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Project Summary

With the emergence of computers came the rapid development and shifting
of several industries from manual method of handling transactions to a
computerized version of same transactions. This includes the education industry.
Nowadays, most institution uses a Student Management System in handling
their student records especially in the admission and enrolment process of a
Some schools utilized online admission while others settle with a
networked system for several factors. Nonetheless, they have integrated the use
of computers in performing their tasks because of the advantages it presents
and the disadvantages of the previous method known as the manual method.
Some disadvantages of the latter method are the cost and time-consuming
process that it brings, along with the lack of security and the difficulty in
retrieving information (Breitmeyer, 2015). Recognizing those issues, the team
decided to develop a Student Management System that tailors around what the
college needs.
In business aspect, this system will be able to reduce physical storage
space, utilization of paper, and human resource. Thus, it decreases the college`s
cash outflow and increases cash inflow through an increase of productivity.
In terms of risks, monetarily, the team does not require any financial
support from the company. However, the team requires full cooperation and
support from the company. Other possible risks are listed below.
In the future, after finishing the system and a successful integration, a
major return of investment might be expected.

2. Background
Student admission and enrollment process is one of the trickiest of
process for an educational institution. The larger the institution, the bigger the
problem. The complexity also increases because of student/school proportion in
an area and other factors. As such most institutions have utilized Student
Management Systems for the manual ways have presented numerous issues.
The traditional method in storing and managing student records is purely
through paper and pen. Common problems that this method faces are lost
records, records organization, and record storage (, 2017).
Additionally, manual systems take more effort and physical space to keep track
of paper documents, to find information and to keep details secure. It reduces
sharing of information to other departments, poses lack of security, costly, time
consuming and duplication of data entry is possible (Breitmeyer, 2015).
Presently, the Halls of Life Bible College uses manual method in
managing their student records. The issues presented above have also been
encountered by the college. Since a member of the team is a student of the said
college, the team decided to develop this Student Management System to
resolve these issues.

3. Objectives
The main thrust of this project was to develop a reliable and secure
Student Manager System.
Specifically, this includes the following modules:
1. Enrolment - Managing requirements and pre-requirement in the
enrolment phase thoroughly (student information, TOR, evaluation,
good moral, etc.).
2. Scheduling – Manage student’s subject’s schedules and faculty
3. Accounting – Provides and manage students’ ledger with precise
information of students’ account.

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4. Expected Benefits
Business benefits may be realized in different ways, such as:
1. Operational
1.1 Improved operational efficiency
1.2 Enhanced quality of services
2. End Users
2.1 Increased satisfaction of services provided:
2.2 Manage Students Records (i. e. Personal Info, Grades,
Subjects, Students Accounts).
2.3 Manage Teacher Records
2.4 Manage Subjects
2.5 Generate Reports (i. e. Number of Enrolee, Transferee, Dropped
Students, Financial Reports)
2.6 Improved organizational culture

5. Timescale

Table 1.0 Timescale Gantt Chart of Halls of Life Bible College

6. Project Costs and Funding

In this portion, the team decided not to apply the aforementioned
statement above as it is only a partial fulfilment of a school project.

7. Scope and Exclusions

The project focuses on the development of student enrolment system of
Halls of Life bible College. The system is capable of validating, capturing,
classifying, sorting, summarizing, calculating, storing, and retrieving data.

The limitations of this study are the following. First, it is not a cloud
management system, and this limits other users from interacting with it. Second,
only the authorized personnel can access the system.

8. Constraints and Assumptions

The constraints specify how the system must operate or how it must be
built. In this project, it controls how the quality can lead to a satisfied outcome for
the client to use. In addition, how the risks can be controlled and what can be
done about it. And lastly, the most important constraints in this project are
implementing the Data Privacy Act protecting all forms of data information.
In order for this system to be successful, the team assumed that by the
month of December the system can be fully implemented after testing and can
cater the continuing growth of students` population.


9. Dependencies

Dependency Project Name/Number Dependant on Status

Sample of
Enrolment Form Halls of Life Bible College Student
Management System Accomplished

The computer
memory Halls of Life Bible College Student
Management System Accomplished

Data for the

inventory Halls of Life Bible College Student
Management System Pending

Class Schedule
Halls of Life Bible College Student
Management System Pending

Table 2.0 Dependencies of Halls of Life Bible College

10. Interfaces

Figure 1.0 Use Case

Diagram of Halls of
Life Bible College

11. Deliverables
The following are the deliverables that could be produced based on each
Enrollment Module:
- COR (Certificate of Registration and Billing)
- Produced Reports (total number of students enrolled)
Scheduling Module:
- Schedule of class with corresponding teachers assigned
Accounting Module:
- Produced Statement of Accounts (each student)
- Produced Reports (cash flow)


12. Project Organisation

Figure 2.0 Project Organization of Halls of Life Bible College

13. Responsibilities

Table 3.0 Project Responsibilities of the Project Team of Halls of Life Bible College


14. Resource Requirements
The resource requirements for this project includes the project manager,
network administrator and designer, programmer/developer, and tester and
debugger. The specified task for each resource requirements is stated below.
Cost and material resources are also needed as our resource requirements.

Project Manager. Its task is to manage the whole duration of the project.
Monitor the progress of the project and responsible for delivering the project
with authority on a day-to-day basis.

Network Administrator and Designer. Its task is to create a detailed

design document with level designs. Responsible for making the functional
requirement of the module namely the enrolment module, scheduling module,
and accounting module.

Programmer/Developer. Its task is to build and test basic application

framework. Responsible for building and testing the required module of the
project namely the enrolment module, scheduling module, and accounting

Tester and Debugger. Its task is to create a test plan, test matrix and test
data. It also tests and debug cases and testing.

Cost Resources. It is used for many things related to the project and
comprise project team member’s money.

Material Resources. Project also use up material resources that include

different materials, supplies and items that are part of the project.


15. Project Approach
The team decided to use the Waterfall Project Management Methodology
since Waterfall is a project management approach where a project is completed
in distinct stage and move step by step toward ultimate release to consumers.

Figures 3.0 Project Approach of Halls of Life Bible Colleg

All tasks on waterfall projects are grouped by type of activity and each project
follows the same phases:

1. Requirements - where we analyze business needs and document what

software needs to do
2. Design - where we choose the technology, create diagrams and plan
software architecture
3. Coding - where we figure out how to solve problems and write code
4. Testing - where we make sure the code does what it supposed to do
without breaking anything
5. Operations - where we deploy the code to a production environment and
provide support

16. Procurement Approach

Since this project is mainly a project for this subject, there will be no
monetary expenses in the part of our target company.


17. Key Activities

Figures 4.0 Key Activities Gantt chart of Halls of Life Bible College

18. Milestones
Table 4.0 Milestones of Halls of Life Bible College


Project Control
Table 5.0 Project Approach of Halls of Life Bible College


20. Change Control
Currently, there are no proposed changes for the project since its only at its
early stage. However, if changes will be desired, documents regarding these (i.e.
Change Request Form) will be attached and explained.

21. Quality Management Plan

The quality objectives of the project that reflect the overall intentions to be
applied with regard to quality throughout the project are; the deliverables conform
to the school registrar’s enrolment processes, it also should be align with the
school’s policies and should meet the school’s standard and overall function, and
should be easy to use.

Quality Planning Quality Control Quality Quality

Assurance Improvement

Plan Do Check Act

Project must align to Information The project will Change

the school’s policies mapping satisfy Request will
and should meet the customer be considered
school’s standard and Project Team quality if the project
overall function. Review expectations. is not in line
with the
school policy.

Project must conform Project Team The project will Change

to the school’s needs meeting with satisfy the Request will
especially in student Sponsor customers’ be considered
admission. needs. if the project
What Is is not in line
Done with the
school policy.

In software design, the Make the The project will Ensure that
project must be user functions of the satisfy the the system is
friendly. system easy to customers’ on level of
understand by the needs. understandin
user. g of clients,
and hides the
complexity of
the project.

Development team will Conduct a kick-off Check if the Ensure that

have a meeting on meeting with the system has the the system is
how to make the development quality presentable.
quality of the system team, to inform expected by
excellent. the team of the the clients
When It scope and
Is Done expectation of this

Table 6.0 Quality Management Plan of Halls of Life Bible College


22. Communication Management Plan
The project manager will have meetings with the team and will also
prepare a Progress Report to the adviser. This will include the progress from the
last report, issues to be addressed, and an updated Risk Log.

Communicatio Frequency Goal Owner

Project Team

Project Status Every Update and review the Project

Report Meeting project status, and discuss Manager
potential issues and

Task Progress Every Share updates on each Project

Updates Meeting designated tasks. Manager

Present project
Project Reviews At Milestones deliverables, gather Project
feedback and discuss next Manager

Post-mortem At the end of Assess what worked and Project

Meeting projects did not work, and discuss Manager
actionable takeaways.

Project Sponsor

Project status Every Review project status and Project

Report Meetings discuss potential issues or Manager

Present project Project

Project Review At Milestones deliverables, gather Manager
feedback and discuss next
Table 7.0 Communication Management Plan of Halls of Life Bible College


23. Risk Management
The Project Manager will prepare advance necessity to lessen the impact
of risks. In order to avoid fall back on risks, the team will always prepare back up
files whenever there will be electrical power concern, and etc. The table below is
the identified risks during the process of the project:

Risk Risk Impact Probabilit Impact Agreed Update

Description Category y Action

Electrical Power Technical The project Rare Extreme Mitigat Prepare back-
shortage will be on up Files
(i.e.brownout, hold.

Computer Careful use of

Devices are Computer
misplaced or Equipmen The project Unlikely Extreme Mitigat devices
malfunctioned t will be on e

Hardware Equipmen Development Unlikely Major Mitigat Use mid-high

Specs t process will e spec devices,
Limitation be delayed. as possible

Lack of
communicatio Maintain good
n between the communicatio
development Resource The project Rare Moderat Avoid
team or n within the
s will be on e
management hold.

Major - scope Development Moderate Moderat Avoid Prepare for the

change during process will e possible
the Plan be delayed. changes
Table 6.0 Risk Management of Halls of Life Bible College



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