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First of all, congratulations to everyone that are willing to share their thoughts and

opinion on our programme. Personally, I don’t think it’s a wise decision to purchase a flight

ticket before we even understand the vision/goals for this programme. If our main goal for

this programme is to solely travel in a foreign country and get to know the local culture

without considering to learn about sustainability from a foreign country, buying a flight ticket

as early as possible would be a wise decision to take. As of now, we haven’t chosen a peer

university to visit in India. I do wish that we incorporate more activities that could enhance

our understanding and knowledge on sustainability so that we could introduce the ideas to our

country and for the betterment of our country in term of sustainability instead of travelling

and fill our time with activities that will only bring benefit to oneself but not toward others or

our country in general which I believe is a selfish act. It would be nice if we could reduce as

much time spent on transportation as possible and spent more time on beneficial activity. I

know that most of us would appreciate if we’re able to secure the cheapest flight ticket to any

part of India but I don’t think it could compensate on the loss of visiting a less prestigious

university and came back to Malaysia with an empty hand of knowledge regarding

sustainability. It would be a waste of time indeed at the end of our programme. Lastly, I don’t

think it’s a good idea to ride a train in a foreign country without companionship from

someone that originate from that country. We should preserve safety of all members at all

time and take every possible step in preserving our safety while staying in a foreign country.

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