic/Antartic Undergarments

Table 3-31 Dual-Use Technologies: Surface Mobility - Vehicles

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• All-Terrain Vehicles • Mobility • Surface Transportation

• Research (Volcanoes) • Humans
• Oil Exploration • Science Equipment
• Maintenance and

• Reactor Servicing/Hazardous • Robotics and Vision Systems • Teleoperated Robotic Systems

• Earth Observation, Weather, Research • Super-Pressure Balloons • Mars Global Explorations
(110,000 ft - Earth Equiv)

• Efficient, Long-Term Operations • Tribology • Surface Vehicles

Low-Maintenance • Drive Mechanisms
• Machines in Artic/Antaric • Robotic Arms
Environments • Mechanisms

• Helicopers, Autos • Variable Speed Transmissions • Surface Vehicles

• Automated, Efficient Construction • Multipurpose Construction • Robotic Construction and

Equipment Vehicle Systems and Mechanisms Set-up Equipment


Table 3-32 Dual-Use Technologies: Human Support

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Stored Food • Long-Life Food Systems • Efficient Logistics

• US Army • With High Nutrition • Planetary Bases
• NSF Polar Programs • Efficient Packaging • Long Spaceflights
• Space Stations

• Improved Health Care • Physiological Understanding of the • Countermeasures for Long-Duration

• Sports Medicine - Cardiovascular Human/Chronobiology and/or Micro-g Space Missions
• Osteoporesis - Immune Systems • Understanding of Psychosocial • Health Management and Care
• Isolated Confined Environments/Polar Issues
Operations • Instrumentation Miniaturization
• Noninvasive Health Assessments

• Health Care • Long-Term Blood Storage • Health Care for Long-Duration Space
• Disaster Response Missions
• US Army

• Office Buildings • Environmental Monitoring and • Environmental Control for

("Sick Building" Syndrome) Management • Spacecraft Cabins
• Manufacturing Plants • Planetary Habitats
• Pressurized Rovers

• Contamination Cleanup • Waste Processing/SCWO • Closed Water Cycles for

• Waste Processing • Water Purification • Spacecraft Cabins
• Planetary Habitats
• Pressurized Rovers

• Long-Life Clothes • Advanced Materials/Fabrics • Reduced Logistics Through Long-Life,

• Work Clothes in Hazardous Easy-Care Clothes, Wipes, Etc.
Environments • Fire Proof/Low-Out-gassing Clothes
• US Army

• Efficient Food Production • Advanced Understanding of • Reduced Logistics Through Local Food
Food Production/Hydroponics Production for
• Spacecraft Cabins
• Planetary Habitats

Table 3-33 Dual-Use Technologies: Power

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Batteries/RFCs for • High-Density Energy Storage • Reduced Logistics for Planetary

• Autos • Alternate Energy Storage Bases
• Remote Operations (Flywheels) • High-Rel, Low-Maintenance
• DOD Power Systems
• NSF Polar Programs

• Clean Energy From Space • Beamed Power Transmission • Orbital Power to Surface Base
• Surface Power Transmission to
Remote Assets

• Remote Operations • Small Nuclear Power Systems • Surface Base Power

• DOD •Pressurized Surface Rover
• NSF Polar Programs • Interplanetary Transfer Vehicle

• Remote Operations • High-Efficiency, High-Rel, • Energy Conversion for Planetary

• DOD Low-Maintenance Heat-to- Bases
• NSF Poloar Programs Electric Conversion Engines • Low Servicing Hours
• High-Efficiency Auto Engines • Little or no Logistics

Table 3-34 Dual-Use Technologies: Structures and Materials

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Vehicles • Composite Materials • Cryo Tanks

• Fuel-Efficient Aircraft • Hard • Habitat Enclosures
• Modular Construction (Homes, etc.) • Soft • Pressurized Rover Enclosures
• Advanced Alloys, High- • Space Transit Vehicle Structures

TBD • Superinsulation • Cryo Tanks

• Coatings • Habitable Volumes

• Large Structures, High-Rises, Bridges • Smart Structures • Space Transit Vehicle Structures
• Commercial Aircraft • Imbedded Sensors • Planetary Habitat Enclosures
• Improved Safety • Surface Power Systems
• Lower Maintenance • Rover Suspensions

Table 3-35 Dual-Use Technologies: Science and Science Equipment

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Energy Resource Exploration • Spectroscopy • Geo-chem Mapping

• Environmental Monitoring, Policing • Gamma Ray • Resource Yield Estimating
• Laser • Planetary Mining Operation
• Other Planning

• Undersea Exploration • Telescience • Remote Planetary

• Hazardous Environment Assessments, Exploration

• Environmental Monitoring • Image Processing • Communication of Science

• Medicine • Compression Technique Data
• Storage • Correlation of
• Transmission Interferometer Data
• Image Enhancements

• Improved Health Care • Physiological Understanding of • Countermeasures for Long-

• Sports Medicine - Cardiovascular the Human Duration and/or Micro-g
• Osteoporesis - Immune Systems • Instrumentation Miniaturization Space Missions
• Isolated Confined Environments/Polar • Health Management and
Operations Care
• Noninvasive Health Assessments


Table 3-36 Dual-Use Technologies: Operations and Maintenance

Terrestrial Application Technology Space Application

• Task Partitioning
• R & QA in Long-Term, Hazardous
• System Health Management and
Failure Prevention Through A1
and Expert Systems, Neural Nets

We mentioned this area as important, but did not complete. Recommend that we work with Jon Ericson and bob
Savely to get ir right.


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National Aeronautics and
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Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center


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