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Some people living in Greece considered stories in Mythology as their religion.

What I have realized is that, people can be persuaded to believe on something if they
are lack of knowledge about how the world works. Humans need something to hold on,
like hope. We put our faith to something for us to feel relief that we are expecting things
to happen. Though I cannot question and oppose their belief, my standing is people
should be more realistic.

Mythology created for us to have an entertainment and to hook our attention

because it some of the details are really existing. There are also similarities found in the
book Mythology and Bible. The supreme being in the bible flooded the Earth before
because people are horribly sinful like in the book of Mythology, Zeus also decided to
flood the habitats of the people for the reason that they are so immoral.


The beginning of the story started in explaining how gods created. Mythology
depicts reality. The gods in the book are like humans, even they commit sins. They have
desires, same appearance and characteristics and at the same time, they have a bad side,
a dark one. Beauty, unique power, unbelievable strength, in spite of having this positive
description, they can also be immoral, violent, greedy, insecure and cruel, nevertheless,
doing such crimes for the sake of achieving what they want even causing harm to
others are unacceptable, alike with the human laws in Earth which correspond with
consequences. This type of book about gods did not give a picture of perfection nor
flawlessly. They are the kinds of gods who have the different roles in the universe to
provide and support the necessity of humans while having negative side within them.

The concept of god in the book of Mythology is far away from the concept of
God in the bible. It contradicted the divine creation wherein, there is a Supreme Being
called God, who is perfect, omnipotent and omniscient one, that created the universe
and everything we see and have and there is no one who has the same miraculous
power and characteristics as Him.

According to the of Creation of Mankind, the Earth is divided into

Mediterranean Sea and Ocean, under the ocean are the banks where there are
separations of lives from blissful places and endless nights over its melancholic people.
In life, there are really several people who are more fortunate than others; there are
underprivileged, privileged and over privileged people. There are divisions among
human race; poor people are separated to rich like in this story.

Epimetheus created living things without plans, and it turned out there are no
good left for human. When we want to do something, we should think first before we
start doing something because we cannot undo everything and maybe later on, we will
regret it.

Zeus wanted to revenge, as he devising a plan, he thought of making a woman.

He considered woman a great evil for men. This symbolizes that men are more attracted
to the physical appearance and women are their weakness; however, I think the thought
of it is likewise. Man is also the weakness of woman. The same intensity of feeling and
giving everything when it comes to love cannot be weighted and compared.

Curiosity can kill. Like what Pandora did as she opened the box, she caused
harm to humans even her husband warned her to not open it. Sometimes we just need
to obey and not let ourselves be fooled by our excitement and curiousness.

The choice doing something good or bad depends on us, we, humans, chose it. A
crime is not an epidemic that can be passed to others; we are the one who are
responsible of our deeds. In everything we do, we bare in our minds that every action
corresponds consequences.


In the story of The Adventures of Perseus, the father of Danae, which is the king
of Larissa, believed in the oracle that his grandchild would kill him. For him to avoid
the oracle, he jailed her daughter then threw them in the sea together with her son,
Perseus. He did not mind what Danae might feel, just to not let the oracle happen. I
think, it is a matter of sacrificing, he cannot sacrifice his life, although he might just
afraid and did not want to die, he chose to choose himself more than his only daughter
and grandchild. There are times it happens to us, we only have two choices left, and it is
either to save ourselves from the harm or sacrifice ourselves for others.
Power matters, it really is. If we have this, we are more privileged than others,
like having the titles (i.e. gods, kings, etc). However, it should not be used doing evil,
because at the end, justice will be served to those who deserve it, like what happened to

In achieving something, we must not be over conceited. If we learn to ask for

advice, doing things will be easier and it will make us wiser. Like what Perseus did, he
sought for the advice Graeae to be able to kill the Medusa.

In the end, the oracle for the king of Larissa still happened. What I have realized
is that, if it is meant to happen, it will be.


Why do we need to pay for something we did not do? This question relates to
what Hercules experienced; wherein, he was not guilty of the crime killing his wife and
children yet he was sentenced to serve someone for 12 years as he needed to
compensate for it, he was oblige to do the 12 labors.

It is not enough to be clever and strong, what we need in life is perseverance and
courage to move forward when life showered us difficulties. If we thought we lost
everything, we should be reminded that we have ourselves left, we have to help
ourselves, we have to comfort ourselves and we have to love ourselves because who is
going to lift us if even, we, who own this body and mind, are not willing to. Hercules
surpassed the situations that seemed impossible for the reason that he knew how to
handle himself in the midst of storm.

Until now, justice sucks. I mean, there are ways for him to get the justice he
deserved with the help of other gods but they did not. When life seems unfair and
sorrowful, time will come, we are going to take what we deserve, if we will be brave to
face the future ahead us.

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