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Defendant Responses:

- Indirect Response:
o Exception: Divided into 2 types, A. Relative competency exception, B.
Absolute Competency exception,
- Direct Response: A. Defendant’s response in the form of confession

Procesueel Exception

Tussenkomst: the participation from the third party by its own will during the process..

Resistance from the third party: derdenverset

Chapter X Art. 378

Error in percesueel exception:

The requirements for ne bis in idem, similarities in objects??

Timeline eksepsi:

Surat jawaban:
1. Konventie (Konpensi): Direct, Pengakuan, Penyangkalan, Reverte (consideration up
to the judges).
2. Exception: Direct
3. Counter claim / Rekopensi: Indirect

Stages of Trial:
Lawsuit  Mediation  no settlement court  Defendant’s Responses (Exception,
Konpensi, Counter Claim)  Replik, Duplik  Evidence Examination  Conclusion  Court

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