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Background of the Study

The development of our country lies in the improvement and the

drive of our economy. With this present day advancements, our world is

occupied with quick stage of society, and as a part of this civilization,

society ought to be keen on trailing its paces (Sanchez, 2013).

The development and growth of the economy have become

intricately linked to accessibility; accessibility to market, to production

materials, to services, to food and to culture, which are all preconditions

for human survival. Accessibility is dependent on an efficient and complex

global network system of air, rail, road, and water links between and

within our population centers of cities (Frost, 2008).

Transportation infrastructure is one of the most important factors for

a country’s progress. One cannot overemphasize the importance of

transportation than call it the “lifeline” of a nation. It has been proven by

so many instances how transportation infrastructure has added speed

and efficiency to country’s progress. Good physical connectivity in the

urban and rural areas is essential for economic growth. To the desired

transportation balance and for the system to be efficient, it is essential to

provide organized facilities in the system as transportation is concerned

with the movement between origin and destination. It also involves the
movement of people and goods that is why there is a need for an access

point in the transport system.

Growth in urbanization and motorization in developing countries

have led to an increase in traffic congestion on road networks. The rise of

these occurrences leads to major traffic congestion problems. In the

Philippines, particularly in the National Capital Region, private provincial

bus operators have their terminals along major thoroughfares, i.e. EDSA,

which causes congestion in the surrounding vicinities of the terminals and

eventually along the entire stretch of the roadway (Bayona, et al, 2016).

Objectives of the Study

Generally, the main objective of this study is to design a central

transport station connecting all different modes of mass transit in the

municipality of Tapaz. The primary focus of the study is to effectively

accommodate the needs of all transportation modes while creating a

commuters-friendly and inviting facility for all.

Specifically, it seeks to:

1. Analyze an appropriate site that has potential to have a major

transport terminal and would serve as the central location that is

accessible for all forms of mass transit, i.e. buses, jeepneys, automobiles,

and motor vehicles.

2. Design a public transport terminal that is of high-quality structure

with facilities and amenities for the convenience, security, and safety of

the commuters and drivers.

3. Develop circulation patterns that incorporate way-finding system-

providing accessibility for all user groups through consistency and clarity in

station entry areas and interfaces, spaces, layout and signage.

4. To estimate the design or desire proposed transport terminal and

make a program of works.

Significance of the Study

The researchers find this research beneficial for it will help the

economic growth factor of Tapaz municipality. The Primary focus of this

study is to design a public transport terminal that would serve as a central

location that is accessible for all forms of mass transit. And this may lead to

increase investment for public goods and services.

The improvement of user experience is also the purpose of this

study. The improved quality and design of infrastructure will help the users

to have a stress free journey for it will provide some amenities and safe

facilities that are commuters-friendly.

Moreover, the government may use this study as a reference as

they construct their transport terminal in the future. This will also be a great

use to the other future researchers, civil engineering students or

professionals who will conduct their research that is related to the topic.
Scope and Limitation of the Study

The focus of this study is to design a Transport Terminal in the

Municipality of Tapaz. The design of the terminal comprises on the design

a central transport station connecting all the different modes of mass

transit in the said municipality.

The data will be gathered through interviews, site visits,

observations, and reviewing related documents sources will be used as

basis for the space allocation and design of the project site. The design of

the transport terminal will only be limited to registered vehicles.

The study will only include the design of structure and provide

detailed structural but not the mechanical, electrical and sanitary

systems. The study would also cater the total cost of Tapaz Transport


The study will bound only on its sites boundaries.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are technically and operationally defined by

the researcher to clearly state and understand the meaning based on

how it used in the study.

Transport Terminal- technically it may be defined as any facility

where passengers and freight are assembled or dispersed. Both cannot

travel individually, but in batches (Rodrigue J. & B. Slack, 2017).

Operationally is the point where the mode of transit route starts or ends,

where vehicles stop, turn or reverse, and wait before departing on their

return journeys. It’s also where passengers board and alight from vehicles.

It also often provides a convenient point where services can be controlled


Mass Transit- Mass transit, also called mass transportation, or public

transportation, the movement of people within urban areas using group

travel technologies such as buses and trains (Schofer, 2000). Operationally

is the type of vehicles that is use by public to travel from one point to

another specifically; habal-habal, jeepneys, and buses.

Habal-habal- is a modified two-wheeled single motorcycle usually

ridden beyond its passenger capacity. It is used as public transportation

especially in areas with narrow roads, and steeper, rougher terrain.



Municipality of Tapaz, is a 1st class municipality in the province of

Capiz, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a population of

51,313 people. Tapaz occupies an area of 517.18 km2

Territorial Boundary

Tapaz lies within the latitude 11º 09’ to 11º 09’ 42” and the longitude

of 121º 11’ to 122º 34’ 45”. It is bounded on the northwest and northeast

by the Municipality of Jamindan in the Province of Capiz, on the north by

the Municipality of Libacao of the Province of Aklan, on the east by the

Municipality of Dumalag of the Province of Capiz, on the west by the

Province of Antique, and by the Province of Iloilo, principally by the

Municipalities of Janiuay, Lambunao, Calinog and Bingawan from the

Southwest to the Southeast.


We are all aware that Capiz in general is a coastal province best

known for its seafood all over the country. It is considered as the seafood

capital of the Philippines but not all municipalities in Capiz rely their living

on seafood industry. Municipality like Tapaz is away from coastal lines

therefore one of their livelihood is farming and tourism.

Government is doing something to help the people of Tapaz

especially the Indigenous People of the municipality. Last September

2013, the Department of Labor and employment released a P950, 000

livelihood grant to 321 IPs of Tapaz, Capiz. This livelihood is about Abaca

Production Project that aims to develop the existing abaca production in

Barangays Hilwan and Maliao which were identified by the Fiber Industry

Development Authority as major abaca-producing barangays in Capiz,

as well as to enhance the lives of the indigenous people in these areas.

Since the land of Tapaz, Capiz is rich and favour for agriculture, the

Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), provincial government of Capiz, and

the local government unit (LGU) of Tapaz also took part in helping the

economy of the said municipality. They handed over 12,400 seed nuts to

the farmers that will help in their livelihood. Not only is their agriculture rich

but also their tourism that calls many tourists attention because of its

closure to nature. There are lots of dams, falls and rivers that surround the

municipality and continuous to amaze the tourists and even the locals.

Tourism of Tapaz, Capiz will be further discussed in later portion (Deistro et

al, 2014).

Life in Tapaz

Life in Tapaz is not really the typical rural lifestyle. In the poblacion,

people go to work in the municipal hall and children go to school, this also

the same as in the barangays near the poblacion. In the far flung barrios

however as in the mountainous barangays, life basically is the usual way

of life depicted in movies and/or documentaries. People in these

barangays do not place much importance on education, firstly, because

they are far from good schools and that they would rather have their

children work (Guyod et al, 2014).

Local Study

River Garden Palace (Thesis 2009)

The River Garden Palace is a thesis proposed by Ms. Christine Dela

Cruz in (2009), its site is located along JP. Rizal Guadalupe, Makati city. It is

a proposal that will unite different transportation nodes along the

specified site. These transportation nodes specifically the jeepneys and

other nodes namely; the fx taxis, the ferry, and the tricycles that travel

along the site are to be put up and conjoined into one station to give a

more urbanized and well developed structure. The pedestrian systems are

also well planned to give the direction of a well planned structure.

Different linkages to different nodes are highly specified specially the MRT

and the ferry boats along the site. Moreover, it will be a giant

development if this kind of structures is to be implanted.

In contrast of the River Garden Palace to the research study, some

issues is to be stated in contradictory to objectives are research main

goals. Mainly, the River Garden Palace caters jeepney users and most

likely the pedestrian commuters that are travelling along the Makati,

Guadalupe areas only. In contrast to this, the research study would cater

more specifically not only the urban commuters but also the rural
commuters of Luzon. In other words it would be a large scale

development that would cater the needs of the majority. This research

study would also contribute to highly lessen the daily routinal traffic along

the EDSA Boulevard, with this kind of postulation; it would directly potion

the society to higher level of development.

Foreign Study

New Vision for Urban Life Needs to Integrate Planning with Design (Article


An article written by Phil Enquist entitled “New Vision for Urban Life

Needs to Integrate Planning with Design” in (2002) discusses the major role

of modern architects and engineers to provide the modern solution to the

problems that the development envelope as our society evolves. In the

article, it states that “Beyond environmental responsibility, planning is a

discipline that within a large design firm can make up 10 to 15 percent of

total revenue. This reinforces that planning is a skill that stands on its own,

pays its own way and sustains itself without being labeled a loss leader or

an extension of marketing within a design firm. Planning can lead to

architectural projects, and architectural projects can lead to planning.

Thoughtful overall development strategies also consider infrastructure

improvements such as streets, transit line extensions, open space

improvements and central city plans; many of which point to major

commissions. When an architectural firm redefines itself this way, focus

begins to change from the object (such as the building) to the larger

systems that make up our urban areas. Eliel Saarinan quoted that “Always

design a thing by considering it in its next larger context – a chair in a

room, a room in a house, a house in an environment, an environment in a

city plan.” The quote from Eliel Saarinen gives us a simple but meaningful

clue to the future. Engineers will confront many challenges in this new

century – issues that are far bigger than any of us can address alone. As

we look at what influences or affects our design work today in my own

office, the following is clear. There is now, and will continue to be, a great

importance attached to planning.

On the article which focuses on the growth of our modern society

which he divided into for sub parts, which are Urban design and city

planning, Transportation planning, Environmental planning, Community

planning. In the Transportation planning the writer emphasizes on the

planning that which could aid the modern problems that arises on us

today. The writer quotes that “Transportation systems have to be

strengthened in this century to respond to the growing city population

and corresponding automobile congestion. Transit systems must become

more users friendly and missing links between existing systems must be

created. “Trains and buses do not run in a vacuum,” says George Ranney,

president & CEO of Chicago Metropolis 2020. “Regional land use

decisions affect how we travel. Only 9 percent of new homes built in the
Chicago metropolitan area between 1990 and 1995 were within a half a

mile of a rail station, down from nearly 50 percent before 1990.”

Federal, state and local funding sources have to increase support

of alternative transit rather than just continuing to pump money into

highway construction and maintenance. City planners and architects

must work together to create smarter growth strategies and more

innovative transit systems. Regional gridlock is assured unless accessible,

quality transit is part of our planning. This translates into the need to build

significant transit infrastructure systems in this century. Although it is a

project on a grand scale, it is no more of a challenge than what our great

grandfathers took on at the end of the 19th century – laying the rails for

cross-country railroads and extensive city transit systems. The generation

that followed created the first round of highways and airports.

One of the major problems today is that many of us still ride in transit

systems that are more than 100 years old. The Boston “T,” the Chicago “L,”

the New York subways are effective but seriously outdated. Compared to

London’s new Jubilee Line, it is obvious that it is time for the U.S. to rebuild

its transit systems. We have also seen rebuilding efforts at many major

airports. Transportation planning can help to communicate issues, identify

funding sources, and support the design investigations into new systems,

new technologies, better controls and management. Buses and taxis

should also be rethought and upgraded to reflect higher technology and

higher quality. The gyroscopic scooter, soon to be on the market, and

other transit inventions may help us rethink how people move within urban

areas. And to go back to the most basic form of transit, street

environment quality is critical if people are going to walk. Lighting,

landscape, paving, signage is all critical in the design of successful


In line on what Phil Enquist stated, the researcher considers and

beliefs that what the writer has stated is in line with the research topic

proposal. Enquist states that “Throughout this century we must increase

accessibility and provide innovative transportation systems to support

expanding cities. The continued urban cycle of congestion, road

maintenance, pollution, and sprawl are simply not sustainable” which the

researcher considers that this is one of the primary concerns of the

significance of this study. The researcher also believes that our society is

enthralled with the development which this development creates new

and unbound problems which the new and out coming society of

architects, designers, and engineers should carry out and solve.

As the research move forward, whether any contrasting topics are

to be stated or any other issues are to be said, it always will boil down to a

single main goal and objective that will direct the researchers and

therefore lead users to a more viable and organized solutions.



Research Method

The study will mainly utilize descriptive and analytic methods of

research. It will include both quantitative and qualitative forms of data

coming from first-hand sources. The most important source of information

will come from the commuters. Quantifiable data will be gathered from

the projected survey, and then will be quantified through statistical

analysis. This analytic approach will answer as to what design standard is

significant in the terminal.

Research Design

The research design will provide strategic process of the conduction

of the study to determine the significant design standards in Tapaz

Transport Terminal. The process is divided into four integral parts: initial

study, actual study, data interpretation and recommendation.

Initial Study

Prior to gathering data, a letter of approval to conduct the

research will be submitted to office of the Mayor, the office of Municipal

Engineer, and other governing agencies. Once permit is obtained, an

interview will be conducted to the governing agencies or management

for second hand sources. The following data should be collected: (a)
Latest data of passenger and vehicle count, for verification to the results

coming from the actual study, (b) Operational scheme which contains

the routes and destinations of public utility vehicles, (c) Security

procedures followed, and (d) Layout of government own land that is

allotted for future transport terminal.

Actual Study

Based on the Initial study, the distribution strategy will be


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